Sawflies Out of Gondwana Phylogenetics and Biogeography of Argidae Hymenoptera 1St Edition Leonardo A Malagon Aldana Full Chapter PDF

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Sawflies out of Gondwana:

phylogenetics and biogeography of

Argidae (Hymenoptera) 1st Edition
Leonardo A. Malagón-Aldana
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Systematic Entomology (2021), DOI: 10.1111/syen.12527

Sawflies out of Gondwana: phylogenetics and

biogeography of Argidae (Hymenoptera)
L E O N A R D O A . M A L A G Ó N- A L D A N A 1,2 , A R N R . J E N S E N 2,3 ,
D A V I D R . S M I T H 4 , A K I H I K O S H I N O H A R A 5 and
L A R S V I L H E L M S E N2
Museo entomológico UNAB, Grupo Sistemática de Insectos Agronomía SIA, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional
de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia, 2 Natural History Museum of Denmark, Science, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark,
Department of Biology and Biotechnologies ‘Charles Darwin’, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 4 Systematic Entomology
Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, c/o National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian
Institution, Washington, District of Columbia, U.S.A. and 5 Department of Zoology, National Museum of Nature and Science,
Tsukuba, Japan

Abstract. We present the first phylogenetic hypothesis for the cosmopolitan family
Argidae based on both molecular and morphological data. Furthermore, we present
a biogeographic scenario based on a dated phylogeny and interpret the evolutionary
history of the family. Information from sequences of eight genes is analysed to recon-
struct the phylogeny of the Argidae based on maximum likelihood and Bayesian infer-
ence. Total evidence Bayesian analyses are also conducted, combining the molecular
dataset with data from adult and larval morphology. For the historical biogeographic
reconstruction, divergence times are estimated using node dating with uncorrelated
relaxed-clock analysis, and ancestral biogeographical distributions are estimated apply-
ing a Dispersal Extinction Cladogenesis model and a Bayesian binary model. Argidae
s.s. is retrieved as monophyletic in all analyses and the clade Zenargidae + (Argidae +
Pergidae) is better supported when combining molecular and morphological charac-
ters, and when excluding the saturated third codon position in the molecular analysis.
Within Argidae, two large clades corresponding to the subfamilies Arginae and Ster-
ictiphorinae sensu Benson are retrieved as monophyletic. The ancestral distribution of
Arginae and Sterictiphorinae is estimated to be the Australian and Neotropical regions.
Divergence of Argidae-Pergidae and Arginae-Sterictiphorinae is estimated to occur in
the middle-upper Jurassic before or during the east-west Gondwana breakup. Diversi-
fication of Argidae may be associated with the radiation of angiosperms in the Early
Cretaceous, especially for the Neotropical Sterictiphorinae after the separation of South
America and Africa. Arginae were probably introduced to the northern hemisphere
by dispersal to Africa and/or India and subsequent continental collision with Eura-
sia in the Cenozoic. The occurrence of Sterictiphorinae in the northern hemisphere is
more difficult to explain. Maternal care and brood guarding behaviour evolved inde-
pendently in Argidae and Pergidae, with a single origin in a subclade (Dielocerini) of

Correspondence: Leonardo A. Malagon-Aldana, Museo entomológico UNAB, Grupo Sistemática de Insectos Agronomía SIA, Facultad de
Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Cra. 30 #45-03, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. E-mail:

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society 1

2 L. A. Malagon-Aldana et al.

Introduction D. protera Smith, D. poinari Smith and D. ebena Smith

(20.4–13.6 Ma, lower Miocene), and the compression fos-
Argidae is the second largest family in the Tenthredinoidea or sil Mioarge azari Nel, from volcano-sedimentary maar of
true sawflies. The Tenthredinoidea in turn is the largest clade Mont-Charay in France (7.2–5.3 Ma, uppermost Miocene)
among the primarily herbivorous ‘Symphyta’, which are para- (Rohwer et al., 1908; Smith & Poinar, 1992; Nel, 2004; Pale-
phyletic in relation to the predominantly carnivorous Apocrita obiology database,
(Vilhelmsen & Turrisi, 2011). Argidae are distributed world- Some Neotropical genera of Argidae s.s. (Themos, Dielocerus,
wide, being absent only from Antarctica, Madagascar, Green- Pachylota, Digelasinus and Sericoceros) present a characteristic
land and New Zealand. Unlike most other families of true subsocial behaviour, where the females guard the eggs at least
sawflies, they have a strong representation in the southern hemi- until they hatch, defending them from predators. The larvae stay
sphere, especially in the Neotropics. The closely related Pergi- together, feeding gregariously and make a mass cocoon when
dae is almost exclusively Gondwanan in distribution, occurring they pupate. However, this general behaviour includes variation
mostly in Australia and South America, with only the genus within several traits among these genera (defence mechanisms
Acordulecera extending into North America. Argidae + Pergi- of the female, host plant species, egg location and distribution on
dae have been placed as sister groups in virtually all comprehen- leaves, total period of guarding, mass cocoon structures, etc.)
sive phylogenetic treatments of ‘Symphyta’ (Vilhelmsen, 1997, (Benson, 1938; de Souza Dias, 1975; de Souza Dias, 1976;
2001; Schulmeister et al., 2002; Schulmeister, 2003a; Schul- Smith, 1992; Ciesla, 2002; Smith & Janzen, 2003; Boraschi
meister, 2003b; Ronquist et al., 2012a; Malm & Nyman, 2015). et al., 2005). A similar maternal guarding behaviour is also
The split between Pergidae and Argidae has been estimated to present in some Pergidae (Perga, Pseudoperga, Philomastix,
have occurred at approx. 133 Ma (116–158 Ma), around the time Cladomacra and Syzygonia) (Benson, 1938; Shinohara, 1986;
of the Gondwana break up (Schmidt & Walter, 2014; Nyman Schiff, 2004; Schmidt et al., 2006). Larvae of Argidae s.s. Feed
et al., 2019). Until recently, no comprehensive phylogenetic on a diverse variety of angiosperms. Although the larvae of
hypothesis was available for Argidae and no biogeographical most argids remain unknown, they also present various degrees
scenario in a cladistic framework has been proposed. of gregariousness, chemical defence, feeding behaviour and
Malagón-Aldana et al. (2021a, 2021b) analysed comprehen- morphological adaptations to their host plants (Smith, 1992;
sive data sets of Argidae based on adult (all 56 extant genera Schmidt et al., 2000; Boevé et al., 2018). Contrary to the
represented) and larval morphology (21 genera included). Their known Pergidae and Argidae s.s., the larvae of Zenarge feed
main finding was that the monotypic Australian genus Zenarge on gymnosperms, including the native Australian Callitris spp.
(Fig. 1K) that was previously placed in Argidae did not group (Cupressaceae) (Moore, 1963a, 1963b).
with the remainder of the family (Argidae s.s.), but instead was Here we aim to reconstruct a phylogenetic hypothesis for the
placed as either sister to Pergidae, or most frequently sister to Argidae, based on molecular characters including mitochon-
(Argidae s.s. + Pergidae); regardless of its position, Zenarge drial, ribosomal and nuclear gene fragments, for the highest
was always in a monophylum with Argidae s.s. and Pergidae number of argid terminals sequenced so far. We also analyse
(the ZAP clade). Consequently, Malagón-Aldana et al. (2021a) the combined morphological (adults and larvae) and molecu-
placed Zenarge in a separate family, the Zenargidae. This con- lar data sets in a total evidence approach to further explore the
trasts with the results of the few previous molecular analy- phylogeny of Argidae, including node dating calibration of the
ses of ‘Symphyta’ that included Zenarge in their taxon sam- phylogeny using available fossil information for the family and
ple (Malm & Nyman, 2015), where the genus was retrieved as outgroup (other Tenthredinoidea families). Finally, we attempt
sister to Argidae s.s.; comparatively few exemplars of Argidae to elucidate the biogeographical and ecological patterns (e.g.,
were included in these analyses. Malagón-Aldana et al. (2021a, brood guarding behaviour) for Argidae.
2021b) retrieved two major clades within Argidae s.s., corre-
sponding to the subfamilies Arginae (Fig. 1A–J) and Steric-
tiphorinae (Fig. 2) as defined by Benson (1963) (Table 1). Other Methods
classification schemes for Argidae recognizing more subfami-
lies and tribes have been proposed (e.g., Smith, 1992; Taeger Specimens examined
et al., 2010). Malagón-Aldana et al. (2021a) were unable to cor-
roborate these, although some previously suggested tribes (e.g., Adult and larval specimens of 45 species and 18 different
Trichorhachini, Atomacerini, Dielocerini and Sterictiphorini) genera of Argidae and five outgroup taxa of Tenthredinoidea
were retrieved as monophyletic. Revising the tribal classifica- (Pergidae, Tenthredinidae) were successfully extracted for
tion of Argidae s.s. will require a denser taxon sampling than DNA (Table S1). The majority of the specimens were pre-
was obtained in Malagón-Aldana et al. (2021a). served in 96% ethanol, while some of them were dry-pinned
The fossil record of Argidae includes only seven represen- specimens. Exemplars were obtained from the following col-
tatives (Nel, 2004), all of them relatively young and from lections: Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Alexander
the northern hemisphere: the compression fossil Sterictiphora von Humboldt, Colombia (IAvH); Colección de Zoología,
konowi (Rohwer) from the Florissant formation of Colorado Instituto de Ciencias Naturales ICN, Universidad Nacional de
(37.2–33.9 Ma, upper Eocene – lower Oligocene); the Domini- Colombia; Bogotá, D.C. (ICN-MHN); Museo Javeriano de
can amber fossils Didymia dominicana Smith, D. davisi Smith, Historia Natural, Colombia (MPUJ); Statens Naturhistoriske

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

Evolution of Argidae 3





Fig. 1. (A–C) Head, frontal view of males, subfamily Arginae. (A) Cibdela janthina. (B) Pampsilota dahomeyanus. (C) Spinarge fulvicornis.
(D–K) Lateral habitus of females. (D–J) Subfamily Arginae. (D) Antargidium dentivalve. (E) Scobina lepida. (F) Pampsilota afer. (G) Triarge nigra.
(H) Athermantus imperialis. (I) Tanyphatnidea microcephala. (J) Spinarge fulvicornis. (K) Family Zenargidae, Zenarge turneri.

Museum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (NHMD); DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington D.C., U.S.A. (NMNH); National Museum of One hindleg (or piece of larval tissue) was removed from each
Nature and Science, Tsukuba, Japan (NMNS); Senckenberg specimen (Table S1), breaking it at the coxa and trying to include
Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Müncheberg, Germany parts of the basal extrinsic muscles of the appendage. The dis-
(SDEI); Museo entomológico UNAB Facultad de Ciencias section forceps were cleaned with bleach (10%) and ethanol
Agrarias Bogota, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAB). (70%) prior to working with a new specimen. The samples were

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

4 L. A. Malagon-Aldana et al.





Fig. 2. Head, frontal view of males, subfamily Sterictiphorinae. (A) Trichorhachus nitidus. (B) Aproceros leucopoda. (C) Atomacera coerulescens.
Habitus of females of Argidae, subfamily Sterictiphorinae. (D) Trichorhachus nitidus. (E) Atomacera coerulescens. (F) Sterictiphora furcata. (G) Ptenos
leucopodus. (H) Duckeana prodiga. (I) Pachylota audouinii. (J) Schizocerella pilicornis. (K) Didymia martini.

transferred to separate vials and then stored in 96% ethanol. entailing soaking the samples overnight for around 12 h at 56∘ C
DNA extraction and amplification were carried out in the Geo- with gentle agitation. To remove surface contamination from old
genetics lab of the Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen, dry-pinned specimens, the legs were removed and initially put in
Denmark. Total DNA was extracted using the DNeasy® Blood a tissue lysis buffer (ATL buffer + proteinase K) for 1 h at 56∘ C
and Tissue kits using spin columns manufactured by Qia- with gentle agitation. The lysis buffer was then discarded, and
gen (QIAGEN Aarhus, Denmark) with a slight modification fresh lysis buffer was added. The samples where then incubated

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

Evolution of Argidae 5

Table 1. List of taxa examined specimens of Argidae and Zenargidae taxa.

Examined species (or morphospecies)

Family Genus Species Molecular Morphology
Argidae (Arginae) †Mioarge Nel, 2005 1 0 1
Antargidium Morice, 1919 6 3 2
Arge Schrank, 1802 395 a 23 10
Asiarge Gussakovskij, 1935 3 0 1
Athermantus Kirby, 1882 2 a1 1
Cibdela Konow, 1899 14 1 1
Kokujewia Konow, 1902 3 1 1
Pseudarge Gussakovskij, 1935 6 0 1
Pseudosinarge Saini, Thind & Kaur, 1998 1 0 1
Scobina Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 56 a5 2
Sinarge Forsius, 1934 1 0 1
Sjoestedtia Konow, 1907 2 0 1
Spinarge Wei, 1998 13 a5 1
Styphelarge Benson, 1938 1 0 1
Tanyphatnidea Rohwer, 1912 2 0 1
Triarge Forsius, 1931 9 a1 2
Zhuhongfuna Wei & Nie, 1999 1 0 1
Argidae (Sterictiphorinae) Acrogymnia Malaise, 1941 11 0 2
Acrogymnidia Malaise, 1955 4 0 1
Adurgoa Malaise, 1937 4 0 1
Aproceros Malaise, 1931 10 a1 1
Aprosthema Konow, 1899 58 a4 1
Atomacera Say, 1836 35 a3 2
Brachyphatnus Konow, 1906 3 0 1
Brevisceniana Wei, 2005 1 0 1
Dacrogymnia Smith & Malagón-Aldana, 2020 5 a1 1
Didymia Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 26 a1 3
Dielocerus Curtis, 1844 6 a1 1
Digelasinus Malaise, 1937 2 0 1
Duckeana Malaise, 1941 4 0 1
Durgoa Malaise, 1937 4 0 2
Eriglenum Konow, 1900 4 0 1
Mallerina Malaise, 1941 1 0 1
Manaos Rohwer, 1912 12 a1 1
Neoptilia Ashmead, 1898 10 0 1
Neurogymnia Malaise, 1937 7 0 2
Ortasiceros Wei, 1997 6 0 1
Pachylota Westwood, 1841 2 0 1
Pampsilota Konow, 1899 12 a1 4
Pseudaprosthema Gussakovskij, 1935 3 0 3
Ptenos Norton, 1872 32 a3 5
Ptilia Lepeletier, 1823 7 a2 2
Schizocerella Forsius, 1927 5 2 1
Sericoceros Konow, 1905 21 1 2
Sphacophilus Provancher, 1888 52 a1 3
Sterectiphora Billberg, 1820 45 a4 2
Subsymmia Malaise, 1955 2 0 1
Tanymeles Konow, 1906 23 a1 2
Themos Norton, 1867 13 1 2
Topotrita Kirby, 1882 3 0 1
Trailia Cameron, 1878 2 0 1
Trichorhachus Kirby, 1882 4 0 2
Triptenus Malaise, 1937 2 0 1
Trochophora Konow, 1905 2 1 1
Yasumatsua Togashi, 1970 3 0 1
Zynzus Smith, 1992 19 0 1
Sterictiphorinae males, unknown genus - 1 0
Genus sp. - 0 1
Zenargidae Zenarge Rohwer, 1918 1 1 1
a Genera with at least one molecular sequence produced in this study.

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

6 L. A. Malagon-Aldana et al.

Table 2. Primers and annealing temperature used for gene fragment amplification.

Gene Primer Name Primer sequence (5′ –3′ ) References Annealing T∘ C

16S A Hym (F) TRACTGTRCAAAGGTAGC Schulmeister (2003b) 47–50

B Hym (R) TTAATTCAACATCGAGGTC Schulmeister (2003b) 47–50
28S D2F (F) CGGGTTGCTTGAGAGTGCAGC Schmidt & Walter (2014) 47
D2Ra (R) CTCCTTGGTCCGTGTTTC Schmidt & Walter (2014) 47
CAD 743 nF-ino (F) GGIGTIACIACIGCITGYTTYGARCC Johanson & Malm (2010) 55–60
CAD hym 2F (Fi) GGNAGYTCNATGAARAGYGTNGG Malm & Nyman (2015) 55–60
1028R-ino (R) TTRTTIGGIARYTGICCICCCAT Johanson & Malm (2010) 55–60
COI COI fly-C1-J-1514 (F) CAAATCATAAAGATATTGG Farrell (2001); Malm & Nyman (2015) 56
sym-C1-J-1718 (Fi) GGAGGATTTGGAAAYTGAYTAGTWCC Nyman et al. (2006) 52
A2590 (R) GCTCCTATTGATARWACATARTGRAAATG Normark et al. (1999) 52–56
GLN GLN 1F (F) GTNTAYTTYTGGCARGG Regier et al. (2008) 51
GLN hym 2F (Fi) GCNGGVAAYATGGGHTGGYTNAC Regier et al. (2008) 56
GLN 4R (R) CYCCANCCRTGRAARCAYTT Malm & Nyman (2015) 51–56
PGD hym intRb (R) ATRATRCANCCDCCYCKCCACAT Malm & Nyman (2015) 60

Forward (F = external, Fi = internal) and Reverse (R) sequences.

overnight or over 2 days for around 12–48 h at 56∘ C with Additional sequences
gentle agitation. DNA extracts were stored in a freezer at
−20∘ C. DNA concentration of each sample was measured with GenBank databases
a Qubit™ 4 Fluorometer and a Qubit dsDNA High Sensitivity (Benson et al., 2017) and Barcode of Life Data System
Assay Kit. (Ratnasingham &
The following six gene regions were amplified: Mito- Hebert, 2007) were employed to obtain 216 additional
chondrial ribosomal 16S, nuclear ribosomal 28S (Schul- sequences, including 83 Argidae (32 species, 17 genera)
meister, 2003b; Schmidt & Walter, 2014), mitochondrial and 133 of outgroup taxa (33 species, 23 genera) (Table S1)
cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and the nuclear protein-coding for the six different markers we sequenced ourselves, as well
genes carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase (CAD), gelsolin (GLN) as sequences of the genes TPI (triose-phosphate isomerase) and
and phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (PGD) (Malm & IDH (isocitrate dehydrogenase), which were suggested to be
Nyman, 2015). PCR was performed using 5× HOT FIREPol® phylogenetically relevant by Malm & Nyman (2015) (Table S1).
Blend Master Mix (10 mM MgCl2 ) manufactured by Solis Bio- The 83 downloaded Argidae sequences were distributed across
Dyne (Tartu, Estonia), with a final volume of 25 μL, composed genes as follows: COI (29), GLN (8), TPI (8), CAD (9), PGD
of: 17 μL of the HOT FIREPol® Blend Master Mix, 4 μL of (9), IDH (6), 16S (7) and 28S (7). These sequences were
molecular biology grade H2 O, 1 μL of Dimethyl sulfoxide produced by Schulmeister et al. (2002), Schulmeister (2003b),
DMSO, 0.5 μL of forward and reverse primer each and 1 μL of Linnen & Farrell (2008), Heraty et al. (2011), Leppänen
the sample DNA extract. PCR profiles and primer sequences for et al. (2012), Boevé et al. (2013), Klopfstein et al. (2013), Isaka
COI, CAD, PGD and GLN followed Malm & Nyman (2015) & Sato (2014), Liston et al. (2014), Schmidt & Walter (2014),
except that the number of cycles was increased to 50 and the Malm & Nyman (2015), Schmidt et al. (2017), Shinohara
annealing temperature for each gene was modified (Table 2). et al. (2016), Endara et al. (2018), Smith et al. (2019) and
In the case of two forward primers (external and internal) we Prous et al. (2019). The total number of Argidae species or
used primarily the external (Table 2), while the internal primer morphospecies (i.e., produced in this work and obtained from
was used only when the external did not work for the specific databases) included in the molecular analyses were 70 in 25
sample. For 16S and 28S we used the primers from Schmidt & genera, for a total of 72 terminals (Table S1, Fig. 3). For
Walter (2014) but modifying the PCR profile as follows: denatu- those outgroup terminals with several species represented in
ration at 94∘ C for 1 min, followed by 40 (16S) or 30 (28S) cycles the sequence sample (chimeras), the combined terminal taxon
of denaturation at 94∘ C for 40 s, annealing for 40 s, and exten- was given as the genus name, e.g., Athalia spp.* consists of
sion at 72∘ C for 1 min; the last cycle was followed by a final sequences from Athalia circularis (COI, GLN, IDH, and TPI)
extension step at 72∘ C for 1 min. The PCR products were visual- and A. scutellariae (28S, CAD and PGD).
ized under a UV chamber after separating the fragments with gel
electrophoresis using 2% agarose with GelRed® (Merck Milli-
pore, Darmstadt, Germany) and a 100 bp ladder. PCR products Alignment and assembling of sequences
that showed sharp visualized bands were sent for purification
and Sanger sequencing at Macrogen Europe (Amsterdam, The sequences produced were first submitted to the Basic
Netherlands). Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST®) on the GenBank

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

Evolution of Argidae 7

Fig. 3. Bayesian tree reconstruction of Argidae s.s. Based on the combined molecular information of first and second codon positions of protein codon
genes using Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) analyses. Capital letters followed by an asterisk show the five calibration points
used in the combined morphological and molecular dataset based on the fossil species to the left. Asterisk after the name of a terminal (e.g., Athalia
spp.) indicates that this taxon is a chimera, i.e., the molecular information from various markers was obtained from different species of the same genus.
PP = posterior probability, BR = Bootstrap resampling support.

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

8 L. A. Malagon-Aldana et al.

website to cross-check the identifications and detect poten- Data of the concatenated alignments were primarily
tial contaminations (family or genus level). Chromatograms partitioned per gene, i.e., 16S, 28S, CAD, GLN, TPI, COI,
of sequences were visualized using finchtv 1.5.0 where PGD and IDH. In addition, the protein-coding genes (CAD,
low-quality ends were trimmed. Forward and reverse trimmed GLN, TPI, IDH, COI and PGD) were partitioned by codon
sequence chromatograms of the same sample were aligned, position: First and second codon position together and the third
edited and assembled using codoncode aligner software codon position separately. To compare the effect of the third
9.0.1 (CodonCode Corporation). Low-quality sequences (for- codon position in the phylogenetic reconstructions, we ran all
ward, reverse, or both) were excluded and amplified again. analyses including and excluding this codon position for the
The assembled sequences of each gene per species were sub- protein-coding genes. Similarly, we compared the influence of
mitted to GenBank ® (Table S1). Sequences from the sam- the addition or exclusion of the TPI and IDH (Table S1) in the
ples and the additional downloaded sequences (Table S1) reconstructed phylogeny.
were put together and first aligned for each gene in mega ML trees were inferred using the Web interface of
X for macOS (Stecher et al., 2020) using the integrated W-IQ-TREE (Nguyen et al., 2015; Trifinopoulos et al., 2016).
multiple sequence alignment algorithm clustalw (Larkin The best substitution and best partition scheme model for
et al., 2007). For the protein-coding genes (COI, PGD, GLN, each partition was estimated in the same programme using the
CAD), the amino acid alignments were also checked for stop W-IQ-TREE Modelfinder algorithm (Chernomor et al., 2016;
codons. Introns were detected by eye as ambiguously aligned Kalyaanamoorthy et al., 2017) and selected according to the
regions with several gaps or inconsistent translations and their Bayesian information criterion scores (Schwarz, 1978), with
start-end was assessed by a typical nucleotide pattern ‘AG/GT an ‘edge unlinked’ partition model allowing a different set
(start) – AG/CAG (stop)’ that signifies splicing sites (Klopf- of branch lengths for each partition. Bootstrap resampling
stein & Ronquist, 2013; Malm & Nyman, 2015). The identified support (BR) was calculated with 100 standard nonparametric
introns were individualized and separated from the exons. Pre- replicates. ML trees were visualized in the Interactive tree of
liminary alignments of the protein-coding genes were realigned life (ITOL) v4 portal (Letunic & Bork, 2019) and edited with
using mafft version 7 online service (Katoh et al., 2019) and corel photo-paint x7 (Corel Corporation).
an iterative refinement G-INS-i method with global homol- For the BI, we ran the analyses in the CIPRES Science
ogy. The 16S and 28S rDNA sequences were realigned using Gateway V. 3.3 (Miller et al., 2012) portal. The best substitutions
T-Coffee (Notredame et al., 2000), which combines a local models and best partition scheme for BI were estimated in
and global pairwise alignment, improving the final alignment Partition Finder2 (Lanfear et al., 2017) using the ‘greedy’
for those sequences with secondary structure information. All search algorithm, ‘unlinked branch lengths’ option (Lanfear
final gene-alignments were concatenated using sequencema- et al., 2012) and were selected based on the corrected Aikaike
trix 1.8.0 (Vaidya et al., 2011). Information Criterion. A BI tree for the combination of all genes
was reconstructed using MrBayes 3.2.2 (Ronquist et al., 2012b),
Saturation substitution rate while the parameters of substitution model were set according
to the Partition Finder2 estimation. Two runs with four Markov
The level of substitution saturation for the protein-coding chains Monte Carlo (MCMC) chains (one cold and three
genes was assessed for the first and second codon position heated) were run for 20 million generations; diagnostics were
together, and the third codon position separately using dambe7 saved every 1000th generation and 25% of the samples were
(Xia & Xie, 2001). First, we visually inspected the plot of the discarded (burn-in fraction) prior to the summary statistics. The
p-distance in terms of transitions and transversions (observa- summarized parameter results of each run were visualized and
tions/length of sequence) against the corrected genetic distance examined in tracer 1.7.1 plotting the log likelihood values
pairwise comparison using GTR substitution model (=GTR dis- against the generation time. Convergence of the Markov chains
tance) (Salemi, 2009). In addition, for each gene we estimated Monte Carlo chains within and among runs was considered
the random saturation substitution index (Iss) and the corrected sufficient by when there was a correct mixing behaviour in
substitution index (Iss.c) (Xia et al., 2003). tracer plots, the potential scale reduction factor was close to 1,
the average standard deviation of split frequencies was below
0.01 and the Effective Sample Sizes for all parameters was
Molecular phylogenetic inference higher than 200. The majority rule consensus tree was visualized
using figtree v1.4.4 (
The concatenated alignments were analysed under Maximum and edited in corel photo-paint x7 (Corel Corporation).
Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI) to reconstruct the
phylogenetic hypotheses and examine topological congruence
between the methods. Gaps were treated as missing data. The Total evidence phylogenetic analysis: Molecules
trees were rooted on Blasticotoma filiceti (Blasticotomidae) and morphology
in all analyses, a family that has been recovered as sister
group of all other Tenthredinoidea in most previous studies An additional total evidence approach using Bayesian tree
(Vilhelmsen, 2001; Schulmeister, 2003a; Schulmeister, 2003b; inference was performed combining the data matrix of 223 adult
Malm & Nyman, 2015). anatomical characters (117 taxa) (Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021a)

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

Evolution of Argidae 9

and 85 larval characters (48 taxa) (Malagón-Aldana prset igrvarpr = exp (37.12). We used two different priors to
et al., 2021b) with the molecular dataset. For the adult mor- compare their effect on the age estimation, an uniform tree
phological character matrix, seven characters (41, 45, 87, 89, prior (clock:uniform) and a birth-death prior (clock:birth-death).
161, 162 and 175) were treated as ordered in accordance with For the latter, the following settings were used: Speciation
Malagón-Aldana et al. (2021a), and three additional characters prior = exponential (10), extinction prior beta (1, 1) and
(5, 27, 39) based on the result patterns of the larval morphology extant sample proportion fixed to 0.1 (our sample of Argidae
dataset (Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021b). The molecular and taxa was about 10% of all described species). Substitution
morphological datasets were assembled using mesquite 3.6 models were assigned to each gene partition according to
(Maddison & Maddison, 2019). For some genera represented by the models estimated previously with Partition Finder2. The
different species in the molecular and morphological datasets analysis had two runs, four chains for 20 million generations
we composed a terminal taxon (taxon denoted as genus name and a majority rule consensus tree was estimated, with the same
+ spp.*) if there was evidence for monophyly of the genus in parameters and test of convergence and effective sample size
previous studies (Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021a). Trees were used for the above-described Bayesian phylogenetic analysis
rooted on B. filiceti (Blasticotomidae). The parameter settings (see Section 2.6).
for the molecular partition were identical with the above; for
the morphological dataset a standard discrete model was used
with coding set to ‘variable’ and rates to ‘gamma’. The BI Biogeographic reconstruction
analysis for the combined dataset was run using mrbayes 3.2.2
(Ronquist et al., 2012b) in the CIPRES Science Gateway V. The geographic records of genera and species were obtained
3.3 (Miller et al., 2012) portal. Two runs with four Markov from the Electronic World Catalogue of Symphyta (Taeger
chains Monte Carlo (one cold and three heated) were run for et al., 2010, 2018), labels of the examined specimens, literature
20 million generations, and remaining parameters and test of (Smith, 1992; Saini, 2009; Koch et al., 2015) and the WaspWeb
convergence were identical to the above-described molecular BI (van Noort, 2020). World biogeographic regions were assigned
analysis. The majority rule consensus tree was visualized using according to the zoogeographic realms of Holt et al. (2013)
figtree v1.4.4 and edited in corel photo-paint x7 (Corel with some modifications from Morrone (2015) (i.e., the Mediter-
Corporation). ranean and Africa north of Sahara were considered as parts of
the Palearctic region; New Guinea considered part of the Aus-
tralian region). The ancestral biogeographical states were recon-
Molecular clock calibration and divergence dating structed using rasp 10.15 (Yu et al., 2015) applying S-BGB (Sta-
tistical BioGeoBEARS) and BBM (Bayesian Binary MCMC)
To date the divergence times within Argidae and Pergidae, methods, estimated over the ultrametric calibrated consensus
we used a node dating (tree calibration by employing priors on tree of the node dating analysis to compare directly with the
node ages based on the oldest known fossils for correspond- divergence time estimations. Regarding S-BGB (Matzke, 2013a,
ing clades) approach (Ronquist et al., 2012a; Zhang, 2017). 2013b, 2014), we used the Dispersal Extinction Cladogenesis
Five calibration nodes were assigned (Fig. 3) based on fossil (DEC) approach model that implements a Lagrange (Likeli-
information on well supported nodes (PP = 90–100) and con- hood Analysis of Geographic Range Evolution) source code
strained as monophyletic. We used an offset exponential prob- (Ree & Smith, 2008) and estimates likelihoods of ancestral
ability distribution as suggested by Ronquist et al. (2012a), states at cladogenesis events constraining dispersal multipliers
with a mean age of 235 Ma (maximum oldest fossil age of between regions according to certain geological events (Brown
Hymenoptera, Triassoxyela Rasnitsyn) and a minimum age for & Lomolino, 1998; SanMartin & Ronquist, 2004; Hall & Sev-
each selected node according to the fossil (Fig. 3): (A) For the astjanova, 2012; Müller et al., 2019) from 0 to 1 in a matrix
root (=tree age) Pseudoxyelocerus bascharagensis Nel et al. (File S1). We used two dispersal rates, 0.1 and 1 (e.g., dis-
(183 Ma, oldest fossil of Tenthredinoidea); (B) for the node persal between Afrotropical and the Neotropical regions was
ZAP: Zenarge + (Argidae + Pergidae), Xyelotoma macroclada set as 1 before their breakup, around 110 Ma and 0.1 after
Gao et al. (164.7 Ma, oldest fossil closest to Argidae + Pergi- it). An additional sample of 1000 trees derived from the node
dae) (Ronquist et al., 2012a); (C) for the node Sterictiphora, the dating Bayesian analysis was used for the S-BGB analysis.
fossil S. konowi Rohwer (37.2 Ma) (Zhelochovtzev & Rasnit- The Bayesian Binary Analysis (BBM) (Ronquist & Huelsen-
syn, 1972); (D) for the node of ‘Neotropical Sterictiphorinae’ the beck, 2003; Yu et al., 2015) was run with 10 chains and 500 000
fossil Didymia davisi Smith & Poinar (20.4 Ma) and (E) for the generations, state sampling every 100 generations; and apply-
Arginae (except Antargidium and Scobina) the fossil Mioarge ing a F81 model with a site rate variation of gamma, which
azari Nel (7.2 Ma) (Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021a). is the most complex model implemented in rasp 10.15. The
For the node dating of the combined dataset, we used mrbayes maximum number of ancestral states was set to three in both
3.2.2 (Ronquist et al., 2012b). The analyses were run in analyses. Both S-BGB and BBM analyses accepted polytomies
CIPRES Science Gateway V. 3.3., with an IGR (independent in the input consensus tree. For the composite Argidae terminal
gamma rate at each branch with mean 1.0) model (Ronquist taxa = *genus + spp. (two species in the same genus from dif-
et al., 2012a). The remaining parameters followed Ronquist ferent datasets) the distribution state was assigned as a combina-
et al. (2012a) for Hymenoptera: Lognormal (−7.08069, 1) and tion of both, e.g., Aprosthema tardum (Palearctic) + Aprosthema

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

10 L. A. Malagon-Aldana et al.

brunniventre (Nearctic) = Aprosthema spp.* (Palearctic and and second position, it shows a linear growth and low saturation
Nearctic). in all genes, including COI.

Results Gene trees

Sequence assemblage and saturation of substitution rate When analysing individual ML gene trees and all codon posi-
tions (Fig. S2), the monophyly of Argidae s.s. and Pergidae was
The final molecular assemblage of aligned sequences included recovered only for CAD, GLN, COI, PGD and IDH. The rela-
99 terminal taxa (72 sequences and 70 species of Argidae and tionship (Zenarge + Argidae s.s.) was retrieved when analysing
27 sequences of outgroup taxa) (Table S1, Fig. 3) and 5350 GLN; (Zenarge + Pergidae) for the individual analyses of COI,
characters or total sites, including 2296 parsimony informative PGD and CAD. Zenarge + (Pergidae s.s. + Argidae s.s.) was
sites, 490 singletons and 2564 constant sites. The most com- recovered for IDH. The 16S gene tree did not recover the mono-
pletely sampled genes were COI (82%), 28S (69%) and 16S phyly of any of these families, while for the gene 28S only the
(61%), while TPI (27%) and IDH (19%) were the least sam- family Pergidae was retrieved as monophyletic and for TPI the
pled (Table 3), the latter two consisting exclusively of sequences family Argidae s.s. was retrieved as monophyletic (Fig. S2).
from the GenBank database. There were 46% missing data. These families were generally not recovered when using only
Sixty sequences contained more than 50% gaps when includ- the first and second codon for each individual gene tree. An addi-
ing IDH and TPI. The successful amplification of mitochondrial tional example of contrasting results between the phylogenetic
and ribosomal DNA (COI, 16S and 28S) was higher than for reconstruction of individual genes was observed for the genus
the nuclear genes. rDNA 16S alignment was highly incongru- Atomacera, which was recovered either as being the sister group
ent among the different alignment methods due to abundance of of Arginae for CAD, GLN and IDH, or as sister group of Ster-
ambiguous sections in its structure. The lengths of the aligned ictiphorinae for PGD and 28S (see below).
gene regions were 1015 bp (COI), 711 bp (IDH), 513 bp (PGD),
834 bp (GLN), 783 bp (CAD), 453 bp (TPI), 397 bp (16S) and
644 bp (28S), respectively. For the protein-coding genes COI, Combined molecular dataset
IDH and PGD, no intron regions were detected, while for
CAD, GLN and TPI, one or more introns were present and The branch support was lower in all cases in the ML trees
excluded. We were able to correct one erroneous identification (BR) relative to the BI trees (posterior probability), even with
from the GenBank database, the species Sericoceros nr. tannuus similar topology (Fig. S3). The BI trees reconstructed with
(KC975751.1, ZSM HYM AE086, Schmidt & Walter, 2014; only the first and second codon position were less resolved
Schmidt et al., 2017; Boevé et al., 2018) was recovered inside and supported to species level (e.g., Arge) (Fig. 3), while the
the genus Atomacera in all trees; after checking the photographs inclusion of the third codon position in the analyses improved
of the voucher specimen in the, we the resolution and support (>50%) at this level. On the other
conclude that this specimen is an Atomacera sp. We provide the hand, excluding the saturated third codon position improved the
first known sequences for the Sterictiphorinae genera Manaos support of deep nodes (e.g., at the base of the ZAP clade, see
(28S, COI, and PGD), Dielocerus (16S, CAD, COI, GLN, PGD below) (Fig. S3).
and TPI), Sphacophilus (16S, CAD, COI, GLN, PGD and TPI), The ML and BI showed different topologies for Argidae s.s.,
Tanymeles (16S) and for the Arginae genera Athermantus (16S, Pergidae and Zenarge relationships, although in all cases they
COI), Pampsilota (16S, 28S, CAD and COI), Triarge (28S, 16S, formed part of the same clade with high support (BR or posterior
and COI); as well as for several species (Table S1). probability PP = 89–100) (Fig. S3). (Zenarge + Argidae s.s.)
Among the protein-coding genes there was a clear difference was retrieved when using ML and BI with all codon positions
in the variation of sites among the first and second codon (Fig. S3: A, C). On the other hand, Zenarge + (Pergidae +
positions relative to the third (Table 3), the third codon having Argidae s.s.) was obtained in both analyses when using only the
a high proportion of unique and parsimony informative sites first and second codon positions (Fig. S3: B, D).
(>98%, >90%) and few invariant sites (= high variation) (<8%). Regarding the internal relationships of Argidae s.s., in the
The rDNA genes were intermediately conserved in terms of combined molecular data set using either all codon positions
unique and invariant sites, while first and second codon positions or only the first and second codon position we recovered two
of coding genes were the most conserved partitions (Table 3). main clades that correspond to the subfamilies Arginae and Ster-
The substitution saturation index (Iss) (Table 3) shows little ictiphorinae s. Benson (1963) (Fig. 3); the clades within each
saturation (Iss < Iss.c) in the first and second codon position subfamily are also highly congruent with the morphological
of all genes, except for COI, which is saturated according hypotheses (Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021a, 2021b). For Ster-
to this index in all three codon positions. A similar pattern ictiphorinae, Atomacera was retrieved as sister group of the
was observed in the graphics of the substitution’s saturation remaining genera (Fig. 3). Other clades recovered within the
(Fig. S1). Here the asymptotic behaviour of the observed third Sterictiphorinae were the sister relationship between the Hol-
codon of p-distance against the corrected genetic distance arctic clade Sterictiphora + (Aproceros + Aprosthema) and a
indicates that the substitution rate is saturated, while for the first Neotropical clade comprising a number of genera but whose

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

Evolution of Argidae 11

Table 3. Descriptive parameters of aligned sequences with corresponding substitution model assigned (IQ-tree and partition finder).

Number Length Unique informative Invariant Substitution Substitution
Gene sequences (bp) sites (%) sites (%) sites (%) model IQ-tree model PF Iss Iss.c P-value

16s 61 397 70.5 44.1 41.8 GTR + F + I + G4 GTR + I + G - - -

28s 69 644 62.3 39.3 46.4 SYM + I + G4 SYM + I + G - - -
COI12 83 677 48.9 26.0 63.8 TIM + F + I + G4 GTR + I + G 1.11 0.72 0.000
COI3 83 338 97.6 89.1 4.4 TIM + F + G4 TIM + G 1.65 0.69 0.000
IDH12 20 474 29.3 15.6 77.0 TIM3 + F + I + G4 GTR + I + G 0.25 0.71 0.000
IDH3 20 237 98.7 93.7 3.0 TNe + G4 GTR + I + G 0.72 0.63 0.005
PGD12 45 342 40.1 19.0 73.4 SYM + I + G4 GTR + I + G 0.39 0.69 0.000
PGD3 45 171 98.8 92.4 7.6 K2P + I + G4 GTR + I + G 0.78 0.70 0.260
TPI12 29 302 43.0 19.5 64.2 K2P + I + G4 SYM + I + G 0.26 0.67 0.000
TPI3 29 151 99.3 95.4 3.3 TPM3 + F + I + G4 TRN + I + G 0.66 0.61 0.139
CAD12 54 522 50.6 18.4 71.5 TIM3 + F + I + G4 GTR + I + G 0.44 0.71 0.000
CAD3 54 261 99.2 93.9 5.7 TPM2 + F + I + G4 GTR + I + G 0.73 0.68 0.035
GLN12 48 556 45.7 14.2 71.9 GTR + F + I + G4 GTR + I + G 0.57 0.71 0.000
GLN3 48 278 98.2 89.9 4.7 HKY + F + I + G4 TRN + I + G 0.79 0.68 0.000

internal relationships were not resolved (Fig. 3). Concerning as the sister group of the rest, followed by the Neotropi-
Arginae, the Australian genus Antargidium was recovered as the cal Scobina (Fig. 4, clade II). Clade III (Fig. 4) comprises
sister group of the remaining genera. The Neotropical genus exclusively African taxa (PP = 100), i.e., the genus Tri-
Scobina is the sister group of the remaining Arginae, minus arge, Pampsilota and African Arge spp. In clade III, Pamp-
Antargidium. silota afra was recovered as sister group of the remaining
taxa. Pampsilota is paraphyletic, P. afra being apart from the
other species, P. dahomeyanus, which is in a clade with Arge
Total evidence analysis and phylogenetic relationships congrua and A. fenestralis. Triarge is recovered as mono-
phyletic and sister group of Arge montana and A. stuhlmanni.
The combined morphological and molecular dataset com- Clade III includes two subclades, one consisting of Atherman-
prised 164 terminal taxa (52 genera of Argidae out of 55) and thus + Sinarge (Oriental-Sino-japanese) and a second compris-
5658 characters (File S2). The genera Pseudosinarge, Zhuhong- ing Cibdela + (Tanyphatnidea + Sjoestedtia) (Oriental-African)
funa and Mioarge (fossil) were excluded from the morpholog- (Fig. 4). Clade III was recovered as the sister group of the last
ical matrix and the analyses due to the low number of scored major clade of the subfamily that comprises the majority of the
characters and their negative effect in the resolution of Arginae. ubiquitous genus Arge (Fig. 4, clade V), with a number of other
When combining molecular and morphological data using BI genera embedded in the clade (Asiarge, Kokujewia, Brevisceni-
and all codon positions, we retrieved Zenarge + (Pergidae + ana, Pseudarge and Spinarge).
Argidae s.s.) (Figs 4, 5). Pergidae and Argidae were recovered In Sterictiphorinae (Fig. 5), the Australian Tri-
as monophyletic sister groups, both with high branch support chorhachus + Styphelarge (clade VI) were retrieved as sister
(PP = 100). With regard to Pergidae (Fig. 5), the new world group of the remaining genera, followed by Atomacera (clade
subfamily Acordulecerinae is retrieved as the sister group VII) from the Nearctic and Neotropical regions. A third
of the remaining genera, which in turn are divided in two clade includes the Holarctic genera (clade VIII), among them
main clades (Fig. 5). One clade includes Phylacteophaginae + Sterictiphora was the sister group of the remaining genera
(Perginae + Parasyzygoninae) (PP = 96), while the second clade Aprosthema + (Pseudaprosthema, Ortasiceros and Yasumat-
has Loboceratinae (Aulacomerus) (PP = 89) as sister group sua + Aproceros). Finally, the remainder of the Sterictiphorinae
of the remaining subfamilies: (Styracotechynae + Heteroper- were placed in a large, predominantly Neotropical clade
reyia) + ((Pterygophorinae + (Philomastiginae + (Euryinae + (clade IX) with males having the flagellum furcate, Brachy-
(Syzygoninae + Perreyinae)). Remarkably, the South American phatnus (southern South America) being the sister group of
Perreyinae was recovered as paraphyletic, Heteroperreyia being the remaining genera. The deeper relationships of the latter
outside the subfamily. are poorly resolved, but some subclades have high support
Inside Argidae, two main clades were retrieved for all the dif- (PP ≥ 70) (Fig. 5). These subclades are: clade X, Ptenos
ferent reconstructed phylogenies. They correspond to the sub- (paraphyletic), Manaos and Zynzus; clade XI, Acrogymni-
families Arginae (PP = 100) and Sterictiphorinae (PP = 66) dia + (Acrogymnia + Trailia); clade XII, the ‘Dielocerini s.l.’
(Figs 4, 5), as in the above molecular analyses and previ- clade (Smith, 1992) including Sericoceros, Subsymmia, Durgoa,
ous morphological phylogenetic hypotheses (Malagón-Aldana Neoptilia, Themos, Mallerina, Topotrita, Pachylota, Dielocerus
et al., 2021a, 2021b). For the subfamily Arginae (Fig. 4), the and Digelasinus and clade XIII, Schizocerella, Didymia, Ptilia,
Australian genus Antargidium (Fig. 4, clade I) was retrieved Trochophora, Triptenus and Neurogymnia + Eriglenum, where

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

12 L. A. Malagon-Aldana et al.

Fig. 4. Total evidence Bayesian tree of subfamily Arginae (Argidae) highlighting the current biogeographical distribution. Main clades are labelled
with numbers in circles. Asterisk after the name of a terminal (e.g., Athalia spp.) indicates that this taxon is a chimera, i.e., the morphological and
molecular information was obtained from different species of the same genus.

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

Evolution of Argidae 13

Fig. 5. Total evidence Bayesian tree of subfamily Sterictiphorinae (Argidae) highlighting the current geographical distribution. Main clades are labelled
with numbers in circles. Asterisk after the name of a terminal (e.g., Athalia spp.) indicates that this taxon is a chimera, i.e., the morphological and
molecular information was obtained from different species of the same genus. Colours of occurrence in Pergidae and Zenargidae (Neotropical, Australian
and Nearctic region) are lighter than in legend to emphasize the distribution in Argidae s.s.

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

14 L. A. Malagon-Aldana et al.

the genus Didymia was not recovered monophyletic. We were decreased substantially when excluding the third codon position
unable to properly resolve the exact position of Sphacophilus. (Fig. 3). This indicates that while the third codon position
might have achieved saturation for the deeper nodes, this may
not be the case for the more distal nodes; a similar effect
Node dating and ancestral distribution (Figs 6, 7) occurs in implied weights analyses, where different k-values
might resolve some parts of the phylogeny better than others
The estimated mean age of the clades was slightly older when do. Using the highly saturated nucleotides in phylogenetic
using the uniform tree prior than with the birth-death prior. In analyses is still controversial (Källersjö et al., 1999; Strimmer
the same way the 95% highest posterior density (HPD interval) & von Haeseler, 2009; Breinholt & Kawahara, 2013). Malm
was wider for the uniform tree prior (Fig. 6; Table 4); here we & Nyman (2015) retrieved Zenarge + Argidae s.s. even if
describe the results using the shorter HPD interval. The age of excluding the third codon position for most of the protein-coding
the ZAP clade was estimated to be 177.1 Ma (164.7–215.8), genes they used, except for CAD and GLN.
e.g., early Jurassic; this agrees with the estimate of Ronquist Additionally, when we combined the molecular and morpho-
et al. (2012a). The biogeographical reconstructions (both logical datasets, including all codon positions, Zenarge was
S-BGB/DEC and BBM) indicate an ancestral distribution of recovered as sister group of Argidae + Pergidae. This shows that
the ZAP ancestor in the Neotropics or Australia + Neotropics morphological characters, in spite of their significantly lower
(Fig. 7). The divergence between Pergidae and Argidae s.s. number relative to molecular sites, can still influence the results
occurred approx. 168.5 Ma (144.9–205.4). This interval of of the combined analyses when using few genes. The sampling
time overlaps with other estimates (Schmidt & Walter, 2014; of additional fresh material of Zenarge (we relied on GenBank
Nyman et al., 2019) and is contemporary with the beginning of sequences), together with a phylogenomic approach would help
the breakup between west and east Gondwana. The first split to test its current placement. For now, based on the morpho-
within Argidae s.s. is dated from the middle to late Jurassic logical (adult and larval stages) and molecular evidence anal-
around 155.1 Ma (127.4–191.1 Ma). The age of the Steric- ysed here, we uphold placing Zenarge in a separate family, the
tiphorinae crown group is estimated to be around 148.2 Ma Zenargidae (Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021a).
(118.6–183.2 Ma) in the beginning of the Cretaceous, signif-
icantly older than crown group Arginae at approx. 123.3 Ma
(92.1–159.5). The ancestral area of Argidae s.s. was inferred Zenargidae
to be Australian/Neotropical (BBM) or Australian/African
(S-BGB/DEC); for each subfamily the ancestral distribu- The combined analysis supports the topology Zenargidae
tion was estimated also as Australian/Neotropical (BBM and + (Argidae + Pergidae) or ZAP clade (Figs 4, 5). Zenarge
S-BGB/DEC) (Fig. 7). turneri, the sole representative of Zenargidae, only occurs in
New South Wales in Australia. It is the only taxon of the ZAP
clade that feeds on gymnosperms, the endemic Cypress pine
Discussion Callitris as well as the introduced Cupressus (Cupressaceae)
(Moore, 1963a, 1963b; Smith, 1992). The position of Zenarge as
Although for many taxa the overall gene sampling was low sister to the rest of the ZAP clade and our estimation of the age
(Table S1), especially for the nuclear protein-coding genes, the of the split between Zenargidae and Argidae + Pergidae around
phylogenetic relationships retrieved with the available molec- 180 Ma in the early Jurassic, prior to the Gondwana breakup
ular data (Fig. 3) are highly congruent with previous hypothe- (Fig. 6), is apparently in conflict with the inference of Nyman
ses, e.g., monophyly of Argidae, Pergidae, Sterictiphorinae and et al. (2019) that the common ancestor of the ZAP clade (indeed,
Arginae. However, for more than half of the genera of Argidae, of all Tenthredinoidea) was feeding on angiosperms and the
molecular information is still absent, and therefore the relation- feeding habits of Zenarge a result of a secondary shift to gym-
ships of these taxa rely exclusively on morphological evidence. nosperms. The origin of the Zenargidae is according to our esti-
mates of similar age as the earliest putative angiosperm flower
fossil (Nanjinganthus dendrostyla; Fu et al., 2018 of 174 Ma),
Saturation of substitution rate, additional data and their older than the age estimate (120 Ma, i.e., Early Cretaceous) of
phylogenetic effect the split between Zenarge and the remaining Argidae accord-
ing to Nyman et al. (2019). Different lines of evidence sup-
Our results show how the type of data differentially affect port the pre-Cretaceous origin of angiosperm plants (Hochuli &
the placement of taxa, with special effect on isolated taxa, Feist-Burkhardt, 2013; Fu et al., 2018); however, fossil evidence
e.g., Zenarge turneri (Zenargidae) (Fig. S3). The placement indicates that the major radiation of angiosperms did not take
of Zenarge was highly influenced by the third codon position, off until the Early Cretaceous (Silvestro et al., 2015; Herendeen
and when excluding it, the phylogenetic position of Zenarge et al., 2017; Nyman et al., 2019). The evolution of the Tenthredi-
was more similar in the molecular and morphological trees noidea seems to display a similar pattern (Nyman et al., 2019)
(Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021a, 2021b), Zenarge being the and they may still have co-evolved with angiosperms even if
sister group of Pergidae + Argidae s.s. However, for more their common ancestor in the early Jurassic was feeding on gym-
distal nodes in the topology, e.g., within Arge, the resolution nosperms. However, the estimated age of Callitris, the current

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

Evolution of Argidae 15

Fig. 6. Node dating chronogram of Argidae using the combined dataset (morphology and molecules). Horizontal bars show the 95% highest posterior
density interval (HPD) of the estimated node age, in blue for the combined dataset and red for the molecular data. Vertical bars show relevant geological
events in that transition period of time. Main clades are labelled with numbers in circles.

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

16 L. A. Malagon-Aldana et al.

Fig. 7. Biogeographic ancestral reconstruction of Argidae, subfamily Arginae (left) and Sterictiphorinae (right) showing Bayesian Binary Analysis
(BBM) estimations in colour charts, and S-BGB/DEC Dispersal Extinction Cladogenesis (DEC) in white pentagons. Main clades are labelled with
numbers in circles.

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

Evolution of Argidae 17

Table 4. Divergence times of main clades (Fig. 8) based on node dating Bayesian analysis, using a uniform tree prior (UN) and a birth-death prior

95% Highest
posterior density Age 95% HPD
Node Age (Ma) UN (HPD) (Ma) UN (Ma) BD (Ma) BD

Zenarge + (Argidae + Pergidae) 187.3 164.7–246.9 177.1 164.7–215.8

Argidae + Pergidae 182.1 156.4–241.8 168.5 144.9–205.4
Sterictiphorinae + Arginae 170.2 141.3–226.3 155.1 127.4–191.1
I + remaining 139.4 108.3–189.8 123.3 92.1–159.5
II + remaining 120.7 87.1–167.1 109.8 78.7–140.4
III + remaining 75.5 54.5–103.1 88.2 63.1–122.6
IV + remaining 72.6 52.7–95.2 77.8 54.1–109.8
V + remaining 67.6 49.1–89.5 66.9 46.2–90.1
VI + remaining 164.8 135.9–220.6 148.2 118.6–183.2
VII + remaining 154.7 127.4–207.5 135.7 110.5–170.7
VIII + remaining 138.2 110.9–186.8 124.5 102.3–156.9
IX 117.4 88.8–157.3 112.5 86.7–145.2

host plant of Zenarge, indicates that gymnosperm feeding in date have only included one genus, Aulacomerus, and the mono-
the latter might be secondary rather than ancestral. Callitris is phyly of the subfamily itself remains uncertain.
a genus of drought-resistant plants that evolved around 30 Ma, The two main clades of Pergidae retrieved (Fig. 5) are mostly
probably in response to climate change in the middle Cenozoic congruent with previous studies (Schmidt & Walter, 2014;
as Australia drifted northwards (Pittermann et al., 2012; Larter Boevé et al., 2018) in terms of subfamily composition, although
et al., 2017). The Zenarge lineage cannot have switched to their relationships partly differ; this might be caused by dif-
Callitris earlier than this, whether it was from an angiosperm ferences in taxon and sequence sampling. Remarkably, we
or a gymnosperm host. retrieved the Australian Heteroperreyia as sister group of the
Australian Styracotechys (Styracotechyinae); this makes the
Neotropical subfamily Perreyinae paraphyletic since Heteroper-
Pergidae reyia is placed apart from Perreyia + Decameria, similar to what
was found in larval morphological analysis (Malagón-Aldana
The reconstruction of ancestral biogeographic area of Pergi- et al., 2021b); they differ substantially in the ovipositor structure
dae (Fig. 7, BBM, S-BGB/DEC) is congruent with the hypoth- (well developed in Heteroperreyia, reduced in, e.g., Perreyia
esis of Gondwanan origin (Neotropical or a combination of and Decameria) (Smith, 1990; Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021a)
Neotropical and Australia) with a mean age of 150 Ma for the and larval life history (saprophagous/mycophagous in Per-
crown group, similar to the estimation (140 Ma) of Schmidt & reyia/Decameria, phytophagous in Heteroperreyia) (Schmidt &
Walter (2014). Our results suggest, in accordance with Schmidt Walter, 2014; Smith et al., 2019).
& Walter (2014), a pattern of repeated dispersals between The Neotropical Parasyzygoniinae was retrieved as sister
South America and Australia through Antarctica before the final group of Perginae (Australia), and Syzygonia (Syzygoninae)
separation of the three continents around 35 Ma (Figs 6, 7). as sister group of Perreyinae (Neotropics). Parasyzygoniinae is
Schmidt & Walter (2014) suggested that several pergid lineages a monotypic subfamily with only two species (Parasyzygonia
(Perginae, Phylacteophaginae, and Pterygophorinae) radiated on cyanoptera and P. pallidor) from Venezuela and Brazil, which
Myrtaceae (Eucalyptus and their relatives) as the Australian cli- has been previously suggested to be close to Perginae by
mate became more arid during the Cenozoic era, while other Smith (1990) and Malagón-Aldana et al. (2021a). With regard
lineages experienced reduced diversity or went extinct. to the Neotropical Syzygoninae, Schmidt & Walter (2014)
The combined analysis (Fig. 5) placed the new world sub- included only the genus Lagideus, and they retrieved it as sister
family Acordulecerinae (Acordulecera + Anathulea), as sis- group of Philomastiginae (Philomastix). The monophyly of the
ter group of the remaining genera; this in contrast to Schmidt subfamily Syzygoninae (e.g., Syzygonia and Lagideus) has not
& Walter (2014) that placed Loboceratinae (Aulacomerus) been properly tested.
as sister to all other Pergidae. Although both subfamilies
have a similar distribution in South America, Acordulecerinae
have a higher diversity, especially within the genus Acordule- Argidae relationships
cera that also extends into North America. Previous studies
(Smith, 1990; Schmidt & Walter, 2014; Malm & Nyman, 2015; Our phylogenetic results (Figs 4, 5), based on the combined
Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021a) suggested that the subfamily analysis, are highly similar to the morphological phylogenetic
Acordulecerinae belongs in a clade with Phylacteophaginae and hypotheses (Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021a, 2021b) with two
Perginae from Australia. Regarding Loboceratinae, all studies to large clades, i.e., the subfamilies Arginae and Sterictiphorinae.

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

18 L. A. Malagon-Aldana et al.

In general terms, Arginae correspond to the taxa where males Tanyphatnidea sinensis feeds on Polygonum sp. (Polygonaceae)
have an undivided antennal flagellum (Fig. 1A–C) and Ster- (Togashi, 1980).
ictiphorinae to those where males have a furcate antenna The remaining, non-Afrotropical Arge spp. (clade V, Fig. 4)
(Fig. 2A,B). The genus Atomacera is the only genus where the are placed in a monophylum that includes several other small
antenna of males is simple (Fig. 2C) but recovered inside the genera from the Palearctic region. Of these, Kokujewia and
Sterictiphorinae, see below. Spinarge have been sampled for both molecular (only COI for
Within Arginae, the position of Antargidium (clade I) and Kokujewia) and morphological data; Asiarge, Brevisceniana
Scobina (clade II) as successive sister groups to the rest of and Pseudarge only for morphology. Kokujewia, Asiarge and
the subfamily is stable and well supported by both molecular Brevisceniana form a clade primarily defined by the absence of
and morphological data (Figs 3, 4); these two genera retain preapical tibial spurs and the short apical maxillary palpomere.
some plesiomorphies, including the presence of a complete Due to the large number (approx. 400) of described species of
cupula in the male genitalia and two separated suprapedal Arge, it is standard practice to define species groups to facilitate
lobes in their larval stage (Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021a, its classification (e.g., Smith, 1989); we retrieved some of these
2021b). Clades I and II (Fig. 4) are congruent with clades as monophyletic (Fig. 4): The pectoralis group, ochropus group
1 and 2 of the adult morphology analysis (Malagón-Aldana and clavicornis group. Malagón-Aldana et al. (2021a) retrieved
et al., 2021a) and partly congruent with clade A of the larval Arge ochropus as sister to a large clade comprising the majority
analysis (Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021b). We retrieve a clade of of the Arginae included, which could be due to the retention
African taxa (Pampsilota, Triarge and Arge) (clade III) that is in of plesiomorphic conditions in the ovipositor with a simple,
conflict with the current genus classification and questions the flat third valvula, from which more complex shapes of the third
diagnostic value of some of the morphological characters that valvula might have evolved. However, here the Arge ochropus
this classification is based on, e.g., the occurrence of preapical group (Fig. 4) (Smith, 1989; Yan et al., 2009) is in a polytomy
tibial spurs (absent in Pampsilota, present in Arge) and the with other species of Arge that have a highly modified ovipositor
presence of the 2r-m vein in the fore wing (absent in Triarge, sheath. Host plants associations within clade V seem to follow
present in Arge). According to the adult morphological analysis the oligophagous patterns of other temperate herbivores (Haack
of Malagón-Aldana et al. (2021a, fig. 20H), the presence of long & Mattson, 1993) with preference for woody, shrubby and
volsellar teeth on the digitus of the males could be considered a herbaceous food plants belonging predominantly to the families
putative synapomorphy for clade III; more Afrotropical Arginae Rosaceae, Betulaceae, Fagaceae, Ericaceae and Salicaceae
need to be examined to confirm this. (Boevé et al., 2018); Some examples of argids with high host
The clades III and IV (Fig. 4) are partly congruent with specificity are Kokujewia ectrapetala on Rumex spp. (Polyg-
clades 6a and 6b of Malagón-Aldana et al. (2021a) and the onaceae), Arge berberidis on Berberidis spp. (Berberidaceae)
tribe Athermantini of Benson (1963). The genera of clade and the Arge ochropus group on Rosa (Rosaceae).
IV lack the preapical tibial spur in mid and hind tibiae and A large amount of evidence supports the inclusion of Spinarge
are restricted to the Oriental/Sino-Japanese region, except for in Arge (Figs 3, 4, clade V) (Boevé et al., 2018; Malagón-Aldana
Sjoestedtia (Afrotropics). Clade IV includes a subclade with et al., 2021a, 2021b). However, a clear delimitation of Arge s.s.
two small genera, Athermantus (two species) and Sinarge (one is still necessary. Since Afrotropical species of Arge are more
species), for which we were only able to sequence mitochon- closely related to other genera (Triarge and ‘Pampsilota’) than
drial markers (COI and 16S) for Athermantus. In the sec- to the rest of Arge species, it further complicates the taxonomic
ond subclade within clade IV, Cibdela is retrieved as the sis- delimitation of the genus. One alternative could be to define Arge
ter group of the remaining genera. Pampsilota scutellis is s.s. as the non-Afrotropical species (clade V, Fig. 4). A larger
retrieved inside Sjoestedtia + Tanyphatnidea; the three taxa sample of Afrotropical species of Arge than ours (four out of
have parapenis lobes in the male genitalia, the third valvu- 125 species) (Taeger et al., 2010) is needed to corroborate this.
lae of females strongly angulated dorsolaterally and an epis- The branch support (PP = 66) for the Sterictiphorinae is lower
tomal sulcus present but weak (Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021a). than for Arginae (PP = 100). This might be caused by the
Additionally, P. scutellis also has the anal cell present in lack of molecular data for Trichorhachus and Styphelarge, and
the hind wing, as in Tanyphatnidea. The genera Tanyphat- the retention of several plesiomorphic character states in adult
nidea and Pampsilota (recovered paraphyletic here) have been and larval morphology in Trichorhachus (e.g., preapical tib-
defined differently by taxonomists (Togashi, 1975; Wei, 1997a; ial spurs present in adults and simple setae in epipharynx and
Saini, 2009); however, in Pampsilota the parapenis lobes of lacinia of larva) (Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021a, 2021b). Nev-
males and epistomal sulcus are absent, and dorsolateral cor- ertheless, these two genera form clade VI (Fig. 5) which is
ners of the third valvulae of females are not angulated. In congruent with clade 7 of Malagón-Aldana et al. (2021a) and
addition, Tanyphatnidea is restricted to southern China, Taiwan the tribe Trichorhachini of Benson (1963). Clade VI is the sis-
and the Oriental region, while Pampsilota species are endemic ter group of the remaining Sterictiphorinae. The Neotropical
to the Afrotropics (Liston et al., 2017). We did not examine genus Atomacera (clade VII, Fig. 5) is recovered within Ster-
the Chinese species Pampsilota cenchra, although the descrip- ictiphorinae as suggested by Benson (1963) (tribe Atomacerini)
tion by Wei (1997a) suggested high similarity with P. scutellis. and Malagón-Aldana et al. (2021a, 2021b), although in some
Regarding hostplants of clade IV, Cibdela janthina larvae feeds individual gene trees it was placed closer to Arginae. It was
on Rubus alcifolius (Rosacae) (Florens et al., 2017), whereas retrieved as sister group of Arginae + Sterictiphorinae in Malm

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

Evolution of Argidae 19

& Nyman (2015). In contrast to the putative reversal to a simple and used to calibrate this node in the divergence dating analyses
flagellum antenna in the males, a number of characters justify (see Methods). This fossil is from the late Jurassic (164.7 Ma)
the placement of Atomacera in Sterictiphorinae, e.g., the pres- and occurs in the Daohugou Formation from China, as well
ence of setae multiple branched in the lacinia and epipharynx of as Kazakhstan (see
larva (Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021b). The conflicting evidence no=139523), i.e., the northern hemisphere (Gao et al. 2009). We
from individual gene trees (Fig. S2) as well as adult and larval have not been able to study this fossil and integrate it in our
anatomy indicates that the exact position of Atomacera needs morphological data set; the estimate of its phylogenetic posi-
further clarification. tion is from Ronquist et al. (2012a). However, even if Xyelo-
Clade VIII (Fig. 5) is well supported (PP = 100) and retrieved toma macroclada was included in our biogeographic analyses,
with molecular and total evidence (Figs 3, 5), as well as the otherwise strong Gondwanan signal in the deeper nodes of
previous morphological analyses (clade 8 of Malagón-Aldana the ZAP clade would probably not be overturned.
et al., 2021a, clade D of Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021b). The radiation of Argidae s.s. in the Early Cretaceous was
Clade VIII is partly congruent with the tribe Sterictiphotini of probably related to radiation of the angiosperms at the same
Wei (1997b) but includes the genus Ortasiceros as well. For time (Sun et al., 1998; Soltis et al., 2008), as it has been
the small genera Pseudaprosthema (three species), Ortasiceros suggested for other sawflies (Nyman et al., 2019). Inside
(six species) and Yasumatsua (three species) only type material each subfamily, the same ancestral distribution in Gond-
exists, so the amount of information that can be extracted from wana is inferred (Fig. 7), either Australian/Neotropics (BBM)
them is limited. A characteristic larval feeding behaviour has or Australian/Africa/India-Oriental (S-BGB/DEC). In both
been described for larvae of some species of clade VIII; they Arginae and Sterictiphorinae, the sister groups of the extant
make sinusoidal channels or zig-zag feeding tracks on their genera, clades I and VII, Antargidium (Arginae) and Tri-
host plants, which are Prunus spp. (Rosaceae) [Sterictiphora chorhachus + Styphelarge (Sterictiphorinae), respectively,
serotina, S. prunivora] and Ulmus spp. (Ulmaceae) [Aproceros are endemic to Australia, while the next clades to branch
leucopoda] (Blank et al., 2014; Eiseman, 2015). In contrast, off, i.e., II (Arginae: Scobina) and VII (Sterictiphorinae:
Aprosthema tardum does not display this behaviour when Atomacera) (Figs 4, 5), respectively, are Neotropical. Tri-
feeding on herbaceous Leguminosae (Liston et al., 2018). chorhachus + Styphelarge are restricted to Western Australia,
For clade IX (Fig. 5) (PP = 100) that includes all the Neotrop- while Antargidium is mainly present in Eastern Australia; it is
ical Sterictiphorinae except Atomacera, internal resolution and possible that the habitat of their ancestors contracted substan-
support is weak, even if morphological synapomorphies can tially during the increased aridity in the interior of Australia,
be inferred for some subclades (Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021a, when the Australian plate drifted towards the Equator in the
2021b). This Neotropical clade comprises more than half of Miocene (Wilford & Brown, 1994). Some of the first extant
all genera of Argidae (29 out of 55) while molecular infor- genera to branch off have as current host plants taxa that evolved
mation (mostly COI) is only available for 12 genera. This is much more recently than the ancestors of the sawflies. Antargid-
not enough to resolve the polytomy of well supported inter- ium feed on the Australian Sapindaceae Arytera and Alectryon
nal subclades (Fig. 5, clades X, XI, XII and XIII). Within (20–30 Ma; Muellner-Riehl et al., 2016). Trichorhachus feed
subclades of clade IX, some hostplant associations patterns on flowers of the endemic Australian Proteaceae Conospermum
are evident. For clade X, larvae are associated mainly with (70 Ma; Lamont & He, 2012) from fire-adapted vegetation
the Fabaceae Inga + Zygia clade (Smith, 1970; Smith, 1992; in western Australia; the adults have a long proboscis and
Smith & Janzen, 2003; Smith et al., 2013; Endara et al., 2018; probably use it to reach the nectar of Conospermum small
Malagon-Aldana et al., 2019). Endara et al. (2018) suggested a flowers at the base of the calyx tube, similar to some colletid
coevolutionary arms race between Ptenos and Inga, where Inga bees (Houston, 1989).Unlike some Australian Pergidae that
defence chemistry played a role in cospeciation with Ptenos. have apparently experienced modest diversity increase as a con-
In clade XIII, the larvae feed on members of Connaraceae sequence of feeding on Myrtaceae (Schmidt & Walter, 2014),
(Kimsey & Smith, 1985; Smith, 1992; Smith & Janzen, 2003; the endemic Australian argid genera have not switched to this
Smith et al., 2013). family, another possible cause of their current low diversity.
The early diversification in the Neotropics of both Arginae
and Sterictiphorinae present a similar pattern, occurring in the
Biogeography of Argidae lower Cretaceous, i.e., ancestors of Scobina (Arginae clade
II, 78.6–140.35 Ma, Fig. 6) and Atomacera (Sterictiphorinae
The ancestral biogeographic reconstruction of extant Argidae clade VII, 86.7–145.2 Ma). This is congruent with the isola-
s.s. is congruent with a Gondwanan distribution with the same tion of South America from Africa around 110 Ma (SanMartin
probability for the Australian and the Neotropical region (Fig. 7, & Ronquist, 2004) in a vicariance event. Both genera are
S-BGB/DEC and BBM) during the early breakup between associated with Malvaceae (Smith, 1992), which presumably
east and west Gondwana in the middle-upper Jurassic (around also arose in Gondwana in the late lower Cretaceous or
155 Ma, crown group age, Fig. 6). While this corresponds to the early upper Cretaceous (Areces-Berazain & Ackerman, 2017;
pattern displayed by the Pergidae (Schmidt & Walter, 2014), it Hernandez-Gutierrez & Magallon, 2019). Atomacera apparently
ignores the distributional information from Xyelotoma macro- dispersed from the Neotropical to the Nearctic region, although
clada, a fossil taxon possibly closely related to the ZAP clade the estimated age of A. debilis, the Nearctic species in our

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

20 L. A. Malagon-Aldana et al.

sample, is much older than the formation of the Panamian in the Cretaceous (Linder, 2014). In clade III, Pampsilota and
Isthmus (13–15 Ma) (Montes et al., 2015). However, the cur- Afrotropical Arge spp. have a wide distribution in sub-Saharan
rent host genera of these argid taxa are much younger than Africa (Koch et al., 2015; Liston et al., 2017), while the genus
the ancestors of clade II and VII: Scobina larvae feed on the Triarge is restricted to South Africa and its austro-temperate
pantropical Sida rhombifolia (30–40 Ma) and Atomacera on flora. Host plants for Triarge are unknown, while larvae of
Hibiscus (30–50 Ma) (Areces-Berazain & Ackerman, 2017). Afrotropical species groups of Arge feed on plants of Gera-
The major radiation of Sterictiphorinae occurred in the niaceae found in different natural biomes of shrub, bush and
Neotropical clade IX (Figs 5–7) after diverging from the ances- grasslands (Koch et al., 2015). Contrary to the Austral king-
tors of the Palearctic clade VIII in the lower Cretaceous. This dom hypothesis suggested mainly by phytogeographers (Lin-
probably happened after the isolation of South America from der, 2014; Morrone, 2015), we did not find taxa with affinities
Africa around 110 Ma. South America can be considered an area across southern Africa (e.g., Triarge), southern South America
of endemism for Sterictiphorinae, whose genera have a diverse and Australia.
range of host plant families (Smith, 1992), and the angiosperm The extant Arginae occurring in the India-Oriental region
radiation might have influenced the diversification of Steric- (clade IV) are restricted to northern India, adjacent and par-
tiphorinae. allel to the Himalayas (Fig. S4) to the north. Possible expla-
The early evolutionary history of Argidae and Pergidae are nations for the current absence of clade IV in central and
similar (Fig. 7), being restricted to Gondwana (Schmidt & southern India are: (i) Climatic variation: their ancestors in
Walter, 2014). The main difference between the two families is southern India moved northwards or went extinct due to a
the diversification of Argidae in the rest of the world, the north- substantial climatic change to much drier conditions in cen-
ern hemisphere in particular. How Argidae colonized Eurasia tral and southern India, shaped by its northward drift from
is somewhat difficult to explain, and the correlation of split- Gondwana and the formation of the Himalayas (Chatterjee
ting events in the family with tectonic events is hampered by et al., 2017) in the early Eocene; (ii) Cretaceous interchange:
the wide HPD intervals for the estimated divergence times for their ancestors could have dispersed from northern Africa
the former (Fig. 6). The dispersal to the northern hemisphere (and the Arabian Peninsula) through a land bridge that con-
might have happened through dispersal and diversification in nect only to northern India from the late Cretaceous before
Africa and/or India in the Cretaceous, which separately drifted India collided with Eurasia (Oman-Kohistan-Ladakh [OKL] arc,
northwards to collide with Eurasia during the early Eocene Fig. 8C) (Reinert, 1970; Chatterjee & Bajpai, 2016; Chatterjee
(India) and Oligocene (Africa-Arabian Peninsula) (Brown & et al., 2017); (iii) Mio-Pliocene interchange: their ancestors
Lomolino, 1998). The breakup between West (South America, could have dispersed much more recently from Africa during
Arabia, and Africa) and East Gondwana (Australia, India, and a Miocene interchange after to the collision of the Arabian plate
Antarctica) began around 160 Ma, several Ma after the esti- with Eurasia around 30–15 Ma and before/during the aridifi-
mated divergence of Argidae + Pergidae. Subsequently, ances- cation of Sahara, as it has been suggested for other organisms
tors of extant lineages of Argidae s.s. might have dispersed to with similar distribution (Bibi, 2011; Portik & Papenfuss, 2015).
India and/or Africa. However, according to the ancestral biogeo- Given the absence of any evidence for the occurrence of Arginae
graphic reconstructions of Argidae (Figs 7, 8), the Afrotropical in India south of the Indo-Gangetic Plain, it is perhaps most
and/or Indian/Oriental distribution can only be inferred for the likely that they arrived in the subcontinent from the west some-
ancestors of Arginae but not for Sterictiphorinae, e.g., clades I, time in the Tertiary. Nonetheless, according to our divergence
II, III and IV (Fig. 7). Although the African continent collided time estimation, ancestors of clade IV (mostly Oriental taxa)
with the Palearctic region (through the Arabian Peninsula) later would be older (54.1–109.8 Ma) than the Miocene interchange
than India (Brown & Lomolino, 1998), both events might have scenario. Records of Argidae in the Arabian Peninsula region
influenced the dispersal of clade V to Eurasia, since either of the are unknown. Hypotheses 2 and 3 above could also partly
two continents might have housed Arginae ancestors (Fig. 8). explain the sister relationship between the Afrotropical Sjoest-
According to the HPD interval of the divergence times edtia and the Oriental (Pampsilota scutellis + Tanyphatnidea) in
(Fig. 6), the ancestors of clade I (92.1–159.5 Ma) and clade clade IV.
II (78.7–140.3 Ma) could precede the separation of Africa Regarding the distribution pattern of clade IV south and par-
from South America and the separation of India from Africa allel to the Himalayan chain (Fig. S4), it is possible that the
(130-110 Ma), as well as their dispersion to these continents. uplift of this mountain range functioned as a natural barrier
However, the ancestors of clades III and IV (distributed cur- for dispersal of the ancestors of this clade. Oriental represen-
rently in Africa and India/Oriental, respectively) might have tatives of clade IV are usually collected over 3000 m of eleva-
evolved after India and Africa separated from the rest of Gond- tion (Saini, 2009), indicating that they have adapted to cooler
wana, since their estimated age is younger than those events conditions. This is in contrast to the occurrence of Argidae in
(75–63 Ma). Assuming that all extant Afrotropical Arge (125 the Neotropics (e.g., Colombia, Ecuador), where they are only
species) belong to this clade, the radiation of the exclusively recorded below 2500 m (Malagon-Aldana et al., 2019). The
Afrotropical clade III could be related to the diversification genus Cibdela (clade IV, Figs 6–8G) is the only Indian-Oriental
of the African austro-temperate and arid floras in the Paleo- genus that reaches the Australian region in New Guinea, which
gene and Eocene, although their ancestors might have evolved could be a more recent dispersal event (e.g., during the collision
together with the radiation of lowland forest angiosperm flora of Australia-Wallacea-SE Asia in the early Miocene or during

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

Evolution of Argidae 21




Fig. 8. Hypothetic sequence of ancestral node distribution for subfamilies Arginae (A–C) and Sterictiphorinae (D–F) of Argidae in different geologic
times. (G) Current distribution of subfamily Arginae. (H) Current distribution of subfamily Sterictiphorinae. Main clades are labelled with numbers in

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

22 L. A. Malagon-Aldana et al.



Fig. 9. Mass cocoons constructed by individuals of Sterictiphorinae species. (A) Sericoceros dimidiatus Konow, 1908 (NMNH). (B) Themos olfersii
(Klug, 1834) (NMNH). (C) Dielocerus diasi Smith, 1975 (NMNH). (D) Digelasinus diversipes (Kirby, 1882) (NMNH). (E) Pachylota audouinii
Westwood, 1841 (NHMUK). NMNH = National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., USA, NHMUK=Natural
History Museum, London, UK.

the glaciations of Pleistocene caused by falling sea levels and different times in the Cenozoic (Hopkins, 1959; SanMartin
exposition of glacial land bridges) (Brown & Lomolino, 1998; et al., 2001).
Hall & Sevastjanova, 2012), since their ancestral distribu- In Sterictiphorinae, no African or Indian taxa have been
tion is estimated to be Indian-Oriental (S-BGB/DEC, BBM, found that can link the primarily Neotropical clades VII and
Figs 4, 7). IX and the mostly Palearctic clade VIII. Only one species of
The radiation of the subfamily Arginae is most prevalent in the Sterictiphorinae has been recorded from the Oriental region,
non-Afrotropical Arge (clade V) (+250 species) in the Palearc- Aproceros sikkimensis Saini & Thind, 1992 (Saini, 2009); this
tic and Sino-Japanese regions and occurred between 38 and species occurs in northernmost India and was not included here.
61 Ma, around the time estimation of the collision between No reliable records of Sterictiphorinae exist from the Afrotrop-
India and Asia, 45–50 Ma, that formed the Himalaya-Tibetan ical region, except for one of the otherwise Neotropical Spha-
plateau (Fig. 6) (Chatterjee et al., 2017) and produced severe cophilus (recorded as Sterictiphora afra by Pasteels, 1963);
climatic shifts in the Oriental region. Clade V has a current dis- this record is probably based on a mislabelled specimen (Lis-
tribution in northern India similar to clade IV, although with ton et al., 2017). The virtual absence of Sterictiphorinae from
a substantial lower number of species (20 taxa, 13 endemic) the Afrotropical and Oriental regions may have been caused
(Saini, 2009) than in the Sino-Japanese region where there by extinction or failure to colonize these regions. Either way,
are more than 200 species (Wei et al., 2006; Hara & Shino- it is not possible to establish a connection between Neotropi-
hara, 2018; Taeger et al., 2018). This includes several Spinarge cal and Eurasian members of the subfamily. The ancestral dis-
spp. that diversified mainly in Japan after the opening of the tribution of clade VIII is estimated to be Palearctic (Figs 7,
Japanese sea (Fig. 6) around 15.3–33.7 Ma. More recently, 8). The clade is distributed throughout the Holarctic and com-
Arge spp. of clade V reached the Nearctic, at least in two dif- prises more than 100 species, primarily in the genera Ster-
ferent dispersal events, represented by Arge cyra (15.7 Ma) ictiphora (41 spp.) and Aprosthema (55 spp.). Ortasiceros (6
and A. quidia + A. pectoralis (16.2 Ma) (Figs 4, 7), proba- spp.) and Yasumatsua (3 spp.) are endemic to the Sino-Japanese
bly through one of the Bering land bridges that occurred at region, as are 8 out of 10 species of Aproceros; the species

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

Evolution of Argidae 23

Aproceros leucopoda has been introduced to Europe (Blank are the long plantulae on the tarsi, mainly on the basitarsomere
et al., 2014). Sterictiphora and Aprosthema reached the Nearctic (Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021a, char. 59).
in the Miocene (Figs 5, 8), presumably through a Beringian

Subsocial behaviour and maternal care Our study is the most comprehensive phylogenetic analysis for
the Argidae to date, although the limited amount of fresh mate-
According to our results, the subsocial behaviour of females rial and the prevalence of monotypic or small genera represented
within Argidae and Pergidae evolved independently; this only by type material made it impossible to reconstruct a better
behaviour cannot be ascribed to the ground plan of either resolved phylogeny. We provide the first molecular sequences
family. In Pergidae, subsociality occurs in genera in different of some genes for the genera Athermantus, Triarge, Pamp-
subfamilies (Perginae, Philomastiginae, Perreyinae and Syzy- silota, Dielocerus, Sphacophilus, Tanymeles and Manaos, as
goninae) representing at least two different lineages (Schmidt well as some outgroup species, e.g., Perreyia tropica (Pergidae),
et al., 2006). In Argidae, it occurs only in clade XII (Fig. 5), Andeana farcta and Waldheimia amazonica (Tenthredinidae).
corresponding to the tribe Dielocerini of Benson (1938) or We hope that new technologies and collecting efforts will help
subfamily Dielocerinae of Smith (1992); the behaviour is not to increase the amount of data and evidence for understanding
developed to the same degree in all genera. According to our the evolution of the family.
phylogeny, clade XII includes several subclades with unre- The placement of Zenarge in a separate family as suggested
solved relationships. Maternal care has not been recorded for by Malagón-Aldana et al. (2021a, 2021b), as indicated by the
subclade XIIa, Neoptilia + Durgoa, although the larvae of some relationship Zenargidae + (Argidae + Pergidae), is better sup-
species display signs of subsocial behaviour, e.g., Durgoa mat- ported when combining molecular and morphological charac-
togrossensis and Neoptilia tora are gregarious feeders (Smith ters or when excluding the saturated third codon position in the
et al., 2013) and also build small irregular mass cocoons (D. R. molecular analysis. Furthermore, the morphological (adult and
Smith, pers. observation). In subclade XIIb, Sericoceros shows larva) and ecological features (e.g., gymnosperm host plant) of
maternal care (Ciesla, 2002), while for its sister group Sub- Zenarge clearly makes it unique. According to the calibrated
symmia the life history is unknown. In subclade XIIc, Themos phylogeny presented here, the more basal position of Zenarge
clearly shows maternal care and subsocial behaviour, together turneri, which currently is the only species of the ZAP clade
with the genera Pachylota, Dielocerus and Digelasinus, while known to feed on gymnosperms, might challenge the hypothetic
for Topotrita and Mallerina, the biology is unknown (de Souza scenario of an ancestral angiosperm host for Tenthredinoidea
Dias, 1975; de Souza Dias, 1976; Smith, 1992; Ciesla, 2002; proposed by Nyman et al. (2019). Alternatively, the host plant
Smith & Janzen, 2003; Boraschi et al., 2005). choice of Zenarge is a secondary reversal to feeding on gym-
In Sericoceros the maternal care behaviour is more weakly nosperms, as indicated by the estimated Cenozoic age of its
developed than in other genera of subclade XIIc that show current native host plant, see above.
this trait (Ciesla, 2002; Smith & Janzen, 2003). The less Our results agree mostly with previous phylogenetic results
developed subsocial behaviour of Sericoceros (construction of for the family Argidae s.s. showing two main clades, i.e.,
small and irregular mass cocoons, low levels of aggressiveness the subfamilies Arginae and Sterictiphorinae (Malagón-Aldana
when guarding the eggs by the female and shorter duration of et al., 2021a, 2021b), both of them with ancestral distribution
maternal care) might suggest that it displays the initial steps of in Gondwana, and with an origin coinciding with the breakup
evolving this behaviour complex. However, within clade XIIc between east and west Gondwana. The biogeographic recon-
the same characters do not seem to follow a transformation struction suggests Arginae dispersed to Eurasia most likely
series (number of days of guarding and degree of defence through northern Africa (and the Arabian Peninsula); however,
aggressiveness by the female), except for the construction of for Sterictiphorinae similar evidence is absent. We consider that
much more complex and organized mass cocoons in all genera the rise of the Himalayas played a substantial role in the diversi-
(Fig. 9). One probable ancestral trait in this behaviour complex fication of Arginae, and perhaps Sterictiphorinae, in the Palearc-
present in Sericoceros and Themos (sister group of the remaining tic region, as has been suggested for other organisms in conjunc-
taxa in clade XIIc) is that females lay the eggs directly on tion with uplift of mountain ranges (Wen et al., 2014; Luebert
the leaf epidermis and in circular/oval egg clusters instead of & Muller, 2015; Klaus et al., 2016) (Fig. 9A). Regarding sub-
inside the mesophyll of the leaves and scattered over the entire social behaviour, we find that maternal care evolved only once
leaf as in Dielocerus and Digelasinus (Benson, 1938; de Souza within Sterictiphorinae; however, further research is necessary
Dias, 1975; de Souza Dias, 1976; Smith, 1992; Ciesla, 2002; to understand evolution of specific traits of this behaviour com-
Smith & Janzen, 2003; Boraschi et al., 2005). Larvae of clade plex.
XII share the presence of two or more non-eversible coxal Much more work still needs to be done to resolve the rela-
glands (Malagón-Aldana et al., 2021b); however, it is unknown tionships of Neotropical Sterictiphorinae and the megadiverse
if this feature is related to gregarious or subsocial behaviour. genus Arge, for which we only obtained low resolution. Besides,
A morphological convergence between adult females that show Arge in particular needs to be sampled much more densely, and
maternal care in Pergidae (e.g., Pseudoperga) and clade XII the genus will probably have to be subdivided, as indicated by

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

24 L. A. Malagon-Aldana et al.

our results for Afrotropical Arginae. At the same time, a num- janthina. Also, thanks to Seraina Klopfstein, Tamara Spasojevic
ber of small northern hemisphere genera nested inside Arge and Liping Yan, who provided several suggestions and construc-
(clade V, Fig. 4), e.g., the ‘prefix’ genera Asiarge, Pseudarge tive criticism of the maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference
and Spinarge, might eventually have to be synonymized with the methods applied, as well as to Katja Kramp for her relevant
nominal genus. The genus Sphacophilus is retrieved as mono- suggestions on the DNA extraction techniques. Finally, we thank
phyletic, contrary to previous hypotheses. Molecular informa- Seraina Klopfstein and Gavin Broad who reviewed an early ver-
tion is also needed to confirm the placement of a number of sion of the manuscript. Additional input was provided by Bonnie
genera, e.g., Trichorhachus, Tanyphatnidea, Sjoestedtia, Pseu- Blaimer and two anonymous reviewers. Mention of trade names
daprosthema, Yasumatsua, Ortasiceros, most of the Afrotropical or commercial products in this publication is solely for the pur-
species of Arge and Neotropical Sterictiphorinae, including the pose of providing specific information and does not imply rec-
status of the New World genera Ptenos and Didymia currently ommendation or endorsement by the USDA. USDA is an equal
retrieved as paraphyletic. Similarly, a revision of the tribal clas- opportunity provider and employer. The authors declare no con-
sification of Argidae must await a denser sampling than the one flict of interest.
achieved here.

Author contributions
Supporting Information
Leonardo A. Malagón-Aldana (LAMA) and Lars Vilhelmsen
Additional supporting information may be found online in (LV) conceived and designed the study. David R. Smith and Aki-
the Supporting Information section at the end of the article. hiko Shinohara provided crucial material for DNA extraction.
LAMA and Arn R. Jensen generated the molecular data. LAMA
Figure S1. Substitution saturation per codon position (first conducted all analyses. LAMA wrote the first draft of the paper,
and second codon together and third codon separately) per which was then reviewed by LV. All authors contributed to the
protein-coding gene. Observed transitions and transversion final version of the paper.
vs. corrected genetic divergence.
Figure S2. Maximum likelihood Individual Gene Trees.
Data availability statement
Figure S3. Phylogenetic position of Zenarge turneri Rohwer
when using different gene datasets. First and second codon NCBI Sequence accession numbers are provided in Table S1.
position together (first-second) and third codon position The final total evidence matrix, including the used concatenated
nucleotide alignement and the morphological data set are pro-
(third) separately. Maximum likelihood ML and Bayesian
vided in File S2. The rest of data that support the findings of this
inference (BI) analyses.
study are available from the corresponding author upon reason-
Figure S4. Current occurrence of Oriental genera of clade able request.
File S1. Dispersal matrix, Dispersal Extinction Cladogenesis References
(DEC) analysis.
Areces-Berazain, F. & Ackerman, J.D. (2017) Diversification and
File S2. Total Evidence Matrices for Node dating. fruit evolution in eumalvoids (Malvaceae). Botanical Journal of the
Linnean Society, 184(4), 401–417.
Table S1. List of taxa used for molecular information and
Benson, D.A., Cavanaugh, M., Clark, K., Karsch-Mizrachi, I., Lipman,
GenBank accession number per gene (Sequences starting D.J., Ostell, J. & Sayers, E.W. (2017) GenBank. Nucleic Acids
with OK were produced in this work). Research, 41 (Database issue)(D1), D41–D47.
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Symphyta). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of
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We thank COLCIENCIAS Institution of Colombia and the (Hymenoptera). Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 13,
Natural History Museum of Denmark (NHMD), which funded 631–635.
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ent entomological collections that provided specimens to this
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Dimitri Forero (MPUJ), Andrew Liston (SDEI), Claudia Peña hosts of Aproceros leucopoda (Hymenoptera, Argidae) in Germany.
(ICN-MHN), Andreas Taeger (SDEI), and Valentina Vergara Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 41, 57–74.
(UNAB). Thanks to Tobias Malm, Tommi Nyman, and Saskia Boevé, J.L., Blank, S.M., Meijer, G. & Nyman, T. (2013) Invertebrate
Wutke who shared with us all their own original data of Argi- and avian predators as drivers of chemical defensive strategies in
dae, including the 16S and 28S rDNA sequences of Cibdela tenthredinid sawflies. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 13(1), 1–14.

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First published online 5 November 2021

© 2021 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, doi: 10.1111/syen.12527

Tree scale: 1

Blasticotoma filicetiGB
Runaria reductaGB
Waldheimia amazonica
Abia sppGB
Pterygophorus insignisGB
Dracogymnia fernandezi
100 Sericoceros nrtannuusGB
Styracotechys dicelysmaGB
Sphacophilus sp1
Dielocerus sp
Dielocerus larva
Ptenos texanus
8 Aprosthema tardum
Aprosthema intermedium
Aprosthema fusicorne
Sterictiphorinae males
Sterectiphorinae males
Sphacophilus sp3
Sterictiphora geminata
Atomacera pubicornis
Aproceros leucopoda
Cladius pectinicornisGB
Corynis crassicornisGB
Siobla sppGB
Sterictiphora angelicae
2 3
Phylacteophaga froggattiGB
Pergagrapta sppGB
Pseudoperga sppGB
Aulacomerus atriventris
Andeana farcta
3 32
Monoctenus juniperiGB
Neodiprion sertiferGB
Polyclonus atratusGB
24 Decameria sppGB
Perreyia picea
Perreyia tropica
Triarge sp
Arge berberidisGB
Arge berberidis
9 Arge suzuki
3 Cibdela janthina
Arge melanochra
Arge pagana
Athermantus imperialis
Arge thoracica
Arge gracilicornis

Arge rejecta
Arge rustica
30 Arge obesa
41 Scobina bolivariGB
Scobina strophosaGB
Scobina thoracicaGB
Arge mali
10 Pampsilota dahomeyanus
Antargidium allucenteGB
Antargidium atricepsGB
Spinarge metallica
36 Spinarge fulvicornisP
85 Spinarge fulvicornisA
Spinarge prunivora
10 Spinarge affinis
Arge ustulata
Arge nigripes
Arge aruncus
49 Arge similis
Arge similislarva
Arge similis2
Tree scale: 0.1

Runaria reductaGB
Euura respondens
Cladius pectinicornisGB
Andeana farcta
Waldheimia amazonica
Siobla sppGB
Corynis crassicornisGB
Neodiprion sertiferGB
Monoctenus juniperiGB
Abia sppGB
Athalia sppGB
Scobina incultaGB
Scobina terminalisMix
Antargidium atricepsGB
Antargidium allucenteGB
Sericoceros nrtannuusGB
Atomacera debilisGB
Atomacera pubicornis
Aproceros leucopodaMix
Aprosthema fusicorne
Aprosthema tardum
Aprosthema intermedium
Sphacophilus sp1
Manaos mulsus
Ptenos texanus
Sterictiphora geminata
Sterictiphora furcataGB
Sterictiphora angelicae
Dracogymnia sp
Tanymeles galumnatus
Sphacophilus sp3
Sterictiphorinae males
Ptilia peleterii
Ptilia versicolor
Phylacteophaga froggattiGB
Acordulecera spMix
Anathulea sp
Aulacomerus atriventris
Pergagrapta sppGB
Pseudoperga sppGB
Styracotechys dicelysmaGB
Pterygophorus insignisGB
Polyclonus atratusGB
Decameria sppGB
Perreyia piceaGB
Perreyia tropica
Arge suzuki
Arge berberidisMix
Arge similis
Cibdela janthina
Arge thoracica
Arge rustica
Arge obesa
Arge gracilicornis
Arge cyanocrocea
Arge ochropus
Arge pagana
Arge captiva
Arge rejecta
Pampsilota dahomeyanus
Triarge sp
Arge scita
Arge melanochra
Arge mali
Arge nigripes
Arge ustulata
Arge metallica
Spinarge pumilla
Spinarge fulvicornisP
Spinarge affinis
Spinarge fulvicornisA
Spinarge prunivora
Tree scale: 0.1

CAD Blasticotoma filicetiGB

Euura respondens
92 Waldheimia amazonica
38 Andeana farcta
Siobla sppGB
Neodiprion sertiferGB
Monoctenus juniperiGB
Abia sppGB
Athalia sppGB
Corynis crassicornisGB
Zenarge turneri
46 Acordulecera spGB
Phylacteophaga froggattiGB
Decameria spGB
Polyclonus atratusGB
Pterygophorus insignisGB
Pseudoperga spGB
Pergagrapta sppGB
Sterictiphora geminata
98 Sterictiphora spGB
Sterictiphora furcataGB
Sterictiphora angelicae
Aproceros leucopodaGB
Aproceros leucopoda
Dielocerus larva
Sphacophilus sp1
88 Ptenos texanus
Schizocerella pilicornisGB
Sterectiphorinae males
Ptilia peleterii
Dracogymnia fernandezi
Atomacera debilisGB
Atomacera pubicornis
Scobina terminalisGB
31 Scobina terminalis
Arge suzuki
Arge rustica
Arge obesa
Cibdela janthinaGB
94 Arge cyanocrocea
10 Pampsilota dahomeyanus
28 Arge rejecta
Arge pagana
17 Arge ochropus
Arge similislarva
15 Arge scita
Arge berberidisGB
Arge berberidis
Arge melanochra
Arge aruncus
Arge nigripesGB
Arge ustulata
Arge cyraGB
Arge mali
52 Spinarge metallica

55 Spinarge fulvicornisP

Spinarge fulvicornisA
Spinarge affinis
Tree scale: 1

COI 100
Runaria reductaGB
Blasticotoma filicetiGB
Athalia sppGB
Waldheimia amazonica
Andeana farcta
21 Siobla sppGB
Euura respondens

Cladius pectinicornisGB
Neodiprion sertiferGB
Monoctenus juniperiGB
Abia sppGB
Corynis crassicornisGB
Heptamelus dahlbomiGB
Zenarge turneri
Heteroperreyia hubrichiGB
Styracotechys dicelysmaGB
14 12
Aulacomerus atriventrisGB
Acordulecera spGB
Acordulecera sp
Pergagrapta sppGB
Pseudoperga sppGB
Pterygophorus insignisGB
Perreyia tropica
Polyclonus atratusGB
Dracogymnia fernandezi
31 Sericoceros nrtannuusGB
Atomacera debilisGB
Atomacera pubicornis
Aproceros leucopodaGB
33 Aprosthema tardum
Aprosthema austriacumGB
14 100
3 Aprosthema intermedium
Sterictiphora longicornisGB
14 Sterictiphora geminata
Sterictiphora furcataGB
Sterictiphora angelicae
Themos mayiGB
Dielocerus sp
Dielocerus larva
Neurogymnia nigricosta
Sericoceros vumirusGB

Sphacophilus sp1
2 Durgoa mattogrossensisGB
Trochophora lobataGB
Didymia jonesiGB
Manaos mulsus
Ptenos texanus
Ptenos spGB
Ptenos leucopodaGB
7 Ptilia versicolorGB
Ptilia versicolor

Ptilia peleterii
Sterictiphorinae males
Schizocerella pilicornisGB
Schizocerella lineataGB
Antargidium atricepsGB
Antargidium dentivalveGB
Antargidium allucenteGB
Scobina incultaGB
88 Scobina bolivariGB
96 Scobina terminalisGB
Scobina thoracicaGB
Scobina strophosaGB
Pampsilota dahomeyanus
Triarge sp
Arge stuhlmanniGB
Cibdela janthinaGB
Arge aruncus
96 13
Arge similislarva
Arge similis
Spinarge metallica
17 19 Spinarge affinis
75 Spinarge affinisGB
Arge naokoaeGB
4 Spinarge fulvicornisGB
Arge enodis
Arge berberidis
Arge melanochra
55 Arge nigripes
Arge ustulata
Arge pullataGB
Arge scita
Athermantus imperialis
Arge meliosmae
8 9
Arge thoracica
Arge quidia
6 Arge pectoralis
Arge captivalarva
Arge cyanocrocea
Arge rustica
6 17
Arge rejecta

Arge captiva
Kokujewia ectrapelaGB
Arge bipunctataGB
Arge ochropus
Tree scale: 0.1 100
Runaria reductaGB
Blasticotoma filicetiGB

Athalia sppGB
Siobla sppGB
Andeana farcta
Corynis crassicornisGB
76 Abia sppGB
Neodiprion sertiferGB
Monoctenus juniperiGB
Phylacteophaga froggattiGB
Pseudoperga spGB
Pergagrapta sppGB
Pterygophorus insignisGB
32 Polyclonus atratusGB
Perreyia tropica
39 Decameria spGB
Zenarge turneri
Aproceros leucopodaGB
Aproceros leucopoda
Sterictiphora geminata
Sterictiphora spGB
Sterictiphora angelicae
Dielocerus sp
Sphacophilus sp1
Dracogymnia fernandezi
Schizocerella pilicornisGB
Atomacera pubicornis
Atomacera debilisGB
16 Scobina terminalisGB
Scobina terminalis
Arge scita
Arge ochropus
Arge cyanocrocea
12 Arge suzuki
37 Arge obesa
Arge rejecta
8 Arge captiva
Arge rustica
Arge pagana
Arge berberidisGB
Arge berberidis
2 Cibdela janthinaGB
Arge cyraGB
Arge nigripes
Arge spGB
Arge ustulata
Arge mali
Arge metallica
Spinarge prunivora
Spinarge fulvicornisA
Spinarge fulvicornisP
Spinarge pumilla
Spinarge affinis
Tree scale: 0.1
Runaria reducta
Blasticotoma filiceti
Athalia circularis
80 Siobla ruficornis
Corynis crassicornis
Abia lonicerae
Acordulecera sp.
Zenarge turneri
55 Sterictiphora sp.
Aproceros leucopoda
Atomacera debilis
13 Scobina terminalis
Arge cyra
IDH 28
Arge berberidis
Lophyrotoma analis
Pterygophorus insignis
57 Phylacteophaga froggatti
Decameria sp.
Polyclonus atratus
Pergagrapta sp.
Pseudoperga sp.
Tree scale: 0.1

Runaria reductaGB
PGD 100
Blasticotoma filicetiGB
Corynis crassicornisGB
Athalia sppGB
Siobla sppGB
Euura respondens

Andeana farcta
Abia sppGB
Neodiprion sertiferGB
Monoctenus juniperiGB
Scobina terminalisGB
Cibdela janthinaGB
Arge scita
100 21
Arge captiva
Arge suzuki
Arge berberidisGB
60 Spinarge fulvicornisP
Arge nigripes
Arge spGB
Zenarge turneri
Phylacteophaga froggattiGB
46 Acordulecera sp
Acordulecera spGB
Anathulea sp
Pergagrapta sppGB
Pseudoperga spGB
Pterygophorus insignisGB
47 Polyclonus atratusGB
76 Decameria spGB
Perreyia piceaGB
Perreyia tropica
Atomacera pubicornis
Atomacera debilisGB
Sterictiphora spGB
Sterictiphora angelicae
29 68 Aprosthema fusicorne
Aprosthema tardum
Aproceros leucopodaGB
Aproceros leucopoda
Sphacophilus sp
88 Schizocerella pilicornisGB
Ptilia versicolor
59 Ptilia peleterii
Sphacophilus sp1
Dielocerus larva
Manaos mulsus
Ptenos leucopodaGB
Ptenos texanus
Ptenos spGB
Tree scale: 1


Runaria reducta
Blasticotoma filiceti
Pterygophorus insignis
Pseudoperga sp
Acordulecera sp
Pergagrapta sp
Phylacteophaga froggatti
Decameria sp
27 Polyclonus atratus
Zenarge turneri
Athalia circularis
Euura humeralis
Cladius pectinicornis
35 71
Corynis crassicornis
Abia lonicerae
Siobla ruficornis
Neodiprion sp
24 81
Monoctenus juniperi
Dielocerus sp
Schizocerella pilicornis
Aproceros leucopoda
Atomacera debilis
52 46 Sphacophilus sp1
Sterictiphora sp
28 Sterictiphora angelicae
Scobina terminalis
100 Cibdela janthina
Arge cyra
Arge berberidis
File S1. Dispersal matrix, Dispersal Extinction Cladogenesis (DEC) analysis.

1 0.1 0.1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1

0.1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.1 0.1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1 1
0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1 1
0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1 1
0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1 1
[0-35Ma Oligocene-Miocene]

1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.1 0.1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1 1
0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1 1
0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1 1
0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1 1
[35-50 Ma Eocene]

1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.1 0.1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.1 0.1 0.1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1
[50-120 Ma Late Cretaceous]

1 1 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1

1 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
1 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
1 0.1 0.1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1
[120-145 Ma Early Cretaceous]

1 1 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1

1 1 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1
1 1 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1
1 1 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1
[145-160 Ma Late Jurassic]

1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
[160-200 Middle Jurassic-Triassic]
#periods Myr=35.0 50 120 145 160 219
File S2. Total Evidence Matrices for Node dating.[syen12527-sup-0006-AppendixS2]
[written Wed Nov 18 16:22:02 COT 2020 by Mesquite version 3.6 (build 917) at Leonardos-MacBook-Pro.local/]

begin data;
dimensions ntax=164 nchar=5658;
format datatype = MIXED(DNA:1-5350,Standard:5351-5658) gap = - missing =? interleave=yes;


Cimbex_cuadrimaculata ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Euura_spp ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Heptamelus_dahlbomi ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Leptocimbex_yorofui ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Pachylosticta_albiventris ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Zenarge_turneri ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Acordulecera_spp ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Anathulea_sp ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Heteroperreyia_spp ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Parasyzygonia_cyanoptera ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Perga_sp ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Philomastix_xanthophilax ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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Joseph spoke truly. Peter had at last fallen into the hands of
guardians of the law, and this time it was the King’s own men that
held him. It was evident, too, from the way they held him that they
thought they had a prize. They did not stop at the Town House where
offenders against municipal law were kept but marched straight
along Castle Street in the direction of the royal castle on Wawel Hill.
At the church they found Pan Andrew in a very sweat of anxiety
and fear lest something of harm had befallen them. He caressed
them all one after another and then said to Joseph earnestly:
“I want you to remain here and sound the Heynals for the rest of
the night. There is much work to be done in the quarter where the
fire is, and every man’s hand is needed to stay the flames. . . . I see
that Pan Kreutz is not with you. He stayed, too, I presume, to work
with the rest of the men?”
“Indeed, father, I know not. We called many times, but his loft
was a mass of flames like to a roaring furnace, when we were driven
down the stairs.”
“I must see, then, if I can find aught of him. He has been on a
previous occasion our very great benefactor and it would but suit us
ill not to seek at least his body in the ruins. Should he not have
perished, as I pray God he has not, then we can offer him shelter
here until such time as he can find a roof again.”
But when Joseph told him of the capture of Peter he looked very
serious and said that if such people were in the city then he had
better not leave his wife and the young people. On second thought,
however, it seemed right for him to go, for the city was now lighted
by flames and it would be easy to summon aid if they were attacked.
And so he, with thousands of other valiant men, fought the fire in
Krakow that night. They formed in a ring about the conflagration and
tore down all the buildings across which it might run. The Collegium
Minus was the last building to catch on the side toward the city wall,
and then the fighters tore down the houses near the old Jew Gate
and stopped the fire there. The flames swept around the other
buildings of the university, destroyed one or two, though not all, and
were finally halted on the second street above St. Ann’s. Sweeping
in the other direction, the fire had early in its progress destroyed the
monastery and adjoining houses of the Church of the Franciscans,
and had crossed over to Castle Street where it burned flat a whole
line of buildings.
On these and the other edges of the district a wide belt of
destruction was created by the fighters. This belt, the tradesmen,
running to and fro with water wagons filled constantly at the
aqueduct, wet down and soaked until it was almost a water wall. So
furiously had they worked that the main progress of the fire was
checked in seven or eight hours, and although certain buildings and
ruins smoked and even blazed for several days afterward, yet the
great danger passed when this well-soaked belt of destruction was
When Pan Andrew returned to the tower in the full blaze of the
morning sun, nearly one third of the city of Krakow lay in ruins.
Fortunately it was not the better portion of the city, and many of the
old wooden-built hovels had been there since before the days of
Kazimir the Great; that monarch had successfully converted about
one half the city of Krakow from wood to stone more than one
hundred years before; had he not done so it is probable that the fire
of 1462 might have utterly consumed it.
Elzbietka and Joseph’s mother were asleep on the trumpeter’s
bed clasped in each other’s arms. Joseph sat outside the
compartment with the hourglass before him on a beam, gazing out
over the smoking ruins of the university quarter.
“Is the city saved?” was the first question he asked his father.
“It is not now in danger,” answered Pan Andrew. “But there are
many homeless souls in the city this day.”
“Did you see the alchemist?”
“I did not. He has disappeared as if he had flown away on the
clouds of smoke that covered the city.”
“Poor Elzbietka,” exclaimed Joseph.
The girl inside the compartment moaned slightly as her name
was spoken, although she was deep in a heavy slumber.
“I wonder if he was caught in the loft?” mused Pan Andrew. “It
was in the very center of the burned district.”
The answer to his question came with sudden unexpectedness.
There was a sound of footsteps on the stairs and Jan Kanty’s head
appeared from below. The scholar was leading another man by the
arm, a man who had been in the fire—his charred clothes and
blackened face showed it; around his shoulders and falling to his
waist was all that remained of what had once been a black robe. He
kept his hands beneath this robe.
“Pan Andrew,” whispered Jan Kanty softly, “I have found in the
street—Pan Kreutz.” And, checking the other’s startled exclamation,
he explained, “He is not in his right senses. Something has affected
his brain. But he has here something of interest to us all.”
Pan Andrew turned toward Kreutz—he never would have
recognized him had not Jan Kanty identified him; Joseph felt his
eyes glued with strange eagerness upon the eerie, blackened figure
and the mysterious folded hands beneath the robe; it had been a
scholar’s robe once.
“Ha, ha, ha!” laughed the alchemist suddenly, “up to heaven goes
everything in fire and yet no gold is found anywhere. Johann Tring!”
he looked about anxiously. “Where is Johann Tring? He answers me
not. He is lost in the flames, the flames that came so red and purple
when niter mixed with charcoal. Oho, Johann Tring! Come, Johann
Tring, and see what I have carried this whole long night for you.”
Throwing back the black robe, he held up the object that he had
been concealing there, and at the same moment the sun, streaming
in through the little window on the east side, fell full upon that object;
fell upon it and made it sparkle like the myriad of dew diamonds
shining upon a morning lawn new-mowed; sparkled like the
thousand chandeliers in the King’s great hall in the palace on the
Wawel Hill; sparkled like the rubies and emeralds that gleam in the
Queen’s crown; sparkled like the wondrous thing that it was, all
touched by the red rays of the morning sun—the Great Tarnov
“Now whence has that come?” shouted Pan Andrew so loudly
that the sleepers in the next room awoke. “Where by all that is good
and holy in the world have you found the gem which has been in my
family for years and years, which all my ancestors and I have sworn
to guard forever and to surrender to no person except to the King of
Poland? How has it come into your hands after it was stolen from
me, and my heart was nearly broken? Did you get it perhaps from
that ruffian who has been captured by the King’s guards? Did you
find it perhaps in the ruins of the town? Did you perchance——” The
truth suddenly flashed upon him and he was speechless.
“It is an accursed thing,” cried out the alchemist suddenly, reeling
in Jan Kanty’s arms as if he were gone faint. “There is blood upon it,
and fire! It has lured princes and kings to their destruction! It has
made men’s brains mad with lust for want of it! It has caused good
men to steal, and evil men to kill. I will have none of it. I will have
none of it, I say.” He was growing almost boisterous, yet there was
something in this attack of madness that had much of reason and
determination in it. “I will have no more of it,” he repeated, “and no
more of Johann Tring.”
At that he fell fainting to the floor.
Jan Kanty raised him, and Elzbietka who had run out from the
trumpeter’s room rushed to him and kissed and fondled his
blackened hands.
Pan Andrew picked up the Great Tarnov Crystal and held it at
arm’s length with a smile.
“Now may peace come upon us all,” he said, “for I may fulfill the
oath that my family has taken and deliver this to the King. While the
secret of its hiding place remained with me I might keep the crystal
as long as I chose, but now that the secret is out, there is but one
place where it may be guarded safely and that is in the palace of the
King. Pan Kreutz is right. This jewel has already done too much
harm in the world.”
“Then you may rid yourself of it at once,” broke in Jan Kanty. “The
King returned to Krakow two days ago, and we may find him at the
castle this very morning.”

O f all the wonders that the capital city of Poland possessed

Joseph knew of none that stirred his imagination more than
did this royal castle of the kings upon the Wawel.
Impregnable through many sieges, its great rock base had stood,
brick and stone heaped high above it in a great mass of towers,
turrets, and walls. At its very heart, high above the winding Vistula
and the town, stood a strangely built round tower enclosed and
protected by the palace wings, where men in prehistoric times
worshiped the old nature gods of the Slavs; a place of rest and
seclusion where on rare occasions, when townsfolk might visit the
castle, Joseph had stood thinking of things that had been in the old
He knew well the legend of Krakus, the hero of the dark ages,
who slew a dragon that had once made this hill his habitation. There
was a cave, so Joseph heard, that ran from the fortress underground
beneath the river, a secret exit in time of siege; here had been the
dragon’s lair, until the hero overcame him, and from that day men
made the Wawel a home, from which might be seen climbing into the
air, spires and belfries. All this Joseph had seen; he had fed his
fancies upon every object that graced the bleak, majestic rock, and
yet there remained one glory that had never yet met his eyes. That
glory was Poland’s King.
But this morning after the fire, when the little company set out
from the Church of Our Lady Mary toward the Wawel Hill, Joseph felt
his heart leaping strangely in his breast at the thought of the
adventure that was to be theirs. To see the King, to have audience
before him—it made the blood sing in his ears and tingle in his finger
They took the alchemist with them, on Jan Kanty’s advice,
although he still seemed like a man in a dream.
“I found him wandering through the fire-swept streets early this
morning,” said the scholar. “He had been running hither and thither
all night long in the most dangerous parts of the city, and how he has
escaped death from falling timbers and burning coals is more than I
know. . . . The man has something on his mind, something that
troubles him hugely, and with it all he seems to be acting like one in
a spell.”
“Do you think it well to bring him with us?” asked Pan Andrew,
who had doubted from the beginning that there would be any benefit
from the man’s presence.
“Yes—I have a curious notion,” answered the scholar, “that he
may be able to help us. We have much to explain to the King, and
the man’s presence will make our story more credible. And who
knows, perhaps the alchemist himself may get help—he needs some
light thrown into that brain of his, and since he is harmless, it will do
no damage to take him.”
Pan Kreutz’s hands and face had been washed and dried, and
most of the fire grime had left him; the scholar’s robe was useless,
however, and Pan Andrew hung a kontusz or long coat about his
Joseph was there with the three men; Wolf had been left behind
sleeping upon the floor of the high tower room. Joseph’s mother and
Elzbietka were under the protection of the day watchman who
relieved Pan Andrew at dawn. It was necessary for Pan Andrew and
Jan Kanty to assist the alchemist in walking at times when his feet
would shuffle curiously like those of a man walking in his sleep, but
he plodded along bravely, not yet realizing quite clearly what was
happening about him yet confident that the two men near him were
his friends and were leading him to some good place.
From Castle Street they turned at length up the long slope
leading to the castle on the Wawel. Behind them lay street after
street of desolation, of smoking ruins, of masses of wood still
flaming; amidst these ruins men were still working valorously tearing
down charred beams and hurling in tons and tons of water from the
water wagons, which were now all drawn by horses. One side of
Castle Street had suffered badly, the houses on the Street of the
Pigeons were entirely destroyed, St. Ann’s Street had but few
buildings left, while much devastation had been done along the
Street of the Bakers, the Street of the Goldsmiths, and the Street of
the Jews and Broad Street.
Jan Kanty’s company was challenged twice by guards on the way
to the palace, but when the soldiers recognized the good father, they
were at once passed along without question. It was another proof to
Joseph of the esteem in which the man was held; in himself,
however, there was not the least indication of pride and ostentation,
he was as simple as a child in most matters affecting worldly things,
and yet his name was as magic even in the court of the King. At
length they all stood in the little passageway on the Wawel through
which one passes to the palace, and here the guard, with spear
raised in salute to the scholar, bade the company wait until he went
to see if an audience might be had.
The soldier came back quickly. “The King,” he said gravely, “will
grant any request that may be made by Father Jan Kanty; he only
begs that the company wait a few minutes until a present audience is
They waited perhaps fifteen minutes until an important-looking
functionary in a blue robe came to announce that King Kazimir
Jagiello would receive Jan Kanty and his friends.
Out into a wide court they went, following the courtier in blue, up
a marble staircase to the left and along a balcony. Then suddenly a
door was flung back and they were in the presence of the King.
To Joseph, remembering it afterward, it all seemed like a dream,
it was all so quiet and without ceremony. King Kazimir had chosen to
receive them in a small antechamber in which he often met certain
persons who were to be received without the usual ceremony of
presentation, and Jan Kanty was one of the privileged ones that he
met in such fashion.
Joseph and his father dropped upon one knee in front of the
King. He was sitting in a high-backed chair without a canopy, which
bore at its highest peak a royal crown; this crown was just above the
monarch’s head so that at first it seemed as if it were actually upon
his head and he were crowned. He wore a huge purple robe which
fell clear to the tops of his soft leather sandals; it had a great collar
embroidered with silks of many colors and in many patterns; a heavy
gold chain held the folds of the collar together, and beneath the
collar folds could be seen a rich vest embroidered with gold. The
sleeves of the robe were immense and hung down far below his
knees as he sat there; the robe itself was fringed with heavy fur. His
head covering was a simple cap of the same color as the robe, flat,
soft, and turned up a trifle at each side.
The King himself seemed the picture of comfort and informality;
not so his guards. On each side of him stood a guard in plate armor,
with stiff metal pieces over the arms, stomach, thighs, and legs. At
the waist they wore short, straight swords ready for action at a
second’s notice. These two men were as motionless as statues.
About the room stood knights in different kinds of armor, some in
light chain with long skirtlike coats, some in mail jackets that
resembled checkerboards in pattern and extended only from
shoulder to thigh, some in heavy armor and metal shoes armed with
In front of the King were two pages carrying scepters. They, too,
stood motionless as he spoke.
“What is this?” he asked, as Jan Kanty came forward to kiss his
hand, which ceremony the King did not allow. “Have we here some
poor city dwellers driven forth by last night’s fire?”
“Yea,” answered Jan Kanty, “that is true, though we come not on
business of that sort. We are here upon some matter that may be of
deeper interest than one would suppose. These are Pan Andrew and
his son Joseph, by family name Charnetski, dwellers of the Ukraine
driven forth by violence and come here to have audience with your
“So,” said the King with quick interest. “Stand, if you please, and
tell me the circumstances of your trouble for it greatly interests me at
this present time. I have much news from the Ukraine, and not so
pleasant, either. How came you by your misfortunes?”
“If your Majesty please,” began Pan Andrew, rising and taking out
the crystal from beneath his coat, “I wish to deliver to your Highness
the Great Tarnov Crystal.”
The sunlight touched it as he held it up, and the room and its
splendid company were suddenly agleam with wavy flecks of light,
red and orange and blue and yellow; there was a dazzling brilliance
to it that struck each eye with almost the force of lightning. The King
literally sprang forward to take the wondrous thing from Pan
Andrew’s hands.
“What a marvel! What a thing of beauty!” he exclaimed, while a
very murmur of astonishment ran through the circle of his attendants.
“Where in the world is to be found any jewel one-half so miraculous
as this?”
“I know not,” answered Pan Andrew, “but it has been in the
keeping of my family for many years.”
“Then why do you deliver it up to me?” demanded the King. “It is
worth a quarter at least of all the treasures in this palace.”
“That I will explain. My family has held it in trust these two
hundred years and more, and we have sworn to guard it until the
secret of its hiding place became known, and then, since there would
be great danger following such a discovery, to deliver it into the
hands of the King.”
“Then its hiding place has been discovered? But tell me first the
reason for concealing such a wondrous stone.”
“That, your Majesty, is a long story, which if your Majesty so
desires I will deliver shortly in writing, but I may say briefly that when
Tarnov fell before the Tartars these many years ago the citizens
entrusted this crystal to a member of my family. He took oath to
guard it zealously, with his life if need be, lest it fall into the hands of
people who might abuse its powers, for its beauty hides strange
properties which are allied to magic and sorcery and the Black Arts,
and it has been at times a curse, a thing of mystery and a source of
evil. When Tarnov was rebuilt new dwellers came there and the
crystal remained in our family.”
“How did the secret become known?”
“I had a servant, a Tartar. He was with me for many years. It was
my custom to conceal the crystal in the rind of a pumpkin, and many
a time this man must have seen me scraping out the inside of a
pumpkin and rubbing the shell with oils and gum in order to preserve
it. Because he was a simple fellow, I took no pains at any time to
conceal my task. But though lacking in wit, it seems that the man
was not lacking in curiosity. And his curiosity, I now believe, led him
to spy upon me, and eventually he discovered the use to which I put
the preserved pumpkin rind. He left me about a year ago, and it was
only a few months later that my house was attacked. I am sure that
he sold his information to some Tartar chieftain.”
“Could he suspect the value of the crystal?”
“That I do not know. I do know, however, that legends concerning
this crystal are everywhere to be found among the Tartars and
Cossacks. When they are children they are told tales of it, and all of
them grow up in the hope that some day they may find it.”
“Thou thing of beauty,” said the King, gazing at the crystal, “could
thou but speak and tell all that men have done to possess thee.
Thou cruel, marvelous thing.”
Pan Andrew fell upon his knees before the King. “Take this
crystal and guard it, your Majesty,” he exclaimed with great feeling,
the tears already streaming down his face. “It has already done
enough harm in the world. In my own family it has been nothing but a
burden, a source of endless anxiety and suffering. My father’s
fathers, years and years ago, even dug a passageway in the earth,
through which one might escape with it secretly in case of an attack,
and so cleverly was this passage concealed that for years no one
but the master of the family has known of its existence.
“In spite of the beauty of this jewel I hate it from the very bottom
of my heart and I hope that I may never look upon it again. For every
ray of light that it reflects, thousands of men have fought and died for
its possession, for every color that lurks within its depths miseries
and sufferings have swept over whole nations. I have guarded it
faithfully but no more shall I guard it. I am fulfilled of my oath.”
The King looked into the crystal fixedly, and then suddenly
shuddered as if he saw something fearful there.
“I shall be before many years an old man,” went on Pan Andrew,
in a pleading tone. “My home in the Ukraine exists no more. My
house is burnt, my fields are laid waste, and all because I had this
jewel in my possession and men envied me.”
He then went on to tell the story of the escape from the Ukraine,
the pursuit, the attempted robbery of his house, the attack on the
tower, and the persistency and repeated appearances of Peter of the
Button Face whom he had heard of in the Ukraine as Bogdan the
“I do not know,” he said, “who it might be that sent this man to
dog my steps, but my son Joseph has told me that your guards have
taken this same Peter a prisoner in the streets, and that he is a
captive of your men. Let me confront him here and perhaps I may
learn who it was that drove me from the Ukraine.”
While he was speaking the King gradually took his thoughts from
off the crystal, and when he mentioned the name Peter, the King
grew restless with excitement.
“I have the man,” he exclaimed, “and he shall be brought here.
My spies in the Ukraine reported recently that a great treachery was
afoot and that this man Peter or Bogdan was in Poland for the
purpose of consummating it. His description was given to my guards
and a reward was offered. Last night he was seen in the district
where the fire was raging and my guards brought him in. I shall have
him here directly.”
Two spearmen brought him in; as he walked, the chains which
hung from his arms and legs clanked on the floor. He did not deign at
first to glance at Pan Andrew or any of his party, but simply looked at
the King and folded his arms defiantly and with spirit. Whereat the
two guards forced him to his knees.
His air of indifference disappeared, however, when his eyes fell
upon the Tarnov Crystal which the King had set down upon the floor
before him. He glanced left and right and favored the trumpeter and
the alchemist with a look of bitter hatred.
“You are accused of treason against the Commonwealth of
Poland,” said the King immediately. “Have you any plea to make?”
“Who accuses me?”
“The governors of the Ukraine,” answered the King. “And
moreover you are charged with other crimes, among them that of
persecuting this citizen here before me—you have destroyed his
home and fields, and attacked him while he was on duty in the
church tower. The penalty for any one of these is death.”
Peter did not lose his self-assurance for a moment. He realized
more quickly than another might that his plea of innocence would
soon be broken down. He fell back then quickly upon another means
of obtaining his end.
“I would buy my freedom,” he asserted.
“What have you that is worth while to me?” asked the King.
“Much. You are threatened in the Ukraine.”
The King thought for some minutes. It rather irked him to give this
man his life since he had already done such damage, but on the
other hand he might be able to obtain some really valuable
information. The whole Ukraine was in some kind of uproar, and
even his most trusted spies had not been able to get to the bottom of
it. The usual method of obtaining information from prisoners in those
days was torture, and in the field of battle it was employed widely,
but often in cases of such desperate men as Peter torture led them
to confess wildly but seldom with truth. The Cossack was ordinarily a
man of his word, and Peter had enough Cossack blood in him to
make him pass for a Cossack in the Ukraine and in the East.
“It pleases me to be merciful to-day,” replied the King. “There has
been too much suffering at my very gates to make me wish for more.
Your death would in no way pay for your crimes, and it is possible
that your information might be of service to the commonwealth. I
could wrest this information from you by torture, but I prefer an
easier way. . . . Now, mark,” he cautioned the Cossack, “I know
certain facts concerning what you have to tell, I have information
from my own men in the Ukraine, and if you utter so much as one
word of a falsehood to me, I will have you taken out and hanged by
the neck from the tower gate. Do you understand?”
“I understand,” answered Peter, turning just a trifle pale at the
threat. He was a bold man, he was a desperate man—otherwise he
would not have ventured back into Krakow after having been
defeated there twice—and he had no fear of death in any form, so
long as he was free and able to fight. But now his knees smote
together at the thought of hanging and he resolved that he would
keep close to the truth. After all, the whole affair was finished for him.
The crystal was in the hands of the King and he was not likely to part
with it easily.
“One thing,” he said in a low tone, “one thing, your Majesty, I beg,
and that is that you will let none talk of what I say. For if it were
known that I had spoken the truth, my life would not be worth—that,”
he snapped his fingers. “I have your promise, your Majesty.”
“You have.”
“Then hear what I have to say. I am Bogdan, known in the
Ukraine as the Terrible. Two years ago in March I was summoned to
Moscow by one in authority who said that a powerful lord had
something to say to me. Now having an open mind always for new
activities, I went, although our people have but little love for
Muscovites. And there I was taken to one Ivan.”
The King interrupted. “You mean——”
“I mean Ivan himself, chief power among the Muscovites, son of
that blind one. He has the ambition to unite all lands thereabouts
under himself—as Emperor, men say.”
The King bit his lips and his eyes flashed. “This they have told
me,” he exclaimed in an angry voice. “I only wanted the confirmation
of it that you have given me. Ivan—Ivan—that one who makes
friendly proffers to one’s face and strikes in treachery when the back
is turned.” He strode up and down the room for a moment and then
turned to the captive again. His tone was as calm as it had been in
the beginning. “Proceed,” he ordered.
“In this he has partially succeeded, but his ambitions run higher,
and he dreams of establishing his power over the people outside the
borders, the Ruthenians and Lithuanians. Knowing them to be
willingly under Polish domain, however, even the city of Kiev which
fell beneath Tartar rule, he wishes instead to strike a blow at the
Poles in the Ukraine. Some one advised that he loose the Tartars
against the Poles, and an ambassador was even sent to find out
what would induce the Khan to send his warriors to fight the Poles.
The answer that he made was a curious one.”
“And that was——” asked the King.
“This was his answer. He would lead his Tartars against the Poles
in the Ukraine on one condition, and that was that Ivan should
deliver into his hands the Great Tarnov Crystal.”
At this the whole company started, chief among them Pan
Andrew, for none of them had suspected that such great importance
was even now attached to the stone.
“How did he know of the crystal?” asked the King.
“Every one in the east knows of the Great Tarnov Crystal,”
answered Bogdan. “Every worker of magic, every astrologer, every
chief, every prince, is desirous of possessing this treasure. For it is
said that in addition to being a jewel of great value it has this quality
also, that one may look into it and there read of the future—one may
also find there secrets of great worth, one may see the faces of men
long since in their graves. There are many legends and stories of it,
too, and since the days when it disappeared from Tarnov, when the
Tartars conquered Western lands, there has been search after
search to find it.”
The King thought for a few seconds. “Then the Khan of the
Tartars knew that he was asking Ivan for an impossibility when he
demanded the crystal? Does that mean that he meant to refuse to go
against the Poles?”
“Please—your Majesty—it was no such thing,” Bogdan stated
emphatically. “A short time ago a servant who had left the services of
this man here,” he pointed to Pan Andrew, “went to the land of the
Tartars and there spread the report about, that the crystal was to be
had for the taking, that it was hidden in a country house in the
Ukraine. You may be sure that this reached the ears of the Khan,
whose passion for curious jewels is almost a madness, and when I,
going from Ivan to Tartary, learned this, then Ivan promised the Khan
that he would get him the crystal if it could be gotten.”
“You were the go-between?”
Bogdan bowed.
“And Ivan sent you to get it from Pan Andrew?”
Bogdan bowed, though not quite so low.
Fire leaped into the King’s eyes. “Dog that you are,” he said.
“Less than beast in all things that Christians believe; for this you
must destroy a man’s house and ruin his fields, yes, and threaten his
life, too, if it would serve your purpose. . . . God knows, my kingly
duties lie heavily upon me. . . . All that I seek in this, my
commonwealth, is peace, peace with my neighbors and happiness
for my people. And yet Poland is ever insulted to the point where
nothing but war is possible. It is not enough that enemies on the
north and west threaten, there must be plots against our happiness
on the south and east. Oh, Poland, Poland, when will the day come
that thy sons and daughters may enjoy the tranquillity that God has
designed for all people? . . . As to you,” he turned again to Bogdan,
“what further have you to say?”
“Only that I have failed,” answered Bogdan miserably. “And only
that I know that I shall go free, for there was never yet Jagiello who
did not keep his word. Though had it not been for this creature
here”—he pointed to the alchemist, who from the rear of the room
had been watching the scene through half-shut eyes—“I should have
had the crystal long ago.”

The King did not reply. “Take him away,” he said to a guard.
A captain in armor came forward. “Deliver this Bogdan at sunrise
to the guards of the Florian Gate. Tell them to see that he has safe-
conduct through to the border, but that his chains are not to be struck
off until he reaches the frontier. After that let happen what will, but if
he so much as sets foot again upon Polish soil he shall be hanged to
the nearest tree.”
When they had departed, he said to Pan Andrew:
“In this my right and duty of kingship in the Commonwealth of
Poland I commend you most heartily as a man who has been of
great service to his country. It is a most extraordinary and gracious
thing that a family such as yours should be so faithful to its word
through so many years and be willing to suffer so much for an oath
once given. Therefore to you go my whole thanks.”
He took the gold chain from his throat. It was a thing of wondrous
beauty, of heavy solid links cut out of the purest metal.
“Wear this,” he said placing it with his own hands over Pan
Andrew’s shoulders. “This chain shall ever be to you the token of
your faithfulness. I shall see to it that the state makes return to you
for the property which you have lost, for in so losing it you have
conferred a favor upon us all. Had the crystal been taken by these
thieves and delivered to the Khan of the Tartars it is probably true
that by now the Ukraine had begun to be overrun by Tartars and the
armies of Ivan. In due time I shall see to it that a more formal and
proper reward is given you.”
Here Jan Kanty made a sign that the interview was finished and
the whole company fell upon their knees before the King.
He, too, stooped, but only to pick up the crystal which had lain
upon the floor before him during the entire interview. It seemed to
Joseph, glancing up at that moment, that the instant the King’s eyes
were fixed upon the stone he became suddenly oblivious to
everything else that was before him, and stood as one in a dream or
trance gazing into the depths of the fearsomely beautiful thing.

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