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The law is multifaceted, and arguably it has been in flux (thay đổi) over the years.


 not possible to give a short definition of law from the outset
 What is possible, however, is to mention a few characteristics of law.
The majority of legal phenomena share most of these characteristics, but not all legal
phenomena share all of them.
1. Rules
A substantial part of law exists in the form of rules.
 specify how people should behave (“do not steal,” “pay taxes”)
 contain definitions of terms, create competencies, and much more
- legal rules
- rules that belong to a religion (for instance, the Ten Commandments)
- rules that belong to etiquette (for example, “Eat with a knife and fork”)
etiquette: phép lịch sự, nghi lễ (the customary code of polite behavior in society or
among members of a particular profession or group)
- rules that belong to special organizations such as student associations (for example,
“Every member is to perform bar service twice a month”
2. Collective Enforcement (thực thi tập thể)
Legal rules are normally enforced by collective means (organs of the state)
- this is not true for other rules
Legal sanctions have very specific sanctions (incarceration, fines, compensation of damage,
Sanction: chế tài
- the sanctions of nonlegal rules are less specific.
Ex: crime – liars
3. Positive Law: A law that has been laid down (positus = laid down)
most legal rules are created by state agencies, such as parliaments, courts, and
administrative bodies. most laws are explicitly created
II. Law and Morality

Legal rules are often compared to and contrasted with moral rules

- the law does not violate morality

- governments see it as their task to enforce the law but not to enforce morality

Conformity of the law with morality is a precondition for the existence of law: a rule that clearly
violates morality would not be a binding legal rule at all.

1. Differences Between Law and Morality

 Degrees vs. Binary
Law: guide behavior, by telling people what to do or not to do in the form of
prohibiting and prescribing acts
Most of morality is not concerned with guidelines for behavior: it does not directly
tell us what we should do or should not do - sets standards through which we can
evaluate behavior as “good,” “not so good,” or simply “bad.”
Better or worse – degree
Permitted or not –
However, there are moral rules that do prescribe behavior. Take for example the “Thou shalt
not kill” of the Ten Commandments
 Moral Standards Important
moral norms and standards are normally considered to be important for the well-
functioning of society, while this is not necessarily the case for all legal rules.
 State Enforcement
being legal is a precondition for rules that are to be enforced by state organs; moral
precepts as such are not enforced in that way
many moral rules and standards have counterparts in the law so that state
enforcement of morality is possible in the form of state enforcement of the law
2. Positive and Critical Morality
 On one hand, it may relate to positive morality, the moral standards and precepts
that are broadly accepted at a particular time and place
 On the other hand, “morality” may stand for critical morality, the moral rules and
standards that should rationally be accepted regardless of what positive morality
3. Legal Certainty
positive law offers legal certainty
 So legal certainty has at least three aspects:
1. certainty about the content of the law,
2. certainty that the law will be enforced
3. certainty that the law will be applied consistently.

Group 6

Legal normative dicument

Circular: thông tư

Joint circular: thông tư liên tịch

2 main sources of law

Customary law: tập quán pháp

Legal normative document (diêu 4 quan trong nhat): VBQPPL ( chinh và chủ yếu)

Tập quán trước – nâng lên thành pháp luật, thói quen lập đi trong cộng đồng, sự công nhận của cd9
với 1 quy taqc81 xử sự (cơi trầu là đầu câu chuyện trong cưới hỏi,

Precedent: Án lệ / tiền lệ pháp

([3:35 CH] Nguyễn Khánh Phương

2010: Công ty X tranh chấp Công ty Y tình tiết A,B,C => Công ty X thắng kiện

Năm 2022 -> sd án lệ phân quyết cho cty M , N

2022: Công ty M tranh chấp Công ty N, tình tiết A,B,C => tòa án Công ty M thắng kiện)
3 official sources of law VN:

1. VBQPPL [Luật ban hành VBQPPL- Điều 4],

2. Án lệ: precedent

3. Tập quán pháp

He thong PL VN

Nguon luat noi tim thay thay wuy dinh phat PL ( khac quy tac xu su trong XH: social norms – ko bat
buoc/ xu phat, che tai/ ko do co quan nhà nuoc ban hanh)

PL: nha nuoic ban hanh/ bat buoc/ che tai

Hiệu lực hồi tố/ retrospective (nhân đạo – 1999/2005/2008 - 2005)

Bất hồi tố: có hiệu luật từ ngày hiệu luật

Điều 156/ 152

Officail letters: not a legal normative document but also important

Sole proprietorship: ko có tư cách pháp nhân

Nói đến ‘Công ty’ – legal entities (pháp nhân) – clause 74: luật dân sự 2015

Sole proprietorship – khác – propritor: S.P ko có tư cách pháp nhân nên ko có bank account riêng, ko
thể đi vay

Cty hợp doanh – tư cách pháp nhân – có tài sản riêng độc lập – có thể kiện cty hợp doanh

2 loại:

Thành viên hợp doanh: thành viên chịu trách nhiệm vô hạn (cá nhân)

Thanh viên góp vốn: thành viên chịu trách nhiệm hữu hạn (cty)


Hạn chế thanh viên hợp danh 180

Hạn chế thanh viên góp vốn 187

Điều 181 quyền tv hợp doanh (181/1/b/)

Quyết định trong cty: 1 person 1 vote, nhân danh công ty

LLC wants to raise more capital: more owners / more Money of current owners

According to Article 53, clause 3 of the Law on Enterprise 2020, the Fubon company is not

“In case a member that is an individual is incapacitated, has limited legal capacity or has difficulty
controlling his/her behaviors, his/her rights and obligations shall be performed through his/her

According to Article 12, clause 5,6 of the Law on Enterprise 2020, Mr. Hoang is no longer the legal
representative, so the remaining members automatically act as the legal representative of the
company until a new decision is made by the Members' Council, about the company's legal

According to Article 53, Clause 4, Point c of the Law on Enterprise 2020, if La Minh JSC goes
bankrupt, Fubon will not go bankrupt.

Theo điều 53 khoản 3 của Luật doanh nghiệp 2020, công ty Fubon không bị chấm dứt hợp đồng. -
Theo điều 12 khoản 5,6 của Luật doanh nghiệp 2020, ông Hoàng không còn là người đại diện theo
pháp luật nữa nên thành viên còn lại đương nhiên làm người đại diện theo pháp luật của công ty cho
đến khi có quyết định mới của Hội đồng thành viên, về người đại diện theo pháp luật của công ty.-
Theo điều 53 khoản 4 điểm c của Luật doanh nghiệp 2020, nếu công ty CP La Minh bị phá sản thì
công ty Fubon không bị phá sản

10.If Mr. Hoang (the legal representative of the Company) loses hiscapacity for civil act (according to
the Court's judgment), will Fubonbe terminated? How to handle this case? If La Minh Joint Stock
Company goes bankrupt, will Fubongo bankrupt as well?
Một người là chủ sở hữu một tài sản, tài sản bị người khác chiếm bất hợp pháp, người chủ sở hữu
hợp pháp có quyền kiện đòi tài sản

 Pháp luật bảo vệ chủ sở hữu hợp pháp

Article 165 Lawful possession

1. Lawful possession is the possession of property in the following circumstances:

(a) The owner possesses the property;

(b) A person is authorized by the owner to manage the property;

(c) A person is transferred the right to possess through a civil transaction in accordance with

(d) A person finds and keeps, in accordance with conditions provided by this Code or by
other relevant laws, property which has no owner, property for which no owner is able to
be determined, or property which has been dropped, forgotten, buried, hidden, covered or

(dd) A person finds and keeps, in accordance with the conditions provided by this Code or
by other relevant laws, domestic animals, poultry or aquaculture stock which have been

(e) Other cases as provided by law.

Article 188 Right to possess of persons to whom property is delivered through civil

1. Where an owner delivers property to another person through a civil transaction which
does not include the transfer of ownership rights, the person to whom the property is
delivered must undertake the possession of such property in a manner consistent with the
purpose and content13 of the transaction.

2. The person to whom the property is delivered has the right to use such property and is
entitled to transfer the right to possess and use the property to another person if the owner
so agrees.

3. The person to whom the property is delivered is not able to become the owner of that
property in accordance with article 236 of this Code

Điều 188 Quyền chiếm hữu của người được giao tài sản thông qua giao dịch dân sự
1. Trường hợp chủ sở hữu giao tài sản cho người khác thông qua giao dịch dân sự không bao gồm
chuyển quyền sở hữu thì người được giao tài sản phải có hành vi chiếm hữu tài sản đó phù hợp với
mục đích và nội dung13 của Giao dịch.

2. Người được giao tài sản có quyền sử dụng tài sản đó, được chuyển giao quyền chiếm hữu, sử
dụng tài sản cho người khác nếu được chủ sở hữu đồng ý.

3. Người được giao tài sản không được trở thành chủ sở hữu theo quy định tại Điều 236 của Bộ luật

Article 230 Creation of ownership rights with respect to property which other persons have lost or

1. A person finding a property which another person has lost or mislaid and being aware of the

of the person having lost or mislaid the property must inform or return the property to such person.

[the finder] is not aware of the address of the person having lost or mislaid the object, it must inform

or deliver the object to the people's committee or police station of the nearest commune in order

a public announcement may be made notifying the owner to reclaim the property.

The people's committee or police station of the commune which received the property must notify

the finder of the results of their inquiries in order to determine the owner.

2. If, after one year from the date of the public announcement of the property which some other

has lost or mislaid, the owner of the object is still not able to be identified or the owner does not

the property, the ownership rights with respect to such property shall be determined as follows:

(a) If the value of the lost or mislaid property is less than or equal to ten (10) times the basic wage

rate provided by the State, the finder shall be permitted to create the ownership rights with

respect to such property in accordance with this Code and other relevant laws. If the value of

the property found is more than ten (10) times the basic wage rate provided by the State, after

deducting costs of preservation, the finder shall be entitled to the value of ten (10) times the

basic wage rate provided by the State plus fifty (50) per cent of the remaining value of the
property in excess of ten (10) times the basic wage rate provided by the State, with the

remaining value belonging to the State.

(b) A lost or mislaid property which belongs to an historic or cultural relic as provided in the Law

on Cultural Relics shall belong to the State. The finder shall be entitled to a monetary reward

in accordance with law.

123 – 124


Conditions for effective civil transactions

1. A civil transaction shall be effective when it satisfies all of the following conditions:

 Allens - Vietnam Laws Online Database on 35

(a) The subjects have civil legal capacity and capacity for civil acts appropriate to the established

civil transaction;

(b) The subjects participating in the transaction act entirely voluntarily;

(c) The objective and contents of the civil transaction are not contrary to the law or social morals

128 - 129 – 130

2 trường hợp vô hiệu: vô hiệu toan bộ (các bên trả lại cho nhau những gì đã nhận), vô hiệu một phần


The contract is cancelled or unilaterally terminated

6. The contract is terminated in accordance with article 420 of this Code

Performance of contracts when circumstances change substantially

1. Circumstances shall [be deemed to] change substantially when the following conditions are

(d) The continuation of performance of the contract without changing the contents of the
contract will cause serious loss and damage to one party;

Article 428 Unilateral termination of performance of contracts 1. A party has the right to
terminate unilaterally the performance of a contract and is not required to pay compensation
for loss and damage if the other party commits a serious breach of the obligations stipulated in
the contract or if so agreed by the parties or so provided by law.

Giao dịch dân sự

- Labor contracts (labor code – specialized law): signed by employees & employers
- Commercial contracts (commercial law – specialized law): at least 01 party as a
businessman -> making profit
- Civil contracts

Có hanh vi vi phạm

Có thiệt hại

Có quaqn hệ nhân quả

16-19: luật trọng tài

Nộp đơn – án phí – tổ chức phiên tòa sơ thẩm

Tòa án nơi bị đơn có trụ sở chinh

1 bên bị đe dọa kí hợp đồng, hợp đồng có thỏa thuận trọng tài, cần có tuyên bố rằng minh bị ép
buộc thì thoả thuận trọng tài vô hiệu

Nếu 2 bên đồng ý đưa tanh chấp trọng tài thì ko vô hiệu

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