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Reese Bromby

Mr. Pace

Class F


Semster Two Reflection

Throughout the second semester I have gained many good skills including the ones from

the first semester that I brought with me. I have developed good time management skills, critical

thinking skills, keeping up to date and on top of all my assignments and responsibility. I have

improved upon my writing skills and ability to collaborate with others during the projects that we

have done this year that involved working together and being able to communicate with who

does which part. I have many good examples of work that exemplifies my skills from the year

but the American Dream Essay was when I first started feeling confident in my writing, and felt

that I worked hard and submitted good work. Even though I have had many examples of good

work I have seen that through the years I struggle with integrating my quotes in the essays that

we have written. Especially at the beginning of the year. Over the course of time I have worked

on improving this, here is an example from earlier this semester from the assignment

“Identifying Theme in Native American Literature”, I started out by saying “The trips they went

on with the car were full of joy and happiness; “The trips over there was beautiful. When

everything starts changing, drying up, clearing off you feel like your whole life is starting” (P

112). I definitely could have introduced this quote in a more formal way and made it more

descriptive. A piece of work that I have room to improve on was the “Great Gatsby Final

Writing”. I want to be able to improve on my creativity while also turning in good work. When it

comes to projects like these I want to be better at being more open minded with it while
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completing the projects with the prompts given and also bringing in the creative factor, like I

tried to do with the Great Gatsby news paper. As I move on to senior English I want to keep

improving on my essay skills to make them as best as possible for college and the future. I have

learned proper punctuation needed in some places of my essays as well, as well as upping my

close reading skills after everything we have read these two semesters. Analyzing and reading

the text more deeply really helps me truly understand and get a feeling for what we are reading

making it more enjoyable. The rest of highschool I want to keep achieving honor roll as I have

the past 5 semesters and also keep improving on all of my academics in different ways. I have

learned a lot from our Literature class this past year that has helped me succeed in my other

classes. I have learned collaboration skills from our group projects that we have done which

helps me not only in other classes but outside of school as well. Also as I have said before

working on being able to form essays translates to other classes for their writing assessments like

History where we have written many essays including the Hare. We have learned many

interesting things including the Native American Literature Unit which gave me a sense of

cultural knowledge and reading the trickster trails was something different to learn about in

semester two. The American Dream Unit also gave a different perspective and view point on life

especially while writing and doing research on the essay which really made me think about how

lucky I really am. It made me think about my goal and aspirations for the future and how hard

achievements can be to work for. These two units were my favorite from over the year because

of the grasping factor that brought me to them. Throughout my time in Junior Literature I will

always remember walking into class and seeing that we will be doing wordle before class as well

as wordscapes. I will also remember my favorite unit The Great Gatsby and reading the book and
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the movie. I have learned alot from this Literature Class this past year that will help me in the


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