Operating Manual - Condo - 08.2006 - EN

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Table of contents 2006/08


Baking station


jftb Michael Wenz GmbH
P.O.D. 20, D-97448 Arnstein
Phone +49-(0)9363-680
Fax +49-(0)9363-68400
e-mail contact@miwe.de


«=jftb 2006/08 2
Table of contents

Table of contents

1 General ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Information about the operating manual........................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Explanation of symbols .................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Limitation on liability ....................................................................................................................................... 10
1.3 Copyright ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
1.4 MIWE genuine parts....................................................................................................................................... 11
1.5 MIWE service ................................................................................................................................................. 12
2 Safety .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
2.1 Special dangers.............................................................................................................................................. 13
2.2 Responsibility of the owner-user .................................................................................................................... 16
2.3 Operating personnel....................................................................................................................................... 17
2.4 Intended use................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.5 Personal protective equipment ....................................................................................................................... 19
2.6 Sign plates ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
3 Technical data ..................................................................................................................................................... 23
3.1 Rating plate .................................................................................................................................................... 23
4 Essential preparations ......................................................................................................................................... 25
5 Transportation, packaging and storage ................................................................................................................ 29
5.1 Safety instructions for transportation .............................................................................................................. 29
5.2 Transportation ................................................................................................................................................ 29
5.3 Transportation inspection ............................................................................................................................... 30
5.4 Packaging ...................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.5 Symbols on the packaging ............................................................................................................................. 31
5.6 Storage........................................................................................................................................................... 32
6 Structure and function.......................................................................................................................................... 33
6.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 33
6.2 Component description .................................................................................................................................. 33
6.2.1 Oven deck with single baking chamber and FP8 controller.............................................................. 33
6.2.2 Oven deck with single baking chamber and AS controller................................................................ 33
6.2.3 Oven deck with double baking chamber........................................................................................... 34
6.2.4 Proofing cabinet ............................................................................................................................... 34
6.2.5 Proofing cabinet ............................................................................................................................... 34
6.2.6 Steam condenser ............................................................................................................................. 35
6.2.7 Vapor hood....................................................................................................................................... 35
6.2.8 Vapor hood....................................................................................................................................... 36
6.2.9 Intermediate shelf............................................................................................................................. 36
6.2.10 Drying cabinet .................................................................................................................................. 36
6.2.11 Drying cabinet .................................................................................................................................. 37
6.2.12 Sub-frame ........................................................................................................................................ 37
7 Installation and commissioning ............................................................................................................................ 39
7.1 Installing the vapor hood ................................................................................................................................ 41
7.2 Connecting up ................................................................................................................................................ 44

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Table of contents

7.3 Baking out ...................................................................................................................................................... 46

7.3.1 Baking out the component/unit with FP8 controller .......................................................................... 46
7.3.2 Baking out the component / unit with AS control .............................................................................. 52
8 Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller ................................................................................................. 59
8.1 Getting to know the oven deck controller FP8 ................................................................................................ 59
8.2 Opening and closing the baking chamber ...................................................................................................... 60
8.3 Loading the baking chamber .......................................................................................................................... 61
8.4 Switching the oven deck on and off................................................................................................................ 62
8.5 Switching the baking chamber lighting on and off .......................................................................................... 63
8.6 Baking with the timer ...................................................................................................................................... 64
8.6.1 Setting the baking time..................................................................................................................... 64
8.6.2 Setting the heating level ................................................................................................................... 64
8.6.3 Setting the heating level rating ......................................................................................................... 65
8.6.4 Setting the setpoint termperatures for the baking chamber.............................................................. 67
8.6.5 Setting the steam quantity................................................................................................................ 67
8.6.6 Setting the real-time clock ................................................................................................................ 68
8.6.7 Setting the night start-up times......................................................................................................... 69
8.6.8 Starting and ending the baking process ........................................................................................... 71
8.6.9 Switching the extractor fan on and off .............................................................................................. 72
8.7 Setting the after-baking time .......................................................................................................................... 73
8.8 Switching off the heater of the steam device .................................................................................................. 73
8.9 Giving steam .................................................................................................................................................. 74
8.10 Activating night start-up.................................................................................................................................. 75
8.11 Creating baking programs .............................................................................................................................. 76
8.12 Baking with baking programms ...................................................................................................................... 80
8.13 Making additional settings - owner-user codes............................................................................................... 82
8.13.1 Setting the date – owner-user code 0001......................................................................................... 82
8.13.2 Setting summer time / winter time – owner-user code 0004............................................................. 83
8.13.3 Setting the duration of the signal – owner user code 0120............................................................... 84
8.13.4 Switching on the gong to announce that the unit is ready – owner-user code 0121......................... 86
8.13.5 Protecting programs from modification – owner-user code 0815 ..................................................... 86
8.13.6 Switching on or off the individual program lock – owner-user code 0816 ......................................... 87
8.13.7 Configuring the energy saving function – owner-user code 0820..................................................... 88
9 Controlling the component / unit with AS control .................................................................................................. 91
9.1 Getting to know the oven deck controller AS.................................................................................................. 91
9.2 Opening and closing the baking chamber ...................................................................................................... 92
9.3 Loading the baking chamber .......................................................................................................................... 93
9.4 Switching the oven deck on and off................................................................................................................ 94
9.5 Setting values................................................................................................................................................. 95
9.5.1 Setting the baking time..................................................................................................................... 95
9.5.2 Setting the setpoint termperatures for the baking chamber.............................................................. 96
9.5.3 Setting the heating level ................................................................................................................... 96
9.6 Giving steam .................................................................................................................................................. 97
9.7 Extracting steam from the baking chamber .................................................................................................... 98
10 Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller ..................................................................................... 99

«=jftb 2006/08 4
Table of contents

10.1 Getting to know the proofing cupboard controller FP8 ................................................................................... 99

10.2 Switching the proofing cupboard on and off ................................................................................................. 100
10.3 Proofing with the timer.................................................................................................................................. 101
10.3.1 Setting the proofing time ................................................................................................................ 101
10.3.2 Setting the setpoint humidity .......................................................................................................... 102
10.3.3 Setting the setpoint temperature for the proofing cupboard ........................................................... 102
10.3.4 Setting the night start-up times....................................................................................................... 103
10.3.5 Starting and ending the proofing process....................................................................................... 104
10.3.6 Switching the heating on and off .................................................................................................... 105
10.3.7 Switching the humidity control on and off ....................................................................................... 105
10.3.8 Creating the proofing programs...................................................................................................... 106
10.4 Proofing with the proofing programs............................................................................................................. 107
10.5 Activating night start-up................................................................................................................................ 108
10.6 Displaying when the unit is switched off by an energy optimization system ................................................. 109
10.7 Making additional settings - owner-user codes............................................................................................. 109
10.7.1 Setting the date – owner-user code 0001....................................................................................... 110
10.7.2 Setting summer time / winter time – owner-user code 0004........................................................... 111
10.7.3 Setting the duration of the signal – owner user code 0120............................................................. 112
10.7.4 Switching on the gong to announce that the unit is ready – owner-user code 0121....................... 114
10.7.5 Protecting programs from modification – owner-user code 0815 ................................................... 115
11 Operating the proofing cupboard with the AS controller...................................................................................... 117
11.1 Getting to know the proofing cupboard controller AS ................................................................................... 117
11.2 Switching the proofing cupboard on and off ................................................................................................. 117
11.3 Filling the evaporator pan............................................................................................................................. 118
11.4 Proofing with the timer.................................................................................................................................. 118
11.4.1 Setting the proofing time ................................................................................................................ 118
11.4.2 Setting the setpoint temperature for the proofing cupboard ........................................................... 119
11.4.3 Setting the heating level ................................................................................................................. 119
11.5 Activating night start-up................................................................................................................................ 120
12 Operating the drying cabinet with the AS controller ............................................................................................ 121
12.1 Getting to know the drying cabinet controller AS.......................................................................................... 121
12.2 Switching the drying cabinet on and off........................................................................................................ 122
12.3 Setting the heating levels for the drying cabinet ........................................................................................... 122
12.4 Setting the setpoint temperature for the drying cabinet ................................................................................ 123
12.5 Setting the heating time................................................................................................................................ 123
12.6 Activating night start-up................................................................................................................................ 124
13 Faults ................................................................................................................................................................ 125
13.1 Safety information for rectifying faults .......................................................................................................... 125
13.2 Mechanical faults.......................................................................................................................................... 128
13.3 Fault messages and error coes .................................................................................................................... 129
13.3.1 Fault messages for single baking ovens ........................................................................................ 129
13.3.2 Fault messages for double baking chambers................................................................................. 132
13.3.3 Fault messages for proofing cupboard ........................................................................................... 135
13.4 Replacing the light bulb ................................................................................................................................ 137
13.5 Actuating the safety temperature limiter ....................................................................................................... 141

5 «=jftb 2006/08
Table of contents

13.6 Opening the needle valve............................................................................................................................. 141

14 Care and cleaning.............................................................................................................................................. 143
14.1 Safety instructions for cleaning..................................................................................................................... 143
14.2 Cleaning the external casing ........................................................................................................................ 144
14.3 Cleaning the baking chamber....................................................................................................................... 145
14.4 Cleaning the glass window ........................................................................................................................... 145
14.5 Cleaning the proofing cupboard ................................................................................................................... 147
14.6 Cleaning the drying cabinet .......................................................................................................................... 147
14.7 Cleaning the siphon...................................................................................................................................... 148
15 Inspection and maintenance .............................................................................................................................. 149
15.1 Safety information for maintenance.............................................................................................................. 149
15.2 Maintenance schedule ................................................................................................................................. 150
16 Index ................................................................................................................................................................. 151

«=jftb 2006/08 6

1 General

1.1 Information about the operating manual

This operating manual contains important information about how to

work with the unit. Safety at work depends on observing all the safety
information and instructions provided.

In addition, you must also comply with all regulations relating to the
prevention of accidents and general safety regulations applicable where
the unit is used.

Read the operating manual carefully before beginning any work! The
operating manual is an integral part of the product and must always be
kept near the unit where personnel can consult it at any time.

If the unit is ever passed on to third parties, be sure to pass on the

operating manual as well.

The illustrations contained in this manual are provided for explanatory

purposes only and are not necessarily to scale. They may vary slightly
from the actual design of the unit.

7 «=jftb 2006/08

1.1 Explanation of symbols

Warnings Warnings are marked in this operating manual by symbols. The

warnings are introduced by signal words which reflect the level of
potential danger.
It is imperative to observe the warnings and to act with all due care in
order to avoid accidents, injuries to persons and damage to property.

 … draws your attention to an immediate danger that
may cause serious injuries or even death if not

 … indicates a potentially dangerous situation which
may cause death or serious injury if precautions are
not taken.

 … indicates a potentially dangerous situation which
may cause slight or minor injuries if precautions are
not taken.


… indicates a potentially dangerous situation which

may cause damage to property if precautions are not

Tips and recommendations


… highlights useful tips, recommendations and

information intended to help make sure that your
system offers efficient and trouble-free operation.

«=jftb 2006/08 8

Special dangers To point out special dangers and hazards , the following symbols are
used in conjunction with the safety instructions:


Danger to life from electric current!

... characterizes life threatening situations through

electric current. Failure to observe the safety
instructions may result in serious injuries or death.

The works may be carried out only by a qualified



Risk of injury from hot surfaces!

… draws your attention to dangerous situations due to

hot surfaces. Failure to observe the safety instructions
may result in serious injuries.


Risk of injury from hot steam!

This sign draws your attention to dangerous situations

due to escaping hot steam. Failure to observe the
safety instructions may result in injuries.

9 «=jftb 2006/08

1.2 Limitation on liability

All the information, notes and instructions contained in this operating

manual were prepared in accordance with applicable standards and
regulations and the state of the art in technology and on the basis of our
extensive knowledge and experience.

The manufacturer shall accept no liability for any damages arising for
the following reasons:

 Failure to observe the operating instructions

 Misuse

 Deployment of untrained personnel

 Unauthorized modifications

 Technical modifications

 Use of unauthorized spare parts

The actual contents of delivery may vary from those described and
depicted in this manual if a special version is delivered or additional
options are ordered or if the latest technical modifications have been

In all other respects the obligations agreed in the sales contract, the
manufacturer’s General Terms and Conditions of Business and Terms
and Conditions of Delivery and the applicable statutory regulations valid
when the contract was agreed shall apply.

We reserve the right to make technical changes in the interests of

further development and the improvement of performance

«=jftb 2006/08 10

1.3 Copyright

Treat this operating manual confidentially. It is intended solely for

persons who work with the unit. It is prohibited to hand the operating
manual to third parties without the written permission of the


The information, specifications, text, drawings,

illustrations and other representations contained in the
manual are protected by copyright and industrial
property rights. Any unauthorized commercial
utilization will be liable to prosecution.

The manual must not be reproduced in any way or form, in whole or in

part, and its content must not be used and/or communicated without the
written consent of the manufacturer. Violators will be obliged to pay
compensation. All rights reserved.

1.4 MIWE genuine parts

 Risk of injury from use of improper spare parts!

Use of improper or defective spare parts can result in

damage, malfunctions and even total failure and may
also impair safety.


– Only use genuine MIWE parts.

Order all your genuine MIWE parts from an authorized dealer or directly
from the manufacturer. You will find the address in the 'MIWE service'

The list of MIWE original parts can be found in the register 'Original

11 «=jftb 2006/08

1.5 MIWE service

MIWE service offers a MIWE Helpline to deal with all questions relating
to MIWE products.

MIWE service provides advice and support for the following areas:

 Inspections

 Maintenance

 Individual service agreements for the following areas:

 Inspections
 Maintenance
 Warranty extensions
 Repairs
 Modernization
 Overhauls
 Putting into operation

 MIWE genuine parts

For further information on MIWE service, each of the individual services

and the responsible contact persons, please refer to the 'MIWE service'
register or contact us by telephone, fax, E-mail or the Internet.

In addition, our employees are always interested in new information and

experience gained from practice which may be of value for helping to
improve our products.

«=jftb 2006/08 12

2 =Safety

This section contains all essential safety aspects for the optimum
protection of personnel, and the safe and failure-free operation.

Significant dangers may occur, unless the action and safety instructions
included in this manual are followed.

2.1 Special dangers

The following sections describes the residual risks which were

determined within the framework of the hazard analysis.

Compliance with the safety information provided here and the warnings
contained in the other sections of this manual is essential in order to
reduce the risk of harm to health and to prevent dangerous situations.

13 «=jftb 2006/08

Electric current

Danger to life from electric current!

Contact with live parts puts your life in imminent

danger. Damaging other insulation or individual
components could have lethal consequences.


– If the insulation suffers any damage, switch off the

power supply immediately and arrange for repair.

– Have works at electric parts carried out only by

qualified electricians.

– All work on the electrical equipment must not be

carried out until the equipment has been
disconnected from the voltage supply and a test
has been carried out to make sure that the
equipment is dead.

– Before maintenance, cleaning or repair works,

switch off the power supply and secure it against
switching on.

– Never bridge fuses or put them out of operation.

When replacing fuses, observe the correct
amperage and characteristics.

– Keep moisture away from live parts. Moisture can

cause short-circuiting.

Hot surfaces

Danger of burns resulting from hot surfaces!

Contact with hot components can cause burns.


- Wear protective work clothing and protective

gloves during all work near hot components.

- Before carrying out any work, make sure that all

components have cooled down to ambient

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Hot steam

Risk of injury from hot steam!

Hot steam can scald the skin.


- Wear protective work clothing and protective

gloves during all work near the unit.

- When you open doors on the unit, always place

yourself behind the door and never hold any parts
of the body directly in the opening.

Displaced unit
 Risk of bruising when the unit is displaced!

Parts of the body may be pinched or crushed between

unit and building devices, causing serious injuries.


– Wear protective gloves when carrying out any

work on the unit.

– Keep a safe distance from danger zones!

– Lock rollers into place, if any.

Dangers caused by atmospheric low

Material damages caused by atmospheric low

Atmospheric low pressure in the bakery may lead to

faulty baking results


– Check pressure conditions in the bakery on a

regular basis.

– Always provide sufficient ventilation for the


– Specialist counselling in case of doubt.

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2.2 Responsibility of the owner-user

User … is the person who operates the unit himself for commercial or
industrial purposes or who makes the unit available to a third party for
him to use and bears legal product responsibility for the protection of
users or third parties during operation.

The unit is used in the commercial area. The owner-user of the unit is
governed therefore by statutory duties regarding health and safety at

It is necessary to observe not only the work safety information included

in this operating manual but also the safety, accident prevention and
environmental protection regulations which are in force for the unit's
area of use. This means in particular:

 The owner-user must inform himself about the work safety

regulations in force and must carry out a hazard assessment to
determine which hazards result from the special work conditions at
the unit's point of use. These hazards must then be taken account
of in operating instructions which the owner-user draws up for the
unit's operation.

 Throughout the unit's entrie useful life, the owner-user must check
whether the operating instructions he has drawn up still comply with
the current rules and regulations. If not he must adapt them

 The owner-user must precisely define and regulate the spheres of

responsibility for installation, operation, maintenance and cleaning.
In addition he must provide the personnel with regular training and inform them about the hazards.
 The owner-user must make sure that all personnel who work with the unit have read and understood the operating manual.

«=jftb 2006/08 16

The owner-user is also responsible for keeping the unit in technically

good condition at all times. This means in particular:

 The owner-user must make sure that the maintenance intervals

described in this operating manual are observed.

 The owner-user must arrange for all the safety devices to be

checked regularly to make sure that they are in good working order
and complete.

 The owner-user must provide personnel with essential personal

protective equipment.

 The owner-user must make sure that the pre-installation

requirements listed in this operating manual as mandatory are met.

2.3 Operating personnel

Specialist personnel Specialist personnel are persons who, as a result of their technical
training, know-how, experience and knowledge of the relevant
directives, are able to carry out the work assigned to them and to
recognize potential hazards by themselves.

An electrician …is able as a result of his technical training, know-how, experience and
knowledge of the relevant standards and directives to carry out work on
electrical systems and to recognize potential hazards by himself. An
electrician has been trained specially for his area of activity and knows
the relevant standards and directives.

In Germany, the electrician must satisfy the requirements of the

accident prevention regulation BGV A3 (e.g. master electrician).
Corresponding regulations apply in other countries.

A trained person …has been instructed in a training session held by the manufacturer on
how to work with the unit and has been informed about the potential
hazards of incorrect actions.

An instructed person …has been instructed in a briefing held by the owner-user about the
tasks he or she is to perform and has been informed about the potential
hazards of incorrect actions.

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An authorized person Persons are authorized as personnel only if they can be expected to
perform their work reliably. Persons whose reactions are affected by,
for example, drugs, alcohol or medication are not authorized.

When selecting personnel it is important to observe the specific

regulations pertaining to age and occupations which are in force at the
place of use.

 Danger for unauthorized persons!

Unauthorized persons who fail to meet the

requirements listed here do not know the hazards
existing in the work area.


- Keep unauthorized persons away from the work


- If in doubt, speak with the persons and send them

out of the work area.

- Interrupt your work for as long as any

unauthorized persons are in the work area.

2.4 Intended use

The unit is designed and constructed solely for the purpose described
in this manual.

The unit is designed and constructed for the purpose of

 for baking bread, bread rolls, croissants, baguettes, pretzels, Danish

pastries, cake mixes, sheet cake, short pastry and fine baked
products, and for preparing gastronomic dishes (roasts, soufflés,
snacks etc.) for consumption.
Products with a natural alcohol content of up to max. 1 % proportion
by weight are permitted.
Products containing an excessive amount of volatile compounds
(such as are formed when ingredients with a high alcohol content
are added) are not permitted because they can cause high levels of
inflammable vapors with a corresponding risk potential.

«=jftb 2006/08 18

 is used to accelerate the proofing process for dough pieces by

means of controllable humidity and heat and to keep baked
products warm.

No claims for damages of any kind shall be accepted if the component

is misused. The responsibility in this case rests solely with the owner-

2.5 Personal protective equipment

To minimize the risk of harm to health, personal protective equipment

must be worn while working.

 Wear the protective equipment required for the task.

 Observe all signs concerning personal protective equipment in the

work area.

Wear at all times To be worn for all work at all times:

Protective work clothing

With long sleeves. Mainly for protecting from burns.

Protective gloves

For protecting hands from coming into contact with hot surfaces and hot

For wearing during special jobs Special personal protective equipment is required when carrying out
special jobs. Special warnings are included in the various chapters of
this manual. The special personal protective equipment is described in
the following:

Light-weight respiratory equipment

For protection from harmful dusts and microorganisms.

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Safety goggles

For protecting eyes from splashes of liquid and hot steam.

2.6 Sign plates

The following symbols and warning signs are located in the work area.
They refer to the direct vicinity in which they are fitted.

 Risk of injury as the result of illegible symbols!

In the course of time, stickers and signs can become

dirty or illegible for other reasons.


- Keep all safety signs, warning signs and operating

instructions in legible condition at all times.

- Replace damaged signs or stickers immediately.

Hot surface

Hot surfaces such as hot components of the unit and hot fluids are not
always recognizable. Do not touch them unless you are wearing
protective gloves.

Hot steam

Escaping hot steam can scald the skin. In areas marked by this sign,
always be careful and wear suitable personal protective equipment
(protective clothing, protective gloves, safety goggles).

Electric voltage

Only electricians are allowed to work in the area marked with this sign.
Unauthorized persons are not allowed to enter the workplaces or open
the areas thus marked.

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Observe the operating manual

Do not use the item in question until after you have read the operating

Equipotential bonding

This symbol marks the position of the threaded terminal stud for
connecting the equipotential bonding conductor.

Test sticker

This sticker shows the date on which the electrical system of the unit
was tested.

21 «=jftb 2006/08

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Technical data

3 Technical data


Technical data and dimensions are to be found in the

register of 'Dimension and data sheets'.

3.1 Rating plate


1 CE symbol 1 8

2 Machine type
2 9
3 Serial number
3 10
4 Rated voltage
4 11
5 Frequency
5 12
6 Product ID no.
6 13
7 Fuel
7 14
8 Manufacturer's logo
9 Year of manufacture

10 Country

11 Nominal consumption

12 Rated heat load

13 Connection pressure

14 Category

15 Manufacturer's address

23 «=jftb 2006/08
Technical data

«=jftb 2006/08 24
Essential preparations

4 Essential preparations

Before the unit are installed and commissioned, the owner-user must
make sure that the following requirements are met:

Location Prepare the location of the unit so that the component can be installed

When selecting the location, please consider the following:

 Make sure that no damage can be caused by the installation and

operation of the unit, particularly through the effect of heat.
Details of the space requirement and of the minimum clearances to
be observed can be found in the register of 'Dimension and data

 Objects and site facilities near the location are made of non-
combustible material or are insulated with non-combustible

 The air ventilation openings of the unit are not covered by site
facilities or objects.

 No liquids or other foreign substances can get in through the

ventilation openings into the unit.

 The unit and the work and installation area are sufficiently ventilated
and illuminated.

 Unauthorized persons have no access to the unit.

 The location meets the requirements of the local accident

prevention and fire-fighting regulations.

 The foundation is able to carry the weight of the unit.

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Essential preparations

Electrical connection

Danger to life from electric current!

Contact with live parts puts your life in imminent



– Have works at electric parts carried out only by

qualified electricians.

– All work on the electrical equipment must not be

carried out until the equipment has been
disconnected from the voltage supply and a test
has been carried out to make sure that the
equipment is dead.

– Keep moisture away from live parts. Moisture can

cause short-circuiting.

 In accordance with the existing feed lines, mount the fuse box in
such a way that the staff has access to it.
The number of feed lines corresponds to the number of components
installed in the plant.

 Install the main switch (all-poles circuit breaker) in this main feed
line and ensure permanent access to it for the staff.

 Prepare the main feed line to the fuse box according to the
connection values required. You can find information on the
required connection values in the register 'Dimension Drawings and
Data Sheets'.

Water connection  Provide site drinking water supply with stop-cock.

 Determine water pressure. The permitted water pressure is

1.5 to 6 bar.
If the water pressure exceeds 6 bar, install a pressure reducer.


The steam unit produces its best results with a water

pressure of 1.5 – 3 bar.

– Install a pressure reducer if the water pressure

exceeds 3 bar.

«=jftb 2006/08 26
Essential preparations

 Determine the water hardness. If the water hardness exceeds

7° dH, install a water treatment system.

 Determine the chloride content. If the chloride content exceeds

150 mg/l , install a suitable water treatment system. Excessively
high chloride values can cause corrosion damage to the unit.


Your water supply company will provide information

about the quality of local water.

 The unit has a factory-installed siphon on its rear-side. Provide site

water drain or suitable container for draining the water from the
factory-installed siphon. Fill siphon / container at the oven up to two
thirds with water.

Steam outlet The factory-installed steam outlet port is located on the rear side of the
unit and has an internal diameter of 87 mm.

The steam can either be discharged into the bakehouse or outdoors via
site pipe lines.

 Risk of injury from poor ambient conditions!

Discharging steam into the surroundings / bakehouse

can have a negative effect on ambient conditions for
personnel due to vapor condensate and heat.


– Always provide sufficient ventilation for the

bakehouse / room in which the oven is installed.

27 «=jftb 2006/08
Essential preparations


Material damages caused by atmospheric low


Atmospheric low pressure in the surroundings of the

unit can lead to backstreaming through the stack via
the baking chamber or the steam hood. This may
result in poor baking results.


– Check pressure conditions in the surroundings of

the unit on a regular basis.

– Provide regular and sufficient ventilation for the

surroundings of the unit.

– Specialist counseling in case of doubt.

To discharge the steam outdoors, proceed as follows:

 Install pipe lines from stainless steel which is temperature-resistant

until 150 °C.

«=jftb 2006/08 28
Transportation, packaging and storage

5 Transportation, packaging and storage


Installation and commissioning are performed solely

by MIWE service or an authorized partner of MIWE

However, sometimes the user or the maintenance

staff of the owner-user are entrusted with handling
packages in the frame of the installation and further
use. In such cases, always observe the following

5.1 Safety instructions for transportation

Improper transportation

Risk of damage caused by improper transportation!

Improper transportation may cause costly damage to



– Always take great care when unloading the

packing units, handling on delivery and when
transporting on site and always observe the
symbols on the packaging.

– Only use the provided suspension points.

5.2 Transportation

Transport of packages Packages that are not fastened on pallets may be transported with a
fork lift truck or a pallet truck, provided the following conditions are met:

 The fork lift truck or pallet truck has to be designed for the weight of
the transport units.

 The driver has to be entitled to drive the fork lift truck.

29 «=jftb 2006/08
Transportation, packaging and storage

Hooking on:

1. Put extensions of sufficient length and width (such as from wood or

metal) between the fork and the package, so as to distribute the
weight to the exterior casing.

2. Insert the fork with extensions (if any) so far that it protrudes on the
other side.

3. If the pallet is top-heavy, make sure it cannot tilt over.

4. Lift the package and commence transport.

Transport of pallets using the fork lift truck Packages fastened on pallets may be transported with a fork lift truck or
a pallet truck, provided the following conditions are met:

 The fork lift truck or pallet truck has to be designed for the weight of
the transport units.

 The driver has to be entitled to drive the fork lift truck.

Hooking on:

1 Drive the fork lift truck or pallet truck under the pallet.

2. Insert the fork so far that it protrudes on the other side.

3. If the pallet is top-heavy, make sure it cannot tilt over.

4. Lift the package and commence transport.

5.3 Transportation inspection

Check the contents of delivery for completeness and for any damage
caused in transit immediately on receipt.

If there is any sign of external damage caused in transit, proceed as


 Refuse to accept delivery or accept delivery subject to reservations.

 Make a note of the nature of the damage on the carrier’s

transportation documents or delivery note.

 Submit a complaint.


Notify all damages within 2 days after delivery of the

goods. Claims for damages can only be accepted if
submitted within this deadline.

«=jftb 2006/08 30
Transportation, packaging and storage

5.4 Packaging

Information about the packaging Individual packing units are packed to meet the requirements of the
expected transportation conditions. Only environment-friendly materials
are used for packaging.

Handling of packaging materials Unless any special agreements have been made in relation to the
handling of the packaging, separate all the materials according to type
and size and then put to further use or send to be recycled.


Improper disposal harms the environment!

Packaging materials are valuable raw materials and

can often be put to further use or suitably conditioned
and recycled.


– Dispose of packaging material in an

environmentally responsible manner.

5.5 Symbols on the packaging

Keep dry

Keep the packing units dry and away from the wet.


Identifies packaged items with fragile or sensitive contents.

Packaged items should be handled with care; do not drop them, allow
them to fall, or subject them to impact.


The package is top-heavy and does not offer sufficient structural

stability. Apply extra care during transport and secure packages
separately as required.

31 «=jftb 2006/08
Transportation, packaging and storage

5.6 Storage

Store the packing units under the following conditions:

 Do not store outdoors.

 Store in dry and dust-free conditions.

 Do not expose to aggressive media.

 Keep away from the sun.

 Do not expose to mechanical vibrations.

 Storage temperature: +3°C to + 50°C

 Relative humidity: max. 60%

 If stored for longer than 3 months, check the general condition of all
parts and the packaging at regular intervals. If necessary, refreshen
or renew the corrosion protection.


In certain cases there may be storage instructions

included on the packing units which extend beyond
the requirements specified here. All such instructions
must be complied with.

«=jftb 2006/08 32
Structure and function

6 Structure and function

6.1 Overview


An overview drawing is to be found in the register of

'Dimension and data sheets'.

6.2 Component description

The unit is made up of various components. The functions of the

individual components are briefly described below.

6.2.1 Oven deck with single baking chamber and FP8 controller

The oven deck with a single baking chamber is used to bake bakery
products. Each individual baking chamber is operated by means of a
controller. With an arrangement of several oven decks one on top of the
other it is possible for different bakery products to be baked
simultaneously under different baking conditions.

6.2.2 Oven deck with single baking chamber and AS controller

The oven deck with a single baking chamber is used to bake bakery
products. Each individual baking chamber is operated by means of a
controller. With an arrangement of several oven decks one on top of the
other it is possible for different bakery products to be baked
simultaneously under different baking conditions.

33 «=jftb 2006/08
Structure and function

6.2.3 Oven deck with double baking chamber

The oven deck with a double baking chamber is used to bake bakery
products. Both baking chambers are operated by means of one
controller. It is thus possible to bake large quantities of bakery products
under the same baking conditions. The temperatures are measured and
regulated separately.

6.2.4 Proofing cabinet

The proofing cupboard is used to accelerate the proofing process by

means of controllable humidity and heat.

The proofing cupboard with air conditioner has two separate control
circuits for temperature and humidity. The generation of heat is thus
independent of the generation of humidity. Humidity is generated by
means of the air conditioner and a built-in steam cylinder. All the
function elements of the air conditioner are neatly arranged in a
compact installation box on the rear wall of the proofing cupboard.

6.2.5 Proofing cabinet

The proofing cupboard is used to accelerate the proofing process by

means of controllable humidity and heat.

The proofing cabinet has a humidifier which creates the required hot-
humid climate. The heaters underneath the pan evaporator create the
heat required in this case. The moisture is created by the water which
evaporates in the pan evaporator.

«=jftb 2006/08 34
Structure and function

6.2.6 Steam condenser

The steam condenser is a heat exchanger.

The exhaust steam produced during the baking process and as the
result of the steam input is passed through cooling pipes with an
enlarged surface area. At the same time heat is drawn out of the steam
by a fan and ambient air. The exhaust steam is cooled to below the
dew-point. This results in the formation of condensate which is
discharged through condensate hoses.

The dried baking room air and heat from this process are transferred to
the unit's surroundings.

6.2.7 Vapor hood

The vapor hood is located on the top-most oven deck and is used to
extract the baking vapors produced during baking and the steam from
the steam input. The fan integrated in the vapor hood draws in the
vapors. The condensate which forms in the vapor hood by cooling must
be discharged by means provided by the customer.

35 «=jftb 2006/08
Structure and function

6.2.8 Vapor hood

The vapor hood is located on the top-most oven deck and is used to
extract the baking vapors produced during baking and the steam from
the steam input. The fan integrated in the vapor hood draws in the

6.2.9 Intermediate shelf

The intermediate shelf provides open storage for loaded baking trays or
for baking trays which are loaded with low products.

6.2.10 Drying cabinet

The drying cabinet provides enclosed storage for loaded or unloaded

baking trays.


The drying cabinet is suitable in particular for the

hygienic storage of bakery products. Similarly it is
possible to store liquid mixes in the drying cabinet
where they are protected from solidifying too quickly
through the effect of cold and air.

«=jftb 2006/08 36
Structure and function

6.2.11 Drying cabinet

The drying cabinet provides enclosed storage for loaded or unloaded

baking trays.

6.2.12 Sub-frame

The sub-frame provides open storage for loaded or unloaded baking


37 «=jftb 2006/08
Structure and function

«=jftb 2006/08 38
Installation and commissioning

7 Installation and commissioning


Installation and commissioning are performed solely

by MIWE service or an authorized partner of MIWE

 Danger as the result of incorrect installation and

Installation and commissioning must be left strictly to

trained and sufficiently experienced specialist
personnel. Mistakes made during installation can
result in potentially fatal situations or lead to severe
damage to property.


- Have the installation and commissioning work

carried out solely by MIWE service.

- Call on MIWE service also for subsequent

changes of location.

- Do not carry out installation work and changes of

location yourself.

Wear at all times To be worn for all work at all times:

Protective work clothing

With long sleeves and legs. Mainly for protecting from chafing, grazing,
piercing or deep wounds.

Safety shoes

For protection from heavy falling objects and from slipping on slippery

39 «=jftb 2006/08
Installation and commissioning


The warning notices in this chapter draw attention

separately to additional protective equipment which is
required for certain jobs.

 Risk of injury from incorrect installation and

Incorrect installation and commissioning can result in

serious injury to persons and damage to property.


– Before beginning with the work, make sure there is

sufficient space for dismantling and assembling

- Handle sharp-edged components carefully.

- Make sure that the assembly workplace is clean

and tidy! Untidy arrangements of loose
components and tools are potential sources of

- Fit components properly. Observe the prescribed

screw torques.

- Secure components so that they do not fall or


Electrical system

Danger to life from electric current!

Contact with live parts puts your life in danger.

Activated electric components can perform
uncontrolled movements and cause severe injuries.


- Before beginning the work, switch off the power

supply and secure it to prevent it from being
switched on again.

«=jftb 2006/08 40
Installation and commissioning

Securing against being switched on again

 Danger to life from unauthorized switching on!

During installation work there is a risk of the power

supply being switched on again unauthorized. This
would result in danger to the lives of persons in the
danger zone.


- Before beginning the work, switch off all power

supplies and secure them against from being
switched on again.

7.1 Installing the vapor hood


1. Disconnect the unit from the power supply and allow it to cool down
to below 50 °C.

1. Place the vapor hood and fan – with the wording facing to the front
– on the oven. Arrange the side parts and the rear edge flush with
the oven.

2. Align the supporting foot (2) so that it is vertical.

3. Insert fastening screws in the holes (4) in both side parts and
tighten. Use washers.

4. Connect the control cable of the fan to the control cable of the oven

5. Lay the Alu-Flex hose (3) to the rear of the oven.

41 «=jftb 2006/08
Installation and commissioning

6. Push the Alu-Flex hose (3) into the steam duct port (5) of the unit
as far as it will go.

1. Place the fan with the steam condenser on the ceiling of the unit so
that the pipe opening points to the front.

2. Align the longitudinal edges parallel to the unit.

3. Connect the control cable of the fan (1) to the control cable of the
unit (2).

4. Insert the power plug (3) of the steam condenser in the power
supply socket (4) on the rear of the unit.

«=jftb 2006/08 42
Installation and commissioning

5. Push aluminium Alu-Flex hose (5) into the steam duct port (8) of
the unit as far as it will go.

R 6. Mount the hose clamp (6) 4 cm from the one end of the Alu-Flex

7. Push the Alu-Flex hose onto the steam inlet port (7) of the steam
condenser as far as it will go and tighten the hose clamp.

8. Insert distance sleeves (9) between the rear of the unit and the
mounting bracket of the fan.

9. Pass fastening screws (10) through the mounting bracket of the

steam condenser and the distance sleeves and tighten. Use

10. Mount the hose clamps (11) on the drain hoses (13) so that they
are 2 cm from the end.

11. Plug the drain hoses onto the drain port (12) of the steam
condenser and tighten the hose clamps.


12. Pass the two drain hoses (13) into one hose (14). Do this by
NP fastening all 3 hoses with hose clamps to a Y-tube.


43 «=jftb 2006/08
Installation and commissioning

13. Pass the drain hose (14) through the left inlet into the siphon (15).



14. Place the vapor hood (16) – with the wording facing to the front –
on the oven. Arrange the side parts and the rear edge flush with the

15. Insert fastening screws in the holes (17) in both side parts and
tighten. Use washers.

7.2 Connecting up

1. Insert sealing rings (1) into the union nuts (2) of the water hose.

«=jftb 2006/08 44
Installation and commissioning

2. Screw the union nut (2) with seal onto the connection port (3) of the
water filter and tighten.

3. Connect the other end of the hose to the site water supply.

1. Mount the hose clamp (3) 2 cm from the end of the water hose (2).
2. Push the water hose onto the fill-in port (1) of the water filter as far
as it will go.

3. Tighten the hose clamp.

To fit the water drain, proceed as follows:

1. Mount the hose clamp (3) 2 cm from the end of the drain hose (1).

2. Push the drain hose onto the drain port (2) of the siphon as far as it
will go.
3. Tighten the hose clamp.

1. Mount the hose clamp (3) 2 cm from the end of the drain hose (1).
2. Push the drain hose onto the drain port (1) of the siphon as far as it
will go.

3. Tighten the hose clamp.


45 «=jftb 2006/08
Installation and commissioning

7.3 Baking out



Property damage through improper baking out!

Improper baking out may lead to destruction, even

explostion of the oven deck plates.


– Always perform the baking out process in

accordance with the steps described in this

– In case of a standstill of more than 4 weeks in

humid conditions (air humidity above 60%) bake
out the component/unit again.

– Never load the oven deck plates with more than

50 kg / m2.

The baking out process consists of 6 stages. At the end of every stage
it is necessary to set the parameters, such as setpoint temperature and
baking out time, of the respective subsequent stage. Following this, the
respective stage needs to be started.

The complete baking out process takes about 6 hours.

Any color changes occurring in the oven deck plates after the
baking out process are insignificant.


To prevent the oven deck plates from moving during

the baking out process, they can be fixated with fire-
resistant material during the process, such as bricks.

7.3.1 Baking out the component/unit with FP8 controller


A summary of the FP8 controller, including a

description of the buttons and displays, can be found
in the section "Oven deck with FP9 fixed program

«=jftb 2006/08 46
Installation and commissioning


When a baking out stage has finished, a gong sound

can be heard, indicating the end of the respective
stage. When the gong sound has chimed, press the
START / STOP button once before beginning to set
the parameters for the next baking out stage.

To bake out the component / unit with the FP8 controller, the
component / unit needs to be switched on. To do this, proceed as
follows at the controller:

1. Press the key for controller ON / OFF for 2 seconds.

Set heating level 2 for top heat. To do this, proceed as follows:

2. Press the key for heating levels of top heat as often as necessary
until the required heating level is active. The LEDs in the key
indicate the activated heating level.

 The left LED is lit up: Heating level 1 is activated (keep warm
 The middle LED is lit up: Heating level 2 is activated (baking
 The right LED is lit up: Heating level 3 is activated
(high-speed heating level and singeing
 No LED is lit up: No heating level is activated

Set heating level 2 for bottom heat. To do this, proceed as follows:

3. Press the key for the heating levels of top heat as often as
necessary until the required heating level is active. The LEDs in the
key indicate the activated heating level.

 The left LED is lit up: Heating level 1 is activated (keep warm
 The middle LED is lit up: Heating level 2 is activated (baking
 The right LED is lit up: Heating level 3 is activated
(high-speed heating level and singeing
 No LED is lit up: No heating level is activated

47 «=jftb 2006/08
Installation and commissioning

Set and start baking out stage 1

Set the setpoint temperature for top heat to 110 °C. To do this, proceed
as follows:

4. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the required value appears in the display.

Set the setpoint temperature for bottom heat to 90 °C. To do this,

proceed as follows:

5. Press the key for setpoint temperature of bottom heat UP / DOWN

until the required value appears in the display.

Set a baking out time of 60 minutes. To do this, proceed as follows:

6. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the required time is
indicated in the display.

To start the baking out stage:

7. Press the key for START / STOP.

Set and start baking out stage 2

Set the setpoint temperature for top heat to 160 °C. To do this, proceed
as follows:

8. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the required value appears in the display.

Set the setpoint temperature for bottom heat to 140 °C. To do this,
proceed as follows

9. Press the key for setpoint temperature of bottom heat UP / DOWN

until the required value appears in the display.

«=jftb 2006/08 48
Installation and commissioning

Set a baking out time of 60 minutes. To do this, proceed as follows:

10. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the required time is
indicated in the display.

To start the baking out stage:

11. Press the key for START / STOP.

Set and start baking out stage 3

Set the setpoint temperature for top heat to 200 °C. To do this, proceed
as follows

12. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the required value appears in the display.

Set the setpoint temperature for bottom heat to 180 °C. To do this,
proceed as follows:

13. Press the key for setpoint temperature of bottom heat UP / DOWN
until the required value appears in the display.

Set a baking out time of 60 minutes. To do this, proceed as follows:

14. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the required time is
indicated in the display.

To start the baking out stage:

15. Press the key for START / STOP.

49 «=jftb 2006/08
Installation and commissioning

Set and start baking out stage 4

Set the setpoint temperature for top heat to 225 °C. To do this, proceed
as follows:

16. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the required value appears in the display.

Set the setpoint temperature for bottom heat to 205 °C. To do this,
proceed as follows:

17. Press the key for setpoint temperature of bottom heat UP / DOWN
until the required value appears in the display.

Set a baking out time of 60 minutes. To do this, proceed as follows:

18. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the required time is
indicated in the display.

To start the baking out stage:

19. Press the key for START / STOP.

Set and start baking out stage 5

Set the setpoint temperature for top heat to 250 °C. To do this, proceed
as follows:

20. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the required value appears in the display.

Set the setpoint temperature for bottom heat to 230 °C. To do this,
proceed as follows:

21. Press the key for setpoint temperature of bottom heat UP / DOWN
until the required value appears in the display.

«=jftb 2006/08 50
Installation and commissioning

Set a baking out time of 60 minutes. To do this, proceed as follows:

22. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the required time is
indicated in the display.

To start the baking out stage:

23. Press the key for START / STOP.

Set and start baking out stage 6

Set the setpoint temperature for top heat to 270 °C. To do this, proceed
as follows

24. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the required value appears in the display.

Set the setpoint temperature for bottom heat to 250 °C. To do this,
proceed as follows:

25. Press the key for setpoint temperature of bottom heat UP / DOWN
until the required value appears in the display.

Set a baking out time of 60 minutes. To do this, proceed as follows:

26. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the required time is
indicated in the display.

To start the baking out stage:

27. Press the key for START / STOP.

51 «=jftb 2006/08
Installation and commissioning

7.3.2 Baking out the component / unit with AS control


A summary of the AS control, including a description

of the buttons, keys and thermostats, can be found in
the section "Oven deck with AS control".


An acoustic signal sounds when the selected baking

out time is over, announcing that the unit will be
switched off automatically in a short time.


Incorrect operation can result in damage to the timer!

Turning the timber back while the acoustic signal is

sounding after the end of the baking time can damage
the timer.


– Never turn back the timer by hand while the signal

is sounding.

To bake out the component / unit with the AS control, the component /
unit needs to be switched on. To do this, proceed as follows at the

1. Turn the ON / OFF switch to level I.

Set heating level 1 for top heat. To do this, proceed as follows:

2. Turn the Top heat heating level switch to level I.

«=jftb 2006/08 52
Installation and commissioning

Set heating level 1 for bottom heat. To do this, proceed as follows:

3. Turn the Bottom heat heating level switch to level 1.

Set and start baking out stage 1

Set the setpoint temperature for top heat to 110 °C. To do this, proceed
as follows:

4. Turn the rotary button on the thermostat for top heat until the
pointer points to the required temperature value.

Set the setpoint temperature for bottom heat to 90 °C. To do this,

proceed as follows:

5. Turn the rotary button on the thermostat for bottom heat until the
pointer points to the required temperature value.

Set a baking out time of 60 minutes. To do this, proceed as follows:

6. Turn the rotary button on the timer until the pointer points to the
required minutes value.

53 «=jftb 2006/08
Installation and commissioning

Set and start baking out stage 2

Set the setpoint temperature for top heat to 160 °C. To do this, proceed
as follows:

7. Turn the rotary button on the thermostat for top heat until the
pointer points to the required temperature value.

«=jftb 2006/08 54
Installation and commissioning

Set the setpoint temperature for bottom heat to 140 °C. To do this,
proceed as follows

8. Turn the rotary button on the thermostat for bottom heat until the
pointer points to the required temperature value.

Set a baking out time of 60 minutes. To do this, proceed as follows:

9. Turn the rotary button on the timer until the pointer points to the
required minutes value.

Set and start baking out stage 3

Set the setpoint temperature for top heat to 200 °C. To do this, proceed
as follows

10. Turn the rotary button on the thermostat for top heat until the
pointer points to the required temperature value.

Set the setpoint temperature for bottom heat to 180 °C. To do this,
proceed as follows:

11. Turn the rotary button on the thermostat for bottom heat until the
pointer points to the required temperature value.

55 «=jftb 2006/08
Installation and commissioning

Set a baking out time of 60 minutes. To do this, proceed as follows:

12. Turn the rotary button on the timer until the pointer points to the
required minutes value.

Set and start baking out stage 4

Set the setpoint temperature for top heat to 225 °C. To do this, proceed
as follows:

13. Turn the rotary button on the thermostat for top heat until the
pointer points to the required temperature value.

Set the setpoint temperature for bottom heat to 205 °C. To do this,
proceed as follows:

14. Turn the rotary button on the thermostat for bottom heat until the
pointer points to the required temperature value.

Set a baking out time of 60 minutes. To do this, proceed as follows:

15. Turn the rotary button on the timer until the pointer points to the
required minutes value.

«=jftb 2006/08 56
Installation and commissioning

Set and start baking out stage 5

Set the setpoint temperature for top heat to 250 °C. To do this, proceed
as follows:

16. Turn the rotary button on the thermostat for top heat until the
pointer points to the required temperature value.

Set the setpoint temperature for bottom heat to 230 °C. To do this,
proceed as follows:

17. Turn the rotary button on the thermostat for bottom heat until the
pointer points to the required temperature value.

Set a baking out time of 60 minutes. To do this, proceed as follows:

18. Turn the rotary button on the timer until the pointer points to the
required minutes value.

Set and start baking out stage 6

Set the setpoint temperature for top heat to 270 °C. To do this, proceed
as follows

19. Turn the rotary button on the thermostat for top heat until the
pointer points to the required temperature value.

57 «=jftb 2006/08
Installation and commissioning

Set the setpoint temperature for bottom heat to 250 °C. To do this,
proceed as follows:

20. Turn the rotary button on the thermostat for bottom heat until the
pointer points to the required temperature value.

Set a baking out time of 60 minutes. To do this, proceed as follows:

21. Turn the rotary button on the timer until the pointer points to the
required minutes value.

«=jftb 2006/08 58
Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

8 Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

8.1 Getting to know the oven deck controller FP8

The oven deck is controlled by means of the fixed program controller at

the front of the component.

1 Key for extractor fan (with LED)

2 Key for START / STOP (with LED)

3 Key for steam input / humidity (with LED)

4 Key for steam flap OPEN / CLOSED

(with LED)

5 Key for heating levels for top heat

(with 3 LEDs)

6 Key for setpoint temperature for top heat


7 Key for Time Setting UP / DOWN

8 Key for setpoint temperature for bottom heat


9 Key for heating levels for bottom heat

(with 3 LEDs)

10 Keys for baking programs 1-8 (with LED)

11 Display for actual temperature of bottom

heat / LED display for heating ON

12 Display for setpoint temperature of bottom


13 Display for timer / display for error code

14 Display for setpoint temperature of top heat /

LED display for steam heating ON

15 Display for actual temperature of top

heat / LED display for heating ON

16 Key for programming 'P' / value input

(with LED)

17 Key for functions 'F'' (with 5 LEDs)

18 Key for lighting ON / OFF (with LED)

19 ON/OFF key (with LED)

59 «=jftb 2006/08
Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

8.2 Opening and closing the baking chamber

Hot surfaces

Danger of burns resulting from hot surfaces!

Touching hot surfaces may result in serious injuries.


- Wear heat-proof protective gloves and long-

sleeved protective clothing when carrying out any
work on the unit.

- Keep a safe distance away from the sources of


- Use a loading aid to load the baking chamber and

to remove the baked products.

Hot steam

Risk of injury from hot steam!

Hot steam can scald the skin.


- Wear protective work clothing and protective

gloves during all work near the unit.

- When you open doors on the unit, always place

yourself behind the door and never hold any parts
of the body directly in the opening.

Pinching and crushing

 Risk of crushing when opening and closing doors!

Parts of the body may be pinched and crushed when

doors are operated, causing injuries.


- Wear protective gloves on all jobs.

- Always move doors fully to their end positions and

use only the door handles provided for this

«=jftb 2006/08 60
Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

To open or close the baking chamber door, proceed as follows:

1. Actuate the door lever.

8.3 Loading the baking chamber

Unhealthy posture
 Risk of injury from unhealthy posture!

Excessive bending and stretching when loading and

unloading the lower and upper baking chambers can
cause lasting physical harm.


- Excessive bending and stretching when loading

and unloading the lower and upper baking
chambers can cause lasting physical harm.

- Avoid working heights above 1700 mm.

Hot surfaces

Danger of burns resulting from hot surfaces!

Touching hot surfaces may result in serious injuries.


- Wear heat-proof protective gloves and long-

sleeved protective clothing when carrying out any
work on the unit.

- Keep a safe distance away from the sources of


- Use a loading aid to load the baking chamber and

to remove the baked products.

61 «=jftb 2006/08
Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

To load the baking chamber, proceed as follows:

1. Open the baking chamber door.

2. Use a loading aid to place the products in the baking chamber.

3. Close the door of the baking chamber.

8.4 Switching the oven deck on and off

Hot surfaces

Danger of burns resulting from hot surfaces!

Touching hot surfaces may result in serious injuries.


- Wear heat-proof protective gloves and long-

sleeved protective clothing when carrying out any
work on the unit.

- Keep a safe distance away from the sources of


- Use a loading aid to load the baking chamber and

to remove the baked products.

Burning foreign bodies


Foreign bodies in the baking chamber can cause


Melting or burning foreign bodies in the baking

chamber can destroy the baking chamber.


- Before you switch on, make sure that there are no

foreign bodies inside the baking chamber.

«=jftb 2006/08 62
Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

To switch on the oven deck, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for controller ON / OFF for 2 seconds.


After the controller is switched on, all the displays

become active and all the keys can be operated. The
controller automatically loads the values which were
selected when the unit was last switched off. If a
baking program was selected but not started before
switching off, the controller will automatically load this
baking program.

To switch off the oven deck, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for controller ON / OFF for 2 seconds.


After the controller is switched off, all the displays are

dark. When night start-up is deactivated, only the LED
in the key for controller ON / OFF is lit. After the night
start-up function is activated, the currently set week-
day is indicated in the Setpoint Temperature Top Heat
display and the corresponding night start-up time is
indicated in the Timer display. The colon in the Timer
display flashes at one second intervals.

8.5 Switching the baking chamber lighting on and off

The baking chamber lighting can be switched on and off at any time.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

To switch on or off the baking chamber lighting, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for Lighting ON / OFF.

8.6 Baking with the timer

8.6.1 Setting the baking time


The baking time is set by pressing the key for time

setting UP/DOWN. If the key for time setting
UP/DOWN is pressed and held down, the setting will
be adjusted in 1-minute increments. If the key is
pressed only momentarily, the time will be adjusted in
5 -secon d increments.
The maximum selectable baking time is 10 hours; for
the baking programs it is 2 hours per baking phase.
The last value to have been set is always saved, even
when the unit is switched off.

To set the baking time, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the required time is
indicated in the display.

8.6.2 Setting the heating level


By pressing the keys for the heating levels several

times you can activate the various heating levels for
top heat and bottom heat one after the other.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

To set the heating level for top heat, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for heating levels of top heat as often as necessary
until the required heating level is active. The LEDs in the key
indicate the activated heating level.

 The left LED is lit up: Heating level 1 is activated (keep warm
 The middle LED is lit up: Heating level 2 is activated (baking
 The right LED is lit up: Heating level 3 is activated
(high-speed heating level and singeing
 No LED is lit up: No heating level is activated

To set the heating level for bottom heat, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for the heating levels of top heat as often as
necessary until the required heating level is active. The LEDs in the
key indicate the activated heating level.

 The left LED is lit up: Heating level 1 is activated (keep warm
 The middle LED is lit up: Heating level 2 is activated (baking
 The right LED is lit up: Heating level 3 is activated
(high-speed heating level and singeing
 No LED is lit up: No heating level is activated

8.6.3 Setting the heating level rating

The following heat rating values are assigned the factory to the heating

 Heating level 1: 30% of the maximum heat rating

 Heating level 2: 70% of the maximum heat rating

 Heating level 3: 100% of the maximum heat rating

It is also possible, however, to assign variable heat rating values to the

heating levels. The heat rating is freely selectable between 0 and 100%
of the maximum heat rating of the top heat and bottom heat.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

To set the heating level rating, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for programming 'P' .

The LED flashes and the controller switches to to programming

2. Press the key for heating levels of top heat as often as necessary
until the required heating level is active. The LEDs in the key
indicate the activated heating level.

 The left LED flashes: Heating level 1 is activated

 The middle LED flashes: Heating level 2 is activated
 The right LED flashes: Heating level 3 is activated

3. Press the key for the heating levels of top heat as often as
necessary until the required heating level is active. The LEDs in the
key indicate the activated heating level.

 The left LED flashes: Heating level 1 is activated

 The middle LED flashes: Heating level 2 is activated
 The right LED flashes: Heating level 3 is activated


In the display for the setpoint temperature of the top

heat or the display for the setpoint temperature of the
bottom heat, the currently selected heat rating will be
indicated in "%".

To change the heating level rating, proceed as follows:

4. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the required value appears in the display.


5. Press the key for setpoint temperature of bottom heat UP / DOWN

until the required value appears in the display.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

To save the set values, proceed as follows:

6. Press the key for programming 'P'

8.6.4 Setting the setpoint termperatures for the baking chamber


The setpoint temperatures are set by pressing the

keys for setpoint temperature. If the key for setpoint
temperature for top heat or setpoint temperature for
bottom heat is pressed and held down, the setpoint
temperature will be adjusted in 10 degree increments.
If the key is pressed only momentarily, the setpoint
temperature will be adjusted in one degree
The maximum selectable setpoint temperature is
320 °C.

To set the setpoint temperature for top heat, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the required value appears in the display.

To set the setpoint temperature for bottom heat, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for setpoint temperature of bottom heat UP / DOWN

until the required value appears in the display.

8.6.5 Setting the steam quantity


Steam input is set at the factory so that steam will be

input for as long as the key for steam input is pressed.
While the key for steam input is being pressed, the
required quantity of water is fed in by the controller in
cycle mode. The quantity of water being fed in is
indicated in the Actual Temperature Top Heat display.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

To set a fixed quantity of steam, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for programming 'P' .

The LED flashes and the controller switches to to programming

2. Press the key for steam input. The LED flashes.

To set the required steam quantity in ml, proceed as follows:

3. Press the key for setpoint temperature of bottom heat UP / DOWN

until the required value appears in the display.

To save the set values, proceed as follows:

4. Press the key for programming 'P'

8.6.6 Setting the real-time clock

To set the real-time clock, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for programming 'P' .

The LED flashes and the controller switches to to programming

2. Press the key for function 'F'. The first LED flashes.

3. Press the key for START / STOP. The LED flashes.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

To set the required week-day, proceed as follows:

4. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the required value appears in the display.

Here are the corresponding reference numbers:

Week-day Reference number

Monday 1

Tuesday 2

Wednesday 3

Thursday 4

Friday 5

Saturday 6

Sunday 0

To set the required time, proceed as follows:

5. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the required time is
indicated in the display.

To save the set values, proceed as follows:

6. Press the key for programming 'P'

8.6.7 Setting the night start-up times

The night start-up function enables automatic pre-heating from a

previously selected time up to the last selected baking temperature or
the selected baking program. When work begins, the baking chamber is
then at the required operating temperature.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller


The night start-up times must be pre-programmed

once and then can be changed at any time. A night
start-up can be assigned to each week-day. If there is
to be no night start-up on one or several days, the
time for these days must be set to 00:00. Night start-
up is then inactive on these days.

To set the night start-up times, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for programming 'P' .

The LED flashes and the controller switches to to programming

2. Press the key for START / STOP. The LED flashes.

To set the required week-day, proceed as follows:

3. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the required value appears in the display.

Here are the corresponding reference numbers:

Week-day Reference number

Monday 1

Tuesday 2

Wednesday 3

Thursday 4

Friday 5

Saturday 6

Sunday 0

To set the required time, proceed as follows:

4. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the required time is
indicated in the display.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

To set the seconds, proceed as follows:

5. Press the key for setpoint temperature of bottom heat UP / DOWN

until the required value appears in the display.


"SEC" is indicated in the display for the actual

temperature of the bottom heat while the time is being

To select night start-up times for other week-days, proceed as

described in Step 3 to 5.

To save the set values, proceed as follows:

6. Press the key for programming 'P'

8.6.8 Starting and ending the baking process


Do not start the baking process until the setpoint

temperatures, baking time and steam quantity are
correctly set and have been reached.
The Ready for baking state is indicated by a gong
sound and the Ready for baking LED lighting up.

To start the baking process, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for START / STOP.

To end the baking process, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for START / STOP.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

8.6.9 Switching the extractor fan on and off


The extractor fan can be switched on and off manually

from each oven deck controller. If the extractor fan
was switched on from several controllers, it will remain
active until it is switched off at all the respective


- Switch the extractor fan on and off from only the

top-most oven deck controller.

To switch the extractor fan on and off, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for the extractor fan.

 LED ON: The extractor fan is switched on

 LED OFF: The extractor fan is switched off


As an option you can set the controller of the extractor

fan so that 3 different speed levels can be selected.
To enable this option, contact MIWE service. Contact
data can be found in the register 'MIWE service'.

To select the individual speed levels after enabling, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for the extractor fan as often as necessary until the
speed level is active.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

8.7 Setting the after-baking time

By setting the after-baking time it is possible to prolong the baking

process to any length without resetting the baking values.

It makes sense to use the after-baking time in particular when baking

with baking programs. Instead of restarting a completed baking
program (in the first baking phase together with all the values set for it)
it is possible to prolong the last baking phase without changing the
baking values.


The after-baking time can be selected while the gong

signal is sounding at the end of the baking program
and for a period of 4 minutes afterwards.
The after baking time can be set within 20 seconds
after the door has been closed.

To set the after-baking time while the gong signal is sounding, proceed
as follows:

1. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the required time is
indicated in the display.

8.8 Switching off the heater of the steam device

The heater of the steam device can be switched off separately for each
oven deck.

To switch off the heater of the steam device, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for programming 'P' .

The LED flashes and the controller switches to to programming

2. Press the key for steam input. The LED flashes.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

In the display for the setpoint temperature of the top heat, the activated
heater of the steam device will be indicated by the value 1. To switch off
the heater of the steam device, the value must be reset to 0.
To set the value to 0, proceed as follows:

3. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the required value appears in the display.

To save the selected values and to end the programming, proceed as


4. Press the key for programming 'P'

8.9 Giving steam

To give steam, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for steam input. The quantity of water being fed in is
indicated in the Actual Temperature Top Heat display.


If the steam device has not reached the necessary

temperature, no steam can be supplied.

The LED in the key for steam input will flash as a


In the display for the setpoint temperature of the top

heat, the activated steam heater will be indicated by a
shining decimal point.

To check the heating of the steam device, proceed as follows:

1. Press the key for steam input.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller


The display for the setpoint temperature of the bottom

heat shows "°C", and the display for the actual
temperature of the bottom heat shows the actual
temperature of the steam device and the temperature
of the bottom heat in alternation.

To end this check status, proceed as follows:

1. Re-press the key for steam input.

8.10 Activating night start-up

After the night start-up function is activated, the unit is started at the set
night start-up time with the values last selected or with the baking
program last selected.


A correct night start-up depends on the real-time clock

being set correctly.

To activate the night start-up function, proceed as follows:


1. Select values or baking program for night start-up mode.

Switch off the controller. Proceed as follows:

2. Press the key for controller ON / OFF for 2 seconds.

3. Press the key for START / STOP.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

After the night start-up function is activated, the currently set week-day
is indicated in the Setpoint Temperature Top Heat display and the
corresponding night start-up time is indicated in the Timer display. The
colon in the Timer display flashes at one second intervals.

To change the week-day of the night start-up (e.g. in case of public

holidays, vacation, etc.), proceed as follows:

4. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the required value appears in the display.

Here are the corresponding reference numbers:

Week-day Reference number

Monday 1

Tuesday 2

Wednesday 3

Thursday 4

Friday 5

Saturday 6

Sunday 0

To save your selection, proceed as follows within 5 seconds:

5. Press the key for START / STOP.

8.11 Creating baking programs

Up to 30 baking programs, each with up to 5 baking phases, can be

programmed. For each baking phase it is possible to set up to 9
parameters in any order.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller


Parameter Baking phase

1 Time

2 Temperature Top Heat

3 Temperature Bottom Heat

4 Heating Level Top Heat

5 Heating Level Top Heat

6 Lighting ON / OFF

7 Steam flap OPEN / CLOSED

8 Extractor fan ON / OFF

9 Steam quantity

To create a baking program, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for programming 'P' .

The LED flashes and the controller switches to to programming

To assign the selected values to a program number, proceed as


2. Press the keys for the baking programs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8

to according to the program number required.


3. Press the key for the baking program 8 and then the key for time
setting UP / DOWN until the required program number is indicated.
With program number 9 and higher, all the LEDs in the keys for the
baking programs 1 to 8 light up.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

To select the first baking phase, proceed as follows:

4. Press the key for function 'F' until the required baking phase is
active. The LEDs in the key indicate the activated baking phase.

 The first LED flashes: Baking phase 1 is activated

 The second LED flashes: Baking phase 2 is activated
 The third LED flashes: Baking phase 3 is activated
 The fourth LED flashes: Baking phase 4 is activated
 The fifth LED flashes: Baking phase 5 is activated
 All LEDs flash: The total baking time is indicated in
the Timer display

To set the setpoint temperature for top heat, proceed as follows:

5. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the required value appears in the display.

To set the heating level for top heat, proceed as follows:

6. Press the key for heating levels of top heat as often as necessary
until the required heating level is active. The LEDs in the key
indicate the activated heating level.

 The left LED is lit up: Heating level 1 is activated (keep warm
 The middle LED is lit up: Heating level 2 is activated (baking
 The right LED is lit up: Heating level 3 is activated
(high-speed heating level and singeing
 All LEDs are lit up: The total baking time is indicated in the
Timer display

To set the setpoint temperature for bottom heat, proceed as follows:

7. Press the key for setpoint temperature of bottom heat UP / DOWN

until the required value appears in the display.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

To set the heating level for bottom heat, proceed as follows:

8. Press the key for the heating levels of top heat as often as
necessary until the required heating level is active. The LEDs in the
key indicate the activated heating level.

 The left LED is lit up: Heating level 1 is activated (keep warm
 The middle LED is lit up: Heating level 2 is activated (baking
 The right LED is lit up: Heating level 3 is activated
(high-speed heating level und singeing
 All LEDs are lit up: The total baking time is indicated in the
Timer display

To set the baking time, proceed as follows:

9. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the required time is
indicated in the display.

To set the required steam quantity in ml, proceed as follows:

10. Press the key for steam input.

11. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the required value appears in the display.

To end the entry of the steam quantity, proceed as follows:

12. Press the key for steam input.

To open or close the steam flap, proceed as follows:

13. Press the key for steam flap. The LEDs in the key indicate the

 LED ON: The steam flap is open

 LED OFF: The steam flap is closed

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

To switch the extractor fan on and off, proceed as follows:

14. Press the key for the extractor fan.

 LED ON: The extractor fan is switched on

 LED OFF: The extractor fan is switched off

To switch on or off the baking chamber lighting, proceed as follows:

15. Press the key for Lighting ON / OFF.

To select more baking phases, proceed as follows:

16. Press the key for function 'F' until the required baking phase is
active. The LEDs in the key indicate the activated baking phase.

 The first LED flashes: Baking phase 1 is activated

 The second LED flashes: Baking phase 2 is activated
 The third LED flashes: Baking phase 3 is activated
 The fourth LED flashes: Baking phase 4 is activated
 The fifth LED flashes: Baking phase 5 is activated
 All LEDs flash: The total baking time is indicated in
the Timer display

17. Then select all the values you require (see point 5 onwards).

To save the selected baking program and to end the programming,

proceed as follows:

18. Press the key for programming 'P'

8.12 Baking with baking programms

The baking programs used most frequently can be saved under the
program numbers 1 to 8 for direct selection with the help of the keys for
the baking programs 1 to 8.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

If a baking program is active, the LED in the corresponding baking

program key will be lit up and the number of the baking program will be
indicated in the Baking Time display. The set values will appear in the
displays of the controller. The baking programs 9 to 30 can be selected
with the key for Time Setting. With program number 9 and higher, the
LEDs in the keys for the baking programs 1 to 8 light up.

To select a baking program, proceed as follows:


1. Press the keys for the baking programs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8

to according to the program number required.


2. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the number of the
required program is indicated in the Timer display.

To start the baking program, proceed as follows:

3. Press the key for START / STOP.

To end the baking program prematurely, proceed as follows:

4. Press the key for START / STOP.

To deselect the selected baking program, proceed as follows:

5. Re-press the selected key for the baking program. The LEDs in the
keys for baking programs go out.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller


The selected baking program will now run to the end

The setpoint values for temperature, baking time,
heating level and steam quantity can be changed at
any time in the ways described in the respective
chapters. The program can be aborted at any time by
pressing the key for START / STOP. A gong signal
sounds when the baking program has finished. The
message "EndE" appears in the Timer display. To end
the gong signal, proceed as follows:

- Press the key for START / STOP.

8.13 Making additional settings - owner-user codes

8.13.1 Setting the date – owner-user code 0001

It is possible to enter the current date in the controller. The automatic

changeover of summer time / winter time will work correctly only if the
date has been entered correctly.

To set the date, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for programming 'P' and the key for functions 'F' in
succession. The LEDs flash. The code mode is active.

2. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the code is
indicated in the Timer display.

3. Press the key for START / STOP. The setting mode is now active.

4. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the numerical value for the day is indicated in the Setpoint
Temperature Top Heat display.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

5. Press the key for setpoint temperature of bottom heat UP / DOWN

until the numerical value for the month is indicated in the Setpoint
Temperature Bottom Heat display.

6. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the numerical value
for the year is indicated in the Timer display.

To save the settings and return to normal operating mode, proceed as


7. Press the key for programming 'P'

8.13.2 Setting summer time / winter time – owner-user code 0004

It is possible to activate the automatic changeover of summer time /

winter time. If the automatic changeover of summer time / winter time is
activated, the controller will add one hour to the real time on the last
Sunday in March, thus changing over to summer time. On the last
Sunday in October, the controller will subtract one hour from the set
real time, thus changing over to winter time.

To activate / deactivate the automatic changeover of summer time /

winter time, proceed as follows:

1. Press the key for programming 'P' and the key for functions 'F' in
succession. The LEDs flash. The code mode is active.

2. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the code is
indicated in the Timer display.

3. Press the key for START / STOP. The setting mode is now active.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

4. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the numerical value for the required function is indicated in the
Setpoint Temperature Top Heat display.
0: Automatic changeover Summer Time/Winter Time deactivated
(default setting)
1: Automatic changeover Summer Time/Winter Time activated


In the Setpoint Temperature Bottom Heat display you

are shown whether the current date is Summer Time
or Winter Time.
0: Witner Time
1: Sommer Timer

5. Press the key for programming 'P'

To save the settings and return to normal operating mode, proceed as



After the automatic changeover of summer time /

winter time is activated, check that the clock is
showing the correct time.

8.13.3 Setting the duration of the signal – owner user code 0120

It is possible to set the duration and the volume of the signal (gong).

To set the duration and volume of the signal, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for programming 'P' and the key for functions 'F' in
succession. The LEDs flash. The code mode is active.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

2. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the code is
indicated in the Timer display.

3. Press the key for START / STOP. The setting mode is now active.

4. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the required duration of the gong signal in seconds is indicated in
the Setpoint Temperature Top Heat display.
Default setting: 15 seconds
Maximum possible duration of signal: 600 seconds (10 min.)
Endless signal: 999


Regardless of the selected duration of the signal, the

gong signal can always be ended with the key for
START / STOP. If endless signal is set, the gong
signal can be ended by ending the baking process.

5. Press the key for setpoint temperature of bottom heat UP / DOWN

until the numerical value for the required volume is indicated in the
Setpoint Temperature Bottom Heat display.
0: Off
1: Quiet
2: Medium
3: Loud
4: Max. volume

To save the settings and return to normal operating mode, proceed as


6. Press the key for programming 'P'

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

8.13.4 Switching on the gong to announce that the unit is ready – owner-user code 0121

It is possible to switch on an automatic gong signal which announces

that the setpoint values have been reached and the unit is ready.

To switch on the automatic gong signal, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for programming 'P' and the key for functions 'F' in
succession. The LEDs flash. The code mode is active.

2. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the code is
indicated in the Timer display.

3. Press the key for START / STOP. The setting mode is now active.

4. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the numerical value for the required function is indicated in the
Setpoint Temperature Top Heat display.
0: Gong signal deactivated
1: Gong signal activated

To save the settings and return to normal operating mode, proceed as


5. Press the key for programming 'P'

8.13.5 Protecting programs from modification – owner-user code 0815

It is possible to lock the programs and the night start-up times so that
the programs and the night start-up times can longer be programmed or
modified unintentionally.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

To lock the programs and night start-up times, proceed as follows:

1. Press the key for programming 'P' and the key for functions 'F' in
succession. The LEDs flash. The code mode is active.

2. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the code is
indicated in the Timer display.

3. Press the key for START / STOP. The setting mode is now active.

4. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the numerical value for the required function is indicated in the
Setpoint Temperature Top Heat display.
0: Programs and night start-up times not locked (default setting)
1: Programs and night start-up times locked

To save the settings and return to normal operating mode, proceed as


5. Press the key for programming 'P'


8.13.6 Switching on or off the individual program lock – owner-user code 0816

It is possible to lock either the backing programs 1 to 9 or the baking

programs 1 to 30 so that these baking programs can no longer be
programmed or modified unintentionally.

To lock the baking programs, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for programming 'P' and the key for functions 'F' in
succession. The LEDs flash. The code mode is active.

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

2. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the code is
indicated in the Timer display.

3. Press the key for START / STOP. The setting mode is now active.

4. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the numerical value for the required function is indicated in the
Setpoint Temperature Top Heat display.
0: No baking programs are locked
1: Baking programs 1 to 9 are locked
2: Baking programs 1 to 30 are locked

To save the settings and return to normal operating mode, proceed as


5. Press the key for programming 'P'

8.13.7 Configuring the energy saving function – owner-user code 0820

The energy saving function reduces the energy consumption of the

component when it is switched on but occasionally not in use. In this
case the temperature in the baking chamber is held at a constant,
reduced temperature.

The required temperature can be individually adapted (setting range: 0

°C or in 10° increments from 100 to 180 °C). If the temperature is set to
0 °C, the component is switched off.

The energy saving mode becomes active when the component has not
been used for a certain time. This time interval can also be individually
adapted (setting range: in 15 minute increments from 0 to 180 minutes).
If 0 is entered, the component will not be switched off and the
temperature will not be reduced.
The activated energy saving function is indicated in the Timer display
by the letters "SPAr".

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

You can also set whether the baking chamber lighting is to remain on or
not when the component is switched off or the temperature is reduced
by the activated energy saving function.

To set the required temperature, time and lighting, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for programming 'P' and the key for functions 'F' in
succession. The LEDs flash. The code mode is active.

2. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the code is
indicated in the Timer display.

3. Press the key for START / STOP. The setting mode is now active.

4. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the numerical value for the required temperature (0 °C, or in 10°
increments from 100 to180 °C) is indicated in the Setpoint
Temperature Top Heat display (default setting: 100 °C).

5. Press the key for setpoint temperature of bottom heat UP / DOWN

until the numerical value for the required time interval is indicated in
the Setpoint Temperature Bottom Heat display.
Setting range: 15 to 180 minutes (default setting:
30 minutes)
If the numerical value 0 is set, then the energy saving function is
inactive and there will be no more switching off or reduction of

6. Press the key for Lighting ON / OFF.

LED is lit: Lighting remains on

LED off: Lighting goes out

To save the settings and return to normal operating mode, proceed as


7. Press the key for programming 'P'

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Operating the oven deck with the FP 8 controller

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Controlling the component / unit with AS control

9 Controlling the component / unit with AS control

9.1 Getting to know the oven deck controller AS

The oven deck is controlled by means of the analog controller at the

front of the component.

1 Thermostat for top heat

2 Timer

3 Thermostat for bottom heat

4 Key for steam input 7 1

5 Key for steam input

6 Switch for heating level of top heat

7 Switch for controller ON / OFF

91 «=jftb 2006/08
Controlling the component / unit with AS control

9.2 Opening and closing the baking chamber

Hot surfaces

Danger of burns resulting from hot surfaces!

Touching hot surfaces may result in serious injuries.


- Wear heat-proof protective gloves and long-

sleeved protective clothing when carrying out any
work on the unit.

- Keep a safe distance away from the sources of


- Use a loading aid to load the baking chamber and

to remove the baked products.

Hot steam

Risk of injury from hot steam!

Hot steam can scald the skin.


- Wear protective work clothing and protective

gloves during all work near the unit.

- When you open doors on the unit, always place

yourself behind the door and never hold any parts
of the body directly in the opening.

Pinching and crushing

 Risk of crushing when opening and closing doors!

Parts of the body may be pinched and crushed when

doors are operated, causing injuries.


- Wear protective gloves on all jobs.

- Always move doors fully to their end positions and

use only the door handles provided for this

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Controlling the component / unit with AS control

To open or close the baking chamber door, proceed as follows:

1. Actuate the door lever.

9.3 Loading the baking chamber

Unhealthy posture
 Risk of injury from unhealthy posture!

Excessive bending and stretching when loading and

unloading the lower and upper baking chambers can
cause lasting physical harm.


- Excessive bending and stretching when loading

and unloading the lower and upper baking
chambers can cause lasting physical harm.

- Avoid working heights above 1700 mm.

Hot surfaces

Danger of burns resulting from hot surfaces!

Touching hot surfaces may result in serious injuries.


- Wear heat-proof protective gloves and long-

sleeved protective clothing when carrying out any
work on the unit.

- Keep a safe distance away from the sources of


- Use a loading aid to load the baking chamber and

to remove the baked products.

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Controlling the component / unit with AS control

To load the baking chamber, proceed as follows:

1. Open the baking chamber door.

2. Use a loading aid to place the products in the baking chamber.

3. Close the door of the baking chamber.

9.4 Switching the oven deck on and off

The oven deck can be set to 3 different levels.

 Level 0: The oven deck is off

 Level I: The oven deck is on, the steam heater is off

 Level II: The oven deck and the steam heater are on


If the oven deck is set to level I, no steam can be

input. In this mode the key for steam input has no

To switch on the oven deck, proceed as follows:


1. Set the switch for ON / OFF to level I or level II .


When the unit is activated, the operating lamp above

the switch lights up.

To switch off the oven deck, proceed as follows:


1. Press the switch for ON / OFF. The operating lamp goes out.

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Controlling the component / unit with AS control

9.5 Setting values

9.5.1 Setting the baking time

The baking time can be set with the timer. The maximum selectable
baking time is 60 minutes. The baking time can be changed at any time
during baking. An acoustic signal sounds when the selected baking
time is over, announcing that the unit will be switched off automatically
in a short time.


Incorrect operation can result in damage to the timer!

Turning the timber back while the acoustic signal is

sounding after the end of the baking time can damage
the timer.


- Never turn back the timer by hand while the signal

is sounding.

To set the baking time, proceed as follows:


1. Turn the rotary button on the timer until the pointer points to the
required minutes value.


The baking time can be changed at any time during

the baking process.

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Controlling the component / unit with AS control

9.5.2 Setting the setpoint termperatures for the baking chamber

To set the setpoint temperature for top heat, proceed as follows:


1. Turn the rotary button on the thermostat for top heat until the
pointer points to the required temperature value.

To set the setpoint temperature for bottom heat, proceed as follows:


1. Turn the rotary button on the thermostat for bottom heat until the
pointer points to the required temperature value.


The left pilot lamp in the thermostat lights up during

the heating phase. When the selected setpoint
temperature has been reached, the left pilot lamp
goes out and the right pilot lamp lights up.

9.5.3 Setting the heating level

There are two heating levels each for the top heat and the bottom heat:

 Level I: normal heat rating (baking level)

 Level II: full heat rating (high-speed heating level / singeing level)

«=jftb 2006/08 96
Controlling the component / unit with AS control


Too high a heat rating can have a negative effect on

the baking results.


- For fast heating up of the baking chamber, select

level II

- For continuous baking after heating up, select

level I

To set the heating level for top heat, proceed as follows:


1. Set the switch for the heating level of the top heat to level I or

level II.

To set the heating level for bottom heat, proceed as follows:


1. Set the switch for the heating level of the bottom heat to level I or
level II.

9.6 Giving steam

Steam can be input only when the oven deck is set to level II.

Steam input is set at the factory so that steam will be input for as long
as the key for steam input is pressed.


If the steam device has not reached the necessary

temperature, no steam is allowed to be input. The
pilot lamp lights up as a warning. Steam cannot be
input until the steam heater has heated up completely
and the pilot lamp is no longer lit.

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Controlling the component / unit with AS control

To give steam, proceed as follows:

1. Press the key for steam input.


To obtain as uniform a steam as possible, press the

key for steam input once every second.

9.7 Extracting steam from the baking chamber

To open the steam flap and extract the steam from the baking chamber,
proceed as follows:

1. Pull out the steam slide valve.

The steam flap opens and the steam is extracted for as long as the
steam slide valve is pulled out.

To re-close the steam flap, proceed as follows:


1. Push in the steam slide valve..

«=jftb 2006/08 98
Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

10 Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

10.1 Getting to know the proofing cupboard controller FP8

The proofing cupboard is operated by means of the fixed programm

controller at the front of the proofing cupboard.

1 Key for evacuate (with LED)

2 Key for Timer START / STOP

19 1
(with LED)
18 2
3 Key without function
17 3
4 Key without function
16 4
5 Key for temperature control

6 Key for setpoint temperature 15 5


7 Key for Time Setting UP / DOWN

14 6
8 Key for setpoint humidity UP / DOWN
(with LED)
13 7
9 Key for humidity control ON / OFF
(with LED)
12 8
10 Keys for proofing programs 1-4
(with LED)

11 Display for actual humidity 11 9

12 Display for setpoint humidity

13 Display for timer / display for error

14 Display for setpoint temperature

15 Display for actual temperature

16 Key for programming 'P' / value input

(with LED)

17 Key for functions 'F'' (with 5 LEDs)

18 (Key without function)

19 ON/OFF key (with LED)

99 «=jftb 2006/08
Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

10.2 Switching the proofing cupboard on and off

To switch on the proofing cupboard, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for controller ON / OFF for 2 seconds.


After the controller is switched on, all the displays

become active and all the keys can be operated. The
controller automatically loads the values which were
selected when the unit was last switched off. If a
proofing program was selected but not started before
switching off, the controller will automatically load this
proofing program.

To switch off the proofing cupboard, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for controller ON / OFF for 2 seconds.


After the controller is switched off, all the displays are

dark. When night start-up is deactivated, only the LED
in the key for controller ON / OFF is lit. After the night
start-up function is activated, the currently set week-
day is indicated in the Setpoint Temperature Top Heat
display and the corresponding night start-up time is
indicated in the Timer display. The colon in the Timer
display flashes at one second intervals.

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Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

10.3 Proofing with the timer

10.3.1 Setting the proofing time


The proofing time is set by pressing the key for time

setting UP / DOWN. If the key for time setting UP or
time setting DOWN is pressed and held down, the
setting for the proofing time will be adjusted in 1
-minute increments. If the key is pressed only
momentarily, the time will be adjusted in 5-second
increments. The maximum selectable proofing time is
2 hours.
The last value to have been set is always saved, even
when the unit is switched off.

To set the proofing time, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the required time is
indicated in the display.


A gong signal sounds when the selected proofing time

has elapsed. The message "EndE" appears in the
Timer display. To end the signal and reset the timer to
the original proofing time, proceed as follows:

- Press the key for START / STOP.

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Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

10.3.2 Setting the setpoint humidity


The setpoint humidity is adjusted by pressing the UP /

DOWN key. If the key for the setpoint humidity UP /
DOWN is pressed and held down, the setting will be
adjusted in 10% increments. If the key is pressed only
momentarily, the setpoint humidity will be adjusted in
1% increments. The maximum setpoint humidity is

To set the setpoint humidity, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for setpoint humidity UP / DOWN until the required
value is indicated.

10.3.3 Setting the setpoint temperature for the proofing cupboard


The setpoint temperature is adjusted by pressing the

key for setpoint temperature UP / DOWN. If the key
for setpoint temperature UP / DOWN is pressed and
held down, the setpoint temperature will be adjusted
in ten degree increments. If the key is pressed only
momentarily, the setpoint temperature will be adjusted
in one degree increments. The maximum setpoint
temperature is 60 °C.

To adjust the setpoint temperature, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for setpoint temperature UP / DOWN until the

required value is indicated.

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Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

10.3.4 Setting the night start-up times

The night start-up function enables automatic pre-heating from a

previously selected time up to the last selected proofing temperature
and humidity. When work begins, the proofing cupboard is then at the
required operating temperature and humidity.


The night start-up times must be pre-programmed

once and then can be changed at any time. A night
start-up can be assigned to each week-day. If there is
to be no night start-up on one or several days, the
time for these days must be set to 00:00. Night start-
up is then inactive on these days.

To set the night start-up times, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for programming 'P' .

The LED flashes and the controller switches to to programming

2. Press the key for START / STOP. The LED flashes.

To set the required week-day, proceed as follows:

3. Press the key for setpoint temperature UP / DOWN until the

required value is indicated.

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Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

Here are the corresponding reference numbers:

Week-day Reference number

Monday 1

Tuesday 2

Wednesday 3

Thursday 4

Friday 5

Saturday 6

Sunday 0

To set the required time, proceed as follows:

4. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the required time is
indicated in the display.

To select night start-up times for other week-days, proceed as

described in Step 3 to 5.

To save the set values, proceed as follows:

5. Press the key for programming 'P'

10.3.5 Starting and ending the proofing process


Do not start the proofing process until the setpoint

temperatures, heating levels and proofing time are
correctly set and the setpoint values have been

To start the proofing process, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for START / STOP.

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Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

To end the proofing process prematurely, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for START / STOP.

10.3.6 Switching the heating on and off

When the heating is on, the proofing cabinet will be heated to the
selected setpoint temperature.

To switch on the heating, proceed as follows:

1. Press the key for temperature control. The middle and right LEDs
light up.

To switch off the heating, proceed as follows:

1. Repress the key for temperature control. The middle and right
LEDs go out.

10.3.7 Switching the humidity control on and off

When the humidity control is on, the proofing cabinet will produce the
selected setpoint humidity.

To switch on the humidity control, proceed as follows:

1. Press the key for humidity control ON / OFF. The middle and right
LEDs light up.

To switch off the humidity control, proceed as follows:

1. Repress the key for humidity control ON / OFF. The middle and
right LEDs go out.

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Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

10.3.8 Creating the proofing programs

It is possible to create four different proofing programs. These programs

can then be selected directly with the respective key for proofing
programs. The following parameters can be set for each proofing

 Proofing time (0 to 2 h)

 Proofing cupboard temperature (0 °C to 60 °C)

 Proofing cupboard humidity (0% to 99% H)

To create a proofing program, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for programming 'P' .

The LED flashes and the controller switches to to programming

To assign the selected values to a program number, proceed as


2. Press the key for the baking programs 1, 2, 3 or 4 according to the

to program number required. The corresponding LED flashes.

To adjust the setpoint temperature, proceed as follows:

3. Press the key for setpoint temperature UP / DOWN until the

required value is indicated.

To set the proofing time, proceed as follows:

4. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the required time is
indicated in the display.

To set the setpoint humidity, proceed as follows:

5. Press the key for setpoint humidity UP / DOWN until the required
value is indicated.

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Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

To save the set values, proceed as follows:

6. Press the key for programming 'P'

10.4 Proofing with the proofing programs


To select a proofing program, proceed as follows:

1. Make sure that the timer is switched off and the LED in the key for
START / STOP is not lit.

2. Press the key for the baking programs 1, 2, 3 or 4 according to the

to program number required.

3. Wait until a gong signal indicates that the program's setpoint values
have been reached.

4. Press the key for START / STOP.


The selected proofing program will now run to the end

The setpoint values for temperature, proofing time
and humidity can be changed at any time in the ways
described in the respective chapters. The program
can be aborted at any time by pressing the key for
START / STOP. A gong signal sounds when the
proofing program has finished. The message "EndE"
appears in the Timer display. To end the gong signal,
proceed as follows:

- Press the key for START / STOP.

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Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

10.5 Activating night start-up

The night start-up function enables automatic pre-heating up to the last

selected proofing temperature. When work begins, the proofing
cupboard is then at the required operating temperature and humidity.

After the night start-up function is activated, the proofing cupboard is

started at the set night start-up time with the values last selected or with
the proofing program last selected.


A correct night start-up depends on the real-time clock

being set correctly.

To activate the night start-up function, proceed as follows:


1. Select values or proofing program for night start-up mode.

Switch off the controller. Proceed as follows:

2. Press the key for controller ON / OFF for 2 seconds.

3. Press the key for START / STOP.

After the night start-up function is activated, the currently set week-day
is indicated in the Setpoint Temperature Top Heat display and the
corresponding night start-up time is indicated in the Timer display. The
colon in the Timer display flashes at one second intervals.

To change the week-day of the night start-up (e.g. in case of public

holidays, vacation, etc.), proceed as follows:

4. Press the key for setpoint temperature UP / DOWN until the

required value is indicated.

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Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

Here are the corresponding reference numbers:

Week-day Reference number

Monday 1

Tuesday 2

Wednesday 3

Thursday 4

Friday 5

Saturday 6

Sunday 0

To save your selection, proceed as follows within 5 seconds:

5. Press the key for START / STOP.

10.6 Displaying when the unit is switched off by an energy optimization system

You can connect the unit to an energy optimization system.

The energy optimization system may switch off the heating of the
proofing cabinet periodically. In this case the LED in the key USER
FNC and the right and middle LEDs in the keys for the heating levels of
the top heat and bottom heat will flash during switch-off.

10.7 Making additional settings - owner-user codes


Malfunctions due to entering the wrong codes!

If the wrong values are entered for the codes, this will
result in wrong settings and the unit will not function


- Make sure that you enter the correct values.

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Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller


Programming the codes is initiated by pressing the

keys 'P' and 'F' in succession. If another key is not
pressed within the next 5 seconds, the controller will
return to setting mode.


If the key is pressed only momentarily, the code

setting takes place in single steps; if the key is
pressed and held down, the setting takes place in
increments of 10. If the UP and DOWN keys are
pressed simultaneously, the value jumps straight to
code 0800.

10.7.1 Setting the date – owner-user code 0001

It is possible to enter the current date in the controller. The automatic

changeover of summer time / winter time will work correctly only if the
date has been entered correctly.

To set the date, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for programming 'P' and the key for functions 'F' in
succession. The LEDs flash. The code mode is active.

2. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the code is
indicated in the Timer display.

3. Press the key for START / STOP. The setting mode is now active.

4. Press the key for setpoint temperature UP / DOWN until the

numerical value for the day is indicated in the Setpoint
Temperature display.

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Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

5. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the numerical value
for the year is indicated in the Timer display.

6. Press the key for setpoint temperature UP / DOWN until the

numerical value for the day is indicated in the Setpoint
Temperature display.

To save the settings and return to normal operating mode, proceed as


7. Press the key for programming 'P'

10.7.2 Setting summer time / winter time – owner-user code 0004

It is possible to activate the automatic changeover of summer time /

winter time. If the automatic changeover of summer time / winter time is
activated, the controller will add one hour to the real time on the last
Sunday in March, thus changing over to summer time. On the last
Sunday in October, the controller will subtract one hour from the set
real time, thus changing over to winter time.

To activate / deactivate the automatic changeover of summer time /

winter time, proceed as follows:

1. Press the key for programming 'P' and the key for functions 'F' in
succession. The LEDs flash. The code mode is active.

2. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the code is
indicated in the Timer display.

3. Press the key for START / STOP. The setting mode is now active.

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Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

4. Press the key for setpoint temperature UP / DOWN until the

numerical value for the required function is indicated in the Setpoint
Temperature display.
0: Automatic changeover Summer Time/Winter Time
deactivated (default setting)
1: Automatic changeover Summer Time/Winter Time activated


In the Setpoint Humidity display you are shown

whether the current date is Summer Time or Winter
0: Witner Time
1: Sommer Timer

5. Press the key for programming 'P'

To save the settings and return to normal operating mode, proceed as



After the automatic changeover of summer time /

winter time is activated, check that the clock is
showing the correct time.

10.7.3 Setting the duration of the signal – owner user code 0120

It is possible to set the duration and the volume of the signal (gong).

To set the duration and volume of the signal, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for programming 'P' and the key for functions 'F' in
succession. The LEDs flash. The code mode is active.

«=jftb 2006/08 112

Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

2. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the code is
indicated in the Timer display.

3. Press the key for START / STOP. The setting mode is now active.

4. Press the key for setpoint temperature UP / DOWN until the

required duration of the gong signal in seconds is indicated in the
Setpoint Temperature display.
Default setting: 300 seconds
Maximum possible duration of signal: 600 seconds (10 min.)
Endless signal: 999


Regardless of the selected duration of the signal, the

gong signal can always be ended with the key for
START / STOP. If endless signal is set, the gong
signal can be ended by ending the baking process.

5. Press the key for setpoint humidity UP / DOWN until the numerical
value for the required loudness appears in the indicator for setpoint
0: off
1: quiet
2: medium loudness
3: loud
4: max. loudness

To save the settings and return to normal operating mode, proceed as


6. Press the key for programming 'P'

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Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

10.7.4 Switching on the gong to announce that the unit is ready – owner-user code 0121

It is possible to switch on an automatic gong signal which announces

that the setpoint values have been reached and the unit is ready.

To switch on the automatic gong signal, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for programming 'P' and the key for functions 'F' in
succession. The LEDs flash. The code mode is active.

2. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the code is
indicated in the Timer display.

3. Press the key for START / STOP. The setting mode is now active.

4. Press the key for setpoint temperature of top heat UP / DOWN until
the numerical value for the required function is indicated in the
Setpoint Temperature Top Heat display.
0: Gong signal deactivated
1: Gong signal activated

To save the settings and return to normal operating mode, proceed as


5. Press the key for programming 'P'

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Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

10.7.5 Protecting programs from modification – owner-user code 0815

It is possible to lock the programs and the night start-up times so that
the programs and the night start-up times can longer be programmed or
modified unintentionally.

To lock the programs and night start-up times, proceed as follows:

1. Press the key for programming 'P' and the key for functions 'F' in
succession. The LEDs flash. The code mode is active.

2. Press the key for time setting UP / DOWN until the code is
indicated in the Timer display.

3. Press the key for START / STOP. The setting mode is now active.

Press the key for setpoint temperature UP / DOWN until the

numerical value for the required function is indicated in the Setpoint
Temperature display.
0: Programs and night start-up times not locked (default setting)
1: Programs and night start-up times locked

To save the settings and return to normal operating mode, proceed as


4. Press the key for programming 'P'


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Operating the proofing cupboard with the FP 8 controller

«=jftb 2006/08 116

Operating the proofing cupboard with the AS controller

11 Operating the proofing cupboard with the AS controller

11.1 Getting to know the proofing cupboard controller AS

The oven deck is controlled by means of the analog controller at the

front of the component.

1 Rotary button for thermostat

2 Rotary button for timer

3 Key for filling the evaporator pan

4 Switch for heating levels 1

(on the US CO 0604 without function)

5 Switch for night start-up

6 Switch for controller ON / OFF

11.2 Switching the proofing cupboard on and off

To switch on the proofing cupboard, proceed as follows:


1. When the unit is activated, the operating lamp above the switch
lights up.

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Operating the proofing cupboard with the AS controller

To switch off the proofing cupboard, proceed as follows:


1. Press the switch for ON / OFF. The operating lamp goes out.

11.3 Filling the evaporator pan


The water runs into the evaporator pan for as long as

the key for filling the evaporator pan is pressed. To
prevent the evaporator pan from overflowing, watch
the filling process with the proofing cupboard open.

To fill the evaporator pan, proceed as follows:


1. Press the key for filling the evaporator pan.

11.4 Proofing with the timer

11.4.1 Setting the proofing time

The proofing time can be set with the timer. The maximum selectable
proofing time is 60 minutes. An acoustic signal sounds when the
selected proofing time is over, announcing that the unit will be switched
off automatically in a short time.

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Operating the proofing cupboard with the AS controller


Incorrect operation can result in damage to the timer!

Turning the timer back manually with the rotary button

while the acoustic signal is sounding after the end of
the proofing time can damage the timer.


- Never turn back the timer by hand while the signal

is sounding.


To set the proofing time, proceed as follows:

1. Turn the rotary button on the timer until the mark on the rotary
button points to the required minute value.

11.4.2 Setting the setpoint temperature for the proofing cupboard

To adjust the setpoint temperature, proceed as follows:


1. Turn the rotary button on the thermostat until the mark on the rotary
button points to the required temperature value.

11.4.3 Setting the heating level

There are 2 heating levels available (1 heating level on the

US CO 0604):

 Level I: normal heat rating

 Level II: high heat rating

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Operating the proofing cupboard with the AS controller


Too high a heat rating can have a negative effect on

the proofing results.


- For fast defrosting of dough pieces, select level II.

- For proofing of fresh dough pieces, select level I.

To set the heating level, proceed as follows:


1. Set the switch for the heating level to level I or level II .


The pilot lamp lights up during the heating phase.

Once the selected setoint temperature is reached, the
pilot lamp goes out.

11.5 Activating night start-up


The nigh startup function can be activated only when

the controller of the proofing cupboard is connected to
an oven deck with the FP8 controller.

The night start-up function enables automatic pre-heating up to the last

selected proofing temperature. When work begins, the proofing
cupboard is then at the required operating temperature and humidity.

The moment of the night start-up depends in this case on the pre-
selected night start-up settings for an oven deck with the FP8 controller.
If a deck oven is switched on by the night start-up function, the proofing
cupboard is also switched on automatically.

To activate the night start-up function, proceed as follows:


1. Actuate the switch for night start-up. The pilot lamp lights up.

«=jftb 2006/08 120

Operating the drying cabinet with the AS controller

12 Operating the drying cabinet with the AS controller

12.1 Getting to know the drying cabinet controller AS

The drying cabinet is controlled by means of the analog controller at the

front of the component.

1 Rotary button for thermostat

2 Rotary button for timer

3 Key without function

4 Switch for heating levels 1

(on the US CO 0604 without function)

5 Switch for night start-up

6 Switch for controller ON / OFF

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Operating the drying cabinet with the AS controller

12.2 Switching the drying cabinet on and off

To switch on the drying cabinet, proceed as follows:


1. When the unit is activated, the operating lamp above the switch
lights up.

To switch off the drying cabinet, proceed as follows:


1. Press the switch for ON / OFF. The operating lamp goes out.

12.3 Setting the heating levels for the drying cabinet

There are 2 heating levels available (1 heating level on the US CO


 Level I: normal heat rating

 Level II: high heat rating


1. Set the switch for the heating level to level I or level II .


The pilot lamp lights up during the heating phase.

Once the selected setoint temperature is reached, the
pilot lamp goes out.

«=jftb 2006/08 122

Operating the drying cabinet with the AS controller

12.4 Setting the setpoint temperature for the drying cabinet

To adjust the setpoint temperature, proceed as follows:


1. Turn the rotary button on the thermostat until the mark on the rotary
button points to the required temperature value.

12.5 Setting the heating time

The heating time can be set with the integrated timer. The maximum
selectable heating time is 60 minutes. An acoustic signal sounds when
the selected heating time is over, announcing that the unit will be
switched off automatically in a short time.


Incorrect operation can result in damage to the timer!

Turning the timer back manually with the rotary button

while the acoustic signal is sounding after the end of
the heating time can damage the timer.


- Never turn back the timer by hand while the signal

is sounding.


To set the heating time, proceed as follows:

1. Turn the rotary button on the timer until the mark on the rotary
button points to the required minute value.

123 «=jftb 2006/08

Operating the drying cabinet with the AS controller


The heating time can be changed at any time during

the baking process.

12.6 Activating night start-up


The night start-up function can be activated only when

the controller of the drying cabinet is connected to an
oven deck with the FP8 controller.

The night start-up function enables automatic pre-heating up to the last

selected heating temperature. When work begins, the drying cabinet is
then at the required operating temperature.

The moment of the night start-up depends in this case on the pre-
selected night start-up settings for an oven deck. If an oven deck is
switched on by the night start-up function, the drying cabinet is also
switched on automatically.

Switch off the controller. Proceed as follows:


1. Press the switch for ON / OFF. The operating lamp goes out.

To activate the night start-up function, proceed as follows:

2. Actuate the switch for night start-up. The pilot lamp lights up.

«=jftb 2006/08 124


13 Faults

The following chapter describes the possible causes for faults and what
has to be done to rectify the faults.

If faults occur with increasing frequency, shorten the maintenance

intervals to suit the actual work load.

If any faults cannot be rectified by the measures described, contact the


13.1 Safety information for rectifying faults

Personnel  The work described here for rectifying faults can be carried out by
the operator unless indicated otherwise.

 Some work must be left strictly to trained specialist personnel or to

the manufacturer; attention is draw to this in the description of the
faults in question.

 Work on the electrical equipment must be left strictly to electricians.

125 «=jftb 2006/08


 Risk of injury from incorrect rectification of faults!

Incorrect rectification of faults can result in serious

injury to persons and damage to property.


- Before beginning with the work, switch off the unit

and allow it to cool down completely to ambient

– Before beginning with the work, make sure there is

sufficient space for dismantling and assembling

– Make sure there is sufficient lighting where you are


– Make sure that the workplace is clean and tidy!

Untidy arrangements of loose components and
tools are potential sources of accident.

– If components are dismantled, make sure that they

are assembled again correctly, refit all fastening
elements and observe screw torques.

Electrical system

Danger to life from electric current!

Contact with live parts puts your life in danger.

Activated electrically driven components can perform
uncontrolled movements and cause severe injuries.


- Before beginning the work, switch off the power

supply and secure it to prevent it from being
switched on again.

«=jftb 2006/08 126


Hot surfaces

Danger of burns resulting from hot surfaces!

Contact with hot components can cause burns.


- Wear protective work clothing and protective

gloves during all work near hot components.

- Before carrying out any work, make sure that all

components have cooled down to ambient

Securing against being switched on again

 Danger to life from unauthorized switching on!

During work on the rectification of faults there is a risk

of the power supply being switched on again
unauthorized. This would result in danger to the lives
of persons in the danger zone.


- Before beginning the work, switch off all power

supplies and secure them against from being
switched on again.


Behavior in case of faults Always proceed as follows:

1. Determine the cause of fault.

2. If rectification of the fault requires work to be carried out in the

danger zone, switch off the power supply of the unit/component
and secure it against being switched on again.

3. Inform the person responsible at the place of use about the fault.

4. Depending on the type of fault, arrange for authorized specialist

personnel to rectify the fault or rectify it yourself.


The following fault lists indicate who is authorized to

rectify the fault.

127 «=jftb 2006/08


13.2 Mechanical faults

Fault Possible cause Fault clearance

Oven deck cannot be switched on The electric power supply was By the owner-user:
interrupted during operation
 Carry out a visual check to make
sure that the unit is properly
connected to the electric circuit.

 Switch on the oven deck again.

If the fault continues, contact MIWE


The safety temperature limiter has By MIWE service


The key or switch for Controller ON / By MIWE service

OFF is defective

The baking chamber lighting cannot The light bulb is defective By the owner-user:
be switched on
 Replace the light bulb.

If the fault continues, contact MIWE


Baking results are suddenly uneven The heating element is defective By MIWE service

The steam flap is defective By MIWE service

Steam input is not working The water supply is faulty By the owner-user:

Check the site water supply line

for leaks

The site water supply line is closed By the owner-user:

Open the site water supply line.

The water supply rate at the needle By the owner-user:

valve is too low
 Open the needle valve slightly.

The solenoid valve is defective By MIWE service

Steam input worsens The spray pipe is scaled up By MIWE service

«=jftb 2006/08 128


13.3 Fault messages and error coes


If a fault occurs, a gong signal is sounded. The

corresponding fault message (error code) is indicated
in the Timer display on the controller.

Faults must be acknowledged with the key for START / STOP. The
controller continues to work automatically after acknowledgment. If the
fault is not rectified, the fault message will re-appear on the Timer
display when the controller is switched on again.


Critical fault messages cannot be acknowledged.

These messages are specially marked in the following
table. If critical fault messages are issued, the unit can
no longer be operated. The faults must be rectified by
MIWE service.

13.3.1 Fault messages for single baking ovens

Error Fault Possible cause Fault clearance


07 Lack of water The site water supply line By the owner-user:

is closed
Open the site water supply line.

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


The water supply is faulty By the owner-user:

Check the site water supply line for leaks

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


129 «=jftb 2006/08


Error Fault Possible cause Fault clearance


19 Power failure Power supply is By the owner-user:

 Carry out a visual check to make sure
that the unit is properly connected to the
electric circuit.

 Switch on the unit again.

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


20 The temperature sensor Temperature of top heat By MIWE service

for top heat is defective > 420 °C

21 The temperature sensor Temperature of top heat By MIWE service

for top heat is defective < -10 °C

22 Baking chamber overheats Temperature of top heat By MIWE service

> 410 °C

30 The temperature sensor Temperature of bottom By MIWE service

for bottom heat is defective heat > 420 °C

31 The temperature sensor Temperature of bottom By MIWE service

for bottom heat is defective heat < -10 °C

32 The proofing cupboard is Temperature of bottom By MIWE service

overheating heat > 410 °C

40 The temperature sensor Temperature of steam By MIWE service

for the steam device is device > 420 °C

41 The temperature sensor Temperature of steam By MIWE service

for the steam device is device < -10 °C

42 The steam device is Temperature of steam By MIWE service

overheating device
> 410 °C

50 The temperature sensor of The ambient temperature By MIWE service

the controller is defective of the controller is > 90 °C

51 The temperature sensor of The ambient temperature By the owner-user:

the controller is defective of the controller is < 5 °C
 Switch on the unit and wait for the
ambient temperature of the controller to
exceed 5 °C.

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


«=jftb 2006/08 130


Error Fault Possible cause Fault clearance


52 Warning about excess The ambient temperature By the owner-user:

ambient temperature of the of the controller is > 65 °C
Make sure that the cooling air openings
are neither soiled nor covered.

 Lower the ambient temperature of the

controller by ventilating the bakehouse.

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


80 Unit communication is Unit communication is By MIWE service

faulty incorrectly set

99 Critical fault message The ambient temperature The unit heaters switch off automatically.
of the controller is > 70 °C
Control overheating By the owner-user:

Make sure that the cooling air openings

are neither soiled nor covered.

 Lower the ambient temperature of the

controller by ventilating the bakehouse.

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


131 «=jftb 2006/08


13.3.2 Fault messages for double baking chambers

Error Fault Possible cause Fault clearance


07 Lack of water The water supply is faulty By the owner-user:

Check the site water supply line for leaks

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


The site water supply line By the owner-user:

is closed
Open the site water supply line.

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


19 Power failure Power supply is interrupted By the owner-user:

 Carry out a visual check to make sure that

the unit is properly connected to the
electric circuit.

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


20 The temperature sensor for Temperature of top heat of By MIWE service

top heat of the upper the upper baking chamber
baking chamber is > 420 °C

21 The temperature sensor for Temperature of top heat of By MIWE service

top heat of the upper the upper baking chamber
baking chamber is < -10 °C

22 The upper baking chamber Temperature of top heat of By MIWE service

is overheating the upper baking chamber
> 410 °C

25 The temperature sensor for Temperature of top heat of By MIWE service

top heat of the lower baking the lower baking chamber
chamber is defective > 420 °C

26 The temperature sensor for Temperature of top heat of By MIWE service

top heat of the lower baking the lower baking chamber
chamber is defective < -10 °C

27 The lower baking chamber Temperature of top heat of By MIWE service

is overheating the lower baking chamber
> 410 °C

«=jftb 2006/08 132


Error Fault Possible cause Fault clearance


30 The temperature sensor for Temperature of bottom By MIWE service

bottom heat of the upper heat of the upper baking
baking chamber is chamber > 420 °C

31 The temperature sensor for Temperature of bottom By MIWE service

bottom heat of the upper heat of the upper baking
baking chamber is chamber < -10 °C

32 The upper baking chamber Temperature of bottom By MIWE service

is overheating heat of the upper baking
chamber > 410 °C

35 The temperature sensor for Temperature of bottom By MIWE service

bottom heat of the lower heat of the lower baking
baking chamber is chamber > 420 °C

36 The temperature sensor for Temperature of bottom By MIWE service

bottom heat of the lower heat of the lower baking
baking chamber is chamber < -10 °C

37 The lower baking chamber Temperature of bottom By MIWE service

is overheating heat of the lower baking
chamber > 410 °C

40 The temperature sensor for Temperature of steam By MIWE service

the steam device is device
defective > 420 °C

41 The temperature sensor for Temperature of steam By MIWE service

the steam device is device < -10 °C

42 The steam device is Temperature of steam By MIWE service

overheating device > 410 °C

50 The temperature sensor of The ambient temperature By MIWE service

the controller is defective of the controller is > 90 °C

133 «=jftb 2006/08


Error Fault Possible cause Fault clearance


51 The temperature sensor of The ambient temperature By the owner-user:

the controller is defective of the controller is < 5 °C
Switch on the unit and wait for the
ambient temperature of the controller to
exceed 5 °C.

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


52 Warning about excess The ambient temperature By the owner-user:

ambient temperature of the of the controller is > 65 °C
Make sure that the cooling air openings
are neither soiled nor covered.

 Lower the ambient temperature of the

controller by ventilating the bakehouse.

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


80 Unit communication is Unit communication is By MIWE service

faulty incorrectly set

99 Critical fault message The ambient temperature The unit heaters switch off automatically.
of the controller is > 70 °C
Control overheating By the owner-user:

Make sure that the cooling air openings

are neither soiled nor covered.

 Lower the ambient temperature of the

controller by ventilating the bakehouse.

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


«=jftb 2006/08 134


13.3.3 Fault messages for proofing cupboard

Error Fault Possible cause Fault clearance


07 Level control fault Fault in the level control By MIWE service


19 Power failure Power supply is interrupted By the owner-user:

 Carry out a visual check to make sure that

the unit is properly connected to the
electric circuit.

Switch on the component again.

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


20 The temperature sensor is Temperature >160 °C By MIWE service


21 The temperature sensor is Temperature <-30 °C By MIWE service


22 The component is Temperature >100 °C By MIWE service


30 The humidity sensor is Humidity > 120% rH By MIWE service


31 The humidity sensor is Humidity < 8% rH By MIWE service


32 The proofing cupboard is Temperature of bottom By MIWE service

overheating heat > 410 °C

50 The temperature sensor of The ambient temperature By MIWE service

the controller is defective of the controller is > 90 °C

51 The temperature sensor of The ambient temperature By the owner-user:

the controller is defective of the controller is < 5 °C
 Switch on the component and wait for the
ambient temperature of the controller to
exceed 5 °C.

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


135 «=jftb 2006/08


Error Fault Possible cause Fault clearance


52 Warning about excess The ambient temperature By the owner-user:

ambient temperature of the of the controller is > 65 °C
Make sure that the cooling air openings
are neither soiled nor covered.

 Lower the ambient temperature of the

controller by ventilating the bakehouse.

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


60 Operation of the steam Excess current in the By the owner-user:

cylinder is cylinder steam cylinder
Evacuate the steam cylinder by hand.
Proceed as follows:

 Press the key for Function and the key for

START / STOP simultaneously or the key
for Evacuate for 3 seconds.


The evacuation process

takes approx. 120 seconds.
You can end the process
prematurely by pressing the
key(s) again.

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


61 The inlet valve on the Lack of water By the owner-user:

steam cylinder is defective
Check the site water supply line for leaks

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


62 The steam cylinder is The steam cylinder is By MIWE service

defective defective

99 Critical fault message The ambient temperature The unit heaters switch off automatically.
of the controller is > 70 °C
Control overheating By the owner-user:

Make sure that the cooling air openings

are neither soiled nor covered.

 Lower the ambient temperature of the

controller by ventilating the bakehouse.

If the fault message continues, contact MIWE


«=jftb 2006/08 136


13.4 Replacing the light bulb

Electric current

Danger to life from electric current!

Contact with live parts puts your life in imminent

danger. Damaging other insulation or individual
components could have lethal consequences.


– If the insulation suffers any damage, switch off the

power supply immediately and arrange for repair.

– Have works at electric parts carried out only by

qualified electricians.

– All work on the electrical equipment must not be

carried out until the equipment has been
disconnected from the voltage supply and a test
has been carried out to make sure that the
equipment is dead.

– Before maintenance, cleaning or repair works,

switch off the power supply and secure it against
switching on.

– Never bridge fuses or put them out of operation.

When replacing fuses, observe the correct
amperage and characteristics.

– Keep moisture away from live parts. Moisture can

cause short-circuiting.

Hot surfaces

Danger of burns resulting from hot surfaces!

Contact with hot components can cause burns.


- Wear protective work clothing and protective

gloves during all work near hot components.

- Before carrying out any work, make sure that all

components have cooled down to ambient

137 «=jftb 2006/08


To change the bulb, proceed as follows:


1. Disconnect the unit from the power supply and allow it to cool down
to below 50 °C.

2. On the right-hand side of the oven proceed as follows: Undo and

remove the screw in the lighting shaft cover (1).

3. Remove the lighting shaft cover.

4. Move the catch (2) of the bulb holder first to the left and then up.

5. Pull the bulb holder (3) out of the lighting shaft.

6. Use pliers to grip the locking ring (4) opposite its open side and pull
off the locking ring.

«=jftb 2006/08 138



Danger of burns from hot surfaces!

The bulb may be very hot and can cause severe



– Wear protective gloves.

7. Pull the bulb (5) out of the bulb holder and dispose of it correctly.

8. Insert the new bulb by its contacts (6) into the contact openings (7)
of the bulb holder as far as it will go.

9. Put on the locking ring.

10. Insert the bulb holder into the lighting shaft.

139 «=jftb 2006/08


11. Move the catch of the bulb holder first to the left, then down and
finally to the right.

12. Insert the lighting shaft cover into the lighting shaft, starting first at
the bottom and then pushing fully into place.

13. Screw the lighting shaft cover firmly in place.

«=jftb 2006/08 140


13.5 Actuating the safety temperature limiter

The safety temperature limiter is on the rear side, above the water

To actuate the safety temperature limiter, proceed as follows:

1. Press the safety temperature limiter (1) at the rear side.

13.6 Opening the needle valve

The needle valve is located on the rear side and is pre-adjusted when
delivered. However, sometimes faults concerning the steam input may
require that the needle valve be opened further by some degrees.

To open the needle valve further, proceed as follows:

1. Turn the star knob (1) at the needle valve (2) by 15° to 20°

141 «=jftb 2006/08


«=jftb 2006/08 142

Care and cleaning

14 Care and cleaning

For hygiene and health reasons the unit must be carefully cleaned
every day.

14.1 Safety instructions for cleaning

Electric current

Danger to life from electric current!

Contact with live parts puts your life in imminent

danger. Damaging other insulation or individual
components could have lethal consequences.


– If the insulation suffers any damage, switch off the

power supply immediately and arrange for repair.

– Have works at electric parts carried out only by

qualified electricians.

– All work on the electrical equipment must not be

carried out until the equipment has been
disconnected from the voltage supply and a test
has been carried out to make sure that the
equipment is dead.

– Before maintenance, cleaning or repair works,

switch off the power supply and secure it against
switching on.

– Never bridge fuses or put them out of operation.

When replacing fuses, observe the correct
amperage and characteristics.

– Keep moisture away from live parts. Moisture can

cause short-circuiting.

143 «=jftb 2006/08

Care and cleaning

Hot surfaces

Danger of burns resulting from hot surfaces!

Contact with hot components can cause burns.


- Wear protective work clothing and protective

gloves during all work near hot components.

- Before carrying out any work, make sure that all

components have cooled down to ambient

Incorrect cleaning

Incorrect cleaning can result in damage!

Incorrect cleaning can destroy electronic and electric

components and cause damage to the appearance of
individual components.


- Never clean the unit and the unit's components

with a water jet.

– Do not use any aggressive or scouring cleaning


- Never use steel wool or any other hard-edged aids

for the cleaning. Clean the unit only with a soft

– If you use any cleaning agents or equipment, be

sure to follow the special instructions issued by
their manufacturers.

14.2 Cleaning the external casing


1. Switch off the unit and allow it to cool down completely to below
50 °C.

2. Depending on the degree of soiling, clean the exterior paneling with

a soft, slightly damp cloth. In case of severe soiling, use a non-
aggressive cleaning agent in addition.

«=jftb 2006/08 144

Care and cleaning

14.3 Cleaning the baking chamber


1. Switch off the unit and allow the baking chamber to cool down
completely to below 50 °C.

2. Depending on the degree of soiling, clean the baking chamber with

a soft, slightly damp cloth. In case of severe soiling, use a grill
cleaning agent in addition.

14.4 Cleaning the glass window

The glass window of the baking chamber door can be cleaned in the
mounted or dismantled state.

To clean the glass window in the mounted state, proceed as follows:

1. Switch off the unit and allow it to cool down completely to ambient

2. Depending on the degree of soiling, clean the glass window with a

soft, slightly damp cloth. In case of severe soiling, use a non-
aggressive, grit-free cleaning agent.

145 «=jftb 2006/08

Care and cleaning

To dismantle the glass window for cleaning, proceed as follows:

1. Switch off the unit and allow it to cool down completely to ambient

2. Put on protective gloves.

3. Actuate the door lever until the baking chamber door is swung up


Insufficient securing of the glass window can result in


If the glass window is not secured sufficiently while it

is being mounted and dismantled, it may slip and be


- Hold the glass window securely while it is being

mounted and dismantled.

- If in doubt, arrange for a second person to secure

the glass window.

4. With one hand hold the glass window of the baking chamber door
and with the other hand undo and remove the metal buttons (1).

5. Lift the glass window diagonally out of the baking chamber and
clean as described above.


Incorrect handling of the glass window can result in


If you handle the glass window incorrectly, it may be



- Never place the glass window on pointed or hard


- Make sure that the corners of the glass window do

not knock against hard objects.

«=jftb 2006/08 146

Care and cleaning

14.5 Cleaning the proofing cupboard

Harmful microorganisms
 Health risk from harmful microorganisms!

The hot-humid climate in the proofing cupboard

presents favorable conditions for harmful
microorganisms to develop and grow. Inhaling and
digesting these organisms can be injurious to health.


- Clean and disinfect the proofing cupboard daily

with suitable cleaning agent in accordance with the
hygiene regulations.


1. Switch off the unit and allow the proofing cupboard to cool down
completely to ambient temperature.

2. Clean the proofing cupboard thoroughly with a slightly damp cloth

and suitable cleaning agent.

14.6 Cleaning the drying cabinet

Harmful microorganisms
 Health risk from harmful microorganisms!

The hot-humid climate in the proofing cupboard

presents favorable conditions for harmful
microorganisms to develop and grow. Inhaling and
digesting these organisms can be injurious to health.


- Clean and disinfect the proofing cupboard daily

with suitable cleaning agent in accordance with the
hygiene regulations.


1. Switch off the unit and allow the drying cabinet to cool down
completely to ambient temperature.

2. Clean the drying cabinet thoroughly with a slightly damp cloth and
suitable cleaning agent.

147 «=jftb 2006/08

Care and cleaning

14.7 Cleaning the siphon


Soiling can result in damage!

A dirty siphon can result in malfunctions of the unit or

in poor product results.


- Clean the siphon every 4 weeks.

1. Switch off the unit and allow it to cool down completely to

below 50 °C.

2. In case water escapes, place a collection vessel under the siphon

at the rear of the unit.

3. Pull the hoses at the top out of the siphon.

4. Undo and remove the screws on the left and right of the siphon.

5. Take off the siphon and rinse out with clear hot water and a
non-aggressive cleaning agent.

6. Refit the siphon to the unit. To do this, apply the siphon, insert the
screws in the holes on the left and right and screw tight.

7. Fill siphon / container at the oven up to two thirds with water.

8. Insert the hoses into the siphon with the same position as before.

«=jftb 2006/08 148

Inspection and maintenance

15 Inspection and maintenance

The unit has no elements which are allowed to be serviced by the

owner-user. All maintenance work must be left strictly to MIWE service
or an authorized partner of MIWE service.

Nevertheless, the owner-user can help to prevent damage to the unit by

carrying out regular visual checks of the water system for timely
detection of possible leaks.

15.1 Safety information for maintenance

 Risk of injury from incorrect maintenance work which
is carried out incorrectly!

Incorrect maintenance can result in serious injury to

persons or damage to property.


- Before beginning with the work, switch off the unit

and allow it to cool down completely to ambient

– Before beginning with the work, make sure there is

sufficient space for dismantling and assembling

– Make sure there is sufficient lighting where you are


– Make sure that the workplace is clean and tidy!

Untidy arrangements of loose components and
tools are potential sources of accident.

– If components are dismantled, make sure that they

are assembled again correctly, refit all fastening
elements and observe screw torques.

149 «=jftb 2006/08

Inspection and maintenance

15.2 Maintenance schedule

The following sections describe the maintenance work which must be

carried out in the interest of optimum and smooth operation.

If regular checks reveal an increased level of wear, then the

maintenance intervals must be shortened to match the actual conditions
of wear.

Interval Maintenance work

Every 4 months Visual check of the water system

by the owner-user

Every 6-12 months Inspection by MIWE service

«=jftb 2006/08 150


16 Index

A Energy saving function .............................................88

After-baking time...................................................... 73 Equipotential bonding ...............................................21

Analog controller .............................................. 91, 117 Error code............................................................... 129

Atmospheric low pressure........................................ 15 Essential preparations

B Electrical connection .............................................26

Baking chamber Steam output ........................................................27

Cleaning ............................................................. 145 Water connection ..................................................26

Lighting................................................................. 63 Evaporator pan....................................................... 118

Baking out ................................................................ 46 External casing....................................................... 144

AS control............................................................. 52 Extractor fan .............................................................72

FP8 control ........................................................... 46 F

Baking programs...................................................... 87 Fault messages ...................................................... 129

Creating................................................................ 76 Acknowledged .................................................... 129

Use....................................................................... 80 Critical................................................................. 129

Baking time ........................................................ 64, 95 Double baking chambers ....................................132

C Proofing cupboard ..............................................135

Commissioning ........................................................ 39 Single baking oven.............................................. 129

Component .............................................................. 33 Faults...................................................................... 125

Connecting up.......................................................... 44 Mechanical.......................................................... 128

Contact person......................................................... 12 Fixed program controller...........................................99

Copyright ................................................................. 11 Function....................................................................33


Dangers ................................................................... 13 Genuine parts...........................................................11

Double baking chamber ........................................... 34 Glass window ......................................................... 145

Drying cabinet Gong to announce that the unit is ready........... 86, 114

Cleaning ............................................................. 147 H

Operating............................................................ 121 Handling of packaging materials ..............................31

Duration of the signal ....................................... 84, 112 Harmful microorganisms.........................................147

E Heating level............................................... 64, 96, 119

Electric current ......................................... 14, 137, 143 Heating level rating...................................................65

Electric voltage......................................................... 20 Heating time ........................................................... 123

151 «=jftb 2006/08


Humidity control ..................................................... 105 P

I Packaging........................................................... 29, 31

Installation................................................................ 39 Posture ............................................................... 61, 93

Intended use ............................................................ 18 Program lock .................................................... 86, 115

L Individual...............................................................87

Liability ..................................................................... 10 Proofing cupboard

Light bulb ............................................................... 137 Cleaning.............................................................. 147

M Operating ...................................................... 99, 117

MIWE service........................................................... 12 Proofing cupboard controller

N AS ....................................................................... 117

Night start-up ......................69, 75, 103, 108, 120, 124 FP8 .......................................................................99

O Proofing program.................................................... 106

Operating ................................................................. 59 Proofing time .................................................. 101, 118

Operating manual ...................................................... 7 Protective equipment................................................19

Operating personnel ................................................ 17 Protective gloves ......................................................19

Authorized person ................................................ 18 Protective work clothing...................................... 19, 39

Electrician............................................................. 17 R

Instructed person.................................................. 17 Rating plate ..............................................................23

Specialist personnel ............................................. 17 Real-time clock.........................................................68

Trained person ..................................................... 17 Respiratory equipment, light-weigth .........................19

Oven deck controller S

AS ........................................................................ 91 Safety .......................................................................13

FP8....................................................................... 59 Safety goggles..........................................................20

Overview .................................................................. 33 Safety shoes.............................................................39

Owner-user .............................................................. 16 Safety temperature limiter ...................................... 141

Owner-user code Setpoint humidity.................................................... 102

0001 ............................................................. 82, 110 Setpoint temperature

0004 ............................................................. 83, 111 Baking chamber .............................................. 67, 96

0120 ............................................................. 84, 112 Drying cabinet ..................................................... 123

0121 ............................................................. 86, 114 Proofing cupboard ...................................... 102, 119

0815 ............................................................. 86, 115 Setting the date ................................................ 82, 110

0816 ..................................................................... 87 Sign ..........................................................................20

0820 ..................................................................... 88 Single baking chamber .............................................33

Siphon .................................................................... 148

«=jftb 2006/08 152


Steam ................................................................ 74, 97 T

Steam device ........................................................... 73 Technical data ..........................................................23

Steam quantity ......................................................... 67 Test sticker ...............................................................21

Steam, hot.......................................... 9, 15, 20, 60, 92 Transport

Sticker ...................................................................... 20 Fork lift truck .........................................................30

Storage .............................................................. 29, 32 Improper ...............................................................29

Structure .................................................................. 33 Pallets ...................................................................29

Summer time/ winter time ................................ 83, 111 Transportation ..........................................................29

Surfaces, hot....9, 14, 20, 60, 61, 62, 92, 93, 127, 137, Transportation inspection .........................................30
139, 144
Switching the heating on and off ............................ 105
Vapor hood...............................................................41
Volume of the signal ......................................... 84, 112
in the danger zone................................................ 20
in the manual.......................................................... 8
Water hardness ........................................................27
on the packaging .................................................. 31
Water pressure.........................................................26

Water quality ............................................................27

153 «=jftb 2006/08

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