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Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Student Management System

Software Engineering II (CSE 2100)
Project Final Report

Submitted By:
Sadman Bin Rashid 20210204102

Adnan Alahi Shownok 20210204106


The "Student Management System" is an innovative and feature-rich software project

developed using JavaFX and NetBeans IDE to revolutionize the way educational
institutions manage student-related information. With the aim of streamlining
administrative tasks, enhancing communication, and providing a user-friendly interface,
this project seeks to optimize the academic ecosystem and foster an environment
conducive to efficient student management.
Educational institutions face significant challenges in handling student data, attendance
records, grading systems, and communication channels. To address these complexities,
the "Student Management System" brings together cutting-edge technologies and
intuitive design principles to provide a comprehensive solution.
Proposed Goals:

1) Student Profile Management.

2) Grading system.
3) Course Management.
4) Secure User Authentication and Access Control.

Software Platform:

• The project will be developed using JavaFX

• Netbeans 8.2
• MySQL server

Project Features:

1) Student Profile Management

2) Grading System
3) Course Management
4) Secure User Authentication and Access Control

# Features Status
1 Login Implemented
2 Student profile management Partially Implemented
3 Grading System Partially Implemented
4 Course management Implemented
Secure User Authentication and Access
5 Control Implemented
6 Total enrolled student chart Implemented

Table 01: Project Feature Table

In this software development project work of the front end for example, designs and all the CSS
work and the login page was done by the ID 102(Sadman Bin Rashid). Moreover all the back
end programming and database work specifically the exceptions and database connections was
done by ID 106(Adnan Alahi Shownok).


ID 106
ID 102

we had to face problem cause we used older version of Netbeans so we had to set JDK for older version.

Future Work:
In future we prompt to add new features for example,
1) Printing grade sheet
2) Adding new students
3) Elaborated CGPA calculator
4) Faculty reviewing system

In conclusion, our journey through the Student Management System software project has been
marked by challenges that tested our teamwork and problem-solving skills. While acknowledging
varying individual contributions, we unitedly strived to transform obstacles into opportunities. The
final product stands as a testament to our collective dedication and hard work. As we wrap up, we
recognize that this experience has not only enriched our technical abilities but also taught us the
value of collaboration in achieving a common goal.

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