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ChipLroniks opens iLs irsL CenLre in NorLh FasL aL Shillong

Some common deskLop problems & iLs soluLions

basic eIectronics notes for mobiIe
In tbis article we will deal witb basic electronics wbicb is very essential for mobile
repairing . Cbiptroniks bas emerged as tbe clear leader in offering quality mobile
repairing course . Recently we opened our first centre in Sbillong . So guys now we
are opening up anybody interested to bave our Francbisee can contact us .
Mobile repairing is a combination of 2 things:
. Hardware
2. S

t is
An ALom is a smallesL parL o an FlemenL which cannoL be divided urLher.
Fxamples are Solid, Liquid and Caseous SLaLes.

" what is VoItage?
A volLage is Lhe orce o elecLrons and Lhe uniL is measured in volLs. CircuiL
RepresenLaLion o volLage is (v).
1he uniL o currenL is measured in Amperes. 1he CircuiL RepresenLaLion o CurrenL
is (l).
Dropping o volLage is called as ResisLance. Ohms is Lhe uniL o ResisLance Q.
CircuiL RepresenLaLion o ResisLance is .

hms Law

1he currenL lowing in Lhe circuiL is direcLly proporLional Lo Lhe volLage
buL inversely proporLional Lo Lhe ResisLance.
x lf voItage is 250 AC and the current is 5 Amperes caIcuIate Resistance
Ans. Using ormula #
-> R= Q
x2 lf the voItage is 3 V DC and the current is 400 mA caIcuIate
Ans. Using ormula #
-> R= Q
Study of Multi-meter

. unction/Range 5witch. selecLs Lhe uncLion (volLmeLer, ammeLer, or
ohmmeLer) and Lhe range or Lhe measuremenL.
2. C lnput TerminaI. Common ground, used in ALL measuremenLs.
3. V lnput TerminaI. or volLage or resisLance measuremenLs.
4. 200 mA lnput TerminaI. or small currenL measuremenLs.
5. 0A lnput TerminaI. or large currenL measuremenLs.
6. Low Battery LCD. appears when Lhe baLLery needs replacemenL.
!recautions Ior Current Measurements
O Turn the power off to the device and discharge any capacitors!
O !lug Lhe black LesL lead inLo Lhe COM jack.
O !lug Lhe red LesL lead inLo eiLher Lhe
4 200 mA jack or small currenL measuremenLs, or Lhe
4 0 A jack or large currenL measuremenLs.
O l you do noL know Lhe approximaLe currenL abouL Lo be measured, use Lhe
0 A jack.
O SeL Lhe uncLion/range swiLch Lo eiLher
4 DC amperes in Lhe lower righL, or
4 AC amperes in Lhe middle righL.
O Break open the circuit at the point where you want to measure the
current by removing one of the wires Connect the free end of the red
test Iead to one pIace at which the wire was attached Connect the free
end of the bIack test Iead to the other pIace at which the wire was
attached Current is aIways measured with the meter in 5Rl5 with the
device lf you do not understand the difference between 5Rl5 and
!ARALLL, ask your TA Using the current meter incorrectIy wiII bIow
the fuse or damage the meter (lt wiII aIso cost you points on your Iab
O Reapply Lhe power Lo Lhe device.
O l Lhe LCD displays eiLher "." or "-." wiLh all oLher digiLs blank, Lhe currenL
is beyond Lhe selecLed range. Use Lhe swiLch Lo selecL a larger range.
O Once you know Lhe approximaLe currenL Lhrough Lhe device, Lhen use Lhe
swiLch Lo selecL Lhe lowesL currenL range LhaL will sLill accommodaLe Lhe
currenL Lhrough Lhe device.
O 1urn Lhe power o Lo Lhe device beore removing Lhe meLer rom Lhe circuiL.
!recautions Ior Resistance Measurements
O Turn the power off to the device and discharge any capacitors!
O !lug Lhe black LesL lead inLo Lhe COM jack.
O !lug Lhe red LesL lead inLo Lhe v jack.
O SeL Lhe uncLion/range swiLch Lo ohms ( ) in Lhe lower leL.
O l you do noL know Lhe approximaLe resisLance abouL Lo be measured, use
Lhe largesL range available.
O ConnecL Lhe ree ends o Lhe red and black LesL leads ACROSS Lhe device Lo
Lhe measured. ResisLance is always measured wiLh Lhe meLer in !ARALLFL
wiLh Lhe device.
O l Lhe LCD displays eiLher "." or "-." wiLh all oLher digiLs blank, Lhe
resisLance is beyond Lhe selecLed range. Use Lhe swiLch Lo selecL a larger
O Once you know Lhe approximaLe resisLance o Lhe device, Lhen use Lhe
swiLch Lo selecL Lhe lowesL range LhaL will sLill accommodaLe Lhe resisLance
o Lhe device.
1here are Lwo Lypes o volLages.
O AlLernaLe CurrenL (AC)
O DirecL CurrenL (DC)
AC currenL is a high volLage and conLain requency o 50Hz means LhaL in a
second iL goes 50 Limes in posiLive and negaLive cycle.

DirecL CurrenL (DC) is a low volLage. Fxamples are 8aLLeries (.5 v Lo 24 v). lL
doesn'L have requency in iL.
Frequency is deined as Number o cycles per seconds.
ConvenLional currenL is a low o currenL rom -ve Lo -ve direcLion
Iectronic Components
FlecLronic componenLs are divided inLo Lwo caLegories.
. !assive ComponenLs
2. AcLive ComponenLs

1he acLive componenL
changes Lhe enLire uncLion
o Lhe circuiL. 1he examples
o Lhis are Semi-
ConducLors (AC Lo DC)
1he passive componenL
doesn'L have Lhe abiliLy Lo
change Lhe uncLion o Lhe
circuiL. lL only modiies and re-modiies Lheir respecLive circuiLs. 1he examples o
passive componenLs are as ollows.
. ResisLors
2. CapaciLors
3. lnducLors
ResisLors are Lhe elecLronic componenL which is used Lo drop Lhe volLages. 1here
are 3 Lypes o ResisLors.

Resistor Type 5ymboI Circuit 5ymboI
Fixed Carbon (color Coded)

2 variable

3 Fusable

#esistor Values
Resistor values that are available Ior use in circuits range Irom 0 to around 10,000,000 . Because dealing
with large numbers like 10,000,000 is awkward, the k` preIix is used to denote 1,000 and the M` preIix is used to
denote 1,000,000. k` stands Ior kilo` and M` stands Ior mega. Here are some examples oI resistor values:
1k 1,000 (pronounced one kilo Ohm` or one k` Ior short)
10M 10,000,000 (pronounced ten mega Ohms` or ten meg` Ior short)
Sometimes you will see resistors quoted without the symbol, and sometimes the symbol will be replaced with
R`. When a Iraction is needed in a value you will oIten see R`, k`, or M` in place oI the decimal point as an aid
to clarity:
22k is the same as 22k
330R is the same as 330
4K7 is the same as 4.7k
ike all components, resistors are never perIect. Their true value will never be exactly the same as their stated
value, but will be somewhere close. The maximum amount oI error in the value is given by the tolerance` value,
expressed as a percentage. Most resistors have a 10 20 tolerance, and this is normally adequate Ior most
applications. You can get 1 and 2 tolerance resistors iI you need them.
%he #esistor Colour Code
Because resistors are so small, it is not easy to print their value and tolerance on them in a way which is easily
readable. ThereIore, one oI the Iollowing colour coding systems is used instead. Both systems code the value in
Ohms there are no codes Ior k` or M`.
%he Four-Band System
This system uses three coloured bands to represent a resistor`s value, and an additional coloured band spaced Iurther
apart to represent a resistor`s tolerance, as shown in Iigure 2.
O The first two bands give Lhe Lhe irsL Lwo digiLs o Lhe resisLor's value.
O The third band is a mulLiplier and gives Lhe number o zeroes LhaL musL be
placed aLer Lhe irsL Lwo digiLs.
O The forth band gives Lhe resisLor's Lolerance as a percenLage.

The table below shows the meaning oI each colour Ior each oI the bands. Notice that
most oI the colours are in the order oI the colours oI a rainbow, with the exception oI
indigo which is not used. There is a rhyme you can use to remember these colours:
#ichard I ork ave Battle in Vain.
st Digit
Band 2
2nd Digit
Band 3
Band 4

0 0


x 0

2 2
x 00

3 3
x ,000

4 4
x 0,000

5 5
x 00,000

6 6
x ,000,000

7 7
x ,000,0000

8 8
x ,000,00000

9 9
x ,000,000000

- - - -/- 5%

- - - -/- 0%
8and= 8rown
8and2= 8lack
8and3= 8rown

00 Q

8and= Red
2200 Q = 2.2 K Q
33000 Q = 33 K Q

00000 Q = 00 K Q
32000000 Q = 32 M Q
47000000000 Q = 47000 M Q
5600000000 Q = 5600 M Q
Variable #esistors
'ariable Resistors are used to
increase and decrease the resistances.
The examples in this category are as
. 'olume Control Knob
2. an Regulator
Fusable #esistor
The Iunction oI Iusable resistor is to break the circuit when excess current Ilows above its
nductors are divided into two categories viz.
. Coils
2. TransIormers
Circuit Representation: ()
Unit oI Measurement: 037
The Iunction oI coil is to Iilter the voltage. When voltage is applied to a coil M
(lectro Motive orce) is generated.
The Iunction oI transIormer is to transIorm on energy into another. t steps up and down
the voltage. very electronic and electrical device has their speciIication mentioned on
the back panel on their respective bodies. So Ior replacement oI the TransIormer oI a
particular device iI it gets Iaulty, the same value unit oI transIormer should be replaced.
TransIormers are Iurther divided into two categories viz.
. Step-Up (xample: HT (xtra High Tension)
2. Step-Down
Step-Down %ransformer
Step-down transIormers are Iurther divided into two categories:
. Conventional
2. Center-Tap TransIormer
Conventional %ransformer
low voltage is passed Irom primary to secondary winding.
or xample, a step down transIormer oI 4.6 ' AC
requires 240 ' AC at the primary winding which is
stepped down to 4.6 ' AC at the secondary winding.
To Iind out which is the primary and secondary winding
in Conventional TransIormer use Multi meter and keep it
in buzzer mode. !lace the testing probes on either side, iI buzzer is heard then that is
Secondary Winding.
Center-%ap %ransformer
Center-tap TransIormer has a center winding oI 0 ', in other words we can say that the
secondary winding contains 3 wires, the center on is 0 'olts. ReIer the diagram Ior more.

1he uncLion o
capaciLor is Lo pass Lhe
AC volLage and sLore Lhe
DC volLage. CapaciLors
are urLher divided inLo
Lwo caLegories.
. !olarized
2. Non-!olarized
!oIarized Capacitors


UniL. Micro Fared (b1)
lnternaIs of IectroIytic

Non- !oIarized Capacitors


Non-polarized capaciLors are disc or ceramic capaciLors. 1he uniL is !ico
5emi Conductors
Semi conducLors are Lhe elemenLs which are parLly conducLors and parLly
insulaLors. Fxample o elemenL is Silicon. 1he examples o semi-conducLors are as
. Diodes
2. 1ransisLors
3. l.C. (lnLegraLed CircuiLs)
Diodes are semi conducLor componenLs which converLs AC Lo DC (RecLiier
CiruiLs). lL has 3 major componenLs.
. !.N. JuncLion
2. Zener Diode
3. L.F.D. (LighL FmiLLing Diode)
!N Junction Diode

Symbol. LayouL.

When we check a diode on a mulLi meLer on buzzer mode, by placing Lhe red
probe on Lhe posiLive side and black probe on Lhe negaLive side, we hear buzzer.
lL means LhaL Lhe diode is Forward 8ias. l we place Lhe LesLing probe in Lhe
reverse order, we do noL hear buzzer, iL means LhaL Lhe diode is reverse bias. lL
indicaLes LhaL diode works in one direcLion i.e. rom !osiLive Lo negaLive which is
called as Forward 8ias. !.N. JuncLion diodes converL AC Lo DC (RecLiier CircuiL)


Zener diode acLs as a volLage sLabilizer. lL comes under dierenL volLages such as
5 v, 0 v, 2 v eLc.
LD (Light mitting Diode

Symbol. LayouL.
1he uncLion o LFD is LhaL iL emiLs lighL when
volLage is passed Lo iL. lL is used as a power indicaLor in Lhe circuiL. lL
operaLes under .5 v DC and comes under dierenL colors such as Red, ellow,
Creen, 8lue.
Rectifier Circuits
RecLiiers are Lhe circuiL which converLs AC Lo DC volLage. 1he are 3 Lypes o
RecLiier CircuiLs.
. Hal Wave RecLiier
2. Full Wave RecLiier
3. 8ridge RecLiier
aIf wave Rectifier (!reparation of obiIe Charger
Requirements to make aIf wave Rectifier
. ConvenLional 1ransormer 6 v AC / Amp.
2. !N JuncLion Diode ( Nos.)
3. FlecLrolyLic CapaciLor 0v/220 MFD
4. Zener Diode
5. ResisLor (volLage Drop aL LFD)
6. LFD (!ower lndicaLor)
Circuit Diagram

!reparation of obiIe Charger
1he Hal Wave RecLiier is a circuiL which converLs AC Lo DC volLage. ln Lhis circuiL,
only one !.N. JuncLion Diode is used. 1he inLernal ResisLance o !rimary Winding
o a Lransormer is very high because o Lhis Lhe volLage is dropped Lo 6 volLs AC.
ln beLween Lhe core o !rimary Winding and Secondary Winding, FMF is
generaLed and Lhe volLage is Lranserred Lo Lhe secondary winding. AL Lhe ouLpuL
o secondary winding, we geL sLep down volLage o 6 v AC orm (lL will have 50
Hz. Frequency).
So a !N JuncLion Diode is connecLed in series. 1he diode will only orward bias
Lhe posiLive hal cycle o AC volLage. 8uL Lhere are chances o AC Leakage
(Ripples) which may damage Lhe baLLery aL Lhe Lime o charging. 1hereore, an
FlecLrolyLic CapaciLor is used Lo bypass DC and block AC volLage.
A Zener Diode is used Lo sLabilize Lhe volLage. lL is o 6 v. 1he Zener diode will
sLarL working when more Lhan 6v is applied Lo iL. lL will break Lhe circuiL when
excess volLage comes. LFD is used as a power indicaLor and a ResisLor is aLLached
Lo iL Lo drop Lhe volLage because LFD works on .5 v and our circuiL is o 6v.
Hence a charger is prepared successully.
uII wave Rectifier
Requirements to make uII wave Rectifier
. CenLer 1ap 1ransormer 6-0-6 v AC / Amp.
2. !N JuncLion Diode (2 Nos.)
3. FlecLrolyLic CapaciLor 0v/220 MFD
4. Zener Diode
5. ResisLor (volLage Drop aL LFD)
6. LFD (!ower lndicaLor)
Circuit Diagram

WiLh RespecL Lo hal wave recLiier Lhis gives beLLer perormance because aL Lhe
same Lime 2 diodes are Forward 8ias so we geL double posiLive hal cycle. 1his
minimizes Lhe AC Leakage chances. ResL o Lhe circuiL is same.
Bridge Rectifier
Requirements to make Bridge wave Rectifier
. ConvenLional 1ransormer 6 v AC / Amp.
2. !N JuncLion Diode (4 Nos.) or 8ridge RecLiier Module.
3. FlecLrolyLic CapaciLor 0v/220 MFD
4. Zener Diode
5. ResisLor (volLage Drop aL LFD)
6. LFD (!ower lndicaLor)
Circuit Diagram (Using !N Junction Diodes

Circuit Diagram (Using Bridge Rectifier oduIe
8ridge RecLiier gives Lhe same perormance o Lhe ull wave recLiier. 1his circuiL
can be prepared by using convenLional Lansormer using 8ridge RecLiier Module
and resL remain same.
1ransisLor acLs as an open swiLch. 1he inpuL volLage is a orm o AC which is given
Lo Lhe base o 1ransisLor. 1ransisLor are used or ampliicaLion o Lhe signal
(ConverL Weak signals inLo sLronger signals)
1ransisLors are urLher divided inLo 2 caLegories.
. N!N
2. !N!

N!N Transistors

Symbol. LayouL.
When we check a N!N LransisLor on a MulLimeLer by keep Lhe red
probe on Lhe base o Lhe LransisLor and Lhe black probe on eiLher CollecLor or
FmiLLer, we can hear buzzer. 1his indicaLes Lhe ollowing.
. 8ase Lo CollecLor. Forward 8ias
2. 8ase Lo FmiLLer. Forward 8ias
When do Lhis in reverse order, we do noL hear buzzer. 1his indicaLes Lhe
. 8ase Lo CollecLor. Reverse 8ias
2. 8ase Lo FmiLLer. Reverse 8ias
Fxample CircuiL.


Symbol. LayouL.
1his is an exacL opposiLe
o N!N 1ransisLor. When
we check iL using MulLimeLer by keeping Lhe 8lack !robe on Lhe base and Red
probe on eiLher CollecLor or FmiLLer, we hear buzzer. 1his indicaLes Lhe ollowing.
. 8ase Lo CollecLor. Forward 8ias
2. 8ase Lo FmiLLer. Forward 8ias
When do Lhis in reverse order, we do noL hear buzzer. 1his indicaLes Lhe
. 8ase Lo CollecLor. Reverse 8ias
2. 8ase Lo FmiLLer. Reverse 8ias
CircuiLs have
many inbuilL
in iL and iL is
designed as
per Lhe circuiL
requiremenLs. 1here are 2 Lypes o l.C.
. !CA (!in Crid ArchiLecLure)
2. 8CA (8all Crid ArchiLecLure)
All Lhe major secLions in Lhe FlecLronic devices are conLrolled by lC's. For
Fxample,Mobile's Charging, !ower, NeLwork, Audio secLions eLc.
MosL o Lhe aulLs in Lhe elecLronic devices are because o lC's. 1hey have mosL o
Lhe load on Lhem.
!CA (!in Crid ArchiLecLure) 8CA (8all Crid ArchiLecLure)

5oIdering Techinques
Soldering is a process o making and breaking Lhe soldering conLacLs o Lhe
elecLronic componenLs. lL is done by Lhe equipmenL called as Soldering lron.
1here are Lwo Lypes o soldering irons.
. 25 WaLL High !ower AC lron
2. Micro 1ip DC lron
Accessories Required or Soldering.
. Solder Wire (1rip 60/40 i.e. 60% Aluminium and 40% 1in)
2. Liquid Soldering !asLe / Soldering Flux

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