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Таблиця частот передачи станцій морської рухомої служби

в смузі (156 – 174) МГц
Частоти передачи, МГц Призначення каналів
Номер Загальна
Суднові Берегові Зв'язок між Портові
канала Рух суден кореспон-
станції станції суднами операції
60 156,025 160,625 a a a
01 156,050 160,650 a a a
61 156,075 160,675 a a a
02 156,100 160,700 a a a
62 156,125 160,725 a a a
03 156,150 160,750 a a a
63 156,175 160,775 a a a
04 156,200 160,800 a a a
64 156,225 160,825 a a a
05 156,250 160,850 a a a
65 156,275 160,875 a a a
06 156,300 a
66 156,325 160,925 a a a
07 156,350 160,950 a a a
67 156,375 156,375 a a a
08 156,400 a
68 156,425 156,425 a a
09 156,450 156,450 a a a
69 156,475 156,475 a a a
10 156,500 156,500 a a a
70 156,525 156,525 Цифровий вибірковий виклик
11 156,550 156,550 a a
71 156,575 156,575 a a
12 156,600 156,600 a a
72 156,625 a
13 156,650 156,650 a a a
73 156,675 156,675 a a a
14 156,700 156,700 a a
74 156,725 156,725 a a
15 156,750 156,750 a a a
75 Захисна смуга (156,7625 – 156,7875) МГц
16 156,800 156,800 КАНАЛ ЛИХА ТА БЕЗПЕКИ
76 Захисна смуга (156,8125 – 156,8375) МГц
17 156,850 156,850 a a a
77 156,875 a
18 156,900 161,500 a a
78 156,925 161,525 a a a
19 156,950 161,550 a a
79 156,975 161,575 a a
20 157,000 161,600 a a
80 157,025 161,625 a a
Частоти передачи, МГц Призначення каналів
Номер Загальна
Суднові Берегові Зв'язок між Портові
канала Рух суден кореспон-
станції станції суднами операції
21 157,050 161,650 a a
81 157,075 161,675 a a a
22 157,100 161,700 a a
82 157,125 161,725 a a a
23 157,150 161,750 a
83 157,175 161,775 a
24 157,200 161,800 a
84 157,225 161,825 a a a
25 157,250 161,850 a
85 157,275 161,875 a
26 157,300 161,900 a
86 157,325 161,925 a
27 157,350 161,950 a
87 157,375 161,975 a
28 157,400 162,000 a
88 157,425 162,025 a
AIS1 161,975 161,975
AIS2 162,025 162,025

Симплексні рабочі радіотелефонні частоти для зв'язку

у напрямку судно-судно в КХ діапазоні
Смуга частот
4 МГц 6 МГц 8 МГц 12 МГц 16 МГц 18/19 МГц 22 МГц 25/26 МГц
носійна носійна носійна носійна носійна носійна носійна носійна
4146 6224 8294 12353 16528 18825 22159 25100
4149 6227 8297 12356 16531 18828 22162 25103
6230 12359 16534 18831 22165 25106
12362 16537 18834 22168 23109
12365 16540 18837 22171 25112
16543 18840 22174 25115
16546 18843 22177 25118

Симплексні рабочі радіотелексні частоти для зв'язку

у напрямку судно-судно в КХ діапазоні
4 МГц 6 МГц 8 МГц 12 МГц 16 МГц 18/19 МГц 22 МГц 25/26 МГц
4202,5 6300,5 8396,5 12560 16785 18893 22352 25193
4203 6301 8397 12560,5 16785,5 18893,5 22352,5 25193,5
4203,5 6301,5 8397,5 12561 16786 18894 22353 25194
4204 6302 8398 12561,5 16786,5 18894,5 22353,5 25194,5
4204,5 6302,5 8398,5 12562 16787 18895 22354 25195
4205 6303 8399 12562,5 16787,5 18895,5 22354,5 25195,5
4205,5 6303,5 8399,5 12563 16788 18896 22355 25196
4206 6304 8400 12563,5 16788,5 18896,5 22355,5 25196,5
4206,5 6304,5 8400,5 12564 16789 18897 22356 25197
4207 6305 8401 12564,5 16789,5 18897,5 22356,5 25197,5

Приклади Планів зв'язку судна для переходів Las Palmas - Reykjavik и Durban
(RSA) - Fremantle (Australia)(Ian Waugh. The Mariner's Guide to Marine
Communications. - London:The Nautical Institute, 2001)
Voyage Communication Plan (Las Palmas to Reykjavik)
Departure Port: Las Palmas (Gran Canaria). Calling/working channel(s) – 16,12,14.
Procedure: Call “Practicos Las Palmas” 1 hour before sailing (to confirm ETD/Pilot)
GMDSS Sea Area on Departure A1 .. A2 .. A3 .. A4 (circle/delete as appropriate)
Distress Watch Required on Departure: VHF DSC Ch70, VHF Voice Ch 16/13.

Waypoint Sea Area Distress Watch*

290 N A2 VHF Ch70/16/13 and DSC 2187.5 kHz
310 N A3 As A2, plus SafetyNET/HF DSC 8/12 MHz
600 N A2 Revert to VHF and MF watch
For A3/A4 area HF DSC watch, your “one additional HF DSC frequency ” will change, at least
twice daily, to allow for day/night propagation condition. These changes need not be recorded here,
in advance, but should be entered in the GMDSS radio log as they occur.
Location or MSI SAR Radio/Satcom Facilities/Alternatives
Waypoint available Responsiblity (Ship-Shore Distress Alerts/Relays)

On departure NAVTEX Spain VHF/MF DSC stations at

Las Palmas (I) Las Palmas (002240995)
SafetyNET Tenerife (002241007)
via AOR-East

310 N xx 0 W SafetyNET AOR-E Portugal Inmarsat-C – Sintra, AOR-E

450 N xx 0 W SafetyNET AOR-E UK Inmarsat-C and –B – Goonhilly,


480 27’N Enter NAVAREA I

xx 0 W (SafetyNET via AOR-E)

610 N xx 0 W NAVTEX – Iceland MF DSC Station at Reykjavik

Reykjavik (R) (002510100)
Reporting System(s) jn Departure: Sailing report to AMVER

Reporting Systems en-route/Destination: AMVER Position/Deviation/Arrival Reports

Destination Port: Reykjavik Calling/working channel(s) – 12, 16; 12, 17.

Procedure: Send ETA 24 hours in advance.

Call direct on Ch12/Ch17 – 3 hours ahead of arrival.

Voyage Communication Plan (Durban (RSA) to Fremantle (Australia))
Departure Port: Durban. Calling/working channel(s) – 16,12 (Port), 09, 11, 13, 14 (Pilots).
Procedure: (Depature procedure not in ALRS Vol.6 – check with Durban Port Control on arrival)
GMDSS Sea Area on Departure A1 .. A2 .. A3 .. A4 (circle/delete as appropriate)
Distress Watch Required on Departure: VHF DSC Ch70, VHF Voice Ch 16/13; MF DSC 2187.5
kHz; HF DSC 8/12 MHz (A3 area throughout voyage).

Waypoint Sea Area Distress Watch*

- - -
For A3/A4 area HF DSC watch, your “one additional HF DSC frequency ” will change, at least
twice daily, to allow for day/night propagation condition. These changes need not be recorded here,
in advance, but should be entered in the GMDSS radio log as they occur.
Location or MSI SAR Radio/Satcom Facilities/Alternatives
Waypoint available Responsiblity (Ship-Shore Distress Alerts/Relays)

On departure NAVTEX South Africa HF DSC station Cape Town Radio

Durban (O) MMSI 006010001
via AOR-East

xx0 S 045 0 E Switch to IOR Satellite Reunion Inmarsat-C (Aussaguel/France)

for Navarea VII (Wx only) (France) Inmarsat-B (Aussaguel/France)
additional Navarea - X

xx0 S 060 0 E SafetyNET AOR-E Mauritius (No long-range GMDSS facilities -

use Inmarsat-C/B through France
or Australia (Perth) stations; or HF
DSC through Perth/Cape Town

xx0 S 075 0 E Programme SafetyNET Australia Inmarsat-C/B throught Perth; or

for Coastal Navigation HF DSC throught Perth
Warning Area F
Reporting System(s) jn Departure: Sailing report to AMVER

Reporting Systems en-route/Destination: AMVER Position/Deviation/Arrival Reports;

AMVER to copy to AUSREP (Australia) when in Australia SRR
Destination Port: Fremantle Calling/working channel(s) – 12,16;08, 10,11,
14,67,68 (Port); Ch12,16 (PV); Ch06,13 (Tugs)

Procedure: Send ETA 48, 24 and 2 hours in advance (via Perth Radio)

Міжнародний фонетичний алфавит (IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases,
Resolution A.918(22))
Літера Кодове слово Літера Кодове слово
A Alfa N November
B Bravo O Oskar
C Charlie P Papa
D Delta Q Quebec
E Echo R Romeo
F Foxtrot S Sierra
G Golf T Tango
H Hotel U Uniform
I India V Victor
J Juliet W Whiskey
K Kilo X X-ray
L Lima Y Yankee
M Mike Z Zulu
Примітка: Наголошений склад вделений

Цифра або
Написання Вимова
0 Zero ZEERO
1 One WUN
2 Two TOO
3 Three TREE
4 Four FOWER
5 Five FIFE
6 Six SIX
7 Seven SEVEN
8 Eight AIT
9 Nine NINER
1000 Thousand TOUSAND

Берегові станції ІНМАРСАТ

Оператори берегових станцій ІНМАРСАТ-А і коди доступа (вісімкові)
Страна, оператор AOR-E AOR-W IOR POR
China, Beijing Marine 13-7 13-7 11 11
Hong Kong (China), Cable & Wireless 13-6 13-6 13-6 13-6
USA, Comsat Communications 01 01 01 01
Germany, Deutsche Telekom 17 17 17 17
Norway, Eik Global Communications 04 04 04
Brazil, Embratel 14
Russia, Far East Shipping Company 15
France, France Telecom 17 17 17 17
Japan, KDD 03 03 03 03
Korea, Korea Telecom 06 13-5 13-2 04
Malaysia, Malaysia Telecom 13-2 13-2 13-3 13-3
Greece, OTE 15 07 05 07
Poland, Polish Telecom 16 16
Singapore, Singapore Telecom 13-5 10 13-5 10
Canada, Stratos Mobile Networks 13-1 13-1 13-1 13-1

Canada, Stratos (BT) 02 02 05
Iran, Telecom Company of Iran 14
Italy, Telecom Italia 05 05 13-4 13-4
Turkey, Turk Telecom 10 10
India, VSNL 13-4 06 06 06
Netherlands, Xantic (Station 12) 12 12 12 12
Australia, Xantic (Telstra) 13-3 13-3 02 02
Оператори берегових станцій ІНМАРСАТ-В і коди доступа
Страна, опе ратор AOR-E AOR-W IOR POR
China, Beijing Marine 868 868 868 868
Israel, Beseq (Emeq-Haela) 711 711
Hong Kong (China), Cable & Wireless 118 118 118 118
Thailand, CAT 333
USA, Comsat Communications 001 001 001 001
Germany, Deutsche Telekom 111 111 111 111
Norway, Eik Global Communications 004 004 004 004
UAE, Etisalat 123
France, France Telecom 011 011 011 011
Indonesia, Indosat 007 007 007 007
Japan, KDD 003 003 003 003
Korea, Korea Telecom 006 006 006 006
Malaysia, Malaysia Telecom 060 060 060 060
Algeria, Ministry of Post & 777
Russia, Morsviassputnik 015 015 015 015
Greece, OTE 005 005 005 005
Poland, Polish Telecom 016 016
Saudi Arabia, Saudi Telecom Co 025 025
Singapore, Singapore Telecom 210 210 210 210
Canada, Stratos Mobile Networks 013 013 013 013
Canada, Stratos (BT) 002 002 002 002
Italy, Telecom Italia 555 555 555 555
Vietnam, Vishipel (Hai Phong) 009
Iran, Telecom Company of Iran 14
India, VSNL 306 306 306 306
Netherlands, Xantic (Station 12) 12 12 12 12
Australia, Xantic (Telstra) 13-3 13-3 02 02

Оператори берегових станцій ІНМАРСАТ-С і коди доступа

Страна, опе ратор AOR-E AOR-W IOR POR
China, Beijing Marine 311 211
Thailand, CAT 319
USA, Comsat Communications 101 001 201
Portugal, CP Radio Marconi 118
Germany, Deutsche Telekom 121 021 321 221
Norway, Eik Global Communications 104 004 304 204
Brazil, Embratel 114
France, France Telecom 121 321
Japan, KDD 103 003 303 203
Korea, Korea Telecom 308 208
Greece, OTE 120 305
Poland, Polish Telecom 116 316
Saudi Arabia, Saudi Telecom Co 125 325
Singapore, Singapore Telecom 328 210
Canada, Stratos Mobile Networks 102 002 302 202
Iran, Telecom Company of Iran 314
Italy, Telecom Italia 105 335
Turkey, Turk Telecom 110 310
Vietnam, Vishipel (Hai Phong)
India, VSNL 306

Netherlands, Xantic (Station 12) 112 012 312 212
Australia, Xantic (Telstra) 122 022 322 222

Телексні и телефонні коди стран

Area and Country Phone Telex Area and Country Phone Telex Area and Country Phone Telex
Afghanistan 93 79 Costa Rica 506 376 Israel 972 606
Alaska 1 200 Cote d'Ivoire 225 983 Italy 39 43
Albania 355 604 Croatia 385 599 Ivory Coast 225 983
Algeria 21 408 Cuba 53 28 Jamaica 1 291
American Samoa 684 770 Cyprus 357 605 Japan 81 72
Andorra 376 590 Czech Republic 420 663 Jordan 962 493
Angola 244 991 Denmark 45 55 Kazkhstan 7 785
Anguilla 1 391 Diego Garcia 246 938 Kenia 254 987
Argentina 54 33 Djibouti 253 979 Kiribati 686 *
Armenia 374 684 Dominica 1 394 Korea, Rep. of 82 801
Aruba 297 303 Dominican Rep. 1 201 Korea, Dem. Rep. 850 899
Ascension 247 * Ecuador 593 308 Kuwait 965 496
Australia 61 71 Egypt 20 91 Kyrgyzstan 996 788
Australian Antarctic 672 * El Salvador 503 373 Laos 856 *
Austria 43 47 Equatorial Guinea 240 999 Latvia 371 538
Azerbaijani 994 784 Eritrea 291 * Lebanon 961 494
Azores Is. 351 404 Estonia 372 537 Lesotho 266 963
Bahamas 1 297 Ethiopia 251 980 Liberia 231 997
Bahrain 973 490 Falkland Is. 500 306 Libya 218 901
Bangladesh 880 780 Faroe Is. 298 502 Liechtenstein 41 45
Barbados 1 392 Fiji 679 701 Lithuania 370 539
Belarus 375 681 Finland 358 57 Luxembourg 352 402
Belgium 32 46 France 33 42 Macau 853 808
Belize 501 371 French Guyana 594 300 Macedonia 389 597
Benin 229 972 French Polinesia 689 702 Madagascar 261 986
Bermuda 1 290 Gabon 241 973 Malawi 265 904
Bhutan 975 890 Gambia 220 996 Malaysia 60 84
Bolivia (Rep. of) 591 309 Georgia 995 683 Maldives 960 896
Bosnia 387 600 Germany 49 41 Mali 223 985
Botswana 267 962 Ghana 233 94 Malta 356 406
Brazil 55 38 Gibraltar 350 405 Marianas (Nort.) 1 760
British Virgin Is. 1 292 Greece 30 601 Marshall Is. 692 766
Brunei Darussalam 673 809 Greenland 299 503 Martinique 596 298
Bulgaria 359 67 Grenada 1 395 Mauritania 222 974
Burkina Faso 226 978 Guadeloupe 590 299 Mauritius 230 966
Burundi 257 903 Guam 1 700 Mayotte 269 935
Cambodia 855 807 Guatemala 502 372 Mexico 52 22
Cameroon 237 970 Guinea 224 995 Micronesia 691 764
Canada 1 21,26 Guinea-Bissau 245 969 Moldova 373 682
Capa Verde 238 993 Guayna 592 295 Monaco 377 42
Cayman Is. 1 293 Haiti 509 203 Mongolia 976 800
Central Africa Rep. 236 971 Hawaii 1 704 Monserrat 1 396
Chad 235 976 Honduras 504 374 Morocco 212 407
Chile 56 34 Hong Kong 852 802 Mozambique 258 992
China 86 85 Hungary 36 61 Myanmar 95 83
Christmas Is. (Aus). 672 766 Iceland 354 501 Namibia 264 908
Cocos-Keeling Is. 672 766 India 91 81 Nauru 674 775
Colombia 57 35 Indonesia 62 73 Nepal 977 891
Comoros 269 * Iran 98 88 Netherlands 31 44
Congo 242 981 Iraq 964 491 Netherlands Antilles 599 390
Cook Islands 682 772 Ireland 353 500 New Caledonia 687 706

Area and Country Phone Telex Area and Country Phone Telex
New Zealand 64 74 Turkmenistan 993 789
Nicaragua 505 375 Turks & Caicos Is. 1 296
Niger 227 975 Tuvalu 688 774
Nigeria 234 905 Uganda 256 988
Niue Is. 683 * Ukraine 380 680
Norfolk Is. 672 766 UAE 971 893
Norway 47 56 United Kingdom 44 51
Oman 968 498 USA (excl. Alaska) 1 23
Pakistan 92 82 US Virgin Is. 1 208
Palau 680 763 Uruguay 598 32
Panama 507 379 Uzbekistan 998 786
Papua New Guinea 675 703 Vanuatu 678 771
Paraguay 595 305 Vatican 39 504
Peru 51 36 Venezuela 58 31
Philippines 63 75 Vietnam 84 805
Poland 48 63 Wallis & Futuna 681 707
Portugal 351 404 Western S amoa 685 779
Puerto Rico 1 205 Yemen 967 895
Qatar 974 497 Yugoslavia 381 62
Reunion 262 961 Zaire 243 982
Romania 40 65 Zambia 260 902
Russia 7 64 Zimbabwe 263 907
Rwanda 250 909
San Marino 378 505
San Tome & Principe 239 967
Saudi Arabia 966 495
Senegal 221 906
Seychelles 248 965
Sierra Leone 232 998
Singapore 65 87
Slovak Rep. 421 666
Slovenia 386 598
Solomon Is. 677 778
Somalia 252 900
South Africa 27 95
Spain 34 52
Sri Lanka 94 803
St. Helena 290 960
St. Kitts & Nevis 1 397
St Lucia 1 398
St. Martin 590 299
St. Pierre & Miquelon 508 204
St. Vincent & Grenad 1 399
Sudan 249 984
Suriname 597 304
Swaziland 268 964
Sweden 46 54
Switzerland 41 45
Syria 963 492
Taiwan 886 769
Tajikistan 992 787
Tanzania 255 989
Thailand 66 86
Togo 228 977
Tokelau 690 762
Tonga 676 777
Trinidad & Tobago 1 294
Tunisia 216 409
Turkey 90 607

Приклад заповнення радіожурнала





0600 V/L departed Rotterdam bound Sullom Voe Watch Ch 70/16
commenced on all installations and on NAVTEX from 2187.5/2182
stations G, P, T & L
0605 Performed self-test on all DSC facilities. Sp-Bus error
on duplicate MF/HF Controller. All other facilities
satisfactory. Telexed shore-based maintenance
contractor with ETS Sullom Voe
0615 Checked paper supplies. Satisfactory
0815 Humber GUPW MF DSC ‘test/safety call 2187.5
0815 GUPW Humber Co- Acknowledged 2187.5
ast Guard
0848 Negative tidal surge warning via NAVTEX-passed to 518
Master. Copy aatached
1522 DSC Distress Alert. Ship’s position 50° 0’N, 2° 50’W. 2187.5
Acknowledged by 002320014 – No response required.
Master informed
2006 M V Becky SS Ch 16
Channel 16 blocked due to lengthy correspondence

(Signed) (Signed)
Master Designated Operator


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