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Republic of the Philippines


Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies



Nowadays, technology plays a crucial role in shaping our lives in the

modern world. It drives efficiency, connectivity, and convenience in various

aspects of our daily routine. Technology is about finding clever ways to solve

problems and do cool stuff. It's what helps us explore space, stay connected with

friends, and even play games on our phones. Powerful processors in our

computers and smartphones and sophisticated sensors in smart home devices

are some of the hardware innovations that enable us to stay connected and

enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. Hardware technology is playing a significant role in

driving sustainable innovations. Essentially, hardware technology is continuously

pushing the limits of what's possible, shaping the modern world, and improving

our lives in numerous ways.

Cities must now rely more on technology in waste segregation processes

to make things more easier and efficient. This can help the cities become

cleaner, healthier, and more organized. Technology is immensely beneficial and

reliable for a variety of tasks, such as finding innovative solutions that can help
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

mitigate the negative environmental impacts of human activities and promote


Waste management and segregation are essential processes in urban

areas and metro cities due to the spread of diseases. It is estimated that the

Philippines generates at least 61,000 million metric tons of waste daily, 24 per

cent of which is plastic waste, according to Department of Environment and

Natural Resources Secretary Maria Antonia Yulo-Loyzaga (Philippine Star 2023).

Improper waste management can lead to various types of disease-causing

bacteria and viruses, making it essential to segregate, transport, handle, and

dispose of waste properly. Waste lying littered in the surroundings or dumped on

open lands can pose a significant risk to public health and the environment.

The Innovating Waste Management for Garbage Segregation System, is

an Arduino-based solution we've developed, is a transformative tool that can help

to increase the efficiency and effectiveness to reduce contamination and improve

the quality of recyclable materials. To achieve this goal, we have integrated

Arduino technology into our system. This technology enables us to monitor waste

in real-time and automatically segregate different types of waste, such as

Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable. Therefore, this innovation not only

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

streamlines the waste collection process but also promotes environmental

aspects by encouraging the people inside the city of San Carlos by doing proper

disposal and recycling habits. However, this system simplifies the waste

management process but also paves the way for a more sustainable future.

Problem Statement

The challenge of ensuring sustainable waste disposal practices is

becoming increasingly urgent due to global challenges. As cities continue to

experience growth in both population and urban development, managing the

growing volumes of waste is becoming problematic. This is putting existing waste

disposal infrastructures under strain and causing further environmental damage.

Traditional waste management approaches often lack efficiency and fail to take

into account the complexities of waste streams, resulting in landfill overflow,

pollution, and resource depletion. Furthermore, improper segregation practices

are also contributing to the contamination of recyclable materials, thereby

hindering recycling efforts and limiting the potential for resource recovery.

However, by investing in research and innovation in garbage segregation

systems, we can develop more effective and sustainable solutions to these

pressing challenges.
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

General Objective

The general objective of this statement is to underscore the critical

importance of waste management and segregation in urban areas, particularly in

light of the significant volume of waste generated daily in the Philippines and the

associated risks to public health and the environment. By integrating Arduino

technology, the system enables real-time waste monitoring and automatic

segregation, thus streamlining the waste collection process and promoting proper

disposal and recycling habits among residents.

Specific Objectives

 The system has the capability to detect both Biodegradable and

Non-biodegradable waste.

 The system facilitates more efficient waste segregation than

traditional methods.

 The system has the ability to detect whether the trash bin is full or


 The system provides with a hassle-free waste management


 To encouraging the people inside the city of San Carlos by doing

proper disposal habits.

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

Significance of the Study

This study will help the people around the city by making waste disposal

efficiency and effectiveness by using Garbage Segregation Systems, remarkably

implementing innovative approaches and technologies to improve waste

segregation processes, this study can significantly ease the strain on existing

waste disposal infrastructure and alleviate the mounting pressures of

urbanization and population growth. Thus, potential of sustainability lies in driving

positive environmental, economic, and social outcomes, ultimately contributing to

a more resilient society.

Scope and Limitations

The capstone project labeled, “Innovating Waste Management for

Garbage Segregation System”, this study aims promote environmental

sustainability. These systems employ various waste disposal practices and

incorporate advanced technologies and innovative strategies to improve the

accuracy and efficiency of waste segregation processes. The goal is to ensure

that waste is disposed of in an environmentally-friendly manner. Nevertheless,

Despite the potential benefits of garbage segregation systems, there are several
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

limitations that may impede their widespread adoption. The primary challenge is

financial constraints, which can hinder the implementation of comprehensive

waste segregation programs or the adoption of advanced technologies. This is

particularly true in regions with limited resources, where the cost of implementing

these systems may exceed available funds.

Definition of Terms

The following technical terms were defined for the readers to understand

this study better:

Innovating – refers to new ideas, methods, technologies, or approaches to

improve existing systems or practices requires creativity, problem-solving, and a

willingness to challenge conventional thinking to develop innovative solutions to

complex problems.

Management - refers to the process of planning, organizing, directing, and

controlling resources such as people, finances, materials, and equipment to

achieve specific goals and objectives efficiently and effectively.

Waste Segregation - is the process of separating different types of waste into

their own bins for recycling or disposal.

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

Sensor - is a device that produces an output signal for the purpose of detecting a

physical phenomenon.

Components - can be considered as a functionally independent part of any


Biodegradables - are essential in nature as they help maintain the balance of

ecosystems and reduce waste.

Non-biodegredable - a kind of substance which cannot be broken down by

natural organisms and acts as a source of pollution.

Arduino - is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware

and software.
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies



The literature review section of the thesis includes both local and foreign

sources. These sources consist of books, academic papers, websites, and

various forms of media. Such materials help in formulating and analyzing

systems that are relevant and applicable to the study. They offer valuable

insights and serve as the foundation for the researcher to grasp how to initiate

the analysis of the current manual recording process. This process of reviewing

literature enables the researcher to collect ideas and establish a framework for

evaluating the current manual recording procedures.

Review of Related Literatures

Foreign Literatures

According to Ling S, Hamidi A, and Suffian B (12 December 2015),

Malaysia allocates a lot of money, time and space for waste management

services. However, the recycling programmes have remained unsuccessful in

achieving the set targets. This study was carried out in Kuching, Sibu and Miri
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

municipalities to evaluate the community‟ 's attitude and suitability of collection

services and identify the problems and effectiveness of waste management

practices and recycling programmes implemented to date. The waste

management practices in three towns were determined. Surveys via

questionnaires were used to determine public awareness and public perception

on recycling. Landfill capping effects on greenhouse gas emissions were also

studied from three landfills in the areas under study. The average solid waste

generation rate per individual in Sarawak was 0.85 kg/person/day. The collection

time motion study showed that the average weight of solid waste collected for the

three towns was 323 kg/worker/collection hour with an efficiency of 65% of the

total collection time. With this finding, it can be concluded that the efficiency of

the collection system in Sarawak was quite satisfactory.

This study focuses on how cities in Malaysia manage their solid waste,

which includes things like household trash, commercial waste, and debris from

construction sites. The researchers looked at three cities in Malaysia: Kuching,

Miri, and Sibu. They wanted to understand how these cities handle their waste,

what challenges they face, and what solutions they've come up with. They

studied things like how waste is collected and transported, how it's treated and

disposed of, and what recycling programs are in place. They also looked at
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

factors like population growth, urban development, and environmental

regulations that can affect waste management practices.

According to Rispo A.Williams I. D.Shaw P. J. (October 2015) A waste

audit and a household questionnaire survey were conducted in high-density

housing estates in one of the most economically and socially deprived areas of

England (Haringey, London). Such areas are under-represented in published

research. The study examined source segregation, potential participation in a

food waste segregation scheme, and food waste prevention activities in five

estates (1034 households). The results showed that: contamination of

recyclables containers was low; ca. 28% of the mixed residual waste's weight

was recyclable food waste comprised a small proportion of the waste from these

residents, probably because of their relatively disadvantaged economic

circumstances; and the recycling profile reflected an intermittent pattern of


The research conducted on source segregation and food waste prevention

activities in high-density households located in a deprived urban area provides a

detailed examination of waste management practices and food waste reduction

strategies in a complex urban environment. Using a mixed-methods approach,

the study investigates the waste segregation behaviors of households residing in

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

densely populated and economically disadvantaged areas. By providing

evidence-based insights and recommendations, the study contributes to

advancing sustainable waste management practices, mitigating food waste in

high-density urban settings, and fostering resource-efficient communities.

According to Walailak Atthirawong (31 May- 3 June 2016) The number of

population in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is increasing every year. The

capital produces about 9,900 tons of garbage daily or 1.53 kilograms per person

which only 13% of waste is recycled per day. This presents a serious challenge

and concern of municipal authority in solid waste management. This study

examines Bangkok residents' practices, knowledge of waste management, as

well as the level of community mobilization and the level of household

participation in solid waste segregation and recycling. Additionally, the study also

analyzed factors affecting the level of household participation using Multiple

Regression Analysis. Data were collected by means of hand-delivered

questionnaires. A total of 400 respondents were selected using multi-stage

random sampling by dividing Bangkok into three zones. The results showed that

about two-thirds of the residents had got high level on knowledge and

understanding on waste management.

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

The study titled "Factors Affecting Household Participation in Solid Waste

Management Segregation and Recycling in Bangkok, Thailand" explores the

complex factors that influence waste management practices in households.

Through a thorough investigation using surveys, interviews, and observations,

the researchers shed light on the various socio-economic, cultural, and

infrastructural determinants that shape these behaviors. The study highlights the

crucial role of factors such as socio-economic status, educational level, and

cultural attitudes towards waste in influencing household participation in

segregation and recycling initiatives. By dissecting the barriers and motivators

that influence household engagement in waste management practices, the study

offers valuable insights for policymakers, urban planners, and community

leaders, contributes to the advancement of sustainable waste management

strategies in Bangkok, paving the way for a cleaner, greener, and more resilient

urban environment.

According to Sunil Kumar, Stephen R. Smith, Geoff Fowler, Costas Velis,

S. Jyoti Kumar, Shashi Arya, Rena, Rakesh Kumar, and Christopher Cheeseman

(22 March 2017), India faces major environmental challenges associated with

waste generation and inadequate waste collection, transport, treatment and

disposal. Current systems in India cannot cope with the volumes of waste

generated by an increasing urban population, and this impacts on the

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

environment and public health. The challenges and barriers are significant, but

so are the opportunities. This paper reports on an international seminar on

‘Sustainable solid waste management for cities: opportunities in South Asian

Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries’ organized by the

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-National Environmental Engineering

Research Institute and the Royal Society. Waste segregation at source and use

of specialized waste processing facilities to separate recyclable materials has a

key role. Disposal of residual waste after extraction of material resources needs

engineered landfill sites and/or investment in waste-to-energy facilities.

Waste management in India, offers a detailed analysis of the waste

management practices in one of the world's most populous countries. The study

meticulously examines various factors such as population growth, rapid

urbanization, industrialization, and changing consumption patterns to shed light

on the significant challenges that India's waste management infrastructure is

facing. Furthermore, the study highlights the environmental and health

implications of poor waste management, including pollution, contamination of

water sources, and the spread of diseases. However, amidst these challenges,

the study also identifies a range of opportunities for improving waste

management practices in India, sustainable waste management strategies for

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

diverse Indian communities that protect public health and the environment while

promoting inclusivity.

According to Abdul Rafey & Faisal Zia Siddiqui (5 May 2021) Plastic waste

generation in India was around 9.4 million tonnes.year−1 in 2019 as compared to

the global generation rate of more than 380 million tonnes.year−1 in 2019. Thus,

India’s contribution was around 3.1% of the global plastic waste generation.

Globally, 42% of overall plastics produced are consumed by packaging sector

and 17% by the construction sector. Whereas in India 35% is consumed by the

packaging sector and 23% by construction sector. Bioplastic production is 1% out

of 300 million tonnes of conventional plastics produced annually. This review

attempts to analyse the plastic waste management rules, legislations, policies

and practices in India during the period 1992–2020. The worldwide trend of

bioplastic projects is reflected in studies in India, indicating a changed perception

of bioplastics as an alternative source to conventional plastics.

This serves as Challenges and opportunities" provides a examination of

the complex landscape of plastic waste management in one of the world's largest

and fastest-growing economies. The study has conducted a thorough analysis

that brings to light the various challenges that India encounters in managing its

plastic waste in an effective manner. These challenges comprise the widespread

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

use of disposable plastics, insufficient infrastructure that hinders the collection,

segregation, and recycling of waste, and the lack of public awareness and

participation in endeavors aimed at reducing plastic waste.

According to Yusof K.Ismail, F.Yunus, J.Kasmuni, N.Ramele@Ramli,

R.Omar, M.Jabar, I.Mustaffa H. (2019) This paper reviews the current practice

and challenges of community participation on waste segregation program in

Jasin Malacca since 2015-2017. The Solid Waste Management and Public

Cleansing (Act 672) which came into force on 1st September 2011, is

Governments’ effort to provide a systematic, coordinated, effective and efficient

solid waste management system in Malaysia including Malacca.. Since then,

there has been significance increase on the amount recycle waste collected.

However, the community participation on solid waste segregation and recycling

program still at low level due to lack of awareness, attitude and exposure on the

advantages of recycling in the long term. Further study will be conducted to

discover new approach on promoting waste segregation which could provide the

basis for success of 3R program in Malacca.

This study offers a thorough analysis of how community engagement

affects waste management practices, with a particular focus on the waste

segregation program in Malacca, Malaysia. The researchers use a mixed-

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

methods approach to explore the dynamics of community participation and how it

impacts the effectiveness of waste segregation initiatives. They use surveys,

interviews, and observational data to investigate the factors that influence

community involvement, including awareness, attitudes, and socio-economic

status. Moreover, the research identifies methods to enhance community

involvement, including targeted education and outreach programs, stakeholder

collaboration, and empowering local communities through initiatives to build


According to Yuriy Vitaliyovych MOROZYUK, Antonina V. Sharkova, Irina

Anatolievna Merkulina, Oksana Nikolaevna VASILYEVA (2017) The article

considers the investment potential in the waste recycling industry in the Moscow

region of Russia. According to official data, about 63 mln tons is produced

annually in Russia; about 10% is recycled. Due to the increasing volume of

production and services provided, waste disposal has become a must for any

large city – otherwise, a metropolis can sink in its own waste that does not find

room on the periphery. Establishment of a safe and efficient system for handling

waste of production and consumption is more important today than ever before.

The engineering infrastructure has exhausted its capacity and cannot cope with

the increased volume. According to the Federal Supervisory Natural Resources

Management Service, there are less than 400 enterprises for sorting and
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

disposing of household waste operating in the country; there are a total of 1,092

landfills. None of the regions switched to the industrial waste recycling.

This study explores the innovative strategies and challenges the waste

recycling industry faces in adapting to the new economic context. It delves into

the various innovative approaches being adopted, such as utilizing advanced

technologies, developing circular economy models, and implementing

sustainable business practices. The study highlights the need for collaboration

between government, industry stakeholders, and civil society to unlock the

potential of the waste recycling industry and contribute to economic growth,

environmental protection, and social development.

According to Made Adi Widyatmika & Nomesh B. Bolia (07 March 2023)

The purpose of this study is to analyze citizen perceptions of composting and

segregation in two case studies from Jakarta and Delhi. The framework

incorporates primary and secondary data gathered via questionnaires,

interviews, and data from the available literature. Binomial and multinomial

logistic regression models are used to analyze residents’ perceptions of

composting and waste segregation. Therefore, four distinct models have been

developed to investigate people's viewpoints to waste composting, segregation,

and the incentives that can be offered to promote effective waste

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

management. The primary sources of concern at the household and community

levels of Jakarta are a lack of guarantees for proper waste management after

collection and a lack of land for composting. It is necessary to improve waste

management control and evaluation through training and reinforcing garbage

collectors’ commitment.

The study titled "Understanding Citizens’ Perception of Waste Composting

and Segregation" provides an in-depth investigation into the public's attitudes

and opinions towards waste management practices, specifically regarding

composting and segregation initiatives. The study examines the factors that

influence citizens' perceptions, which include socio-cultural norms, educational

background, and previous experiences with waste management systems. By

utilizing a mixed-methods approach that includes surveys, interviews, and focus

group discussions, the study identifies a range of views and opinions held by

citizens regarding composting and segregation. Furthermore, the study highlights

the significance of incorporating the concerns and preferences of citizens in the

development and implementation of waste management programs that are

considerate of cultural diversity, inclusive, and sustainable. This is achieved by

obtaining a deeper understanding of people's attitudes towards waste

segregation and composting.

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

According to Suja Giri, and Prasuj Mainali (3 February 2023) Source

segregation, the first important step for effective solid waste management, is

practiced by a handful of organizations in limited areas in Nepal. Though several

researchers have studied the role of stakeholders and the importance of youths

in the waste management sector, there is a paucity of studies on the role of

youths, particularly in waste segregation in Nepal. In this regard, this study was

conducted to understand the at-source household waste segregation practices

by youths in Nepal. However, the likelihood ratio significance showed no

association between the level of education and the practice of source

segregation. Hence, the source segregation practice of household solid waste

was found to be satisfactory among the youths of Nepal. Thus, there should be a

proper monitoring mechanism to ensure that household waste gets collected in a

segregated form causing less burden on landfills.

The study examines how young people in Nepal are managing their

household waste. It involves separating different types of waste, such as paper,

plastic, and food scraps, into distinct bins or piles even before disposing of them

outside. The researchers conducted a study to investigate the motivations and

methods of young people engaged in cleaning up their environment. They

gathered data by asking questions and observing their actions. The outcomes

revealed that many of these young individuals are aware of environmental issues
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

and are willing to take responsibility for maintaining a clean and healthy

environment. Some of them went as far as organizing events or campaigns to

educate others about proper waste disposal and separation.

According to Hari Bhakta Sharma a, Kumar Raja Vanapalli b, VR Shankar

Cheela a e, Ved Prakash Ranjan a, Amit Kumar Jaglan c, Brajesh Dubey a b,

Sudha Goel a b, Jayanta Bhattacharya (15 July 2020) The crisis brought upon by

the COVID-19 pandemic has altered global waste generation dynamics and

therefore has necessitated special attention. The unexpected fluctuations in

waste composition and quantity also require a dynamic response from

policymakers. This study highlights the challenges faced by the solid waste

management sector during the pandemic and the underlying opportunities to fill

existing loopholes in the system. The study presents specific cases for

biomedical waste, plastic waste, and food waste management - all of which have

been a major cause of concern during this crisis. It is expected that household

food waste generation may reduce due to increased conscious buying of more

non-perishable items during lockdown and due to concerns of food shortage.

However, there is a chance of increase in food waste from the broken supply

chains such as food items getting stuck on road due to restriction in vehicle

movements, lack of workers in the warehouse for handling the food products, etc.
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

The study also stresses the need for building localized resilient supply chains to

counter such situations during future pandemics.

This study aims to explore the ways in which we can effectively manage

the waste generated during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the

constant usage of safety items such as masks and gloves, the amount of waste

produced has increased to an alarming level. The researchers seek to identify

the challenges we face in managing this extra waste, which may require special

handling for medical waste or disruptions to waste collection services due to

lockdowns and restrictions. Furthermore, the study seeks to identify opportunities

to improve waste management during this period. In summary, this study is

focused on identifying effective strategies to manage the increased waste

generated during the COVID-19 pandemic.


According to Balagugan, Maheswaran, Savitha (2017) Rapid increase in

volume and types of solid and hazardous waste due to continuous economic

growth, urbanization and industrialization, is becoming a burgeoning problem for

national and local governments to ensure effective and sustainable management

of waste. The sensing unit consists of an IR (Infrared) sensor, a moisture sensor

and a metal sensor used to detect and identify various types of waste
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

respectively. The main architecture of the segregator comprises of three

prominent stages consisting of an IR sensor, a metal sensor, a moisture sensor

and the segregation bins. The IR sensor detects the arrival of waste.

Identification and separation of waste is done by sensors. The microcontroller

controls all the activity of sensors. Results have presented segregation of waste

into metal, wet and dry waste.

This study is all about using a special machine called an "automated

waste segregator" right in people's homes to help sort out their trash. Instead of

sorting through our garbage by hand, this machine does it for us. The

researchers wanted to see how well these machines work and if they could help

make waste sorting easier for people. They also wanted to know if using these

machines could help us recycle more of our trash and reduce the amount of

waste going to landfills. By studying the implementation of these automated

waste segregators at the household level, the researchers can learn more about

their benefits, challenges, and how they could be improved.

According to Dr. Naveen B, Kavya G, Kruthika S, Ranjitha K, and Sahana

C (2018), Industrialization, modernization, rapid advancements, and an increase

in population have led to a large generation of waste. Segregation makes it

possible to reuse and recycle the waste effectively. This paper proposes
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

implementation of an automated waste segregator at household level using

Arduino microcontroller, to control the entire process with ease and simplicity.

The sensing unit consists of an IR (Infrared) sensor, a moisture sensor and a

metal sensor used to detect and identify various types of waste respectively. The

main architecture of the segregator comprises of three prominent stages

consisting of an IR sensor, a metal sensor, a moisture sensor and the

segregation bins. The IR sensor detects the arrival of waste. Identification and

separation of waste is done by sensors. The microcontroller controls all the

activity of sensors. Results have presented segregation of waste into metal, wet

and dry waste.

This study is all about using a popular electronics platform called Arduino

to create an automated waste segregator. Here's how it works: You have

different bins for different types of waste, like plastic, paper, and metal. When

you throw something away, it goes into this machine. Inside, there are sensors

that can tell what kind of material it is. For example, it might recognize if it's

plastic, paper, or something else. Then, based on what it detects, the machine

moves the item into the right bin. By studying how to build and program an

automated waste segregator using Arduino, the researchers can learn more

about how to make waste sorting easier and more accessible.

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

According to Nina Lestari (2019), Academic community activities on

campus certainly produce various types of waste, especially paper, plastic

bottles, batteries, and various other types of waste. 18% of all criteria Green

Campus Criteria according to UI Greenmetric is waste management. Based on

the criteria, the campus needs to be focused on the waste management system

such as waste segregation, pre-recycling, recycling, organic waste management,

and policies on waste management at the university governance to reduce the

use of paper and plastic packaging. Technology can be used to improve waste

management systems, preparation for recycling waste by crushing it before

recycling, collection and transfer of waste to landfill, or organic waste composers

around the campus. Through the design of a technology-based waste

management system.

This study is all about finding ways to manage waste in a way that's good

for the environment, especially on college campuses. Imagine a campus where

everything that's thrown away is handled in a way that's eco-friendly and

sustainable. They're studying how to design waste management systems

specifically for college campuses, which are often called "green campuses"

because they focus on being environmentally friendly. This includes things like

recycling programs, composting bins, and reducing the amount of waste

produced in the first place. The researchers want to figure out the best ways to
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

set up these systems on campus, so they're looking at things like where to place

recycling bins, how to encourage students and staff to use them, and what to do

with the waste once it's collected.

According to Rahul Mapari, Shweta Narkhede, Anagha Navale and Jiyot

Babrah (25 July 2020) Rapid increase in population has led to improper waste

management in metro cities and urban areas which has resulted in spreading of

diseases. It is estimated that 2.02 billion tones of municipal solid waste was

generated universally in 2006. The segregation, transport, handling and disposal

of waste must be managed properly to minimize the risks to the public, and the

environment. An efficient method to dispose the waste has been designed in our

project, “automatic waste segregator and monitoring system”. This paper

proposes an automatic waste segregator (AWS) which is a cheap, easy to use

solution for a segregation system at households, so that the wastes can be sent

directly for processing. Ultrasonic sensors are added for monitoring waste

collection process. The sensors would be placed in all the garbage bins. When

the garbage reaches the level of the sensor, then the indication will be given to a


This study is all about using technology to help sort and monitor waste

automatically. Imagine a machine that can separate different types of trash for
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

you without needing someone to do it by hand. The researchers developed a

system that uses sensors and machinery to sort through the waste. When you

throw something away, it goes into this machine. The system also includes a

monitoring component. This means that it keeps track of how much waste is

being generated and sorted, as well as any issues or problems that might come

up. This helps make sure everything is running smoothly and efficiently. By

studying this automatic waste segregator and monitoring system, the researchers

hope to find ways to make waste management easier and more efficient.

According to Chander Partap Singh, Manisha Manisha, Pao-Ann Hsiung,

Shivani Malhotra (19-21 September 2019), In the era of developing technology

where the urbanization is increasing rapidly, the corresponding waste is

increasing exponentially. As the concept of smart cities is emerging, there is a

need for a proper framework in order to tackle this problem. Although a lot of

efforts have been put by researchers to propose various approaches to

circumvent this issue, the problem still remains. The major problem faced while

designing a smart method for waste collection and monitoring is the segregation

of different types of wastes. The waste is still being segregated manually, thus

producing a harmful effect on the segregator itself. This paper reports an

automatic segregator system that can differentiate and store dry and wet waste
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

separately. The developed prototype of the system efficiently segregates dry and

wet waste in their respective containers.

This study is all about using advanced technology to make waste

management smarter and more efficient in cities. The researchers developed a

smart bin that's equipped with sensors and mechanisms to automatically

segregate different types of waste as it's thrown in. it can separate recyclables

like plastic bottles and aluminum cans from general waste like food scraps and

packaging. he smart bin is also connected to a central management system that

uses data analytics and real-time monitoring to track how much waste is being

generated, when bins need to be emptied, and even where there are issues like

overflowing bins or irregular waste collection patterns. By integrating an

automatic waste segregator into the smart bin, the researchers are making waste

management more efficient and sustainable in cities.

According to Nurisha Hania Kamarudin, A’zraa, Affizan Ab Rahim, Noor

Ezan Abdullah, Ili Shairah Abdul Halim, Siti Lailatul Mohd Hassan (0-21

November 2019), Automatic Waste Segregator and Monitoring System is an

automated dustbin which can be used by all level of society. This paper proposes

an Automatic Waste Segregator and Monitoring System which is designed to sort

the wet waste, paper, plastic and aluminum material into each bin respectively.

The main objective of this project is to automatically segregate the waste based
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on its material and monitor daily waste disposal rates and apply proper

maintenance of the dustbin. Besides that, this project is to promote 3R (reuse,

recycle, reduced) concept among citizens and prototype development that allows

janitors to monitor the level of garbage in the dustbin detected by sensors inside

the dustbin. This dustbin will automatically open when someone is close to the

dustbin and will not open if the garbage inside it has reached the threshold limit

to prevent overflow and mess. Anyone who throws the rubbish in the dustbin will

receive “thank you” on the LCD screen as a token of appreciation.

This study focuses on creating a system that can automatically sort waste

and keep track of it. Imagine a machine that can sort through your garbage and

keep tabs on what's being thrown away without needing anyone to do it

manually. The system also includes a monitoring component. This means it

keeps track of how much waste is being generated, which types of waste are

most common, and any issues that might come up, like bins getting too full or

irregular waste collection schedules, the researchers hope to make waste

management easier and more efficient.


ELAKKIYA, D. INDHUMATHI, E. JOTHIMEENA (2020) Increase in the quantity

of waste is not a bigger problem when compared to leaving the wastes at open

fill sites and untreated. Due to the improper segregation methods and untreatable
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wastes, it causes health problems to humans and animal life. So, our purpose of

our project is to segregate the wastes into three classes: Metallic, Wet and Dry

waste. The IR Sensor detects the entry of the object. The proximity sensor

detects metallic waste. The moisture sensor detects wet waste. The pollution

sensor will give an alarm that the presence of waste in the bin has got polluted.

The waste which is dumped in the bin is separated automatically in the above-

mentioned types based on the sensors by involving the waste to pass through

the conveyor belt. Here the benefit is the segregated waste can be recycled and

reused and too by implementing our project in the society it will be useful to

municipalities and its made them feasible. It will be protective to a human health

and environment.

This study is about creating a machine that automatically separates

different types of waste, making waste management easier and more efficient for

the future. Imagine a device that you can throw your trash into, and it sorts it out

for you, like magic! It's like having a little helper that knows exactly where each

piece of trash should go. The cool thing about this machine is that it's not just

convenient—it's also good for the environment. By sorting waste more effectively,

it helps increase recycling rates and reduces the amount of waste that ends up in

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According to Md Abdullah Al Rakib, Md. Sohel Rana, Md. Moklesur

Rahman, and Fysol Ibna Abbas (2020), Waste management faces numerous

difficulties because of its enormous, quickly developing populace in a densely

populated nation in the developing nations. The primary target of the research

work is dry and wet waste separation and management process. A portion of the

trash individuals produce is biodegradable, some are recyclable, and some are

not one or the other. Waste segregation includes isolating wastes as per how it's

dealt with or handled. Isolation of waste through at unloading locales burns-

through additional time and labor. This work suggests a Spontaneous Waste

Segregator (SWS) which is a modest, simple to utilize answer for an isolation

framework at family units. The AWS utilizes a dampness sensor to distinguish

wet and dry waste and separate them with ultrasound sensors for ceaseless

checking and GSM based waste level notice to authority. This system can be

used in industries for the employees to use daily. It will be used for wet food

junks or even as a normal daily bin. The automatic wet and dry waste and

separating system has been developed using microcontroller. As the integrated

circuits and microcontroller become more and more accessible and the

technology is a fact of today with the improved availability of sensor devices.

The study looks at ways to set up a system for separating and managing

these two types of waste effectively. This might involve providing separate bins
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for dry and wet waste, educating people on what items go where, and

implementing collection and disposal methods that are specific to each type of

waste. By segregating dry and wet waste and managing them separately, we can

reduce the amount of waste going to landfills, increase recycling rates, and even

create useful products like compost for gardening. Overall, this study is about

finding better ways to handle our waste by sorting it into dry and wet categories

and managing them in a more sustainable and eco-friendly manner.

According to Nandhini Murugan, Anithakumari Sivathanu, Krithika

Vaidyanathan, Anupam Tiwari, Armaan Varma (7 November 2022), Waste

management is a massive issue in India, most of the present systems cannot

manage waste on a scalable level, thus creating pressure on the ecosystem.

Before the elimination of waste, segregation needs to be done to manage

individual types of waste. The goal is to segregate the garbage generated in

individual households into solid, liquid, biodegradable, non-biodegradable,

combustible, and non-combustible, using many subsystems that involve electro

pneumatics, compression, and storage. Image processing techniques will further

advocate the process. The solution allows endpoints of the chain to process

different types of garbage in a more organized fashion. Municipal solid waste

(MSW) is solid waste that results from municipal community, commercial,

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institutional, and recreational activities. This paper aims to segregate the MSW

generated by households into biodegradable, non-biodegradable.

The researchers developed a system that includes special bins equipped

with sensors and mechanisms. When you throw something away, like a plastic

bottle or a piece of paper, it goes into one of these bins. Once the sensors

identify the material, the system sorts it into separate compartments or bins

based on its type. For example, all the plastic items go into one bin, while paper

goes into another. This helps keep different types of waste separate and makes

recycling easier. This might involve compacting the waste to save space,

scheduling pickups for recycling or composting, or even providing feedback to

users on their waste habits.

According to Dhiraj Sunehra, K. Pravalika, A. Sruthi, G. Rajasri (02-04

April 2021), With the continuous growth in urbanization and industrialization,

there is a rapid increase in the quantity of waste being produced every day. We

are dumping the waste generated every day in landfills all over. If we adopt

proper segregation procedures for the generated waste, it is possible to utilize

and recycle it effectively. In this paper, a cost-effective Automated Waste

Segregator system for the segregation of waste at the household level is

implemented. The proposed segregator system segregates the waste into three
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types: metallic, wet and dry. Here, the Arduino Uno board is used as the main

controller and various sensors are used to detect each type of waste, which is

segregated and thrown into the respective bins. This automatic waste segregator

system can send the separated wastes directly for recycling.

This study is about using a small computer called Arduino Uno to create a

system that automatically sorts waste. The researchers wanted to see if they

could use Arduino Uno to make this system work effectively. They programmed

the Arduino to control the sensors and the movement of the sorting mechanism.

They also tested the system to make sure it could accurately identify and sort

different types of waste. By studying the implementation of this automatic waste

segregator system using Arduino Uno, the researchers can learn more about

how to make waste sorting easier and more efficient.

Local Literatures

According to Bretel B. Dolipas , Jennifer Lyn S. Ramos , Monica S.

Alimondo , Phil S. Ocampo & Danni Loven A. Fulwani (June 2020), Proper

disposal is among the most important aspects of a waste management program

in an educational institution. This study was conducted in a university situated in

the northern province of the Philippines and presents students’ level of

awareness on waste classification and their compliance level on proper waste

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segregation. A questionnaire was used to measure the level of awareness,

whereas compliance level was measured through the audit of disposed wastes

collected on segregated waste bins within the vicinity of the university. An

average level of awareness on biodegradable waste was recorded among

students, except for third year students who showed low level of awareness on

this type of waste. Generally, students’ compliance level on waste segregation

was very low. Registered low levels of awareness among university students

may be linked to inadequate awareness campaign of the university, while low

compliance level on proper waste segregation somehow calls for augmented

forces to ensure strict compliance.

This study is all about understanding how aware people are about waste

segregation and whether they're actually following the rules. Imagine being in a

university where everyone is supposed to separate their trash into different bins

for recycling, composting, or regular garbage. The researchers wanted to see if

students, staff, and faculty knew about the waste segregation program at the

university and if they were actually doing it. They found that some people were

aware of the program and were following the rules, but others weren't as

informed or didn't seem to be complying.

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According to Ericson E. Coracero, RB J. Gallego, Ruel Joseph R.

Gonzales, Kristine Joy M. Frago (December 2021), Waste is a natural part of the

human life cycle and is produced in different forms such as bodily waste,

solid waste, hazardous waste, and even e-waste (The Environmental Literacy

Council, 2015). Among these, solid waste is one of the most voluminous

types produced globally (Hoornweg & Bhada-Tata, 2012). Solid waste

management is considered a pressing global issue calling for an immediate

response from the government and its people. The Philippines has a

continuously rising amount of waste and is expected to further increase in

the succeeding years. As reviewed, associated problems with solid waste

management in the country include an increasing amount of solid waste,

weak law implementation, scarcity of sanitary landfills, and improper

disposal. The ultimate solution existing in the country is the RA 9003 or

the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 which highlights the

practices of segregation, proper disposal, and waste diversion. These

solutions enumerated will only be possible with the presence of good

governance, active participation of the people of the country, and the cooperation

of all constituents and agencies in the Philippines.

This study refers to Solid waste is a term used to describe garbage or

trash that does not easily break down, such as plastics, metals, and paper.
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Proper management of solid waste is crucial to maintaining a clean and healthy

environment. Researchers conducted a study on the current state of solid waste

management in the Philippines to identify problems and potential solutions. The

study revealed that solid waste management in the Philippines is facing various

challenges, including inadequate infrastructure, limited resources, and poor

waste segregation practices. These challenges have resulted in issues such as

pollution, health hazards, and environmental degradation. The study provides

valuable insights into the state of solid waste management in the Philippines and

offers recommendations for addressing the persistent problems in this area.

According to Mary Ellen C. Camarillo, Luzvisminda M. Bellotindos (26

March 2021), Municipal solid waste (MSW) management has become one of the

most pressing environmental concerns of the Philippines at present. Several

measures have been implemented to circumvent this issue, including waste

management policies stipulated in the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act

of 2001. However, the implementation of these policies even at the barangay

level has always been a challenge. Hence, this study assessed the compliance

of selected barangays in Cebu City, Philippines, specifically to the integrated

solid waste management plan based on the 3R’s (reduce, reuse, and recycle).

There were 1523 residents and 30 Barangay Environment Officials identified as

respondents based on Slovin’s sampling method at a 95% confidence level. The

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results revealed that there is less extent of compliance in almost all of the SWM

policies such as segregation, composting, recycling, incentives, and public


This study focuses on how government policies related to managing solid

waste are put into action in the Philippines, and how local communities get

involved in the process. The researchers examined how well government policies

on solid waste management are being implemented at the local level in the

Philippines. They looked at factors like the availability of waste collection

services, the condition of waste disposal facilities, and the enforcement of

regulations. They also studied how local communities are involved in solid waste

management efforts. This includes things like community clean-up drives,

recycling programs, and initiatives to reduce waste generation.

According to E Osorio, L Bularan , M Tanchuling , S Ty , B Inocencio , P

Lu , B Requejo , L Caraan (2023), This study aims to gather primary and

secondary data on the municipal SWM system of an urban area in Metro Manila

during the pandemic to design targeted and effective measures to improve SWM

practices and reduce plastic pollution. The study results show that the city’s

waste generation rate is at 0.93 kg/cap/day, while the disposal rate is at 0.66

kg/cap/day. Most of the wastes in both generation and disposal are

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biodegradables, mainly consisting of food wastes. Among the plastic wastes,

lightweight plastic bags were the most abundant in terms of weight. From total

plastics waste generation, about 7% of them entered the water system; 5%

retained on land and the remaining are burnt or in storm drains. An important

recommendation from this baseline study is the effective segregation of

biodegradable, recyclable, residual, and special wastes.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, people generated and disposed of waste

differently. Medical supplies like masks and gloves, or packaging from online

shopping, may have caused an increase in waste. To understand how the city

managed the changes in waste disposal, researchers looked at factors such as

waste collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal methods. They also

examined any challenges or issues that arose. The city increased the frequency

of waste collection, implemented safety protocols for waste workers, and raised

public awareness about proper waste disposal practices.

According to Karen Burdeos, Meycel Amarille (June 2023), The concept of

community participation has been a strategy of different organizations in

implementing a program. A waste analysis and characterization study (WACS)

was conducted in Butuan City, Philippines, before the disruption of the COVID-19

pandemic in 2020. Along with WACS is the determination of the household waste
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generators' willingness-to-pay (WTP) amount for improved management of solid

waste in the City using the dichotomous choice contingent valuation method (DC-

CVM). The study involved 427 randomly selected households who were asked

how much they would pay based on the pre-identified bid prices. Respondents

were iteratively asked for the WTP amount until the highest possible amount was

elicited. The mean amount of WTP was estimated using the logistic regression


This study aimed to determine the amount that residents of Butuan City,

Philippines are willing to pay for better solid waste management services. To

achieve this, the researchers conducted surveys and interviews with households

in the city. They inquired about the current waste management practices of the

households, their level of satisfaction with the present services, and the amount

they would be willing to pay for improvements. Based on the responses, the

researchers were able to approximate the households' willingness-to-pay for

better solid waste management services. The gathered information can aid

policymakers and city planners in making informed decisions regarding the

allocation of resources to enhance waste management in the city.

According to Miriam Ramirez Nguyen and Maria Francesca Ofren Tan (24

December 2020), With the worsening SWM problem, the Philippines enacted
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Republic Act 9003, the Ecological Solid Waste Management (SWM) Act 2000,

instituting SWM Program. Water quality in water bodies and watersheds is

adversely affected by pollution, exacerbated by increasing population and

urbanization. This study examined RA 9003 implementation in urban and rural

communities of Santa Cruz Watershed (SCW) which drains into Laguna Lake.

Knowledge, awareness, and perceptions (KAPs) of communities were elicited

using focused group discussions, interviews, and surveys in barangays within the

watershed. Challenges that hamper better implementation of RA 9003 include

non-segregation of solid waste by residents attributed to lack of awareness and

discipline; irregular garbage collection; inadequate garbage trucks; lack of

functional materials recovery facilities; and limited government resources.

Addressing these concerns will further boost RA 9003 compliance and enhance

the effectiveness of implementation and monitoring in the communities.

This study examines the management of solid waste in both urban and

rural communities within the Santa Cruz Watershed in Laguna, Philippines. The

researchers analyzed how solid waste is collected, transported, treated, and

disposed of in both urban and rural areas of the Santa Cruz Watershed. The

study takes into account factors such as the availability of waste collection

services, the condition of waste disposal facilities, and the level of community
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participation in waste management efforts. The findings suggest that solid waste

management practices differ between urban and rural communities. In urban

areas, formal waste collection services and infrastructure may be more readily

available. However, waste disposal and environmental pollution pose greater


According to Catherine P. Cubebe – Cawayan, Shinju C.

Lingbawan, Reny T. Putic, Marsky A. Ubeňa, Ehrol C. Bayed (2021), Even with

the presence of barangay and municipal ordinances on the Solid Waste

Management and other Information Education Campaign activities in the

Municipality of Rizal, Kalinga, there is a need to assess how these programs

were implemented. Thus this study was conducted to assess the level of

awareness and solid waste management practices of households in terms of 3Rs

(reduce, reuse and recycle) and assess the effectiveness of programs on solid

waste management. A descriptive research design was used in gathering data

and a total of 251 households as respondents. Data gathered were analyzed and

interpreted using the frequency and percentage distribution. Findings showed

that households are fully aware on the solid waste management, very aware on

the waste management practices in terms of 3Rs 9reduce, reuse and recycle),

and good in composting and disposal practices.

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This study promotes RA 9003 and sets guidelines for managing solid

waste to promote environmental sustainability and public health. It covers various

aspects of waste management, including waste segregation, recycling,

composting, and proper disposal. The study examines how the Municipality of

Rizal is implementing these requirements. It looks at whether the municipality

has established waste segregation programs, recycling initiatives, composting

facilities, and proper waste disposal methods. Additionally, the study assesses

the effectiveness of these initiatives and identifies any challenges or obstacles

faced by the municipality in complying with RA 9003. Overall, the goal of the

study is to evaluate the Municipality of Rizal's efforts in managing solid waste and

to provide insights into how the implementation of RA 9003 can be improved to

achieve better waste management outcomes.

According to Geminn Louis Carace Apostol, Angelina Gabrielle Aguilar

Acolola , Michelle Alexandra Edillon and Sary Valenzuela (17 August 2022), This

study presents a comprehensive analysis on policies governing the management

of COVID-19 waste in the Philippines, highlighting gaps in pre-existing policies

and opportunities for further policy development and adaptation in the context of

present and future public health emergencies. A hybrid search strategy and

consultative process identified fifty (50) policy documents directly impacting the

management of wastes (general domestic, healthcare, and household healthcare

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waste) released prior to and during the pandemic. Content analysis revealed

comprehensive policy coverage on managing general domestic waste and

healthcare waste. We conclude that existing waste management policies in the

Philippines leave much room for improvement to ensure effective management of

COVID-19 waste from various settings and circumstances.

The researchers conducted a study to examine the effectiveness of

existing waste management policies in dealing with the changes brought about

by the pandemic. The study evaluated waste collection, disposal and recycling

programs. While some policies proved to be effective, others faced challenges.

For instance, strict lockdown measures led to disruptions or delays in waste

collection services. Moreover, there were concerns about the appropriate

disposal of medical waste, and the increased use of single-use plastics during

the pandemic.

According to Thayelen Nascimento, Felipe Paulo, Maria Xavier, Ana

Ribeiro (18 October 2022), This research is classified as qualitative, with an

exploratory and descriptive objective. A questionnaire was used to collect

information; 208 company managers contributed as respondents to this

research. Regarding solid waste management practices identified in the

companies of the Moda Center Santa Cruz, these separation practices and
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destination of solid waste generated by clothing were verified. The solid waste

found to a greater extent by clothing is knitted and fabric waste. The

management of these materials occurs in a limited way, requiring expansion of

activities related to waste management. In addition, companies have little

knowledge about public solid waste management policies Due to the application

of this research having been carried out at the Moda Center Santa Cruz, its

character as a contributor to the expansion of knowledge regarding the

management of solid waste from clothing installed at Moda Center.

This study focuses to Moda Center is likely a facility where clothing is sold,

manufactured, or used in some way. A study has been conducted to examine

how waste from clothing, such as packaging materials, scraps, or discarded

clothing items, is handled at this location. The researchers likely looked at how

waste from clothing is collected, sorted, and disposed of at the Moda Center.

They may have assessed factors such as the availability of recycling bins for

clothing materials, the implementation of waste reduction strategies, and the

effectiveness of waste management practices at the facility. Overall, the study

provides insights into how solid waste, specifically waste from clothing, is

managed at the Moda Center in Santa Cruz.

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According to Ronhick E. Sanchez (October 2023), The problem of solid

waste management increases as years pass by. In the Philippines, small

communities like Brgy. Cawilan, in the Municipality of Tagana-an, Surigao del

Norte have long-term solid waste management problems despite the countless

seminars conducted, implemented policies on solid waste management, and key

programs to reduce the volume of waste in the community with no landfills and

such. Thus, this poses a greater threat to the community’s health and waste

disposal. Hence, this study aimed to assess the awareness and practices of the

community in Brgy. Cawilan, Tagana-an, Surigao del Norte towards solid waste

management. The adopted survey questionnaire was floated to the 108 randomly

selected residents of Brgy. Cawilan to determine their level of awareness and

practices on solid waste management. Results revealed that the level of

awareness on solid waste management of Brgy. Cawilan was High, which means

that the community are aware of the solid waste management programs

implemented in the barangay.

This study is all about understanding the segregation and reduce practices

were Practiced, the reuse practices were Highly Practiced, and the recycle and

disposal practices were Less Practiced and lastly the awareness on solid waste

management of the community does not affect their practices in terms of disposal
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but their practices in terms of segregation, reduce, reuse, and recycle influence

their awareness on solid waste management.

This study aims to assess the level of awareness and adherence to solid

waste management practices in the community of Barangay Cawilan, Tagana-

an, Surigao Del Norte. Solid waste management involves everything from how

you sort your garbage to what happens to it after it's collected. The researchers

want to understand how much people in Barangay Cawilan know about these

practices and how they put that knowledge into practice. By getting answers to

these questions, researchers can determine if people in the community are

aware of the practices and whether or not they actually follow them. This

information can then be used to develop education campaigns or improve waste

management infrastructure. Imagine you're part of this community, your input is

valuable and will help improve solid waste management practices in Barangay


Local Systems

According to Christopher P. Pante, Edison A. Villamer, Marvin T. Agrade,

Marlon Jay A. Delustre. Renato T. Embestro, Via Claire S. Mamano, Rhoderick

F. Oliveros, Eddie L. Cabaltera, Victor-Solito DR. Isaac (2 May 2022), The

common difficulty in populated developing countries like the Philippines is

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inappropriate waste management practices. The improper use of waste bins and

waste segregation are some of those. One of the major causes is the

irresponsibility of the people. As expected, the consequences are environmental

and health risks experienced by people. The countermeasure to minimize these

risks is the solution proposed by people, particularly the development of an

automated segregation system. The waste bins are designed to be concealed to

conserve space, slow down the decomposition rate and reduce the foul odor of

waste. The design is fully automated to minimize direct contact with the waste.

The classifying section is capable of collecting and segregating waste using a

gripper, servo motors, ultrasonic, capacitive, and photoelectric sensors.

This study explores a specialized type of waste bin that includes a

shredder for solid waste. Imagine a regular waste bin with an added feature: a

shredder that can break down solid waste items such as paper, cardboard, or

small plastic items into smaller pieces. What makes this waste bin unique is that

it is designed to be concealed, which means that it is hidden from sight or

integrated into its surroundings. The purpose of this concealed automated waste

bin with a shredder is to make waste management more efficient and convenient.

When you dispose of something in the bin, the shredder automatically activates

and breaks down the waste into smaller pieces. This feature can help to reduce

the volume of waste and make it easier to manage and dispose of.
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College Of Computer Studies

According to Tony Rey R. Escalona, Diana Rose T. Rivera, Ritchard Q.

Dizon, Francis Aboy, Bedivere Cabahug, Vic James Mesina, Vee Jay Ramos

(01-04 December 2022), The solar-powered smart waste segregation trash bin

with image processing can help in managing the solid waste generated in a

community. This device is designed to segregate four types of recyclable solid

waste materials namely; plastic, glass, metallic, and paper with the help of image

processing and a series of sensors installed in the device for detection, selection,

and feedback. The solid waste material is scanned using a camera and

compared to the waste images datasets that have been tested and trained model

by the researchers, using TensorFlow and python 3.7. The smart waste

segregation trash bin can also sense the amount of solid waste inside the

compartment with the help of an ultrasonic sensor. Aside from that, through the

GSM module, it can generate an SMS notification to the authorized personnel

once the bin reaches its maximum capacity. The device is also equipped with a

solar panel that is capable of generating the required energy for the system. The

result of the testing shows a 100% success rate for paper and plastics, 70% for

metals, and 50% for glass.

. This novel focuses in smart trash bin is powered by solar panels,

enabling it to work in areas without access to electricity. The amazing feature of

this trash bin is the image processing technology. It has cameras or sensors that
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can "see" what's thrown away. When you throw something in the bin, the

cameras take a picture or scan the item to determine its type. Based on the

image or scan, the smart trash bin automatically sorts the waste into different

compartments. For instance, it can separate recyclables like plastic bottles or

aluminum cans from general waste like food scraps or paper. The benefit of this

system is that it makes waste segregation easier and more efficient.

According to Froilan N. Jimeno, Briely Jay A. Briz, Marvin Roy P. Artiaga,

Randy E. Angelia, Noel B. Limsangan (28-30 November 2021), In the

Philippines, solid waste management is still a significant problem. Improper

waste disposal causes serious health problems and environmental risks such as

contamination of the water systems, floods, ground and air pollution, and

diseases. Unfortunately, most people mistakenly believe that not segregating

waste is acceptable. This study aims to develop and design a Smart Waste Bin

Segregation using Image Processing and assist waste segregation through

waste identification and segregation built on machine learning capable of

navigating the one-time path set by the user. In particular, create an intelligent

waste bin segregation prototype using image processing with three

classifications. These classifications are the biodegradable, non-bio-degradable,

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and unknown intended to segregate solid waste into its respective bins and

conduct accuracy tests using appropriate statistical tools.

This study aims to develop a smart waste bin that utilizes image

processing technology to segregate different types of waste automatically. The

image processing technology analyzes the image of the waste to determine its

type, such as plastic bottle, paper, or food waste. Once identified, the smart

waste bin separates the waste into different compartments or sections, with

recyclable materials like plastic and glass going into one section, and non-

recyclable waste like food scraps going into another. This study explores how

image processing technology can be utilized to develop smart waste bins that

streamline waste management processes, making them more sustainable and

environmentally friendly.

According to Yuneza Claire Y. Mortos, Mon Arjay Malbog , Marte Nipas ,

Rufo Marasigan Jr. , and Dennis Nava (06 February 2024), The current market

offers smart bins, incorporating automatic door openings as a notable design

feature for household cleanliness. While advanced and versatile waste

management devices exist for business applications, the Philippines faces limited

access to these innovations. This project aims to address these issues by

developing a system that automates the separation of household waste into three
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

distinct categories: paper, plastic, and metal. Utilizing an Arduino Mega

microcontroller, YOLOv4-based waste classification, and various models, the

system offers efficient and hands-free waste disposal. The system's potential lies

in streamlining waste segregation, user-friendly design, and versatile applications

beyond residential use. SMARTSORT aims to contribute to sustainable waste

management practices.

"SMARTSORT: YOLOv4-driven Smart Sorting for Household Waste

Management" is a project that aims to address the growing problem of waste

management through the use of cutting-edge technology. The project uses

YOLOv4, an advanced object detection algorithm, to accurately identify different

types of household waste and sort them into appropriate categories. This

technology can help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and promote

recycling efforts. With SMARTSORT, households can easily manage their waste

and contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable environment.

According to Ralf D. Cuarto, Adriel R. Baterna, John Kenneth Q.

Bulalacao, Psalm Herald M. Cuajao ,Marc Theodore A. Casco, Rolan Joseph T.

Portento, Charles G. Juarizo, Thaddeo S. Garcia and Rugi Vicente C. Rubi (30

October 2023), With the recent increase in the amount of disposed infectious

waste due to COVID-19, a growing interest to develop an efficient, economical,

and effective infectious waste segregation system has prompted both the health
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

sector and the government. This study presented a microcontroller-based

automated infectious waste segregation and disinfection system in a selected

medical facility in Metro Manila, Philippines. The prototype system applying

machine learning principles can identify three kinds of waste materials classified

as electronic, pathological, and sharp wastes as interpreted by the YOLOv5

algorithm. Results showed that the mean average precision (mAP) of identifying

electronic, pathological, and sharp waste was 95.7, 79.9 and 94.5%,


This study aims to develop an effective system for managing infectious

waste, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The system's primary

purpose is to automatically segregate and disinfect infectious waste, reducing the

risk of spreading the virus and ensuring safe waste disposal methods. The

central component of the system is a microcontroller-based control system,

serving as the system's brain. Whenever infectious waste is detected, sensors

activate the microcontroller to initiate the process. The system then sorts the

infectious waste from other types of waste, ensuring proper segregation.

Following this, the infectious waste undergoes a disinfection process, which may

involve heat treatment or chemical disinfection to eliminate harmful pathogens,

including the COVID-19 virus. Once disinfected, the waste can be safely

disposed of, without posing any risk to public health.

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

According to Bott R. (2014), toxic chemical products formed as secondary

metabolites by a few fungal species that readily colonise crops and contaminate

them with toxins in the field or after harvest. Ochratoxins and Aflatoxins are

mycotoxins of major significance and hence there has been significant research

on broad range of analytical and detection techniques that could be useful and

practical. Due to the variety of structures of these toxins, it is impossible to use

one standard technique for analysis and/or detection. Practical requirements for

high-sensitivity analysis and the need for a specialist laboratory setting create

challenges for routine analysis.

The research tackles the issues of the waste segregation and collection

system in the Philippines in addition to the trade of recyclables among the

citizens. Waste management is one of the fundamental aspects of ensuring

environmental health and safety for the people. Waste segregation and collection

importantly contribute to waste management strategies. In the Philippines,

households and communities are encouraged to separate their garbage into

different categories, including biodegradable, recyclable, and non-recyclable.

Waste segregation enables a more convenient recycling process and reduces

the amount of rubbish delivered to the dumping sites. Trade of recyclables is the

process of purchasing, selling, and swapping the products such as plastics,

metals, and paper to recycle them.

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

According to Kim T. (28 February 2023), Recycling and waste

management have garnered immense popularity in recent years, but few studies

have been carried out regarding these systems. Therefore, an in-depth literature

review was done in order to highlight the different sectors of the recycling system

that need to be re-formed. Hence this study examined recycling and waste

management systems within three categories–medical, municipal, and plastic–

that were carried out pre and post COVID by reviewing previous studies,

technical reports, and annual reports. This was done by visiting numerous aca-

demic search engines alongside online resources that were utilized to assemble

literature related to waste and recycling systems. Continuing a recurring idea was

that no matter the type of waste, further research regarding all waste should be

carried out. Additionally, since recycling and waste management are a vital part

of our society, and seeing how unpredictable events such as the pandemic may

be, it is paramount that that research is done not only on how the pandemic has

affected systems now, but also how we can learn from current issues to utilize

them for future.

The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of the COVID-19

pandemic on recycling and waste management. As already mentioned, these

tasks require proper solutions for ensuring environmental sustainability and

public health. However, the pandemic made changes to the established

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

conditions. More specifically, the study will examine the alterations in waste

generation patterns, the types of collected and disposed waste, and the levels of

recycling. Furthermore, in many countries, recycling was fully or partially stopped

due to the pandemic disruptions. The development of contactless waste collect

and sorting and recycling technologies can also be considered as relevant.

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies



San Carlos City, Negros Occidental is a community of technical people

that believes in San Carlos City Enviroment Management Office principle of

service efficiency as a approach to achieving goals and priorities in order to

promote technological excellence. The City Environment Management Office

commits to pursue sustainable practices and ensure the effective management of

the city’s environment.

The City Environment Management Office (CEMO) has set up a smart

waste management system to make garbage disposal more efficient and

environmentally friendly. It's all about using technology to handle trash better. Is

like a high-tech solution to sorting and handling trash. It starts with special bins

that have sensors to keep track of how much garbage they hold and what kind it

is, like recyclables or regular waste. These sensors send this information to a

central system that helps figure out the most efficient way to collect the trash.
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

This helps City Environment Management Office figure out the best ways

to collect and handle the waste. Inside waste processing facilities, machines do

the sorting, separating biodegradable from non-biodegradable using this

Innovating Waste Management Solution for Automated Segregation System. . By

monitoring environmental parameters and implementing mitigation measures,

CEMO aims to minimize the environmental footprint of waste management

activities and contribute to sustainable development goals. Through the

integration of these advanced technologies and sustainable practices, San

Carlos City is leading the way towards a cleaner, greener future.

The group aims to address the need of the respondent aforementioned by

the designing an automated waste segregation system that can separate the

biodegradable from non-biodegradable. The researchers through of an idea of

an automatic waste segregation system it help to improve waste management by

creating better garbage sorting machines. They invent new tech like AI and

sensors to make sorting easier. They study data on how garbage is made and

sorted to find the best methods. Then, they build and test prototypes of sorting

machines, combining different tech into one system. They also make sure these

machines are eco-friendly. Working with others, they share ideas and speed up
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

progress. Finally, they suggest rules to encourage using these advanced sorting

machines, making waste management more efficient and sustainable.

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

Organizational Chart


City Government Department Head I
SG 25/3
City Environment & Natural Resources
Officer I
Division (no created
Integrated Waste position)
Management/Pollution Control

Supv. Envr.Mgmt. Specialist SG 22/1


- Overall in-charge in the Implement programs for the

protection and rehabilitation protection and preservation of the
of all environmental environment, as well as
programs within the city rehabilitation of areas critically
affected by industries, effects of
- Coordinating environmental natural calamities, result of man
activities within the territorial made activities, etc.Recommending
jurisdiction of the city and key develpment investments in
integrate it with the climate - sensitive sectors such as
environmental master plan. water resources, agriculture,
- Providing technical forestry, coastal and marine
assistance to the Local Chief resources, health, and infastructure
Executive and the Legislative to ensure the achievement of
branch on policy and localsustainable development
decision-making. goals.Prepare and formulate
management plans for climate
change adaptation and mitigation
for the city.
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies




Admin.Asst. II SG
Admin. Aide VI SG 6/3

Admin. Aide II SG 2/2


5- J.O.’s assigned for IEC

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

62- J.O.’s assigned for Metro Aide II SG 4/2

City Lanes Maintenance AURELIO

17- J.O.’s assigned for

Beautification Projects
Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

Admin. Admin.
Aide VI SG Admin Aide VI Aide IV SG 4/3
SG 4/8 Aide VI SG 4/3

Admin. Admin.
Aide III SG 3/2 Aide III SG 3/1

76- J.O.’s assigned for Eco-Center Operation & Garbage collection

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

Metro Aide II Metro Aide II
Aide II SG 4/8 SG 4/2 Metro Aide II SG 4/6
SG 4/2
EDGAR V. Anthony V. (Vacant) EDGAR V.

76- J.O.’s assigned for Eco-Center Operation & Garbage collection

Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies








Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies










Republic of the Philippines
Don Justo V. Valmayor Campus
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
College Of Computer Studies

Circuit Diagram

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