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part 1 weapons

There are around 65 melee weapons in fallout new vegas and 65 guns in fallout new vegas however
the best melee weapon does 139 dps in comparison the best gun does 390 dps almost 3 times as
much this is why guns tend to be the best choice.

Melee weapons can be used for stealth however as you have first dumped all your points into melee
it is not that great and also stealth is very limited and you should not entirely rely on it as it can be
useless in many interactions with enemies

Energy weapons if you want you can use these but they are quite rare and ammo is not always easy
to find

^weapon stats


By keeping your gun at a high weapon condition can increase damage and if it reaches 0 it
completely breaks and you cannot use it anymore this also affects ammunition

Strength and guns skill requirements can affect the damage of your shots and also the accuracy in
scopes and standing this also applies to energy weapons and melee weapons but with their own
skills e.g. needing 75 melee skill to use an item and a strength of 6
Part 2 armour

Damage threshold subtracts an amount from the damage dealt to you it is quite complex but all you
need to know is high damage threshold means better armour

Armour type they can be light medium or heavy light armour makes you run fast medium makes it a
bit slower and heavy is a lot slower

Part 3 basics (I forgot to do this before)

Attack points are used in VATS such as below.

Part 4 health and aid

Part 5 miscellanies stuff

Don’t keep any of it unless it weighs nothing or very little or is worth a lot for its weight if something
is smaller than 10 caps per 1 weight it is not very good.

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