Animal Rights

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Animal rights

“Animal rights are moral principles grounded in the belief that non-
human animals deserve the ability to live as they wish, without being
subjected to the desires of human beings. At the core of animal rights
is autonomy, which is another way of saying choice. In many
countries, human rights are enshrined to protect certain freedoms,
such as the right to expression, freedom from torture, and access to
democracy. Of course, these choices are constrained depending on
social locations like race, class, and gender, but generally speaking,
human rights safeguard the basic tenets of what makes human lives
worth living. Animal rights aim to do something similar, only for non-
human animals.”
- The human league
How can we help this?:
We can help by treating good every animal and respecting them. We
can also be concient about the products that we use, see it they were
animal tested or not or see if animals were harmed while getting that
product made and buy in local markets.

Why is this issue important to you ?:

It´s important for me because we have to take care of the planets and
the animals are a very important part of the Earth and a lot of things
would be worst without animals. There are a lot of animals that can be
extint in a few years, and it probably is our fault, so we have to fix it
and be concienced.
How is this a problem in our society?:
Because animals are a very important part of our society, the are
company for a lot of people and the are a big part of the economy, the
livestock farming is a very important part of the economy specially in
the more rural areas.

How has this changed with time?:

With time even more animals have gone extint and have been trated
worstly, so our relationship with animals has been worst until some
years ago, when people seemed to start beeing more concient about
this topic and started changing and making better desictions.
Organization against this:
“PETA works through public education, investigative newsgathering
and reporting, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events,
celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns.”

Here´s a link to their web:


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