Miranda & Fuentes Region Los Lagos

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The Lakes Region is one of the fifteen regions in

which Chile is divided. Bordered on the north by Los

Ríos Region, south to the Aysen region, the east with
Argentina and west by the Pacific Ocean. His
southeast sector (Palena Province) belongs to the
Chilean Patagonia.
It has an area of 48 583.6 km ² and an estimated
population in 2010 of 836 256 inhabitants. The region
consists of the provinces of Chiloé, Llanquihue,
Osorno and Palena and regional capital is the city of
Puerto Montt. Until October 2, 2007, the X Region of
Los Lagos also included the former province of
Valdivia, which was segregated at that time to form
the present Rivers Region. The new region to have a
population greater than this. "The Lakes Region" is a
region of Chile was created in 1974 through Executive
Order No. 575, in a process known as regionalization.
However, the Lakes region (not including Chiloé) and
was described in the work of Chilean Economic
Geography (1950) CORFO that distinguished as one of
the seven regions on a geographical, demographic and
economic which were used only for planning and
organizing ODEPLAN and were formalized by Decree No.
1,104 of 1969.
The government of the region lies in the mayor,
appointed by the President. Currently, the mayor is
Jaime Brahm barrel. The government and administration
of the provinces up to four governors, appointed by
the President.
The administration of the region lies in the regional
government, consisting of the Mayor and the Regional
Council, composed of elected regional councilors
Local administration of each commune lies in the
respective municipality. In the Region of Los Lagos
is possible to distinguish two main areas, separated
by the Chacao Channel. The northern sector, which
corresponds to the provinces of Osorno and
Llanquihue, is characterized by the dominance of the
central depression, located between the Coastal
Cordillera and Andes. In the south, said depression
is submerged in the sea, giving rise to a large
number of islands, fjords and channels that make up
the archipelago of Chiloe, where the Cordillera de la
Costa is presented in the form of rolling hills that
characterize the landscape of this Province. Palena,
the southernmost of the provinces of the region, is
formed primarily by the Andes. The climate is
temperate rain, temperatures vary within a moderate
range, softened by the presence of large bodies of
water, the levels of rainfall increase of sea to the
mountains, with values vary , depending on the area ,
between 1,600 mm . / year to 2,500 mm . / year, with
rainfall almost throughout the year.1
The rivers of the region are characterized by low
rainfall of Andean origin and irregularities of their
courses. Among them The rain.destacan the Petrohué ,
Puelo , the Yelcho and Palena . Some of the largest
lakes in the region are: All Saints , Llanquihue ,
Puyehue and Rupanco , among others.
The Andes is shown as a relief depressed older whose
altitudes are volcanoes around 2000 m , as
elPuntiagudo , Osorno , Calbuco , Michinmahuida and
Corcovado . The region, in general , has a temperate
rainforest . The coastal part , except southern
Chiloé Island , enjoys a cool temperate climate with
winter rains . Moreover, to the south, the climate is
characterized by having no dry season , in addition
to constant rain .

The regional economy is concentrated in agriculture ,

livestock , forestry , aquaculture and fisheries ,
which are integrated in the processes of
industrialization .
In the central region are the Canutillar
hidroelécticas that leverages Chapo Lake waters east
of Puerto Montt , and Pilmaiquén in the town of
Puyehue .
Highlights include specialized dairy farming ,
canning , mainly seafood , seaweed cultivation
( seaweed) , Mussel culture , salmon , marine
industry (shipbuilding and shipping ) , extensive
cereal agriculture , forestry and especially tourism,
which is characterized by have a variety of
attractions. The area has spectacular natural scenery
, with numerous lakes , forests, rivers , beaches ,
volcanoes and waterfalls. This region also attracts
tourists for its unique combination of cultures ,
making them the Mapuche , Spanish , German and Syrian
influences that reflect their meals , dances ,
sayings and customs .

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