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Nama: MOH.

Kelas: B
NIM: 2022032082

Translate into communicative English using the words given below

1. (pain) Saya merasakan sakit sekali di lutut saya
-I feel a lot of pain in my knee.
2. (hurt) Pergelangan kaki saya nyeri
- My ankle hurts.
3. (throb) Kepala saya pusing berdenyut-denyut
- I have a throbbing headache.
4. (itch) Punggung saya terasa gatal
- My back feels itchy.
5. (injured) Jari tangan saya terluka
- My hand is injured.
6. (sore) Tenggorokan saya sakit
- My throat is sore.
7. (hurt) Sinar yang sangat terang akan menyakitkan mata
- Very bright light can hurt the eyes.
8. (ache) Kaki saya sakit karena terlalu banyak berlari
-My legs hurt from running too much
9. (pain) Saya merasa sakit disini
-I felt sick here
10. (paintul) Punggung saya terasa sakit sekali
-My back hurts a lot

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