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Trường THCS Đoàn Thị Điểm Năm học 2022 - 2023


I. Circle the option whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
1. A. amazing B. potato C. brave D. sunglasses
2. A. scientist B. music C. physics D. quiet
3. A. smart B. charity C. family D. granny
4. A. candle B. bag C. water D. angry
5. A. T-shirts B. sneakers C. blanks D. sports
6. A. kind B. knife C. know D. knock
7. A. chocolate B. chicken C. cheap D. chef
8. A. season B. husband C. museum D. spaghetti
9. A. budgie B. ketchup C. hungry D. funny
10. A. sure B. sunny C. person D. spider
11. A. poster B. cold C. bored D. pony
12. A. menu B. pretty C. clever D. memory
13. A. brushes B. watches C. games D. catches
14. A. camping B. colorful C. clothes D. delicious
15. A. national B. calculator C. hamster D. around
II. Find the word with a different stress pattern from the others in each line.
1. A. ‘English B. ‘Chemistry C. Ge’ography D. ‘Literature
2. A. ‘subject B. pre’fer C. ‘music D. ‘internet
3. A. un’happy B. ‘clever C. ‘funny D. ‘sociable
4. A. ‘charity B. ‘difficult C. im’portant D. ‘popular
5. A. after’noon B. ‘budgie C. ‘teacher D. ‘tortoise
6. A. des’sert B. re’lax C. en’joy D. ‘study
7. A. pro’jector B. 'notebook C. ‘blackboard D. ‘textbook
8. A. No’vember B. ‘February C. ‘January D. ‘August
9. A. ‘Canada B. ‘Italy C. Argen’tina D. ‘Germany
10. A. pre’fer B. re'lax C. ex’cited D. ‘favorite
I. Odd one out
1. A. excited B. relaxed C. worried D. fashionable
2. A. tortoise B. pony C. animal D. budgie
3. A. whiteboard B. calculator C. subject D. eraser
4. A. December B. Geography C. History D. Biology
5. A. behind B. place C. next to D. between
6. A. bean B. cabbage C. mushroom D. meal
7. A. like B. love C. enjoy D. can’t stand
8. A. quite B. often C. usually D. sometimes
9. A. doctor B. astronaut C. appearance D. actor
10. A. Scottish B. Brazil C. Chinese D. Russian
11. A. pop B. classical C. rock D. music
12. A. audience B. singer C. ceremony D. musician
II. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
1. My sister __________ basketball after school.
A. play B. don’t play C. doesn’t play D. isn’t play
2. – “__________ tortoise is this?” - “It’s Greg’s.”
A. Who’s B. Whose C. Which D. Who
3. My grandparents often __________ asleep in front of the TV.

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Trường THCS Đoàn Thị Điểm Năm học 2022 - 2023
A. falls B. falling C. fall D. falles
4. My little six-year-old brother jogs two miles and __________ football in the park.
A. plays B. play C. is playing D. are playing
5. ____________ with me to the snack bar now, Kate?
A. Are you coming B. Do you come C. You come D. Are you come
6. __________ your brothers watch TV in the evenings?
A. Do B. Are C. Have D. Does
7. My mother and aunt __________ speak English.
A. are B. have C. doesn’t D. don’t
8. We play football in our __________ lessons.
A. Physics B. Chemistry C. ICT D. Physical Education
9. Can your sister __________ martial arts?
A. do B. play C. take D. run
10. Jack’s brother __________ every afternoon.
A. studies B. studys C. studyies D. study
11. - “Do you go to the gym in the evening?” - “__________.”
A. No, we aren’t. B. No, we haven’t. C. No, we don’t. D. No, we do.
12. Tom is __________ late. He’s never on time.
A. sometimes B. usually C. always D. often
13. __________ Jamie’s mother like cooking?
A. Do B. Is C. Has D. Does
14. - “__________ Dan?” – “He’s David’s dad.”
A. Who B. Whose C. Which D. Who’s
15 My sister gets up __________ 7:00 in the morning.
A. in B. on C. at D. –
16. __________ at the moment?
A. Do they work C. They work
B. Are they working D. They are working
17. Brian usually eats lunch __________ noon.
A. on B. in C. at D. –
18. The children __________ TV at the moment.
A. watch B. are watching C. watches D. is watching

19. I __________ to buy a new school bag now.

A. wants B. am wanting C. want D. are wanting
20. I watch my favourite TV show __________ Sundays.
A. in B. on C. – D. at
21. Look! They __________ in the sea.
A. swim B. are swimming C. swims D. don’t swim
22. On weekdays, I get up early and __________ a shower before I go to school.
A. get B. make C. do D. take
23. What __________ now?
A. do you do B. you do C. are you doing D. you are doing
24. It’s not easy for me to ___________ friends with people.
A. make B. do C. take D. have
25. After that, you need to put some olive oil __________ a big pot.
A. on B. off C. in D. with
26. Would you like ________ chocolate ice cream?
A. many B. an C. some D. any

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27. ________ any fish fingers in your fridge?
A. Are there B. Is there C. There is D. There are
28. Phillip’s house is ________ to the supermarket.
A. next B. near C. between D. behind
29. Which pop star is famous ________ the hit songs Baby and Love yourself?
A. to B. for C. at D. with
30. In your opinion, which is ________: the cinema or the theatre?
A. best B. the best C. better D. the better
31. Perry can be a really good basketball player because he’s so __________ and can reach the
basket easily.
A. fat B. tall C. slim D. plump
32. Susan is the __________ of the two girls.
A. more beautiful B. beautifully C. beautiful D. beautifuller
33. His moves are __________ than mine.
A. bad B. good C. better D. badly
34. George comes back from school. _______________, he does his homework.
A. So B. After that C. But D. Although
35. Adela and Phuong are talking about her new friend.
Adela: “________?” – Phuong: He’s tall and thin with blue eyes.”
A. What does he look like B. What is he like
C. How does he look like D. How is he like
36. It is important to ___________time with your family.
A. make B. share C. spend D. use
37. My grandma is old and she has got long, ___________ hair.
A. brown B. fair C. short D. grey
38. My French pen pal, Jack, can speak six _________ fluently.
A. speeches B. countries C. languages D. nationalities
39. Andrea is wearing a __________ on her head because it’s very sunny today.
A. tie B. belt C. top D. hat
40. I have two favourite super ____________; Thor and Captain America.
A. heroes B. hero C. heros D. heroies
41. Her room is _________than Jenny’s.
A. big B. bigger C. biger D. more big
42. She’s very good _________ Chemistry.
A. with B. at C. in D. for
43. My father usually browses __________for half an hour before breakfast.
A. radio B. television C. the Internet D. phone
44. Lily’s so _________ because she’s got tickets to see her favorite band.
A. stressed B. excited C. worried D. relaxed
45. - What does your new Science teacher look like?
- _______________.
A. I like her very much. C. She is slim with long black hair.
B. She is a great teacher. D. I am sure you will like her.
46. - What do you think of Vietnamese cuisine?
- ________________.
A. I don’t know B. I love it C. I don’t mind D. I don’t care
47. I never cook on Saturday; we always dine out somewhere.
(Circle the word that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part)
A. eat in a restaurant C. go shopping for food
B. cook dinner D. go without dinner

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Trường THCS Đoàn Thị Điểm Năm học 2022 - 2023
48. Mr. Brown’s new garage is not wide enough for the camper van to fit in.
(Circle the word that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part)
A. old enough B. so big C. very long D. too narrow
49. This steak is too rare. How can I eat it!
(Circle the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part)
A. common B. well-done C. uncooked D. regular
50. Even though I admire his courage, I think he is foolish to run into the burning house.
(Circle the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part)
A. thoughtless B. unwise C. clever D. cowardly
III. Find and correct one mistake in each sentence below.
1. - Can Catwoman run very fast? - Yes, she does. _________ → ___can______
2. Where is his girlfriend from? She's from Polish. _________ → __poland__
3. Their apartment is in the third floor. _________ → _on_
4. That's Dan's garden. It's bigger than our. _________ → ___ours__
5. Can I have any apples, Jane? _________ → ___some__
6. We like listen to music in our free time. _________ → ____listening_
7. When Frank finish college, he often plays football with his friends. _____→ finishes
8.I think my mom is more beautiful that this singer. ________ → _______than
9. They are planning to visit New York on May. _________ → ____in_____
10. Are there some good burger bars in this town? _________ → _any_______
11. There is too many salt for the soup! _________ → ___much__
12. Look! The wind blows all the leaves into the air. _________ → _is blowing__
13. He is do something with his friends at the moment. ______ → __doing___
14. Sam is having two brothers and one sister. _________ → __has ___
15. It’s got some great tip about how to do different kinds of modern dance. _____ → __tips
IV. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the words in capital.
1. There are many ___________________ on the tree. leaves
2. He is from Spain, so he is a ___________________. Spanish
3. I’m Japanese. What’s your ___________________? nationality
4. You can get a ___________________view of the whole city. fantastic
5. She likes ___________________ time with her family. spending
6. They can’t stand ___________________ for her. She is always late. waiting
7. The Duchess of Cambridge is a very ___________________woman. beautiful
8. I don’t really like ___________________weather. rainy

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9. Nick’s hobby is going ___________________. camping
10. In my neighborhood, there are a lot of high ___________________. buildings
11. My friend Alice is a(n) ___________________ person. It is difficult
to make friends with her. unfriendly
12. This is a long walk! I am very _______________. Can we stop for a moment? tired
13. ___________________, John broke his legs in the football match. unfortunately
14. My Mum is a wonderful _________________. - I love everything she makes. cook
15. She has got a ___________________ cat. Its name is Lili. lovely
16. He is a fantastic ___________________. dancer
17. She has had a long and ___________________ career in television. successful
18. She usually ___________________ around her local park. jogs
19. ___________________ is Europe's second most popular sport. cycling
20. The photocopy is between the _________________ and the drugstore. bakery
V. Give the correct form of verbs in the brackets
1-2. Hoa (walk)…walks …… home and (have)…has …… lunch at 11:30 every day.
3. …Does your mother ….… books every afternoon?
4. Mai (not have) doesn’t have………… Maths on Monday.
5-6. Where (be)…is……….. Nam? He (play) …is playing… the piano in his room.
7-13. Mary …likes eating… (like) eating sweets. Every morning she …has……(have) coffee
with a lot of sweets and chocolate. For lunch she and her friends often ……eat…. (eat) sweets
or ice-cream. She ……doesn’t like eating… (not / like / eat) fruit or vegetables. She …never
eats.…… (never/ eat) eggs or cheese. Today she …is. (be) sick. She …is sleeping……… (sleep)
in her room now.
14- My cousin can ___speak_____ (speak) 3 languages.
15. I (not/ mind) ___don’t mind__ washing the dishes.
16. Would you like ___to go ________(go) camping with us this weekend?
17. He can’t stand ___listening _______ to loud music.
18. My mother (have got) _______has got______ many beautiful clothes in her wardrobe.
19. (Mimi/ like) ______Does mimi like______ going shopping at weekend?
20. He (play) ______is playing____ volleyball with his cousins in the garden at the moment.
I. Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C or D to complete the gaps.
My name is Steven. I’m 11 years old and I’m from Dundee, in Scotland. I live in a beautiful
big farm, about eighty kilometres from Edinburg. Dundee is a small town but I love (1)
____________ here because there are always many interesting things to do. I like school very
much; my (2) ____________ subjects are Science and Art.
I have got (3) ____________ friends but my best friend is Brian. He is my neighbour. He is
tall and thin, he (4) ____________ blue eyes and blond hair and he is a very nice person. He is
friendly and (5) ____________. In our free time we like going to the cinema three times a month
and watch football matches of Dundee United every weekend.
1. A. lives B. living C. live D. lived
2. A. great B. better C. favourite D. likely
3. A. lots of B. a lot C. much D. any
4. A. have B. has got C. got D. is having
5. A. short B. slim C. funny D. lazy

Which after school club is best for someone who

1 wants to have a chance to win an award? C

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Trường THCS Đoàn Thị Điểm Năm học 2022 - 2023
II. 2 likes being outside? A
3 doesn’t like playing games? B
4 wants to eat snacks? B
I. Rewrite the following sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first ones.
1. Does she have a bookcase in her bedroom?
2.There are many beautiful flowers in her garden.
3. The sofa is behind the cat.
4. I can’t stand getting up early at weekends.
5. My younger sister never goes to school by bus.
6. Mike is Kate’s uncle/aunt.
7. This is my bike.
8. His favorite subject is English.
9. She has (got) big and bright eyes.
10. I usually go/ travel to work by car.
II. Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences.
1. I often go fishing with my parents in the summer.
2. Do you usually catch a bus to school?
3.Maria is young and slim with long fair hair.
4. Is your chair much more comfortable than mine?
5.What musical instrument do you want to learn to play?
6. Our teacher always stands in front of the whole class.
III. Write the questions for the underlined part in each sentence.
1.How many students and teachers are there in your school?
2. Why are the streets busy during the day?
3. When does he play chess with his friends?
4. What is your neighbor like?
5. What does your best friend look like?

--- THE END ---

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