Short Term Memory in Learning and Measures

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Submitted By

Do Hong Nhung
21070338, BEL2021

Advisor Confirmation by Faculty

Ph.D Nguyen Viet Hung

Project name Our Team
& Code

03 04
The necessity
Introduction of Research
Literature review,

05 06
Research Research
Objectives Methods
and Scope

07 08
Research Expected
Content results

Project name

The importance of short-term memory for

learning and measures to prevent
“overload” of short-term memory.

Project code

(Brief introduction - optional)

Do Hong Nhung Nguyen Thi Diem Quynh

BEL2021B BEL2021B

Vu Mai Hanh Nguyen Nhu Quynh

BEL2021B BEL2021B
Literature review
Human memory is a magnificent thing. Memory plays a very important role
in life. It is a condition for human development. Memory helps us accumulate life
experience capital and use it to make our lives and work better. Thanks to
memory, our things, events, phenomena, thoughts, and emotions are all stored
in our minds and become our practical ability, understanding, and experience.
Without memory, all things and phenomena that we have known before will
be completely new if we meet them again, and people will lose the ability to think
creatively and plan future activities based on their previous understanding. This
is also a topic that many experts are interested in and tend to research.
While there is certainly some useful knowledge in this area, such as the
correlation between memory and emotion or the relationship between memory
impairment and sleep disturbances, aspects of short-term memory, specifically
its effect on student learning and the state of "full memory," is still not well
understood and has not received much attention.

On the one hand, today poor short-term memory is rarely recognized by
teachers. They often describe children with this problem as inattentive or less
intelligent. And there are also many people who do not understand their memory or

do not know that short-term memory has nothing to do with their parents' education
level or socio-economic background. This means that all children, regardless of their
environment, should have equal opportunities to realize their potential. Short-term
memory is a stronger predictor of a child's later academic success than IQ in the
(Maximum 200 words)
early years. On the other hand, short-term memory processing is directly affected by
their surroundings, and there are many instances where people are overloaded with
temporary memory.

In general, the above problem has partly shown that people's interest in short-
term memory and the task of remembering, absorbing information enough for the
brain to receive is essential." Why short-term memory is necessary for learning
purposes and what measures can be taken to avoid short-term memory overload?" is
the main question that was posted in this study.
Having a strong short-term memory is essential for students; it can help them
be more competitive after they graduate from college. This study will show the
effect of short-term memory in learning, the causes of memory impairment,
and overload, and thereby help teachers understand more about cognition and
how the brain remembers information. Without an understanding of learning
and memory and how one affects the other, many students will remain stuck on
their own path of knowledge acquisition. And early intervention for short-term
memory can reduce the number of students who experience academic failure.

Faced with this situation, our research objective is to help people
understand the role of short-term memory, especially its significance in
learning, and provide methods to overcome overload in short-term memory.

The scope of this study was determined through data analysis with over
100 responses from our survey through universities in Vietnam.
Methodology: using a system of arguments and theories as the basis, which
functions as the basis for theses in scientific research.

Qualitative: Format and summarize information and knowledge from the

surveyed people through the survey form.

Quantitative: Collect and analyze data in the results drawn from the
investigation and survey process.

The importance of short-term memory
In psychology, "memory" is an organism’s mental ability to store,
retain, and recall information (Wikipedia). Short-term memory is closely
related to "working" memory; it is the very short time that you keep
something in mind before either dismissing it or transferring it to long-
term memory. Short-term memory is an ability of the mind that is both
enabled and constrained by the function and structure of neural circuits
and systems. Short-term memory is shorter than you might think, lasting
less than a minute.

Short-term memory plays an important role in the daily activities of

human life. It is used all the time in everyday life. It's hard to find life
goals that don't require short-term memory storage and encoding.
According to Shalice (1982), however, humans also rely on short-term
memory for higher-order operations such as problem-solving,
troubleshooting, and planning. The participation of short-term memory in
these processes is known as the supervisory attentional system. With this
in mind, it is clear that short-term memory is an extremely important
aspect of processing our surroundings.
Short-term memory (STM) refers to systems that provide retention
of limited amounts of material for a limited time period (seconds). The
short-term memory includes storage and rehearsal components, of which
the latter provides the ability to maintain events in memory against
momentary forgetting. Discrete brain regions support STM, with the left
hemisphere and anterior hemisphere networks more involved in phonetic
short-term memory and the right hemisphere regions in spatial STM.
Short-term memory facilitates the learning of new information and
aspects of language understanding and production.
The importance of short-term memory for learning
One situation where short-term memory is commonly used is in school.
Students use their simulation and short-term memory to acquire a variety of
skills necessary for academic success. Actually, For centuries, traditional
education has highlighted memorization. The task of remembering what you've
written long enough to put it in a notebook is also a function of short-term
Students with poor short-term memory may suffer from:
 Forget about knowledge they’ve already learned.
 Don't complete all tasks when given a list of instructions.
 Difficulty remembering what they just read.
 Forget what others have said during conversations.
These challenges affect student behavior, social interaction and academic progress
in all school subjects. Part of the learning process depends on memory, because
the knowledge stored in your memory provides the frame to which you link new
knowledge, by association. The more expansive your frame of knowledge, the
more fluently you can link new knowledge to it.

Short - term memory training method

Although short-term memory is temporary, it is very important to all of us.

You can improve by repeating the information over and over or giving it a deep
meaning to make a deep enough impression on your brain.
Besides , you can follow some of the guidelines below because everyone has
a different level of fitness, it depends on many factors such as health, fitness and
your surroundings.
 Maintain better quality of sleep
Studies have shown that the processes our brains go through while we
sleep help us recall information better the next morning. Your brain receives
stimuli when you are awake. It regularly uses the time we sleep to process
information. Sleep is when information is consolidated and entered into long-
term memory. If you don't sleep, your brain won't be able to do this. This is a
way to enhance memory in learning that must not be ignored.
 Reduce stress
Always thinking positively about yourself and looking at life with pink eyes
will automatically strengthen your memory. This will also automatically boost
 Eat a healthy diet that minimizes sugar and saturated fat.
The food we eat every day plays an important part in promoting health and
preventing disease, which is related to memory enhancement. There are many
foods that enhance memory, so you can rely on your taste to choose the foods
that work best for you.
 Exercise regularly
Recent research has shown that exercise can also help increase short-term
memory. An experiment found that treadmill exercise in mice with Alzheimer's
disease led to improvements in short-term memory by increasing neurogenesis,
offering hope for new approaches to alleviating some symptoms which are
associated with Alzheimer's disease.
However, if you really want to see drastic improvements, you need to
relearn your memory usage, and apply a few more tricks, like:
 Chew gum while studying or working (even though you don't seem to be
taking it very seriously)
 Move your eyes from left to right, from side to side to stimulate the brain
 Meditate
 Using strange fonts in the text
 Entertainment with brain training games, enhance memory

Measures to prevent "overload" of short-term memory

 Avoid trying to get everything done at once

We can break down each task to do, do a little each day or do a part
each session. For example, when we study in school, we will learn the letters
first and then move on to words, phrases and finally paragraphs. Such a
division will help you avoid being stressed and feeling tired for a fixed short
 Reduce your anxiety
According to some studies, your brain may have less space for work-
related information if it is preoccupied with disturbing thoughts.
You can focus on what needs to be done by setting aside your
negative thoughts and worries with the help of mindfulness meditation.
 Exercise regularly and have a nutritious diet.
 Get rid of distractions
If you're having trouble concentrating, it could be because your
working memory is trying to take in too many things at once.
Let's take the example of listening to music while you write a
presentation. Even if you feel you can work well with music, when you listen
to songs with lyrics while working, your brain will be processing these words
in addition to the information you are concentrating on. to do. This hinders
your ability to concentrate on your work.
 Making a timetable and to-do list can help you stay on track and save
you a lot of time
In summary, short-term memory plays an important role in shaping our
ability to function with the world around us, but it is limited in both capacity and
duration. Knowledge of these, and how they affect memory process and memory
storage is key to being able to support students as they find their own memory
formation. Through research, people can figure out how to improve short-term
memory, or at least better understand it. You can use the techniques discussed
above to improve your short-term memory, helping to blur the lines between
what's short-term and what's long-term. Since then, it could have implications
in every aspect of many individual's daily lives and will greatly improve your
work and study performance.

From the various large-scale studies, we believe that the only way
students with poor working memory can achieve academic success is to teach
them how to learn even if their ability to retain information in the mind is less
than other students.

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