On Your Desk British English Teacher

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1 Warm up

In pairs, discuss the questions below.

1. What do you usually have on your desk?

2. Do you keep your desk clean or messy?
3. Do you think that your desk reflects your personality?

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2 Focus on vocabulary

Part A: Match the given words to the pictures.

a) pen b) file c) mouse d) folder

e) calculator f) mouse mat g) keyboard h) notepad

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

Group 2:

a) photo b) plant c) paper d) paper clips

e) pencil f) screen g) post-it notes h) plastic racks

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

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Part B: Look at the picture below for about a minute, cover it up and say what you remember.

picture A

3 Language point

Part A: What do you remember? Without looking at picture A above complete the sentences below
with ‘there was/were/wasn’t/weren’t’ with ‘a/an’, ‘some’ and ‘any’.

1. telephone.

2. paper clips.

3. plant.

4. plastic racks.

5. lamp.

6. pencils.

7. post-it notes.

8. photo.

9. paper.

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Part B: Now look at the conversation about the desk in exercise two part B and have a similar conversation
with your partner about your desk. Use ‘some’, ‘any’, ‘a few’, ‘a lot of’, ‘a little’.

A: Do you have a keyboard on your desk?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Are there any pens?

B: No, there aren’t. But there’s a pencil.

A: What else do you have on your desk?

B: I have a notepad and a few paper clips.

4 Pre-reading/pre-listening task

Match each type of person with what their desk tells us about them.

1. The dreamer a. This person is liked a lot in the office because they always
have sweets and like to chat.
2. The technophobe b. This person wishes they were on holiday, not at work.

3. The rebel c. This person works too hard and needs to play more.

4. The homesick person d. This person finds computers hard and likes to use sticky
5. The workaholic e. This person’s desk is empty, they might be looking for a
new job.
6. The chatterbox f. This person wishes they were at home, not at work.

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5 Reading/listening comprehension

Now read or listen to the article about desks reflecting different personalities and answer the following
questions then say which personality are you.

1. What items does the homesick person have on their desk?

2. Which personality type has a box of chocolate on their desk?

3. What might an empty desk mean?

What does your desk say about you?

A desk is not only a place to sit and do work. It says something about your personality

1. The dreamer

Do you have any photos of your holiday on your desk? Be careful. If there are a lot of holiday photos, it shows
that you prefer to be somewhere else. You are thinking about the beach, not tomorrow’s marketing presentation!

2. The technophobe

Are there any post-it notes on your desk? If you have post-it notes all over your desk, it shows that you have a
problem with technology. If you want to be organized, use your computer.

3. The rebel

Is your desk empty? If there is nothing on your desk, it shows that you are not yet comfortable in your new
company or maybe you are looking for another job.

4. The homesick person

Are there many family photos on your desk? It is fine to have a few photos of your family. But if you have a lot of
photos, it shows that you want to be at home, not at work.

5. The workaholic

How many empty coffee cups and energy drinks do you have on your desk? If you have a lot, it shows that you
do not have much balance in your life. You spend a lot of time in the office and you need a hobby.

6. The chatterbox

Do you always have a box of chocolates on your desk? Office workers with a never-ending supply of chocolates
and sweets are often popular with their colleagues. But it can also show that you like talking all the time.

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6 Talking point

In pairs or small groups discuss the questions below. These questions are meant to help you think
and talk about the story. There are no right or wrong answers!

1. Which person from the story do you think you are most like based on how you keep your desk?
2. Do you think it’s right to guess what someone is like from how they keep their desk? Why or why
3. If you could change something about your desk to make it more like you, what would it be?
4. Why do you think people decorate their desks in different ways?
5. Do you think a tidy desk means a tidy mind? Why or why not?
6. Can you think of another type of person who wasn’t in the story? How would their desk look and
what would it tell us about them?
7. How important is it to you that your desk looks nice to other people? Why?
8. Do you think your desk is a private or a shared space? Should friends be allowed to talk about
how your desk looks? Why or why not?
9. How does how your desk looks to change how you feel or work?
10. Which ’desk person from the story do you find most interesting or fun? Why?

7 Let’s play!

Work in pairs, and listen to the teacher’s instructions. Remember, the goal is to have fun and practice
English vocabulary!

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1. Warm up

5 mins.
Students should share their views on the following questions, which relate to topics that will be looked at in the
lesson. Encourage students to share their views and develop their ideas, correcting any mistakes.

2. Focus on vocabulary

Part A:
10 mins.
Students label the pictures with the correct words. They can work in pairs or small groups. Check their pronunciation
and listen out for any mistakes while checking the exercise.

1. e) calculator 2. b) file 3. d) folder 4. g) keyboard

5. c) mouse 6. f) mouse mat 7. h) notepad 8. a) pen
Group 2:

1. e) pencil 2. a) photo 3. b) plant 4. f) screen

5. c) paper 6. d) paper clips 7. h) plastic racks 8. g) post-it notes
Part B:
5 mins.
Students focus on the picture and try to remember as many things as possible. After the time is up ask them what
they recall and where was it. Draw their attention that this will be important while doing the next task.

3. Language point

Part A:
10 mins.
Students try to complete the sentences, without going back to the previous exercise. Students complete the
sentences individually and check in pairs. Go through the answers with the class.

1. There was a 2. There weren’t any 3. There was a

4. There weren’t any 5. There was a 6. There were some
7. There were some 8. There wasn’t any 9. There wasn’t any
Part B:
5 mins.
Demonstrate the conversation with a strong student. Monitor and assist if necessary.

4. Pre-reading/pre-listening task

5 mins.
Before reading or listening to the article in the next sections, students try to guess the answers without reading/listening.
Monitor and assist as needed.

1. → b. 2. → d. 3. → e. 4. → f. 5. → c. 6. → a.

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5. Reading/listening comprehension

5 mins.
Have the students read the text. Pre-teach or be prepared to explain or translate unfamiliar vocabulary. Go round
the class asking students what type of personality they are according to the text.

1. Family photos
2. The chatterbox
3. Somebody is not comfortable in a new company or is looking for another job

6. Talking point

5 mins.
Ask the students to discuss the questions in pairs or small groups. Circulate and help as needed.

7. Let’s play!

10 mins.
Split the class into pairs. Each pair will receive a copy of the table with the list of words. Student 1 will choose
a word from the list without letting Student 2 see the word they have chosen. Student 1 then has to explain the
chosen word to Student 2 without actually saying the word. They can use descriptions or act them out, but no
direct translation is allowed. For example, if the word is ’Calculator’, Student 1 could say: "It’s a small device that
you use to do maths quickly." Student 2 has to guess the word that Student 1 is explaining. They can take multiple
guesses. If Student 2 guesses correctly, they get a point. Then, the roles switch - Student 2 explains a word and
Student 1 guesses. The game continues until all words have been explained. The student with the most points at
the end wins!
Cut-ups to be distributed to students

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© Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in Natalia School's lessons.

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