Lesson Plan - How To Write A Speech

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Name: Teacher Lauren

Subject: Topic Grade: 7

English Grade 7 How to write a speech

• Speech Assignment Guidelines • Materials Needed: Materials to send before the lesson:
Speech Checklist • Finding a Good
Topic / Brainstorming • Five Steps to
Module : Speech writing 1. Welcoming and Classroom Rules
Super Speeches • Guidelines for Visual
Aids • Steps to Creating an Informative
Rubrics 2. Request more information about the
Speech • Steps to Creating a Persuas-
ive Speech • Modelling Delivery Tech- speech assignment, topic, time etc.
niques • Tips for Successful Speaking •
Speech Anxiety

Introduction/Warm-Up: (5 minutes)

Self-Introductions (New students only)

Teacher introduction

Student introduction (basic conversation starters for adults) -

Baseline Assessment (5 minutes)

Topic of Speech

Time Limit

Type of speech

Target Audience

Instruction: (10 minutes)

Module : Writing a speech



Supported Practice: (5 minutes)

Differentiation / Extension / Homework:

Complete the speech and submit for marking

Areas for improvement:

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