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ANRV375-PP60-08 ARI 25 March 2009 13:17

REVIEWS Further Cellulosic Biofuels
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Andrew Carroll1 and Chris Somerville2
• Other articles in this volume 1
Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305;
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• Top downloaded articles 2

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• Our comprehensive search Energy Biosciences Institute and Department of Plant and Microbial Biology,
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Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2009. 60:165–82 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on cellulose, lignocellulose, biomass, bioenergy, fuels
November 17, 2008

The Annual Review of Plant Biology is online at Abstract
The development of sustainable, low-carbon, liquid fuels from cellulosic
This article’s doi: biomass will require advances in many areas of science and engineering.
This review describes the major topics of enquiry concerning cellulosic
Copyright  c 2009 by Annual Reviews. biofuels with an emphasis on those areas of research and development
All rights reserved
that include research problems of interest to plant biologists.

ANRV375-PP60-08 ARI 25 March 2009 13:17

toelectrochemical production of hydrogen, is

Contents promising but needs substantial further devel-
opment. At present, none of these approaches
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
represent a clear solution to our energy needs.
Thus, it is essential to approach energy produc-
TECHNOLOGIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
tion through a basket of complementary tech-
nologies rather than to rely on a single tech-
nology. Because biomass is currently the most
AND HYDROLYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
cost-effective route from photons to fuels (as
opposed to power), much of the emphasis in
OF SUGARS TO FUELS . . . . . . . . . 169
the biofuels area has been focused on the uses of
biomass for that purpose. Additionally, biomass
OF SUGARS TO FUELS . . . . . . . . . 169
replacing fossil fuel for transportation uses is
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attractive in that it is more difficult to capture

CO2 emissions from transportation uses than
other types of energy use because of the highly
CHOICE OF SPECIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
distributed use.
WOODY SPECIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Although liquid biofuels are currently made
AGRONOMIC ASPECTS . . . . . . . . . . . 175
almost entirely from sugar, starch, or fats and
oils, we believe that the use of food for fuel is
MARGINAL LANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
not sustainable in the face of expanding de-
mand for food, feed, and fiber and that the
BE PRODUCED? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
long-term opportunity to produce fuels from
CONCLUDING REMARKS . . . . . . . . . 177
biomass will be largely restricted to using lig-
nocellulose and possibly algal lipids or ter-
penes. In this review we summarize some of the
issues associated with the development of cel-
INTRODUCTION lulosic transportation fuels and outline some of
Many scientists are convinced that the most the scientific questions in plant biology that are
pressing single problem facing humanity is cli- related specifically to this topic. Many other re-
mate change resulting from the anthropogenic views of this subject and related matters have
loading of greenhouse gasses such as CO2 , appeared recently (40, 53, 60, 77, 86, 88).
N2 O, and methane into the atmosphere (51).
A major fraction of CO2 emissions arise from
burning fossil fuels, which supply approxi- THERMAL CONVERSION
mately 85% of energy consumption. In con- TECHNOLOGIES
sidering the ways in which energy production Several different technologies exist for conver-
can be decarbonized, one is inexorably drawn sion of lignocellulose to fuels and the choice
to the fact that the surface of the earth receives of technology can have substantial implications
approximately 9000 times as much energy from for environmental and agronomic aspects of
the sun as all human energy uses (59). Energy biofuels production. Perhaps the simplest tech-
from the sun is being used to produce power nology is to burn biomass to produce steam
or fuels in four ways: via wind turbines to gen- that can be used to drive electricity genera-
erate electricity, by photovoltaic conversion to tion. In principle, this technology can produce
electricity, by using mirrors to heat sterling en- greenhouse gas benefits by displacing coal, the
gines that ultimately produce electricity, and by main source of fuel for electricity generation.
harvesting plant biomass that can be burned as Biomass is used for electricity generation in in-
solid or liquid fuels. A fifth possibility, the pho- dustries such as the pulp and paper industry

166 Carroll · Somerville

ANRV375-PP60-08 ARI 25 March 2009 13:17

or the sugarcane processing industry where bioconversion technologies. Thus, in principle,

biomass is readily available and specialized fur- processing facilities could use different materi-
naces are used (68). The main limitation to the als throughout the year depending on availabil-
widespread use of biomass for this purpose at ity. Additionally, syngas can be produced from
present is that coal-fired plants are generally nonbiomass materials such as plastics. In this re-
very large to take advantage of economies of spect, this method is well suited for conversion
scale, so it is not feasible to accumulate enough of urban waste to fuels. Furthermore, because
biomass to supply many existing plants at prices the methods were developed to utilize coal, it is
comparable to coal because of transportation possible to envision facilities that use both coal
costs of low energy density biomass. Addition- and biomass (or urban waste) to obtain econ-
ally, coal-fired plants use finely pulverized coal omy of scale or to modify the composition of
dust (∼100 um particles) that burns with very the syngas. The constituents of biomass also
high efficiency. Because of the fibrous nature of undergo chemical transformations to bio-oils
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biomass, it is relatively expensive to grind it to or gases (e.g., methane) in supercritical water

very small particles, so inclusion of biomass at at high temperature and pressure (74). This ap-
more than approximately 10% of total mass de- proach has been suggested to be more energy
creases the efficiency of coal combustion. Some efficient because it operates at lower tempera-
types of biomass are also high in minerals such tures and avoids a water-to-steam phase transi-
as potassium and silica that create ash or foul tion. However, the product mix is complex and
the furnaces. It would be interesting, in this re- additional work is needed to assess the overall
spect, to develop varieties of high-silica species, efficiency compared with syngas.
such as rice (95), that have reduced levels of sil- The challenges associated with the syngas
ica. If reduction of silica does not have adverse route include that the fuel synthesis reactions
effects on yield, the development of silica-free take place at high temperature and pressure us-
varieties could facilitate the use of agricultural ing catalysts that may be poisoned or fouled
residues from such varieties. by components of biomass. The costs of build-
A related technology is thermal conversion ing reactors generally decrease as a function
of biomass to syngas, a mixture of CO2 , CO, of size, thereby favoring construction of large
CH4 , N2 , and H2 . When biomass (or fossil facilities. Large size is not necessarily a prob-
fuel) is heated to approximately 800–900◦ C, lem for coal-based facilities because coal can be
the organic molecules that comprise biomass transported at low cost from a mine to a facil-
rapidly decompose to syngas plus some resid- ity. By contrast, biomass is distributed and less
ual char and tar. The syngas can be con- dense than coal so the cost of collection and
verted by specialized catalysts to a wide vari- transport to a central facility is higher. Thus,
ety of other molecules that include methanol, to minimize transport costs, biomass conver-
ethanol, and dimethyl ether (DME), as well sion facilities are expected to be relatively small
as a variety of hydrocarbons and waxes that (50–150 Mgal/year) compared with coal gasi-
can be reformed to fuels that resemble gaso- fication plants or coal-fired power generat-
line and diesel (47). Methanol can be converted ing plants. The process results in a substantial
efficiently to gasoline by a catalyst that has change in entropy so that approximately half
been used industrially to make gasoline from of the energy present in biomass is dissipated
methane via methanol (the Mobile process). during the process.
Unlike methanol or ethanol, DME is compati- An important variant of syngas technology
ble with blending in diesel fuel and is considered involves a reaction called the gas water shift in
an attractive fuel. which oxygen from water combines with CO to
The attractive aspect of the syngas route to produce CO2 and H2 . The highly condensed
fuels is that the method is relatively insensitive streams of CO2 and H2 can be separated and
to the composition of biomass compared with the highly enriched CO2 can be compressed • Cellulosic Biofuels 167

ANRV375-PP60-08 ARI 25 March 2009 13:17

for geological sequestration (57). The H2 can be the financial resources to participate in owner-
burned directly in a gas turbine to produce elec- ship of the facilities, as is currently the case for
tricity, compressed for use in fuel cells, or used many of the grain ethanol production facilities
to upgrade biomass (or fossil fuels) to higher in the United States.
quality liquid fuels (12, 46). Another variant is The key steps in bioconversion of lignocel-
fast pyrolysis, a method in which biomass is lulose to fuels are size reduction, pretreatment,
heated at a rate of approximately 500◦ C/s to hydrolysis, and fuel production (44). Size reduc-
temperatures of 400–600◦ C, which causes de- tion is accomplished by mechanically cutting
composition of biomass to a mixture of approx- biomass to facilitate access of reagents to the
imately 300 compounds, then rapidly cooled to lignocellulose. For woody species, it has been
quench the reactivity of the mixture. Passing estimated that size reduction to submillimeter
the pyrolysis products through certain catalysts scale could consume a few percent of the en-
results in production of a high proportion of ergy in the cellulosic ethanol produced using
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aromatic compounds that can be blended di- current technology. In one study, size reduc-
rectly with gasoline (7). Because the engineer- tion of hardwood to 1.6 mm particles required
ing costs associated with pyrolysis are expected 130 kwh/metric ton (t) versus 7.5 kwh/t for
to be much less than with production of fu- straw (6). In addition to optimization of me-
els from syngas, further improvements in this chanical processing to reduce energy, the only
area may allow the development of small-scale other way of reducing this input cost seems to
biomass-to-fuel conversion facilities. be in developing reagents for hydrolysis that ei-
In addition to chemical conversion of syn- ther penetrate biomass and can decompose the
gas to fuels, it is possible to produce ethanol, material from within or are highly active on the
butanol, and other fuels by bioconversion of surface of biomass particles. Measurements of
syngas using a number of bacterial species (42). wheat internode cell wall porosity suggest that
Bioconversion may have some advantages such most spaces within the walls are less than 3 nm
as lower sensitivity to catalyst poisoning and in diameter (11). Because the stokes radius of a
flexibility in regard to the composition of the 20-kD protein is approximately 2.5 nm, the im-
syngas. However, the low aqueous solubility of plication is that to penetrate biomass, enzymes
syngas creates challenges associated with ob- or other catalysts must be less than approxi-
taining adequate mass transfer of syngas to the mately 20 kD in size, which would be on the
cells. low side for most hydrolytic enzymes.
The role of pretreatment methods is to in-
crease the porosity of biomass particles and
BIOCONVERSION to increase the accessibility of cellulose and
PRETREATMENT other polysaccharides to enzymes (94). How-
AND HYDROLYSIS ever, most pretreatment methods also result in
The potential attractiveness of bioconversion some hydrolysis. The most widely used method
technologies for liquid fuel production is re- involves heating in dilute acid such as 0.9%
lated to the idea that bioconversion technolo- H2 SO4 . Treatment for a little as one minute at
gies are relatively scale-neutral and may have 180◦ C in 0.9% H2 SO4 can result in solubliza-
lower capital costs than thermal conversion tion of as much as 90% of the xylan (25). The
methods. Thus, bioprocessing facilities are gen- solublization is presumably associated with two
erally envisioned to be scaled so that biomass types of chemical reactions: (a) the hydrolysis of
transportation costs are a small fraction of total xylans to sugars and oligosaccharides with much
fuel production costs. Additionally, it is gener- higher solubility than intact xylans and (b) the
ally believed that technical innovations may re- hydrolysis of lignin-xylan or xylan-xylan esters
duce the capital costs of producing cellulosic fu- and of acetyl groups on polysaccharides (32).
els to the point that farmers’ cooperatives have Because a substantial amount of xylan is thought

168 Carroll · Somerville

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to be hydrogen bonded to the surface of cellu- (44, 75). Because it is desirable to have concen-
lose microfibrils, the acid pretreatment presum- trated sugar solutions to minimize volume and
ably exposes the cellulose microfibrils to some minimize dilution of product, the biomass hy-
extent, both by hydrolysis of xylan and also by drolyzate usually has high solids loading (e.g.,
releasing lignin from indirect association with >20% solids is desirable) and therefore may
cellulose via linkage to xylan. Other methods, contain relatively high concentrations of toxic
such as ammonia fiber expansion, cause similar compounds. Thus, for instance, acid pretreat-
effects (94). ment of biomass produces dehydrated sugars
Following pretreatment, solubilized sugars such as furfural and hydroxymethyl-furfural
are separated from solids and the solids are sub- that are toxic to yeast (75, 76), and some poten-
jected to further hydrolysis (43). At present, the tial biomass crops contain secondary metabo-
second round of hydrolysis is catalyzed by en- lites that are toxic to microorganisms. Identifi-
zymes that can collectively hydrolyze cellulose cation and elimination of such compounds by
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and hemicellulose to free sugars, although there genetic methods is a priority for research on
is interest in the possibility of using synthetic plant feedstocks if it can be done without cre-
catalysts instead of enzymes. Relatively large ating pest and pathogen problems.
amounts of enzyme (e.g., ∼25 kg/ton of cel-
lulose) are reportedly required to release most
of the sugars from biomass at rates compatible CHEMICAL CONVERSION
with high-throughput processes (44). The re- OF SUGARS TO FUELS
quirement for unusually large amounts of en- A new thrust in research on biomass conversion
zymes appears to be the single largest cost in is the use of synthetic catalysts to convert sugars
the production of cellulosic fuels from nonther- to fuels such as alkanes by what is called solution
mal routes. This cost has led to the search for phase reforming (46, 47). As with bioconver-
more active glycosyl hydrolases from incom- sion, reforming starts with sugars, which are de-
pletely explored sources such as termites (93). hydrated, condensed, and reduced to produce
alkanes or other hydrophobic compounds. The
formation of alkanes requires hydrogen, which
MICROBIAL CONVERSION may be obtained from the sugars or from an
OF SUGARS TO FUELS external source. If externally provided hydro-
The principal components of plant cell wall gen is used, no carbon is lost from the biomass
polysaccharides from most C4 grasses and trees during the conversion and, in effect, biomass-
are glucose and xylose. Thus, a minimum ca- derived carbon would become a carrier for hy-
pability of an industrial biofuel-producing mi- drogen. Thus, if hydrogen becomes available
croorganism is the ability to convert both of in large amounts from some low-carbon source
these sugars to liquid fuel components such as such as electrolysis, direct photoelectrolysis, or
ethanol or other alcohols, alkanes, or terpenes. fossil fuel reforming accompanied by geologi-
Ultimately, the ability to use all sugars will be a cal sequestration (57), this type of conversion
goal of industrial strain development. Although might be an attractive way to introduce hy-
the industrially adapted stains of yeast that are drogen into the existing fuel economy. Biofuels
used in the brewing industry cannot use xy- made this way would require several-fold less
lose, strains of yeast with this capability have land than cellulosic ethanol per unit of fuel and
been developed through genetic engineering would not have the infrastructure issues asso-
(37), and many naturally occurring yeast and ciated with ethanol. In particular, most of the
bacteria have this capability. several hundred million vehicles in the United
In addition to using all sugars, microbial States are not designed to use fuels contain-
strains must be resistant to the compounds pro- ing more than 10% ethanol (E10). This fact is
duced or released during biomass degradation expected to limit use of ethanol in the United • Cellulosic Biofuels 169

ANRV375-PP60-08 ARI 25 March 2009 13:17

States to approximately 15 billion gallons per


In addition to the challenge of develop-


ing inexpensive and effective methods of hy-
drolyzing biomass to sugars, implementation of
synthetic catalysts will require substantial re-
search into the effects of biomass composition


on the reforming process and the catalysts. Be-

cause many catalysts are inactivated by com-
pounds that are abundant in biomass, it may
be necessary to develop methods for refining


biomass-derived sugar streams to remove cat-


alyst poisons. Alternatively, Mascal & Nikitin
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(62) recently reported the direct acid-catalyzed

conversion of cellulose to diesel-compatible fu-


els by a method that seems likely to be insensi-
tive to inhibitors.





The major components of plant secondary cell

No data
walls are cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin


(38). The amount of lignin is not of concern
if biomass is to be converted to fuels through
a thermal process. By contrast, the rate of en-
zymatic hydrolysis of cellulose to sugars is in-

versely proportional to the amount of lignin
present in biomass, and a difference of a few
Table 1 Composition of some prospective energy crops1

percentage points in lignin content has a large

effect on the efficiency of cellulose digestion



(9). A feedstock with a lignin content of 22%

was predicted to yield only half the sugar of a
feedstock with 17% content, and a feedstock

with 26% lignin content would yield almost no





sugar. Thus, by this criterion, herbaceous crops

are better suited for bioconversion than woody
crops (Table 1). The percentage lignin content
of bamboo (25%), poplar (22%), and sugarcane
bagasse (26%) are substantially higher than
Switchgrass (cave-in-rock)

that of switchgrass (17%), Miscanthus (17%),

Switchgrass (alamo)

and alfalfa (17%) (24, 62). However, modest

Sugarcane bagasse

changes in lignin composition may be engi-

Sweet sorghum
Monterey pine
Hybrid poplar
Wheat straw

neered (92). For instance, transgenic poplar

Corn stover


(45) and alfalfa (10) have been produced with


reduced lignin accumulation. These plants have

reduced lignin content: from 17.6% to ∼14%
in alfalfa and from 20.6% to 12.8% in poplar.

170 Carroll · Somerville

ANRV375-PP60-08 ARI 25 March 2009 13:17

Progress in breeding for useful variation in cell One of the most challenging aspects of
wall composition is also possible (79). making cellulosic fuels is hydrolysis of cellu-
Modification of lignin composition rather lose. Even after the lignin and hemicellulose
than amount is also useful. Transgenic poplar that are thought to coat cellulose microfibrils
trees in which ferulate 5-hydroxylase expres- are dislodged or degraded, the cellulose mi-
sion was increased had increased ratios of sy- crofibrils remain recalcitrant to hydrolysis by
ringyl to guaiacyl moieties (49). Wood from the cellulases (43). The mechanistic basis of this
modified trees required 60% less Kraft pulping phenomenon may be related to the fact that
time than controls, a very significant improve- the cellulose microfibrils are rigid and large so
ment in energy and process residence time. cellulases are sterically hindered from access-
This effect may be due to a reduced degree of ing the glycosidic linkages (69). Additionally,
branching of syringyl lignin (35). In principle, endolytic cleavage does not necessarily lead to
it may also be possible to reduce the degree of dissociation of oligosaccharides from the mi-
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ferulate-mediated cross-linking of arabinoxy- crofibril because short glucans are insoluble and
lans to themselves and to lignin. However, are also hydrogen bonded to the microfibril.
at present the enzymes that catalyze forma- Dissociation would be expected to decrease the
tion of ferulate esters to hemicellulose are not entropy of water that hydrates the glucans and is
known (4, 35), and the functional importance therefore thermodynamically unfavorable (54).
of cross-linking has not been studied in intact Because of lack of knowledge about exactly how
plants. microfibrils are made (87), it is not possible to
A conceptually important idea about lignin speculate about whether the structure of cellu-
modification is to engineer plants to secrete lose can be altered in a useful way.
compounds that could become incorporated One approach to the apparent requirement
into lignin but could be more readily cleaved for large amounts of cellulase is to have the
than lignin because of the presence of an appro- plant make the cellulases. Experiments in which
priately placed linkage such as an ester or amide cellulases and other hydrolytic enzymes were
(78). This idea builds on the fact that lignin is expressed in transgenic plants have indicated
formed through a free radical process that can that it is possible to express hydrolytic enzymes
accommodate substantial structural diversity in without causing damage to the plants under at
the precursors. The key factor is probably the least some conditions (88). This is an interest-
substrate specificity of the peroxidases that are ing approach that merits further investigation.
thought to catalyze oxidation of lignin precur- One of the possible problems is that the time
sors. The challenge in creating a readily cleaved between biomass harvest and delivery to a pro-
lignin would be to identify a pathway for the cessing plant is expected to be up to a year or
synthesis of a suitable precursor. more and the biomass is likely to be stored un-
Cell wall polysaccharides are acetylated to der conditions of temperature extremes (i.e.,
varying degrees (70, 73). Pretreatments hy- bales under a tarp). Thus, the enzymes would
drolyze these esters, releasing acetate, which have to be quite robust.
is inhibitory to microorganisms. The role of Relatively little breeding has been done to
polysaccharide acetylation is not understood. improve cell wall digestibility of any of the plant
Presumably the addition of acetyl groups re- species that are likely to be used for biofuels.
duces the solubility of polysaccharides and However, the available evidence indicates that
thereby favors the deposition of a highly insolu- useful variation can be identified in genetically
ble cell wall. However, it would be interesting to divergent lines (82). Because it can be very ex-
explore the degree to which acetylation could pensive to carry out direct tests of digestibility,
be genetically reduced in plant tissues to de- there is a pressing need to identify the structural
crease the production of inhibitory compounds features of cell walls and the morphological fea-
during cell wall decomposition. tures of plants that affect digestibility (83) and • Cellulosic Biofuels 171

ANRV375-PP60-08 ARI 25 March 2009 13:17

to develop high-throughput assays for those fuel crops will prove to be more significant, C3
features (63, 83). biofuel plants will need to be developed to re-
alize the full potential of biofuels. Russia, for
example, has 20 Mha of abandoned land (50)
ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS and 248 Mha of Siberian land that can be ex-
A major driver of the development of cellulosic ploited without ecological damage (85). This
biofuels is to produce low net carbon fuels in land would be more efficiently exploited by C3
a sustainable and environmentally benign man- plants adapted to the climate.
ner. To meet this general goal it will be neces- The requirement that biofuel crops not lead
sary to use crops and practices that minimize to soil carbon depletion implies that biofuel
emissions of nitrous oxide and fertilizer runoff crops should be perennials or woody species. A
(22), do not deplete groundwater through irri- meta-analysis of the effect of crop cover on soil
gation (71), do not deplete soil carbon, and do carbon dynamics can be summarized as showing
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not stimulate biodiversity depletion or stimu- that annual plowing causes release of soil carbon
late other problems such as proliferation of in- relative to land planted with forest or pasture
vasive species or amplification of promiscuous (i.e., perennial grasses) (36). Perennial grasses
pests or pathogens. develop extensive root systems that in effect
One implication of these guidelines for en- transfer atmospheric carbon into soil biomass.
vironmental stewardship is that biofuel crops If the soil is not tilled and is protected from
should have high water use efficiency. Addi- erosion, the amount of biomass accumulating
tionally, to utilize marginal lands, a high degree in the soil can sequester a substantial amount
of drought and salt tolerance may be advanta- of carbon. A number of studies performed on
geous. In general terms, the demand for high switchgrass have shown carbon sequestered in
water use efficiency implies the use of C4 crops. the soil at annual rates of 1–10 t/ha (31, 65).
C4 plants concentrate CO2 in their leaves to Significant variation in the values may reflect
overcome the fact that oxygen competes with that some studies have investigated the carbon
CO2 as a substrate for Rubisco. The C4 process sequestration only at relatively shallow depths
is more efficient than C3 when carbon diox- (above 60–90 cm), whereas other studies that
ide concentrations are low, temperatures are probe deeper soil levels (up to 2 m) find that
high, or water is scarce (limiting gas exchange the majority of carbon enrichment occurs at
through stomata) (1). The maximum theoreti- lower depths. Perennials also control soil ero-
cal efficiency for C4 plants (the percentage of sion compared with annual crops (65). This fea-
incident light converted into biomass) is 6% at ture of perennials may allow the use of sloping
30◦ C with a CO2 concentration of 380 ppm; land that is not suitable for annual crops. Simi-
this value is 4.6% for C3 plants. As the CO2 larly, low land that remains too wet to till until
concentration increases over the next century, after the planting season may be suitable for
C3 plants will gain parity at a CO2 concen- perennial energy crops.
tration of 700 ppm (96). However, in regions The requirement for low nitrogen losses
where water is limiting, C4 plants are superior also implies the use of perennial crops and
because of high water use efficiency. As a result, forest species and may favor certain nitrogen-
C4 plants are significantly more efficient in the fixing species. The extensive root systems
tropics and in temperate regions where water is associated with perennials are thought to min-
scarce. In cold and wet regions, C3 plants are imize N losses to runoff (65). Also, because
preferable. The majority of abandoned and de- much of the nitrous oxide emissions from field
graded land is in tropical and/or dry locations crops take place before the crop has become es-
more favorable to C4 plants. However, a sub- tablished and can take up fertilizer, the peren-
stantial amount of land will be more favorable nials may have lower N2 O emissions because
to C3 plants. Although development of C4 bio- they may take up applied nitrogen more rapidly

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than annuals. The ability of some rhizomatous large established stands and consolidated own-
species to mobilize mineral nutrients from the ership that facilitates the practical aspects of ob-
aerial organs into the roots at the end of the taining enough biomass to support a processing
growing season may also reduce nitrogen emis- facility.
sions. A species such as Miscanthus has a car- Although many species are promising candi-
bon to nitrogen ratio of about 700:1 at that dates as energy crops (24), several species have
time (about 20 times lower than corn stover). received the most attention in Europe and the
Depending on how the biomass is processed to Americas. Sugarcane is likely to be the most im-
fuels, mineral nutrients may be recovered from portant energy crop for the foreseeable future
the residue for recycling to the land used to pro- because it is well known, highly productive, and
duce the biomass. This approach is used in sug- can be used for both sugar and lignocellulose.
arcane production where the stillage remaining Although sugar comprises only approximately
after fermentation and ethanol separation is dis- 14% of the cane dry weight, the high produc-
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tributed onto sugarcane production land. tivity of sugarcane (up to 100 t/ha) under low
Industrial production of fixed nitrogen is a input agriculture results in a high net energy
major use of energy, accounting for almost 2% efficiency when sugarcane is used to produce
of all human energy uses. Therefore, there is ethanol (34). More than a billion tons of sugar-
interest in the idea that certain nitrogen-fixing cane is produced worldwide and approximately
species may be useful. 40% of transportation fuel in Brazil is produced
from approximately 3.5 Mha of sugarcane (33).
At present, the bagasse that remains after the
CHOICE OF SPECIES sugar is recovered is used to produce heat and
An important contribution that plant biologists power for the processing of sugar to ethanol
can make at present to the development of and in efficient mills in Brazil; the bagasse is
cellulosic biofuels is to identify and charac- also used to produce electricity that is sold into
terize plant species that may be useful bioen- the grid (68). When technology for conversion
ergy crops. There are a large number of po- of lignocellulose to fuels is mature, sugars will
tential candidates about which relatively little likely be produced from the bagasse to further
is known (24). We need to understand where increase the yield of fuel (19). This production
these species can be grown, their environmen- would necessarily be accompanied by improve-
tal and ecological effects, their response to envi- ments in energy efficiency of the sugar process-
ronmental conditions, biotic and abiotic sensi- ing so that not all the mass of the bagasse is
tivities, genetic diversity, breeding systems, and required for process heat and power and the
agronomic characteristics. export of electricity to the grid, as is currently
In light of environmental factors, and be- the case (68).
cause water is limiting in most regions where One of the most intensively investigated po-
land may be available for production of cellu- tential new bioenergy crops is Miscanthus, a C4
losic crops (28), perennial C4 grasses and sug- perennial grass native to Southeast Asia (52).
arcane are likely to contribute a majority of Most research and commercial production has
production. The diversity of C4 species may fa- used a single sterile hybrid, Miscanthus × gi-
cilitate the selection of plants from nature to ganteus, that is thought to be a spontaneous hy-
meet particular environmental conditions, such brid between M. sinensis and M. sacchariflorus.
as salt tolerance, without the need for genetic M. gigantaeus grows to a height of approxi-
engineering. Woody species may be preferable mately 3.5 m and generates a deep root struc-
on certain soil types or on terrains that are too ture stretching down approximately 1.8 m.
irregular to allow machine harvesting of grasses. M. gigantaeus stores nutrients in rhizomes,
In the near term, woody species may have ad- into which it withdraws its aboveground nu-
vantages over grasses because of the existence of trients prior to winter. Miscanthus has been • Cellulosic Biofuels 173

ANRV375-PP60-08 ARI 25 March 2009 13:17

successfully grown from the Mediterranean cli- to variations in the association with nitrogen-
mate of Spain as far north as Scandanavia. A fixing bacteria in the test fields. Further re-
meta-analysis of Miscanthus studies found an search into the extent of nitrogen fixation of
average yield of 24.9 t/ha for a two- to three- field populations of Miscanthus is essential. If
year-old field harvested before September (66). the extent of nitrogen fixation is low, it may be
A study in Illinois reported a three-year av- possible to improve Miscanthus yields on low
erage of 30 t/ha (39). In side-by-side trials in inputs through selective breeding or through
Illinois, switchgrass yielded only 10 t/ha. Typi- inoculating with organisms. If the extent of ni-
cal harvesting practice is to wait until the crop trogen fixation is as high as some studies indi-
dries in the field over winter before harvest- cate, it should stimulate additional investigation
ing. This causes the loss of between 30% and to understand the mechanisms involved. Per-
50% of harvestable biomass as the plant loses haps an opportunity exists to engineer nitrogen
leaves (58) and may not be the optimal prac- fixation into grasses such as wheat, maize, and
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tice for biofuels. Further research is required rice.

to determine the best practices for harvesting Among fertile varieties of Miscanthus, most
and storage. It may also be possible to iden- species are self-incompatible, which has ren-
tify useful genetic variation for improved stand dered genetic studies challenging. However,
stability. Chiang and coworkers (13) showed that an ac-
M. gigantaeus is propagated by planting cession of M. sinensis var. Condensatus in Tai-
fragments of rhizomes, a relatively expen- wan was self-compatible, possibly because of
sive method (17). However, the seeded variety strong selection from a high-salinity habitat
M. sinensis is more productive than M. gigan- that limits diversity. A low-density marker map
taeus in some regions of Europe where side-by- for the Miscanthus genome has been gener-
side trials have been performed (16). There is ated from M. sinensis (2) and some quantitative
still a great deal of uncertainty about the pro- trait loci (QTL) analysis for selected agronomic
ductive life of a Miscanthus field under varying traits has been performed using this map (3).
conditions. A definitive answer to the question Some lines of Miscanthus are allelopathic via
is important, because the cost of establishment the production of phytotoxins (14). The extent
is one of the largest costs associated with Mis- of allelopathy through the Miscanthus genus
canthus cultivation. In colder climates there is not well known, nor is it known how long
can be substantial loss of M. giganteus plants the phytotoxins would last or what species are
over the first winter. A frost-resistant strain of affected. Allelopathy could be considered de-
M. sinensis was bred specifically for this problem sirable in that it may reduce the need for
(27). herbicides. Conversely, allelopathy might also
As in the case of sugarcane (5, 21), Miscant- prevent mixed cropping, damage yields of
hus does not have substantial requirements for subsequently grown food crops, and inhibit
N fertilizer under some conditions. A meta- the growth of Miscanthus itself. Additional
analysis of Miscanthus studies found only a research on the extent of allelopathy in Mis-
weak correlation between N fertilizer and yield. canthus and other energy crops may be useful.
A recent 14-year trial at varying levels of ap- Similar issues were associated with the devel-
plied N found no effect of nitrogen fertilizer on opment of crops such as canola.
yield (15). Another model indicated that Mis- Switchgrass is a C4 perennial grass native
canthus could be grown with yields as high as 50 to the North American great plains that has
t/ha with sufficient irrigation, and water was the been the focus of most U.S. attention on bio-
main limiting factor on growth (17). Nitrogen- fuel crops. Many different strains of switch-
fixing bacteria have been isolated from the roots grass are presently being grown in the United
of M. gigantaeus (23). The variance in reported States for forage, biomass, and to restore land
responses to nitrogen fertilizer is possibly due retired from agriculture. A meta-analysis of

174 Carroll · Somerville

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switchgrass studies found an average yield of nial fixes nitrogen and has been previously stud-
12.1 t/ha (25). Switchgrass loses very little ied as a forage crop (81).
biomass when harvested late in the fall, though
the nitrogen removed from switchgrass is sub-
stantially lower when harvest is delayed until WOODY SPECIES
December. The U.S. Department of Energy Hybrid poplar is considered a promising candi-
has supported efforts to develop switchgrass as date for a woody energy crop. The availability
a biofuel crop, which has contributed greatly to of a genome sequence and an existing research
knowledge about switchgrass and to the devel- community should facilitate development of
opment of improved cultivars and agronomic improved varieties. A forestry model for poplar
practices (80). Switchgrass yields increased by predicts yields of 12.4 t/ha on nonirrigated, un-
∼50% from 1993 to 2003 (64). fertilized land and 22.5 t/ha on irrigated, fertil-
Switchgrass has been suggested to be able to ized land (20). A study in Quebec found yields
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support a nitrogen-fixing association, although of 17.3 t/ha for poplar and 16.9 t/ha for wil-
the amount of nitrogen fixed is very low (3.9 kg low, another promising candidate, without fer-
N/ha/y fixed as compared with 13 kg N/ha/y tilizer or irrigation (56). A study that compared
provided by rainfall) (91). In a meta-analysis, Miscanthus against poplar and willow across
switchgrass had a much stronger response to N Eastern Europe and Central Asia found yields
fertilization than Miscanthus (41). on land very suitable for poplar and willow av-
Switchgrass is variably polyploid. The two eraged between 14 and 18 t/ha. Though this
dominant ecotypes differ in morphology, native yield was less than Miscanthus yields (between
geography, and chromosome number. These 17 and 26 t/ha), certain regions were preferable
ecotypes have been designated lowland (L), for poplar and willow. These regions also pro-
which is tetraploid, and upland (U), which is duced a higher maximum yield (38.1 t/ha) than
either tetraploid or octaploid (48). Switchgrass Miscanthus (28.1 t/ha) (29). Selective breeding
is self-incompatible, as are many other grasses to improve the yield and decrease the nitrogen
in the Poaceae family. Similar to many other requirements of these species may benefit tim-
members of the family, the mechanism of in- ber and paper production as well. One open
compatibility is the S-Z system, which involves question is how long such yields are sustainable
a pair of polyallelic genes that block pollen tube without substantial nitrogen inputs.
germination if there is a compatible reaction. The nitrogen-fixing tropical tree Leucaena
A postfertilization system also prevents inter- leucocephala will produce approximately 35 t/ha
breeding between tetraploid and octaploid pop- and responds well to coppice harvesting (24).
ulations (61). No allelopathy has been reported Woody species will likely have a niche either in
in switchgrass. degraded soils in the tropics that would benefit
Missaoui and colleagues (67) have produced from Leucaena or in colder climates that are not
a low-density linkage map for switchgrass. This productive enough to support annual harvests.
first map should be a starting point for a more
comprehensive map and for the development of
QTL mapping for desirable traits. Casler and AGRONOMIC ASPECTS
coworkers (8) have reported substantial differ- As noted above, perennial energy crops hold
ences between the suitability of switchgrass eco- a number of advantages over annuals for cellu-
types at different latitudes. A thorough analysis losic biofuel production. Annuals require plant-
of ecotype performance in different conditions ing each year, which requires fuel and labor and
is required to take full advantage of the diversity results in the loss of soil carbon, whereas peren-
in switchgrass. nial crops require planting every 7 to 25 years
In cold, wet climates, the falctata subspecies (55). Perennials accumulate reserves in their
of alfalfa is a promising candidate. This peren- rhizomes or stolons, which once established • Cellulosic Biofuels 175

ANRV375-PP60-08 ARI 25 March 2009 13:17

allows them to compete with weeds and quickly evaluation. Ideal mixes would depend on en-
make a canopy, thereby extending their grow- vironmental conditions. The use of a portfo-
ing season relative to annuals. Perennials also lio of crops will improve yields, lower inputs,
invest in an extensive root structure, which al- and hedge against dead ends in crop develop-
lows them to tap into deep sources of water and ment, but it will also require plant breeders,
nutrients, and transfers carbon from the atmo- molecular biologists, and ecologists to work
sphere into the soil. closely together. A framework is needed for
In contrast to traditional crop production, evaluating and selecting grass communities for
which largely involves monocultures, bioen- maximizing yield as an extension to the se-
ergy crops may likely be grown as mixed stands lected ecosystems shown in Reference 89. Addi-
of many genotypes of one species or many tional mixed-stand experiments need to be per-
species. Tilman and colleagues (90) found that formed to supplement the sparse knowledge in
highly degraded marginal land planted with 16 the area, and a model of grassland productivity
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Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2009.60:165-182. Downloaded from

different species of perennial grasses was ap- based on environmental and species character-
proximately 3.4 times as productive as a peren- istics should be developed and then refined as
nial grass monoculture. Some of the effect is mixed stands and monocultures are commer-
thought to be due to the presence of nitrogen- cially grown.
fixing species. However, a large-scale field trial
of switchgrass on apparently similar acres but
with applied nitrogen reported much higher THE CHALLENGE OF
levels of production from a switchgrass mono- MARGINAL LANDS
culture (84), so additional research is neces- As world population and affluence continue to
sary to evaluate the circumstances under which increase, agriculture will have to produce an in-
species diversity stimulates biomass accumula- creasing amount of food per unit of land. The
tion. Positive effects of species diversity have displacement of food crops by biofuel crops
also been seen in forestry. For example, planting would place upward pressure on food prices.
eucalyptus with certain nitrogen-fixing trees in- The world has a great deal of marginal land
creases overall yield (30). It seems likely that that is unfavorable for food cultivation and
diverse stands could be useful in suppressing is presently unused. In addition, poor agri-
effects of pests and pathogens. The compo- cultural management has severely degraded a
sition of hemicellulose and cellulose is suf- large amount of land, much of it to the point
ficiently similar among species with similar that it is abandoned by agriculture. Field and
growth habits that bioconversion processes can colleagues (28) estimated abandoned lands at
likely be made robust to substantial chemical approximately 450 Mha worldwide, with the
composition diversity (Table 1). Because all the highest concentration of abandoned land in the
aboveground biomass is harvested, and because Eastern and Midwestern United States. Addi-
the harvest date need not coincide with matu- tionally, a great deal of degraded land remains
ration of grain or other concerns of food crop under cultivation. These lands face additional
agronomy, the presence of mixed stands should degradation to the point of abandonment as a
not pose a harvesting problem. result of their continued use in intense agricul-
Though mixed stands are promising, a num- ture. Estimates of moderately degraded lands
ber of challenges exist. The research required (those lands with significant decreases in pro-
to improve numerous crops in parallel is sub- ductivity) are up to 910 Mha worldwide (18).
stantial and methods of seed production are not The combined abandoned and degraded land
well developed for most candidate species. Im- area of 1460 Mha is substantial when com-
proved crops would be evaluated in relation to pared with the 5700 Mha used for agriculture
an ecosystem instead of individual productivity. and animal production worldwide (26). Ideally,
Allelopathy between species would also need biofuel crops would combat desertification on

176 Carroll · Somerville

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these lands, and rehabilitate degraded lands for The large variation in estimates reflects the
a return to intensive food crop agriculture. many different assumptions about land use that
A grand challenge for plant biologists is enter into such calculations. Unfortunately,
to identify the most highly productive plant the large variation in estimates provides rela-
species that can be grown on the various types tively poor support for rational energy policy
of marginal or abandoned land, optimize the formulation.
genetics and production practices, and evaluate The theoretical maximum photosynthetic
any environmental risks or benefits that may efficiency for C4 plants is approximately 6%
accrue from encouraging the widespread use of (96), but the amount of energy actually accumu-
such species for energy production. Success in lated in plant biomass is much less. Heaton and
meeting this challenge will require an interdis- coworkers (40) report that the highest recorded
ciplinary approach that incorporates knowledge productions on an annualized basis were 3.8%
from many other disciplines. for the tropical C4 cereal Pennisetum typhoides
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(80 t/ha) and 3.7% for the C4 grass Echinochloa

polystachya (99 t/ha). Many factors affect overall
HOW MUCH FUEL COULD efficiency (96). Altering the angle of leaves so
BE PRODUCED? that sunlight penetrates the canopy has a sub-
An influential analysis by a group of U.S. stantial effect.
government scientists of how much biomass Heaton and colleagues (39) recently re-
could be available for bioenergy production in ported three-year average annualized photo-
the United States estimated that as much as synthetic efficiency of approximately 1.4% for a
1.3 billion dry tons could be available annu- Miscanthus plot at the University of Illinois. In
ally by approximately 2030 (72). If 90% of the view of the fact that the canopy was photosyn-
sugars derived from the biomass were utilized thetically active for only approximately 45% of
by a biological process for ethanol production the year, the actual efficiency was substantially
(i.e., 90% conversion efficiency), that amount higher than 1.4% but below the efficiencies cal-
of biomass would produce approximately 130 culated for the tropical species noted above.
billion gallons of cellulosic ethanol, equivalent Thus, to get a rough sense of what might be
on an energy basis to approximately 87 billion possible we note that 1% photosynthetic effi-
gallons of gasoline. To put that in perspective, ciency on 1% of the land (149 Mha) would be
in 2006 the United States used 138 billion gal- approximately 3.7 TW, or approximately 27%
lons of gasoline, 44% of world consumption. of all human energy use in 2001 of approxi-
Estimates of how much energy could be mately 13.5 TW (425 Ej) (59).
produced from biomass worldwide are quite
variable (86). Approximately 13.4% of global
energy consumption is currently obtained from CONCLUDING REMARKS
biomass, mostly in the developing world. How- Sustainable large-scale production of cellulosic
ever, essentially none of this derives from ded- biofuels will require integration of knowledge
icated energy crops. Sims and colleagues (86) across many disciplines. In the short term, the
estimate that by 2025, up to 22 Ej/y (1.3 billion major research opportunities for plant biolo-
t of biomass, assuming ∼17 Mj/kg of biomass) gists seem to be in identifying promising species
of energy crops may be produced. That esti- and understanding how to produce them, in
mate seems quite conservative by comparison evaluating environmental and ecological as-
with the analysis indicating that that much may pects of lignocellulose production, and in in-
be available in the United States alone (72). An- forming the design of better catalysts for hy-
other analysis concluded that world biofuel pro- drolysis of biomass. A fascinating opportunity
duction could reach 164 Ej, or approximately also exists to understand the details of how
35% of world primary energy use, in 2005 (68). sugarcane and Miscanthus apparently obtain • Cellulosic Biofuels 177

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nitrogen from symbionts. Improved under- sition of biomass. Many aspects of agronomic
standing should facilitate management of the trait improvement will benefit from advanced
capability in energy grasses as well as open- knowledge of food crops. By contrast, because
ing up the possibility of transferring the trait biomass composition has not been a signifi-
to other grasses such as wheat. In the longer cant priority in the development of most food
term, many opportunities will exist to mod- crops, a great deal of basic information is lack-
ify bioenergy crops with regard to agronomic ing in that area and should be a fertile topic for
traits and quality traits related to the compo- research.

Chris Somerville is a significant shareholder in Mendel Biotechnology, Inc. and LS9 Inc., two
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companies with R and D activities that include biofuels. Additionally, he receives research funding
Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2009.60:165-182. Downloaded from

from BP PLC, a company with business interests in a wide range of products, including biofuels.

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Annual Review of
Plant Biology

Contents Volume 60, 2009

My Journey From Horticulture to Plant Biology

Jan A.D. Zeevaart p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
by Stanford University - Main Campus - Green Library on 05/28/12. For personal use only.

Roles of Proteolysis in Plant Self-Incompatibility

Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2009.60:165-182. Downloaded from

Yijing Zhang, Zhonghua Zhao, and Yongbiao Xue p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p21

Epigenetic Regulation of Transposable Elements in Plants
Damon Lisch p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p43
14-3-3 and FHA Domains Mediate Phosphoprotein Interactions
David Chevalier, Erin R. Morris, and John C. Walker p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p67
Quantitative Genomics: Analyzing Intraspecific Variation Using
Global Gene Expression Polymorphisms or eQTLs
Dan Kliebenstein p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p93
DNA Transfer from Organelles to the Nucleus: The Idiosyncratic
Genetics of Endosymbiosis
Tatjana Kleine, Uwe G. Maier, and Dario Leister p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 115
The HSP90-SGT1 Chaperone Complex for NLR Immune Sensors
Ken Shirasu p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 139
Cellulosic Biofuels
Andrew Carroll and Chris Somerville p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 165
Jasmonate Passes Muster: A Receptor and Targets
for the Defense Hormone
John Browse p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 183
Phloem Transport: Cellular Pathways and Molecular Trafficking
Robert Turgeon and Shmuel Wolf p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 207
Selaginella and 400 Million Years of Separation
Jo Ann Banks p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 223
Sensing and Responding to Excess Light
Zhirong Li, Setsuko Wakao, Beat B. Fischer, and Krishna K. Niyogi p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 239
Aquilegia: A New Model for Plant Development, Ecology, and
Elena M. Kramer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 261

AR375-FM ARI 25 March 2009 16:41

Environmental Effects on Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Leaf

and Root Growth
Achim Walter, Wendy K. Silk, and Ulrich Schurr p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 279
Short-Read Sequencing Technologies for Transcriptional Analyses
Stacey A. Simon, Jixian Zhai, Raja Sekhar Nandety, Kevin P. McCormick,
Jia Zeng, Diego Mejia, and Blake C. Meyers p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 305
Biosynthesis of Plant Isoprenoids: Perspectives for Microbial
James Kirby and Jay D. Keasling p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 335
The Circadian System in Higher Plants
by Stanford University - Main Campus - Green Library on 05/28/12. For personal use only.

Stacey L. Harmer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 357

Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 2009.60:165-182. Downloaded from

A Renaissance of Elicitors: Perception of Microbe-Associated

Molecular Patterns and Danger Signals by Pattern-Recognition
Thomas Boller and Georg Felix p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 379
Signal Transduction in Responses to UV-B Radiation
Gareth I. Jenkins p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 407
Bias in Plant Gene Content Following Different Sorts of Duplication:
Tandem, Whole-Genome, Segmental, or by Transposition
Michael Freeling p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 433
Photorespiratory Metabolism: Genes, Mutants, Energetics,
and Redox Signaling
Christine H. Foyer, Arnold Bloom, Guillaume Queval, and Graham Noctor p p p p p p p p p p p 455
Roles of Plant Small RNAs in Biotic Stress Responses
Virginia Ruiz-Ferrer and Olivier Voinnet p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 485
Genetically Engineered Plants and Foods: A Scientist’s Analysis
of the Issues (Part II)
Peggy G. Lemaux p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 511
The Role of Hybridization in Plant Speciation
Pamela S. Soltis and Douglas E. Soltis p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 561
Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 50–60 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 589
Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 50–60 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 594
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