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Form 9 Контрольна робота за ІI півріччя


Test I
Writing Variant 2
1. Fill in the sentences with the Present Passive or the Past Passive forms.
1) Wool from Scotland is exported / was exported to many countries of the world.
2) The new stadium in this city is opened / was opened in 2020.
3) This church is built / was built in the 18th century.
4) Ice hockey is played / was played in winter.
5) Entertainment industry is developed / was developed in Glasgow nowadays.
6) Football is invented / was invented in England.
2. Write the questions to the following sentences.
1) Mike has been to Scotland for two weeks. (How long?)
2) Last month they booked a nice hotel at the lake. (Where?)
3) Richard is going to visit Cardiff next month. (When?)
4) My classmates will prepare the project about famous inventors and their inventions.
5) We often go to Canada because our granny lives there. (Why?)
6) Mike visits the countryside at weekends. (What?)
3. Choose Past Simple or Past Perfect form to complete the sentences with the verbs in
1) Jack ______________________ (write) his composition by five o’clock yesterday.
2) Kate _______________ (pass) the exam after she __________________ (study) a lot.
3) Alice _____________________ (buy) this dress before she ________________ (see) a more
beautiful one in the other shop.
4) We ____________ (go) to the hotel before the storm __________________ (begin).
5) I ________________ (meet) my cousin after she ____________________ (make) an
appointment to see her doctor.
6) The student __________________ (not finish) the test when the time _________________
(run out).
4. Write a paragraph about what places of interest you would like to see in London and why,
what transport you prefer to use, what souvenirs you’d like to buy.

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