Unit 8: It Giants

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1. Answer the questions.

1. What IT-companies do you know?
2. What are their most popular products? Which of them do you use?
3. What does Big Tech or Big Five refer to?

2. Trivia quiz

1. Which company's CEO is Tim Cook?

2. Where did the founders of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg and Dustin Moskovitz, study
together before starting the company?
3. Which company's virtual assistant is named "Alexa"?
4. Which company's flagship product is the iPhone?
5. Which company's headquarters are located in Seattle, Washington?
6. Which company's popular social media platform is Instagram?
7. Which company's cloud computing platform is called "Azure"?
8. Which company's self-driving car division is called Waymo?
9. Which company's voice assistant is called "Cortana"? Answer: Microsoft
10. Which company's smart speaker lineup includes "HomePod"? Answer: Apple
11. Which company's CEO is Sundar Pichai? Answer: Google
12. Which company's e-reader is known as "Kindle"? Answer: Amazon


1. Read the texts below and do the exercises that follow them

IT Giants

Microsoft Corporation is a prominent pioneer in the development of cutting-edge
personal-computer software systems and innovative applications. The company also publishes
a wide array of books and multimedia titles, in addition to manufacturing its own line of
sophisticated hybrid tablet computers. Furthermore, Microsoft offers top-tier e-mail services
and is renowned for its sales of electronic game systems, computer peripherals, and state-of-
the-art portable media players.
In 1975, Bill Gates and Paul G. Allen, childhood acquaintances hailing from Seattle,
transformed BASIC, a popular mainframe computer programming language, for use on an
early personal computer (PC), the Altair. Shortly thereafter, Gates and Allen founded
Microsoft, deriving the company's name from the amalgamation of "microcomputer" and
"software." Over the subsequent years, they honed BASIC while concurrently developing
other advanced programming languages. In 1980, International Business Machines
Corporation (IBM) enlisted Microsoft to produce the quintessential software, or operating
system, for its groundbreaking debut in the personal computer industry—the IBM PC.
Microsoft purchased an operating system from another company, modified it, and renamed it
MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System). MS-DOS was launched alongside the IBM PC
in 1981.
In 1995, the company released Windows 95, a groundbreaking release that seamlessly
integrated MS-DOS with the Windows environment for the very first time. Simultaneously,
Microsoft ascended to the forefront of productivity software, epitomized by its exceptional
word-processing and spreadsheet programs.
In a fierce rivalry with Google, Microsoft ventured into the realm of cloud computing,
wherein application software and data storage are facilitated by centralized Internet services
and effortlessly accessed by users via their local PCs.
In 2011, Microsoft purchased the Internet voice communication company Skype.
In 2014, the company cofounder, Gates, ceded his position as CEO (Chief Executive
Officer) to Steve Ballmer, whom Gates had encountered during their time at Harvard
University in the 1970s.
Industry observers expressed both trepidation and optimism concerning Gates'
departure, speculating that it might impede Microsoft's preeminent standing within the
computer industry. However, such concerns never materialized, as the company continued to
maintain its dominant position across business and consumer sectors, encompassing operating
systems, productivity software, and online gaming services.
In March 2020, Gates fully disengaged from the IT industry, redirecting his focus
toward philanthropic endeavors encompassing climate change, global health, and education.

1. Match the words to the definitions:

2. Pioneer a. Characterized by the most advanced and innovative features

3. Cutting-edge b. Introduces or leads in a particular field or area
4. Innovative c. Known or celebrated for something, often in a positive way
5. Array d. High-level, complex, and refined.

6. Sophisticated e. Creative, original, and introducing new ideas or methods

7. Renowned f. Varied or diverse collection of something
8. State-of-the-art g. Using the latest technology, the most advanced of its kind.

2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate term:

Trepidation acquaintances amalgamation concurrently debut cede
quintessential forefront groundbreaking seamlessly facilitated

1. Bill Gates and Paul G. Allen were childhood __________ hailing from Seattle.
2. The company decided to __________ its position in the market and focus on new
3. The merger of the two companies resulted in the successful __________ of their
4. The new smartphone model is considered the __________ example of elegance and
5. The research and development team worked __________ on multiple projects.
6. The company's latest product was a __________ innovation in the field of artificial
7. The company made its __________ in the entertainment industry with a highly
anticipated film release.
8. The software update was designed to __________ integrate with existing systems.
9. The company strives to stay at the __________ of technological advancements.
10. The new online platform __________ access to resources for students around the
11. There was some __________ among employees regarding the upcoming changes in

Google Inc., an American search engine company, was founded in 1998 by Sergey
Brin and Larry Page. It operates as a subsidiary of the conglomerate Alphabet Inc. Google's
pervasive influence can be seen in its handling of over 70 percent of global online search
requests, positioning itself at the epicenter of most Internet users' digital experiences.
With its headquarters situated in Mountain View, California, Google began its
journey as an online search firm, but has since diversified its offerings to encompass more
than 50 Internet services and products. These range from e-mail platforms and online
document creation tools to sophisticated software tailored for mobile phones and tablet
computers. Furthermore, Google's strategic acquisition of Motorola Mobility in 2012 has
granted it the ability to venture into hardware sales, particularly in the realm of mobile
phones. Despite the vast myriad of products, Google's original search tool remains the
bedrock of its success.
The company's name has become so ingrained in modern language that it has
transcended its status as a brand to become a commonly used verb. "To google" has entered
the lexicon as a ubiquitous expression denoting the act of searching the Internet. In 2008,
Google introduced Chrome, a sophisticated web browser featuring an advanced JavaScript
engine, optimizing the execution of programs within the browser environment. The success of
Chrome was evident in 2012 when it surpassed Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) to claim the
title of the most popular web browser. Since then, Chrome has maintained its dominant
position, outshining not only IE but also Mozilla Corporation's Firefox and Apple Inc.'s
Safari, solidifying its status as the leading browser in the market.

1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the words in bold from the text:

1. The company's futuristic __________, with its sleek architecture and innovative
design, became an emblem of their forward-thinking approach.
2. The conference featured a ________ of keynote speakers from diverse backgrounds,
providing unique perspectives on the topic.
3. The multinational conglomerate has a s________ in every major country, allowing for
a widespread global presence.
4. The research project aimed to _________ a broad range of disciplines, bringing
together experts from various fields.
5. The fragrance of lavender was ___________ throughout the garden, creating a
soothing and aromatic atmosphere.
6. The world of virtual reality has opened up a new ________ of possibilities, where
users can immerse themselves in lifelike digital experiences.
7. The young prodigy's exceptional talent in playing the violin has been ____________
musicians twice her age
8. The fashion brand __________ their designs to cater to the discerning tastes of high-
end clientele, resulting in exclusive and customized garments.
9. Integrity and trustworthiness are the __________ of any successful business, forming
the foundation for long-term relationships with clients.
10. The entrepreneur decided to _________ into the renewable energy sector, recognizing
its potential for growth and sustainability.
11. The culture of sustainability has become ___________ in the company's operations,
influencing every aspect of their decision-making process.

Apple Inc., formerly known as Apple Computer, Inc., is an eminent American
manufacturer of personal computers, computer peripherals, and computer software. Regarded
as the pioneering force behind the graphical user interface, Apple was the first company to
achieve remarkable success in the realm of personal computers. Nestled in Cupertino,
California, Apple's headquarters serve as the nerve center of its innovation and operations.
The genesis of Apple Inc. can be traced back to the fervent ambition of Stephen
Wozniak, who harbored a lifelong dream of crafting his own computer. This aspiration
became a reality with the advent of the Altair 8800, the first commercially successful
microcomputer, in 1975. Wozniak, an engineering intern at the Hewlett-Packard Company,
found no receptiveness toward his design within the company. Consequently, he joined forces
with his former high-school classmate, Steven Jobs, and together, they established their start-
up operations in the Jobs family garage, birthing the legendary Silicon Valley garage start-up
narrative. Jobs and Wozniak christened their venture as Apple.
In 1979, Jobs led a team of engineers on a momentous visit to Xerox Corporation's
Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), where they were shown the revolutionary advancements
in graphical user interface (GUI). This cutting-edge interface boasted on-screen windows, a
mouse as a pointing device, and the utilization of icons to replace the cumbersome protocols
employed by other computers. Apple promptly integrated these transformative ideas into two
new computer models: Lisa, released in 1983, and the more affordable Macintosh, unveiled
in 1984.
Another innovation was a software database called HyperCard, which Apple included
free with every Macintosh starting in 1987. Using a technique called hyperlinking, this
program was employed by many teachers to organize multimedia elements for classroom
presentations—an idea that anticipated the HTML (hypertext markup language)
underpinnings of the World Wide Web.
In 2001, Apple introduced iTunes, a computer program that not only allowed music
playback but also facilitated the conversion of music into the widely used MP3 digital format.
Later that same year, Apple revolutionized the music industry by launching the iPod, a
portable MP3 player that dominated the market. The term "podcasting," a fusion of iPod and
broadcasting, emerged to describe the downloading and playback of audio or video content on
portable or delayed devices.
In 2007, Apple redefined the landscape of mobile technology with the introduction of
the touch-screen iPhone, a cellular phone with the capabilities for music and video playback
as well as Internet access. Three years later, in 2010, Apple introduced the iPad, a touch-
screen device positioned between a laptop computer and a smartphone. Sporting a high-
definition display, the iPad encompassed built-in applications like iTunes and compatibility
with all iPhone applications.
Apple continued to push boundaries with the introduction of iCloud in 2011, a cloud
computing service that seamlessly stored a user's applications, photographs, documents,
calendars, and recently purchased music. In 2015, Apple ventured into wearable technology
with the release of the Apple Watch, a smartwatch that combined fashion and functionality.
As of January 2022, Apple has produced an astounding 33 models of the iPhone. The
company enjoys unwavering brand loyalty and is consistently recognized as one of the
world's most valuable brands

1. Match the words in bold with their synonyms below:

passionate, ardent, enthusiastic - __________

steadfast, resolute, unyielding - __________
situated, located, positioned - _________
ambition, goal, aim - _________
expected, awaited, predicted - ___________
revealed, disclosed, announced - __________
unwieldy, clumsy, awkward - _________

2. Read the texts again and choose whether these statements are true or false.

1. Microsoft is a world-famous producer of consumer electronics.

2. The first PC with MS-DOS was released in 1981.
3. Microsoft also became the leader in productivity software such as word-processing
and spreadsheet programs.
4. The departure of Gates hampered Microsoft’s preeminent position in the computer
5. More than 70 percent of worldwide online search requests are handled by Google.
6. Google specializes only in online search.
7. Google’s broad product portfolio and size make it one of the top four influential
companies in the high-tech marketplace.
8. The company’s name became so ubiquitous that it entered the lexicon as a verb.
9. Apple is a British manufacturer of personal computers, computer peripherals, and
computer software.
10. In 1976 Stephen Wozniak and Steven Jobs created Apple in the Jobs family
11. Hyperlinking was employed by many teachers to organize multimedia elements for
classroom presentations.
12. In 2005 Apple introduced iTunes.
13. Cloud computing is a service in which a user’s applications, photographs,
documents, calendars, and recently purchased music would be stored in iCloud and
automatically updated in the user’s other devices.

3. Find in the text what these abbreviations stand for.


4. Correct the mistakes.

1. Google was invested billions of dollars over the last decade to make Android what it was
2. Phone makers doesn’t have to include Google services on their wide range of devices.
3. Today 29% of leaders at Apple were women.
4. Every Apple device are made with incredible attention to every detail throughout the
production process.
5. Cyberattacks on manufacturers have increasing in number in recent years.
6. In the past, there was some reasons why multidisciplinary optimization could not be do.
7. Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, wasn’t he?
8. What does recent advances in computer processing allow manufacturers to do?
9. Engineers need the ability to have productive whenever they be.
10. Apple’s facilities is powered by 100 percent renewable energy.



1. What do you know about Google? When and where was it founded?
2. Google products are designed to help you work and play, stay organized, get answers, keep
in touch, grow your business, and more. How often do you personally use Google products?
What are your favorite ones?

Before proceeding to CHECKING YOUR UNDERSTANDING section, please follow the

link to watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9No-FiEInLA


Choose the correct alternative.
1. “The atmosphere around Google, it's definitely very ___”.
 employee-centric
 academic
 toxic
 joyful

2. ___ is currently working on an email notification for Google Accounts.

 Paola Correa
 Kim Day
 Matt Malone

3. Grant Oakley’s code helps developers test their code and that way, the developers can ___
 write good stable code for Google products.
 identify and eliminate bugs early in the software development process.
 have more days of paid vacation.

4. Florian Koenigsgberger: “If this is what being an intern feels like, ___
 I’d never want to be an intern in my life.”
 I'd love to be an intern for the rest of my life.”
 none of the above.

5. According to Paola Correa, the week has been quite ___

 uneventful.
 unstoppable, restless, a bunch of activities.
6. Matt Malone: I'm working in the ___
 Online Help Center.
 Advertising Department.

7. Interns at Google are ___

 at the bottom of the knowledge totem pole.
 given much more responsibility than expected.
 doing the most challenging work.

8. At Google you don't necessarily have to know everything ___

 but you have to be willing to learn.
 you just need to know where to find it, when you need it.
 but you should know how to brainstorm.

Answer the following questions.

1. What does the campus look like?

2. Are the interns treated differently from other employees?
3. How much responsibility do they have?
4. Does Google look like a good place to work at? Why (not)?
5. What’s Googliness in your opinion?
6. What do all the interns have in common?

Further reading


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