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### Very Long Answer Questions Based on the Given Syllabus

**UNIT – I: Curating Persona**

1. **Explain the importance of maintaining profiles with continuity, coherence, and cohesion.
Provide examples of effective profiles in professional settings.**
2. **Discuss the strategies for innovating content in digital platforms. How do style and
correctness contribute to successful content innovation?**
3. **Analyze the role of concise, cohesive, and clear content writing in press releases.
Provide a detailed breakdown of an exemplary press release.**
4. **How does coherence play a critical role in maintaining an online persona? Discuss with
relevant examples.**
5. **Critically examine the challenges and benefits of introducing new ideas and opinions in
content writing. How can one ensure factual correctness while being innovative?**
6. **Describe the key elements of an effective podcast script. How do clarity and coherence
contribute to the overall impact of the podcast?**
7. **Evaluate the significance of cohesion in content writing. How can a writer achieve
cohesive content in blogs and vlogs?**
8. **Discuss the importance of coherence in maintaining professional profiles. How can
coherence impact a professional’s online reputation?**
9. **How can press releases be used effectively to communicate institutional achievements?
Discuss with examples.**
10. **Analyze the impact of clarity in communication for content writers. Provide strategies to
enhance clarity in writing.**

**UNIT – II: Making Institutional Profiles and Networks**

11. **Discuss the process of writing about an institution. How can one effectively describe
and assess an institution’s strengths and achievements?**
12. **Compare and contrast different methods of building networks for an institution. How
can these networks be leveraged for institutional growth?**
13. **Evaluate the role of discourse markers in updating blogs and vlogs. Provide examples
of effective use of discourse markers.**
14. **Analyze the importance of synthesizing information in building networks. How does
synthesis contribute to network effectiveness?**
15. **Discuss the challenges and best practices in writing about an institution’s profile. How
can one ensure the content is engaging and informative?**
16. **Examine the strategies for effective networking in a professional setting. How can
these strategies be applied to build and maintain institutional networks?**
17. **How do discourse markers enhance the readability and coherence of blogs and vlogs?
Discuss with relevant examples.**
18. **Assess the impact of clear and cohesive writing on an institution’s profile. How can
institutions benefit from well-written profiles?**
19. **Discuss the significance of comparing and contrasting institutional profiles. How can
this approach help in network building?**
20. **Analyze the role of updating blogs and vlogs in maintaining an institution’s online
presence. How can regular updates contribute to institutional success?**
**UNIT – III: Online Interactions and Diversity**

21. **Discuss the etiquettes for online interactions in professional settings. How can these
etiquettes enhance communication in chats, meetings, and video conferences?**
22. **Evaluate the ethical considerations for inclusive and integrated participation in online
interactions. How can organizations ensure ethical communication practices?**
23. **Analyze the importance of addressing gender, ethnicity, and special abilities in online
interactions. How can inclusive communication be promoted?**
24. **Discuss the strategies for drawing boundaries in online communication. How can one
address obscenities, hostility, and disrespectful comments effectively?**
25. **Evaluate the role of changing register and tone in communication when addressing
feedback. How can this impact the perception of the feedback receiver?**
26. **How can etiquette in video conferences enhance professional relationships? Discuss
with examples.**
27. **Analyze the ethical implications of excluding certain groups in online interactions. How
can organizations promote inclusivity in their online platforms?**
28. **Discuss the challenges and solutions for addressing disrespectful comments in online
interactions. How can one maintain a professional tone while doing so?**
29. **Examine the impact of inclusive communication on organizational culture. How can
addressing gender, ethnicity, and special abilities contribute to a positive work
30. **Discuss the principles of ethical online interactions. How can organizations ensure their
online communication practices are inclusive and respectful?**

These questions are designed to encourage deep analysis and comprehensive

understanding of the syllabus topics, ensuring students can articulate their knowledge
effectively in very long answers.

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