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another MRL Handbook.... MRL 18 Crystal Set Circuits by Elmer 6. cour Introduetion, 19 Pocket Radio. 20 Crystal Sete.ssees B Combination OX Crystal......5 24 Regenerative Crystal.....++.7 25 Selective Crystal... 7 37 Push-button Crystal. Set... .8 21 Variable Selectivity Xtal...9 28 Plug-in Coil Crystal Set...10 29 Variometer Crystal... 30 IK Crystal Set. 31 Crystal. S.W, Converters Osterhoust ents 32 Pencil Crystal Set. 33 Selective Crystal 34 Wired Wireless Crystal. ....16 35 Prize Selector Crystal,...+17 38 Crystal Booster.....++++0+-18 Radio Lingo used...seseesese.19 Symbols used. sesee20 That ya nen oa nesacenne neneansedl Wire sizes. Variable condensers. Crystals: Aerial and gr Headphones...+.+++++ Long distance reception. 1s 15 ‘This Handbook No.26 is @ com plete revision of BP-25 ~ pud- Lished by us years ago. However, it is entirely different, inas~ much as the circuits have all been changed, some deleted and othere added. Time really does tell when it cones to Radio cir cuit ‘The interest in Crystal Sets hasn't waned since 1082, and was at ite peak during the War when most parts and tubes were hard to get. It has now grovn to a full-tine hobby with thousands of Pans. An Rugineer, or prof- essional man gets as mich ¥iek out of one as 2 teen-ager. New enthusiasts are appearing Aaily. Some of the large companies, Circuits got exorbitant pr: Radar crystals during the Wer, are getting into line with the sane crystals for Radar, FM, and other Hi-Frequency uses~ terming then "Crystl Diodes." To an Old Timer, they are still Crystal sete, altho to one accustomed to Ymocking Crystal Sets - can now buy them under the new nane and have @ clear conscience! There “ig lots of work to be done in this line yet - just look into the technical magasines and see how the Engineers are on then. We hope this 1 be the means to belping you make 2 contribution to the "Art of Catwhisker setting." E.c.0. Baywerd, Calif, Cartoons by H. Kowalik Copyrighted 1947 by Elmer G, Osterhoude “WITH RADIO SINCE 1915," inclw Radio Operator, R.C.A, Marii Radio Meckasie, Marinus a Service U.5.N. Technician, Electrical Products Corporation. ‘Southern California Edison C Majestle Electrical Products pany, rw (818) LITHO. TW U.S.A. BY MODERN RADIO LABORATORIES. MRL 18 Crystal Set Circuits 3 MRL #19. XTAL POCKET RADIO. DP-33 PARTS LST: 1 ,0002§ etca Condenser (C-1). 1419 Coil, “see text 1 Seiten lover’ 1 Midget Fixed Iron Pyrites Xtal 2922 'Stranded Hookup wire’ 1/4" Plywosd For bex Build thie set in a bor 8" eq. and from 1/4" plywood covered with imitation leather. Or, it may be stained, painte? or lac- quered. Rabbet 2 slot along the top to hold panel, or set it Gown into a slot with narrow 4" strips. Also may be mounted on top if desired. Panel may be 1/8 " composition, Bakelite or woot, layed out as per sketeh. Screw down with #2 FH wood screws; may be countersunk. Coil nay be about 200 turns of #32 Rnanel, closewound on a Bak- elite tube 1" aia. x 28" long,or to fit snugly into the box. Slider is a long Phoephor— bronse om spring brass strip ~ end of which is bent down to contact coil. Raine lever up on 4 bushing to clear the coil. Ar~ ter lever and coil are assembled = lightly sandpaper path of the lever slider on coil. A light- weight lever is used to prevent undue wearing of wire. A touch of vaseline, rubbed off, will help lever to run smoothly. The .00025 fixed mica condens— or is neressary for selectivity, and making set tune to lower Frequencies. We suggest using a fixed iron pynitee om other set Xtal inside box for stability. A good aerial and ground are essential if you want a lot of loud stations. However, for good strong local stations, we have used a gas stove, light fixture or plate, etc. as a substitute for aerial. In latter cases, try it with or without ground, ~ whichever works best, as the ¢~ ectrinal circuit may be grounted Refer to DP-88 for scale Arav— ing and details. Also data on other Pocket Radios and loading coi}. Sia esa Heal ET SRLS doen with Long-noted pliers, te woke firm contact with Xtal, Then with thumb and forefinger, adjust it Sidewise for sensitivity on station — 4 MRL 18 Crystal Set Circuits MRL 18 Crystal Set Circuits 5 MRL #20 CRYSTAL SET. (DP-66) PARTS “LIST: 2 #20 Coils (1-2.9-4-5) 1 (0008 or’ 00035 Variable Cond. 1 Gryatal, cay type 1 Crystal stand, et 2 Bindi 2 Phone tip jocks. 1 Baseboara, about 6 1 588"penel’ (Lf using Variometer) ‘This is a simple Varioneter Crystal set. Two coils of a Var- joneter may be used in series. Or, two coils may be mounted on a board, 20 they may be rotated. Win Coil (1-2) 66 Te #22 Doc on 2" celluloid or Bak. form, leaving about 6" leads at ends. Wind (3-4-5) of 55 Te $22 DCC & ‘tap it at 15 Turns. (4). Condenser is 0005. However, a smaller capacity may be used if you add more turns to either coil. Tune in station and rotate fone coil around. When OK for Ur location, screw coil down to the base. For a Vario-coupler just con~ nect cotle together and vary the selectivity by rotating rotor. Most old-time Couplers have taps that may be tried for coverage. In case you use a short Aerial ‘add another loading coil in ser~ ies of about 45 fe #22 DCC on a 2" form. Any Xtal is OK altho we prefer Steel Galena. Refer to DP-66 for data on the ‘building of Varioneter & details MRL #21 XTAL, (0P-50) « PARTS LIST: 1 0005 (or 00098) Var. Cond. (C-1) 1 E-gang .00038 Var.Cond, (6 & 12). 3 Colle, see text. * Stand, Cotwbiskers, Ponts (kc) Snell pointer knob. Avery selective set for local reception. Several means of con— trolling selectivity may be used ag (1) coupling may be varied, (a) Antenna cond. may be varied to tune Aerial primary circuit, (g) gang tuning of Secondary and Tertiary circuits, (4) changing length of Aerial. Coll (2-3-4-8) is a Loose Cou- pler. Coil (2-8) is 4" in aia. of 80 Te #24 DCC. Secondary (4~ 5) ds 2" in dia. of #1 Te #28 10C. The Secondary may slide in and out or rotate as desired. Coil (7-6) 4s 2" in Ala. wound with 48 Ts #28 DCC. As this con- trols selectivity, you may in crease or decrease turns laters For Tertiary cir. wind coil (9-10-11) 3" dia. of 60 Ts #24 Bnamel tapped at 45 Te. (210). Cond. (1) is -0005 am near to this cap. Cond. (5-8) and (11~ 12) is @ 2-qang .00085 mPa. Use trimmer on various condensers to align then. ‘You may set position of rotor stationary after you get’ it to working best for youn location. Coupling here Aepends more on ‘the length of the Aerial you are to use, so adjust accordingly. RL #22 DX MARVEL (DP-45). PARTS LIST: 2 #22 cost (4-5-6), 0035 Var. ‘Sond, tC-1) Knob (9-4) Ee Caemhiskors. ‘or ether Crystal. 1 1iBar Knob and Scale. 2 Binding Posts tA EC) 2 Phone Tip Jacks” (Phones) ‘This is a tapped Coil Xtalset. By varying (S-1) you tune your Aerial. By tuning (8-2) you put Cond.(C-1) in on different taps. Por greater selectivity. use the Antenna ewiteh on the rotor. Coll (2-4) of 12 Ts #22 DCC on 18" dia. rotor. Rotor may work by serewariver adjustment as once it is set for your location and aerial it need not be re-at= Justed again. Rotor worke inside Coil (5-6) of 54 %s #22 DCC wound on 2" Celluloid form. Tap coil fron start of winding at 14-27-30-48- 54 Condenser may be .0008, .00085 or near. Steel galena or any Xtal is alright. By adjusting switches, rotor and variable you will find many variations in ‘tuning and selectivity. MRL #23 COMBINATION DX. (DP-5I). ‘This Xtal is really a Conbina— ‘Hon ast ao ite name implies. rt uses an absorption type wave trap in series with the Aerial. It also uses a booster circuit ——=—— 6 MRL 18 Crystal Set Circuits MRL 18 Crystal Set Circuits 7 PARTS LIST: 2 MAL cRm Cost (1-2-8-4) 1 #25 Gott (5-6-8-9.19-14), 1 20005 Compress: 88 hy RP. Choke (CH) S.P.D:T. Panel Switch (8-1). Siecl Galena or other Xtal. Crystel stand & Cotahiskers. W/B x 8 3 8 Compo. Panel- 1/4 & 8 5-5 Plywood Bove Binding Posts 1h 6 0). Phone Tip Jacke (phonce) I Bar knob end acole- to give more volune ané select- ivity on tations. You may also use a switch for greater select— ivity to throw in the °F choke as in our Xtal cirenit #3. Booster and Secondary may be tuned with a 2-gang .00085 nfa. condenser if desired. Use trim mers so you get then to track. For the Aerial trap cireuit, you may use trinner condensers to build up to the station not de- sired, or bothers you most. Coil. wind 75 Ts #22 DCO on a 2" forn, preferably celluloid, and bring out 6" leads. Wind ov~ er this a sheet of wrapping pap- er. Then wind another 75 Te #22 DCC over thie and run leads out. ‘Then a third sheet of paper but 1" wide x 10" long. Wind 15 Te #22 DCC over this snd anchor. Qrm Coil. Use 1" x 23" long tubing, preferably fibre. Wind 110 fs #82 Enanel over this. Then space-wind 15 Ts #24 DCC over this and cement dovn with light coil cenent. Bring leads out to eyelet luge or thru holes. This coil may be tuned with trimmer condensers about .0005 mPa. tot~ al capacity. When using thie GRM coil, tune in station elowly that bothers you until it goes out or fs weakened in volume. Leave it on station permanently. Then, tune balance of set as us— val. We prefer an 85 nhy RP choke to furnish inductance to the Crystal/phone eireuit, Various ones may be trie’. Use the SPDT switch to throw choke in and out of circuit. It will be sharpest on tap toward choke because the Crystal/phone cirevit is above ground, or "floating." This al~ lows all of signal to be tuned by contonsers, inetesd of partly leaking off thru low-resistence erystal/phone eireust. The principle of a built-up Inductance around the Crystal is sinilar to #38, page 18, excert, #23 uses R.F. choke anf $88 an Avaio frequency one. MRL #24 REGENERATIVE XTAL. DP-55. 40g PARTS LIST 2 #24 Coils (2-1 § 9-10), see text 2 00035. ‘cr near, Var. Condensers 1 ifs x 8 x 7"Conpo. Ponel- 2 seit levers ich Points & & Stops. 2 AX Bar Knobs ond sewies 1 Steel Galena, or other Xtal. 2 Binding Poste (A & Gb 2 Phone tip jacks (phones) 1 Xtel Stand and Cetwhishe Regeneration in this set tends to be more stabilization than a feedback. In this circuit we now have a loading coil in the aeri- al circuit to take care of long and short aerials. It aleo gives more volune on many stations. Parts may be mounted in any convenient form on 1/8" panel. Use Steel Galens crystel or any type you may desire. Coils. Tuning coil (2-8) wind 0 Te #22 DCC on 2" celluloid form 48” long. Tap at 5-25-50-90 and bring out to switch points. Thie will give short wave re tion. Next to this wind 26 Ts #24 DOC for regeneration and run leads out. Loading coil (9-10) of 100 Te #24 DCC on same kind of form and tap off at O-25-50- 75-100 and bring to another set of switch points. Condeners are .00035 or .0008 or whatever you have on hand. It should give you @ lot of fun. MRL #25 SELECTIVE XTAL (0P-67) PARTS Lis: 2 #25 cout (5. Lomm ceil 1.2.2) 1500035; ‘or other Var. Cond, 2 en) 1 Goapreseion -0005, of Var. 1 1/e'x 8 x 7 Composition Ponel. 1 Ve tar wach & sea (@ if Verieble used at C-1). Hing Poste (F&C). ip jocks. (phonca). ‘This is a more or less conven~ tional Xtal set, altho the ar- rangenent is change@.Polarity of Xtal is important ~ as well as the way coils are connected.Tun- ing the QRM wave trap condenser will help to eliminate a bother some station. Pulling primary coil (5-6) away from secondary wil help to sharpen up bi-pow ered stations. Coils. coil (7-8) wind 60 Ts #24 DOC on 2" celluloid form 43" 8 RL Crystal Set Circuits long. Bring 6" leads out. Next to this wind (5-6) of 15 Ts sane wire and bring out leads. Cut- ting turns on this last coil al~ 20 sharpens stations if condi~ tions warrant. QRM wave tray cof] fs usual 1" x 18" long fib— re tubing of 110 Ts #82 Enamel with 18 Ts #24 DCC spacewoun? over it. Condensers, Tuning condenser may be .00085 or .000B mPa. Con~ denser for trap may be built up from trimer or padder compres: sion condensers to about .0005. However, if you want to shift it from one station to another oft= en, it would be advisable to use a variable at C-1. Tune in both~ eraone station at C-2 and grad- ually bring C-1 around until it outs out or diminishes in voluse ~ and leave C-1 on this point. Go ahead and tune C-2 for other stations ‘The jumper from ground to sec— ondary shown as dotted line may be connected if you have no dif— Pioulty with interference. It will increase volune some, sné make the set broader. Polarity of crystal may be changed ~ whichever gives the most volume. It varies for aif= ferent crystals ~ ae well as for crystals of the sane ore. Often the length of serial may have ar effect on the polarity. It seers there is no end to experinents along the Line of orystal sets. MRL #37 PUSH~BUTTON XTAL. (0P-1). Note: As original MRL #26 xtal was partly @ tube set, #97 has been substituted for a pure Xtal cet. PARTS LIST: 1637 Coil (1-2), soe text, “end Cotshiakers. 1 Fixed tyrites Xtal. or other. 1178's 575'6 Composition Panei ‘This novel Xtal set may oper~ ate with pushbuttons, but we prefer a switch lever and points as being handier ané more econ— comical. Figure out how many reg— ular locel stations you want to receive, - and arrange this many switch pointe, plus one. By us~ ing the last point you throw in 8 .00035 variable condenser for MRL 18 Crystal Set Circuits 9 “erarching." Coil. Wind 60 Ts #24 DCC on 2" Gelluloia form 43" Long and run 6" Leade out. Cenent edges,eto. Switch. After laying out panel and ewiteh points, select sone trimmer compression type cond~ engere - one for each point ox- cept point for variable conden~ ser. If trinmer condensers gon't tune igh onough, shunt enough fixed mica condeners around each one to hit the station. When adjusting, be aure the Ant= enna trimmer cond. is adjusted where you want it for sharp tun~ ing, as it will affect tuning of each switch position. So, leave At where it works best before attempting to balance up indi~ vidual points. It is a good ites to make a scale for the points showing call of each station you Get on the points. This idea is very bandy as you don't have to ook sround for stations, ~ just turn the lever to correct point. When you throw in last point, this connects the .00035 or oth~ er tuning condenser in cireust. Any Crystal may be esd. For compactness, it is a good idea to use a fixed Pyrites or a Radar type crystal. Also, if you want to eliminate the variable condenser you may do so. Then it may Ve nousted In a much smaller box. It is also a good idea to mount the trinner condensers so they may be easily adjusted from a handy screwdriver position at the rear of the box. A Little point in tuning may be of help. On firet point at the witch lever tune in a sta tion at the bottom of the dial. Then, on last point, tune in one at the top of the dial. Next ad~ Just the Antenna trimmer so the stations are sharp and clear. Do ‘thie several times, working back and forth betwren the 3 condens: ere until you get the best re~ sults. Then, you nay set the re~ maining points more essily for proper operation. As stated a~ ‘ove, when you change aerials it is necessary to again adjust the Antenna trimmer, before it will work properly. A50 ft. Aerial ds about right but may be tried on anything. If ‘too near a hi~powered station it may be necessary to eliminate « ground connection. Also try it hooked to a Lighting fixture, gas stove, wire fence, ete. and each tine re-adjust the Antenna trinmer condenser. MRL #27 VARIABLE SEL. XTAL. DP-53 By varying the Trier Con- ensers (3) and (4) you may ob- tain any desired degree of acl- ectivity. Opening them increases selectivity. Trinner Condensers ray be mounted anywher 10 MRL 18 Crystal Set Circuits MRL 18 Crystal Set Circuits " PARTS LIST: 2 #27 Colle (1-2, 5.6), see text. 1 00038, ‘or other Var! Cond. (C-7). 2 teioner Var. Cond, 16-3, Co). 2 Sitch levers Goi, S16). 20 Switch Points ee Seopa 1 Steel Colens, or other Crystal. 2 Binding Posts (A & G). 2 Phone Tip Jacke, (Pho Coil. For each coil, use about 100 Ts #24 DCC tapped every 10 Turns ané brought out to 2 arts of switch levers. The Antenna coil (1-2) is partly aperiodic, that is, it tunes iteelf to the secondary (5-6), so not neces- sary to have © separate variable condenser to tune it. ‘Tuning condenser (7) may be a 00085 or whatever you have. I? you have a small condenser, then use @ larger coil. ‘This set is adaptable to rost Jocations in a city, as the deg~ ree of selectivity may be had ‘that ie best for your location. We have no reports oF DX recep ‘ion, but St may be possible. DP-53 shows several variation of this cfrouit. The selectivity condensers (C-3, C-4) may be ganged 1 deeived. However, you must use an ineuleted shaft be~ tween them. Some companies make 8 single .00014 with shaft ex- tending out the rear so it nay ‘be coupled onto another condens~ er with an ineulateé coupling. OF course, this would give an— other contrel ané panel would have to be longer. Unless you R located in the country where you nay care to fish for distance, the separate trimmers work good. Any type of Crystal may be us~ od, ~ either fixed or adjustable as you wish. If using a fixed Carborundur, use 8 valts(or two éry cells) in series with the crystal and e switch te cut off battery when not in use. MRL #28 PLUGIN COIL XTAL. (OP-47) 3 Coiln Under View 4 PARTS LIST: 1.00025 (or sualler) Cond. (C-2). 1 insulated Shaft extender for sone. 1 00014 tiidaet Condensar (C=). 2 gee dor, Tyee A. or fpr i Wave Coss (258-300) 1 Landing Gell tei) sce texts 1 Steel Celeaa, ‘er other Cryatat, 1 Grystel Stand and Cotwhiskers 1 €or 8 prang Coil socket. 1 Switch lever. ch Points Q for sero). 2 Prone fp Jocks 2 Bor fast! and'Sosie iis Pets Pee 13/0 205 Pippecd bore ‘The biggest drawback to a tap- ped coil fom SW work is the dead end turns that are not in use. These act ae an impedance coil coupled to the used turns, and tend to deaden the signals. Plug in coils eliminate this condi- ‘tion. This is proven by the big number of DX reports up to 5800 miles on Short Wave Pile on this seb Goil. Uses plug-in coils with secondary and tickler windings. We suggest removing the tickler and winding it over the secon#~ ary for SW Bands, as they need closer coupling. Leave the tick- ler ae it ie on Broadcast — un- less signals are broaa,then sep- arate it a little from second— ary. One fellow uses 2” Aianeter celluloia coils with taps. We prefer individual coils instead of taps. Be sure large wire is ‘usea on Short Wave Bands. load~ ing coil of about 25 turns may be added in series with aerial Af necessary to boost length of your Aerial system. Better still = is 2 noi] of about 80 Ts tap we have on ped every 10 turns - that may be ‘throw in or out of circuit. The @iameter may be about 1 inch, & wire size about 24 Wire up set with large hookup wire, as RF currents travel bet— ter on larger wire. Cond. (1) may be .0025 or .00085. Be sure to get rotor going to ground. Fnareled. Various sizes may be tried from +0001 up if desired. Be sure to use an ingulated shaft extender to front of panel for better op- eration. Condenser (0-2) may be 8 .O00L4 nfd. midget type. Crystal may be Steel galena. However, we prafer Iron pyrites, Silicon or one of the new Xtal Diodes manufactured for Radar work ao they oscillate well at high frequencies. Por loud sig- nals, a fixed Carborundun Xtal with 8 v. battery in series will five much more volune. Tune very slowly on 20-40 meter bands. MRL #29 VARIOMETER XTAL. (DP-¥4) A variometer is a continuously variable inductance. Inductance may vary from 50 to 700 micro— henries, by the cutting of each coil's field by the other. While a varioneter has a limited in- ouctance range - it is a gooA ‘tuner.The outer coll may be tap- ped, if desired, tor short wave tuning. Or a loading coll (8) & tap switch may be added in ser~ ies to cover longer wavelengths. 12 MRL 18 Crystal Set Circvits MRL 18 Crystal Set Circuits 13 PARTS LIST: #28 Varioneter (5.8.7-8), 4 Loading Coil’ (L-8), wee kexts 00038, oF near, Vary Cond. (C-4). Seiten’ ever (S22) 5,P.D.T. Toggle Switch (8-1) Steel galenay or other Crystal. Crystal Stand and Catwhiskers. Binding Ports (h 0) Phone tip jacks (phe 1/8's 7.x 8 Composition Fenel. Ug par Knobs ond scales Any loosecoupler may be made in~ to 2 varioneter by hooking the coils in series. A very simple set. Arrange in any position with controls fron front of panel. Condenser may be 0005 of whatever you have. Use Stee] Galena or any type of Xtal you like. Operate by varying the Snductance and capacity. The DP-44 shows details of the YVarioneter construction. It is built from a stator coil (5-6) ad" in diameter and 23" long. ‘he rovor is 28" diameter ana 2 long, and made to turn inside the stator. Wind 30 turns #24 Enamel on each side of the stat~ or shaft, Take a tap off center of winding (CT) at the end of 30 U- For the rotor wird 62 turns #28 Bnarel on each side of rotor shaft. Rring flexible leads from rotor out thru back of stater by 1/4" hole. A panel bearing may be fastened to the stator to take the shaft thru to panel. Loading coi] (L-6) may be 2" in @ianeter and 43" long. wind about 100 Ts #24 Bnanel or DCC on this, tapping every 25 turns. Number of ewiteh points wasn't Given in parts list as it de— pends on loading coil taps, ete. If your condenser is small the taps must be closer together. In,tuning you will find cer- tain variations of Varioneter & condenser settings to work best for each station. Log them down on a card for quick reference. In the country this set should 40 fairly well at DX reception. HNKL #30 DX XTAL SET. (0P-46) . PARTS LIST: 1 2 a 2 500" eta. : 1 jeeles to fit. 1 Crystai Stond and Catwhiskers is 1 1 2 2 Galena, or other, Crystal. x 6 x 8 Composition Panel. 1/4 & 5 5 6 Plywood Base. Fahnstock clipe for Ants Gnd. Phone Tip Jacks fer Phones. The set uses both a series wave trap and a booster trap. A bothersome station may be cut down or out by adjusting the series trap. Station wanted is ‘tuned in by booster trap. Use 2 trimer compression con denser for the series trap —tot~ fal about .0005 mfd. capacity.Set St on station wanted to elimin~ ate and leave it. The other two condensers my be ganged as they have a common ground connection. May be at or near .00035 nfa. Coils. Series trap is 110 Ts 92 Emam. on 1" x 14" fibre form - primary being 15 Ta #24 DCC spacewound over this, and helé down by Light coil cement. Coil for booster cir. is 75 Ts #24 Doc on 2".x 44" celluloid form. Couple this to the serial with a piece of inoulated hockup wire. More coupling turns; more effect, you get as a booster. Be sure it is insulated at this point. On sare kind of form, wind (7-8) of 75 Te #24 DCC and leave 6" leads — and wind 8 more Ts sane wire for primary. If too close to a hi-powered station, separate the & turns from secondary nore. You may gang the two condensers and balance one up with trimmer con~ Genser to rake them track well. crystal worked better with us when reversed, because Antenna feeds in on the Crystal side. Mount C-1 in back as it is set permanently on bothersone sta~ tion. If large tuning variable is desired, mount Cond. on panel which must be increased in siz Mount coils upright on base. ae Ww MRL 18 Crystal Set Circuits MRL #31 XTAL CONVERTERS. (DP-59) « Fis.2. PARTS LIST: 1 Set MRL Type & 8. Col 1 “o00i4 wid. Variable C 1 i Bor Knob and Seale. 1 Crystal Stond and Cetvhiskers, 1 Tron Pyrites, Silicon, Diode or Carborundun Crystel. 4 Binding Poste (-c) and Set. 15.P.D-F. Toggle axitch, 1 Cénpo. ox Plywood bor d** sq. A crystal set using short-wave coils will work effectively on many BC sete when hooked across Aerial and Ground of the eet. It is eepeeially adaptable to Pol- ice calls as they are so near BC band. You may try your luck on higher frequencies by using some smaller coils. It is suggested you Use ae large wire es poss— ible for SW. This outfit also helps to cut down static as it allows a certain pe-centage of atmospherics to leak off through coil and Xtal to gromé, Use any type of Xtal, altho Pyrites or Xtal diode are preverred. Fig. 1 shows method of using ‘the converter vhen an orinarily hi-impedance primary coil is in the set. In cage there ie a .OL on other fixed condenser in ser— ies with the Prinary coil of set ~ then use Fig. 2. The reason is to give a path for the signal ‘thro the Crystal and not thru @ fixed condenser. Tiekler of coil, which is used here as the primary, may be nov 8 away from secondary if troub~ lea with a strong station. Many report increased selectivity on their regular sets when both the converter and set are worked on ‘the sane bands. When using the converter, adjust the receiver to a point where there are no stations. Experimenting will 1o~ cate the best place. If strong stations are too broad it may be necessary to eliminate ground on both converter and set. Often you may have good re~ sults by wrapping the insulated Leagin trom Aerial around lead at point "G"- but be sure it is ineulated. When using Carboruntum erystal MRL 18 Crystal use 9 v. of battery in series & by means of Yol. control awiteh, arrange ewiteh to disconnect it when not in use or battery will be short-lived. As 8 crystal does not receive es. (code) signals this may be an advantage to some. Much a4~ @itional Converter information is found on DP-59, with varia— tions. MRL #32 PENCIL XTAL SET. (0P-33) « A novelty Xtal set built on a 8/8" novelty pencil obtainable in Variety stores. Wind pencil full of #92 Enamel wire and ce— ment down with a light coil ce- ment. Wrap clip with paper for Ineulation and allow ball of the clip to slide on the wine. Sand~ paper path for slider. Hook up ae shown. Due to fine wire and @ianeter of this coil, stations usually tune sharply. An aerial and ground are essential as this coil has lote of resistance to weak signals. Use Iron Pyrites or fixed Xtal in the end. A variation is a square coil wound on wood, and placed inside Set Circuits 15 ‘ penny match box. Connect s1ia~ er to cover so it contacts wire when box is opened or closed. A fixed Xtal is used inside. MRL #33 SELECTIVE XTAL. (0P-2) PARTS. LIST; 1 AC.DC Ant. oF Det. with triesers (Cu, 2). 10,000 'obe \ watt Corben resistor (of 50,000 ohm Volune Control and lencb, if mounted om panel) « A Bar Kaeb and scale to 1 1 2-gang_.00088 Variable Condenser 1 Binding Posts for Ant. & Gnd. Phone Tip Jacks for Phones: As our original #93 was sinil- ar to #13 ~ we decided to make a new circuit to replace it This set takes a 2-gang -00035 vari- able condenser and a set of AC- DC Midget set coils to match-You may use an Ant. and Det. or two Det. coils as you wish, depend~ ing on conditions as location, sige of aerial, selectivity de~ 16 MRL 18 Crystal Set Circuits sired, ete. Due to large imped~ ance primaries on these coils, ‘the pickup ie very good. For a greater volune (pickup) you may wrap a piece of loose insulated hookup wire around the secondary after soldering end to primary 29 done on AC-DC sets for nore volune. More turns; more volume. Substitution of other resist ore for the 10,000 ohm will give aifferent degrees of selectivity Decause more current leaks off around the first condenser when resistor is small. Por varying degrees of selectivity you may use a 50,000 ohm volune control, and regulate selectivity from front of panel. Ground may be eliminated in some instances. A small box may de used if de~ sired. Mount AG-DC coils upright near the condenser stator con~ nection You may use @ fixed crystal of any type, or adjustable from the front of panel for better DX. Use trimmer condensers to bal~ ance up etations on high-freq~ uency end of the dial. ‘You have the option of using a set of Ant-Det. coils or two of the Detector coils. If in the country away from high-powered stations, it is advisable to use two detector colle as the coup- Ling is mach closer ana will give you rore volume. If using this as a portable set, use a lot of Aerial. MRL #34. WIRED WIRELESS, (DP-54) A tex = | cay | et Unit #4 ce ca Unit*2. v PARTS LIST: 1 OneiLletor or Regenerative Raceiv- er. tk. ission Line to your neighbor. 1 “0031 Mice cand. (AF not bustt ine to the Oncillator) (C11). PARTS LIST, EACH UNIT: 1 Coit and Condenser (C-2), to atch : frequency 2.000% ii Use any regenerative set that oscillates well, and hook to @ common line by a .000L mica con denser, Hook Xtal sete up as shown on diagram. Be sure to use sane value of parts in each Xtal acts Other sets must be tuned to ‘the came frequency as the regen— erative set. We suggest using a MRL 18 Crystal Set Circuits 7 long wave coil and tune juet a dove the Broadcast band to about 875 ke. This will prevent being picked up by other Radice in the vieinity, as the efroult, may ra~ diate some. Use the cane long wave coil and condenser for each eet. OPERATION, Tune regenerative set and bring up to oscillation. Tune your own rig to pick up the signal. Then, tune each neigh~ dor's rig to the sane. ry talk- ing into one of the phones an4 use other one for listening. No license required ~ any more than operation of a phonograph record transmitter. Be sure to use the ground connection for each rig as most energy goes thru grount. MRL #35. PRIZE SELECTOR. (DP-48) FARTS LIST: 2 #95 colle (1.2, 4-5.9.10), tant 3 00035, or near, Variable Conden- re (EL, 2, 3) 2 1YBor Knsbe ‘and Scales 1 Crystal Stand ond Catwhiskers. 1 Steel Colona, oF other Crystal. ‘onposition Panel 11/4 x 6% 8 plywood Base 2 Miading Poses, hat: Gnd.) 2 Phone Tip Jacke (Phones) » This set may look complicated, Dut it really isn't. The origin al took firat prise at a N.Y. Radio Show in Xtal set days. We have nade several improvenents. Kot suggested for DX reception, altho it may have possibilities. When you make a set more select~ ive ~ you must reduce ite sensi- tivity. No surer law in Radic. COILS, Wind both large coile on 2" celluloid form 43" long,of 200 Ts #24 DOC tapped every 10 ‘Te by running a 8/4" paper strip under tune to be tapped. Cenent down edges, and lnave 6" lnads. For rotor of second coil on Bak- ‘tubing 18" in dia. x 18" long, - wind 85 Te #82 Bnam. on each side of center hole for wooden shaft. Bring out to flexible leads made fron olf tinsel phone cords as pigtails. Cover entire coil with a good light cement. CONDENSERS. Use @ .00085 or near. Ground condenser, which ic used to help selectivity, may be 2 .00014 mfd. midget if space is limited. Tip of plate may be bent to short when in. With all these combinations of adjustment, you may make the set work in any congested location. When mounting coile, it is a food idea to mount (1-2) upright 18 MRL 18 Crystal Set Circuits MRL 18 Crystal and (4-6) horizontally. at the end of the latter, arrange rotor 80 St may be controlled from the front of panel. Or, if you care to set it for your location, it need not be moved, and you may eliminate the panel control. Condensers should be separate as it te haré to gang them unter ‘these conditions. Mount switch points so they will have shortest leads poss~ ible to the cofls. Keep a log card showing where you find the stations, far fut~ ure reference. MRL #38. CRYSTAL BOOSTER. (DP-3) . Ww 1] 3 x4 PARTS LIST: 1 #98 Coit (1-2-8-4), see text. 1 00035, or near, Var- Cond. (C-1). 1 ‘01 Bypass Condenser” (C-2) 1 jiudio Chote, or Iapedance (cw). 1 1000" ohm Voiume Control (R-1) , with Seiteh (SH) « 1 Fixed Pyrites Crystal OC-1) 1 Fixed Carborundun Crystal (-2). 3 to 6 v. Dey Cells in series, 1 -1/8°x's's 8 Composition Panel 11/436 57 Plywooe ZEinding Poste lint. and Gad.) 2 Phone Tip Jacke for Phones. As our original #95 was a set using two tubes and crystal in a Reflex circuit, we have substit- uted our #38 using tvo Crystals. Crystals, which are rectifiers = only detect. They 40 not amp— lity. Technically, to our know— ledge, it is impossible to make ‘them amplify each otber.One mst use a Tube amplifier or a micro~ phone-battery-transformer com bination in conjunction to get more volune. This circuit cones nearer to raking Xtals amplify each other than any rig we have Found. COIL, On a 2" x 48* long Cel~ Auloid or Bak. form, wind 75 Te #22 DCC and bring out 6" leads. Coil cement a strip of paper 2" x 10" over this. Over thie, wind about 40 Ts sane wire and bring out leads. Last winding makes an aperiodic (not directly tuned) secondary winding. CONDENSERS. Tuning Cond. (C-1) is .00085 or .0005 mfa. (C-2) & (c-B) may be 0001 to .01 mfa. according to experiment. DETECTORS. Receiving detector may be Iron pyrites ov any kind. Boosting detector must be fixed Carburundun. You my use 3 volts (2 flab. cells) in series, or 6 ‘r. with 9 1000 ohm Yolune con- trol to regulate current to the Xtal. Be sure to have @ switch in the cireuit to cut off bat~ tery when not in use. When operating this set, try cutting off Carborundum cireult switch and see the difference in volume in the phones.This boost= er may be adapted to any other erystal set cirouit. The choke (ci) may be a prim- ary from an old Audio transform er, output transformer, ete. Its function is to give an Impedance to the eireust so the Carborun~ dum will not be directly across ‘the battery. The 1000 ohm Velure contre? should have a switch ganged to the back so it may be turned off when not in use, Other values of resistance may be trie’. Tt may be well to try revers~ ing the polarity of the crystals for more volune. ‘This is a revision of a Brit~ ish cireust of the old crystal set days. Set Circuits 19 LINgo A&G Aerial en Ground, A@-DC Sete using Line cord resistances. ant. intenna; aerial, Re Broadcast bana. Cy Cond. Condenser; capacity. Compo. Composition. or center tap. ow Continuous wave; code. pee Double eotton-covered Magnet wire. Det. Detector. DP MAL Detail Print. Dx Long distance. a Enameled Magnet wire. Gnd. Ground connection. Ke Kilocyeles; 1000 eyeles L Indvetance. mtd. Mierofarad of capacity. rufa. Micro-nicrofarad pre Prong, as coils, ete. aan Interferences MRL GRM coil. R Resistance; resistors Radio (high) frequency. switeh. Single pole ~ double throw siriteb. Short wave or waves. ‘Grimmer variable Condenser. ‘Turns on a coil. You. Volts; voltage. Variable; adjustable. 20 MRL 18 Crystal set Circuits HRL 18 Crystal Set Circuits 2 connected by @ cannon shaft or connection. SYMBOLS Single layer coil. Coils over, or at end of each other, in in- ductive relation to each other, The trans~ ferring of energy: ~ electrical properties, ee So eg tesa heat A coil with a rotating x. A tapped coil, using a Switch lever and points to control inductance. A tapped coil, or a slider. May mean efth- | er type. Dotted lines show it is not included in the or— iginal cineuft. any pat may be dravm this way. Condensers A plain fixed condenser, | May be mica, bypase or & filter as specified. | A variable tuning conden ser, large or midget. ge Amit omorsesion vor. Condenser; low capacity. ‘Two Var. Cond. gan— e@ to tte sane shaft Resistors: Fixed resistor, or Resistance. Accessories Antennas Aerial. Usually an "L." t Ground connection. Crystal detector; Rectifier. Harphones; heafvhones; "phones « “WHERE 1S EUR ON THE eels Tac, cnet? cois. We recommend e celluloid form 2" in diameter x 48" long for moet of our circuits. The thin wall of celluloid makes a coil form that ie very efficient in receiving distant stations. Any cardboard. Bakelite, Lucite or other Kind of form may be used with fair results. When tapping coils, run a nar— row piece of heavy paper under each turn to be tapped. Coils ehould be mounted at least one inch away from other parts to prevent losses. WIRE SIZES Most MRL Crystal cirovite are not orities] as to wire sizes. ‘The sizes given are the best we have found by experiment. A size up or down ig alright. If a size larger is used, ad4 about § nore turns te specifications. If size smaller; about 5 turns less. When using Rnaneled wire in- stead of DCC, you do not need as many turns. The efficiency of ‘one should be equal to the other kind of insulation. When turns of a coil are put closer together the coil is said to have a greater distributed capacity. That is, the final re sult is the sane ae connecting a fixed condenser across the coil. When you add capacity in this 22 MRL 18 Crystal Set Circuits MRL 18 Crystal Set Circuits 23 manner, it may be compensated by using less variable tuning con Genser. This is the reason Enam~ eled and finer wire coils ray have less turns, as they are laid closer together. Biner wire gives greater sel- eotivity because turns are clos~ er together. This may be i]]us~ trated by #16 Xtal circuit. This uses @ small @ianeter as well as fine wire. Adding the fixed con— Genser also sharpens it up. VARIABLE CONDENSERS. When using tapped coils, any kind of variable condenser may be used from .00014 up. However, 00085 or .0005 is better. You may build up a number of fixed nica condensers in combination with a shorting-type switch ané 2.00018 mfd. variable condenser as follows: 00015 plus .0001 equals .0oca8. 00025 plus,00025 " — 0008, +0005 plus .0005 "= .00L 2 te note, Use light epring brass or phos~ phor-bronae for making the fing- ers of the switch. CRYSTALS ‘The pointer in diagrams repre~ sents the catwhisker. Some types of crystals work better revers— ea. Bven some of the same miner— als work better reversed. Try them both ways. Steel galena is preferred for nost circuits, and must be used with a fine eatwhisker. Most DY reception has been made with ‘this orystal. Iron pyrites may be a little less sensitive then steel galena but is more stable. That is, the afjustment is not as eritical. Iron pyrites is very good tor short wave work, fonsiderably better than Steel gulena. Iron pyrites is used for most xed crystals because it keeps its adjustment longer. I may be us— ed with a heavy brass catwhisker for fixed crystal, or a lighter brass catwhisker for adjusting. Silicon, a synthetic eryetal, is used for general use and high frequency reception. The best catwhisker is gold, but brass is next in sensitivity. It must be used with a light contact. Carborundun is a very atable synthetic crystal. A heavy brass catwhisker seene to be best. It nay be used as 2 fixed crystal. carborundun works best when a~ bout @ v. of dry cells is placed in series with it. Cut ary celle off when not in use. The polari~ ty ie very eritical,when a bat~ tery is used. Radar crystal diodes work very well on any of these circuits. In a test they work equal to a very sensitive Steel galena, The main advantage is that they are fixed. Do not apply heat near ‘them, but use clips for mounting as they are rounted in soft wax aod neta. AERIAL AND GROUND. For city reception use about 50 ft. ineluding leadin. In the country, evay fron high-powered stations, 80 to 150 ft. may be ised effectively. Height ie mch rore important than length. You nay experinent with two aerials; que high snd the other low and you will soon see the ifference in signal strength. Keep away fron trees, buildings, tovers, ete. Use #14 or #12 solid Bnan~ eled or 7/22 stranded Buanelet or tinned wire for best pickup. Hook as hany different kinds of grounds up together as you can find as water-pipes, wells, wurde pipes, ete. in the coun~ wy. Three/fourths of the energy cones thru the ground. However, due to strong ground waves of hi-powered stations ina large city, it is best to eliminate the ground. Especially, if one is located above the first floor the ground leadin would be too Jong and cause stations to mix. HEADPHONES. (See HB-i "Phones" ). A good pair of earphones ie a necessity for good Crystal set reception. The weak stations can not be heard with poor phones. Be careful not to use phones that may have become de-nagnet~ ized on a tube set. A phone rated at 24,000 ohne impedance (S000 ohms D.C. resis- tance) sens to work the best. Crystal or the old Baldwin mics Mayhragm phones are also good. A, 2000 ohm headset is very good, and may be used for most sets. Much good phone data is found in HB-L "Headphones: Operation and Repair," on care, repair and handling of various types of hea@phones. LONG DISTANCE RECEPTION. ‘There are exceptions, but sel~ fon is DX received near a high- powered station. This is due to the strong groma wave enitted. The best reception for any set ts obtained in the Mas. valley, on plateaus, along streans, of iron mountains. Poorest ~ecop- ‘ion ds had in narrow yslloye in ‘the mountains, as signals ao not go thre mountains easi?y. Secep— tion may be good in one place i poor a nile down the rosa. ot ie necessary to experiment; tat Lo what mikes this gane Sxteoosttng. DO YOU KNOW THE ANSWERS TO ALL THESE QUESTIONS? 1, Whot distance can Crystel sete 2. Layout for sote2p.3 31 What i best qnole to mount your crystal stand? p.d. 4, that is the best way to Loy out ‘and drill your panels? psd. 5. flow would you build @ simple i stronent fOr checking shortstp.4 5. How do you teat phones? pede 7. tow do ou tent War Pas mates 8. How ts beat way to nae @ tes sg, plete for vers condensers? 8, Fon smoothly. psd. 10.Hlow do you fasten catwhinker? 1 idertp. ize hookup eh Hind of coll? p. [How to sake simple coll winder,pt [Beet way to make coil taps. p.7s Beet way to mount colle. p.7 “Mow te make @ simple, ‘cabinets ps Bs 18.Are Large’ or sgell Aerials best, fend how ore they built? p. 9. 18.Wher to use ground cunnection.p,9 20lvhat is dielectric of Aerial?psS. 21.te Aerial directional and how?p.3 22\[e vertical of horizontal Rerioi Best for long distance? p. 8 23.Hiow would you place on Aesiai?p.9 lent; large. ax aeail wire? p. 10. 25iwhat ie best way to inetell cn ‘Antenna systen? p. 10. Best way to instail atic ne 21 ow chout Aerials of several bata “ire Aeriale? p. Ih. 28.flor many teaparary derials do Know how to see? p. i. Ground connection? p. 23.fiow would you make aad use @ good ABOVE ANSWERS are found in MRL HB-2 "MRL No.2 Long Distance Crystal me price and source as this one. Besides hundreds Set." Order at Counterpoise? p. 12. S4.What ie date on Lightning arrest ‘era? How used? Lowe? p. 12, 38.llow to make a Log Book. p. 14. S6.What distance can yeu expect in the daytine? ps a7.What causes long distance sta- tions to fede out? p. 14. 38.How would you check your Crystal set if it dide't work? p. 1a. 89,fhat about freak reception?p. 1S, A0Should you use prone condenoes? That sige i bert aL.What Kinds of phon That about resistance? p. 1S. 42.Inpedanee ve Resistance. p, 13, 4B.How can you improve shones? p.iS. ‘Should phones be connected in or parallel? p. 15. so.nhich fined Crystale are b ‘and how used? p. 18. S0.that' sa" good wave’ trap? How eesed? p. 16. tor txap.p.17. S2.What ie the theory of the receiv fed signal? Rectification? p. 10; 83.thot in Gn Aperiodie eireuit?p.i8 Saluhich tuned tirouit is best?peig, 58 .How about close-coupling in Kia circuits? few obtained? p. 13. 58.Doos an hutortranaforner work oe od onset ae two colle? pel9, 57. 2°eing's prinary condense? a: ‘odventage? p. 18. Se.that does short condenser do to the set? p- S9.What ie best distance for'a Ne. Doryatal set? p. 20. Go.What in best reception for your ‘Sen atate or section? p.20 to 24 of details on building this long distance set, we have included ans-_ wers to predominate questions asked us the last 22 years. Many good Others have read it thru dozens of times. et of not: you still need the information. corments from Old Tiers. Whether you built this ‘A gola mine of data not found elseshere...Order yours today! HB-2... sanother MRL Handbook.....

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