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978284 ANP ANZJP ArticlesTan et al.


Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry

Decreased integration of the 2021, Vol. 55(6) 577­–587
DOI: 10.1177/0004867420978284

frontoparietal network during a © The Royal Australian and

New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 2020

working memory task in major Article reuse guidelines:
depressive disorder

Editor’s Choice
Wenjian Tan1,2, Zhening Liu1,2, Chang Xi1,2, Mengjie Deng1,2,
Yicheng Long1,2, Lena Palaniyappan3,4,5 and Jie Yang1,2

Background: Working memory deficits are a common feature in major depressive disorder and are associated with
poor functional outcomes. Intact working memory performance requires the recruitment of large-scale brain networks.
However, it is unknown how the disrupted recruitment of distributed regions belonging to these large-scale networks
at the whole-brain level brings about working memory impairment seen in major depressive disorder.
Methods: We used graph theory to examine the functional connectomic metrics (local and global efficiency) at the
whole-brain and large-scale network levels in 38 patients with major depressive disorder and 41 healthy controls during
a working memory task. Altered connectomic metrics were studied in a moderation model relating to clinical symptoms
and working memory accuracy in patients, and a machine learning method was employed to assess whether these met-
rics carry enough illness-specific information to discriminate patients from controls.
Results: Global efficiency of the frontoparietal network was reduced in major depressive disorder (false discovery
rate corrected, p = 0.014); this reduction predicted worse working memory performance in patients with less severe
illness burden indexed by Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (β =–0.43, p = 0.035, t =–2.2, 95% confidence interval = [–0.043,–
0.002]). We achieved a classification accuracy and area under the curve of 73.42% and 0.734, respectively, to dis-
criminate patients from controls based on connectomic metrics, and the global efficiency of the frontoparietal network
contributed most to the diagnostic classification.
Conclusions: We report a putative mechanistic link between the global efficiency of the frontoparietal network and
impaired n-back performance in major depressive disorder. This relationship is more pronounced at lower levels of
symptom burden, indicating the possibility of multiple pathways to cognitive deficits in severe major depressive disorder.

Major depressive disorder, functional connectome, global efficiency, frontoparietal, working memory

Introduction 1
 epartment of Psychiatry, The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central
South University, Changsha, China
Major depressive disorder (MDD), characterized by low 2
National Clinical Research Center for Mental Disorders, The Second
self-esteem, loss of interest in normally enjoyable activi- Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, Changsha, China
Department of Psychiatry, University of Western Ontario, London,
ties and low energy, is the second largest cause of disabil-
ON, Canada
ity worldwide. In addition to mood changes, notable 4
Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario, London,
neurocognitive impairments also occur in patients with ON, Canada
MDD (Ahern and Semkovska, 2017), affecting a large 5
Lawson Health Research Institute, London, ON, Canada
number of cognitive domains including processing speed,
Corresponding author:
learning and memory. Neurocognitive impairments predict Jie Yang, Department of Psychiatry, The Second Xiangya Hospital of
poor response to treatment (Roiser et al., 2011), and ‘cog- Central South University, Changsha 410011, Hunan, China.
nitive remission’ is increasingly discussed as a therapeutic Email:

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578 ANZJP Articles

target to improve functioning and prevent relapses in MDD Rating Scale [BPRS]) relates to cognitive dysfunction (Zhu
(Bortolato et al., 2016). et al., 2019). In other words, lack of effort may occur in the
Of the various neurocognitive deficits, working memory presence of high symptom severity, affecting WM perfor-
(WM) deficits, the failure to represent, maintain and update mance, while in the presence of low symptom burden, an
information in a short term (Baddeley, 1992), have been extensive connectomic disruption may be required to pro-
observed both in acute depression and in a proportion of duce the same degree of WM deficits. We tested the hypoth-
patients after remission from psychopathological symp- esis that the relationship between clinical symptom burden
toms (Reppermund et al., 2009). Patients with MDD exhibit and WM performance in MDD is moderated by task-related
delayed reaction time accompanied by reduced accuracy of connectome properties.
WM performance when compared with healthy controls The human brain appears to possess a high efficiency for
(HCs) (Rose and Ebmeier, 2006). Such WM deficits sig- information transfer to adapt to a complicated and change-
nificantly correlate with the number of hospitalizations and able environment (Bullmore and Sporns, 2012). We assess
the longitudinal course of the depressive illness (Harvey whether putative measures of this information transfer effi-
et al., 2004). ciency are altered in patients with MDD during WM pro-
Previous studies investigating the neurobiological cessing. In network science, ‘local efficiency’ and ‘global
mechanism of impaired WM in MDD implicate extensive efficiency’ are the most intuitive network properties to
brain regions. Patients with MDD display abnormal pre- measure the information transfer efficiency. Local effi-
frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital and subcortical activa- ciency denotes the mean local efficiency of information
tion during WM tasks (Wang et al., 2015; Yuksel et al., transfer in the immediate neighborhood of each node or the
2018). This pattern indicates an aberration in the co-activa- fault tolerance of a network in terms of local information
tions of diverse regions, related to aberrant pattern of large- processing (Latora and Marchiori, 2001), and global effi-
scale information-processing networks that underwrite task ciency denotes the overall capacity for parallel information
performance. For example, the failure to suppress the transfer and integrated processing (Bullmore and Sporns,
default-mode network (DMN) (Bartova et al., 2015) and 2012). The associations between global and local efficiency
the hypoconnectivity of the frontoparietal network (FPN) with cognition have been highlighted in previous studies
has been observed in patients with MDD during WM pro- (Sheffield et al., 2015), and it has been reported that patients
cessing (Vasic et al., 2009). As a flexible hub of cognitive with MDD showed altered global and local efficiency of
control (Zanto and Gazzaley, 2013), FPN plays a crucial the whole-brain and large-scale networks in both resting-
role in the top-down modulation of attention preparation state studies (Meng et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2017) and
and orientation during WM processing (Wallis et al., 2015), when performing tasks involving emotion processing (Park
and the integrity of its microstructural connectivity seems et al., 2014). However, it is unclear whether the functional
to predict WM performance (Burzynska et al., 2011). connectomic metrics are aberrant when performing a WM
Relevant to this work, mounting evidence suggests a prom- task in patients with MDD.
inent role for both cingulo-opercular (Huang et al., 2020) This study aimed to investigate the functional connec-
and FPN abnormalities in the WM deficits of MDD (Vasic tome of patients with MDD during WM performance. To
et al., 2009; Yuksel et al., 2018). this end, we constructed weighted networks from 2-back
Many previous studies that explored the neuroimaging WM functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data.
correlates of the WM deficits in MDD have failed to study Given our prior observation of bipolar depression and the
task-related disruptions that occur at a more systemically prior reports from other groups using resting-state fMRI
organized connectomic level. Nevertheless, the functional studies (Meng et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2017), we expected
connectome topology has been acknowledged to be critical reduced global but increased local efficiency in MDD. This
for understanding clinical symptoms (Gong and He, 2015), pattern would indicate a reduced connectome-level integra-
on one hand, and cognitive impairment (Sheffield et al., tion but an increased network-level segregation affecting
2017), on the other, as system-level disruptions are more task performance. Given the critical role of frontoparietal
sensitive markers of emergent functions such as cognition and cingulo-opercular networks in the n-back task, we also
and behavior (Bullmore and Sporns, 2012). We have previ- hypothesized that the changes in connectomic properties
ously employed graph theory and reported a mechanistic will specifically involve these networks. We also explored
link between connectome topology and impaired n-back whether clinical symptoms were associated with WM per-
performance in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (Yang formance and whether this relationship will be influenced
et al., 2020a, 2020b), and further found the moderating by altered global and local efficiency of brain networks.
effect of connectome properties on the relationship between Finally, we employed a Support Vector Machine (SVM)
clinical symptoms and WM performance. In fact, irrespec- approach to test whether the topological metrics from WM
tive of the diagnosis, the severity of certain psychiatric fMRI data carry sufficient illness-specific information to
symptoms such as lack of motivation, apathy and anhedo- discriminate the patterns observed in a patient with MDD
nia (negative symptoms as determined by Brief Psychiatric from that of controls.

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Table 1. Demographic, neuropsychological and behavioral data.

Patients with MDD HCs t/χ2 p

(n = 38) (n = 41)
Age (years) 27.3 ± 6.4 25.5 ± 4.6 1.4 0.17

Gender (M/F) 24/14 20/22 1.94 0.16

Education (years) 12.8 ± 3.2 14.7 ± 2.5 −2.85 0.006*

Illness duration (months) 45.17 ± 67.68 N/A N/A N/A

Treat duration (days) 24.49 ± 59.70 N/A N/A N/A

HAMD 20.46 ± 4.46 N/A N/A N/A

HAMA 16.22 ± 8.03 N/A N/A N/A

BPRS 29.30 ± 6.12 N/A N/A N/A

WAIS_information 17.7 ± 6 21.3 ± 5.1 −2.75 0.007*

WAIS_digit_Sym 74 ± 18.2 91.1 ± 15.1 −4.4 < 0.001*

Target_ACC_2back (%) 65.6 ± 21.8 75.9 ± 17.4 −2.2 0.032*

Target_ACC_0back (%) 88.6 ± 15.2 91 ± 17.7 −0.54 0.59

Target_RTC_2back (ms) 705.34 ± 200.9 673.59 ± 145.78 0.76 0.45

Target_RTC_0back (ms) 517.03 ± 102.04 500.96 ± 107.39 0.64 0.52

MDD, major depressive disorder; HC, healthy control; n, number; HAMD, 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; HAMA, Hamilton Anxiety
Rating Scale; BPRS, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; WAIS_information, information subscale of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale–Chinese Revised;
WAIS_digit_Sym, digit symbol subscale of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale–Chinese Revised; N/A, not available. Target_ACC_2back, mean
accuracy rate of the target under the 2-back load; Target_ACC_0back, mean accuracy rate of the target under the 0-back load; Target_RTC_2back,
mean response time of the target under the 2-back load; Target_RTC_0back, mean response time of the target under the 0-back load.

Methods and materials assessed with the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
(HAMD) (Hamilton, 1960), Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale
Participants (HAMA) (Hamilton, 1959), and the BPRS (John and Overall,
All study procedures were approved by the medical ethics 1962) for patients with MDD. Details are presented in Table 1.
committee of the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South Patients with MDD were excluded if they met the following
University. Before obtaining consent, the capacity to pro- criteria: (1) aged less than 18 years or greater than 45 years;
vide informed consent of all potential participants was (2) previous electroconvulsive therapy and any other con-
ascertained by two licensed psychiatrists. All participants traindications to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); (3) his-
were right-handed native Chinese speakers and they were tory of alcohol or substance abuse except nicotine; (4)
provided written informed consent for the protocols chronic neurological disorders or debilitating physical ill-
approved by the Department of Psychiatry, the Second ness; and (5) benzodiazepine treatment, if any, stopped less
Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, China. All than 24 hours before scanning.
study procedures were conducted in strict accordance with HCs were recruited using the Structured Clinical
the Declaration of Helsinki. Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders, Research Version,
The study cohort comprised 48 patients with MDD and Non-patient Edition (SCID-I/NP). The inclusion and exclu-
48 HCs matched for age and gender. Patients were confirmed sion criteria for HCs were the same as those for patients
to meet the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of except that they did not meet the Diagnostic and Statistical
Mental Disorders, 4th edition) criteria for MDD (First et al., Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5) criteria
1995). Diagnostic procedures include medical history infor- for any mental disorders, and their first-degree relatives
mation collected from patients and their families, as well as had no history of any psychiatric disorders.
careful medical, neurological and psychiatric examinations All subjects were assessed for cognitive functions with
performed by a clinical psychiatrist. Clinical symptoms were information and digit symbol subscales of Wechsler Adult

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Intelligence Scale–Chinese Revised (WAIS-CR) (Gong, 2-back and 0-back conditions consist of 80 volumes,
1983) to measure verbal comprehension and processing respectively. A detailed description of this paradigm is
speed, respectively. Details are presented in Table 1. given in Supplemental S1.
In the construction process of functional connection
matrix, we only concatenated the 80 fMRI volumes
MRI data acquisition and preprocessing
obtained under the four blocks of 2-back performance (He
All imaging scans were performed on a Philips Achieva 3T et al., 2012) in line with our prior works (Yang et al., 2020a,
scanner with an 8-channel head coil using gradient-recalled 2020b), for the 0-back is not considered to be a real WM
echo-planar imaging (EPI) pulse sequence. The parameters task. The mean time series was extracted from each of the
are as follows: repetition time (TR) = 2000 ms, echo time 264 nodes using 6 mm spheres defined by the Power atlas
(TE) = 30 ms, flip angle = 90°, field of view (FOV) = 240× (Power et al., 2011). A 264 × 264 symmetric matrix was
240 mm2, matrix = 64 × 64, slices = 36, slice thickness = generated for each participant by computing the Pearson’s
4 mm, gap = 0 mm, and total volumes = 250. correlation coefficients between the time series for each
Data preprocessing was carried out using the DPABI pair of regions of interest (ROIs). The resultant matrix was
toolbox (Yan et al., 2016). We discarded the first two converted to normally distributed scores using the Fisher z
images to adjust for magnetic saturation delay, and the transformation, and the variance due to the linear effects of
remaining 248 volumes were obtained for further analyses. age, gender and education years was removed to derive the
The preprocessing procedure includes the following steps: corrected symmetric matrix. Global and local efficiency
slice timing correction, head motion realignment, spatial were calculated on a series of weighted adjacency matrices
normalization with the brain template of Montreal with different densities, ranging from top 10% to 50% of all
Neurologic Institute (MNI) and smoothing (full width at connections, with 2% increments, using scripts from the
half maximum [FWHM] = 8 mm). Nuisance covariates Brain Connectivity Toolbox (www.brain-connectivity-tool-
including 12 head motion parameters, white matter, ventri-
cle signals and temporal derivatives were regressed out. We further parcellated the 264 nodes of the whole brain
The global signal was not removed as recent studies have into 14 large-scale networks, including ‘auditory’, ‘visual’,
shown illness-related variance in global signals (Yang ‘cingulo-opercular’, ‘default mode’, ‘dorsal attention’,
et al., 2014). Displaced volumes (framewise displacement ‘frontoparietal’, ‘salience network’, ‘sensory/somatomotor
>0.5 mm) were interpolated by nearest-neighbor interpola- hand’, ‘subcortical network’, ‘ventral attention’, ‘sensory/
tion (Power et al., 2012). The exclusion criteria for sample somatomotor mouth’, ‘cerebellar’, ‘uncertain’ and ‘mem-
selection included the following: (1) head motions larger ory retrieval’ (Power et al., 2011). The nodes of each large-
than a 2.5-mm translation or 2.5° rotation in any direction, scale networks were isolated, and their global and local
and (2) fMRI data failed to normalize to MNI space, which efficiency were separately calculated on a series of weighted
is visually inspected by an experienced data analyst. After adjacency matrices with different densities. The density
quality control, a total of 38 patients with MDD and 41 HCs range was the same as that used in the whole-brain analysis
were included in the final analysis. We did not detect any (i.e. 0.1:0.02:0.5). A series of weighted adjacency matrices
difference in the total number of displaced volumes that corresponding to each network were reconstructed by the
were interpolated in two groups: patients group, mean nodes only belonging to that network. Four large-scale net-
(SD) = 17 (21.3); HCs, mean (SD) = 11.6 (13.2); p = 0.18. works, ‘sensory/somatomotor mouth’, ‘cerebellar’, ‘uncer-
tain’ and ‘memory retrieval’ network, had insufficient
number of nodes to meaningfully calculate sub-graph prop-
Network construction
erties and thus were excluded from further analysis.
The WM paradigm adopted in this study comprised ‘0-back’
and ‘2-back’ load conditions: the ‘0-back’ condition, in
Statistical analysis
which participants pressed a button each time when they
saw the letter ‘x’, and the ‘2-back’ condition, in which par- Analyses were conducted using SPSS statistical software,
ticipants pressed a button when the letter presented was version 22. Group-related differences in demographics, clin-
identical to what they saw two letters prior. Each letter was ical characteristics, WM performances and network proper-
displayed for 500 ms with an interstimulus interval of ties were analyzed using a two-sample t-test and χ2 tests. As
1500 ms. Each block comprised 20 stimuli containing seven network properties were calculated across densities, we first
targets and was preceded by an instruction shown for 2 sec- used functional data analysis (FDA) (Bassett et al., 2012) to
onds. During resting periods, subjects were instructed to synthesize values across densities. In the FDA, each network
fixate on a cross in the center of the screen for 20 seconds. metric curve is treated as a function (y = f (x)), and the sum of
Stimulation blocks and resting periods alternated within the differences in y-values is calculated across densities. It
experiment with a total of four 2-back and four 0-back should be noted that statistical maps of network metrics cal-
blocks. Each block contains 20 volumes, and therefore, the culated on all large-scale networks were generated after

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multiple-comparison analysis correction (false discovery Network properties

rate [FDR] corrected using the Benjamini–Hochberg method
with p < 0.05). At the whole-brain level, there were no significant differ-
ences in global efficiency—patients group, mean
(SD) = 0.558 (0.021); HCs, mean (SD) = 0.565 (0.012);
Exploratory analysis p = 0.065—and local efficiency—patients group, mean
Moderation analysis. We conducted linear regression analy- (SD) = 0.757 (0.015); HCs, mean (SD) = 0.756 (0.013);
ses to test the association of clinical symptoms, WM per- p = 0.61—between patients with MDD and HCs (see Figure 1
formance and network properties. In the linear regression and Table 2).
model, we defined the accuracy of 2-back as the dependent At the large-scale network level, patients with MDD
variable; clinical symptoms including HAMD, HAMA and showed significant decreased global efficiency in the FPN
BPRS as the predictor; and altered network properties as under 2-back—patients group, mean (SD) = 0.51 (0.037);
the moderator variable. HCs, mean (SD) = 0.53 (0.029); p = 0.0007; p-corrected =
0.014—in comparison with HCs. We did not detect any
Machine learning. We extracted all calculated network group difference in other large-scale networks after FDR
properties, including global and local efficiency of the correction (for detailed information about network metrics
whole brain and all large-scale networks (a total of 22 fea- of all large-scale networks, see Figure 2 and Table 2) for
tures) for the subsequent pattern recognition. We used global efficiency. None of the examined networks (includ-
Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) ing FPN) had significant changes in local efficiency when
as the feature selection algorithm and then used the Akaike compared with HCs.
information criterion (AIC) to find the best fitting model. Furthermore, examination of the 0-back control condi-
Notably, the feature selection procedure was performed tion revealed that topological changes attributable to simple
only on the training dataset. Features with non-zero regres- attention and motor function during the WM task are rela-
sion coefficients of the best fitting model were retrieved for tively small and insignificant (more information in
the subsequent classification using the SVM toolkit libsvm Supplemental S2 and Table S1).
( The kernel function
of the SVM was set as the sigmoid type, cost c = 10, and Exploratory analysis
other all related parameters were set as default to trade off
learning and extensibility (g = 1/number of all features and Moderation analysis. We further assessed whether the
coef = 0). We used the Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation to altered global efficiency of the FPN can moderate the
evaluate the general performance. The average prediction impact of clinical symptoms on WM performance or not.
accuracy, area under the curve (AUC), true positive rate for As shown in Figure 3, the global efficiency of FPN moder-
MDD and true positive rate for HCs were calculated to ated the relationship between BPRS and WM performance
evaluate the performance. The absolute values of the (β =–0.43, p = 0.035, t =–2.2, 95% confidence interval [CI]
regression coefficient of the best fitting model in each = [–0.043, –0.002]). The subscale scores of the BPRS are
round were summed to evaluate the discriminating ability presented in Supplemental Table S2. We did not find simi-
of the corresponding features for classification. lar effect for HAMD and HAMA scores.

Machine learning. We achieved classification results with

Results average accuracy, AUC, true positive rate for MDD and
true positive rate for HCs of 73.42%, 0.734, 73.7% and
Participant characteristics and 73.2%, respectively. We found that the global efficiency of
WM performance the FPN contributed most to the diagnostic classification.
The demographic and clinical variables are presented in The receiver operating characteristics and the contribution
Table 1. No significant group differences were detected in ratio of each feature in the diagnostic classification are dis-
age and gender. The patients group was undereducated in played in Figure 3 and Supplemental Table S3.
comparison with HCs: patients group, mean (SD) = 12.8
(3.2); HCs, mean (SD) = 14.7 (2.5); p = 0.006. The perfor-
mance of the patients group was worse than that of the HCs
in terms of the WAIS-CR information—patients group, To our knowledge, this is the first study to measure the
mean (SD) = 17.7 (6); HCs, mean (SD) = 21.3 (5.1); topology properties of the whole-brain and large-scale net-
p = 0.007; WAIS-CR digit symbol—patients group, mean works in patients with MDD during WM performance. We
(SD) = 74 (18.2); HCs, mean (SD) = 91.1 (15.1); p < 0.001; report two key observations. First, compared with HCs,
and accuracy of 2-back—patients group, mean (SD) = 65.6 there is a diminished global efficiency of the FPN in
(21.8); HCs, mean (SD) = 75.9 (17.4); p = 0.032. patients with MDD. Second, in the presence of less severe

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Figure 1. Global and local efficiency of the whole-brain functional connectome calculated on Power atlas in all groups.

The range of densities is 0.1:0.02:0.5.

illness burden as indexed by BPRS, a decrease in global local efficiency (segregation) at the whole-brain level,
efficiency of the FPN is associated with decreased WM though in MDD subjects the topological changes were
accuracy. The results from SVM analysis also indicate that restricted to FPN.
the interplay between various levels of topological param- In addition to our findings, empirical evidence from
eters carries sufficient illness-specific information relevant resting-state neuroimaging research has highlighted FPN
to MDD, and the global efficiency of the FPN contributed dysfunction involved in the pathophysiological mecha-
most to the diagnostic classification. Nevertheless, with the nisms of MDD. A meta-analysis has denoted that MDD was
modest classification accuracy, we urge caution in using the characterized by hypoconnectivity within the FPN (Kaiser
reported connectomic pattern to predict depression at a et al., 2015), and a prior study extended this notion and sug-
single-subject level. gested that the graded disruptions of FPN connectivity
This study denotes a diminished global efficiency of the were associated with the presence of affective and psy-
FPN in patients with MDD, but no whole-brain topology chotic illnesses (Baker et al., 2019). As the flexible hub of
alteration was observed. Prior studies have suggested that cognitive control (Zanto and Gazzaley, 2013), FPN plays a
WM deficits are common to affective and psychotic ill- crucial role in WM processing, and its microstructure con-
nesses (Lewandowski et al., 2014), and we have reported nections can predict the WM performance (Burzynska
altered whole-brain topology in schizophrenia and bipolar et al., 2011). Neural components that composed the FPN,
depression during WM processing in our prior work (Yang such as dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), parietal
et al., 2020a, 2020b). The absence of the whole-brain con- cortex and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), have shown
nectomic deficits in MDD during task performance may their WM-related abnormal activation (Fitzgerald et al.,
underlie the smaller effect sizes of WM impairments in 2008; Harvey et al., 2005; Matsuo et al., 2007), and the
MDD compared with the other two mental disorders. hypoconnectivity within the FPN has also been observed in
Partially consistent with this study, our prior work has also MDD during WM processing (Vasic et al., 2009). This
reported that the nodes located in FPN showed altered study adds to this literature by revealing significantly
nodal network metrics in schizophrenia (Yang et al., reduced global efficiency of FPN in MDD during WM
2020b). Combined evidence from the current and our pre- performance.
vious research may suggest that the neurobiological mecha- There is a theory suggesting that transient, flexible coor-
nism related to WM impairment across affective and dination across distal brain regions and networks (i.e. net-
psychotic illnesses has some overlap at the global level, work integration) is necessary for complex cognition (Fries,
with bipolar illness and schizophrenia showing increased 2005). Consistent with this theory, previous studies have

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Table 2. Topology properties of functional connectome under the 2-back condition.

Measures Patients with MDD HCs p-value p-corrected t

Whole brain
Global efficiency 0.558 (0.021) 0.565 (0.012) 0.065 0.24 −1.87
Local efficiency 0.757 (0.015) 0.756 (0.013) 0.61 0.75 0.5

Global efficiency 0.46 (0.046) 0.48 (0.036) 0.025 0.2 −2.29
Local efficiency 0.55 (0.06) 0.55 (0.054) 0.8 0.85 −0.25

Global efficiency 0.47 (0.045) 0.49 (0.034) 0.21 0.46 −1.27
Local efficiency 0.57 (0.06) 0.59 (0.07) 0.22 0.46 −1.24

Global efficiency 0.56 (0.03) 0.57 (0.027) 0.11 0.35 −1.6
Local efficiency 0.75 (0.036) 0.75 (0.032) 0.24 0.46 −1.2

Global efficiency 0.45 (0.041) 0.47 (0.036) 0.06 0.24 −1.9
Local efficiency 0.53 (0.048) 0.5 (0.07) 0.054 0.24 1.96

Global efficiency 0.51 (0.037) 0.53 (0.029) 0.0007 0.015* −3.54*
Local efficiency 0.66 (0.049) 0.67 (0.035) 0.14 0.39 −1.5

Global efficiency 0.5 (0.034) 0.5 (0.038) 0.58 0.75 0.55
Local efficiency 0.61 (0.047) 0.62 (0.044) 0.85 0.85 −0.19

Global efficiency 0.53 (0.038) 0.54 (0.03) 0.31 0.52 −1.03
Local efficiency 0.71 (0.037) 0.71 (0.032) 0.47 0.73 −0.73

Global efficiency 0.47 (0.034) 0.48 (0.03) 0.027 0.2 −2.26
Local efficiency 0.54 (0.055) 0.54 (0.048) 0.84 0.85 0.2

Global efficiency 0.43 (0.04) 0.43 (0.04) 0.6 0.75 −0.5
Local efficiency 0.43 (0.08) 0.42 (0.07) 0.5 0.73 0.67

Global efficiency 0.53 (0.027) 0.53 (0.03) 0.7 0.81 0.39
Local efficiency 0.69 (0.028) 0.68 (0.03) 0.25 0.46 1.2

MDD, major depressive disorder; HC, healthy control; AN, auditory network; CON, cingulo-opercular network; DMN, default-mode network;
DAN, dorsal attention network; FPN, frontoparietal network; SN, salience network; SSHN, sensory somatomotor hand network; SBN, subcortical
network; VAN, ventral attention network; VN, visual network.

revealed that integration across distinct regions is critical integration during WM processing (Cohen and D’Esposito,
for the higher order cognitive functions, such as WM 2016) and increased integration associated with better
(Cohen and D’Esposito, 2016), whereas the increased seg- behavioral performance. Furthermore, previous associa-
regation appears critical for motor execution (Cohen and tions have been found between FPN efficiency and cogni-
D’Esposito, 2016). Healthy individuals showed increased tion (Sheffield et al., 2015). The decreased global efficiency

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Figure 2. Global and local efficiency of large-scale networks calculated on Power atlas in all groups. The range of densities is
0.1:0.02:0.5, and symbol ‘*’ represents p-corrected <0.05.

AN, auditory network; CON, cingulo-opercular network; DMN, default-mode network; DAN, dorsal attention network; FPN, frontoparietal
network; SN, salience network; SSHN, sensory somatomotor hand network; SCN, subcortical network; VAN, ventral attention network; VN, visual

observed in patients with MDD may indicate that a portion symptom burden. Second, when there are more severe
of distal connections are broken down, which may follow symptoms, especially of psychotic nature, multiple net-
with previous studies documenting the hypoconnectivity of works in addition to FPN may operate to affect cognition in
distal regions (e.g. the inferior parietal cortex and superior MDD.
prefrontal areas) of the FPN network in patients with MDD Brain stimulation tools, including repetitive transcranial
during WM performance (Vasic et al., 2009). This hypoc- magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and transcranial direct cur-
onnectivity may arise due to failure of co-activation of dis- rent stimulation (tDCS), have documented their effect on
tal regions. WM-related abnormal activation of the neural brain network regulation and can interfere with WM per-
components within FPN has a considerable heterogeneous formance (Lee and D’Esposito, 2012; Sandrini et al., 2012).
pattern (Wang et al., 2015); in other words, frontal hyperac- Selection of target location is also a knotty issue in brain
tivation may relate to parietal hypoactivation. Therefore, stimulation treatment; our findings suggest that the FPN is
these constellations may form a chain of evidence that a promising candidate network target. However, it must be
highlights WM-related aberrant activation, connectivity noted that the FPN covers extensive regions of the brain;
and altered connectomic properties of the FPN in the MDD. choosing a single node such as the DLPFC may bring about
The global efficiency of FPN moderated the relationship the desired changes in all cases. Connectivity-guided target
between BPRS and WM performance. In the presence of selection within FPN may help personalize non-invasive
lower BPRS scores, we observed an association between approaches for cognitive remission in MDD (Iwabuchi
decreased global efficiency of the FPN and decreased WM et al., 2019).
accuracy. We did not see the same effect with HAMD This study has several limitations. First, the total num-
scores, indicating that the distinct features such as psy- ber of included subjects was relatively small, which might
chotic symptoms captured by BPRS may mediate this rela- limit the general applicability of our findings. Further
tionship. This observation speaks to two important research with larger sample size is needed to probe the rela-
mechanistic inferences. First, if global efficiency is consid- tionship between WM performance and network proper-
ered the physiological index of effortful integration under- ties. Second, although the n-back paradigm strongly recruits
writing WM accuracy, then patients with lower symptom WM, the version used in our study did not contain different
burden (i.e. non-psychotic MDD) could increase WM accu- WM loads for us to examine the distinctive reorganization
racy to near-normal levels by making more physiological of brain networks in patients with MDD and HCs with load
effort. On the contrary, this may not be possible in those increased. Future investigations using more sophisticated
who are more severely unwell, especially with psychotic paradigm are needed to parse the network structure of

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Tan et al. 585

Figure 3. Exploratory analysis results. (A) The moderating model of the FPN global efficiency on the relation of BPRS and
WM performance. (B) The receiver operating characteristics of the machine learning analysis. (C) The contribution ratio of all
features to the diagnostic classification. There were seven features that did not involve in the diagnostic clarification as their
contribution ratio was zero: GE of the CON, GE of the DMN, GE of the DAN, LE of the FPN; LE of the SSHN, GE of the VAN
and GE of the VN.

FPN_GE: global efficiency of the frontoparietal network; WBN, whole-brain network; AN, auditory network; CON, cingulo-opercular network;
DMN, default-mode network; DAN, dorsal attention network; FPN, frontoparietal network; SN, salience network; SSHN, sensory somatomotor
hand network; SCN, subcortical network; VAN, ventral attention network; VN, visual network; LE, local efficiency; GE, global efficiency.

patients with MDD under different WM loads. Third, the Author Contributions
education level was not matched between patients with W.T. drafted the article. Z.L. helped with the conception and
MDD and HCs. Nevertheless, we have treated education design, and revised the article. C.X., M.D. and Y.L. helped with
years as a covariance factor to exclude its effect, and all acquisition of data. L.P. interpreted the results and drafted and
network properties were generated on the corrected sym- revised the article. J.Y. analyzed the data and drafted and revised
metric matrix. the article.
In this study, we report the decreased integration of the
FPN in patients with MDD during WM, and the findings of Data Availability Statement
our moderation model revealed that in the presence of less The data that support the findings of this study are available on
illness burden, increases in integration may be a viable pre- request from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly
cognition option. In this sense, the treatment strategies available due to privacy or ethical restrictions.
toward WM deficits should be precisely designed on the
current clinical symptom status of patients with MDD. For Declaration of Conflicting Interests
patients with less illness burden, cognitive strategies that
The author(s) declared the following potential conflicts of interest
increase global efficiency may be a feasible precognitive with respect to the research, authorship and/or publication of this
option. Brain stimulation tools that affect global efficiency article: L.P. reports personal fees from Otsuka Canada, SPMM
need to be evaluated for precognitive benefits in MDD with Course Limited, UK, Canadian Psychiatric Association; book
less illness burden. Encouraging preliminary results have royalties from Oxford University Press; and investigator-initiated
been achieved in this regard (Oliveira et al., 2013). educational grants from Janssen Canada, Sunovion and Otsuka

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