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Circuit Theory
Trimester March 2024

Chapter 3
Network Analysis
In this part, the following topics will be discussed:
 Mesh analysis: Step 1 to Step 3
 Mesh analysis with current sources
 Source transformation
 Current source exists only in one mesh
 Current source exists between two meshes (supermesh
 Analysis: With the information given on the system parameters
and the system input, it is required to find out the system
 There are two methods to analyse a network i.e.

Voltage Method  Nodal Analysis

(Apply KCL)

Current Method  Mesh Analysis

(Apply KVL)
 In mesh analysis, we are interested in finding the mesh
 There are 3 steps to determine the mesh currents (only for
planar circuits with no current sources).
 Step 1: Assign mesh currents, i1, i2, ….., in to all the n
possible meshes.
 Step 2: Apply KVL to each of the n meshes.
 Step 3: Solve all the mesh equations simultaneously.
 Draw the circuit neatly and assign the mesh currents to all
meshes in clockwise direction in each mesh.

• The no. of current equations must be

sufficient to include current through all
circuit components.
• Using the assigned mesh currents,
indicate the voltage polarities across all
resistors in the circuit.
• For a resistor that is common to two
meshes, the polarities of the voltage
drop due to each mesh current should
be indicated on the appropriate side of
the component.
 Apply KVL to each of the meshes in the clockwise direction
and write the mesh equations. (Use Ohm’s law to express the
voltages in the form of mesh currents.)
Mesh 1:
 20  100( I1  I 3 )  500( I1  I 2 )  0
600( I12 500
500 I1 ) I 2100 ( I 2 I3 
 100 )  200
I 3 20 ------- 0
( I 2 )(1)
 100
500((II 2) 
300 I ) ( I100 (II )  100
I ) ( I200  (II) )00
 20 32:
Mesh 1001( I1 3I 3 ) 225003( I1 3I 2 ) 1 20
300( I 3 )  100( I 3  I 2 )  100( I 3  I1 )  0
 20(I 2100
500  I(1I)1100  I(3 )I1200
I 3 )(I 2500 I 2 )(I 20)  0
300 ( I )800100I(2I 3100 I )I3 
100 ( I 3  I1 )(2)0
20 I31100 ( I  I ) 2 500
1 3 ( I0 -------
1 I )0
300 ((II33:  100
2) 100
 3 I3()II
I1()I1( I100  100(
2 )500 3 I(
I200 II1 ))000
 20
Mesh 2  I 3()I
1 2)  2

500I(3I 
300 100( I  I )  100( I  I )  0
2  I1 ) 31002( I 2  I 3 ) 3 2001( I 2 )  0

 100 I1  100 I 2  500 I 3  0 ------- (3)

 Solve all the simultaneous equations to get the mesh currents.

Let (1) – (2):

600 I1  500 I 2  100 I 3  ( 500 I1 )  800 I 2  ( 100 I 3 )  20  0
500 ( II21  1300 I 2 ( 20
I1 )  100 I 2  -------
I 3 )  200(4) ( I )  0
500((II 2)I100 1)  )II100
I 3I (II 22500
(100 3 ) (200
I3  ( I )  00
 2500
Let 5 x3 I(2) 1 + (3):
4000 2 3  100 I1 I12)100 I 2  500 I 3  0
300( I 3 )  100( I 3  I 2 )  100( I 3  I1 )  0
 20
2500  100 I1 (4000
I1  II32)500 500I(3 I1 100
 I 2I)1  100
0 I 2  500 I 3  0
300 ( I 3 )I
2600 100 ( I3 
3900 I I2 )0 100 ( I 3 (5)I1 )  0
 20  100( I1  I 3 )  500( I1  I 2 )  0
1 2

300 I100
5003(( IIx32 )(4)
Let ( I 3  I 2 )  100( I 3  I1 )  0
1 )  100( I 2  I 3 )  200( I 2 )  0
+ (5):
3300 I1  3900 I 2  2600 I1  3900 I 2  60
I1  85.7mA
Substitute I1 into (4) or (5), will get I2 and so on.
I 2  57.14mA; I 3  28.57mA
I R1  I1  I 3  85.7  28.57  60.13mA
I R 2  I1  I 2  85.7  57.14  28.56mA
I R 3  I 2 I 3  57.14  28.57  28.57 mA
I R 4  I 3  28.57 mA
I R 5  I 2  57.14mA

The voltage drops are calculated using Ohm’s law (V=IR).

Example 3-2a:
Solve the mesh currents and find v0.
 Adding current sources to circuits modifies the mesh current
analysis procedures because the voltage across a current source
is not directly related to the current through it.
 3 Cases:
 Source transformation
 Current source exists only in one mesh
 Current source exists between two meshes
Method 1
Voltage transformation is
used to replace current
source and its parallel
resistance with an
equivalent voltage source
and a series resistance.
Method 2
If the current source is contained in only one mesh, and not
connected in parallel with a resistance then the value of that
particular mesh current is equal to the source current (and
therefore, one of the mesh current is no longer an unknown).

4 3

10V + i1 6 i2 5A
Method 3
When a current source is contained in 2 meshes or is not
connected in parallel with a resistance, then a supermesh is
created by excluding the current source and any elements
connected in series with it.

- A supermesh has no current of

its own!!
- A supermesh requires the
application of both KVL and
Example 3-1b:
 Remove temporary the branch that consists of current source
with any series resistors.
 Joint both the mesh 1 and mesh 2 as supermesh.
Example 3-1b: (cont.)
 Applying KVL to the supermesh gives,

 Rejoint the branches and apply KCL at node 0 as,

 Solve the equations:

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