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Sight Unseen: The Greek Gift Book One

Juniper Rose
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Sight Unseen
The Greek Gift
Book One
By Juniper Rose

Copyright @ Juniper Rose 2023

All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of the author. The only exception is for the use of brief quotations in a book review by readers. This book is a work of
fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, are purely coincidental.

ISBN: 979-8-89269-4

Urban Fantasy
Why choose Romance

Editor: Heather Creeden,
Interior Formatting: Heather Creeden,
Cover Designer: CaraBlaineDesignes
Alpha readers: Susan, Kourtney, Nicole, Brittney, Kristy, Vincent
Beta readers: Sam, Tara, Hailey, Jessica
For everyone that has ever been told you can’t do something. If you put your mind to it, and put in the work, anything is

1. Diana
2. Atlas
3. Diana
4. Diana
5. Diana
6. Diana
7. Eros
8. Atlas
9. Diana
10. Diana
11. Diana
12. Atlas
13. Diana
14. Atlas
15. Diana
16. Apollo
17. Diana
18. Atlas
19. Eros
20. Diana
21. Diana
22. Diana
23. Phoenix
24. Diana
25. Diana
26. Eros
27. Diana
28. Diana
29. Atlas
30. Diana
31. Apollo
32. Diana
33. Diana
34. Diana

About the Author

n the beginning, monsters didn’t exist. They were tales that were told around the campfire to scare us, and the reason we
checked under the bed for creatures at night. Well, at least that’s what I believed. The monsters we ran from in the darkness
did not exist.
Then everything changed.
They used to be invisible.
They hunt us at night, and we are entirely oblivious to them in the world around us.
When the clock struck midnight on October 24th, signaling the start of my 21st birthday, it was like a switch flipped. I could
suddenly see the demons hiding in the dark that everyone else was unaware of.
I was lying in bed reading my favorite book about a red-haired foxy girl and her men when the scorpion-like creature came
out from under my bed. I sat up paralyzed, not knowing what to do as the creature looked my way. Its eyes scanned the bed, but
they never stopped on me; it looked like it was staring right through me. It had huge black pincers and a long segmented tail
curling around its back, dripping a green goo from the tip. The death-curdling scream I let out was enough to shatter windows.
My boyfriend, Chad, darted into view in the open doorway to the bedroom. He looked around, clueless to the scary as fuck
scorpion creature coming right toward him.
“Chad, get down. Move, it’s coming for you!” I screamed as I jumped out of bed, but he just looked at me like I was crazy
as the monster jammed its telson into his heart.
“Diana,” he croaked out as he started sweating and taking short sporadic breaths. My boyfriend of only a few weeks
clutched his chest, dropping to his knees, opening and closing his mouth, gasping for a breath. No words were escaping past his
silent lips.
The scorpion then turned to me as Chad dropped to the floor in the hallway. It looked around the room, cocking its head to
the side like a damn German Shepherd, like it couldn’t see me standing stunned in the middle of the room.
The big black thing started crawling back under my bed to wherever the hell it came from.
I rushed to Chad’s side, but it was too late. He was already gone. I hung my head, closed his eyes, and packed my bag.
There was no way I was staying another minute in this apartment with that thing crawling around.
I learned two things that night: all the myths and ghost stories we were told as kids are real; we just cannot see them, and I
don’t know what happened the moment my 21st birthday hit, but I think I might be invisible to the demons I could now see, that
are very real in the world.
Chapter 1


slammed through the front door to the apartment with nothing but the essentials in the pack slung over my shoulder. There
was no way in hell I would be going back in there; nothing could ever get me to step anywhere near it again. I pushed
through the door that led to the stairs, taking two at a time till I broke through the exit door at the bottom.
The chilly night air hit me like a slap in the face. My thoughts were racing as I ran from the disaster that just unfolded.
We lived in Tennessee. I moved here to go to college, then I met Chad, and we decided to get a small apartment off campus.
Some eye contact here, a touch there, and it was easy enough to have him on his knees begging for me. It was fun, but I’m not
heartbroken. Any loss of life is upsetting, but now wasn’t the time to think about it while I was running for mine. He was just a
plaything while I finished school anyway. I never intended to settle down, and Chad was just there to scratch an itch from time
to time. He felt the same way; it was a mutually convenient relationship, and neither planned on it lasting past college.
I’m lost in my thoughts as I walk toward my friend’s apartment building; I run straight into a wall. Pain shot through my
skull from the impact.
“What the fuck,” I yelled, rubbing my forehead.
I looked up to see what I ran into. I was watching my feet and not where I was going, and I knew there shouldn’t have been
anything in my way. I was on the damn sidewalk, after all. So unless someone decided to put a building on it, there was no way
I should have hit anything.
My mouth falls open at probably the most breathtaking people I’ve ever seen. Close your mouth; you look like a fish out
of water.
I clamp my mouth shut in reply to my mind screaming at me. It wasn’t a damn wall I ran into, it was a person. She looked
like a goddess. Had armor strapped against her chest, a bow slung over her shoulder, and the deadliest sword I’ve ever seen
strapped at her waist. She had mid-length curly brown hair, way shorter than my long red locks. Piercing blue eyes that looked
almost white with a dark ring of black around the outside of her iris. Soft facial features that made her look almost elegant, like
a porcelain doll.
You're still staring. Introduce yourself instead of being a creep—stupid Diana.
“Fuck I’m so sorry. My name is Diana Nephus,” I mumbled while thrusting my hand in front of the beautiful stranger.
There’s no need to be rude and not politely offer my hand, even if she did come out of nowhere. She stares at my
outstretched arm for a long moment. When I start to pull back, she grabs it with hers. Her hand is so soft and a bit cold to the
Fuck your staring again, Diana. Snap out of it. She’s speaking to you; pay attention.
“I’m sorry, what?” I sputtered as I only caught half of her sentence.
I yanked my hand back so I could focus and not be distracted by how cold her hand felt in mine.
Shaking her head, she sighs and starts again, “I’m Onasis, and we’re here to take you to Enyo Institute.”
She gestured to the four men behind her. The two flanking her left were almost mirror images of each other. Where one had
dark amber eyes, light copper hair, a burgundy beard, and freckles that put mine to shame.
The other had blue eyes so pale they looked violet, striking white hair, and a smooth, clean face with a serious jawline.
My jaw hit the ground at the total hotness that just stepped into my path, and I wonder if I had dropped into another
universe. Beautiful beings like the five standing before me just don’t exist in this world.
Ooh my god Diana close your damn mouth before you swallow a fucking fly. “Wait, what?” I say again, unable to stop the
dumbfounded words from leaving my mouth.
“Is she broken? Maybe you need to explain it like you would to a toddler. I think she bruised her brain when she ran into
you, Onasis,” the handsome man said as the cutest smirk touched his lips.
I don’t think I’ve seen a better-looking guy in my life. He was on the right side of Onasis. With bronze skin, like he’s been
tanning for days, and has that beautiful glow. Bright gray eyes and black curly hair. My god, he looked like an Adonis standing
there. It took me a minute to catch on that he was saying I was brainless.
“Excuse you!” I hollered. “I’ll have you know my brain is intact and just fine, thank you very much.” Pointing a finger in his
direction, my nose scrunched up at my words. I always hated that. It made me feel like a damn rabbit.
There’s that damn smirk again, this guy is going to be the death of me.
“What I was trying to put into words was… What the hell is Enyo Institute? Why are you taking me there? And why should
I trust you? Y’all literally came out of nowhere. For all I know, you could be here to kill me and feed me to that thing back in
my apartment.”
Stop rambling, Diana. You're never gonna get answers if you don’t keep your damn mouth shut.
My mouth snapped close before I could say another word while I waited for the answers. My gaze bounced over the five
people standing before me.
They really were God-like and more beautiful than anything I’ve ever seen before. Nothing compared to me, with my
waist-length red hair, dark gray eyes, and so many freckles across my face you can hardly see skin. No, I didn't even compare
to the beauty of the beings before me.
Let’s not even go to my curves; yes, I like food, okay, and I have the love handles to prove it. I might go to the gym a few
days a week, but the love handles were there to stay. These people in front of me didn't look like they had an ounce of fat on
them. They all looked toned like they went to the gym multiple times a week.
The broody man on Onasis's right spoke up then. He had forest green eyes, high cheekbones, a defined jaw, and short
brown hair. “Let’s start over, shall we? I’m Apollo; this is Atlas,” he said as he gestured to the Adonis beside him. Pointing to
his left, he continues, “This is Eros and Phoenix. We are only here to help. We would never harm someone gifted with the
Atlas held his hand out to me with the biggest shit-eating grin across his face. “Come on, little bunny,” he bopped me on the
nose, and it scrunched up like a damn rabbit again. “I’ll tell you all about it on the way.”
Chapter 2


his girl needed a lot of explaining. I tried telling her as much as I could on the drive back to Enyo. It was like her parents
never told her about the possibility of her having the sight.
I couldn’t stop my dumb mouth from asking the burning question, “Didn't your parents teach you about the sight and
what could happen when you turned twenty-one? You're clearly from the Greek lines if your last name is Nephus! So why
didn’t your parents warn you of the dangers you could face? That’s the least they could do if they didn’t bring you to Enyo.”
I felt like the biggest ass as her eyes filled with tears, and she turned to look out the window of the car. She spoke in a
whisper so low I almost missed it. “My parents are dead.”
“What was that Diana?” Apollo said from the front seat, spinning to get a better look at the scared girl we basically
kidnapped off the street.
Onasis was driving, with Apollo in the passenger seat, and I was next to the beautiful Diana, with Phoenix and Eros in the
back. The middle row might have been made to fit three, but there’s no way I’m squeezing in next to them fools.
Diana’s heated glare turned on Apollo; the tears were gone, and white-hot rage was in its place. She looked murderous,
and I’ve never been more turned on by a woman. Anyone who challenges Apollo is a win in my book. He might be our leader,
but he needed someone like Diana to shake up his world. He’s been cold and disconnected since we were ambushed by
demons a while back, killing a member of our team.
“I said my parents are dead. They were murdered when I was sixteen, not that it’s any of your fucking business!” Her voice
cracked on that last word, and she returned her gaze to the window.
I gently grabbed her chin and turned her face toward mine, “Look bunny, I’m sorry for bringing it up; that explains why you
didn’t come to Enyos when you were eighteen.” A look of confusion crossed her face at that statement.
The way she scrunches her nose is adorable. This girl is going to drive me crazy; she’s easily the most beautiful person
I’ve ever seen. Her body was slim, with a curvy waist, full breasts, and an ass I wanted to get my hands on. She had beautiful
deep red hair, and a round face full of freckles that I wanted to spend all day counting to see how many filled her beautiful face.
Then there’s her eyes; they are the most beautiful light gray, with almost white streaks through them.
I huff out a breath and begin explaining. “So, all of the Greek lines have a special mutation passed along their genetics for
decades. It is, as we like to call it, the sight. So, all descendants of Greek origins get sent to Enyo Institution when they turn
eighteen to train.”
“Train for what?” She sneaks in while I was getting my next thoughts together, scrunching her nose up in confusion—three
lines formed between her brows.
I smirked and bopped her on the nose. It really is adorable when she does that. “If you’ll be patient, I’m getting to that
part,” I sigh as I run my fingers through my black curls.
With a deep breath, I continue, “They train in case they are gifted with the sight when they turn twenty-one. They learn how
to take down demons, monsters, and creatures that go bump in the night. This way, if they have the sight, they’re ready to fight,
and if they don’t, they go home a little stronger, but it’s no use if they can’t see the opponent in front of them.”
I continue on another deep inhale, “Your parents dying explains why you didn’t show up when you were eighteen. You had
no one to bring you to us, but now that we know you have the sight, we need to get back and start your training immediately.
You're not safe out here when you have no clue how to fight the enemy.”
“You will also learn how to harness your special power,” Phoenix said as Diana scrunched her nose again.
Damnit, if this woman keeps doing that, she will have me wrapped around her little finger in a heartbeat; I just can’t help it.
She’s too fucking adorable for words. “Along with the sight, everyone is gifted a special ability to help them in the war with
“What’s your gift?” Her eyes were full of curiosity as she ran her gaze over each one of us, including Onasis, who caught
her eye in the rearview mirror.
Apollo gave me a hard stare from the front seat as he answered her question. “All in due time, Diana, we still have a ways
to go, and you look exhausted. That’s enough information for now.”
“How long is the drive to the institution?” She asked as a yawn overtook her. It’s like she was drained of energy; I don’t
blame her. It’s a lot to take in, and given what she just went through, she’s probably still shaken up. It’s tough when you face
your first demon, and with her never having any knowledge of their existence, it was likely a shock to her system.
“A few hours,” I said as I pulled her into my side. “Lay down and get some rest! That window does not look comfortable,
and you look like you'll fall over any second.”
She laid her head on my thigh and brought her feet up on the seat to curl underneath her. She looked so young and fragile; I
vowed at that moment to figure out what happened to her parents.
I could already tell Diana was going to shake up our team, and damn did we need it. She was exactly the person we needed
to complete our group, and I’ll make everyone else see it, too. There is so much fire in her, and I’m chomping at the bit to learn
Thank you was the last thing I heard her whisper before sleep took her over. I can’t imagine the trauma she just went
through; it definitely has to be draining. I just hope her dreams don’t get plagued with nightmares like ours so often do.
Chapter 3


blinked my eyes a few times to try and get my bearings and figure out what in the world happened.
Well, you're currently drooling all over a guy, so there’s that.
Ooh fuck, I quickly wiped at my mouth; I wasn’t drooling, stupid voice in my head. It was at that moment I realized the
car had stopped. I glanced around, but it was empty other than me and Atlas.
I looked up at him through my lashes. His head was tilted back on the seat, eyes closed, and his chest was moving up and
down in a rhythmic tone. He looked so peaceful I itched to reach up and brush the black curly lock from his face. His scent was
a mix between a tart, crisp apple and the smell of rain during a thunderstorm.
His eyes chose that moment to pop open, the most beautiful gray settling on mine. They weren’t a boring light gray like
mine; it was like the sky right before it turned black with a storm approaching, with silver dancing through them like lightning.
Will you stop staring at the man and listen while he talks!
I scrunch my nose and give him my best puppy dog eyes ever. Silently pleading for him to repeat what he just said.
“Were you listening to a single thing I said?” He asked, staring at me dumbfounded.
“Nope, I was too busy getting lost in your eyes.” I felt all the blood rush to my face while I brought my hand up to slap over
my mouth before more words could escape. Ooh fuck did that seriously just come out of my mouth. What the hell? The word
vomit can go away now!
Chuckling and shaking his head, he so graciously repeated himself. “We’re inside the confines of Enyo. The others went to
get you sorted out with a room, clothes, toiletries, and your schedule. It might take a minute to get your room situated. We
weren't expecting anyone new to join the institute until next year. That is until you went off like an explosion on the magical
map we have to track the gifted, drawing us your way.”
I tilted my head to get a better look at him, scrunching my nose. I tried pulling my fingers through my hair, but it was
useless. I needed some serious conditioner and a long detangling session. “I lit up on a map?”
Shrugging, he replied cocky as fuck. “Yeah, the map shows where all the gifted are when they turn twenty-one. It’s like a
natural tracker, so we can always locate you, send backup, and not have to question where help is needed when we disperse
people. Your dot lit up half of Tennessee. The institute is in New Orleans, so there’s a lot of beacons over this way, and yours
put them all to shame. Yours was a dull light a few days ago, which is unusual, so we were already on our way to investigate.
Then you lit up, engulfing half of Tennessee in the brilliant shine.”
“So what does that mean?” My voice was so quiet I didn’t recognize it.
I just don’t understand any of this.
Demons weren’t real.
This had to be a dream I would wake up from at any moment.
“It means,” he huffed, looking conflicted on what answer to give me, “That you have an extraordinary gift, and it could be
what tips the scale in our favor.”
A laugh breaks free from my chest. I try to talk between my bursts of laughter while simultaneously trying to catch my
breath. “You mean me. Diana. Normal orphan girl. With a boring life. Have some power that will aid in fighting some war that
has been going on for centuries. Can you pinch me because I think I am having the most bizarre dream, and I’m ready to wake
up now?”
He gave me a hard look, all signs of teasing gone from his face, and my laughter immediately stopped. I was entranced by
those gray eyes with bolts of silver dashing around.
“Yes, Diana. That’s exactly what I’m saying. You're a Nephus. You're one of the last of your name. That means your gift
will be stronger with no one else in your line to share it with. I can assure you that this is not a dream. I’m not a figment of your
imagination, and you will not wake up from this. It’s your life now, but to appease your curiosity…” Atlas reached over and
pinched me.
“Ouch! I wasn’t being serious.” Rubbing my arm where the sting of his fingers bit into my skin, I caught the sincerity in his
eyes, and the truth of his words sunk into my bones.
My face blanched, and for once, my mind was silent. “Holy shit, you're not kidding.”
“No, I’m not.”
That was the only reply I got before he pushed open the car door and held out his hand for me to take, “Now, would you
like a tour of Enyo, or would you rather stay in the car all night?”
I stretched my tight muscles and took his outstretched hand in mine. It was warm to the touch, and so rough, old clauses
marked his palm. I immediately thought of what they would feel like sliding up my body.
As soon as we connected, a zap bolted up my arm, and my eyes bugged out and snapped toward his. Atlas's eyes were
round like he felt the same jolt I did, but nothing was said about it.
Ignoring the shock of our connection, I pulled myself from the car and turned to look at my new home, I guess. My mouth
dropped open in shock. “Holy shit.”
Atlas chuckled beside me. “You get used to it.”
Chapter 4


nyo Institute was like a giant fucking castle. It had a huge mix of gray and white bricks lining the walls and deep black
stacks at the top. So black they blended with the night sky. It was massive! Bigger than anything I’ve ever seen. There was
an elegant fountain in the middle of the courtyard that the driveway wrapped around.
At the end of the road was a huge iron gate with a shield in the middle and EI embossed in the center with lightning bolts
and roses circling it. I feel like I just stepped back in time or got thrown into a gothic vampire movie or something.
“Is Dracula going to jump out at me?” I laughed. I could not believe the beautiful fucking castle I was standing in front of.
“Hmmm, I never thought of it like that, but it does make sense. It looks like an old Dracula movie, doesn’t it.”
I jumped five feet in the air at the sound of the voice behind me. Turning around with my hand on my heart, I reached out to
punch the jerk that scared me.
“You scared the shit out of me. Don’t go sneaking up on people like that!” I immediately regretted the punch as a huge ass
scary-looking bird was sitting on his arm.
“Ooh, shit, I’m sorry. Is it Phoenix or Eros? When introductions were made, Apollo wasn’t too clear on who was who.” I
spoke the words, but I couldn’t take my eyes off the gorgeous bird in front of me.
“I’m Eros.” He chuckled his reply.
“And who is this?” I gestured toward the beautiful bird. It was gorgeous, with smooth black wings and a white belly
speckled with a mix of black and gray. A splash of brown and gray danced along its tail, and it had huge black eyes staring
right at me.
Let’s not forget the scary sharp beak and claws; they look like they can tear someone apart.
“This is Astra. My falcon familiar. Sorry, we didn’t mean to spook you. We were training nearby when Astra spotted you
and wanted to say hello.” Eros replied as Astra turned her head in an unnatural way and stretched out toward me.
I extended my hand for her to push her head into, and the feeling of her feathers were like silk. It was unlike anything I’ve
ever experienced. She was so soft and beautiful.
“Be careful; she can be a little snippy,” Eros said, and my eyes bugged out with fear.
Carefully and extremely slowly, I removed my hand from the majestic bird. “You decided to tell me after I already had my
hand within reaching distance of her deadly-looking beak.”
I could not believe this man. Was he trying to make me lose a finger?
Chuckling, Eros’ simple reply had my breath hitching. “If she wanted you to lose a finger, she would have voiced her
displeasure with me. She seems to like you, and she doesn't like anyone. Not even Phoenix.”
“Wait, she talks?” There goes my mouth gaping open again. I really need to tape the damn thing closed.
That can be arranged, Diana.
Okay, stupid voice, that’s enough of your nonsense.
“No, she only communicates with me. It’s sort of a mind meld. Telepathic communication, if you will. It’s difficult to
explain to someone without a familiar.” Eros raked a hand through his white hair, brushing it out of his face.
Stop staring and pay attention to what he’s saying, you foolish girl. You might learn something.
“Ooh, like voices in your head. I get it. There’s one in mine all the time I can’t ever get to shut up, I swear.”
Eros and Atlas shared an intense look. I gaped between the beautiful men, looking back and forth, trying to figure out their
silent conversation.
“Well, someone spit it out already; you're leaving me in suspense.”
Atlas was the first to speak, “It’s nothing. Come on, I'll give you a tour and see if Apollo has figured out your room
situation yet.”
We started walking toward the huge double doors in the front of the castle when Eros spoke up. “Apollo already moved
everyone around. She’s in the red room in the East wing.”
“This place has wings. Like it seriously could not get any fucking bigger.” I was honestly shocked. Although, with the size
of this place, I shouldn’t be.
You have no idea, Diana. There is so much more.
Chapter 5


here goes my jaw again. Dropping dangerously close to the floor. This place was magnificent. Once inside, I got a view
of how massive the building was. The opening stretched up two stories with curved staircases on each side. Shiny deep
brown hardwood floor covered the area and continued up the stairs. The walls were stone gray, covered with so many
statues and paintings, that I didn’t know what to look at.
Directly in front of me was another set of doors and long hallways off to the right and left that curved out of sight to wrap
around the building.
There were only a couple of people walking around when I glanced at the huge dial clock over the doors in front of me, I
could see why. It was nine p.m. I’ve been asleep for a whole day. No wonder why there’s such a kink in my neck. It chose that
moment to ache, and I reached up to soothe the soreness with my fingers.
Astra took off past me, flying up the stairs to the right. Her wings clipped my hair, sending it sprawling into my face.
“Well, goodbye to you too!”
I don’t think it’s wise to get on the falcons bad side by being a smart ass.
Grumbling at that comment, I pulled out the hair that was now in my mouth and turned to look at Eros. “Ummm, shouldn’t
you go after her?”
He shrugged, “Nah. She’s probably going to our room. I worked her pretty hard when you were sleeping. She needed it
after being off for a few days while we were in Tennessee retrieving you.”
“About that?” I pinched my brows and gave a stern look at Atlas. “Why didn’t anyone wake me up? Do you know how
uncomfortable it is to sleep for that long in the position I was in!”
I dropped my hand. There’s no use in trying to work the kink out. Hopefully, there’s a comfortable bed I can sleep it away
Atlas smirked as one eyebrow lifted, “We arrived and decided to let you sleep. You looked wrecked. Also, how could I
wake up such a beautiful girl with her face so close to my cock. I would have left you there longer if it were up to me.”
My cheeks instantly flushed; I knew they were red as a cherry, and my eyes bugged out. “Excuse me. You're the one who
pushed me to lay down. I didn’t mean to get that up close and personal with your manhood.”
Holy smoldering hotness, I didn’t think his looks could get any better, but here I was, clenching my thighs as heat pulled in
my belly and wetness coated my sex. The look he gave me was pure lust like he wanted to strip me naked right here.
He bopped me on the nose again, and I snapped up to bite his finger.
“Ouch, bunny has teeth. I have no complaints about you getting up close and personal with my manhood. If you want a better
look, the red room is across from mine.” Atlas winked as he shook his finger and started walking away, pointing out different
areas in the building.
Ooh, foolish girl! What in the world have you gotten yourself into? Stop thinking about his dick and pay attention to
what he’s saying before you get lost in this maze.
Goddammit, now I was thinking about his dick. Get it together, Diana, but could you really blame me? The black curls
hanging across his forehead and the ass this man has. If there was an ass competition, I decided Atlas would take first place.
His jeans hugged him in all the right places. Before I could wonder too much about what he looks like without pants on, I
turned off my treacherous brain and started listening to what he was pointing out.
“Through those doors is the gathering hall; we hold meetings there sometimes, but it’s mainly where we eat. Breakfast,
lunch, and dinner are served daily at five a.m., one p.m., and six p.m. If you miss a meal, the kitchen is around the other side;
you can get to it from outside through the back or the doors at the back of the gathering hall. You can go anytime and get
anything you want. Down the hallway to the right is where all the classes are, and to the left is the training grounds.”
“Wait, classes, training, what exactly is it that y’all do here?” The look on my face was pure confusion. My brows pinched
tight, and my mouth slanted, waiting for a reply. What in the world have I gotten into?
Eros chuckled, “Didn’t you pay attention when we explained in the car? We train here to fight demons. To keep innocent
people from dying. The classes you’ll take involve strategy, demonology, magic abilities, field medic, and weapons studies, to
name a few. The training includes hand-to-hand combat, weapons combat, a rigorous agility course, and magic combat. That’s
just the basics. If you happen to get a familiar, you’ll be in classes with it as well.”
This man was so beautiful it hurt my eyes. The easygoing smile on his face and hair that looked so soft I wanted to run my
hands through it. Don’t even get me started on his eyes. They were such a brilliant blue they looked violet at times.
“Hold up. Are you saying I could get a falcon, too? That would be so fucking cool!” I swear I heard a deep growl in my
head as soon as the words left my lips. I clamped my mouth shut, or maybe not. I have enough voices in my head as it is. I do
not need to add a telepathic talking animal into the mix.
Atlas tugged on my wrist to bring my attention back to him. “Come on, I'll show you to your room.” Shivers wracked my
body, and goosebumps rose up my arm at his touch. It was like nothing I’ve ever felt before. This man does things to my body
that have never happened.
I followed him on silent feet up the curved staircase. He was pointing out different statues and pictures as we went, but my
mind was still spinning too much to listen.
Eros turned the knob on the first door to the right. “Well, this is my room. I’ll see you in the morning, Diana. Goodnight.”
I got a peek into his room as he opened the door. It was a beautiful mix of white and black, like the feathers on his falcon.
She was perched on a huge tree off to the right of his room, preening her feathers, and stopped to stare at me as I was caught
Eros turned, and a full-blown smile crossed his face. He had the cutest dimples; I just wanted to lick. At the thought of that,
a throbbing heat settled low in my belly. Damnit, Diana quit thinking about licking the gorgeous man’s dimples. My face heated
at my sinful thoughts, and I looked away in embarrassment.
“Yeah, I like her too.” Was all Eros said as he turned to face Astra and let the door swing shut behind him.
Ooh fuck I’m definitely in trouble if I can’t stop thinking about all the dirty things I want to do to these men.
You really need to get your head on your shoulders and start focusing on the end goal instead of riding their dicks.
There’s that damn voice of reason again. How will I get laid when it keeps pushing me off the subject? Fuck, and now I’m
thinking about how I can get one of their heads between my thighs, or two; I’m not opposed to threesomes.
I turn back to Atlas, who is full-blown, staring at me with so much desire in his eyes. His lips parted, and he slowly
brought out his tongue to lick the bottom one. I clenched my legs hard under his stare. Yup, my libido is fucked.
Pointing to the room across from Eros, he continues the tour. “This is Phoenix’s room. He doesn’t like people in his space,
so I’d steer clear of going in there.”
Winking at me, he continues. “That one next to his is mine, and you have permission to come in anytime you want. This one
is yours.” He opens the door across from his to a beautiful black and red decorated room.
“Where’s Apollo's room?” I turned and asked before making my way into my room. He points to the door at the end of the
“Right there, but he also doesn't like people in his space, so if you wanna keep your head on your shoulders, I’d stay away.
The only time we’re ever in there is for team meetings.” Reaching toward me, he pulls me into a hug and sets his chin on top of
my head.
I’m overwhelmed with his crisp apple and rain scent and take in a deep breath. His chest rumbles at that. “Get some sleep,
Bunny. I’ll wake you up later, show you the rest of the institution, and let you know your schedule for the day.”
The moment he releases me, I immediately feel the loss of him and his scent I’m coming to love. I just felt an overwhelming
sense of calm when he was near. Turning into my room, I mumbled goodnight and took in the sight of the amazing space.
Chapter 6


his room is bigger than the whole apartment I had off-campus. To the left are two doors, a giant black dresser off to the
right, and the biggest bed I’ve ever seen in the center. The floor is a beautiful oak hardwood with a giant red rug in the
middle, half hidden under the bed.
The walls are a deep gray, almost black. There are huge windows on either side of the bed, with deep red curtains
covering them. I peeked out the window to get a look at my view, and it was stunning. A huge garden was spread out as far as I
could see, with a giant fountain in the middle. It was breathtaking. Water trickled down the top over wolves that looked like
they were howling at the moon. Four lights are shining on the gorgeous fountain, and I made a mental note to get a better look at
it in the morning.
The sheets on the bed are midnight black and soft like velvet with a deep red comforter. There’s one post at each corner, a
soft canopy slung over the top, and so many pillows I could get lost in them. Who even needs that many pillows? I mean, come
on, there has to be at least twenty. It looks like a bed made for a queen, not someone like me.
There’s a black desk next to the dresser with a stack of books on top, and a red chair in front of it. I can see why they call
this the red room. Everything is either black or red; although red is my least favorite color, the color combination is growing on
Walking over, I inspect the titles:

Demon Studies
Combat Training
Defensive Maneuvers
Psychic Self Defense
Protection And Reversal Magic
The Lost Ways
The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies
Weapons Study

Holy shit, they weren't kidding. This is like fucking demon boot camp.
Diana, I told you to listen. Being here will be the hardest thing you will have to work for. You need to get your head on
your shoulders and pay attention to what they teach you. There are real threats in the world you must fight, and I would
rather not have you dead.
Shaking my head at that damn voice, I turn to continue my exploration. The first door off to the left is a huge closet filled
with clothes. Poking around at the sizes, they all look like they would fit
me. They're all black and red, not my first choice of color but it’ll do, seeing as I hardly had any clothes in my pack I
bought. Speaking of, I see it sitting just inside the door leading to the hallway.
Hurrying over, I dump it out on the bed and grab the articles of clothing to put away. As I open the dresser, I see it’s packed
full of panties and bras with the tags still attached. I add mine to the pile, closing the dresser and heading toward the second
The bathroom is massive. Directly in the middle is a huge soaking tub in the floor. No, seriously, you have to walk down
into it. Like this room couldn’t get any better. To the right is a massive gray and whitewashed vanity with a mirror covering the
whole wall, and to the left is a shower big enough for ten people, I swear. The floor is white granite, and the walls are dark
gray. Fitting for what the rest of this place looked like.
Deciding a shower is just what I need. I strip off my old clothes and throw them in a basket by the door. I step into the
shower, turning it on as hot as I can handle, and tip my head back to let the water chase away the chill I feel in my bones.
There are three shower heads, not including the huge rain shower directly in the middle. I pop open the shampoo cap and a
wave of coconut and mint hits my nose. This smells amazing; I’ll have to stock up on it because there is no way I could go back
to my cheap-smelling shampoo now. When I’m done lathering, I rinse it out and repeat with the conditioner.
I shut off the water and reach for the fluffy red towel hanging nearby to dry myself off. Wrapping it around me, I head to the
vanity in search of a brush. Brushing my tangled mess was no easy task, but the conditioner helped. That stuff was like liquid
gold for the hair.
After I've finished brushing out my hair, I'm relieved to find a new toothbrush and toothpaste, so I get to work on brushing
my teeth. I head back into the bedroom and pull on a pair of panties and a sports bra.
Plopping down onto the bed and pulling the blankets up around me, I close my heavy lids. This mattress is like a dream.
The bed is big enough for at least eight people, but I sprawl out from corner to corner, loving all the room I have.
Sleep finally takes me as I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
Chapter 7


ou know, I think she may have a familiar. I get the sense someone is poking around in her head.
Walking over, I pet my falcon down her back. “I think I’d have to disagree with you. If she had a familiar, we would
have known by now. It would have made a presence in her life at eighteen to make the bond at twenty-one.”
Astra always had a knack for seeing things I couldn’t. She definitely saved my ass a couple of times. Her sense of character
was spot on also; she could always tell who could be trusted and who couldn’t. Although she tolerated the guys for my benefit,
she trusted them to have my back.
She was not here at eighteen. So how would you know? The animal could have drifted to where she was and watched
her till you brought her here. Familiars do funny things for their person.
Astra pecked at my fingers, letting me know she had enough affection, so I retreated my hand.
“That is true. I guess we shall find out in the next few weeks. Diana is an interesting person, so it wouldn’t surprise me if
she did have her own familiar.” I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for bed.
That she is, I like her. Don’t screw it up, Eros!
“You're implying she has an interest in me. Did you see the way she was staring at Atlas?” I shook my head as I changed
and crawled into bed. Astra was doing her best bird glare at me, making me wonder what I did to upset her this time.
My falcon never hesitated to voice her opinion to me about the people around us. She was definitely hard to please and
didn't like anyone, so hearing her talk about Diana in a positive manner was refreshing.
Diana was gorgeous with her long red hair and bright gray eyes. She had a body I just wanted to run my hands all over
while I devoured her, but I knew she would go for Atlas; they always did.
I also saw how she looked at you, Eros. Don’t sell yourself short.
With that thought in my mind, I drifted off to sleep thinking of a fiery redhead lying sprawled out on my chest, her head
nestled in my shoulder, as I traced lines up and down her spine. Tomorrow will be interesting, that's for sure.
Chapter 8


ounding on Diana’s door, I shouted, “Wake up, bunny. Time to get the day started.”
I heard rustling on the other side, along with some angry mumbling, and then the door was wrenched open. I came face
to face with a very angry, very underdressed Diana. She smelled like coconut and mint. At that moment, I decided that
was my favorite scent, and I wanted to surround myself with it.
“It’s five in the morning, you fool. Who gets up before the sun even fucking does.” Her nose scrunched at my five a.m.
wake-up call. Her hair was a mess of curls that reached her waist.
My gaze raked down her body, taking inventory of her big, full breasts, the curves around her waist, and settled at the
piercing in her navel. Her chest hitched, and my eyes bounced back up to hers. Lust and fire flashed across her face at my
reaction to her almost naked body. Her eyes went so wide they made me grin.
“Bunny, who knew you were hiding that beautiful body under all the clothes you wear? I vote you only wear this from now
on.” I said as I backed her into the room and closed the door behind me. “Come on, Apollo is waiting for us; he has
assessments planned for you today.” As tempting as it was to throw her on the bed and have her screaming my name, we had
shit to do.
I turned and walked to her closet, pulling out a pair of black leggings and a matching tank. Tossing it to her, I grumbled,
“Get dressed before I make my fantasy a reality and Apollo comes charging in here to see what’s taking so long.”
Her cheeks heated to a beautiful red as she bent over to pull the leggings up and over her luscious ass. I swiped my hand
down my face, fuck keeping my hands off of her is going to be damn near impossible. I dug out a pair of sneakers for her and
kneeled in front of her as she pulled her shirt down. Tapping the back of her leg, I gestured for her to lift her foot so I could
help her into her shoes.
“I mean, while you’re down there…” she said through a sexy smile, complete lust filling her eyes. Her hair fell in beautiful
locks around her face as she bent her head down to look at me. My cock jumped at her gaze. This girl had no clue what she was
asking for.
As I stood, I trailed my hand up the back of her thigh around her ass and up the center of her spine. “You are playing with
fire bunny. Don’t say shit unless you’re ready to get burned.”
She met my heated gaze unwavering. “What if I’m the one doing the burning.”
My cock was rock hard at the thought of someone that could match my crazy. That could dive headfirst into my fire and
come up unscathed.
Resting my forehead against hers with a shaky breath, I said the only thing on my mind. “You're going to be the death of me
if you keep playing this game. You have no clue what you're asking for.”
I turned on my heels before my hands took over and threw her on that bed to devour her like I so wanted to. There would be
time for that later; right now, we needed to get food because she would need it with what Apollo had planned for her. I didn’t
look back when I exited her room. I knew she would be following me.
Pounding down the stairs two at a time, I met Phoenix and Eros at the bottom, with a flustered-looking Diana behind me.
“Good morning, gentlemen.” I couldn’t help the smile pulling at my lips when they caught sight of Diana following me. I’d
let their minds wander at what we did with her wild, sex-looking hair and cheeks scarlet red.
Phoenix eyed me up and down, then glanced at Diana. “What did you do to her already? She looks like she’s trying to
decide between strangling you or jumping your bones.”
“Ooh, you know me. I let her fantasize about my head between her thighs.” Diana’s face turned even redder, if that was
possible, at my reply while she tried to hide behind her curls.
She dipped her head to look at the ground, not making eye contact with any of us. Awe, was my bunny a little shy? I’ll need
to break her of that. I love her spicy mouth and never wanted her to hide what she was thinking. I wanted her to voice her
intentions out loud.
“Don’t hide, bunny. We both know what you were thinking when you answered your door in nothing but a bra and panties.”
All three heads snapped my way at the comment.
I chuckled and opened the door to the gathering room. Gesturing them inside. “Come on, let's go get breakfast. We can talk
while we eat!”
Chapter 9


’m going to murder him. Like seriously, I’m going to slit his damn throat. What the fuck was I thinking, not putting on
clothes before I answered the door. Ooh, right, I wasn’t thinking. I had just woken up from an amazing dream about two
men worshiping my body. In my horny haze, I clearly was not thinking when I rushed to answer the door at the sound of
Atlas’s persistent banging. I really needed to get laid.
My libido is on overdrive around these men.
Maybe stop thinking about filling your cunt and fill your mouth with food. You need your strength for what they are
about to put you through today.
That damn voice of reason can go away at any time now. I grabbed a tray, and my mouth watered, looking at all the food to
choose from. They had everything from fresh fruit, meat, potatoes, eggs, pastries, and even waffles. This was amazing. Even the
cafeteria at school didn’t have this much to eat. We were lucky to have eggs and bacon.
My stomach chose that time to growl so loud I bet everyone in the hall heard it. I quickly grabbed some fruit, bacon, and
waffles. Listen, I didn’t get these curves eating rabbit food. I can eat my weight in waffles. There’s nothing like a syrup-
covered waffle to start your morning.
Holy shit. There’s an iced coffee machine! Making a beeline for the coffee, I grabbed the biggest cup there was, filling it
full of iced coffee goodness. I don’t know how people could drink hot coffee. It was bitter and so hot every time I tried it; I
always ended up burning my tongue. Iced coffee was definitely the way to go.
With my food in one hand and vanilla iced coffee in the other, I headed for the table I saw the guys sitting at.
I sat down across from Onasis, Apollo, and Phoenix. Sandwiched between Eros and Atlas. Heat blossomed in my lower
belly being so close to them. I clenched my legs at the thoughts of them filling my dreams last night. Where Atlas smelled like
crisp apples and rain, Eros smelled like fresh sheets and cloves. I wonder what they think of threesomes if they would be down
to try it out.
My attention snapped out of my daydream and to Apollo when he started speaking. “We’re going to use today to have you
run through the agility course so we can see your strengths and weaknesses. You’ll then go against Phoenix in weapons fighting
and Atlas in hand-to-hand combat. Afterward, we will break for lunch, and then Eros can take you out for familiar studies.”
Damn, does this guy ever smile? He was so handsome with his shorter dark brown hair and beard that was clean-cut.
Those green eyes were also stunning, but the fact that I haven’t seen him smile even once brings his hotness level down a few
pegs. He was all business all the time.
I nodded my head, groaning inward, knowing he would not be pleased if I voiced my displeasure at his schedule he would
not be pleased. When he got to familiar studies, my ears perked with interest, and my eyebrows raised. “But I don’t have a
familiar. Why am I learning about them?”
Eros turned my way, “You’re learning about them because familiars make themselves known at eighteen. Since you were
not here during that time, we don’t know if you have one yet. One could have chosen you and is waiting for the right time to
introduce themselves.”
My mouth fell open at his reply. There’s no way in hell I have a familiar. No one would want to bond with the mess I have
going on in my head.
There’s that growl again. What the fuck. I clamped my mouth shut, opting to keep quiet on the mess going on in my head,
and focused on finishing my food.
“Okay, everything sounds good except all the manual labor. Can we skip over that part? If you haven’t noticed, I’m not
really the active type.” Screw keeping quiet. I’m a decently active person, but at the thought of a damn agility course, my
stomach flipped. Shoving a piece of waffle in my mouth, I waited for their reply.
To my surprise, Onasis spoke up. “I think you will do better than you give yourself credit for. Our ancestors fought
hundreds of years against the demons. It’s in your blood. You just have to dig down deep and unlock that side of yourself.”
A newfound determination settled in my soul. “Okay then. Bring it on.” There was no way this could be harder than some of
the workouts Chad put me through at the gym. That guy was a weightlifting guru and set up a workout routine for me four days a
That’s it. Bring out your fight!
Chapter 10


reathing heavily, I looked over toward the five assholes staring at me. They're really trying to kill me. Scratch not thinking
this was harder than the gym. My whole body ached. This course was crazy, like military-level obstacles.
How often will I have to do this?
The sun was beating down hard, heating my body. Sweat trickled down my face, filling my mouth with its salty flavor. I
wish the clouds would move to block it out.
How was it there were so many in the sky, but not one aided in my need for shade? “Again!” Was all Apollo shouted as I
groaned and jogged back up to the start of the course.
This shit was intense. I was caked in mud, dripping with sweat, out of breath, and in need of a serious shower. Looking
around, there were five identical courses spread out all over the field, including the one I was currently at the start of. The
other four had people, one after another, running through them. It was just me on this one, though. Apollo probably planned that
so I didn’t slow down any of the other recruits training.
This was boot camp from hell. I tried to catch my breath at the beginning, waiting for the whistle from Apollo signaling my
start. He was holding a clipboard and a stopwatch, no doubt making sure he clocked exactly how long it took me to finish each
task and my overall time. This will be the fifth time running through the course, and my body was screaming at me.
Dig deep. You have it in you to do this one more time.
I pushed that voice to the back of my mind while I sized up my first obstacle. At the sound of the whistle, I dug in my heels
and took off towards the thirty-foot wall.
Grabbing the rope, I simultaneously used my hands to propel myself up while using my feet to basically run up the wall.
The amount of upper body strength I had to use to hold myself up was exhausting. I pushed through the ache in my arms and kept
my focus on climbing. Holding myself almost perpendicular to the wall with my feet wasn’t crazy hard, but doing it for the fifth
time in a row, yeah, that was hard. Once I got to the top, I jumped toward the first platform.
There were six that all spun in opposite directions of one another.
After getting my bearings, I leaped across the platforms, being careful not to stay on one for too long and lose my footing.
The first time I did the course, I learned my lesson. Only stay on the
spinning dial long enough to jump to the next. They didn’t spin super fast, but add to their height, and I was swaying so hard
I fell to the water below more times than I would have liked. The asshole made me climb back to the first dial every time I fell.
The platforms descended along the way, so jumping down to the next wasn’t too difficult. Once I hit the ground there was no
time to rest as I ran to the next event.
I got down on my belly and started army crawling. It was challenging to keep my head down low enough, but I’d rather
have a mouthful of mud than barbed wire tangled in my hair. Note to self: keep a hair tie on you at all times. The ends of my
hair were covered in so much mud it turned my beautiful red into a brown color. Adding to the weight of it, because long hair
wasn’t already heavy enough, it was starting to give me a pounding headache.
Crawling out of the barbed wire pit, I took off and lunged over the three-foot wall that came next. Looping around to the
right, I spotted my next obstacle. The twelve little platforms caddy corner from each other with just enough room for a foot. It
looked like one of the events on that Ninja Warrior show. This one was the easiest. Using all my might, I jumped from one to
another, only using one leg each.
Right, left, right, left. I repeated to myself. Jumping across the slanted platforms with speed I didn't even know existed in
I took a second to shake out my hands before leaping to the bars next.
This was the hardest one. My upper body strength was seriously lacking. It looked like they just took a straight ladder and
hung it up like monkey bars at a kids playground. Reaching out to the next bar with my right hand, I adjusted my grip and let my
left hand follow. I did this over all the bars till I reached the end. Swinging my legs back and forth to get some momentum, I
released my grip and lunged for the platform at the end of the bars.
Okay, one more pass. You got this. I thought to myself as I turned left toward the last round of obstacles.
The first was tires that were killing my calves as I had to pick up my knees extremely high to get across—only stepping in
each tire for a second before I went to the next. There were at least thirty tires I had to run through.
How do people do this on a daily basis?
My calves were on fire.
The first time through, I face-planted so many times, not picking my feet up high enough to clear the tire.
Then was the beam. This thing was a bitch; why did it have to be toward the end when I’m breathing like a damn fool, and
my legs are screaming. I jumped up on the six-inch wide post and started to walk. Arms stretched out wide to keep my balance.
I carefully placed one foot in front of the other, watching every step I took. Only losing my footing once and slamming my
stomach on the beam to catch myself is a win in my book. Not like the first time when I could hardly stay on the damn thing.
Each time I lost my footing I either hit my stomach, expelling all the air from my lungs, or straddled the damn thing. I’d
rather hit my stomach than my vagina; it was already on fire from falling a few times.
The last thing was another damn wall. This one was like a rock wall though, not a rope wall like the first one. I used to
love climbing the rock wall at the skating rink as a kid. It was always a rush when I rang the buzzer at the top and propelled
myself down.
Eyeing up each step, I made it to the top and climbed down the other side. Yup, a double rock wall. No propelling down
this one.
I jumped the last few feet, and once I hit the ground, my legs crumbled. I fell on my back and laid face up, staring at the sky
while I tried to calm my breathing. I just wanted to lay here for hours. There were parts of my body that hurt that I didn’t even
know could hurt.
“Excuse me. You’re blocking my sun asshole,” I said to the jerk that put his hand in front of my face for me to grab,
blocking out my view of the sky.
Not that I cared too much. I was grateful to escape the harsh rays, even if it was only for a moment. Slapping my hand in
his, I allowed him to pull me from the ground. With wobbly legs, I leaned onto Atlas for support. I was exhausted, and I still
had to fight today, too! I just wanted to curl back up in bed and go back to sleep; I was so over this shit.
“Go shower and meet us in the training room in five minutes. There’s a pair of clean clothes waiting for you in the locker
room,” Apollo shouted.
Turning around, he and the rest of the group made their way toward a building on the other side of the field.
“Fuck is he ever not in a shit mood?” My legs felt like jello, and my arms were throbbing from the intense exercise. While I
did go to the gym a few times a week, it was nothing like this. I had muscles hurting that I didn’t even know I had.
Atlas laughed. “Not really. Apollo means well. He wants us all in top shape so he knows we can hold our own in the field.
He lost a team member once, and it changed him. He’s extra hard on everybody now. It's all out of love though, he just doesn’t
want to lose anyone else. Come on pretty girl, I'll show you where the locker room is.”
Still holding my hand, Atlas tugged me away from the hell course and toward another building. Once inside, I didn’t even
wait for him to leave. I started stripping, leaving a mess of mud and clothes in my wake. I was in desperate need of a shower.
“You just keep taking off more clothes every time I see you bunny. Are you trying to tell me something?” Atlas’s heated
glare met mine as I turned on the shower.
“Yeah, it's called Apollo only gave me five minutes to shower, and I’m not wasting a single second of it. Do you know how
long it takes to wash this damn hair?” Not caring one bit that I was naked under his heated eyes, I started washing the mud out
of my hair, giving him a view of my ass the whole time.
I felt his gaze rake over my body, sending goosebumps all over my skin. The cool shower did amazing things to my aching
muscles, easing some of the pain from unbearable to manageable.
Maybe I should fuck Atlas; it would definitely fill the ache between my legs. I felt a blush creep up the back of my neck at
that thought. As I turned to face him and stepped out of the shower, he got a full view of the front of my body and not just my ass
that his eyes were glued to.
Atlas’s gaze intensified, and pure lust crossed his face. A low whistle left his lips. “Bunny, a belly button piercing and
nipple piercings. You really know how to drive a man crazy.” His fists were clenched at his sides like it was taking all of his
willpower to not snatch me up.
“What can I say? They make me feel like a bad bitch.” I grabbed the towel to dry off and dressed in clean clothes.
There were even new sneakers, thank god. Heaven knows I did not want to put on those other mud-covered ones. After I
did a quick comb through my hair, I braided it so it wouldn’t be a knotty mess again and turned to face Atlas. “Okay let’s go
before Apollo comes in here and drags me out by my hair.”
Chapter 11


alking once again with Atlas’s hand in mine, we entered the training room. Lining the walls were so many different
weapons, from bows to deadly-looking daggers.
“Sweet, what one can I start with?” I said as I pulled my hand from his grasp and made my way around the room,
gawking at all the different kinds of weapons. I didn’t know there were so many. This was crazy. Just as I went to reach for a
brilliant-looking sword, a hand stopped me.
“None. You’ll be using this for the time being. I don’t trust you won’t accidentally kill me in our match,” Phoenix said as he
handed me a wooden staff.
He was insinuating I would actually land a blow on him. There had to be a reason he was the one sparring with me. If I had
to bet, it was because he was the best. Apollo would want me going head-to-head with someone who wouldn’t hold back so he
could properly access me.
Testing the staff's weight, I threw it back and forth from hand to hand. Twirling it around the back side of my hand like a
baton and grabbing hold once again. It was a good four feet long and not super heavy. I looked up to see Phoenix had a similar
staff in his hand.
“Okay, big guy. Let’s do this.” I turned to enter one of the taped-off squares on the padded mat. There were nine squares all
over the room. I wasn’t surprised at all to see the room was empty except for us. Apollo was definitely a predictable man. I’m
guessing he scheduled it this way so I wouldn’t be distracted by others engaged in combat around me.
Phoenix chuckled as he followed me. “Okay, but don’t be mad at me for what I’m about to do. Apollo said no holding
back.” He had an apologetic look on his face when I turned to look at him.
He was breathtaking, with his long red hair up in the hottest man bun I’ve ever seen. His red beard was the perfect length,
not super long, but more than a couple of inches. His eyes were such a beautiful amber color I could stare at them all day. The
black shirt pulled deliciously across his toned abs, and the basketball shorts he had on left nothing to the imagination of what
he was packing between his legs.
Fuck focus, Diana. Stop thinking about his dick. I brought my attention back to the match a second too late and caught sight
of the staff being swept out towards my feet.
That’s what you get. Maybe now you’ll stop thinking about sex.
The wind was knocked out of me as my back hit the mat. “Ooph! Fuck Phoenix! I wasn’t ready. Give me a minute! Damn.”
Rolling to my knees, I got up and shot a death glare at the beautiful man. A smirk tugged at his lips and he hitched up an
“You stepped into the square. Lesson one: as soon as you pass over that line, be prepared for anything. There is no
waiting,” he said as he swung his staff again to strike me in the side.
I stopped that attack with my staff and went blow for blow with Phoenix. This man was a machine. He was already on the
next as soon as I deflected one strike. Leaving me in defense and hardly letting me get the chance to attempt a strike of my own.
I was smacking my staff left and right against his. He was faster than me, though, and every few strikes connected with my
body. I was going to have some hardcore bruising when this day was over. I think he was holding back a bit because every time
he connected with my body, he left an
opening for me to swing out at him. However, my attempts were short-lived; as soon as he deflected, he was right back to
putting me on defense.
After what seemed like forever of Phoenix handing me my ass and knocking me flat on my back more times than I could
count, Apollo called us to yield. Phoenix took my staff, grumbling an apology, and turned to put them away, leaving Atlas to
take his place.
Fuck this is either going to really hurt or turn me on so bad I can’t stand it. Give him a run for his money and show him
what you got, girl.
With that voice in my head, I got down in a fighting stance and cocked my head at Atlas. “Bring it on, Casanova, show me
what you got.” His eyes heated at my nickname for him before they hardened, and once again, I was face-up on the mat with a
very heavy Atlas on top of me.
Chapter 12


iana was staring up at me with pure lust and desire in her eyes. My cock went granite. It was already hard from
watching her in the shower. Fuck this is going to be hard with her body so close to mine. I didn’t want to fight her. I
wanted to lift her over my shoulder and take her back to my room so I could worship her.
This woman was full of spunk and an I don’t give a fuck attitude. I loved that about her. She didn’t care what people thought
of her and did as she pleased. Now, if only I could get her to voice her desires. Watching her fight with Phoenix turned me on
so bad my cock ached to be inside of her.
I imagined the feeling of sinking deep into her wet heat—fantasizing of the places I could lick and run my hands across.
Diana’s gaze intensified like she knew what I was thinking, and that did all kinds of shit to my head.
“So are you going to fight me, or are we just going to lay here while you fuck me with your eyes.” She blinked up at me
with her long lashes. A waft of mint filled my nose, and I inhaled deep. Fuck, I wanted her scent to surround me.
This girl and her mouth were going to get into a lot of trouble. Now I was thinking of filling it with my cock until tears
leaked from her eyes. Jumping up, I adjusted myself; fighting with a stiff cock was going to be tough. I reached down to offer
Diana a hand up.
Mischief flashed in her eyes, and before I could think, I was flipped over and flat on my back, with Diana straddling my
“That was a dirty move, little bunny.” Reaching up, I tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
“Lesson one: as soon as you pass over that line, be prepared for anything.” She quoted Phoenix as I heard the asshole
laughing from the sidelines.
Okay, bunny. No more playing around. I flipped her off of me and got to my feet. Preparing for what she threw at me next.
Diana came at me with a pretty impressive roundhouse kick. I grabbed her foot and spun her so her back was facing me,
and she was balancing on one leg. With less force than I would usually use, I pushed. Leaving her to stumble and catch her
balance. She turned to face me with fire burning in her eyes. I knew I just pissed her off, but the look she was giving me lit that
fire inside my soul. Yeah, this girl would be mine.
That’s right, bunny. Get mad and show me what you can do.
She jabbed out a series of punches that I blocked with my arms, and a smirk lit my face. Paying too much attention to the
punches she was throwing, I missed the kick as it made contact with the side of my left knee, and pain shot up my leg.
“Fuck, you really are playing dirty.” I backed up a bit and decided I was done going easy on her.
Not wanting to bruise her beautiful face, I landed a few blows to her stomach and arms. I put way too much strength behind
those hits and tried to reel it in some. She bent in half at my last jab to her stomach, pulling her arms around herself as all the
air left her lungs.
“Damn, Atlas. You really don’t know how to rain in your blows. I feel like my stomach just fell out of my ass.” She said
between shaky breaths.
“Lesson two: we won’t go easy on you because you're a girl. The demons don’t care if you're male or female. They just
kill. I would rather you be banged and bruised on this mat than dead out there.” I followed up my statement with another punch
to her chest and a kick to her leg that dropped her to the ground.
On those last few hits, I did pull back some of my strength, but I wouldn’t let her know that. I’ll get her to the point where
it’ll be her beating me down on this mat.
Straddling her, I pinned her arms above her head and got right in her face. My dick pressed against the heat between her
legs. “This is turning you on, isn’t it? I can feel the need pulsing at your center. You want me to strip you down and fill you so
hard you forget your own name. Don’t you, little bunny?”
A deep blush crept across her beautiful, freckled face, and blazing desire filled her wide eyes. Fuck yeah, that’s what my
little bunny wanted; she was envisioning it too.
Not caring there were others in the room, she wanted me to fuck her right here; I could see it in the look she was giving me
and the wetness that seeped through her leggings.
Unable to control myself any longer, I grasped both her wrists in one hand and trailed the other down her arm, clasping the
back of her neck. I angled her head and let my desire take over. Kissing her plump lips that have been fueling my fantasy all
She tasted like vanilla. Brushing my tongue against her mouth, demanding entrance, she opened for me without hesitation. I
battled with her tongue as my hold tightened in her hair.
“Yield,” Apollo shouted.
With all the strength I could muster, I pulled my mouth from her delicate lips and dropped my forehead against hers. We
were both breathing heavily, and I didn’t know if it was from the fight or the intense kiss we just shared.
Reluctantly, I released Diana and pulled myself off of her. I reached down to offer her a hand up. Her hand was so small in
mine. I envisioned it wrapping around my cock, wanting to know if she could wrap all the way around my girth.
“Really, you couldn’t give us another minute.” I turned to glare at Apollo, the cock blocking asshole. Just because he
wasn’t getting his dick wet doesn’t mean he has to ruin the chance for the rest of us. His eyes were hard, and a frown covered
his face. I know he wasn’t happy that our match turned into a make-out session, but my last fuck to give was buried out back.
“That was good,” Onasis stated. “You're definitely stronger than we thought with you not being here for the last three
Diana stared at her in shock. “Really? Cause it looks like I got my ass kicked for the last two hours. I don’t know what you
were watching, but it definitely couldn’t have been my fight.”
Chuckling Onasis laid a hand on her shoulder. “You have your ancestors' fighting genes in you; we just have to pull them up
to the surface.”
Following the group out of the training room, we made our way to the gathering hall for lunch. A smile spread across
Diana’s face at Onasis’ comment. This girl will fit right in with us, I know it. Maybe she will even unfreeze the ice around
Apollo's heart.
I don’t mind sharing her; but only Eros, Phoenix, and Apollo. I trust them with my life; they are my family, and I couldn’t
think of anyone better to hold a piece of her heart. I wonder if she would go for that.
Thoughts of Diana spread out before us filled my mind as I grabbed a tray and started piling food onto it. Yup, sharing her
wouldn’t be bad at all.
Chapter 13


he lunch spread out before me was even better than the breakfast. Opting for something light, I grabbed a chicken salad
and water.
My stomach was killing me from all the falls I took on the beam and knocks from Atlas and Phoenix. I didn’t even
know if I could eat this.
What was the point of having all this food available for lunch if my stomach was swimming so badly I could hardly eat?
I hope every day wouldn’t be like this. Girls gotta eat.
Sitting down at the same table, I was surprised to see Phoenix take a seat at my right and Eros at my left. Once Atlas
reached our table, he did not look pleased. His mouth was in a stern line, and his brows were pinched down. Before he could
say anything, Apollo told him to sit down and eat.
Grumping, he reluctantly took a seat in between Onasis and Apollo, directly across from me. Deciding to have a little fun, I
stuck my leg up onto his chair, right between his thighs. His wide eyes snapped up to meet mine. I just shrugged and smiled as I
shoved a bite of salad into my mouth.
“So, I feel like I know nothing about any of you. Y’all know my whole ancestry line, and I don’t even know your last
names. Let alone if any of you have familiars like Eros, what kind of power you were gifted with, even something as simple as
your favorite color. Come on, tell me anything. I’m dying with anticipation here.” Bouncing in my seat, I was itching to hear
something from the people who literally flipped my life upside down.
Apollo leveled his glare at me. His face was like stone, his mouth in a thin, taut line, and eyebrows pinched down toward
his nose. Well, I guess that settles the debate on what he thinks of me. I have no clue what I did to this man to make him so
angry with me. I didn’t even know who I was until they showed up, demanding I come with them.
Like I would have chosen to see those scary-as-hell demons.
Nope, if it were up to me, I would still be in school stressing about upcoming tests and boring as hell papers I had to write.
Partying with my friends at different nightclubs and cuddling up in bed, getting lost in books.
My eyebrows shot up at Apollo’s simple answer. Well, I guess it was better than nothing; of course, it would be black,
though. A small smile tugged at my lips, and that must have melted some of that hard ice around his heart. His face softened just
a bit, and I thought I saw the start of a smile, but it quickly vanished when he caught sight of me looking his way.
Hard-ass Apollo took his place.
Dammit, I really thought I was getting somewhere with him. Like I need more men in my life. The funny things Atlas and
Eros were doing to my sex was enough for me.
Nope, I do not need to add another man to the mix. No matter how absolutely handsome that man was and the way I craved
what he could do in the bedroom.
Stop thinking about that, Diana. I couldn’t help myself. He looks like he would dominate me in the bedroom, and that
thought alone did all kinds of fluttering things to my insides. Clenching my legs, I returned to my salad. Atlas must have felt the
shift because he was staring at me with mischievous eyes and a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Mine's red!” Heat flushed my cheeks as Atlas continued. “I just love the color wrapped around my fi… Ooph”
Kicking him hard in the thigh, he cut off the rest of his sentence. Phoenix released a laugh next to me as I turned away from
the sexy man smirking at me and begged Phoenix to answer me with my pleading eyes.
Come on, I silently pleaded. Give me more than a color.
I really wanted to know these guys. Something told me I could trust them, but how could I trust them when I hardly know
them? They knew more about me than I even knew myself, and I had a suspicion they were holding back on telling me
everything. There’s just that nagging voice in the back of my mind that makes me believe they know more.
Make them open up to you. You should know the dangers you face.
As if on cue, there’s the voice. Maybe I have a hidden alter ego that speaks to me. I mean, it wouldn’t be a crazy concept.
For the most part, it’s been supportive, keeping me out of danger, and I’ve heard it for years. I was walking home one day,
looking both ways before crossing the street like a good pedestrian, when out of nowhere, my mind screamed at me to stop.
Shocked, I didn’t move as I saw a car swerve off the road, hitting a fire hydrant, causing it to flip side over side and rolling to
a stop right where I was about to walk. That scene stunned me so badly that I just looked in horror at the accident that almost
caused my death.
After that day, the voice just never went away. Sending me praise when I did a good job and even protecting me when
someone roofied my drink at the club. So, I believed the feeling that they were not being completely honest with me. It would
be stupid not to trust my inner thoughts now.
“My gift is weapons summoning. I was named Phoenix Zephyer. It was my great grandfather’s name, meaning born again
from the west wind. We’re not trying to keep anything from you. There’s just so much to learn. We don't want to override your
system and turn your brain to mush. Like the others, I came here when I was eighteen, seven years ago. Even being here that
long, I’m still learning new tricks to add to the fight every day.” There was such sincerity in his eyes. Lifting some of my anger,
I laid a hand on his arm.
“Thank you. That’s the first real thing I’ve heard from any of you. I just want to know what I’m up against. I can’t help if
y’all won’t tell me anything. I know the monsters are real. What I can’t figure out, though, is why it didn’t attack me. It had no
problem taking out Chad, but when the thing turned my way, it just cocked its head and crawled back into the darkness.”
Shaking my head at the thought of what happened, I looked around as five sets of eyes were laser-focused on me.
“What?” What did I say? Didn’t they already know what happened that night? Isn’t that why they were there waiting for me
outside my apartment? Scrunching my nose in confusion and pursing my lips, I glanced around, pleading with my eyes for
someone to speak.
“What exactly was it that happened? We knew you were coming into your sight because you lit up on the map like the
Fourth of July a few days ago. That’s why we were making our way toward you. It’s uncommon for someone to admit a beacon
before they turn twenty-one, but not completely unheard of. Your birthday was two days ago, correct? It took us almost a whole
day to get back here, and you were asleep most of the drive. We intended to ask you what happened when we found you, but
you looked devastated, so we decided to wait until you were ready to tell us on your own.” Onasis stated that so calmly when
my head went reeling.
A whole day, I slept a whole day. Now that I think about it, it did make sense. I’m pretty sure it was around midnight when
all hell broke loose in my apartment. I was so engulfed in my book that time seemed to slip away. When we arrived here, still
in my sleep-induced haze, I vaguely remember it being around nine p.m. I just shrugged it off, thinking a few hours had passed
when in fact, it had been a whole fucking day.
“You're telling me that the demon didn’t attack you? That is completely unheard of. It targets people gifted like us. Trying to
take out all the lines before it can be passed on to our children.” The dumbfounding look on Apollo's face had me busting out
laughing and gifted me a chuckle from Eros at my side.
Yup, I shocked the alpha. I never thought that would have been possible—one point for Diana and zero for Apollo.
Chapter 14


he smile that lit Diana’s face left me speechless. She was the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Her laugh was
something I wanted to hear every day for the rest of my life. I would make it my mission to get her to laugh like that as
often as I could. When she got her wild laughter under control, she shifted, and her foot rubbed against my semi-hard dick.
Urg, what I would do to be able to take this woman back to my room. Strip her down slowly so I could take in the full view
of her body.
The sight she gifted me earlier in the shower had my mouth watering. I wanted to suck on her pert nipples and see how the
bars going through them would feel against my tongue. Like she couldn’t have gotten any sexier, she had to add nipple rings to
the mix. Just thinking about tugging on them with my teeth had my cock jumping. I wanted to taste every inch of her body till she
was screaming for me to stop.
Her eyes met mine, and I knew the fire that burned behind them. It was so similar to my own. This woman was made for
me. I was still thinking about her body underneath me, from our match earlier, and the feel of her soft lips on mine. The way she
smelled of mint and tasted like vanilla.
“Well, I’m telling you, it didn’t attack me. It was like it couldn’t even see me. Speaking of, how is it that I haven’t seen a
single monster since we got here? That one in my apartment seemed to crawl out of the shadows under my bed, but I haven’t
seen a single one since I arrived here.” Diana’s questioning gaze swept around to all of us.
When it was clear Apollo was still too dumbfounded to answer, I spoke up. “There is a force field around Enyo. It allows
only gifted and humans in and out. If you're not a prospect or don't have the sight, you can’t get in. This place is sacred ground
built by our ancestors to protect their children and give them a safe place to learn. So, by default, demons cannot reach us here.
As long as you're on the institute grounds, you're safe.”
Diana’s cheeks puffed up like a chipmunk. Finally, she exploded, letting the laugh out between her words. “So, you're
saying we’re like dogs surrounded by an invisible fence.” Unable to rain in her laughter, she clutched her arms around her
stomach and bent in half.
The curls that fell loose from her braid framed her face. Even Eros and Phoenix started laughing at her comment. Once they
started, I could no longer contain myself and let my snicker take over.
“No, we’re not like fucking golden retrievers inside a cage. We can come and go whenever we want. Unlike dogs who
wear a collar that keeps them inside.” At Apollo’s comment, all the laughter around the table immediately stopped.
Man, what was it with him? He really needed to let loose a little bit. “We will circle back around to the monster not
attacking you, that needs to be looked into. I will look in the library when you're in the field this afternoon to see if there has
ever been any documentation about it.”
“Okay. On that note,” Diana turned and smiled at Eros. “You ready to go teach me about that beautiful falcon of yours?”
Eros gave her a wide grin. “Absolutely, I’ve been looking forward to it all damn day.” I could see how much he wanted my
bunny. The man was not hiding anything from me, and the way she lit up around him, I knew the feeling was mutual.
I had no issues with them together. Eros deserved someone to love him; he’s shy and quiet, one of the best guys I know.
Once he opened up to you, though, good luck getting him to shut up. He would talk your ear off for hours.
I jumped out of my seat at lightning speed and rushed around the table, nearly knocking over a person as they walked by.
Pulling Diana up and into my arms, I bopped her on the nose and planted a firm kiss on her lips. I couldn’t help myself.
“Have fun bunny. Say hello to Astra for me.” Kissing her on the forehead before turning and making my way out of the
gathering hall. I was going to head to the library with Apollo to see what we could find on monsters not being able to see the
The library was not my favorite place. It smelled dusty and old, like musk with a tang of acid. Our library here was huge.
Double stories with ladders going up the walls, connecting to a rail across the top shelf so you could slide them to where you
needed and reach the books at the top. I know there are people who would live here if they could, but not me. Nope, I’d rather
be out fighting a hundred demons than stay in here. It was for my bunny, so I would manage. I would do anything for that girl.
Apollo immediately got to work, handing me books and telling me to go through them while he worked through a stack of
his own. I never knew how heavy so many books could be.
Together, we had to find something. Looking at the spines, I decided to start with one labeled ‘Documented Gifts.’ Huh,
there had to be something in here to tell us what Diana could do.
The library was quiet; occasionally, I heard a whisper of others around us talking and turning pages. Being in here, I could
see the appeal; I could actually hear myself think, but the smell still turned me off.
When my eyes started burning from the strain of reading, Apollo finally spoke up. “I think I found something.” He looked up
at me with a shocked expression before starting to read. “It says here way back in the Nephus line, there was a woman who
could go unseen.” My ears perked up in interest. “She was able to slay demons without them ever seeing her coming. She was
a legend and took out so many. Before she died, it was noted about the possibility of her being able to make her team invisible
as well.”
“Holy shit, Diana is a badass. Look at my girl go. Being able to make herself invisible.” I couldn’t help but smile.
I even saw a little smirk tug at Apollo's lips.
Damn, that might be even better than my own gift of being able to make storms. Together, this team would soon be
unstoppable. Now that we knew what Diana could do, we could start working with her and see if we could get her gift to grow.
Chapter 15


oing out the side doors, next to the hallway with all the classrooms, we entered a beautiful garden. There were hedges
lining the stone walls on either side and an array of beautiful flowers.
“This place is breathtaking.” Wanting to look everywhere all at once and take it all in, my eyes darted around the
garden, settling on the wolf fountain. It was magnificent. The stonework was awe-inspiring. From the delicate swirls to the
real-looking hair on the wolf itself.
Glancing up to my right, I saw the red curtains hiding my room. Now that I knew how to get here, this was going to be my
favorite place to escape. The sound of running water emitted a calm over me that I didn't know was possible.
Eros’s gaze was locked on mine, “I know.”
Realizing he was here, forgotten in my awestruck haze, I glanced his way. “You're not even looking at the fountain.”
“I’m looking exactly at what I should be.” He grabbed my hand in his. They were warm, not the clammy warmth that makes
you want to wipe your palms against your jeans because they're sweating. It was a warmth that I wanted to wrap around myself.
Like the heat of a fire on a cool autumn day. “The most beautiful thing in this garden.”
Averting my eyes and returning to the fountain, I looked away. It did nothing to help the heat rising up my neck and onto my
face. Turning my cheeks so red, I knew he had to have caught it.
We continued down the pebble path around the end of the building. To the far left, I could see the challenge course; I was
not looking forward to another day there. My muscles tightened just thinking about it.
Right in front of it was what looked like a sparring ring. So not only were they trying to kill you in the weapons room, but
they also decided to try and kill you outside. Like fighting wasn’t hard enough, add the sun to the mix, and I was out. There was
no way they would get me into that ring. Knowing Apollo though, it would come soon enough.
I swear that man hated me. He couldn’t even look at me without a frown on his lips and anger in his eyes. Nope, I decided
Apollo hated me. Now, I just needed to figure out why. He was the one that flipped my whole world upside down; that man
was infuriating. It was like he couldn’t stand the air I breathed.
“We will start with you meditating; it's a good way to concentrate on your inner thoughts and decipher what’s yours and
what’s not. Having a familiar can be difficult. Sometimes, you cannot tell what voices are theirs and what is your own.”
My interest heightened at that statement. Huh, maybe the voices in my head weren’t, in fact mine after all. That’s impossible
though; I think I would have seen a giant ass falcon following me around for the last three years. Astra is kind of hard to miss;
she had to have been at least two feet from beak to tail, and when she spread her wings, it doubled her size. There’s no way I
would have missed seeing a bird like that hanging around my apartment.
Maybe it is not a bird you should have been looking for.
Well, that makes sense, I guess. “Are falcons the only familiar you can have?”
Glancing over, I saw his eyes light up. Is that a stupid question? Maybe it was only birds you could bond with. What did I
know? This is all new to me. I looked up to see a field spread out in front of us. That must be the training ground. Massive
boulders that looked bigger than me sat at the back, surrounded by trees. The field was full of lush green grass, little purple and
yellow flowers dotting the surface.
“All animals can be a familiar.” Ha, not a stupid question after all. Eros continued, “There are documented cases of all
kinds, ranging from simple house cats to grizzly bears.”
Joy lit up my inside, adding a little more pep to my step. That is so cool. “Well, what are you waiting for? Come on. Let’s
go meditate or some shit.” Releasing his hand, I took off across the field. My footsteps were light and fast, hardly disturbing the
ground in my wake. Eros was going to slow; I wanted to start already. The chance that I could actually have a familiar fueled
my need to get started. I stumbled to a stop right before slamming into a group of rocks. They were massive, definitely twice as
tall as I was.
“Ooph!” My body was suddenly knocked forward. With my weight suddenly shifted, I threw my arms straight out in front of
me, waiting for an impact that never came.
Warm arms wrapped around my midsection, hauling me back into a strong chest. I could feel his breath on my neck as his
chest rose and fell behind me in quick succession. His arms were tight, leaving a comforting feeling within me that I missed
when they were gone.
Releasing me far too soon, he walked around, disrupting my view of the boulders.
Eros was tall, at least a foot taller than my five-foot height. “I’m sorry. I didn't mean to plow into you. You just suddenly
stopped so fast I couldn’t get my feet to work. Are you alright?”
“I’m fine.” That was an understatement. Physically, I was fine. Emotionally though, I wanted nothing more than his arms
wrapped back around me.
“Let’s get started then.” Following his lead, I sat down with my feet crossed in front of me. Resting my hands on my thighs.
Astra landed beside us, taking a long moment to look at me before Eros.
I watched them back and forth, seeming like they were having a conversation that I didn't understand. “Astra says hello.
Now empty your mind. Take your thoughts and separate them from what is yours and what could be another’s.”
Following suit, I closed my eyes and started digging through my mind. It was unusually void of any thoughts. Like a ghost
town. I reached deep trying to recall what the voices in my head sounded like.
Were they mine the whole time?
Maybe I did have an alternate personality. After a good twenty minutes of silence, I peeked one eye open. Eros looked
peaceful. His white hair gently swaying in the wind. This wasn’t working, I told him there was no way I had a familiar.
Dropping my shoulders and huffing out a sigh, blue-violet eyes snapped open to meet mine. “I don’t think it's working.
Normally, my brain won’t shut up, and now nothing. It’s empty.”
A smirk tugged at his lips. “Well, it will never work if you give up so soon.” Gently pressing his fingers to my lids and
closed my eyes. “Try again. Meditation is supposed to take time; Rome wasn’t built in a day. Don’t sell yourself short.”
With a newfound confidence, I returned to my search.
Hours passed as I searched my mind. Thinking back to every time I heard the voice, I decided there was no way it could be
my own. It just seemed to know things I couldn’t. See things to warn me right before they happen. Thinking back to the club,
there was no way I would've known my drink was spiked. I set it down and stupidly turned my back on it. I know, rookie move
in a club; I should have known better.
That’s when I heard that inner part of myself telling me not to drink it; turning around I caught the last of the bubbles before
they fizzed out, seeing guilt all over the guy's face that was retreating his hand. I just knew he had dropped something in it, but
there were no animals in the club.
How was it that a familiar was able to warn me?
A snapping twig jerked my head to the right beside the boulders. “Eros!” I whisper-shouted at the man, who slowly opened
his eyes, unaware of the threat behind him. My heart was pumping so hard at the presence of the beautifully terrifying beast.
Fear caused my joints to lock up, not allowing me to remove my eyes from the huge ass wolf now standing behind us. It
was exquisite, fur so black it had a blue glow, a row of deadly-looking sharp white teeth, and eyes so yellow it put the color of
the sun to shame. Radiant was an understatement when it came to this wolf.
Sensing my fear, Eros turned to look at what caught my attention. A chuckle left his lips, making me look at him wide-eyed.
What in the hell is this fool laughing about?
We are about to get eaten by a wolf, correction wolves. Three more descended from the woods behind the boulders,
walking into view.
Heads down low, baring their teeth, although no sound left them. One was a bright sandy brown with flakes of blond across
its pelt. The other was a deep reddish brown, and the smallest of the bunch looked like a mirror image of the black one.
“What the fuck do you find amusing about being slaughtered by wolves? Do you see the same thing I do? Those are fucking
wolves! They are not huskies here to play. They're going to eat us and leave the birds to pick at our remains.”
How was he so calm? And Astra was preening her feathers; was she not going to defend us? Is she just going to leave us to
My eyes went wide with a silent plea to Eros as I watched in horror as he got up and started approaching the wolves.
“What on earth are you doing? I don’t know if you know much about wolves, but they are all over in Tennessee. They are wild
animals, you crazy fool! Not domestic dogs you can just walk up and pet. You're going to get yourself killed, and I will have to
explain to Apollo how you died if I make it out alive. I can only imagine the displeasure in his voice knowing a wolf took you
out instead of a demon.”
Looking back at me, a smile lit his face, showing off his dimples. This insane man was about to get himself killed while I
watched, frozen in place from the terror filling my body.
Reaching out, he ran his hand down the back of the beautiful creature's body. What the fuck is happening right now?
How is he not dead already?
This is madness; there’s no way you could touch a wolf back home and live to tell the tale. They were vicious animals.
“Diana, meet Orpheus, Apollos familiar, the darkness of night.” His voice is steady, unlike my own, which was plastered
with fear. Did he just say Apollo’s familiar? Holy shit, as if things couldn’t get crazier, Apollo was linked to this alluring
beast. My jaw hit the floor, as I was once again shocked to silence.
What did I tell you about leaving your mouth hanging open? One of these days you will listen to me when you swallow a
fly girl.
What the fuck. Did she just talk to me?
Pursing my lips I glanced at the wolf, getting lost in its yellow eyes. No, that was impossible. A familiar couldn't bond with
multiple people, could it? “Umm, Eros. Is there any record of a familiar bonding with two people? I swear she just talked to
me.” Growling filled my mind as I stared wide-eyed at Eros. I’m pretty sure she was now grumbling at me.
“No, that's impossible. A familiar can only ever bond with one person. When their person dies, inevitably, so do they.
While we can live on without them, they cannot handle the heartbreak of losing us. It hurts like hell, like losing a piece of your
soul, but the pain of their loss will pass.” He continued stroking the wolf as the reddish-brown one came up to his other side
for attention.
What the fuck?
They were like dogs. Not acting like wolves at all. Getting up on shaking legs, I took a step towards Eros. This was so
Was I actually going to pet a wolf?
Hesitating a moment, wondering if I should reconsider, I reached a hand out to the marvelous animal. Its fur was soft like
silk, her head reaching my waist. This was incredible. I can’t believe I’m actually doing this; just then a growl erupted to my
Jerking my head so fast, I gave myself whiplash; I caught sight of a brilliant white animal coming straight towards me. Holy
shit, the wolf climbing down the boulders headed right toward us was massive. Its coat looked like freshly fallen snow, and it
had icy blue eyes.
He was much taller than Orpheus, the top of his back reaching my waist. Stopping a few feet away, his eyes burrowed into
mine. Like he could see into my soul. The world seemed to turn on its axis, and everything suddenly fell into place. Like
stitchwork sewing up the hole in my soul, it suddenly made sense.
This was my familiar! I can’t explain how I knew it. I just did.
It’s nice to finally meet you face to face, Diana. I have been watching you for a long time. Keeping you safe and killing
every demon that tried to cause you harm. My name is Isarr, the ice warrior.
Holy shit! I had a fucking familiar! A badass wolf at that!
Chapter 16


mages of Diana flooded my mind, being sent directly from Orpheus. She was in the training ground with Eros. She looks
terrified; my wolf will do that to people.
Laying back in bed, I let the scene unfold. She slowly walked her way, reaching out to pet Orpheus. I was overwhelmed
with emotions from her. Love and longing being the strongest of the mixed feelings she was sending my way. I watched as the
white wolf descended the rocks, and Diana’s face lit up in delight. So she did have a familiar after all.
Why did it have to be that one, though?
Isarr, the pack alpha and my wolf’s bonded mate. The emotions from Orpheus suddenly made sense. She was delighted her
mate finally connected with his person. He must have been away with Diana the last three years, leaving Orpheus here with
their pack. Over the years, I knew she longed to be with her mate, but she remained here to fight at my side. Protecting me when
my back was turned.
She is quite stunning.
I chuffed at her comment; there is no way I’m getting wrapped up in that mess. Besides, Atlas and Eros both cared deeply
for her. Maybe even Phoenix, too. Plus, I vowed never to love another woman, not after losing her to the demons.
It was difficult even to say her name. The pain in my chest was still raw thinking about that day. We had just finished killing
seven monsters plaquing a town full of gifted children. As we made our way back to the truck, a bat-like demon swooped
down, taking Hera, my fiancé, from me. It happened so fast none of us even had time to react. All I could do was watch in
horror as her
body hit the ground and the life left her eyes.
It’s why I didn't date comrades. We would all die; it's inevitable. Watching someone you love being ripped so suddenly
from this world was a pain I vowed never to feel again.
She’s different, strong, powerful; give her a chance. She might prove you wrong.
Nope, not happening. Not in this lifetime. I would not let Diana Nephus melt the ice I formed around my heart. No matter
how strikingly beautiful she was. Watching her die would surely break me. My team needed me strong; to do that, I needed to
keep Diana out of my heart. A
challenge that was proving difficult when images of her were being flooded into my mind from my familiar.
She looked awestruck as she lay on her belly across from her wolf. Talking to him like she didn't have a care in the world.
Smiling wide as she listened intently to what he was saying to her. She was absolutely stunning, agreeing with the earlier
statement from Orpheus, and I was completely fucked.
Chapter 17


ours passed as I lay in the field of lush grass, talking to Isarr. The flowers tickled my face, blowing in the wind. I don’t
know how I never knew it was him in my head. It was so obvious to me now.
You didn't know because we did not bond until just now. I kept my distance for your safety. People do not
appreciate wolves living in apartments, and after the bond, I would not be able to leave your side for very long before the
tether connecting our souls would draw us together again.
“Wow, that is so cool.” I could lay here all day talking to him, but the rumble that came from my stomach told me we were
here way past dinner.
The sun was setting in the West, turning the sky a brilliant shade of pinks and purples. Making the field glow a beautiful
orange color.
“Come on, sweetheart, I think it's time to get you some food before your stomach decides to start feasting on itself.” Eros
offered me a hand up.
Only slightly flinching at his words in surprise, forgetting he was here while lost in conversation with Isarr, I took his hand
in mine and let him lead the way.
Locking our fingers together, he brought my hand to his mouth. “I enjoyed your company tonight.” He kissed the back of my
hand gently, with his eyes locked on mine. Butterflies took flight in my stomach from the simple gesture. Eros was adorable. A
pang of guilt pushed his way into my head as I thought about Atlas.
Would he be mad?
It wasn’t like we were together, right, but he did kiss me. Did he think we were together? Would this be considered
Eros must have seen the war going on in my thoughts, suddenly dropping my hand from his mouth. Not willing to let go
completely though he started pulling me along behind him back toward the building. My beautiful wolf prowled alongside me.
I sense shame from you. What plagues your mind?
My mouth opened and closed while I contemplated my words. My brow furrowed, and sadness filled my eyes. Not wanting
to say too much for fear I would hurt the man standing beside me.
You can simply say your words in your mind, Diana. I can read them clearly. There is no need to speak them out loud.
I just don’t want to hurt Atlas or Eros. They both make me feel safe. I can’t really explain it, but it's like I know they won't
let anything harm me. I thought about the words, sending them toward him, still having no clue how this bond worked. I thought
it was just feelings he got from me. Not that he could actually read my mind.
It seems like you need to have a conversation with them then. If you're hellbent on keeping them in your life, tell them
what you want. It seems even I cannot stray you away from them, no matter how much I try.
I shot a hard glare at him for that comment; he released a noise that strangely sounded like a laugh. Don’t be mean. They
have been nothing but kind and generous with me.
Coming up to Enyo, instead of rounding the building and going to the door we exited from when we headed towards the
training field, we went through another, leading us into the kitchen.
As we entered, the smells made my mouth water. There were two plates piled high with spaghetti and garlic bread. A note
sat beside them from Atlas, telling us he missed us at dinner and didn't want to disturb us in the field. Wishing us goodnight and
assuring me he would be my personal alarm in the morning.
He said he would do a lot more than be my wake-up call, and my face rushed with blood, and a throb started in my sex.
This man does funny things to my body.
Groaning, I began digging into my meal. It was delicious; the bold flavor of the sauce danced around my tongue. Hints of
sage and garlic were present but not overpowering.
“Eros.” I turned his way, waiting for his attention. “Would you have an issue with me and Atlas, I mean together, if we
decide to be?”
Hurt flashed across his face only for a moment, but I caught sight of it, and my chest squeezed. It was like a fist was
wrapped around my heart, not allowing it to pump. I never wanted to see that expression again.
“No, if you choose to be with him, then I would be happy for the both of you.” He looked everywhere but me when he said
those words. I knew he was lying; he cared for me, too.
Pulling up all the courage I could find, I said the only thing that felt right. “What if I don’t want to choose?”
A gasp left his lips. His mouth parted ever so slightly, with his eyes wide and brows almost touching his hair. “Then I
would not make you choose.”
It was such a simple answer, but it felt right. The pull I felt toward them was something I wanted to explore more. Not just
with one, but both. It didn't feel like lust; it felt like something deeper. Although the lust I was feeling and their otherworldly
good looks did help the matter. Seriously, all these men were stunning; I quickly pushed that thought from my mind because
there was no way all of them thought that of me. Apollo definitely did not. That man hated me, and I would get down to the
bottom of why soon.
“I'll let you sleep on your thoughts. Goodnight, sweetheart.” Getting up, he kissed me on the forehead and took his plate to
the sink before exiting the kitchen, leaving me to the whirlwind that destroyed everything in my mind.
After a long while I headed to bed. Isarr went back outside to his mate, and suddenly I felt completely alone. Making my
way to my room, I pushed open the door and closed it behind me, heading towards the dresser to change.
Strong arms wrapped around me. One across my lower belly and one covering my mouth.
I didn't even have time to scream as the intruder pulled me against his body, inhaling deeply. Terror squeezed my body,
making my limbs freeze in place.
I was about to die, and my body was doing nothing to try and escape.
Chapter 18


er smell was intoxicating. I couldn’t wait until the morning to see her, even if it was just to say goodnight. I wanted her
scent surrounding me. As soon as I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her against my chest, I felt her whole body
tense. All her muscles went rigid.
Ooh shit, when it came to fight or flight, my bunny was definitely in flight mode. That was something we would need to
work on. She needed to be in full-on fight mode all the time.
Chuckling at the fact I was able to scare my girl, I took another whiff of her hair. The minty tones hit my nose in waves; I
was never going to get enough of her. Phoenix definitely did well in picking out her beauty products. I would have to thank him
for making my girl smell so good. Her scent made my mouth water.
After a beat, I felt her relax in my arms; spinning her around while simultaneously turning us, I pushed her back against the
door. Still covering her mouth, her eyes widened, pure fire dancing through them.
“I just can’t seem to stay away from you, little bunny. It was my plan just to tell you goodnight, but now I don’t know if I
can pull myself away from you to leave.”
I caught the spark of mischief in her eyes right before she opened her mouth wide and clamped down on my hand. “Ouch!
Okay, okay, point taken. Now let go of my hand. Those teeth are sharp.”
“Don’t ever scare me like that again, you asshole.” She said as she pushed on my chest hard, causing me to take a step
away from her. “I thought I was going to die.”
That brought a wide grin to my face. A chuckle left my throat. “Diana, I would throw myself into a pit of a thousand demons
before I ever let anything happen to you.” Her eyes softened at my honest words.
Reaching out, I pulled her back into me and lifted her into my arms. Her legs immediately wrapped around me, caging me
in. She was so light in my arms. I brought my lips to hers for a gentle kiss. Walking over to the bed, I carefully laid her down,
positioning my body over hers.
Her lips pursed when I pulled back. “What is it you were planning on doing in my room anyway, Casanova?” Her
eyebrows pinched together, and her nose scrunched.
“I just wanted to tell you goodnight,” I said as I bopped her on the nose. “I didn't want to disturb your time with Eros, but I
also know I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I didn't see you first. I was
watching you in the field most of the day. We were in the outside sparring ring and could see clear as day when you stood
up to walk back. So, I made sure to beat you to the kitchen and heat up your meal.”
A look of shock and surprise crossed her face. “What is it, baby?”
“So you saw Eros kiss my hand, and I’m pretty sure you can’t be happy we walked hand in hand back here. I’m sorry,
Atlas. I don’t know if you think we're together or not, but it's not my intention to cheat either way. I don’t like cheaters, and I
apologize if I overstepped.”
Finally looking up at me, she saw my huge smile from ear to ear. “What? Unless you don’t want to be together.”
Smashing my lips to hers, I stopped whatever was going to come out of her mouth following that statement. I pushed my
tongue against her lips, demanding entry. She didn’t disappoint, opening up for me. Allowing me access to my favorite flavor. I
ran my hand down her arms, landing on her waist. Dipping under her shirt, I started trailing my fingers up her side. Tickling the
skin in my wake. A shiver wracked her body as she whimpered into my mouth.
My cock jumped at the sound, pushing against her soaked core through our clothes. Her breath hitched on a sharp inhale.
Leaving her lips, I pulled my head back to look at her through hooded eyes. “Bunny, I could never be mad at you. If you want to
explore with him, who am I to tell you no? As long as you’re happy, that’s all I care about; just don’t pick him and not me.
Maybe we could both make you scream in pleasure together.”
Her legs tightened around my waist as a small moan left her lips. “Ooh, you like that, don’t you?” I say while peppering
kisses along her jaw to right under her ear.
“Do you like the idea of us claiming you? Eros pumping into this pretty pink pussy while I take your perky ass.” I kissed my
way back to her mouth, staying just a breath away, my lips brushing against hers as I whisper, “Or I could take this smart mouth
of yours.”
Diving back in for a taste, my tongue battled against hers, fighting for dominance. Slowly, she started grinding her sex
against the bulge forming in my shorts. She did like that; the thought of both of us taking her together turned her on. Her speed
increased as soft moans left her lips, her breathing short and shallow as she squeezed her legs tighter around me. Bringing my
cock right where she wanted it to rub against her clit.
“Bunny, do you want me to bring Eros in here so we can worship you together? Just think about how much pleasure we
could bring you. Twice the hands to roam your body.” I said as I pulled down her sports bra and yanked on her nipple ring.
“Ooh fuck.” She moaned. Increasing her speed, tipping her head back, and closing her eyes in pure bliss. She ran her hands
up my chest and gripped my shirt in her fist.
Putting one hand on the bed for support, I took my hand out from under her shirt to yank it down. Allowing me access to
close my mouth around her hard nipple. The bar was cold as I swirled my tongue around it. A gasp left her lips, and her back
arched against the bed. I knew she was close.
Sliding my hand down her body into her pants, I thrust two fingers into her cunt. She was dripping; it took no effort to slip
inside her tight hole. I began rubbing small, fast circles against her clit with my thumb. Releasing her nipple, I pressed hot,
open-mouth kisses up the valley of her breast, along the side of her neck, to her lips, swallowing her moans.
Her pussy clamped down on my fingers like a vice as her orgasm exploded through her body. Clenching my fingers tight
trying to draw them in further, as her clit started to throb.
“That’s it, bunny. Come on my fingers.” I whispered against her lips, pushing in and out of her harder.
When she came down from the high of her release, I slowly pulled my fingers from her sex—bringing them to my mouth to
lick away the mess she made. Nope, I decided this was my new favorite flavor. Now that I had a taste, I craved more. Her eyes
widened, and she gasped at the action. Sucking them clean, I brought my lips back to hers so she could taste her release on my
“You're so beautiful when you come on my hand, little bunny. I bet you will shatter on my cock.” I rolled off of her, pulling
her back flush against my chest and wrapping my arms tight around her stomach.
“You didn't get off?” She said, confusion lacing her voice.
Chuckling, I pulled her tighter against me. “There will be more opportunities to please me, baby. Right now, you need to
sleep. It’s been a long day.” Kissing the back of her head, I nuzzled into her hair, closing my eyes.
It took no time at all for her breathing to even out. Falling asleep in my arms, where she belonged. Wrapped up in the scent
of coconut and mint, sleep easily consumed me.
Chapter 19


ooking at the clock again, it was a quarter past five.
Where the hell were they?
I waited at the bottom of the stairs for Diana and Atlas. I would meet them outside their rooms, but me and Astra are
always up an hour earlier, taking in the sights of the sun rising while Astra stretched her wings in the first light of the day. I was
always an early riser, and finding out that my falcon liked to fly at dawn, it was a no-brainer that we would be outside to watch
the sunrise.
I decided to see what was taking so long, bounding up the steps two at a time before stopping in front of Diana’s door.
“Sweetheart,” I said as I gently knocked. When there was no answer, I slowly opened the door to peek inside. Laying in the
middle of the bed, I found Diana sound asleep, nestled into the crook of Atlas’s arm with her head on his chest.
A pang of jealousy and hurt hit me at the sight before I looked over and locked gazes with Atlas’s dark gray eyes. I knew he
saw the hurt cross my expression. His features softened as he whispered, “She wants you too, you know.”
My eyebrows shot up in surprise. I closed the door and walked over to the bed. “Are you guys planning on coming down?
You should get something to eat before sparring today.” My voice was soft and quiet, but Diana stirred under Atlas’s grasp.
Light, sleepy gray eyes opened to meet mine.
“Good morning, sweetheart.” I leaned down to kiss her forehead, but she tilted her head back, causing her lips to meet
mine. My eyes widened in shock for a heartbeat before closing and relishing in her kiss. I wrapped my hand around her neck to
deepen the kiss, plunging my tongue into her mouth to dance with hers.
A sweet flavor hit my taste buds. Almost like vanilla, and I wanted to explore more to see if her sweet cunt tasted the same.
Atlas's voice still echoed in my head. I released her mouth to glance his way and was met with a wink. I looked back to Diana
to see the need in her eyes. That’s all the permission I needed. I began trailing kisses down her body, stripping her leggings as I
went. Spreading her wide, I situated myself at her center. Curling my arms around her thighs and wrapping her legs around my
I blew a cool breath against her clit, as Atlas took off her shirt and popped one pert nipple into his mouth.
My eyes widened at the sight of the bars going through her rosy nipples; how did I miss the piercings?
“Eros, please.” She gasped, causing a groan to leave my throat.
“Well, how can I deny you when you ask so kindly,” I said before diving my tongue between her folds.
Sweetness hit my throat; she was fucking delicious. I moaned against her, moving to her clit and inserting a finger into her
cunt, pumping in and out in quick succession. Nibbling and sucking, it didn’t take long before she was writhing beneath me.
Glancing up, I saw Atlas had his mouth clamped around one nipple, pinching the other between his thumb and finger.
“Ooh fuck! Eros, Atlas, I’m so close. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
The sound of my name leaving her breathless voice made my dick granite. Shivers skated over her body as her orgasm hit
hard. Her walls tightened around my fingers as she let out a scream of pure pleasure. Her heels dug into my back. Smiling, I
released her clit, looking up at the pure bliss expression on her face.
“Well, good morning to you, Eros.” She said as a smile spread across her mouth.
Standing up, I adjusted my hard dick. “Come on, sweetheart, let's go get you breakfast.” Atlas dashed to his room to get
dressed, a smile spread wide across his face while Diana changed. I gave her one last kiss, pulling her into my arms before
releasing her too soon and heading down for breakfast.
Chapter 20


y mind was still spinning as I sat down between Atlas and Eros.
Did that seriously just happen? Now, all I could think about was the two beautiful men flanking my sides.
“Today, we will work on your speed in the ring. We need to increase your reaction time. The demons are fast, but
our gifts make us capable of being faster.” Apollo turned my way, looking like he hadn't slept in days. Deep, purplish bags sat
heavy under his eyes.
I felt bad for him; he looked wrecked. I wondered what was causing him to not sleep. I hope it wasn’t the noise I was
making last night that was keeping him up. Atlas assured me that the walls were soundproof. They decided to reinforce them
when someone’s gift was an ear-piercing ring and being able to rupture eardrums, which took a while to control. That was one
gift I was glad not to have!
Finishing breakfast, the six of us headed to the training room. The sight of all the weapons around the room still surprised
me, even though I knew they were there. Stepping up to the mat, I glanced around, looking at the other rings. They were all
filled today; the sounds of swords clashing filled the air. It wasn’t like the first time when the room was empty.
Phoenix came up beside me, once again holding two sticks. I took one and entered the square, prepared for anything. There
was no way I was going to let him get the jump on me this time. As soon as he stepped over the taped-off line, I jumped,
swinging my staff to connect with his side. Blocking, he flipped mine up and over, causing me to adjust my grip before it fell
from my hands.
Extending his arm and curling his fingers in a come here move, I pounced. Dropping low, I swiped the staff toward his
ankles, which he jumped to avoid while bringing his down to land a blow on my back.
I fell to the mat with a loud oomph, landing on my stomach, not expecting the hit. Looking up, I saw he was ready to strike
again; I quickly rolled away from him before he was able to connect with my body. Jumping up, I readied myself and started
swinging. He matched me blow for blow, never allowing me to land a hit.
Sweat was pooling on my brow, slowly sliding down the side of my face; this man was infuriating. How is this teaching me
anything? All I was learning was that Phoenix really pissed me off.
“You have to widen your stance, Diana. If you keep standing with your legs together, it will cause you to lose balance and
not allow you to put any power behind your strikes,” Apollo hollered over the sounds of clashing wood and metal around the
“Like this?” I asked while I widened my feet a bit.
Shaking his head, he walked over into the ring. “No, like this; if you stand like that, you will definitely get knocked on your
ass.” He tapped on my leg to bring my right one slightly in front of my left one and separated them to about shoulder-width
He was so close to me I got a whiff of his intoxicating scent. He smelled like aged whiskey and birch. Testing my weight on
the new stance, it did feel better. I felt more balanced. “Okay, thanks,” I rasped through my panting breaths.
“Bend your knees and bounce on your toes. It’ll keep you lighter and help you move faster.” He said while tapping the
backs of my knees. Then, like he didn't have a care in the world, he turned around and walked back over to the group to
continue watching.
I really wanted to know what his problem was; he came over and helped like it was a chore. Then walks away without
ever looking at me, like he could care less.
Focus Dianna. All in due time. He will come around; just give him time. Watch out to your left!
Ducking down low, I narrowly avoided the staff colliding with my shoulder. Glancing over, I saw that Isarr and Orpheus
had come to watch. They sat on either side of Apollo. Great, now the wolves were here to watch me fail.
After hours of fighting with Phoenix, my arms were screaming. Although he did get a few blows into my chest and thighs, I
was pretty proud of the fact I blocked most of his hits. Then I got cocky, thinking I could land a few smacks of my own. I went
for his hip and got distracted for a moment, glancing over to another mat. When I brought my attention back to Phoenix, it was a
split second too late.
“Watch out!” Atlas screamed.
It was the last thing I heard before Phoenix collided with the side of my head, causing me to drop to the ground as the world
went black.
Chapter 21


t took a second for me to gather my bearings, trying to figure out what happened and where I was. The room was unfamiliar,
smelling strongly of alcohol. Keeping my eyes shut I assessed my body. My head throbbed, and my body ached. It felt like I
was hit by a bus. Listening, I heard Atlas talking, correction, yelling at someone. He sounded absolutely furious.
“You’re supposed to be fucking teaching her! Not trying to see how hard you can beat her every time you get into the
fucking ring!” Atlas screamed.
Then it all started coming back. I was in the ring with Phoenix, and I got distracted right before his staff hit the side of my
Did I pass out?
Is that why I was here?
“I didn't think I would connect; she was blocking just about every strike I sent her way.” Phoenix hissed. “Do you really
think I enjoy this? That I want to see her hurt?”
“Then fucking work with her! Stop acting like an asshole and help, and you need to pull the stick out of your ass and stop
being so hard on her. She just got here for fucks sake. We can’t turn her into a warrior overnight! Those things take time,
training, and fucking guidance that the both of you seem redundant on giving to her!” Atlas’s voice got louder, nearing the end of
his sentence.
Peeking my eyes open, I saw he was talking to Apollo.
I could see the anger on his face. He was not happy about whatever this was that was going on. “I am trying to help her.”
He said through clenched teeth.
I felt the warm hand near my hip. Reaching out, I clasped it in mine, and the calming feeling settled over me, letting me
know it was Eros.
“Sweetheart, how are you feeling?” He asked in a low voice. Worry wracked his face. All attention was suddenly on me,
with a silence filling the air, waiting for my reply.
Swallowing hard, I answered. “I’m okay, a little sore, and my head is killing me, but other than that, I’m fine.” I really was
fine. It was stupid on my part to get distracted; I should have been able to block Phoenix. This wasn’t his fault.
“I am so sorry Diana. When I saw you weren’t looking at me, it was too late; I was already in motion and couldn’t stop the
blow even if I tried.” Phoenix said as he rubbed my foot through the blanket. He didn't meet my gaze; sorrow filled his eyes,
and his lips turned down.
Eros handed me a glass of water before I could reply. Taking a long drink, I handed it back, looking at all the eyes on me
except Phoenix. “Hey, it's okay, it was my fault. I need to start paying more attention.”
Exactly what I have been telling you for the past three years. You just don’t seem to learn, you foolish girl.
I pushed the comment from Isarr out of my mind, not wanting to address him right now. “Phoenix, please look at me.”
Slowly, he lifted his eyes and locked on mine. Sadness filled his facial features, bringing his brows down low, lines
forming between them. He was stunning. I just wanted to count the freckles lining his cheek and nose. The way he looked at me
though, twisted my stomach for all the wrong reasons.
I didn’t want Phoenix to be upset. This was not his fault. He had nothing to apologize for. How did they expect me to get
stronger if they held back on me?
Reaching up with my other hand, offering it to Phoenix, begging him to take it with my eyes. He walked around the bed,
taking my hand and bringing it to his lips. He peppered kisses to each of my knuckles, whispering his apology between each
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
The Project Gutenberg eBook of Essentials of
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Title: Essentials of woodworking

A textbook for schools

Author: Ira Samuel Griffith

Illustrator: Edwin Victor Lawrence

Release date: October 12, 2023 [eBook #71855]

Language: English

Original publication: Peoria: The Manual Arts Press, 1908

Credits: Aaron Adrignola, Harry Lamé and the Online Distributed

Proofreading Team at (This file
was produced from images generously made available
by The Internet Archive)


Please see the Transcriber’s Notes
at the end of this text.
This book on woodworking contains
notes and working drawings for the
content in Correlated courses in
woodwork and mechanical drawing
by the same author, available at
Project Gutenberg.


Ira Samuel Griffith, A.



E d w i n V i c to r L aw r e n c e
The Manual Arts

Peoria, Illinois

Ira Samuel Griffith
An experience, somewhat extended, in teaching academic
branches of learning as well as woodworking, has convinced the
author that the most effective teaching of woodworking can be
accomplished only when its content is made a subject of as diligent
study as is that of the other and older branches. Such a study
necessitates the possession, by the student, of a text-book.
The selection of a suitable text is made difficult because of the fact
that tool processes are usually treated in connection either with
models or exercises. It is hardly to be expected that any one set of
models or of exercises, tho they may be of very great value, will fill
the needs of varying local school conditions. The production of a
text-book which shall deal with tool processes in a general way
without reference to any particular set of models or exercises is the
author’s aim. It is believed that such a text will prove suitable
wherever the essentials of woodworking shall be taught, whether in
grammar, high school or college, and whatever the system of
A few words as to the manner of using the text seem advisable. It
is not expected that the book will be studied chapter by chapter,
consecutively, as are the elementary texts in mathematics or
science. Rather, it is to be studied topically. To illustrate: A class is to
make a model, project, exercise, or whatever we may choose to call
it, which will require a knowledge of certain tools and the manner of
using them. At a period previous to their intended use the numbers
of the sections of the text relating to these tools and their uses, or
the page numbers, should be given the student. Previous to the
period in which these tools are to be used he should be required to
study the sections so marked. The recitation upon the assigned text
should take place at the beginning of the period following that of the
assignment, and may be conducted in a manner quite similar to that
of academic branches.
This should prepare the way and make intelligible the
“demonstration” which may be given in connection with the recitation
or at its close.
If as thoro a knowledge of the matter studied is insisted upon in
the recitation as is insisted upon in the academic classroom, there
need be but little excuse for ignorance on the part of the pupil when
he begins his work or at any subsequent time.
Acknowledgement is due the Department of Forestry, Washington,
D. C., for the use of material contained in the chapter on Woods and
for the prints from which many of the half-tones relating to forestry,
were produced.
Care of Tools and Bench.
It is important that a beginner should become impressed with the
importance of keeping his tools in the best condition. Good results
can be obtained only when tools are kept sharp and clean, and used
only for the purposes for which they are made. Tools properly
sharpened and properly used permit one to work easily as well as
accurately. When it becomes necessary for the worker to use undue
strength because of the dullness of his tools, “troubles” begin to
accumulate and the “pleasure of doing” is soon changed to despair.
Orderliness and carefulness, with knowledge and patience are
sure to bring good results; just as a lack of them will bring failure.
The bench top must not be marked with pencil or scratched
unnecessarily. Chisel boards are to protect the top from any
accidental cuts and should always be used for that purpose. Bench
tops that are scraped and shellaced or oiled every other year ought
to remain in as good condition as when new except for the few
accidental marks too deep to remove, which the thoughtless boy
may have inflicted.
Good workers take pride in keeping their benches in good order.
Tools that are not in immediate use should be placed in their racks
that they may not be injured or cause injury to the worker. At the
close of the period the bright parts of tools that have come in contact
with perspiring hands should be wiped off with oily waste kept for
that purpose. All tools should then be put away in their proper places
and the top of the bench brushed clean.
The beginner should also understand that, important as are the
results he may be able to produce in wood, more serious results are
being produced in himself in the habits he is forming. Carefulness,
neatness, accuracy, ability to economize in time and material, ability
to “think” and “to do” because of the thinking, honesty, orderliness—
these are some of the more important results that are oftentimes


Care of tools and bench 3


Tools and Elementary Processes.

Chapter I.—Laying-out Tools; Their Uses 9

1. The rule; 2. The try-square; 3. The framing
square; 4. The bevel; 5. The marking gage; 6.
The pencil gage; 7. Splitting gage; 8. The
mortise gage; 9. The Dividers; 10. Pencil and
Chapter II.—Saws 20
11. Saws; 12. The crosscut saw; 13. The rip-
saw; 14. The back-saw; 15. The turning saw;
16. The compass saw; 17. Saw filing.
Chapter III.—Planes 28
18. Planes; 19. Setting the blade; 20.
Adjustment of the iron; 21. The jack-plane;
22. The smooth-plane; 23. The jointer; 24.
The block-plane; 25. The wooden plane; 26.
Planing first surface true; 27. Face side, face
edge; 28. Planing first edge square with face
side; 29. Finishing the second edge; 30.
Finishing the second side; 31. Planing the
first end square; 32. Finishing the second
end; 33. End planing with the shooting board;
34. Rules for planing to dimensions; 35.
Planing a chamfer.
Chapter IV.—Boring Tools 46
36. Brace or bitstock; 37. Center bit; 38. The
auger bit; 39. The drill bit; The gimlet bit; 40.
Countersink bit; 41. The screwdriver bit; 42.
The brad-awl; 43. Positions while boring; 44.
Thru boring; 45. Boring to depth.
Chapter V.—Chisels and Chiseling 53
46. Chisels; 47. Horizontal paring across the
grain; 48. Vertical paring; 49. Oblique and
curved line paring; 50. Paring chamfers; 51.
The firmer gouge; 52. Grinding beveled edge
tools; 53. Whetting beveled edge tools; 54.
Oilstones; 55. Sharpening the chisel; 56.
Sharpening plane-irons; 57. To tell whether a
tool is sharp or not.
Chapter VI.—Form Work; Modeling 65
58. Making a cylinder; 59. The spokeshave;
60. Making curved edges; 61. Modeling.
Chapter VII.—1. Laying Out Duplicate Parts;
2. Scraping and Sandpapering; 3.
Fastening Parts 70
62. Laying out duplicate parts; 63. Scraping;
64. Sandpapering; 65. Hammers; 66. Nails;
67. Nailing; 68. Nailset; 69. Withdrawing
nails; 70. The screwdriver; 71. Screws; 72.
Fastening with screws; 73. Glue; 74. Clamps;
75. Gluing.


Simple Joinery.

Chapter VIII.—Type Forms 84

76. Joinery; 77. General directions for joinery;
78. Dado; 79. Directions for dado; 80. Cross-
lap joint; 81. Directions for cross-lap joint, first
method; 82. Directions for cross-lap joint,
second method; 83. Glue joint; 84. Directions
for glue joint; 85. Doweling; 86. Directions for
doweling; 87. Keyed tenon-and-mortise; 88.
Directions for key; 89. Directions for tenon;
90. Directions for mortise; 91. Directions for
mortise in the tenon; 92. Blind mortise-and-
tenon; 93. Directions for tenon; 94. Directions
for laying out mortise; 95. Directions for
cutting mortise, first method; 96. Directions
for cutting mortise, second method; 97. Miter
joint; 98. Directions for miter joint; 99.
Dovetail joint; 100. Directions for dovetail
Chapter IX.—Elementary Cabinet Work 105
101. Combination plane; 102. Drawer
construction; 103. Directions for rabbeted
corner; 104. Directions for dovetail corner;
105. Directions for drawer; 106. Paneling;
107. Cutting grooves; 108. Haunched
mortise-and-tenon; 109. Rabbeting; 110.
Fitting a door; 111. Hinging a door; 112.


Wood and Wood Finishing.

Chapter X.—Wood 116

113. Structure; 114. Growth; 115. Respiration
and transpiration; 116. Moisture; 117.
Shrinkage; 118. Weight; 119. Other
properties; 120. Grain.
Chapter XI.—Lumbering and Milling 126
121. Lumbering; 122. Milling; 123. Quarter
sawing; 124. Waste; 125. Lumber
transportation; 126. Seasoning; 127. Lumber
terms and measurements.
Chapter XII.—Common Woods 138
128. Classification. Coniferous woods; 129.
Cedar; 130. Cypress; 131. Pine; 132. Spruce.
Broad-leaved woods; 133. Ash; 134.
Basswood; 135. Birch; 136. Butternut; 137.
Cherry; 138. Chestnut; 139. Elm; 140. Gum;
141. Hickory; 142. Maple; 143. Oak; 144.
Sycamore; 145. Tulip wood; 146. Walnut.
Chapter XIII.—Wood Finishing 150
147. Wood finishes; 148. Brushes; 149.
General directions for using brush; 150.
Fillers; 151. Filling with paste filler; 152.
Stains; 153. Waxing; 154. Varnishes; 155.
Shellac; 156. Shellac finishes; 157. Oil or
copal varnishes; 158. Flowing copal varnish;
159. Typical finishes for coarse-grained
woods; 160. Patching; 161. Painting.
Appendix I.—Additional Joints 164

Appendix II.—Wood Finishing Recipes 171

1. Wax; 2. Water stains; 3. Oil stains; 4. Spirit
Appendix III.—Working Drawings 173
1. Instruments; 2. Conventions; 3. Projection
and relation of views; 4. Letters and figures;
5. Constructions; 6. Order of procedure.

Laying-Out Tools—Their Uses.

1. The Rule.—The foot rule is used as a unit of measurement in

woodwork. The rule ordinarily used is called a two-
foot rule because of its length. Such rules are hinged so as to fold
once or twice and are usually made of boxwood or maple. The
divisions along the outer edges, the edges opposite the center hinge,
are inches, halves, fourths, eighths, and on one side sixteenths also.
Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
The rule should not be laid flat on the surface to be measured but
should be stood on edge so that the knife point can be made to
touch the divisions on the rule and the wood at the same time. Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Whenever there are several measurements to be made along a

straight line, the rule should not be raised until all are made, for with
each placing of the rule errors are likely to occur.

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