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Kanchan N Ghule

Roll no 129
Paper I

Depiction of Ambedkarite Philosophy in Selected Books of Dr. B.R.

Ambedkar: A Research Review

Ms Kanchan NavnathGhule
Department of English
Kalikadevi Arts, Science and Commerce College
Dr.Korde R.C.
Department of English
Kalikadevi Arts, Science and Commerce College

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, an eminent social reformer and the architect of the Indian Constitution, left an
indelible mark on Indian society through his profound philosophy. This research review delves into
the depiction of Ambedkarite philosophy as portrayed in select books authored by Dr. Ambedkar
himself. The study aims to analyze the core tenets of Ambedkarism and their representation in his
literary works, exploring their relevance in contemporary societal contexts.

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's ideologies continue to resonate powerfully in contemporary Indian society,
particularly among marginalized communities. His philosophical framework, known as
Ambedkarism, encompasses principles of social justice, equality, and empowerment. This research
review examines how Dr. Ambedkar articulates his philosophy through his written works, shedding
light on the enduring impact of his ideas.

Literature Review:
Ambedkar's literary corpus comprises a diverse range of texts, including "Annihilation of Caste,"
"The Buddha and His Dhamma," "The Problem of the Rupee," and "The Untouchables: Who Were
They and Why They Became Untouchables." These texts serve as repositories of Ambedkarite
philosophy, elucidating his critique of caste-based discrimination, advocacy for Dalit rights, and
advocacy for the marginalized.
This research review employs a qualitative analysis of select books authored by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
By closely examining the themes, arguments, and rhetorical strategies employed in these texts, the
study seeks to elucidate the foundational principles of Ambedkarite philosophy and their portrayal in
Dr. Ambedkar's writings.

The analysis reveals that Ambedkarite philosophy is characterized by a staunch rejection of caste
hierarchy and a fervent commitment to social equality. Through his writings, Dr. Ambedkar critiques
the oppressive caste system, advocates for the annihilation of caste, and promotes the empowerment
of marginalized communities. Moreover, his emphasis on education, political representation, and
economic independence emerges as central themes in his philosophical discourse.

The depiction of Ambedkarite philosophy in Dr. Ambedkar's books underscores its enduring
relevance in addressing contemporary social inequities. His ideas continue to inspire social
movements and policy interventions aimed at combating caste discrimination and promoting inclusive
development. Furthermore, the integration of Ambedkarite principles into academic curricula and
public discourse fosters a deeper understanding of social justice issues and paves the way for
transformative change.

In conclusion, this research review highlights the significance of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's literary legacy
in elucidating the principles of Ambedkarite philosophy. By examining his selected books, the study
underscores the timeless relevance of his ideas and their potential to catalyze social transformation.
As we navigate the complexities of modern society, Dr. Ambedkar's vision of an egalitarian and just
society remains a guiding beacon for collective action and progressive change.


 Singariya, M.R.“Dr B R Ambedkar and Women Empowerment in India” Quest

Journals, Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science, Volume 2~ Issue 1
(2014) pp: 01-04 ISSN(Online) :2321-9467
 Narke, Hari. Edited. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writing and Speeches, by B.R.
Ambedkar, Vol. 3 (1987), second Editition, Higher and Technical Education
Department, Government of aharashtra, Mumbai, 2008.
 Government of India: (2001) “The National Policy for the Empowerment of Women
2001”, Department of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Human Resource
Development, New Delhi.

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