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One day, a couple came to our house to seek a blessing before parting ways in court. They told

me that they had failed to forgive each other and they were ready for divorce and the reason for

coming forward was not to seek counseling but to seek for a blessing from the pastor because

they wedded in church.

Firstly, I met the lady separately and she explained that she was tired with the extramarital affairs

of the man. She said that the man had been caught with other women more than four times and

she was now tired of forgiving him. I started by thanking her for the good work of forgiving her

husband and moved on to point out that according to Colossians 3:13, we are to forgive just as

God has done it to us. I also reminded her that Jesus said that if a brother sins against us we

ought to forgive seventy times seven per day. I pointed out to her that it was important to give

him yet another chance.

Secondly, I did confront the man in a separate room and pointed out his shortfalls. I told him that

according to Proverbs 28:13, someone who hides his sins will never prosper, but he who

confesses and repents receives mercy. I also pointed out to him the difficulties into which their

only son would be plunged into if they divorced. After a thorough talk he indicated that he would

consider changing the decision and go for confession and repentance instead.

Finally, I brought the two together for a final talk. The man confessed his sin and asked for

forgiveness from his wife. She forgave him amidst tears. They withdrew from divorcing and they

are happily living together to date. They came back to the manse to confirm their withdrawal of

the divorce and appreciated the mediation work which I did with God’s help.

Due Date: 03/December/2014 for Pof: Dr Yobbe Lungu

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