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JS Application Deployment on
Windows Server using IIS
Step 1: Run the command npm run build to build the project................................................................1
Step 2: Run the command npm run generate to create dist folder.........................................................1
Step3: Copy the dist folder to the IIS root folder file ( C:\inetpub\wwwroot).........................................2
Step 4: Search and Open IIS (Internet Information Services) right click on Sites and Add a Website......2
Step 5: Fill the Site Name, set the Physical Path to point to the IIS root folder where we transferred
the dist file and change app port to a port that is not used by any app..................................................3
Step 6: Search for Windows Firewall with Advanced Security if it doesn’t exist search for Windows
Defender Firewall and in the new window that opens click Advanced Settings......................................4
Step 7: Click on Inbound Rules on the left...............................................................................................4
Step 8: Click on New Rule on the Right....................................................................................................5
Step 9: The New inbound rule wizard will open, select Port and click Next............................................5
Step 10: In Does this rule apply to TCP or UDP? -> Select TCP. Then enter port number
(9797) in specific local ports textbox (this is the port that we used for our application in
the IIS Manager). Then click Next >..................................................................................................6
Step 11: In the next Window select “Allow the connection” and click Next >.........................................6
Step 12: In the Profile Window select required ones, if not sure then select all and click Next..............7
Step 13: In the final window, give this Firewall rule a Name and Description, so you know for what
purpose you created this. Then click finish..............................................................................................7
Step 14: Open the web-site from another computer using the public ip address of the server and the
port that was used by the app `{serveripaddress}:{port}`.......................................................................7
Step 1: Run the command npm run build to build the project

Step 2: Run the command npm run generate to create dist folder

Step3: Copy the dist folder to the IIS root folder file ( C:\inetpub\wwwroot)
Step 4: Search and Open IIS (Internet Information Services) right click on Sites and Add
a Website
Step 5: Fill the Site Name, set the Physical Path to point to the IIS root folder where we
transferred the dist file and change app port to a port that is not used by any app.
Step 6: Search for Windows Firewall with Advanced Security if it doesn’t exist search for
Windows Defender Firewall and in the new window that opens click Advanced Settings.

Step 7: Click on Inbound Rules on the left

Step 8: Click on New Rule on the Right

Step 9: The New inbound rule wizard will open, select Port and click Next.

Step 10: In Does this rule apply to TCP or UDP? -> Select TCP. Then enter port
number (9797) in specific local ports textbox (this is the port that we used for
our application in the IIS Manager). Then click Next >.
Step 11: In the next Window select “Allow the connection” and click Next >

Step 12: In the Profile Window select required ones, if not sure then select all and click
Step 13: In the final window, give this Firewall rule a Name and Description, so you
know for what purpose you created this. Then click finish.

Step 14: Open the web-site from another computer using the public ip address of the
server and the port that was used by the app `{serveripaddress}:{port}`

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