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Fluid Machineries Sample Problems

1. An oil with a kinematic viscosity of 0.00015 ft²/s (0.135 St) flows through a pipe of diameter 6 in
(15 cm). Below what velocity will the flow be laminar?

2. An oil with a kinematic viscosity of 0.00015 ft²/s (0.135 St) flows through a 3-inch diameter pipe
with a velocity of 10 fps. Is the flow laminar or turbulent?

3. Find the head loss per unit length when oil (s=0.9) of viscosity 0.007 ft²/s (0.00065 m²/s) flows in a
3-in (7.5 cm) dimeter pipe at a rate of 5 gpm (0.30 L/s).

4. How much power is lost per meter of pipe length when oil with a viscosity of 0.20 N-s/m² flows in
a 20-cm diameter pipe at 0.50 L/s? The oil has a density of 840 kg/m³?

5. How large a wrought iron pipe is required to convey oil (s = 0.9, μ= 0.0008 lb-s/ft2) from one tank
to another at a rate of 1.0 cfs if the pipe is 3,000 ft long and the difference in elevation of the free
liquid surfaces is 40 ft?

6. A pipe with an average diameter of 62 in is 6272 ft long and delivers water to powerhouse at a
point 1375 ft lower in elevation than the water surface intake. Assume f = 0.0025. When the pipe
delivers 300 cfs, what is its efficiency? What is the horsepower delivered to the plant?

8. A pipe runs from one reservoir to another, both ends of the pipe being under water. The intake is
no projecting. The length of pipe is 500 ft (150m), its diameter is 10.25 in (26cm), and the difference
in water levels in the two reservoirs is 110 ft (33.5 cm). If f = 0.02, what will be the pressure at a point
300 ft (90 m) from the intake, the elevation of which is 120 ft (36 m) lower than the surface of the
water in the upper reservoir.

9. A 10-in (25-cm) pipeline is 3 miles (5 km) long. Let f = 0.022. If 4 cfs (0.1 m³/s) of water is to be
pumped through it, the total actual lift being 20 ft (6m), what will be the power required if the pump
efficiency is 70 percent?

10. The velocities in a 36-in diameter pipe are measured as 15.0 fps at r=0 in and 14.5 fps at r = 4 in.
Approximately what is the flowrate?

11. Water flows through a 3-in diameter at a velocity of 10 ft/s. Find the (a) volume flow rate in cfs
and gpm, (b) weight flow rate, and (c') mass flow rate.

12. Benzene flows through a 100mm diameter pipe at a mean velocity of 3.0 m/s. Find the (a)
volume flow rate in m³/s and L/min, (b) weight flow rate, and (c') mass flow rate.

13. The flow rate of air moving through a square 0.50m by 0.50m duct is 160 m³/min. What is the

velocity of the air?

14. A gas flows through a square conduit. At one point along the conduit, the conduit sides are
0.10m, the velocity is 7.55 m/s, and the gas's mass density is (for its particular pressure and
temperature) 1.09 kg/m3. At a second point, the conduit sides are 0.250m, and the velocity is 2.02
m/s. Find the mass flow rate of the gas and its mass density at the second point.
15. Air at 30°C and 110 kPa flows at 16N/s through a rectangular duct that measures 160mm by
320mm. Compute the average velocity and volume flux.

16. Oil (s.g=0.86) flows through a 30-in diameter pipeline at 8000 gpm. Compute the (a) volume
flux, (b) average velocity, and (c') mass flux.

17. Water at 20°C flows steadily through the nozzle in figure below at 60 kg/s. The diameter are D₁ =
220 mm 1 and D₂ = 80mm. Compute the average velocities at sections 1 and 2.

18. Oil with specific gravity 0.75 is flowing through a 6-in pipe under a pressure of 15.0 psi. If the
total energy relative to a datum plane 8.0 ft below the center of the pipe is 58.6 ft-lb/lb, determine
the flow rate of the oil.

19. A standpipe 20 ft in diameter and 40 ft high is filled with water. Calculate the potential energy of
the water if the elevation datum is taken 10 ft below the base of the standpipe.

20. A turbine is rated at 600 hp when the flow of water through it is 21.5 fcs. Assuming an efficiency
of 87 percent, what head is acting on the turbine?

21. Determine the kinetic energy flux of 0.01 m³/s of oil (s.g = 0.80) discharging through a 40-mm
diameter nozzle.

22. Neglecting air resistance, determine the height a vertical jet of water will rise if projected with
velocity 58 ft/s.

23. If the total available head of a stream flowing at a rate of 300 ft³/s is 25.0 ft, what is the
theoretical horsepower available?

24. A 150-mm diameter jet of water is discharging from a nozzle into the air at velocity of 36.0 m/s.
Find the power in the jet with respect to a datum at the jet.

25. Oil (sg = 0.84) is flowing under the conditions shown in the figure below. If the total head loss
(h₁) from point 1 to point 2 is 3.0 ft, find the pressure at point 2.

26. An 8-in diameter horizontal pipe is attached to a reservoir, as shown in the figure below. If the
total head loss between the water surface in the reservoir and the water jet at the end of the pipe is
6.0 ft, what are the velocity and flow rate of the water being discharged from the pipe?

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