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Simple Stool Project

Daphne Pannell

● Metal
● Wood
● Wood Glue
● Wood Screws
Build Process
First, I sketched out a design for the stool. Then, I measured and cut the
pieces of metal that I needed. Throughout the whole process I used stick
welding. I first welded the square base that attaches to the top wood piece.
Then, I welded the four legs onto that base, then added the support beams
between the legs. Finally, I welded two pieces of metal onto the top square
base so I would have a place to put the wood screws.
After that, I measured and cut out eight pieces of wood for the top, then used
wood glue to attach then together. Once the glue dried and I had sanded the
wood, I drilled two holes in the metal where I was going to attach the wood
top. Finally, I screwed two wood screws through the metal holes into the wood
Final Outcome
Overall the process in making the stool went smoothly. Stick welding the
metal took the longest out of the whole process and it was a bit of trial and error,
but I’m glad I challenged myself and did it. I also didn’t have any issues making
the wood top to the stool. One mistake I made was when I drilled two holes
through the metal to attach it to the wood, I drilled a hole in a place with a knot in
the wood, so I had to drill another hole a few inches from the previous one. I think
the final outcome looked nice, the process of making the stool wasn’t too
complicated, and this was a good opportunity for me to practice some of my
welding skills.

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