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Nama : Hieronymus Kidung Enjang

NIM : 21134013

Kelas : RM-1

UAS Bahasa Inggris

1. How we use ICD 10 ? Describe it

Jawab: The first thing to do is to analyze the diagnosis of the disease first, the second
after being analyzed look for the lead term from the diagnosis of the disease first, then
the third after finding the lead term from the existing diagnosis, the next step is to
look for the disease code in the ICD-10 volume 3 by using the lead term term, after
the code is found, the fourth step is to check the code that has been obtained from
ICD-10 volume 3 in ICD-10 volume 1, and after checking and finding the results, and
the results are correct, we can use the diagnostic code it to determine disease.

Then the function of ICD-10 Volume 1 is to check and ensure that the code to be used
is correct, then ICD-10 Volume 2 is used to view existing instructions, then ICD-10
Volume 3 is used to find the code from the lead term that has been found.

2. Describe the Medical Billing System

Jawab: The medical billing system or can be called the process of submitting a claim
to the patient's insurance company.

The following is the process for claiming health insurance, the first to come first to a
health care facility, then register first there, after registering the second step is to ask
for a referral letter if the patient comes from a hospital, then the third step is to
complete the documents. the letters or documents that will be needed to process this
insurance claim, the letters are like an insurance card, family card, ID card and many
others, then the fourth step is if you want this claim process to run quickly and
smoothly arrive early as insurance companies work with many hospitals and this can
lead to long queues. That's the process of a medical billing system or commonly
called a health care insurance claim.

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