New Ways To Learn

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Q 6/05 i Se Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in position the primary stress in each of the following questions. oe “ rs cit . personal excelent ecto v 2@osinn y B. symbolic C etective = sutoesstul Brecgmiec’ ake he Coemerent a. 4A efficent “hah hee oe ‘wonderful 5. A corive t a C. distracting portable rien [permanent atractne Important omens 8 eaoe © tndeate conte, oven | 2 consider ‘enable «| #-K concentrate B bereft rdelstand J O-mobiize eau» q intrdduce Stimulate Tecognize D. emphasize exercise olunteer / C°calculate Dinterview Exercise 2. Mark the letter A,B,C, orDto indicate the correct answer to each ofthe following questions. 11 Personal davees are used forleaming ne gen ‘A elect B electrical hectic J D. eectronical 12, Theyre excelent leaming __. You can store infornon take notes, wre essays and do caleviatons ‘A equipments fools © °C aadoets techmques 13. in English class yesterday, wwe had a discussion different cultures, Chod @ discussion about) ‘around ca Clore D trom 16. Mrs Dawson said that we ‘ur lesson inthe lrar/ next Monday ving. making ‘reading wi 16. really don't. the point of taking the exam when you are not ready fori aa FPR point of: Aah yan ¢ 7 take B have C mind feta catt_oeh eo wing, pay naka toot ts BS He ‘A take bring make Dearden’ 1 Jeaee- bo bi 17. would prefer to goto universty and doa __in npghatonal Studies, ater than stat work, 12 0 daqret os ‘A cerfeate 3 resut agree 6 uateaon 18. My dad wants met go unveety, bu in _ ees about be in PO ands gay ng ‘Amy some D diferent 18. Most computes have enough to store a vast progr of inforation ‘A database | iol B document oy D. word processor & 14 20, You cant ge into the Intemet unless your computer Wd a(ar. ‘A acoes Serial Sq" c web pape (G)modem J 21. Mops geoale ony use tir compute as 2. Alltey dos to wre letters reports on pra processor «/B temple document D epreacshect 22. Ths Word Wwice Web fe mado up of milions of created by anybody fom mult-meda corporations to Srainary people ke you ard me =o A Newegioups chatrooms C users sites 22, On the web you on read newspapers or magazines; you can weleX videos, download music oF Buy ‘nyt ~ mn vial Bonine / c. dail O,ofng oil fla wl 24. ner sae arn El nyo ao, end Rady _ a you "eo, "ose an you n° tras just about ‘A speak Bak 0. te Hae ato sos two eveings.e week and | was suprised at how quckly|_ progress. mua Pmye= ‘A hed CShnate v Cad produced 26.1 bot new language om speaking wth my host famiy and with ether stidens rom al over the wor pa took up C. made up ‘saved up 27. ail mach roe cote wih Ror Engh now, he can actualy _ 9 converston wih oar in Enaleh without aifculy. A. Keep 8.40 . improve aay a ee cage tenet papayoomemugtecon geeie ero ms 2o ‘A check up Took up 7 translate D.nterpret, es 29, whenever you hear Word that you think isimpaan, in your notebook “A teepitdown 8 putitdown ia Wdown D. spl down o0. sha hate er Fat eto Ezam e hed ov make Dao an. ny Engh ea enon Te acing Cremerpairg (Oya nit 32 Hep tawe to. and wosk harder or lf the exam, Quit Kis Sacksug “Pag ak cds Yon i hs ocks up posh is head empty his washing basket D. Sk hs neck out 22 say ae tan ar Rorewok on tie and bt ech sal tents Te oer hen ate er Shes even a = as ‘eschatstoy __Bsteachersjewel @ Bachers pl” *D teachersswost 24. Econ ve bad fo our ees and__ FO ‘eetoncs could har your body and cause penranent mage. AAs ‘A wave radiation HPS" * 6. radiator 0. emission ‘35, Like children elsewhere, cpilde ithe US heel oe ‘benefited _ modem technology. Rot \Sijon cin wth cnr uyn f n ar LOE mein tted see Fa caer rattan ys rte oe rvs Tah Tater and suoy anyuhere because these devrs ae portable = “ 'A afordable B avaisbie feasible Bpanave 27. Personal lactnic devices wien dsc suders ifm ther casswork are Bae m ost schools. Rb pono crt bydyed D egies 36 Permanent damage to ches body may be caused ty requent contact with elscronc devices. 7 inmedite EyLonglasong ists nC noniem —-D Serious 28. tygursmorhone ngs in da, t wl be very annoying and csrutve ‘A}interruptive aus wer 8. supportive C. discouraging D. confusing 40. For ey young chien, electronic devices may help promot listening and speaking sil. Se eae E aaawage Comore / 41 suri wo hav aces ott ato, won tre pn any org a ising end tet sbou er poeesr aeees ae ‘eonaing, 8 ‘emsing rsutesel® "begat 12 eope shone wok nues ings computer for Mette ay may ser tam cri headoches. i sogesis fede 'S means D contains 43 on aban tain Tr ial a sean ogre Ea woh of pps ad tectoots win bernie scoala ‘online B. elect ¢ orl Lei sitha | D modemized “ny nce wteboardis an eectonc device thats students eam Engishn a more simulate wa. jinterest-arousing = B. performance-enhancing ioe ais . communicaton-promoting _D. proficiency-aising 45, This new invention is useful in the classroom because it can engage students and provide them with ‘opportunities to communicate meaningfully ‘A pull attract C. encourage D_ participate Exercise 4, Mark the let ©, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 46. In my country, itis compulsory to go to school between the ages of five and sixteen "Ainecedtary 3 stent hoot D.selectve 41 Dpyputnintayupey erin aaron in ass? Wath Bee kr to (A egec = ° Pee tare © notice consideration 48, cecdonts Stoners are now common in Englsh clsses. They can be very easly downloaded into your Dersonaelacrone deviees. 'A individual public ©. private, D. possessive 49, Beng aie to use compute and the internet canlea6to an moroued qualty ate! ‘inereaces Br emnanced © promotes ncn. (Oseterorated quln Ay OP ‘50. It seems unthinkable today not to provide chikiren wi decent education. fh eufsent, adequate feisers + 2 & D. proper Part I GRAMMAR [Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, 8, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions, 51. "Who's thet over there?*-"Oh, its our new teacher, ___just started work today." ‘A that B. who he Ewhich he 0 | 52, "Which CD did you get Mareus in the ené?"~"I gothim the ene __ said h8 really wanted to,hear.” A that B.whohe . whose Sich he '53. Who did you send a Valentine's card to” - "tm not telng you, but twas sorkedne __ ane begins with A which B. whoher D. whose her ‘54, "Haye you seen Jason Green's test fim?" joins the FBI?" ‘Alvich he Vv B.thathe D. which 56. Who you lke Tania so much?” ~"Wel, she's one ofthe few people to__ ican realy talk." ‘A which whom v7 C.that Bu who 58. "Wy dont we go to Loner diner tonight” -"Is thatthe new restaurant has just opened on the other side of Aion B. where ©. thatit D. which it 57. Ceuid you lend me some money" =" ike you toaye me one good reason I should” same which vV ‘Sowho "Wat do you warto do his summer” think we Bou go some __has plenty of sun and sand” ‘Aan Bwnore Cen CoS 59. Smarts laptops and tabs ee ose devas __navé Saran way we nk Co Oyba 0 Sus sates eae thet phone they later share With he cass AG @ that ich whose 61. Atabiets pecect for people "works to draw ann. ‘Auwho Bo C which Dunose 62. You can access the Intret, dounload programs and information can help you understand the material and widen eurkowedge = Cont oo D. who 62. There we sles__ yu treet your ovn vole Se sen yours r eaters“ 8. when © that which YET. _has been teaching for 25 yar, Sd t hard to make use of eactronc devices inh teaching B wnoahe Chun Svwcee 65. That media player, | often use to sorpe Practise my English, has sorpe great apps. Ag B.that wat wi ‘Swnich 68. The interactive whiteboard volves students deectyg workin tront Ste board, _ most of them ove A that “Be ‘ich D wows 67. Qualifications are exam rebaia_ prove you have feached a certain level er) M5 sar iGienanslna 88. In the USA, apuble schools state school, __is un bythe government Sn i ttee to attend A that which Cwto 08 88. Thisie te book n_ Faller describes his experience ofthe wa. : ee ca ee a 70.Ieptipat Tim, theboy __faler owns a huge yacht? Ayyhose Bhs C. which Dita 71. Taha gave her tcket tothe concerto John, themgald it to Nick ‘A wticn 3 t Se v whom 72. "Which cinema di you gofo2-"The onethey dont sell any popcorn!” ‘which B)where worn D. who 73. Tips the actor _autoghiph | got at yea. Teese B. who C.who's D. whom 74. The wok she's most famous i Dance ofthe Pnggaur. Ainihat ®towom ich / D.that 75. Student soca ite revolesaround the Student Unde, 7 isthe large yellow bulding opposite the Ibrary Ao Bywnich cma Dit 76.Mr Forbes teaches a class lorGudents_natveJanguage snot English ution 8. who swhose D. those who 77" hawejust found the book ou wet ooking for 2. whieh you wer ooking for that you were looking D. you were looking “a 1con REST oe poh a ee a _ ere ays cial atcecagiee ce vn ental Se 83 — soins Genet Sn ee — eet nar 7 sae a ‘r D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Ef. Before | came to England, | hada had the opportunity to speak to at wider Enptn hose 82. Noone has sald anything rsuade me| nym WN Perc «eon ‘83. The woman sitting on the red chair is the must give this envelope. 10 88. There are some teachers nour schoo Yo Impibve he qualy of teaching by making use of Hitech devices. 44% 85. Modem children, @F ies have become more ard more dependent on elacronk devices, tnd the vadiional vay ofteaching very duand boring. wings 2. Smartphones an tablets be uted 2s efectve lamin fel fer chisren Saetioere ee Seen tone 88. A table is a mobie computeR Salo usell for language learning. yc & ghettos ther glen can downoad tee dal leas fom the nem ta sy. Those ho ‘90. Peerson wo is worked forthe same schoo al is fe, iratng next month. rit Vetetson, who Eqerise 7 Mark soar hc 8, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges. 85."Do you mind if| make @ phone call?"~'_" ‘A Yes, of course. The phone's in the Fall Qr, of course not. The phone's inthe hall C. tts my pleasure. The phone's inthe hall, D. Never mind. The phone's in the hal 96, “Shall rng you later?” —"_* ‘A. No, you won't. Have you got my mobile number? B. Yes, you will. Have you got my mobile number? Yes, but | may be out. Have you got my mobile number? No, | won't be home. Have you got my mobile number? "No, i's all epeats again. Why can't they make some new programs fora change?” Is there anything worth watching on the telly tonight? B. Whats on TV tonight? . Whats up tonight on TV? Is there a program on to watch tonight? 98. “__*—"l ke to make notes during the lectures." 'A. Do you lke lectures? 'B. Which do you prefer: listening to lectures or reading books? .Is recording the lecture a good idea? 2 do you prefer to leam from lectures: making notes er recording? 29." 19, | dont lve in an English-speaking country. go it's dificult for me to meet them.” & itimportant to meet English speakers? —_('B \Do you ever have any contact with English speakers? 1 {©.De you like living in an English-speaking co D Is ithard for you to meet English speakers? 100."I dont support the use of smartphones and 1 classrooms." ~ ‘A. Me, oo, BI dont, either Me, neither, @e and C are correct. 97 tor" hae it but have todo it” Wiiew 30 you tea about leaming English? Biiew do you learn English? Is Engishimporantin your county? \s English easy to eam? 102."Ihink electronic devices do wonder for language eamece ‘cout agree more Yue abaciely night . Sure, agree wth you are corect 103."Hi, Sarah. What ae you studying” -“Engish, We Rive ota omorow “Thank you. 'm going to reese Pe ‘AO realy? ]Oh, good luck! __C.On, lucky you. Opn hey 104" "1m afraid not. Can you explain again?” E Does it make sense to you? Do | make myself understood? Do you see what mean? are conedt 105, "May! use your tablet for a while, pleaser" —* jo way, It cost a fortune! Bhim so sory, tm using it myset © Stay away from it! No, its busy now. Exercise 8. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word thet best fits each of the numbered blanks. ‘A POWERFUL INFLUENCE ‘There can be no doubt at all that the Internet has made @ huge difference to our lives. Parents are worried that chiren spend too much time playing on the Intemet, hardly (108) doing anything else in ther spare time. Naturally, parents are curious to find out why the Infemet is So attradive, and they want to know ifit can be (107)

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