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Here is a look at what your

child will be studying within

the month of June:
Religion: We will complete our study of the virtues. We will
also honour the Sacred Heart of Jesus this month and the
students will learn more about this important devotion.
Finally, we will explore the lives of various saints and the
miracles associated with their firm belief and faith.

Math: We will be completing our Data Management unit this

month. We will then move on to complete a coding unit and
then a unit on Probability.

Oral/Media Focus: The students will
complete a commercial using the techniques
used within our media literacy unit.
Media Focus: The students will complete a
media literacy unit and they will complete
their fact sheet about drugs.

History: We will complete our study of the War of 1812.

We will then move on to learning about life in Lower
Canada. The students will learn about the Rebellions
that took place in Lower Canada.

Science: We have begun our Form and Function unit. The

students will complete and present their bridges, and our
Structures and Mechanisms unit will conclude by the end of
the month.

Art: The students will complete a sketch from a

drawn image.
Health: We have begun our unit on Substances: Use and
Abuse. We will also discuss stress management and ways to
alleviate and cope with the stresses of everyday life.

Physical Education: This month’s focus

will be on soccer.

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