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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams


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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

The act of climbing or going up. (चढ़ाव)

Official agreement to or approval of an idea, plan, or request.
(अनम ु ति)

The way in which people in a particular area, country, or social
group pronounce words. (शब्‍दों‍के‍उच्‍
च़ारण‍क़ा िरीक़ा)

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams


1.He made her first successful ascent of Everest last year.

2.The director has given her assent to the proposal.

3.He speaks with a strong Bengali accent.

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

थ़ान‍में ‍प्रवेश‍
A way of entering or reaching a place. (ककसी‍स्‍

More than is necessary; too much. (अधिकि़ा)

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams


1.The only access to the village is by boat.

2.She has an excess of £200 on her home insurance


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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

To agree to take something. (स्वीक़ार‍करऩा)

Not including; but not. (अतिररक्ि)

To think or believe something will happen, or someone will
arrive. (उम्मीद‍रखऩा)

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

1.I shall have to accept these unpleasant working

2.They are expecting another child in January.

3.The museum is open daily except Monday.

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

The process of adapting or becoming accustomed to
a new climate or environment. (ढ़ालऩा)

Public approval and praise. (प्रशंस़ा)

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams


1.Jake needed a period of acclimation to get used to

the company's procedures and work flow.

2.His speech was greeted with shouts of acclamation.

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

To change, or to change something, to suit different
conditions or uses. (अनुकूल‍करऩा)

Having a natural ability to do something that needs skill.
ु )

To legally take another person's child into your own family
and take care of him or her as your own child. (गोद‍लेऩा)
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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams


1.Many software companies have adapted popular

programs to the new operating system.

2.They've adopted a baby girl.

3.She's very adept at dealing with the media.

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

A brief or indirect reference. (संकेि)

An idea or belief that is not true. (भ्रम)

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams


1.The film is full of allusions to Hitchcock.

2.He had no illusions about his talents as a singer.

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

Relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty. (सौंदऱ्ाात्म
‍ क)

Avoiding physical pleasures and living a simple life, often for
religious reasons. (संन्ऱ्ासी)

Acid with a strong smell, found in vinegar. (खट्ट़ा)

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1.The columns are there for purely aesthetic reasons

2. They live a very ascetic life.

3.The reaction was stopped with 10% acetic acid and

washed with water.

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Having a lot of money or owning a lot of things.(िनी)

Something that flows out or forth; outflow. (प्रव़ाह)

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams


1. The diet of the affluent has not changed

much over the decades.

2. The effluent from the factory was dumped

into the river.

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

1.Which word means a gradual upward movement?

a) Ascent b) Allusion c) Accent d) Adopt

2. Public approval and praise.

a) Adept b) Acclamation c) Effluent d) Access

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

3.Which word refers to the stress or emphasis placed on a

syllable or word?
a) Affluent b) Adept c) Accent d) Acetic

4. To legally take another person's child into your own family

and take care of him or her as your own child?
a) Aesthetic b) Assent c) Adopt d) Access

5.Which word means an amount or quantity beyond what is

a) Excess b) Aesthetic c) Expect d) Except

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

6.Which word means to receive something willingly?

a) Allusion b) Accept c) Expect d) Ascetic

7.Which word means to anticipate or look forward to

a) Acclimation b) Accent c) Expect d) Except

8. Relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty.

a) Acclimation b) Adapt c) Aesthetic d) Effluent

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

9. Having a lot of money or owning a lot of things.

a) Affluent b) Allusion c) Adopt d) Aesthetic

10. An idea or belief that is not true.

a) Acclamation b) Accent c) Effluent d) Illusion

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams


Vocab Wonders by Prashant Sir

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English by Prashant Sir Complete ENGLISH for all govt Exams

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