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True belonging doesn´t require you to change

who are you

Changing region is not an easy process, we have to abandon our roots, friends, etc… So,
when someone changes region, they try to make new friends, to be integrated into
society and not to feel alone.

Many times, people change their way of being to please their new friends, because they
think that if they show the real person they are, they will be excluded from that group of
friends. I personally think this is somehow wrong because it's not good to pretend to be
someone to please others. We should always be ourselves until we find someone who
likes us for who we are.

My way of thinking goes against the phrase, people don't need to change their way of
being, and they need to be themselves to be able to make new friends. Also, a person
who is not himself cannot be happy.

The TCK are constantly changing regions, whether for professional or personal reasons.
TCK's don't feel the need to change their way of life, because as they are always moving
to another country and they know they're going to have to leave those friends behind,
they don't make great friends. But there are always those who make them, because they
need someone to help them in that region, and these TCK are true with their friends,
based on their experience, because they know that if they are true they will have more
possibilities of being helped.

To conclude, we must always be true, regardless of the region in which we are located,
because that is the only way to make true friends and who really like us. I also think that
people shouldn't be afraid to show who they really are, because if they find out that
we're impersonating someone else, we might hurt our friend.

Carlos Silva nº 4

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