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Corruption and Accountability


1. Introduction
2. What is Corruption?
i. Definitions
ii. Shapes of Corruption
iii. Types of Corruption
3. Theories of Corruption
4. Global efforts against corruption
5. Overview of corruption in Pakistan
6. Anti-Corruption Institutions
7. Factors behind corruption
8. Survey on the cause of corruption
9. Impacts of Corruption
10. Reasons for low business companies in Pakistan
11. Eradicating corruption in Pakistan
12. Corruption Eliminate Strategy

13. Introduction
 Corruption in Pakistan widespread, systematic, and it is entrenched at all levels
of the government

14. What is Corruption?

 In wider sense, corruption includes one or more of bribery, extortion, fraud,
deception, collusion, cartels, abuse of power, embezzlement, trading in influence
and money laundering.
 The abuse of entrusted power for private gain. Transparency International
 Corruption and bribery are like poison and horrible diseases which need to be
put down with iron hands. (Quaid e Azam)
 140 Countries are signatories to the UN Convention against Corruption

I. Shapes of Corruption
a) Bribery
b) Extortion
c) Fraud
d) Nepotism
e) Theft
f) China Cutting

II. Types
a. Grand
b. Petty
c. Political

15. Theories of Corruption

i. Public Choice theory

 A corrupt individual tries to maximize utility
ii. Bad Apple theory
 By Bad people
iii. Ethos of Public Administration theory
 Deals with the culture in Public management as well as society
 Might take the factors like illiteracy and poverty leading to corruption
iv. Correlation Theory
 Factors behind corruption

16. Global Efforts against Corruption

i. UN Convention against Corruption

 Leading, universal and legally binding convention
ii. Deals with:
a. Prevention
b. Criminalization and Law Enforcement
c. International Cooperation
d. Asset Recovery

17. Overview of Corruption in Pakistan

 Pakistan participated in negotiations of UN Convention against
Corruption (UNCAC)
 An international conference under UNCAC was organized in Islamabad
in April 2004
 In 2005, highest corruption at CPI was 144 recorded
 In 1995, lowest corruption at CPI was recorded
 Most corrupt departments in Pakistan
a. Police retained at the most corrupt institution in 2002, 2009 and
2002 following judiciary

18. Anti-Corruption Institutions and Laws

i. Institutions:
a. FIA
b. NAB
d. Ehtsaab Commission KPK

ii. LAWS
a. NAO 1999
b. AML Ordinance
c. Prevention of Corruption act 1947
d. Civil Procedure Code (Section 160-165)

19. Factors Behind Corruption

a. Absence of rule of law
b. Fragile political institutions
c. Accountability crisis
d. Monopoly and Discretion of Power
e. Unemployment and low salaries
f. Social inequality
g. Socio-Political Turmoil
h. Violating meritocracy
i. Bureaucratic red-tapism
j. Culture of bribery
A. National Anti-Corruption Strategy Report
 Need and greed combined with opportunity and little fear of detection or punishment

B. International Crisis Group’s report about Corrupt Bureaucracy

 Decades of mismanagement
 Political Manipulation
 Lack of Accountability
 Low Wages

20. Impacts of Corruption

a. It leads to Poverty
b. Social inequality-
c. Under-development in the society
d. Poor Growth in the socio9economic indicators
e. Poor Global Competitive Index
f. Fiscal implications
g. Poor ease of doing business
h. Imposition of Regressive taxation
i. Low FDI and Low GDP

21. Reasons for Low business of companies in Pakistan

a. Bureaucracy hurdles
b. Poor infrastructure
c. Corruption

22. Eradicating Corruption in Pakistan

a. Revisiting Accountability mechanism
b. Reforming NAB, ACE
c. Reforms in Police and Civil service
d. Judicial reforms
e. Imposition of strict penal regime
f. NO Plea bargain
g. Increase the salaries and wages
h. Social education and awareness
i. Indiscriminate implementation of law
j. Use of IT to monitor and supervise dealings
k. Role of media must be positive
l. Public participation and role of civil society

23. Corruption Eliminate Strategy

a. Identify and assess
b. Regulate
c. Implement
d. Monitor and supervise
e. Evaluate
f. Redeem

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