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Heroes of the Galactic Seer


Welcome to Straevori-el, a realm that has long fused the power of arcane magic and
technological ingenuity to create a galaxy full of prosperous planetary colonies. Our story will
begin in the most powerful of them all, Azuth, a city on planet P-Zero, often referred to as "the
heart of the universe." Only the realm's upper echelon are permitted residence in Azuth as it is
known to be the source of the arcane magic that weaves throughout the galaxy and inhabits the
fibers of everyday life. Little is known about the residents of Azuth nor the origins of the archaic
power that the galaxy's people rely on for their survival, but that it is eternal, and under the
protection of the realms most prominent God, Mystryl, the goddess of magic. However, in this
realm she goes by one name…"Mother."

Straevori-el is a realm known for boundless adventure. Within the six dominant colonies lies a
unique population and form of planetary government that is largely influenced by its position in
the galaxy. Economy exists in the form of astral credits, but bartering/trade is still a widely
recognized and acceptable form of commerce. Though each planet is permitted to exercise
politics and law enforcement as they see fit, they all remain under the watchful eye of The
Galactic Council residing in the Spire of Azuth. The members of this council are unknown to the
public but, their motive is clear: to serve as mortal conduits of Mother's power and execute Her
will for the preservation of the galaxy.

This is a realm of space travel and technological prowess. The inner circle colonies, colonies
residing on planets closest to P-Zero's orbit tend to be the most advanced and intertwined with
both magic and engineering. Given Mother's influence in this realm, sorcerers, wizards and
general users of the arcane are going to be the most favored. Holy magic/divinity is severely less
common, but not nonexistent. Clerics/Paladins of the ancient Gods are often recluse and do not
make their devotion well known. It is rumored in the outer circles of the galaxy (further away
from P-Zero) there are certain religious groups that inner circle colonies would consider heresy.
Heroes of the Galactic Seer

Inner circle

P929: Lorien Colony "Mother's Sanctum": The Lorien colony is on the planet in closest
proximity to P-Zero and is therefore the closest a mortal can get to the source of Her arcane
magic without being chosen. For this reason, the Lorien colony is a city of hopeful scholars and
sage's of arcane magic. Guilds of Sorcery and Wizardry reside here and pride themselves on their
devotion to the pursuit of Mother's blessing, perhaps to a fault.

P1078: Kestrel Colony "The Arcane Engine": The Kestrel colony is on the planet second
closest to P-Zero's orbit and as such, is the crux of all mechanical and technological innovation
in the galaxy. Given it's close proximity, engineers in the Kestrel colony can easily channel
arcane magic into their creations. It is the most urban of the planets, and praises brilliant
craftsmanship, both good and bad.

P777: Saphira Colony "Starlight City": Often offhandedly referred to as "hedonist paradise"
the Saphira colony is the entertainment district of the galaxy. The colony beams with magic
provided by it's proximity to P-Zero making it a popular location for celebrities, gamblers, and
wannabe big shots alike. It is however the furthest of the Inner 3, making it a place of
opportunity for those who wish to ascend closer to Her power, or perhaps for those who wish to
escape it.

Outer Circle:

P213: Faeon Colony "The Garden of the Cosmos": A lush, green planet full of robust wildlife
and flourishing ecosystems. The Faeon Colony is known to be the galaxy's only planet with
nature in abundance. Being the first planet in the outer circle, it often acts as passage to the
inner colonies, but make no mistake, a incredibly treacherous one for the average mortal. Nature
thrives under Mother's power but the weave grows somewhat weaker in the Faeon Colony;
creatures of ancient may still exist right under Her nose.

P660: Quetzal Colony "Nocturne Eterna": A cold, rigid colony of eternal night. The Quetzal
Colony is a land shrouded in darkness and perpetual winter, only capable of siphoning residuals
of Mother's power. Given its harsh conditions, the Quetzal colony is not a exactly a popular
vacation spot, yet its native residents are rarely seen in the outer worlds. What is well known,
however, is that the Quetzal Colony hosts the most secure prison in the galaxy…but, don't expect
visitation hours.

P404: Aphelion Colony "The Sands of the Forgotten": A colony surrounded by an infinite
desert, almost completely lost to Mother's embrace. Being the planet furthest from Her arcane
power, the Aphelion colony is a wasteland of lawlessness and wayward heretics. Though many
Heroes of the Galactic Seer
would consider being beyond Her reach a death sentence, rumor has it that there are people
residing in the desert, but as for how and why, few in the galaxy care to find out.

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