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44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit AIAA 2006-253

9 - 12 January 2006, Reno, Nevada

AIAA 2006-0253

Aerodynamic study of reversed-delta wing surface craft in ground effect

S R Urquhart*
Thales Training and Simulation UK

S A Prince† & V. Khodagolian

City University, London

The wake pressure survey revealed that a

Abstract mounted horizontal tail surface is not influenced
by the ground as a Lippisch configuration craft
This paper describes the results of an approaches the surface, assuming no large
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aerodynamic investigation aimed at studying the atmospheric boundary layer is present. In

forces and moments acting on, and the pressure addition it was found that at none of the flight
distribution in the wake created by, a Lippisch conditions investigated did the wing tip vortex
style reversed delta wing in ground (WIG) effect system approach the location of the high
craft at varying heights above ground1. mounted tail surface. The full effectiveness of
the tail surface to counteract the increase in
Results were obtained using a static ground nose-up pitching moment with reduced ground
plane, with short distance between its leading clearance, was therefore found to be maintained.
edge and the nose of the craft, a three
component strain gauge balance, and a pitot-
static wake rake mounted on a traverse system. Nomenclature
While no rolling ground plane was employed,
the undisturbed ground plane boundary layer - incidence (deg)
was measured to be ~15mm in the close vicinity CL - lift coefficient
under the WIG model. Results for ground CD - drag coefficient
clearances above 20mm should, therefore, be CM - pitching moment coefficient
reasonably realistic simulations of flight cases. (moment centre at z=150mm)
The low ground clearance cases, with h - ground clearance (mm)
interactions between the vehicle and the ground b - wing span (m)
plane boundary layer, will be akin to the case of x,y,z - Cartesian coordinates (mm)
flight into a strong head wind, where a ground
boundary layer, though relatively thicker, will
be formed. Introduction

The force and moment results clearly showed As a wing approaches a surface the normal
the wing in ground effect on both lift and drag circulation pattern around the wing is altered,
coefficients but showed that pitching moment trapping a cushion of air between the underside
coefficient begins to increase rapidly only for of the wing and the surface. As a result of this,
small ground clearances. The wake study lift is increased since the cushion provides the
revealed the vortex flow structure in the wake of craft with a ‘boost’ in lift meaning less energy is
the craft, illustrating the complex interaction of required to remain airborne. In addition the tip
these vortices with the ground, providing vortices, generated by the pressure differential
experimental validation of classical wing in between the upper and lower surfaces of the
ground effect theory. wing, are forced outboard increasing the
* effective span of the wing and leading once
Graduate Engineer

Lecturer, Member AIAA again to an increase in lift.
Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.,
with the permission of City University, London.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Copyright © 2006 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.
Ground effect is actually made up of two
independent phenomena – span dominated The model was mounted on a three component
ground effect and chord dominated ground strain guage balance in the T3 wind tunnel in
effect2,3,4,5,6. The former, arising from the the Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory at City
downwash behind the wing being obstructed by University, London.
the ground, results in a reduction of induced
drag2 while the latter, due to the air cushion The balance was connected via an electronic
effect, results in an increase in lift3,6,8. The main controller to a micro-computer running a
parameter in span dominated ground effect is balance program which was calibrated to
height/span, whereas in chord dominated ground convert the raw voltage readings from the
effect it is height/chord. balance’s strain gauges into Newtons for lift and
drag measurements and Newton-metres for
The wing in ground effect has been known and pitching moment measurements. The pitching
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investigated from the earliest years of moments were taken about the mounting point
aeronautical science. Alexander Lippisch on the model, which was 150mm from the
undertook studies after the Second World War4, model nose. All coefficients were calculated
to investigate the design issues involved with based on a footprint area of 0.048m2, and a
exploiting chord dominated ground effect, and reference length of 0.3m. A static ground plane
developed several designs for water-skimming was employed, in the absence of a rolling
craft. In particular, he investigated the ground plane arrangement. The undisturbed
aerodynamics of reverse delta wing ground plane boundary layer in the close
configurations. Since then, there have been vicinity under the model was measured, using a
many more design studies of Wing in Ground fine 40 probe boundary layer pitot rake, to be
Effect craft (or WIGs)7,8,9,10,11 , some of which turbulent at ~15mm in thickness with little
are actually “flying”. streamwise growth evident. While ground plane
boundary layer will certainly affect the results at
WIG craft can be classified into three basic low ground clearance (below 20mm) the results
types -the single Ram Wing, Tandem Wing (or are still expected to reveal the correct trends and
Jörg) and the Reversed Delta (or Lippisch)3,4. general flow patterns seen in full scale situation
The Lippisch configuration, however, is the for ground clearances above 20mm. For the low
only type which is capable of flight out of ground clearances, at 20mm and below, the
ground effect, albeit rather inefficiently. It is simulation is more akin to the case of a full
also the most stable in ground effect, for reasons scale vehicle flying into a head wind where a
which are seemingly not well documented at surface boundary layer will indeed be formed,
this time. The aim of this project is to but is likely to be relatively much thicker.
investigate the aerodynamics of a typical
Lippisch WIG craft and, in particular, With wind tunnel speed being kept at a constant
investigate the complicated vortical wake and 30m/s, the Reynolds number based on root
the effect of ground clearance. chord is 0.6x106, which is approximately 1/10th
of that expected of full scale flight. The sharp
corners of the wing-fuselage and wing-float
Experimental Arrangements junctions and also the sharp winglet tips, which
can be expected to fix boundary layer
The model used during experimentation (Fig. 1) separation, mean that the lift and pitching
was a highly simplified and generalised design moment characteristics, as well as the broad
based on geometry of existing reverse delta flow structure in the wake of the model is still
machines from Dr. Lippisch et al, aerodynamic expected to be representative of the full scale
theory and advice from various sources flight case.
including Mr. Hanno Fischer12.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
In order to measure the pressure variation in the incorporating a heating element at the tip, in
wake behind the model, a pitot-static rake (Fig. order to provide data for comparison with the
2) was mounted onto a specially designed wake pressure survey.
traverse which was capable of moving the rake
in the x (spanwise) and y (up-down) directions.
The z (streamwise) position of the rake was set
such that it was at a distance of approximately Results and discussion
one mean-chord distance (127.5 mm) from the
trailing edge of the model. Forces and Moments

The pressure tubes from the rake were The force and moment measurements are plotted
connected to a scani-valve / pressure transducer in figure 3 – 12. Plotted in figures 3, 4, 5 and 7
system which was controlled by a PC through are error bars indicating the accuracy of the
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data acquisition software. The pressure measurements based on both the known
transducer used was quoted as being accurate to accuracy of the force and moment balance, and
1% of at the maximum end of its pressure range. the experimental scatter evident in the results. In
general the errors in force and moment
In order to get a full 2D representation of the measurement are relatively small – of the order
flow behind the model, it was necessary to make of 2-3% in most cases.
two, overlapping sweeps of the pitot-static rake.
The starting position for the rake was with the Fig. 3 presents the variation of CL with ground
last tube located along the centre line of the clearance for the case when the model set at 0o
model and the rake at the minimum height incidence. As expected, the results clearly show
which was limited to 10mm above the static the wing in ground effect whereby the lift
ground plane. The rake was then incremented coefficient increases with reducing ground
through steps of 10mm up to a maximum height clearance. The corresponding plot showing the
of y = 180mm. At the maximum height, the rake variation of CD with ground clearance is
was then moved towards the tunnel wall in the presented in figure 4. As the lift coefficient
x-direction then lowered back down in steps of increases the drag coefficient is bound to
10mm. increase, and this is indeed what is seen in the
experimental result presented in figure 4. The
After zeroing the instruments and collecting most pronounced evidence of wing in ground
wind off data, the tunnel was started up and run effect is seen when plotting the lift to drag ratio,
at approximately 50% speed. Forces and presented in figure 5. Here the lift to drag ratio
moments readings were taken at three points is shown to increase considerably as the ground
during each run and a sweep of pressure clearance is reduced. In fact the value of CL/CD
readings was also obtained. In addition, the at 10mm ground clearance is almost double that
digital manometer reading was recorded in mm measured for free flight without the ground
H2O. plane, although the ground plane boundary layer
interaction effects are strong at this low ground
Having collecting the data, the files generated clearance. All of this experimental evidence is
by the scani-valve system were collated and consistent with the findings of previous work1-11.
imported into a specifically designed, multi-
sheet Excel spreadsheet. They were then Figure 6 plots CL against CD with decreasing
exported into postprocessing software allowing ground clearance, starting from 100mm to
a graphical representation of the wake pressure 10mm, for the single incidence case of =0o. It
distribution. can be seen that as ground clearance is reduced
(and therefore lift is increased) there is a penalty
Smoke testing was also performed using, a of increased drag. Data for higher angles of
paraffin smoke generator with a wand incidence show a continuance of this trend,
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
however the available increase in lift generated whole incidence range. This is consistent with
by ground effect is clear. These results compare the configuration generating high lift at lower
favourably with those gathered on reverse delta ground clearance. The variation of CL/CD,
wings in ground effect by Dr. Lippisch3,4. presented in figure 10, is as expected and shows
that, similar to CL, the highest values are seen at
Figure 7 presents the variation of pitching lowest ground clearance, clearly demonstrating
moment with ground clearance. It was found the wing in ground effect. What the plot also
that the increase in nose up pitching moment as shows is that, while the drag coefficient rises
ground clearance was reduced, was small until with ground clearance, as demonstrated in
h=20mm, below which further reduction of figures 4 and 9, relative to the rise in lift it is not
ground clearance resulted in much larger as great and consequently the overall effect is to
increases in CM. The onset of this effect is likely increase considerably the overall value of
to occur at lower ground clearance if the ground CL/CD.
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plane boundary layer were not present. Despite

this, the data would indicate that only at the Figure 11, plotting the variation of CM with
lowest ground clearances does the forward incidence for the three ground clearance cases,
movement of the centre of pressure become shows similar trends as CL, except for h=100,
appreciable. where the value CM might be expected to be
close to the free flight result.
Figures 8 to 12 plot the variation of the
aerodynamic characteristics for the The variation of CL versus CD is presented in
configuration with varying incidence, within the figure 12, for the 40mm, 100mm and free flight
range 0o < a < 6o, for 40mm, 100mm ground test conditions. For any given value of CD, the
clearance and free flight test conditions. Figure lift coefficient for h=100mm is always
8 plots the graph of CL versus , which shows, considerably higher than for the free flight case.
as expected near linear rises in CL with However, for values of CD between 0.3 and
incidence with slight non-linearity at higher 0.32, the lift coefficient for the h=40mm case is
incidence probably due to the effects of almost identical to those for free flight, and it is
viscosity and flow separations in regions such as only above CD=0.32 where the CL for h=40mm
the wing fuselage junction. CL is seen to be becomes considerable greater, reaching same
higher with reduced ground clearance across the order as those at h=100mm.
whole incidence range. The graph also seems to
suggest that the lift curve slope has a tendency Wake Pressure Survey
to increase slightly with reducing ground
clearance, although more data to populate the Figure 13 presents the results of the wake
curves would be preferable to confirm this pressure traverse as the model, set at zero
finding. The results of Lippisch et al3,4 also degrees incidence, was moved out of ground
show this trend. effect. Contours of total pressure ratio, p0/p0 ,
are plotted for ground clearances, h, of 10mm,
Figure 9 presents the corresponding plot of CD 20mm, 30mm, 40mm, 60mm, 100mm and in
versus incidence. The trend of increasing drag free flight. Figure 13 a) also provides a
coefficient with incidence is clear in the curves schematic of the relative position in the x-y
for all three ground clearance cases. The plane of the model, and allows the features, such
comparison between the free flight data and the as the float and winglet vortices to be properly
h=100mm data appears somewhat inconclusive, identified. Also shown, in figure 13 c) is the
and both seem to be similar until 6o incidence relative position of the ground plane, since the
when the free flight result is clearly higher. The pressure data extends only down to h=10mm
drag coefficient for h=40mm appears to be above the surface.
highest by a factor of about 5-10%, across the

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
The wake flow structure, measured for the “free clearance a strong tip vortex / ground plane
flight” case with no ground plane identified the boundary layer interaction is still evidence but
relatively large wake shed from the model in this case it appears that the boundary layer is
mounting strut which appears to almost drown no longer “feeding” the tip vortex, and a
out the fine features generated by the high separate ground plane vortex seems to be
mounted tail surface. In retrospect this formed.
cylindrical mounting strut should have been
covered with a symmetric aerofoil shroud to In the free-air wake survey, shown in figure 13
prevent the development of a large wake. b), a weak vortex pair, probably associated with
the wing-fuselage junction, appears to be
In the 0 Deg, 10mm plot (Figure 13 c) there is a formed at about y=30mm, either side of the
single, strong vortex, defined by an extremely model symmetry line (in this case, slightly offset
low pressure core. This feature originates from at 330mm). This feature first appears clearly as
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the wing tip. In this case it is clearly evident that the model is raised to h=30mm (in fig 13 e).
this tip vortex interacts strongly with the ground
plane boundary layer, which separates to form a The 0 deg, 40mm plot (fig. 13 f) demonstrates
feeding shear layer that feeds the vortex and further development of the tip vortex system,
increases considerably the core suction. This which now appears to be clearly separate from
effect will not be observed in the case of a full the induced vortical feature in the ground plane
scale flight vehicle, whose tip vortex will only boundary layer. A further shift inboard of the tip
induce a very weak ground boundary layer. vortex system is also observed, with the
secondary vortex having moved further outboard
An important point to notice about this tip with respect to the primary vortex. By 60mm
vortex is that it is positioned a long distance ground clearance the form of the vortical wake
from the horizontal stabilising tail surface, flow structure, negating the ground plane
indicating that it has little impact on the boundary layer, is now very similar to the free
effectiveness of the tail. The tail itself generates air flow structure.
a very weak tip vortex which seems virtually
unaffected by the proximity of the ground to the In the 0 deg, 60mm plot (Fig. 13 g) it can be
craft, no doubt due to its high mounting seen that the effect of the wing tip vortex on the
position. This condition varies little across all ground plane boundary layer is now much
experiments. reduced, the boundary layer being much thinner
after the y=240mm point, underneath the model.
In the 0 deg, 20mm plot (Fig. 13 d) the vortex By a ground clearance of 100mm (Fig. 13 h) the
strength is seen to be reduced considerably ground plane boundary layer under the model is
despite the strong separation is causes in the 15mm, which is the same as the undisturbed
ground plane boundary layer. Also, the vortex boundary layer thickness, measured with no
core has shifted inboard relative to the model. model in the tunnel.
This indicates a reduction in the effective span
of the model and correspondingly, one would Finally the 0 deg, free flight plot (Fig. 13 b)
expect to see a reduction in the amount of lift shown top right with the ground plane removed
being produced. confirms that from 60mm upwards, the ground
has little effect on the wake behind the WIG
The 0 deg, 30mm plot (Fig. 13 e) shows the craft model.
vortex again moving inboard with a further
reduction in its strength. There also appears to Figure 14 presents the results of the wake
be a secondary vortex developing, such that the pressure traverse as the model, set at a =0o
classic double vortex system, seen in the wake ground clearance of h=40mm, is pitched from
of aircraft wings and evident in the free-air zero to 6o incidence. For the >0o incidence
measurements, is established. At 30mm ground
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
cases, 40mm represents the average ground
clearance, but the local value is obviously Smoke testing, provided an opportunity to
higher at the nose and lower at the tail. Contours examine the vortex structure in a three
of total pressure ratio, p0/p0 , are plotted for dimensional way and highlighted the extent to
incidences of 0, 2, 4 and 6 deg incidences. which the wing tip vortices were forced away
from the centre line of the model as it
Comparing the 0 deg, h=40mm plot (Fig 14 c) approached the ground plane. It also provided a
with the 2 deg, h=40mm plot (Fig. 14 d) it can striking demonstration as to the effect of the
be seen that the small change in incidence has a high pressure build up underneath the wing in
large effect on the trailing wing tip vortex ground effect. This was evident in the increased
system. The primary tip vortex is strengthened, upwash angle close to the leading edge,
as indicated by the increase in core suction, and compared with a similar situation with no
is seen to shift ~10mm outboard while the ground plane, which is indicative of increased
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secondary tip vortex, which is also strengthened, circulation and therefore lift force.
passes over the top of the primary. The ground
plane vortex is enlarged and strengthened
though still appears to be separate from the Conclusions
trailing wing tip vortex system.
The results obtained from experimental testing
A comparison of the 2 and 4 degree incidence, on the generic reversed delta wing WIG craft
40mm plots (figs. 14 d and e) indicates the same model have confirmed the trends found by Dr.
trends with incidence as shown between 0 and 2 Lippisch and provide a clearer insight into the
degrees incidence. The primary wind tip vortex complicated wake flow downstream of a
is seen to have shifted 10mm further outboard reversed delta wing surface craft, and the effect
and is strengthened considerably by the further 2 of ground proximity.
degree increase in incidence. The secondary
vortex has also shifted further inboard and is It has been shown that the horizontal tail surface
further strengthened. In addition, the ground is not influenced by the ground as the craft
plane vortex is seen to be more extensive and it approaches the surface. This means that while
appears that it could be beginning to interact and the main wing is subjected to higher amounts of
even feed the trailing wing tip vortex system. lift and therefore pitching moment the tail
retains its original lift force. This means that the
These trends are further confirmed by analysis size of the tail must be such that it produces
of the flow structure in the wake of the model at enough restoring moment to counteract the
6 degrees incidence, 40mm average ground pitching moment of the main wing. At greater
clearance, shown in figure 14 f. In this case the ground clearances or even out of ground effect,
trailing wing tip vortex system appears to be the large horizontal tail will mean that the craft
linked with the ground plane vortex which, will exhibit a high degree of stability and in
further strengthened, appears to have induced a addition will afford the pilot good control and
secondary ground plane vortex. The evidence handling properties.
for a feeding shear layer between the ground
plane boundary layer and the trailing wing tip It was observed that in no flight condition did
system is more evident. Close inspection of all the wing tip vortex system approach the location
the wake pressure survey plots in figure 14 of the horizontal tail. The full effectiveness of a
indicates that the effect of incidence in close high mounted tail surface on a Lippisch
proximity to the ground is to rotate the whole configuration will thus be maintained
trailing wing tip vortex system round such that throughout the full flight profile without any
the primary feature moves outboard and the sudden loss of control.
secondary feature further inboard.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Acknowledgements 6. Rozhdestvensky, K. Y., “Basics of
Aerodynamics in Extreme Ground Effect”.
Thanks to Hanno Fischer and the staff of City Proceedings of the EuroAvia Ground Effect
University, London and Iowa State University, Symposium – EAGES 2001.
USA for their cooperation and guidance during
the development of this paper. 7. Van Opstel, E. “Introduction to WIG
Technology” Proceedings of the EuroAvia
References Ground Effect Symposium – EAGES 2001.

8. Stewart-Smith, J. “Lift Induced Drag and

1. Urquhart, S. “Aerodynamic studies of a Ground Effect”, AIAA Paper 94-6132, 1994.
Reversed Delta Wing in Ground Effect
Craft” Aeronautical Engineering Thesis. City 9. Curry, R. E. “Dynamic Ground Effect for a
Downloaded by Bibliothek der TU Muenchen on February 10, 2024 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.2006-253

University, London. 2004. Cranked Arrow Wing Aeroplane”, NASA

Technical Memorandum 4799, August 1997.
2. Wieselsberger, C. “The Influence of the
Ground Effect on Wing Drag” Ergebrisse der 10.Zhang, X. “Tip Vortices Generated by a
Aerodynamischen Versuchsanstalt zu Wing in Ground Effect” Aeronautics and
Göttingen II Lieferung. (1923), 41-42. Astronautics School of Engineering
Sciences, University of Southampton, 2000
3. Lippisch, A. Personal papers, Iowa State
University Library. 11.Zerihan, J. & Zhang, X.,
``Aerodynamics of a single-element wing-in-
4. Lippisch, A. “Ein Dreieckfliegt Die ground effect,'' Journal of Aircraft , Vol. 37,
Entwicklung der Delta – Flugzeuge bs 1945”. No. 6, November-December 2000, pp. 1058-
Motorbuch Verlag, Stuttgart, 1976. 1064.

5. Nickel, K. & Wohlfahrt, M. “Tailless 12. Fischer H, Fischer Flugmechanik. Private

Aircraft in Theory & Practice”. Butterworth- communication.
Hienemann, 2003.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
y 150

72 90


LE Line
TE Line
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a) schematic (LE and TE denote leading & trailing edge respectively) with salient dimensions (mm)

b) model mounted in Tunnel T3 at City University, London

Figure 1: Generic Reversed Delta Wing in Ground Effect Craft

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Figure 2: The wake pressure rake mounted on traverse






0.30 Data affected by ground plane boundary

layer below 20mm ground clearance.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Ground Clearance (mm)

Figure 3: CL versus ground clearance for = 0o

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics




Data affected by ground plane boundary

layer below 20mm ground clearance.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
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Ground Clearance (mm)

Figure 4: CD versus ground clearance for = 0o





C L /C D






0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Ground Clearance (mm)

Figure 5: CL/CD with changing ground clearance for = 0o









0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.35

Figure 6: CL versus CD with changing ground clearance for = 0o

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics



Data affected by ground plane boundary
layer below 20mm ground clearance.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
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Ground Clearance (mm)

Figure 7: CM versus ground clearance for = 0o







0.40 h=100mm
Free Flight


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Incidence (Deg)

Figure 8: CL versus incidence for free flight and for h=40 and 100mm




Free Flight


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Incidence (deg)

Figure 9: CD versus incidence for free flight and for h=40 and 100mm

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics



C L /C D

Free Flight


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0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Incidence (deg)

Figure 10: CL /CD versus incidence for free flight and for h=40 and 100mm





0.005 Free Flight

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Incidence (deg)

Figure 11: CM versus incidence for free flight and for h=40 and 100mm






0.40 40mm
Free Flight

0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55

Figure 12: CL versus CD with changing incidence for free flight and for h=40 and 100mm

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics


Y (mm)
Y (mm)



0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
X (mm) X (mm)

a) Schematic b) = 0o , Free flight

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150 150
Y (mm)

Y (mm)
100 100

50 50

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

X (mm) X (mm)
c) = 0o , h=10mm location d) = 0o , h=20mm

150 150
Y (mm)

Y (mm)

100 100

50 50

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

X (mm) X (mm)

e) = 0o , h=30mm f) =0o , h=40mm

150 150
Y (mm)

Y (mm)

100 100

50 50

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

X (mm) X (mm)

g) = 0o , h=60mm h) = 0o , h=100mm

Figure 13: Total pressure ratio contours from wake survey at crossflow plane 487.5mm downstream of
the model nose with varying ground clearance at =0o

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Y (mm)
Y (mm)




0 100 200 300
0 100 200 300
X (mm) X (mm)
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b) Schematic b) = 0o , Free flight

150 150
Y (mm)

Y (mm)
100 100

50 50

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

X (mm) X (mm)

c) = 0o , h=40mm d) = 2o , h=40mm

150 150
Y (mm)

Y (mm)

100 100

50 50

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

X (mm) X (mm)

e) = 4o , h=40mm f) = 6o , h=40mm

Figure 14: Total pressure ratio contours from wake survey at crossflow plane z=487.5mm downstream
of the model nose with varying incidence at 40mm ground clearance

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Spanwise distance from model centre (mm)






Primary tip vort ex
40 Secondary tip vort ex


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0 20 40 60 80 100

Ground clearence (mm)

Figure 15: Observed variation of spanwise position of the primary and secondary tip vortices with
ground clearance, at crossflow plane z=487.5mm downstream of the model nose for a=0o.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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