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1. Open template on Adobe Photoshop, look for this icon between all layers:

2. Double clicking it will pop-up a new window.

3. Be sure to read the prompt message and click on OK.
4. You should see your “working” window. An example of a work window can be found on the image
below. Your work window will depend on what template you are editing.

5. At this stage, edit the template as you would edit a text file. Adding in the necessary details of your
fullz. When done do not forget to CLICK SAVE.

6. After editing the contents, choose File > Save to save edited changes. Then you should return to the
first tab to be able to see your changes updated upon return.
7. Pictures ! -> follow the same steps that i explained for editting text:
Double click the "smart object symbol" in the layer menu en change or add a picture in the new
working window.
After editing the contents, choose File > Save to save edited changes.

I have add a few images for you already..but it is easy to add more pictures,
There a listing for 100 passportphoto,s in my shop if you need more pictures!


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