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1. What does democracy mean to you in your everyday life?

I don’t know, for me, whenever I hear the word “democracy” I
see trouble, problems, complications and basically chaos… as
much as it looks like the best solution, for me it just looks more
negative than positive.
2. “Quote yourself”. Find the best three examples from your
log (from chapter 1-10) where you write about democracy
(or lack of!) in some form and present them. You may polish
the language if need be (one paragraph each). Make short
comments on why each example is about democracy.
1- When they were supposed to vote for or against the windmill,
between Napoleon and Snowball. Which ended with Snowball
being chased out of the Animal farm by Napoleon’s dogs.
It's a lack of democracy, because he “cheated” by chasing the
other “candidate” away, which led to his choice being chosen
2- “Milk, apples and the pigs”. The pigs ended up getting all the
windfalls, alongside the milk that was getting mixed into their
mash everyday. Which again, shows the lack of democracy,
because they are all animals, and they were all meant to follow
the 7 commandments. With one of them being “all animals are
3- “The single commandment”. From having 7 “Rules” to just
one. And that One being fully in favor of the pigs. It again shows
the lack of democracy, and how having the power and the mind
can put you in control and on top of everyone.

3. What are your final thoughts on the novel? Positives and

It was an interesting novel to read, with a lot of stuff to learn. And
it might have even made me look at the world a bit differently. It
had many valuable lessons in it. There really were any negatives
apart from Boxer dying.. Other than that the book was fun to

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