H 99 Sec 8 D 3 Appd

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D-402 Stress Intensity Factors for Cracks sø(x) p A0 + A1x + A2x2 + A3x3 (1)
Initiating at Cross Bores
The stress intensity factors for cracks of type B may where x is the radial distance from the free surface of
be calculated using the method given in D-401, provided the crack.
that the intersection of the cross bore with the bore The stress distribution determined by a linear elastic
of the main cylinder is radiused at least one-fourth of analysis is calculated first and then the four coefficients
the diameter of the cross bore. See D-700(c). The (A0, A1, A2, A3) in Eq. (1) are chosen to give the best
values of stresses to be used to obtain the polynomial curve fit. After the values of A0, A1, A2, and A3 are
fit in Eq. (1) of D-401 are determined as follows. chosen, Eqs. (2)–(6) are used to calculate the stress
(a) Elastic stress analysis may be used to determine intensity factor KI for various crack depths a.
the stress field in the vicinity of the uncracked cross
bore. This elastic analysis is used to obtain the direct
stresses acting normal to the plane of the assumed
KI p √ pa A0F1 +
2aA1F2 a2A2F3 4a3A3F4
3p 2 (2)

crack. The distribution of these stresses along line b–

b in Fig. D-200 shall be used to obtain the polynomial F1, F2, F3, and F4 are the magnification factors relative
fit in Eq. (1) of D-401. As shown in Fig. D-200, the to the geometry considered. These magnification factors
cross bore corner crack is assumed to be equivalent are given in Fig. D-403.1 as a function of relative
to a semicircular crack (a/ø p 0.5) in a plane with crack depth or can be calculated by the following
the line b–b as the axis of symmetry. equations.
(b) If residual stresses have been introduced, such
as by autofrettaging the main cylinder, the K due to
F1 p 1.1259 + 0.2344(a/t) + 2.2018(a/t)2
residual stresses may be calculated using the polynomial
− 0.2083(a/t)3 (3)
fitting technique in D-401 with the simplifying assump-
tion that the tangential residual stress distribution in
F2 p 1.0732 + 0.2677(a/t) + 0.6661(a/t)2
the main cylinder acts along line b–b.
+ 0.6354(a/t)3 (4)

F3 p 1.0528 + 0.1065(a/t) + 0.4429(a/t)2

+ 0.6042(a/t)3 (5)
D-403 Stress Intensity Factors for Internal
Radial–Circumferential Cracks F4 p 1.0387 − 0.0939(a/t) + 0.6018(a/t)2
+ 0.3750(a/t)3 (6)
This method applies only to crack depths within the
limits of KD-412 and where pressure is not acting on
the crack faces. (b) In some cases, a single third-order polynomial
Type C fatigue cracks usually initiate at the root of [Eq. (1)] will not be sufficient to fit the stress distribution
the first fully loaded thread. This should be confirmed in the region of interest. It is possible to split the
by calculation of the load distribution and by detailed distribution into several regions. Figure D-403.2 shows
stress analysis of the first and any other heavily loaded an example where the region of interest has been
threads. To calculate the KI for a thread root crack divided into two regions where the stress in each region
growing in the radial–circumferential plane, the distribu- is represented by a different polynomial. The values
tion of longitudinal stress sø(x) from the thread root for KI are calculated using Eq. (2) for each region
through the thickness of the uncracked wall should with the appropriate polynomial for that region.
be determined. For this analysis, the threads may be (c) It is important that there not be a discontinuity
considered as annular grooves. If interrupted threads in the value of KI where two regions join. For instance,
are used (see KD-631.6), it is not necessary to account since the values of A0, A1, A2, and A3 in the polynomial
for the stress concentrations at the ends of the interrupted for region 2 are different from the values of A0, A1,
threads, since it is assumed that all cracks of type C A2, and A3 in the polynomial for region 1, two different
are annular. values of KI will be calculated at the point where the
(a) In the Buchalet–Bamford method [see D-700(d) two regions join. To compensate for the discontinuity
and (e)], the distribution of direct stresses normal to in the value of KI where the two regions join, the
the plane containing the annular crack is approximated difference at the discontinuity DKI is added to the
by a third-order polynomial. calculated values of all subsequent values of KI. This

D-403 1998 SECTION VIII — DIVISION 3 D-405


will then produce the curve shown in Fig. D-403.3 calculating the stress intensity factor due to internal
and given by Eq. (7). pressure.

2aA1F2 a2A2F3
KIcorr p √ pa A0F1 + +
p 2
3p 2+ SDKI (7) D-405 Stress Intensity Factors Determined
by Weight Function Methods

where ∑DKI is the sum of all DK’s for preceding The weight function method can be used for all
regions. The DK for the first region (at the free surface) types of cracks.
is 0. For the annular (ring) cracks considered in D-403,
the crack tip stress intensity KI can be written as:

D-404 Stress Intensity Factors for Cracks of

Types D, E, and F
KI p sø(x) w(x,a)dx
(a) The stress intensity factors for cracks of types 0

D, E, and F may be calculated using the method given

in D-401.
(b) For cracks of types D and F, the distribution of where sø (x) is the longitudinal stress distribution along
stresses normal to the plane of the crack which would the x-axis (see Fig. D-200) and w(x,a) is the Bueckner
exist in the uncracked component should be determined weight function. This weight function is unique for
using a stress analysis such as finite element analysis. this cracked geometry and is independent of the loading
(c) For cracks of type E, the tangential stresses from which it is derived. Therefore, the weight function
calculated using the Lamé equations may be used for can be written as




冢 冣
H da
w(x,a) p p C[f (RK )] (⌬K)m
2KIREF ␦a dN

where VREF is the displacement in the ᐉ (longitudinal) (b) The function of RK is different for positive and
direction and KIREF is the crack tip stress intensity for negative values of RK, and for different materials.
factor derived for this geometry and a less complex For materials listed in Table D-500 the following
loading, e.g., uniform stress normal to the crack plane. functions of RK may be used.
For plane stress H p E and for plane strain H p For RK ≥ 0,
E(1 − ␯2).
Approximate methods have been developed for ob- f (RK) p 1 + C3RK
taining the crack opening displacement field VREF for
a ring crack in a simple cylinder. These values of VREF For RK < 0,
and the associated stress intensity factors KREF can be
used to derive w(x,a), which can then be used to derive f (RK) p [C2 /(C2 − RK)]m
KI for the ring crack at the thread root.
(c) The values of the constants C and m for some
materials are given in Table KD-430. The values of
the remaining constants given in Table D-500 should
be used for the materials listed.
(a) In accordance with KD-430, the fatigue crack (d) For austenitic stainless steels, the values of C
growth rate shall be calculated from and m are given in KD-440, Table KD-430, and f (RK)


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Table D-500 1998 SECTION VIII — DIVISION 3 Fig. D-403.3


Material C3 C2
High strength low alloy steels, 3.53 1.5
Sy > 90 ksi

13Cr–8Ni–2Mo (precipitation 3.06 1.5


17Cr–4Ni–4Cu (precipitation
hardened), Sy > 135 ksi
RK < 0.67 3.48 1.5
RK > 0.67 f (RK) p 30.53RK − 17.0




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should be calculated as follows: for 0 ≥ RK, f (RK) p 1.0; V-notch impact strength, ft-lb; and KIc is the fracture
for 0.79 ≥ RK > 0, f (RK) p 1.0 + 1.8RK; for 1.0 > RK > 0.79, toughness, ksi√ in.
f (RK) p − 43.35 + 57.97RK. (b) Conversions of values obtained from other tough-
(e) Other values of these constants may be used if ness tests to KIc should be performed using the following
they can be justified by standard fatigue crack propaga- equations.
tion tests conducted at the appropriate RK ratios. (1) Equivalence of KIc and JIc:
(f) The number of cycles for fatigue crack propaga-
tion may be calculated by numerical integration of the
KIc p √ EJIc (plane stress)
appropriate crack growth equation by assuming that
the value of K is constant over an interval of crack
growth ⌬a which is small relative to the crack depth
at that point. To ensure that the interval of crack depth
is sufficiently small, the calculation should be repeated
KIc p
冪 EJIc
(1 − ␯2)
(plane strain)

using intervals of decreasing size until no significant

change in the calculated number of design operating (2) Equivalence of crack tip opening displacement
cycles is obtained. (CTOD) and KIc:

KIc p √ (CTOD)ESy
Ep modulus of elasticity
(a) The value of the fracture toughness to be used
Syp yield strength
in the calculations in Article KD-4 is the plane strain
␯p Poisson’s ratio
fracture toughness KIc. If values of KIc or another
method for determining KIc is given in Part KM for
the specific material to be used, these values should
be used. Otherwise, if the MDMT is demonstrated to
be on the upper shelf for the material being used, the (a) Cipolla, R. C.; ASME PVP-Vol. 313-1, 1995
value of KIc should be calculated from the Charpy V- (b) Kendall, D. P.; ASME PVP-Vol. 335, 1996
notch energy (CVN) values given in Part KM using (c) Chaaban, A. and Burns, D. J.; Physics 139 &
the following equation: 140, pp. 766–772, 1986
(d) Buchalet, C. B. and Bamford, W. H.; ASTM
(KIc /Sy)2 p 5.0 (CVN/Sy − 0.05) STP 590, pp. 385–402, 1976
(e) Perez, E. H., Sloan, J. G., and Kelleher, K. J.;
where Sy is the yield strength, ksi; CVN is the Charpy ASME PVP-Vol. 125, 1987


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