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1. Define marketing and explain why marketing is essential for business.

-Marketing is a process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer
relationships to capture value from customers in return,marketing is essential because its an
organization function and a set of communicating , delivering value to customers and for managing
customer relationships to benefir the organization.

2. Provide 1 example of company that have successfully adopted the marketing concept and how it has
influenced their strategies.
-a company that have succesfully adopted the marketing concept is apple.

the marketing strategy they used that is obvious is the product concept. they invested in research and
development to create products that exceed customer expectaion so basically they understand their
customer needs and preferences.

3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each marketing concept (product, production, selling,
marketing and societal marketing)
-Product concept

advantage: Encourages businesses to continuously improve products to stay relevant in the market.

Disadvantages: focusing on product quality and innovation can lead to higher production costs.

Production concept

advantage: Helps in economies of scale, leading to increased profitability.

disadvantage: Ignores the importance of understanding and meeting customer needs, potentially leading
to products that don't resonate with consumers.

Marketing concept

Advantages: Places the customer at the center of the business strategy, leading to a deeper
understanding of customer needs and preferences.

Disadvantages: Requires significant investment in market research and customer relationship

management, which can be costly and time-consuming.

Societal Marketing Concept

Advantages: Demonstrates corporate social responsibility, which can enhance brand reputation and
strengthen customer loyalty.

Disadvantages: Requires businesses to balance social and environmental objectives with profitability,
which can sometimes be challenging.

4. Share any personal insights or perceptions you have after learning about chapter 1.
-what i learned in chapter one is elements of marketing and marketing management orientations is
important for a company to compete with other companies

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