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Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 417 (2021) 107308

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The volcanic ash record of shallow magma intrusion and dome

emplacement at Nevados de Chillán Volcanic complex, Chile
Damià Benet a,b,⁎, Fidel Costa a,b, Gabriela Pedreros c, Carlos Cardona c
Asian School of the Environment, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
EOS, Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Observatorio Vulcanológico de los Andes del Sur, Servicio, Nacional de Geología y Minería, Temuco, Chile

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Volcanoes are often monitored by geophysical and geochemical instruments that aim to track and anticipate their
Received 28 January 2021 eruptive activity. However, assessment of the state of the volcano at any given time, and its evolution towards
Received in revised form 1 June 2021 eruption or change in eruptive activity is notoriously difficult. Once explosive activity has begun, the study of vol-
Accepted 3 June 2021
canic ash can provide crucial insights on whether the activity is mainly driven by the hydrothermal system, shal-
Available online 11 June 2021
low gas accumulation, or/and a new stalled intrusion close to the surface. We present the results of a study of ash
componentry from part of the current volcanic crisis that started in December 2015 at Nevados de Chillán Volca-
nic complex (Chile) which we integrate with seismic and visual data. We identified three main stages: (i) an early
one that lasted for about a year and includes two months of increased seismicity and significant amount of juve-
nile ash fragments, and thus suggesting some explosions were fed by a shallow magma intrusion. (ii) A second
one which lasted for about six months with cycles of quiescence and explosions, and a predominance of lithic
particles in the ash, suggesting that the explosions were probably driven by the dynamics in the upper part of
the system, including shallow gas accumulation or/and the hydrothermal system, rather than by fresh magma
intrusion. (iii) Finally, after about two years of unrest and intermittent explosions, seismicity increased again
and the ash became dominated by juvenile particles, and led to the extrusion of a dome. The timing and sequence
of events that we report is broadly similar to other volcanoes that have produced dome eruptions such as
Soufriere Hills (Montserrat), Unzen (Japan) and Sinabung (Indonesia). Our study highlights the usefulness of in-
tegration of volcanic ash studies with other monitoring data and importance of integration of many case studies
to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the processes and evolution of dome-forming eruptions.
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://

1. Introduction (Bebbington and Jenkins, 2019). However, it is often not straightfor-

ward to uniquely interpret the monitoring signals in terms of the pro-
Volcanic activity may start with minor explosions and progress to- cesses that are driving the eruptions (e.g. Salvage et al., 2018;
wards larger eruptions, or cease, with the volcano going back to repose Yamaoka, 2016). An additional source of information that is still un-
(Moran et al., 2011). Moreover, many dome forming eruptions go derexploited to understand the origin of the explosions/eruptions
through protracted histories and cycles of intermittent lava extrusion, and to anticipate the next volcanic activity is to investigate the compo-
explosions, and hiatuses ranging from months to years (Ogburn et al., nents found in volcanic ash (e.g. Gaunt et al., 2016). Volcanoes can
2015), e.g. at Merapi, Indonesia (Voight et al., 2000) or Soufriere Hills, produce ash daily, weekly or monthly throughout an entire eruptive
Montserrat (Wadge et al., 2014). Our ability to assess and anticipate cycle, or more importantly during precursory activity. Tracking the
the likelihood of these different scenarios is of critical importance for changes of ash componentry over time provides an invaluable oppor-
crisis management and hazards mitigation (Scarpa and Tilling, 2012). tunity to understand the state of the volcano and try to anticipate its
Whether the volcano will go towards one eruptive scenario or another upcoming activity, specially when combined with time series of mon-
is typically decided using a range of geophysical and geodetical signals, itoring data.
including increasing deformation, seismicity, or changes in the Volcanic ash is made of particles <2 mm in diameter that can have a
degassing behaviour, or the sequence of eruptive phases themselves range of origins, including fragments of the magma that is driving the
eruption, weathered country rock or previous older intrusions. Success-
⁎ Corresponding author at: Asian School of the Environment, Nanyang Technological
ful identification of the different ash particles allows for example to pro-
University, Singapore. pose whether the activity is mainly a truly magmatic event (e.g. Gaunt
E-mail address: (D. Benet). et al., 2016), with volcanic gases driving the fragmentation, and phreatic
0377-0273/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
D. Benet, F. Costa, G. Pedreros et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 417 (2021) 107308

events, where gases interact with meteoric or hydrothermal fluids hydrothermally altered (Alvarado et al., 2016) or recycled from the
(Alvarado et al., 2016). An important component to be able to identify same eruptive cycle (D'Oriano et al., 2014).
in the ash is the so-called juvenile component, which consists of frag- Here we report the results of a petrological and textural study of ash
ments of fresh magma that may be driving the current explosions/erup- particles ejected throughout the eruptive cycle (2016–2018) of the
tions. Early identification of juvenile component can be key to Nevados de Chillán Volcanic complex (NChVC). We show how changes
interpretation of the volcanoes' state, as exemplified in the a posteriori in the type and amount of particles are related to changes in the erup-
finding of juvenile particles in the ash of the precursory explosion of tive activity as well as to monitoring data. We broadly document the
Mt. Saint Helens 1980 lateral-blast eruption (Cashman and Hoblitt, early stages of shallow intrusions, phreatic and phreatomagmatic activ-
2004). Moreover, tracking the relative amounts of components ity, followed by the extrusion of a dome at the Earth's surface, and thus
(componentry), and textures of the juvenile particles over time has should be useful to interpret the processes from early unrest to other
been shown to provide unique insights into the future evolution of a eruptions elsewhere.
volcano (Gaunt et al., 2016; Taddeucci et al., 2004). This is particularly
important for volcanoes that alternate between small explosions and 2. Background on the Nevados de Chillán Volcanic complex
quiescence during protracted period of times (e.g. months to years) be-
fore they escalate towards a larger magmatic eruption (e.g., at Shinmoe- 2.1. General geography and geology
dake eruptive cycle 2008 to 2011; Suzuki et al., 2013).
Distinguishing between the different types of particles in volcanic The NChVC is located in the central Chilean Andes, in the Southern
ash is, however, not straightforward. Although highly altered particles Volcanic Zone (Stern, 2004; Fig. 1). The volcanic complex extends over
and free-crystals can be typically easily identified with a binocular mi- 12 km with at least 20 eruptive centers aligned SE-NW. It is part of
croscope, many other grains are much more difficult to classify. For ex- the Cortaderas lineament, a major morphological structure that extends
ample, juvenile particles may have a wide range of crystallinity for 200 km (Stanton-Yonge et al., 2016). Most of the activity that shaped
(Cashman and Hoblitt, 2004; Gaunt et al., 2016), color (Taddeucci the volcanic complex landscape occurred through the Holocene with
et al., 2002), morphology (Liu et al., 2015), and may even be lavas travelling as far as 150 km (Orozco et al., 2016). The basement at

Fig. 1. (a) Location map of Nevados de Chillán Volcanic Complex (red triangle) and the rest of active volcanoes (black triangles) in Chile (outlined in white). (b) Regional map of the vol-
canic complex; the yellow dashed line shows the major morphological lineament named Cortaderas. The town of Las Trancas (red square) temporarily hosts part of the 30,000 people that
visit the region during the ski season. (c) Map of Las Termas Subcomplex with the recent active craters and their time of activity. Note that the Sebastian lava flow was the last magmatic
event before the ongoing cycle.

D. Benet, F. Costa, G. Pedreros et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 417 (2021) 107308

NChVC zone consists of volcanic rocks, lava flows and clastic sediments and can be periodically sampled, and also from various surfaces (e.g.
from the Cura-Mallín Formation (Lower Middle Miocene). The Cura- snow) after deposition. Five samples were collected from December
Mallín is discordantly overlain by the Cola de Zorro Formation (Upper 2016 to March 2017, and four samples from October 2017 to April
Pliocene-Pleistocene), which is intruded by Miocene plutonic rocks of 2018, with a sampling gap of seven months between the two periods,
the Batolith unit Santa Gertrudis-Bullileo (Naranjo et al., 2008). when activity was low but included cycles of quiescence and explosions.
NChVC activity started about 650 ka with widespread andesitic sub- The samples were first treated with an ultrasonic cleaner by several rep-
glacial lava flows that formed the ancestral Complex (Naranjo et al., etitions of 15 s to avoid glass shards damage, and then dried overnight
2008). During the Middle Pleistocene, several effusive andesitic mega- at 60 °C. The particles were sieved using four meshes of pore-size ɸ1,
pulses occurred mainly to the west. About 100–60 ka, several vents de- ɸ2, ɸ3 and ɸ 4. Componentry analysis was performed on the grain size
veloped around the central sector, with sequences of andesite to dacite fraction ɸ1-ɸ2 (250 to 500 μm) which is a good compromise between
lavas that erupted in subaerial and subglacial environments (Dixon abundance and ease of manipulation.
et al., 1999). A 10-km long caldera collapse occurred 40 ka, generating
an ignimbrite of 150 km3. Activity between 40 and 25 ka led to the for- 3.2. Componentry analysis and analytical techniques
mation of two subcomplexes that are about 6 km apart: the Cerro
Blanco Subcomplex (CBS) at the northwest, and Las Termas We observed about a hundred particles per sample using a Leica
Subcomplex (LTS) at the southeast. These subcomplexes were active M165 FC binocular microscope equipped with LAS X imaging software
during the Upper Pleistocene and the historical period, and they have at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. For each particle
distinct morphology and magmatic composition, the latter (LTS) with of a particular range size, we captured multiple images at various focal
higher silica contents (Orozco et al., 2016). depths to ensure good focus over the 3D particle morphology, and
took note of color, luster, surface texture, surface smoothness, surface
2.2. The historical and most recent activity coatings, edge angularity and shape (Table 2). The binocular observa-
tions are the main basis for defining the particle groups. Some particles
The historical NChVC activity has been mainly focused on LTS, with were also handpicked and mounted in doubly sticky carbon tape,
prolonged eruptive cycles lasting several months up to years and a C-coated, and surface and 3D morphology were observed with a
range of eruptive dynamics and style. During the 20th century, an erup- JEOL JSM-7600F Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM at NTU) coupled
tion of Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) 2 that occurred between 1906 with an Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS). The same particles
and 1943 formed a dacitic lava cone, the so-called Nuevo volcano. Dur- were mounted in epoxy, polished and observed with secondary
ing 1973–1986, a new eruptive cycle led to the formation of the Arrau backscattered electrons (BSE) with the SEM. Operating conditions for
crater (Dixon et al., 1999). More recent activity occurred in 2003, and in- the SEM analysis were 15 kV of accelerating voltage, 8 nA of probe cur-
cluded a small eruption (VEI < 1) from a fissure-like double crater and rent, at a working distance of 20 mm. Relative proportions of particles
intense fumaroles in the saddle between Nuevo and Arrau volcanoes were quantified by the normalized count numbers of each particle,
(Naranjo and Lara, 2004). Renewed activity started on January 2009, with unit vol% (e.g. Suzuki et al., 2013). We used an implicit random
when the Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre of Buenos Aires, reported error calculated from the square root of the number of particles
small ash column (~500 m) above the NChVC (Moussallam et al., (Ahmed, 2015). For example, if 25 particles of a given group were
2018). This eruption was not directly observed at the time, but later in counted, the absolute error is +/− 5 particles, which translates to 20%
December 2008, a lava flow 1 km to northeast of the Nuevo volcano of relative error. For composite particles made of more than one type
was detected by satellite images analysis and named Sebastian lava of component (e.g. large crystal and matrix glass) are counted as either
flow (Naranjo and Moreno, 2009). 0.5 or 1 occurrence of a given particle type depending on the relative
After about seven years of repose, a seismic swarm in December proportions of the components.
2015 indicated the onset of activity of the current eruptive cycle. Phre-
atic events followed in January 2016. Between January and February 3.3. Controls in sampling location and grain-size
2016, Moussallam et al. (2018) performed gas measurements that
were interpreted as evidence for a shallow intrusion, as sudden increase We analysed various grain-size fractions <ɸ4, ɸ3-ɸ4, ɸ2-ɸ3 and
in seismic tremor also occurred during this period. Later eruptive activ- ɸ1-ɸ2 for one sample collected on October 14th 2017 (NCh-12; Fig. 2)
ity consisted of several cycles of frequent explosions and ash-bearing and found that the componentry of different grain sizes varies by <20
events of low to moderate intensity, with column heights occasionally vol%. The finer fractions are richer in free-crystals, whereas the coarser
raising 3000 m above the active crater, and hiatus of activity which cul- have more abundant lithics. The hydrothermal alteration is higher in
minated in a dome extruded to the surface on December 20th 2017. the finer fractions, perhaps due to the influence of the ultrasonic
Subsequent activity until early 2019 consisted of ash venting with cleaner, more effective to coarser grain-sizes (Busnaina and Gale,
column heights up to 3500 m above the Nicanor crater, which was per- 1995). We also analysed two samples (NCh-6 and NCh-8; Fig. 2) from
manently incandescent, and the growth and destruction of the dome, the same event and grain size (ɸ1-ɸ2) but collected at different loca-
which generated ash-block flows. Between August and December tions. Sample NCh-8 was collected nearer the vent and contains a higher
2019, effusive eruptions resulted in four lava flows. Renewed explosive amount of dome-like fragments (49.50 vol%), and is depleted in low-
activity with ash-bearing events occurred in January 2020, resulting in crystalline particles, compared to the more distal sample (NCh-6). This
the widening of Nicanor crater's diameter. Since June 2020 to date, might be due to differences in density of the particles during the disper-
eruptive activity is characterized by simultaneous explosions at the sion of the plume (Beckett et al., 2015).
dome and the spread of a new lava flow.
3.4. Shape analysis
3. Methodology
After classifying the particles (see Section 4.1.2 for more detail),
3.1. Samples and laboratory procedures we obtained quantitative data on the shape of juvenile particles to
gain additional insights into the mechanisms that drove the explosive
Thirteen ash samples erupted between December 9th 2016 and activity as has been done elsewhere (e.g., Murtagh and White, 2013;
April 3rd 2018 were studied. These were collected near the vent by Nurfiani and Bouvet de Maisonneuve, 2018). Previous studies obtained
SERNAGEOMIN staff members, including G. Pedreros and A. Amigo shape parameters such as convexity and solidity of polished surfaces
from ashmeters (Table 1), a container where fresh ash is deposited in electron microscopes (Liu et al., 2015; Pardo et al., 2020), and of

D. Benet, F. Costa, G. Pedreros et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 417 (2021) 107308

Table 1
Sampling details and componentry of the ash samples. The ratio of juveniles versus lithics is normalized without free-crystals and altered material.

Sample Collection Sampling Distance from Dispersion Altered material Free-crystals Lithics Juveniles Juveniles/Lithics
date vent (km) axis (vol%) (vol%) (vol%) (vol%) (vol%)

NCh-1 9/12/16 Over snow – – 16.5 10 44.5 29 0.6

NCh-2 29/12/16 Unknown 2.8 SW 12 18.5 28 41.5 1.5
NCh-3 14/1/17 Ashmeter 1.4 NE 24 10 34.5 31.5 0.9
NCh-5 15/1/17 Over a car 4.5 SW 9 20 39.5 31.5 0.8
NCh-6 15/3/17 Over snow – – 26 10.5 56 7.5 0.1
NCh-8 15/3/17 Over snow – – 23 6 55 16 0.3
NCh-9 1 14/10/17 Unknown – – 10 13.5 51 25.5 0.5
NCh-10 14/10/17 Unknown – – 15.5 20 46 18.5 0.4
NCh-11 14/10/17 Unknown – – 19 24 38.5 18.5 0.5
NCh-12 14/10/17 Unknown – – 18.5 9 57.5 15 0.3
NCh-13 21/12/17 Unknown 1 NE 2.5 4.5 6 87 14.5
NCh-14 23/1/18 Unknown 1.2 NE 7 11 42.5 39.5 0.9
NCh-15 3/4/18 Ashmeter 1 SE 7 16 44.5 32.5 0.7

The values are number of counts of particles per sample (vol%). The 0.5 decimals are half counts for composite particles. The grain size fractions are 1 finer than ɸ4; 2 between ɸ3-ɸ4; 3
between ɸ2-ɸ3; and 4 between ɸ1-ɸ2. – indicates that values are not available.

apparent 2D particles shapes in camera-coupled microscopes sources as LP events but sustained excitation (hours to days);
(Leibrandt and Le Pennec, 2015; Miwa et al., 2015; Nurfiani and (iii) Explosions events (EX) associated with explosive activity and
Bouvet de Maisonneuve, 2018). We have used binocular images of often accompanied by acoustic signals, or by ash venting, ballistics ejec-
143 particles from which we subtracted the background using an in- tion, or incandescence in the crater; and (iv) volcano tectonic events
house Python program, and followed Liu et al. (2015) to compute the (VT) related to minor brittle fracturing of solid material induced by
shape parameters commonly used to discriminate among shape types magmatic and/or hydrothermal activity.
(e.g. dense and vesicular), and the parameters circularity, rectangular-
ity, compactness and elongation (Dellino and La Volpe, 1996) to dis- 4. Results
criminate between explosion mechanisms (e.g. Murtagh and White,
2013). Raw shape parameters can be found in the supplementary 4.1. Types of ash particles and componentry analysis
We characterized the particles using attributes as found in the liter-
3.5. Monitoring network ature by their texture, color, and shape under the binocular microscope,
and for some particles, by the surface and internal microstructures with
We complemented our ash componentry time series with visual and the SEM (Table 2). We recorded the color qualitatively rather than
seismic data recorded by the permanent multiparametric network of quantitatively (e.g. at Sakurajima volcano 1974–1985; Yamanoi et al.,
the Southern Andes Volcano Observatory (OVDAS), which includes 2008). The gloss of the glass-rich particles has been shown to be critical
two webcam stations, and nine seismic stations (more detail and coor- to distinguish between juvenile and lithic particles at some volcanoes,
dinates in supplementary material Table S1). Visual observations of the including Etna (D'Oriano et al., 2014), Sakurajima (Miwa et al., 2009),
volcano were used by SERNAGEOMIN to classify different types of activ- and Cotopaxi (Gaunt et al., 2016). Here, we use ‘vitreous’ luster only
ity and estimate column heights. White plumes were indicative of for highly reflective crystals, such as plagioclase (unlike other authors;
steam-rich, phreatic explosions, whereas darker plumes were classified e.g. Alvarado et al., 2016), and ‘glossy’ for glass-rich particles (Miwa
ash-bearing eruptions. The seismic signals were classified into four dif- et al., 2009). We characterize the degree of alteration with the qualita-
ferent earthquake types following Chouet (2003) and Lahr et al. (1994): tive amount of hydrothermal and low temperature secondary mineral
(i) Long period events (LP), related to fluids dynamics or pressure coatings (OHba and Akagawa, 2002) and silicification, among other
changes into volcano conduits; (ii) Tremor events (TR), with similar observations (further details in Pardo et al., 2020).

Table 2
List of visual observations of ash particles made with binocular and SEM-EDS.

Ash visual observations

Binocular SEM-EDS

Color Transparent Black Yellowish White Pitting None Low Mid High
Luster Glossy Vitreous Metallic Dull Glass greyscale Homogeneous Heterogeneous
Alteration Not fresh Slight Moderate High Glass composition Homogeneous Heterogeneous
Shape Blocky Fluidal Spongy Others Stepped surface Yes No
Surface Smooth Rough Iron oxides lineation Yes No
Edges Angular Subangular Subrounded Rounded
Crystallinity Low Medium High
Vesicularity None Low Medium High

D. Benet, F. Costa, G. Pedreros et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 417 (2021) 107308

Fig. 2. Radar plots to visualize any effects of the (a) grain-size and (b) sampling site on the main ash componentry (altered material, free-crystals, juveniles and lithics). It is apparent that
for the ranges we have investigated, none of the two variables has a major impact on the results of componentry.

A large number of terms have been used to describe the particle (altered material), and to indicate the degree of alteration (slightly
morphology (e.g. Heiken and Wohletz, 1985). We use the terms blocky and moderately altered) of lithic particles (see Section 4.1.3).
for particles with subperpendicular edges, fluidal for smooth-surface Free-crystals are identified by their optical properties and in some
with rounded walls, spongy for particles that contain a large number cases planar structures (e.g. cleavage). At NChVC, they are phenocrysts
of relatively small vesicles, and highly-vesicular for particles with of plagioclase (Fig. 3c) and pyroxene (Fig. 3d). Plagioclase is transparent
fewer but larger vesicles. We characterized the crystallinity and alter- with vitreous luster, whereas pyroxene is black, slightly glossy, and both
ation of the particles into qualitative ranges (high, moderate, and show well-defined edges, i.e. crystal habits. The use of diascopic light
low), see the Section 4.1.3 ‘Additional parameters’ for more detail. (from the bottom of the binocular plate) reveals planar crystal struc-
Further particle characterization with the SEM (Table 2) revealed al- tures, if free-crystals are coated by thin glass films.
teration features that can be critical to distinguish between juvenile and
lithic particles. These include pitting, a form of chemical weathering that 4.1.2. Juvenile and lithic particles
is visible by micron-sized holes on the particles' surface (e.g. Taddeucci The juvenile particles have a glossy luster, well-defined edges,
et al., 2002; Troncoso et al., 2017), the heterogeneous greyscale inten- and fresh aspect (Fig. 3e, f, g and h). SEM observations with backs-
sity over the surface (D'Oriano et al., 2014), and the chemical composi- cattered detector reveal that they are typically homogeneous with a lim-
tion of the glass (Pardo et al., 2020). Other signs of alteration include the ited range of greyscale, a smooth surface, and sharp edges. We associate
presence of secondary minerals (e.g. zeolites and clays) coating the par- these particles with fragments of the latest erupted magma, as their fea-
ticle surface (Cioni et al., 1992). Whereas stepped fractures on the sur- tures are common to juvenile particles from other volcanoes (Gaunt
face is commonly a feature of fresh particles (Miwa et al., 2009). et al., 2016; Miwa et al., 2009).
Using the observations described above (see Table 2) we classified In contrast, lithic particles are black and grey, with a low to dull lus-
the NChVC particles into four main groups (Fig. 3): altered material, ter, and with rounded or sub-rounded edges (Fig. 3i, j and k). They com-
free-crystal, juvenile and lithic. Juvenile particles are traditionally asso- monly show etch pitting at their surface as observed with SEM. As we
ciated with the latest erupted magma, but as we discuss below, such at- discuss below, these particles may include samples of shallow intru-
tribution is problematic for dome forming eruptions where recycling of sions that were emplaced during recent activity of NChVC in the last de-
particles between previously but recently erupted domes (e.g., within cades. Lithic particles may include glass-rich recycled particles from
the same eruptive cycle) may be common. The main features of the dif- recent eruptions. Their glassy surface is often micropitted, with distinc-
ferent particle groups are described below. tive iron oxide mineral lineations, and reabsorption textures observed
in the internal microstructure (D'Oriano et al., 2014).
4.1.1. Altered material and free-crystals
Highly altered or heavily weathered particles are typically grey or 4.1.3. Additional parameters: crystallinity, color, alteration and shape
pale black, with a variable amount of white clay coatings, that may re- We also paid special attention to the proportion of small crystals
sult in a granular texture. Their edges are rounded to sub-rounded, (typically <10 μm) in the groundmass of both lithic and juvenile parti-
and the surface shows partial dissolution features due to long-term cles. We qualitatively classified the microcrystallinity according to their
weathering (Fig. 3a). These particles are fragments of non-volcanic relative abundance as observed under the binocular: low corresponds to
rocks, or old volcanic rocks which have experienced strong oxidation, si- 0–20 crystals % (Fig. 3e and f), medium is 20–40% (Fig. 3g), and high if
licification, and chemical dissolution. The highly hydrothermally altered there are >40% of small crystals (Fig. 3h). Please, note that here we
particles range from yellow to red (Fig. 3b), and may contain white sul- use the term crystallinity to refer to the groundmass microcrystallinity.
phate minerals adhered on the surface. Generally, their luster is dull, In addition, we also took notice on whether the glass is transparent or
and at times metallic, when metal-bearing sublimates are adhered on colored (typically black), and the degree of hydrothermal alteration. Ac-
the surface. With increasing abundance of hydrothermal material, the cording to the amount of non-magmatic material adhered on the sur-
surface roughness increases resulting in a granular texture. Please, face, we classified lithic particles as: not fresh if free of secondary
note we use the term “altered” in two ways. As a main componentry minerals (Fig. 3i), slight where microparticles or dust are adhered
constituent of highly hydrothermally altered and weathered particles (Fig. 3j), and moderate, if there are large alteration coatings or

D. Benet, F. Costa, G. Pedreros et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 417 (2021) 107308

Fig. 3. Binocular and SEM images of the main groups found. (a) Weathered particle with typical granular texture, which appears pitted and covered by sulphates with the SEM.
(b) Hydrothermal particle with characteristic red color. Both plagioclase (c) and pyroxene (d) have distinct crystal habits. The juvenile particles (e, f, g and h) show a wide range of
color, crystal content, and morphology (l, m, n and o), which were tracked in this study. The lithic particles have varying amounts of alteration from not fresh (i) and slightly (j), up to
moderately (k).

encrustations (Fig. 3k). Particles that are entirely, or almost entirely, also the vesicular ones, mostly spongy (Fig. 3n) or highly-vesicular,
coated by non-magmatic material are classified as altered material and rarely microtubular (Fig. 3o).
(see Section 4.1.1). Finally, we also recorded the shape, including the Using the characteristics described above, the most abundant juve-
non-vesicular ones such as blocky (Fig. 3l) and fluidal (Fig. 3m), and nile and lithic particles belong to four main types (Fig. 4): (i) Hyaline

D. Benet, F. Costa, G. Pedreros et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 417 (2021) 107308

Fig. 4. Summary of the conceptual scheme of the terminology and classification of particles we have used. The juvenile and lithic particle groups are distributed according to the observed
alteration degree (y-axis) and crystallinity (x-axis). Note that some of the fresh and hyaline particles may have hydrothermal coatings that were adhered syneruptively (see ash from 21st
December 2017 in Section 4.2.2 for more detail).

Table 3
Classification of different ash componentry particle types, using the ɸ1-ɸ2 grain-size fraction. For each componentry the reported numbers are normalized to 100%.

Sample Juvenile crystallinity fractions Juvenile morphology Lithic crystallinity fractions Lithic alteration degree

Hyaline Obsidian-like Dotted Dome-like Glass Non-ves Ves Ves Hyaline Obsidian-like Dotted Dome-like Not Slight Mid Alter
(vol%) (vol%) (vol%) (vol%) indexa (vol%) (vol%) indexb (vol%) (vol%) (vol%) (vol%) fresh (vol%) (vol%) indexc

NCh-1 6.9 13.8 12.1 67.2 0.3 98.3 1.7 0.0 0.0 5.6 10.1 84.3 76.4 13.5 10.1 0.003
NCh-2 2.4 18.1 28.9 50.6 0.3 89.2 10.8 0.1 0.0 14.3 16.1 69.6 58.9 26.8 14.3 0.006
NCh-3 0.0 22.2 50.8 27.0 0.3 95.2 4.8 0.0 0.0 2.9 52.2 44.9 87.0 11.6 1.4 0.002
NCh-5 42.9 7.9 30.7 19.0 1.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 32.9 6.3 54.4 6.3 74.7 20.2 5.1 0.003
NCh-6 0.0 6.7 80.0 13.3 0.1 93.3 6.7 0.1 1.8 9.8 31.2 57.1 57.1 35.7 7.1 0.01
NCh-12 0.0 6.7 6.7 86.7 0.1 96.7 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 13.9 86.1 68.7 24.3 7.0 0.005
NCh-13 56.9 0.6 0.0 42.5 1.3 63.2 36.8 0.6 0.0 0.0 16.7 83.3 66.7 16.7 16.7 0.096
NCh-14 50.6 6.3 12.7 30.4 1.3 67.1 32.9 0.5 17.6 0.0 9.4 72.9 63.5 36.5 0.0 0.005
NCh-15 16.9 15.4 55.4 12.3 0.5 72.3 27.7 0.4 8.9 3.4 58.4 29.2 87.6 8.9 3.4 0.001
Ratio of low crystallinity juvenile particles versus the rest (mid and high crystallinity juvenile particles).
Ratio of vesicular and non-vesicular particles.
Ratio of the sum of the altered particles (altered material, slightly and moderately altered lithics) and the unaltered particles for both juvenile and lithic components, all terms nor-
malized without free-crystals.

D. Benet, F. Costa, G. Pedreros et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 417 (2021) 107308

particles are transparent and nearly holohyaline, ranging from non- with time, including the altered material, free-crystals, juvenile and
vesicular, blocky (occasionally fluidal), to vesicular with a wide diver- lithic components.
sity of vesicle abundance, size, and shape. (ii) Obsidian-like particles
are black with low crystallinity, and blocky, dense, and equant. (iii) Dot-
ted particles are transparent with a blocky and equant shape, with me- 4.2.1. December 2016 – March 2017
dium crystal content made of microphenocrysts of pyroxene and The first ash we studied was erupted on December 9th 2016. This
titanomagnetite that are visible under the binocular. (iv) Dome-like sample post-dates the first explosions and seismic swarms that were re-
fragments are black, high crystallinity, blocky, and with a massive as- corded from December 2015 to February 2016, and which are consid-
pect. Their interstitial glass ranges from dull to glossy, depending on ered as the initiation of unrest and shallow intrusions at NChVC
the degree of weathering. (Moussallam et al., 2018). Moussallam et al. (2018) found potentially
juvenile particles in the ash from explosions that occurred in February
and October 2016. In our first sample, emitted about ten months later,
4.2. Particle componentry variations with eruption sequence we also found a considerable amount of juvenile particles (29 vol%),
but it is dominated by lithic particles (44 vol%; Fig. 6a). Both juvenile
We have studied five samples from December 2016 – March 2017, and lithic components mostly consist of dome-like fragments (67 vol%
and four from October 2017 – April 2018, with a sampling gap of and 84 vol%, respectively; Fig. 6b). The proportion of juvenile particles
about seven months between them. We find that overall, the relative increases to 41 vol% on the ash erupted 20 days later (29th December
proportion of components, and their textural features vary significantly 2016), and it is the only sample of this period that contains more juve-
from one sample to another (Tables 1 and 3; Fig. 5). The proportion of nile than lithic particles (Fig. 5a). Dome-like fragments are still the main
juvenile particles vary from about 7 vol% (sample of March 15th juvenile type but there is also a relatively high proportion of vesicular
2017), up to 87 vol% (on December 21st 2017; Fig. 6A). Both the juvenile particles (11 vol%). Compared to the other samples of this pe-
shape and crystallinity are also quite variable (Fig. 6B and F), and riod, it also has a high amount of lithics with hydrothermal alteration
dome-like fragments are up to 67 vol% (on December 9th 2016), (40 vol%; Fig. 6e). About two weeks later, on January 14th and 15th
whereas hyaline particles are most abundant 57 vol% (on December 2017, the juvenile component decreased to 31 vol% (Fig. 5a). The juve-
21st 2017). Below we describe the changes in particle proportions nile and lithic particles on the sample collected on January 14th are

Fig. 5. Pie charts of componentry (outer level), crystallinity (inner level), vesicularity and alteration (inner-most level) of three samples. The values are normalized within their respective
component, i.e., juvenile or lithic. The color of the wedges is darker as the category increases in degree. These samples are characteristic for each type of activity described in Section 5.1.
NCh-2 (a) has a significant amount of juvenile particles, some of which are vesicular, indicative of a shallow magmatic intrusion. Contrarily, NCh-12 particles (b) are clearly lithic, suggest-
ing a limited involvement of magma, and non-vesicular. NCh-13 (c) has a vast a majority of juvenile particles, with half being low crystallinity and vesicular, very likely resulting from the
ascent of magma and fragmentation. Note that the rest of the samples are reported in the supplementary material (Fig. S1).

D. Benet, F. Costa, G. Pedreros et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 417 (2021) 107308

Fig. 6. Time series of ash componentry. Crystallinity, alteration and vesicularity are normalized within their respective component, i.e. juvenile or lithic. Note that the x-axis is broken
to represent the sampling gap of seven months from March to October 2017.

rich in Dotted type (51 vol% for both), whereas the sample collected a circularity x rectangularity values are lower. Such relationships illus-
day later has very high amount of crystal-poor hyaline in the juveniles trate that the syn- and post-extrusion juvenile particles have higher ve-
(43 vol%) and lithics (33 vol%; Fig. 6B). The last erupted ash we collected sicularity than the rest, which are blocky. However, when we apply the
from this period is from about two months later (March 15th 2017), and classification of Liu et al. (2015) we find that the NChVC particles are
it has abundant lithics (56 vol%; Fig. 6a) and the highest amount of al- outside of the dense and vesicular fields, probably because we used bin-
tered material (26 vol%) of the entire period. ocular images whereas Liu et al. (2015) used polished surfaces in the
SEM (Nurfiani and Bouvet de Maisonneuve, 2018).
4.2.2. October 2017 – April 2018 Moreover, the relationships of circularity x rectangularity versus
After a sampling gap of seven months with cycles of quiescence and compactness x elongation have been used to discriminate between
explosions, we studied ash from October 14th 2017 (Fig. 5b). It is rich in magmatic and hydromagmatic eruptive mechanisms, and almost all
lithics (57 vol%) with less juvenile (15 vol%), both characterized by high NChVC particles are classified as hydromagmatic (Schipper, 2009;
amounts of dome-like fragments, and the absence of hyaline type. The Murtagh and White, 2013, Fig. 7b). However, we have observed that
next sample we have is from two months later, when significant in- the syn-extrusion particles are vesicular and glassy, and thus should
crease in seismicity was recorded and from one day after magma be classified as magmatic mechanism. Such difference in classification
reached the surface and made a dome on December 20th. The sample of has been also reported elsewhere (Nurfiani and Bouvet de
from December 21st contains the highest abundance of juvenile parti- Maisonneuve, 2018) and suggests that the grouping may depend on
cles (87 vol%; Fig. 5c) with a significant amount of hyaline and dome- volcano types or observation technique of the particles. Using our parti-
like, both rich in vesicular particles (39 vol%). The majority of juvenile cles we find that the fragmentation regime boundary (Schipper, 2009)
particles (56 vol%) have hydrothermal coatings (Fig. 6d). This may be corresponds to lower values of circularity x rectangularity, and properly
due to syneruptive alteration, as observed at Turrialba volcano classifies most of the pre-extrusion particles (~85%) as hydromagmatic
(Alvarado et al., 2016), or during interaction with plume gases (Fig. 7b).
(Spadaro et al., 2002). After the extrusion of the dome, the proportion
of dome-like fragments in both juvenile and lithic particles keeps de- 5. Discussion
creasing (Fig. 6b and c). About a month later, on 23rd January 2018,
the proportion of juvenile hyaline and dome-like particles decreases Lava dome volcanoes typically produce eruptions that can last for
and is compensated by an increase of blocky dotted particles (Fig. 6b). months to decades (Ogburn et al., 2015). The intensity and style of the
The proportion of dotted particles still increases in the last sample we activity fluctuates widely, from small phreatic events with or without
studied that was erupted on April 3rd which are slightly above 50 vol%. effusive dome extrusion, to major explosive events with column col-
lapse (Calder et al., 2015). Explosive activity can be triggered by the di-
4.3. Shape of juvenile particles rect decompression and fragmentation of magma, or by multiple
processes associated with the presence of magma at varying depths.
We find that the shape parameters of the juvenile particles are quite These include the degassing of undercooled crystallising magma, creat-
variable (Fig. 7). The solidity and convexity values of the pre-extrusion ing excess of fluid pressure (Sparks, 1997), the supply of heat to an older
particles show a narrow unimodal distribution and are higher than plug with increase of the pore fluid pressure (e.g. 1974–1987 at
those of the syn- and post-extrusion particles (Fig. 7a), whereas their Sakurajima volcano Miwa et al., 2009), and the interaction of

D. Benet, F. Costa, G. Pedreros et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 417 (2021) 107308

Fig. 7. Scatter plots with marginal density curves of (a) solidity versus convexity with boundaries from Liu et al. (2015). Note that our values are comparatively higher than Liu et al. (2015)
likely because we used binocular images, which are inherently smoother (Nurfiani and Bouvet de Maisonneuve, 2018), whereas Liu et al. (2015) used polished sections in SEM.
(b) Plot circularity x rectangularity versus compactness x elongation used by Murtagh and White (2013). Note that the fragmentation regime boundary proposed by Shipper (2009) as
y = 6.8182× −8.1136 has been modified as y = 6.8182×-5.65 to fit pre-extrusion particles in the hydromagmatic (Hydro) domain, and some of the syn-, post-extrusion particles in
the magmatic (Magm) domain, as suggested by the extrusion of the dome itself, and componentry and seismic data of this study (see in discussion Section 5.1).

magmatically derived fluids with the hydrothermal system, where boil- It is likely that the magma involved in this event already intruded in
ing of hydrothermal fluids and groundwater may occur resulting in gas February 2016 when there was a peak in seismic tremor (Moussallam
accumulation(e.g., at Merapi volcano, Heap et al., 2019; Pallister et al., et al., 2018). The presence of hydrothermally altered material and abun-
2013). dant non-vesicular dense juveniles (Fig. 5a) likely of hydromagmatic or-
At any point in time, it is very difficult to evaluate what processes igin (Fig. 7), suggests that hydrothermal fluids interacted with fresh
are driving a given eruption, and whether volcano is going towards a magma (e.g. Kuchinoerabujima 2014–2015; Geshi et al., 2016), which
more effusive or explosive phase. After five years of persistent eruptive led to phreatomagmatic events. The ash emitted a month later (January
activity and despite intensive surveillance and monitoring efforts, it is 2017) during a time of increased explosions (Fig. 8c) contains juveniles
yet not clear how the current eruption cycle at NChVC will evolve with lower crystallinity and includes glass-rich hyaline particles
(SERNAGEOMIN, 2021). In this section we integrate our results from (Fig. 8b). This could mean that either the explosions reached deeper
ash componentry with monitoring time series of seismic data and and hotter magma that had not yet significantly degassed, or a
other visual observations to propose a more comprehensive model for shallowing of the already intruded magma, both processes suggesting
the processes and events that led the restarting of the current eruptive an increased pathway of the magma towards the surface (Fig. 8e).
period in 2015 till the dome extrusion on the surface. Therefore, we infer that the explosions and activity during this time
were driven by the interaction of the shallowly emplaced magma a
5.1. Types of eruptive activity from monitoring data year earlier with the hydrothermal system, and the depth of magma
sampling may have varied depending on the number and types of ex-
We correlate our ash componentry time series with visual and seis- plosion, and the presence of shallow magma is also supported by the ob-
mic data (Fig. 8) monitored by OVDAS multiparametric network servations of incandescence and glowing crater.
(Section 3.5). As we describe below in some detail, we identified three
main types of eruptive activity that are associated with different pro- 5.1.2. Phreatic events, gas accumulation and reworking of surficial material
cesses: (1) phreatomagmatic explosions that are partly driven by shal- We have two samples from the beginning and end of a period where
lowly stored fresh magma, (2) cycles of repose with shallow gas the volcano alternated between quiescence and intense frequent explo-
accumulation followed by mainly phreatic explosions with limited di- sions, and during which time the LP seismicity was low suggesting lim-
rect involvement of magma, and (3) ascent of fresh magma with volatile ited magma movement (Fig. 8). These two samples contain the lowest
exsolution and fragmentation, including the extrusion of the dome. proportion of juvenile particles (7 and 15 vol%, respectively), and in-
clude a major component of older fragments of the upper system
5.1.1. Initial phreatomagmatic events (lithics), which might have originated during the two collapse events
A small peak of abundance of juvenile magma occurs in December of the craters (Moussallam et al., 2018). These samples also have the
2016 about one year after the initial phreatic eruptions and high seis- highest amount of altered material (Table 1) from a hydrothermally
micity, and about a year before the dome extrusion (December 2017; weathered volcanic system. Moreover, the juvenile particles are non-
Fig. 8a). The presence of such particles indicates a significant involve- vesicular with mid- to high-crystallinities, reflecting the presence of a
ment of fresh magma, but this was unlikely due to a new intrusion, relatively degassed magma which may have decompressed by the cra-
since there was no significant increase in seismicity during this time. ter collapses and induced microlite-growth. We thus suggest that

D. Benet, F. Costa, G. Pedreros et al.

Fig. 8. Line plot of (a) the ratio between juveniles and lithics, where the marker size is proportional to the amount of vesicularity; the ratio between vesicular and non-vesicular particles. (b) Line plots of the alteration index, glass index (reported in
Table 3) and lithic dome-like fragments, normalized within dome-like particles; (c) Eruption timeline, including observed incandescence, observed column heights of the phreatic and ash-bearing events. R, intraeruptive repose, is attributed to
quiescence periods of low to no activity, with minor phreatic column heights (<150 m height) and seismic explosion events. (d) Recorded Long-Period and Explosion events per day. (e) Interpretative sequence of the main activity drivers.
Dashed lines indicate lack of information or uncertainty during the sampling gap. Note that this plot does not include the early part of stage 1 of unrest and explosions in December 2015 and January–February 2016 (e.g. Moussallam et al., 2018)
as we don't have ash samples from this period. The monitored data can be found in supplementary materials.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 417 (2021) 107308
D. Benet, F. Costa, G. Pedreros et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 417 (2021) 107308

activity during this period was mainly driven by magma degassing 5.3. Comparison of NChVC with other high silica dome eruptions
below a variably sealed hydrothermal system, as it has been proposed
for Merapi, 2010–2014 (Heap et al., 2019). Hot and magmatically de- Anticipating how an eruption will unfold when a volcano becomes
rived fluids could have flushed the hydrothermal system, causing boil- restless is one of the main challenges in volcanology. A first step to ad-
ing and pressurization, and eventually leading to explosive release dress this question is to be able to differentiate between the various un-
(Stix & De Moor, 2018). Gas accumulation and pressurization of the hy- rest and eruptive stages, as they provide a more accurate view of the
drothermal system could have occurred during the periods when al- potential hazards, the driving processes of the activity (e.g. magma re-
most no explosions were registered (i.e., repose; Fig. 8c and e). We charge or shallow gas accumulation), and have the potential to be
note that these samples still contain some juvenile particles, but our in- used as a forecasting tool (Bebbington and Jenkins, 2019). We have
ference that these events were driven mainly by gas accumulation im- identified three main stages for the active Nicanor crater of NChVC
plies that shallowly stored magma was also sampled during the (Fig. 9), starting from initial intrusion and phreatic events, through
explosions, although it did not directly participate, except for the likely phreatomagmatic, going back to phreatic and upper gas accumulations,
release of magmatic gas. Minor amounts of juvenile component have and leading to the extrusion of the dome at the surface. It is unclear
also been reported in eruptions that are thought to be driven mainly whether these stages are common to other volcanoes, but below we
by gas accumulation and interaction between magmatic gases and a hy- provide a comparison of our findings with those of potentially analogue
drothermal system, e.g. Mount Ontake 2014 (Miyagi et al., 2020), and at volcanoes that erupt high-silica domes after a long repose time (hun-
Ruapehu 2007 (Christenson et al., 2010). Therefore, there is a need to dreds of years). We chose Soufriere Hills (Montserrat), Sinabung
quantify percentage-wise the amount of juveniles that precludes phre- (Indonesia), and Unzen (Japan) as they have relatively well-
atic origin, with implications for better assessment of the progression of documented activity stages prior to the extrusion of the dome, our
the eruption. main focus, although they were more explosive (i.e. Vulcanian) than
NChVC upon the start of the magmatic phase.
5.1.3. Magma ascent to the surface During the stage 1, the volcano reawakens with shallow magma in-
The highest percentage of juvenile magma particles occurs in the trusions that don't reach the surface and which produce significant seis-
sample just after the dome was observed at the surface (20th December micity, as well as phreatic eruptions driven by a hydrothermal system
2017). These include glass-rich particles with spongy and highly vesic- or/and degassing of the newly intruded magma (e.g. Ontake eruption
ular textures, and also fresh dome-like particles of moderate vesicular- in 2014; Kato et al., 2015). At NChVC, this stage lasted less than a year,
ity, which may belong to already cooled magma. Prior to the but its duration and intensity varies between volcanoes. For example,
appearance of the dome at the surface, the number of explosions and the reawakening of Sinabung eruption began with phreatic events in
the seismicity increased from about 100 to 150 LP events per day in De- 2010 that lasted for about three months, but then there was a lull of ac-
cember 12th to a peak of 416 LP events on December 28th (Fig. 8c). The tivity of three years until August 2013 (Nakada et al., 2019). Another ex-
increase in seismicity and explosions, as well as the high proportions of ample is the reawakening of Unzen volcano in 1991, where volcanic
vesiculated and microlite-poor juveniles reflects fast magma ascent, ve- unrest consisted of one year of increased seismicity, followed by four
sicular fragmentation and opening of a conduit with associated fractur- months of phreatic events until the magmatic phase started (Nakada
ing of the wall-rocks (Shapiro et al., 2017). et al., 1999). In the case of SHV, there was also increased seismicity for
three years (1992–1995) and phreatic eruptions for four months
5.2. Evolution of the eruption: from conduit opening to dome emplacement (Young et al., 1997), but it is unclear if the ash from this stage already
at the surface contained juvenile materials.
In stage 2 the volcanic system has many explosions which may occur
The three types of activity that we have identified occur in a tempo- as several periods of high frequency followed by almost quiescence.
ral sequence, and we believe they could reflect the stages required for Seismicity is in general similar or lower than in stage 1, but varies de-
new dome eruptions to occur from a volcano that has not been signifi- pending on the volcanic system. This stage includes periods of
cantly active in the previous decades (Fig. 8e). The reawakening at phreatomagmatic events with direct involvement of the magma
NChVC consisted of increased seismicity and phreatic events in Febru- (stage 2a), and others where eruptions are mainly driven by shallow
ary 2016 during which a small magma intrusion stalled at shallow gas accumulation and thus are mainly phreatic (stage 2b). This stage
depth. This magma cooled and degassed high temperature volatiles 2 at NChVC lasted for about a year. The transition between stages 1
(up to ~850 °C, Moussallam et al., 2018) that travelled through the ac- and 2 is identified by the presence of juvenile components in the ash,
tive hydrothermal system towards the surface and led to explosive ac- but might be difficult to recognize using seismic and deformation data
tivity. Incandescence was observed for the first time between March alone given the small volume of juvenile magma involved and the prev-
to October 2016, and up to four craters were created during cycles of ex- alence of the hydrothermal system. In Sinabung (Gunawan et al., 2019)
plosive activity that included intense events with ash columns of up to and Unzen (Watanabe et al., 1999), stage 2 lasted for about one to three
2000 m above the crater (Moussallam et al., 2018). We believe that months. At Soufrière Hills, it is not clear the duration of stage 2 but in
these previous activity likely increased the pathway of shallow 1995 there were intense explosions and hybrid seismic events
magma to the surface (Fig. 8e), and by December 2016 when we have interpreted as the remobilization of pressurized juvenile and hydro-
our first ash, we find evidence of juvenile particles from the shallow in- thermal fluids, which altogether contributed to the fracturing and
trusion. This was followed by explosions that reached the fresh magma, weakening of the host rock easing the way of magma to the surface
leading to phreatomagmatic events, but seismicity remained relatively (Kilburn and Voight, 1998). During this stage the upper part of the vol-
low. During 2017, there were two collapse episodes of multiple craters canic system progressively became more fractured which facilitated
(in January and in March 2017) that may have obstructed the magma new paths for the stalled magma to ascent to the surface.
pathways towards the surface and perhaps sealing the hydrothermal Finally, during stage 3, magma ascends to the surface and is
system. The activity that followed was characterized by alternating cy- emplaced as a viscous dome. This phase contains a vast majority of juve-
cles of quiescence and frequent explosions, probably phreatic and nile particles and is characterized by intense ground deformation (e.g. at
with limited direct magma involvement. Such activity continued for al- Soufriere Hills; Young et al., 1997) and an escalation of the seismicity
most a year, and very likely progressively fatigued the host rocks. (e.g. at Unzen; Nakada et al., 1999). A major increase in juvenile glassy
This eased the path for the intruded magma to reach the surface shards was found in syn-extrusion ash from Sinabung (Primulyana
(e.g. Voight et al., 2000) as dome forming eruption on December 20th et al., 2019) and Unzen (Watanabe et al., 1999), similar to the sample
(Fig. 8e). of December 2017 in this study.

D. Benet, F. Costa, G. Pedreros et al. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 417 (2021) 107308

Fig. 9. Interpretative schematic of the stages that resulted in the emplacement of the dome at the active crater Nicanor, December 20th 2017. The dark brown polygon represents an older
but recent intrusion, which could have fed the Sebastian lava flow in 2008, whereas the red polygon represents the intrusion object of this study. Note that the onset of activity and phreatic
stage (stage 1) is documented in Moussallam et al., 2018. The phreatomagmatic stage 2 includes two substages: when the activity is mainly driven by a shallow magmatic intrusion (stage
2a); and when activity is predominantly driven by dynamics in the upper parts of the system, e.g. gas accumulation (stage 2b). The straight lines dipping inwards represent fractures
generated by the continuous explosive activity. The sequence ends with the ascent of magma and extrusion of a dome on Earth's surface (stage 3).

The sequence of stages 1 and 2 we describe can continue to stage 3 Credit authorship contribution statement
and extrusion of silica-rich dome at the Earth's surface, or may instead
be the end of the volcanic activity. For example, a recent study of ash Damià Benet: Conceptualization, Investigation, Software, Visualiza-
from eruptions of Zhupanovsky volcano (Alaska) reported the presence tion, Writing – Original draft preparation. Fidel Costa: Conceptualiza-
of dacitic, glass-rich particles (< 7 vol%) during three months (January – tion, Supervision, Funding acquisition, Review and editing of the draft.
March 2016; stage 2 in this study) of explosive activity, but the volcano Gabriela Pedreros: Investigation, Field operation, Visualization, Review
went back to dormancy without turning into a magmatic phase and editing of the draft. Carlos Cardona: Resources, Review and editing
(Gorbach et al., 2018). Similarly, some volcanic events may only reach of the draft.
stage 1, with a notable seismic crisis and phreatic events may cease ac-
tivity without definitive evidence of juvenile material and go back to
dormancy, e.g. Soufriere de Guadeloupe (Feuillard et al., 1983). Declaration of Competing Interest
Our study highlights the potential use of the abundance and type of
juvenile particles as a decision criteria for the volcano to move into a The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
dome eruptive phase (stage 3), and would be a key aid for the mitiga- interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
tion of volcano hazards. However, the potential use of a threshold of ju- ence the work reported in this paper.
venile component as diagnosis of dome eruption is at this moment
problematic, and would require continuous ash monitoring during Acknowledgements
stage 2, and multiple extrusion episodes (e.g. as in Merapi and Soufriere
Hills), which are only met by few volcanoes (e.g. at Sakurajima, Miwa This work is part of the Ph.D. thesis of D. Benet, who would like to
et al., 2021). Similarly, decreases in the juvenile abundance could be thank John Pallister, Patrick Allard and Caroline Bouvet de Maisonneuve
used as an indicator of a waning of volcanic activity driven by magma. for insightful discussions. Linguistic suggestions by Pavel Adamek
Our lithic-dominated sample from March 2016 for instance, preceded greatly improved the English writing of this manuscript. This research
nine months of relatively low activity, but more comprehensive sam- was supported by the Earth Observatory of Singapore via its funding
pling is necessary for drawing definitive conclusions. Continuous ash from the National Research Foundation Singapore and the Singapore
monitoring has a lot to offer to better identify at which stage the volcano Ministry of Education under the Research Centres of Excellence initia-
might be at any given time, and thus identify the sequence that may tive. This work comprises EOS contribution number 378.
lead to eruption of the dome at the Earth's surface, especially when
combined with geophysical and geodetic monitoring data. Appendix A. Supplementary data

6. Conclusions Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.

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