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In my first post, I learned about organizations that use the concept of Professor Lynch's, which is

"think global but act local," including how McDonald's manages its worldwide marketing

strategy from this perspective. Contrarily, I favour the idea of customization, which McDonald's

also uses in other countries on their preferences.

I examined Theodore Levitt's theory on globalization in my second thread. The idea contends

that communication, transportation, and technology improvements have expanded international

travel and homogenized marketplaces. I agreed with certain parts of Levitt's thesis, but some

friends thought customers wanted more customized goods. I, however, reminded my friend of

the success of businesses that provide standardized goods. Alan also brought up technology

(social media) and globalization. Charlotte Abbiss, Jack Rimington, Hardeep Matharu, and many

others demonstrated their insightful comprehension of this idea in addition to mine.

Numerous other topics, including the difference between multinational and global corporations,

brought up by Francois Tabe, the glocalization Alan highlighted, and Jack Rimington's

discussion of the role of technology in the supply chain and competitive advantage, all helped to

expand my knowledge of the course of these two weeks. In my earliest posts, Carolyn Berry and

Imtiaz Kamis contribute insightful analysis. I also learnt how important culture is to business and

how cultural differences cause certain firms to fail abroad.

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