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There are a number oI words and phrases that can help express your opinion.

These words and

phrases are common in creative writing, writing reports, and other types oI writing intended to
Giving Your Opinion
Using a modiIying word can help you express your opinion when making a statement. For
example: Investing in high-tech stocks is risky. You could agree or disagree with this statement.
Using a word such as undoubtedly expresses your own opinion about the statement. Here are
some other modiIying words and phrases that can help:
(most) assuredly adjective: These investments will most assuredly help to build equity.
without a doubt clause: Without a doubt, this investment is risky.
It is doubtIul that clause: It is doubtful that we will succeed with this attitude.
"ualifying Your Opinion
Sometimes, when giving an opinion it is important to qualiIy what you say by leaving room Ior
other interpretations. For example: There is hardly any doubt that we will succeed. leaves room
Ior other interpretations (hardly any doubt a little room Ior doubt). Here are some other
modiIying words and phrases that can help qualiIy your opinion:
almost / nearly adjective: Its nearly impossible to make a mistake.
largely / mainly noun: Its largely a matter of getting the facts right.
many ways / some ways it/this/that, etc: In many ways its a sure bet.
aking a Strong Assertion
Certain words mark strong opinions about something you believe. For example: It is not true that
I implied you were wrong. is strengthened by adding the word 'just': It is fust not true that I
implied you were wrong. Here are some other modiIying words and phrases that can help
strengthen an assertion:
simply / just adjective: It is simply wrong to believe that about John.
mere noun: That is mere distraction from the main point.
merely / only the Iirst, last: This is merely the last in a number of problems.
sheer / utter noun: The sheer idiocy of the profect speaks for itself.
2phasizing Your Point
When stating that an action is increasingly true, these phrases help to emphasize. For example:
We have decided over and over again that we need to continue down this path. Here are some
other phrases that help to emphasize your point:
more than adjective: It is more than likely he will fail.
more and more adjective: Im afraid it is becoming more and more difficult to believe you.
Giving a2ples
When stating your opinion it is important to give examples to support your statements. For
example: It is more than likely he will fail. In the case of Mr Smith, he failed to follow-up and
caused us to pay heavy fines. The Iollowing phrases are used to give examples to back up your
such as noun: Critics of this policy, such as Jack Beam of Smith and Sons, say that ...
This is an example oI clause: This is an example of our need to diversify investments.
In the case oI noun: In the case of Ms Anderson, the company decided to ...
Su22arizing your Opinion
Finally, it is important to summarize your opinion at the end oI a report or other persuasive text.
For example: In the end, it is important to remember that ... These phrases can be used to
summarize your opinion:
All in all,: All in all, I feel we need to diversify due to ...
In the end,: In the end, we must decide quickly to implement this plan.
In conclusion,: In conclusion, let me repeat my strong support for ...

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