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Let’ s talk about your best friend

Student A Student B
Good evening, Mai Hi, Thư. Long time no see
How are you doing ? I’m OK. What about you ?
Still good as usual. I’m tired of my So bad to hear. Where are you living by
overloaded working the way?
I’m living in Binh Dinh Province now. I’m from Thanh Hoa but at the moment I
And you, in Thanh Hoa, right?? am living in Khanh Hoa Province. Quite
interesting to live
That sounds great. Do you live with your I used to share my room with my friend
roommate or anyone else ? but now she is married.
Oh. What is her name ? She is Minh and 28 years old. She works
as an office staff.
How long have you known each other ? We have known each other for 23 years.
We studied at the same primary school
Such a long period of time for both of We usually have a chit-chat on mobile
you. phone whenever we have free time or
How would you like to spend time with go shopping together
That’s what girls love to do already. Really ? What is her name, Thư?
I also have a close friend who lives in
Thanh Hoa
She is Trang but I always call her Bông What a funny nick name !
What does she do ?
She is a lawyer at AN PHAT law firm. Wow. How long have you known each
other ?
Honestly, We have become friends since If she lives far from you, How will you
I went to the second year of university. meet each other?
She is such a talented and gorgeous
Her family is in Binh Dinh. So she often That’s wonderful. Maybe please call her
flies here once a month . And we can for joining with our next holiday if
have a chance to hang out and enjoy possible
delicious food.
Deal! I will tell her later. It’s my pleasure.
She must be excited to meet you. Opps. That’s past my bedtime
See you soon !
Have a nice dream! Good night !

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