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” PRACTICAL WORK CHAPTER GEOGRAPHY aE “a © INTRODUCTION TO {i MAPS 4 © Latitude, Longitude @ and © TIME HAN DIV RITENINOMES ( 3 CHAPTERS NOTES IN ONE VIDEO ) DOWNLOAD NOW = Channel | PRO STUDENTS Seip i dees ne ca sf papex_—> 2. dimension! It al Map ica solecti ion ea er ca leg TSE Simple nel gies Lpygona walle saab ak aap Et fH = Hop Mohicg al Beaecten > D_syslom of transformation of the qheniad pT catce onto a plane sindace 1 > Tk inteeduces Some wavaidable changer in dlirerHans dictance: a pnancee a ees en eng iy apne 3 pfs — 1> Poime ‘Importance in map -mal ing Choice utilisation U Channel © PRO STUDENTS Q Coumalicabims > A simplified nopreenkabion sf the focrnor onthe: caap, apprapmiade fn Us conde tx pisipase,, \ stbourke cv pfectlag fate visual Seems ——————- Carlnorgphe must selec} infirmation (date) velavand othe sel eal ame ond _simlifey th ot pox 48o neo. Map= sige => Ti Involves planning Ee ~ chenichar sf maps inchucling the. tho. lect! ana_ob f cpp p prdege_ yeaa, Sine Sarrm, Style th leliouing ob. 2 Reethiey equines thonnugh_aednisending. of princes hak gpvean 4 he offenlivencss of geaphic Communica isn. = Map Cmsbetrction fe Product pe 8 => History MAP— MAwini4.—— 7 v Ds old as the histo sf mankkiod isel# Dltak map ela Meiopolarta. e! 2500 BC se —phiisten cf. mspmalicg £¢ inbra AEB YouTube ay = Corndotion —> 4 { i Plaska Dusien » Rhanat hand + Salen Dutta + Salina Taio =| Mol-abhastel-a- Conceived © nunc world surrnunded bywoates, Lt [ncloss — pi lag aA psa Key leo fi. C, =| ities = Jeclniques cussing sho _medi evall_peniindl =|} inlentive lopngraphital conveys fr the prepauation af tupdtaccdle . in 132 i gl sr 4 sree BAA’ ot Aone cpety Ss Mem Te Pereng ie, . amen va6t Fe sede attawr od easyer BS er Sea fos oer, frees em es So gta Ay ame Seo ge | TY Seale Sr Seale Mops atl loupe. seal a cafe | s (a) Cadastral Maps (2) epeephite 2 Mops eee ae \ | re rar Aa... oo - Cadastea Maps => Cadachal ->cosiad fern ench woe = 4 i ( ; 4 surveys and ote tiepaned in theform of costed of maps _¢ made hy national mapping agencies of clmesk+ all countios 4 of winrld » F 1. 3 i fa t-> Sot India» iio So ono, 1s Ojnnn and 125 900 scale 1 | Soma = Seale \V ops. b> a aie: drawn “te show sige axe t 4 { ‘ [f= Pilon maps, winll mapsebe, use in classronms ox lecture hols large © Rom attars maps . eet dein fee} LL { IL REE — a Suchen at habe erdishicl ‘Tr ceuves the ignifi vole i i | of on ontea,« () & Seonomic Maps '-> Ti depict production Bedictethaction af diff dy pe 4 Measurement sf Distance i ip Slant bnatcleealle . 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