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Hello everyone.

So today, we’re going to attend a small gameshow,

which will review our lessons.

I’m Quoc Thai. I’m Bao Khanh. Welcome to ROAD TO MOUNT

Thái: Can you guys guess what exactly we’re going to do?
Khánh: In this game show, you’re a mountaineer. In order to reach
OLYMPIA’S TOP you have to pass 4 rounds which are started,
overcoming obstacles, speed up and one special part for debating
Thái: In each part we will illustrate specific challenges that you need to
go through. First of all, I will classify you all into 2 teams, including team
A and team B.
Khánh: Now, we move to the very first part. In this round, you need to
raise your hand and answer the questions fastly and correctly. You will
get 1 point in each right answer.
Are you ready? (cả hai)
Thái: How excellent you are to go through part 1 successfully!
Khánh: Next, we have round 2 overcoming obstacles. This round has a
little more challenges. We do not have multiple questions like part 1, but
you need to find out the exact word. It requires correctness and accuracy
in meaning and spelling the words. You will have 1 point in each
Are you get it?
Khánh: It’s fantastic that you understand everything you’ve leant!
Thái: And let’s move to… Round 3
We have round 3, answering the questions with multiple choices. I think
it is familiar to you guys. You also get 1 point in each correct answer.
Now we start!
Thái: I guess you are so tired right now, but it is close to the top of
Olympia mount. You have to climb in the very last special part. It’s
debate time. ( mở slide debate time) This is debate time and also the
round with the most points
Khánh: Here, we have 2 teams. 1 team is on the side that agrees and
the other is on the side that disagrees which means each team will give
one opinion that is opposite to the other team. Each team needs to
nominate the 3 best players who have the ability to speak fluently and
have critical thinking. These 3 players will be able to choose the topic to
So, each team will give one opinion that is opposite to the other team.
Each team has 1 minute and 30 seconds to announce their opinion.

Get back to our show, we will have three questions that you need to
debate. It gives you a double score in each one.
Are you excited?

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