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\\\\ Which of the following organisms is anaerobic?

\\\ Nocardia
\\ Actinomyces
\\\ Mycobacteria
\\\ Streptococcus

\\\\ Which of the following organisms spreads through inhalation of infected dust?
\\\ Rickettsia akari
\\\ Rickettsia typhi
\\\ Rickettsia rickettsii
\\ Coxiella burnetii

\\\\ Which of the following statements about clinical manifestations of Haemophilus influenzae is incorrect:
\\\ severe central nervous system deficits occur in one-third of recovered meningitis patients.
\\\ pus production is typical.
\\ acute bacterial epiglottitis is a mild disease in children.
\\\ pneumonia is a complication usually seen in children or the aged.

\\\\. Exotoxin A most closely resembles the action of which of the following?
\\\ Shiga toxin
\\ Diphtheria toxin
\\\ Vibrio cholerae toxin
\\\ Verotoxin

\\\\ Of the following components of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which one promotes intracellular survival by
inhibiting phagosome lysosome fusion?
\\\ Cord factor
\\\ Mycolic acid
\\\ Purified protein derivative (PPD)
\\ Sulfatides

\\\\ What is the most likely causative agent of gastroenteritis starting on day 5 of clindamycin treatment?
\\\ Clostridium perfringens
\\ Clostridium difficile
\\\ Pseudomonas aeruginosa
\\\ Shigella sonnei

\\\\ Which of the following organisms causes a relatively mild form of gastroenteritis?
\\\ Vibrio cholerae
\\ Vibrio parahaemolyticus
\\\ Salmonella typhi
\\\ Shigella sonnei

\\\\ Yersinia pestis may be transferred by:

\\\ Dermacentor tick bit.
\\ Respiratory droplets.
\\\ Human body louse bite.
\\\ Ixodes tick bite.

10. Which of the following staphylococcal organisms causes subacute bacterial endocarditis that occurs 2 months or
more after heart surgery?
\\\ Staphylococcus aureus (this one)
\\ Staphylococcus epidermidis
\\\ Staphylococcus haemolyticus
\\\ Staphylococcus saprophyticus
\\\\ Which of the following statements about Streptococcus pneumoniae is true?
\\\ It secretes an enterotoxin.
\\\ It contains an endotoxin.
\\\ It possesses both an enterotoxin and endotoxin.
\\ It possesses neither an enterotoxin nor an endotoxin.

\\\\ Which of the following organisms grows in 40% bile?

\\\ Streptococcus pneumoniae
\\ Enterococcus faecalis
\\\ Group B streptococci
\\\ Viridans streptococci

\\\\ Which of the following statements about treatment of clostridial infections is correct?
\\\ Anaerobic cellulitis may require amputation or skin grafting.
\\\ Clostridial food poisoning is severe, and patients infected with either Clostridium perfringens or Clostridium
botulinum frequently require hospitalization.
\\\ Antitoxins must be administered as soon as clostridial infection is suspected.
\\ Patients with anaerobic cellulitis should be given antitoxin and antibiotics.

\\\\ Which of the following is not characteristic of Salmonella typhimurium

\\\ it has a multianimal reservoir.
\\ it ferments lactose
\\\ it is one of the most common causes of enterocolitis.
\\\ it is a gram-negative, motile, endotoxin-bearing rod.

\\\\ Which of the following group A streptococcal diseases is highly communicable in infants?
\\\ Scarlet fever
\\ Impetigo
\\\ Rheumatic fever
\\\ Cellulitis

\\\\ Which of the following conditions is necessary for effective diagnosis of anaerobic infections?
\\ Rapid transport of culture to the laboratory
\\\ Streaking on eosin-methylene blue (EMB) agar
\\\ Assay for superoxide dismutase
\\\ Sputum sampling

\\\\ Which of the following statements about Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections is false:
\\\ Eaton agent causes primary atypical pneumonia.
\\\ M pneumoniae produces surface mucous membrane infections that do not disseminate to other tissues.
\\ incidence of M pneumoniae is highest in elderly persons.
\\\ serologic tests for M pneumoniae involve complement fixation or cold agglutination.

\\\\ Which one of the following statements concerning Vibrio cholerae infections is correct?
\\\ The disease is marked by organism invasion and hemorrhagic necrosis of the small intestine.
\\ Most pathology is attributable to a protein exotoxin.
\\\ V cholerae produces an acute febrile disease with meningitis.
\\\ There is no need to hospitalize patients with V cholerae infections. Organisms in stools are not contagious
because the organism is sensitive to acid pH.

\\\\ Which of the following organisms causes septicemic disease?

\\ Salmonella typhi
\\\ Vibrio cholerae
\\\ Vibrio parahaemolyticus
\\\ Shigella sonnei
\\\\ Which of the following statements about Lyme disease and its clinical manifestations is correct?
\\\ It is characterized by a rash throughout the trunk and extremities.
\\\ The three stages of the disorder are distinctive and do not overlap.
\\\ Manifestations of stage 3 may appear within 4 weeks of the initial infection.
\\ It is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi.

\\\\ Which of the following organisms causes neonatal sepsis?

\\\ Enterococcus faecalis
\\\ Streptococcus pneumoniae
\\ Group B streptococci
\\\ Viridans streptococci

\\\\ Which of the following organisms causes relapsing fever and is transmitted by lice or ticks?
\\\ Treponema
\\ Borrelia
\\\ Leptospira
\\\ Group B streptococci

\\\\ Which of the following statements is false of staphylococcal and Neisseria infections
\\\ pus production is a helpful diagnostic aid.
\\\ localized infections may disseminate and cause severe clinical problems.
\\\ both types of organisms cause urinary tract infections.
\\ they both produce an enzyme that degrades IgA (IgAase).

\\\\ Which of the following statements about congenital syphilis is correct?

\\\ Clinical manifestations are generally mild.
\\\ Newborns are infected only when they pass through the infected birth canal.
\\ Syphilis serology test should be performed in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy.
\\\ Specimens should be cultured on blood agar.

\\\\ Of the following components of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which one is used for skin testing?
\\\ Cord factor
\\\ Mycolic acid
\\ Purified protein derivative (PPD)
\\\ Sulfatides

\\\\ A patient has a gastric ulcer not induced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Which characteristic appears
to play a central role in the ability of the organism to colonize the stomach?
\\ Urease production
\\\ Phospholipase C production
\\\ Microaerophilic lifestyle
\\\ Motility

\\\\ Which of the following statements about mycobacterial disease is correct?

\\\ Nontuberculous mycobacterial disease is as contagious as tuberculosis.
\\\ Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and nontuberculous disease is caused by other
mycobacteria, including Mycobacterium bovis, Mycobacterium kansasii, and Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare.
\\\ Only nontuberculous disease is seen with great frequency in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
\\ Water is a source of exposure to nontuberculous mycobacteria.

\\\\ Which of the following characteristics is not a feature of Legionella

\\\ it is associated with water.
\\ it causes granulomatous lung infection.
\\\ it is weakly gram-negative.
\\\ it is a facultative, intracellular parasite.
\\\\ Which of the following organisms grows contiguously in tissues with no respect to anatomic barriers?
\\ Actinomyces israelii
\\\ Mycobacterium leprae
\\\ Mycobacterium kansasii
\\\ Mycobacterium tuberculosis

\\\\ Which of the following organisms is generally rod-shaped and acid-fast?

\\\ Nocardia
\\\ Streptococcus
\\\ Actinomyces
\\ Mycobacteria

\\\\ The Ghon complex, a lesion in the lung and regional lymph nodes, is found in
\\\ actinomycotic mycetoma.
\\\ cervical facial actinomycosis
\\\ tuberculoid leprosy.
\\ primary tuberculosis.
\\\\ Which of the following organisms has diverse animal reservoirs?
\\\ Vibrio cholerae
\\\ Vibrio parahaemolyticus
\\ Salmonella typhi
\\\ Shigella sonnei

\\\\ Which of the following organisms causes acute icteric disease with protean manifestations?
\\\ Treponema
\\\ Borrelia
\\ Leptospira
\\\ Shigella

\\\\ Which statement about the two major forms of leprosy (tuberculoid and lepromatous) is correct?
\\\ Tuberculoid leprosy is the hardest to treat due to poor cell-mediated immunity.
\\\ In either extreme form of leprosy, the lepromin test will be positive.
\\ Biopsy sample of lesions from a lepromatous leprosy patient generally contains many Mycobacterium leprae.
\\\ Lepromatous leprosy patients usually have few lesions.

\\\\ Which of the following statements about non-spore-forming anaerobes is incorrect:

\\\ they are pleomorphic and can be either gram-negative or gram-positive.
\\\ they are a common cause of intra-abdominal infections.
\\\ they usually are found in mixed infections.
\\ they represent a minority of the total fecal flora.

\\\\ Which of the following statements about Pseudomonas aeruginosa is true?

\\\ It secretes an enterotoxin.
\\\ It contains an endotoxin.
\\ It possesses both an enterotoxin and endotoxin.
\\\ It possesses neither an enterotoxin nor an endotoxin.

\\\\ Which one of the following statements about Francisella tularensis infections and their treatment is correct?
\\\ Culture of the suspected infection by the hospital laboratory is important.
\\ An effective vaccine is available, but only for use in high-risk groups.
\\\ F tularensis causes a noninvasive focal skin infection.
\\\ The hallmark of F tularensis infection is regional buboes.
\\\\ Of the following components of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which one is responsible for the acid-fast property
of the organism?
\\\ Cord factor
\\\ Purified protein derivative (PPD)
\\\ Sulfatides
\\ Mycolic acid

\\\\ Which of the following statements about Brucella infections is true?

\\\ Brucella suis is the human pathogen; Brucella melitensis and Brucella abortus cause infections in animals only.
\\ Brucella infection produces profound muscle weakness along with other relatively nondescript manifestations.
\\\ Brucella infection is a zoonotic disease spread to humans primarily by rat fleas.
\\\ Untreated infections are self-limiting and resolve in 2 weeks.

\\\\ Which of the following organisms presents with an initial rash on the extremities that spreads to the trunk?
\\\ Rickettsia akari
\\ Rickettsia rickettsii
\\\ Rickettsia typhi
\\\ Coxiella burnetii

\\\\ Which of the following statements about anthrax infections is correct?

\\\ Pulmonary and gastrointestinal anthrax tend to be chronic, with frequent treatment failure.
\\ The early cutaneous form may mimic a staphylococcal furuncle or insect bite.
\\\ The capsule is a long-chain polysaccharide.
\\\ Primary animal reservoirs are rabbits and other rodents.

\\\\ Which of the following statements about Campylobacter infections is not correct:
\\\ sepsis is a problem in debilitated patients with Campylobacter fetus species infection.
\\ human infections with Campylobacter jejuni are rare relative to Salmonella and Shigella infections.
\\\ C jejuni infection is usually self-limiting.
\\\ C jejuni clinical specimens should be incubated at 42 °C.

\\\\ Which of the following group A streptococcal diseases is characterized by rash due to erythrogenic toxins?
\\\ Impetigo
\\ Scarlet fever
\\\ Rheumatic fever
\\\ Cellulitis

\\\\ Which of the following is a virulence factor for Streptococcus pneumoniae?

\\\ C-reactive protein
\\ Capsular polysaccharide
\\\ Bacitracin
\\\ Endotoxic lipopolysaccharide

\\\\ Which of the following is not a characteristic of group A streptococci:

\\ they are part of the normal intestinal flora.
\\\ they attach to epithelial cells via fimbriae containing lipoteichoic acid.
\\\ they are rarely resistant to penicillin.
\\\ they produce hemolysis with streptolysin S.

\\\\ Which of the following statements about laboratory diagnosis of whooping cough is correct?
\\\ Lymphocyte numbers are greatly decreased.
\\ The clinical specimen should be plated on Bordet-Gengou agar.
\\\ The best chance to isolate the organism is during the paroxysmal stage.
\\\ The causative organism is a gram-positive rod.

\\\\ Which of the following statements about Shigella dysenteriae is true?

\\\ It secretes an enterotoxin.
\\\ It contains an endotoxin.
\\ It possesses both an enterotoxin and endotoxin.
\\\ It possesses neither an enterotoxin nor an endotoxin.

\\\\ Which of the following is not characteristic of Enterobacteriaceae:

\\\ they are a common cause of hospital-acquired infections.
\\\ they are usually noninvasive and are part of the normal intestinal flora.
\\\ some can produce both endotoxins and exotoxins.
\\ they have a short incubation period (several hours), leading to gastrointestinal disturbances.

\\\\ Which of the following organisms invades mucosal epithelial cells?

\\\ Vibrio cholerae
\\\ Vibrio parahaemolyticus
\\ Shigella sonnei
\\\ Salmonella typhi

\\\\ A 54-year-old man develops a pyogenic infection along the suture line after knee surgery. The laboratory gives a
preliminary report of a hemolytic, catalase-positive, coagulase-positive, gram-positive coccus. The most likely
causative agent is
\\\ Moraxella catarrhalis
\\ Staphylococcus aureus
\\\ Staphylococcus epidermidis
\\\ Streptococcus agalactiae

\\\\ Which of the following statements about treatment and prevention of Haemophilus is correct?
\\ Give rifampin to index case of Haemophilus influenzae meningitis and to family members to eradicate the carrier
\\\ Bacterial pinkeye is treated with intravenous ampicillin.
\\\ Soft chancre is poorly contagious, and asymptomatic sexual partners need not be treated.
\\\ The capsule is a highly effective vaccine in a target population of children 3 months to 6 years of age.

\\\\ Which of the following statements about Salmonella typhimurium is true?

\\\ It secretes an enterotoxin.
\\\ It contains an endotoxin.
\\ It possesses both an enterotoxin and endotoxin.
\\\ It possesses neither an enterotoxin nor an endotoxin.

\\\\ Which of the following organisms causes pneumonitis resembling atypical pneumonia?
\\\ Rickettsia akari
\\\ Rickettsia typhi
\\\ Rickettsia rickettsii
\\ Coxiella burnetii

\\\\ Which of the following statements about the incidence of bacterial shock is not correct:
\\\ it is usually a hospital-induced syndrome.
\\\ it can occur after catheterization.
\\ it is reversible by penicillin.
\\\ it is usually preceded by a fever spike.

\\\\ Which one of the following statements about laboratory diagnosis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae is correct?
\\ Purulent discharge contains primarily neutrophils and intracellular diplococci.
\\\ Asymptomatic patients are identified by culturing organisms from a clinical specimen with a lubricated swab.
\\\ Purulent discharge contains only intracellular diplococci.
\\\ Clinical specimens should be plated onto blood agar to determine type of hemolysis.
\\\\ Which of the following organisms is a mite-borne agent causing a rash that may be confused with chickenpox?
\\\ Rickettsia typhi
\\ Rickettsia akari
\\\ Rickettsia rickettsii
\\\ Coxiella burnetii

\\\\ Which of the following organisms is zoonotic and is transmitted to humans primarily by contact with animal
\\\ Treponema
\\\ Borrelia
\\ Leptospira
\\\ Leishmania

\\\\ Which of the following characteristics of group B streptococci is not correct:

\\\ they are part of the normal vaginal flora.
\\\ they are bacitracin-resistant.
\\ an effective vaccine incorporates proteinaceous capsular antigens.
\\\ they can cause neonatal sepsis and meningitis.

\\\\ Which of the following statements about Vibrio cholerae is true?

\\\ It secretes an enterotoxin.
\\\ It contains an endotoxin.
\\ It possesses both an enterotoxin and endotoxin.
\\\ It possesses neither an enterotoxin nor an endotoxin.

\\\\ Which of the following organisms is a very slow grower?

\\\ Nocardia
\\\ Actinomyces
\\ Mycobacteria
\\\ Staphylococci

\\\\ Which of the following statements about Listeria monocytogenes infection is not correct:
\\\ abscesses and granulomas occur in many different tissues.
\\\ neonatal infections have a poor prognosis.
\\\ bacteria parasitize neutrophils and monocytes.
\\ neonatal infections occur only during passage through the infected birth canal.

\\\\ Of the following components of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which one interrupts mitochondrial function?
\\\ Mycolic acid
\\ Cord factor
\\\ Purified protein derivative (PPD)
\\\ Sulfatides

\\\\ Which of the following staphylococcal organisms causes urinary tract infections, primarily in adolescent
\\\ Staphylococcus aureus
\\ Staphylococcus saprophyticus
\\\ Staphylococcus epidermidis
\\\ Staphylococcus haemolyticus

\\\\ Which of the following group A streptococcal diseases causes skin infection capable of giving rise to a
\\\ Impetigo
\\ Cellulitis
\\\ Scarlet fever
\\\ Rheumatic fever
\\\\ Which of the following statements about Yersinia pestis infections is not rue:
\\\ wild rodents and their infected fleas are the primary reservoir.
\\ a key early manifestation is a slowly progressing malaise.
\\\ the pneumonic form is far more contagious than the bubonic form.
\\\ the bubonic form may progress to the pneumonic form.

\\\\ Which of the following organisms is the most frequent cause of bacterial endocarditis?
\\\ Enterococcus faecalis
\\ Viridans streptococci
\\\ Streptococcus pneumoniae
\\\ Group B streptococci

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