Task 1

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Task 1: Product Conceptualization (Group work)

Direction: Using the space and figures below, develop your own concept for your product or
service. Utilize belts in every stage of product conceptualization in listing important key ideas.

7. Prepare a Development Plan 1.Identity Customer needs 2. Target Specifications

•Perfect the recipe, balancing cheese To identify customers' needs The target specifications are
and saba flavors, and ensure in selling a product, consider established after the customer
consistent quality. •Define a unique conducting market research, needs have been identified but
selling proposition and create a surveys, and interviews to before the product concepts have
compelling brand identity. •Establish understand their preferences, been generated and most
distribution channels and develop a pain points, and desires. promising one(s) selected. The
marketing strategy to reach the target Analyze feedback, observe process of establishing the target
audience. •Prioritize customer behavior, and leverage data specification contains four steps:
satisfaction, and gather feedback for analytics to identify patterns Prepare the list of metrics.
improvement. •Implement quality and trends. Additionally, stay
control measures to maintain product updated on industry
quality and compliance. developments and competitor
offerings to tailor your product 3. Analyze a Competitive
to meet customers' evolving Product
A competitive product analysis is
6. Refine Product Specification a strategy that involves
REFINE PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS * researching major competitors
SET TARGET SPECIFICATION >based to gain insight into their
on customer needs and benchmarks products, sales, and marketing
>develop metrics for each need >set tactics. Implementing stronger
ideal and acceptable *REFINE business strategies, warding off
SPECIFICATION >based on selected competitors, and capturing
concept and feasibility testing market share are just a few
>technical modeling >trade-offs are benefits of conducting a
critical *REFLECT ON THE RESULTS competitive market analysis.
AND THE PROCESS > critical for
ongoing improvement

4. General Product Concept

5. Select a product Concept
General product concept Chessy
Cheesy Saba balls can be described as a Saba balls are a unique combination
delicious snack made from ripe Saba bananas of sweet and savory flavors. To make
filled with melted cheese theses concept can them, you can mix mashed bananas
be compared to other foods that have a with shredded cheese, form small
crispy outer layer and a soft cheesy filling. balls, and then fry until golden
The cheesy Saba balls product is a brown.
homemade special snack that customer have
a delicious combination snack of ripe Saba
bananas and melted cheese.

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