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Final Report

-Revised Version-
“Literature Survey of Materials compatible with Propellants”
Additive Manufacturing Based Bellows
Working Package 1: Selection of a suitable Material and Process Combination
October 20th, 2015

Dr. Robert Lechler

German Aerospace Center
Institute of Space Propulsion
Department of Propellants
Langer Grund, D-74239 Hardthausen
Phone: +496298 28 348
Final Report: Literature Survey of Materials compatible with Propellants

1. Introduction
The final report shows the current state of our literature study concerning material-
compatibility with several commonly used storable propellants and some other fluids. The
report is based on the already existing interim report (September 14th, 2015).

The propellants, this literature review is focusing on, are Hydrazine,

Monomethylhydrazine (MMH) and Nitrogen tetroxide. Also listed are Helium, Water,
Isopropanol and Nitrogen. The compatibilities of selected metals / alloys (especially
Aluminum, Cobalt, Steel, Nickel, Titanium) and miscellaneous metals are specified.
Comprehensive information for material compatibility with Hydrazine are available, but
less data were available for Monomethylhydrazine (MMH) [6]. In sum, metallic materials
that have been found to be acceptable for anhydrous Hydrazine, are also generally
acceptable for MMH service [1], [6].
In the first chapter “Investigated materials” alloys and elemental metals of numerous
elements (e.g. Aluminum, Titanium, Steel) are listed. They are sorted by their
compatibility towards the propellants Hydrazine, MMH and Nitrogen Tetroxide. Last but
not least, existing data for the compatibility of these materials towards Helium, Water
and Isopropanol are added. Unfortunately, no exact scientific definitions of the
appropriated specifications “compatibility, incompatibility, satisfactory, doubtful /
probable compatibility, may be used” are given in the quoted literature. Moreover, the
classifications in Chapter 1 Investigated materials are not equal to those specified in the
USAF Propellant Handbooks and in the report of W. K Boyd. Correlations between
different material designations / standards are added as far as available.

Chapter 2 to Chapter 5 contain the Compatibility Classifications of the materials

according to the USAF Propellant Handbooks (Part 1: Hydrazine; Part 3: NTO) and to W.
K. Boyd et al. (Part 2: Hydrazine; Part 4: NTO). Only the USAF Propellant Handbooks and
W. K. Boyd give exact definitions of a compatibility rating scale using the abrasion rate of
the materials in mils/year. No detailed material information concerning purity, supplier
and material constitution is presented in accessible sources.
Data of compatibilities of materials with Water are not available. Also very few data of
compatibilities of materials with Helium, Isopropanol and Nitrogen were extracted from
literature. Furthermore, contradictory information from different sources was found
without detailed statements.

During the work, two excel sheets were generated. One sheet contains the
compatibilities of ten alloys available at EOS; the other one contains the compatibilities of
the examined alloys and of many other alloys. In addition, the references are also listed in
the excel sheets.

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Final Report: Literature Survey of Materials compatible with Propellants

Table of contents
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 2

2. Investigated materials ......................................................................................................... 4

2.1. Aluminum................................................................................................................. 4
2.2. Cobalt ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.3. Steel ......................................................................................................................... 7
2.4. Nickel ..................................................................................................................... 10
2.5. Titanium ................................................................................................................. 10
2.6. Miscellaneous Metals .............................................................................................. 11

3. Compatibility Classifications Part 1 .................................................................................... 13

4. Compatibility Classifications Part 2 .................................................................................... 16

5. Compatibility Classifications Part 3 .................................................................................... 20

6. Compatibility Classifications Part 4 .................................................................................... 23

7. Summary and Conclusion ................................................................................................. 28

8. References ....................................................................................................................... 30

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2. Investigated materials
2.1. Aluminum
Aluminum-alloys are probable compatible with Hydrazine and Nitrogen tetroxide [2], [7],

The following Aluminum-alloys are compatible with Hydrazine:

• Pure Aluminum [7]

• 1100 [7], [11], [12], [13], [17]
• 5052 [1], [7], [11], [12], [13], [16], [17]
• 6061 [1], [7], [11], [12], [13]
• 6066 [1], [12], [13], [17]
• 356 [1], [3], [7], [12], [13], [17], [21]
• B-359 [1], [12], [17]
• Tens 50 [1], [12], [13], [17]
• 2024 [1], [7], [12], [13], [17]
• 100 (S) [1]
• 2014 [1], [7], [12], [13], [17]
• 2017 [3], [13]
• 4043 [1], [3], [12], [17]
• 2 S [1], [6]
• 24 [1]
• 43 S [1]
• 52 S [1]
• 3003 [11], [13], [16], [17]
• 2014-T4 [3]
• 5456-H24 [3]
• 5456 [3], [17]
• 716 [6], [13], [17]
• 25 [3]
• 250 [3]
• 25H [3]
• 35 [3]
• 26H [3]
• 24ST [3], [6]
• 52ST [3], [6]
• 61ST [3], [6]
• 75ST [3], [6]
• 3303 [7]
• 6061-T6 [8]
• 2014-T6 [8], [11]

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• 1060 [11], [16]

• 5154 [11], [16]

The following Aluminum-alloys are compatible with MMH:

• 1100 [14]
• 1100-0 [14], [15]
• 5052 [13], [14]
• 6061 [14], [15]
• 2014 [14]
• 2 S [1]
• 52 S [1]
• 54 S [1]
• 996 [1]
• 6061-SO [1]
• 6061-T6 [6], [8], [15]
• 2014-T6 [14], [15]
• 5154 [13], [14]
• 2219-T87 [14], [15]
• 3303 [13]

The following Aluminum-alloys are compatible with Nitrogen tetroxide:

• Aluminum [16], [17], [18], [27]
• 5086-H34 [13]
• 5086-H36 [13]
• 1100 [1], [9], [11], [13], [23]
• 110-0 [13], [15]
• 5052 [1], [2], [9], [11], [13], [21], [25]
• 60611 [9], [11], [13], [15], [21]
• 6066 [1], [9], [11], [13], [21]
• 356 [1], [2], [9], [11], [13], [25]
• 356-T6 [13]
• B-356 [13]
• Tens 50 [1], [9], [11], [13], [21]
• 2024-0 [13]
• Al 2219 [1], [2], [25]
• 4043 [13]
• 7075-0 [13]
• 7075-T6 [13]
• 3003 [2], [25]
• 3003-H14 [13]
• 5456 [13]
• 5456 H-24 [13]

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• 5456 H-123 [13]

• 6061-T6 [8], [13], [15]
• 6061-T6 (welded) [13]
• 2014-T6 [13], [15]
• 2014-T6 (hardas anodize) [13]
• 2014-T6 (H2SO4 anodize) [13]
• 2014-T6 (H2SO4 iridite) [13]
• 2014-T6 (H2SO4 welded) [13]
• 1060 [13]
• 2219-T6 [13]
• 2219-T81 [13]
• 5254-F [13]
• 5426 H-24 (Iridite) [13]

The following alloys are not compatible with Hydrazine:

• Al-40-E [1], [11]
• 40 S [1]
• 7075 [1], [17]

The following alloys are not compatible with Nitrogen tetroxide:

• 2024 [1], [9], [21]

Probable compatible with Hydrazine:

• 75 S [1]

Conflicting data of the compatibility with Hydrazine:

• 2024 compatible [1,] [7], [12], [13], unsatisfactory metal [17]

Conflicting data of the compatibility with Nitrogen tetroxide:

• 7075 probable compatibility [2], [25]; compatible [13]; incompatible [11]

• Data of the alloy Aluminum AlSi10Mg is not available.

Aluminum is satisfactory with Helium and Nitrogen [27]. It may be used for Isopropanol
[11]. Aluminum reacts with nitrogen at 1600°C and 100 bar to aluminum nitride (AlN)
[35]. To the best of our knowledge, these reaction conditions will not occur during the
additive manufacturing process simultaneously. Therefore, the building of AlN can be
excluded. Compounds consisting of aluminum and helium are not known to date.
Aluminum carbide (AlC), as reaction product of aluminum and elemental carbon, is
found only at temperatures above 2000°C in the presence of a hydrogen atmosphere

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Final Report: Literature Survey of Materials compatible with Propellants

2.2. Cobalt
Stellite No. 21 is compatible with Hydrazine and Nitrogen tetroxide [1], [11], [13], [17].
Comparability data of MMH is not available.
Stellite is compatible with Hydrazine [3]. Data of MMH and Nitrogen tetroxide is not
Hayeness Stellite 1, Hayeness Stellite 12, Hayeness Stellite 6K, Hayeness Stellite 2 and
Hayeness Stellite 93 are compatible with Nitrogen tetroxide [13]. Data of Hydrazine and
MMH is not available.
Data of the alloy CobaltChrome MP1 is not available.

2.3. Steel
The following stainless steels are compatible with Hydrazine, MMH and Nitrogen
• 304L (X2CrNi19-11) [1], [3], [6], [8], [13], [14], [22], [23], [24]

The following stainless steels are compatible with Hydrazine and MMH:
• 304 (X5CrNi18-10) [1], [7], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [17], [33]
• 321 (X6CrNiTi18-10) [1], [3], [7], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [33]
• 17-7 PH [3], [12], [13], [14], [15], [17]

The following stainless steels are compatible with Hydrazine:

• 304 (X5CrNi18-10) [1], [7], [11], [12], [13], [16], [17], [18], [33]
• 300-series stainless steels [6]
• 355 [8]
• 17-4 PH or 17-7 PH [17]
• 17-4 PH (140°F / 60°C) [13]
• 321 (X6CrNiTi18-10) [1], [3], [7], [11], [13], [18], [33]
• 446 (X18CrN28) [8]

The following stainless steels are compatible with Nitrogen tetroxide:

• AM-350 [1], [9], [13], [21]
• AM-355 [1], [9], [21]
• 302 (X3CrNiN174-8) [8], [13], [24]
• Cast iron [13]
• Carbon Steel [11], [13], [17]
• 8630 steel [13]
• 303 (X8CrNiS18-9) [8], [13], [24]
• A-285 (grade C) [13], [22]
• Superalloy 16-25-6 [9]
• PH-15-7-Mo [1], [22]
• Haynes 16-26-6 [1]

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The following steels are not compatible with Hydrazine:

• non stainless steels [7]
• mild steel (1020) [17]
• 17-4 steel [17]
• 350 [8]
• 4130 [1]
• 4340 (34CrNiMo6) [1]
• 316 (X5CrNiMo17-12-2) [1], [3], [7]
• Iron [1], [3], [11], [12], [18], [33]
• 502 [1]
• 315 [3]
• 420 F [3]
• 1000-series carbon steels [6]

The following steels are not compatible with MMH:

• 4130 [1]
• 316 (X5CrNiMo17-12-2) [1], [3], [7], [8]

The following steels are doubtful compatible with Nitrogen tetroxide:

• 304 (X5CrNi18-10) [2], [25]
• 321 (X6CrNiTi18-10) [2], [15], [25]
• 316 (X5CrNiMo17-12-2) [2], [25]
• 301 cryoformed [2], [25]
• 1018 (C18D) or 1020 steels [3]

The following metal is not compatible with Nitrogen tetroxide:

• Pure Iron [2], [25]

Conflicting data of the compatibility with Hydrazine:

• 303 (X8CrNiS18-9) compatible [1], [11], [16], [18], [33]; not acceptable [3], [8]
• 316 (X5CrNiMo17-12-2) compatible [8], [11], [13], [16], [17], [33];
incompatible [1], [7], [8]
• 416 (X12CrS13) compatible [12]; unsatisfactory metal [3], [17]
• 302 (X3CrNiN17-8) compatible [13], [17]; not acceptable [8]

Conflicting data of the compatibility with Nitrogen tetroxide:

• 347 (X6CrNiNb18-10) compatible [8], [13], [24]; doubtful compatible [2], [25]; not
compatible [15]
• A-286 compatible [1], [9], [21]; doubtful compatibility [2], [25]; not compatible
• 321 (X6CrNiTi18-10) compatible [8], [13], [24]; doubtful compatibility [2], [25];
not compatible [15]

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• 304 (X5CrNi18-10) compatible [12]; doubtful compatibility [2], [25]; not

compatible [15]
• 347 compatible [8], [13], [24]; doubtful compatibility [2], [25]; not compatible [15]

Stainless steels containing more than 0.5% Molybdenum are not compatible with
Hydrazine and MMH because of catalytic decomposition [1]. Molybdenum has been
recognized as a catalytic species in:
• AM-350 [1]
• AM-355 [1]
• A-286 [1]

Hydrazine is also decomposed by the following Metals: Ir > Rh > Ni~Pt~Co~Ru >
Pd~Ag~Cu. Alloys containing these metals are able to decompose Hydrazine [39].

Maraging steels are doubtful compatible with Hydrazine and Nitrogen tetroxide, but
compatible with MMH [2], [7], [15], [25]. Data of the MaragingSteel MS1 (18% Ni
Maraging300) is not available. Personal comment: However, doubts have been
expressed as to whether the use of MaragingSteel MS1, which contains 5 %
Molybdenum (in terms of Hydrazine decomposition).

The stainless steel 17-4 PH (StainlessSteel GP1) should not encounter Hydrazine. It is
compatible with Hydrazine at 140°F (60°C) and it is compatible with MMH [1], [3], [9],
[11], [13], [15], [21]. There are conflicting data for the compatibility with Nitrogen
The stainless steel 17-7 PH is compatible with Hydrazine at 75°F (24°C) and it is
compatible with MMH [3], [13], [12], [14], [15], [17]. There are conflicting data for the
compatibility with Nitrogen tetroxide (compatible [1], [9], [11], [13], [21]; not compatible

Data of the stainless steel 15-5 PH (StainlessSteel PH1) is not available. Precipitation-
harded age-hardenable (PH) steels / precipitation-hardening stainless (PH) steels are
not very compatible with Hydrazine [6].

The stainless steel 316L is compatible with MMH (no tarnish) [19]. Data of Hydrazine and
Nitrogen tetroxide are not available.

Stainless steel is satisfactory with Helium and Nitrogen [27]. Stainless steel (304, 316) is
compatible with Isopropanol [29].

Ferritic steels are satisfactory with Helium and Nitrogen [27].

No reactions between elemental iron and nitrogen are known to date. Iron nitride is only
formed by the reaction of Iron with Ammonia or Cyanide/Cyanate-meltings at 500°C [4].
Iron-Helium-compounds are not known to date.

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2.4. Nickel
Hastelloy alloys are doubtful compatible with Hydrazine and Nitrogen tetroxide [2], [7],
[25]. Data of MMH is not available.
Hastelloy is not compatible with Hydrazine and Nitrogen tetroxide [1], [11]. Data of MMH
were not available.
Hastelloy C is not compatible with Hydrazine and Nitrogen tetroxide, but compatible with
MMH [1], [13], [15].

Inconel and Inconel-X are compatible with Hydrazine and Nitrogen tetroxide [1], [2], [3],
[11], [13], [16], [17], [18], [25]. Data of MMH is not available.
Inconel X-750 is compatible with MMH [14]. Data of MMH and Nitrogen tetroxide were
not available.
Inconel 625 is compatible with Hydrazine [20]. Data of MMH and Nitrogen tetroxide
were not available.
Data of the alloy Inconel 718 is not available.

2.5. Titanium
Titanium alloys in general are compatible with Hydrazine and Nitrogen tetroxide [2], [7],
[25]. Data of MMH is not available.
Titanium is one of the few elements that burn in pure nitrogen gas, reacting at 800 °C
(1,470 °F) to form Titanium Nitride, which causes embrittlement [26]. Welding is done
under a protective gas (Argon) [4].
There is a minor incompatibility to Isopropanol [28].

The following Titanium-alloys are compatible with Hydrazine:

• Titanium [6]
• Ti-6Al-4V [1], [7], [8], [11], [12], [13]
• 6Al2.5Sn [7]
• A-70 [7]
• A110AT [13], [17]
• Ti-15V-3Cr-3Al-3Sn [6]
• C120AV [6]

The following Titanium-alloys are compatible with MMH:

• Bimetallic Titanium / Al [15]
• Bimetallic Titanium / SS [15]
• Ti-6Al-4V [5] [8] [6], [15]
• Ti-15V-3Cr-3Al-3Sn [6]

The following Titanium-alloys are compatible with Nitrogen tetroxide:

• Ti-6Al-4V [1], [2], [15], [22]
• 6Al2.5Sn [2], [25]
• B120VCA [2], [25]

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• 8Al-1Mo [2], [25]

• C120AV [2], [25]
• 75A [2], [25]

2.6. Miscellaneous Metals

Data for the compatibility of Materials to Monomethylhydrazine (MMH) is not available.

The following metals are compatible with Hydrazine:

• Tantalum [3], [7], [13], [17]
• Chromium plating [11], [12], [13], [17]
• 90-Pb-10Sn (75°F / 24°C) [13]
• Tin [7], [13], [17]
• Zirconium [7], [13]
• Chromel-A [3], [13], [17]
• Nichrome [3], [13], [17]
• Braze [8]

The following metals are not compatible with Hydrazine:

• Copper [1], [3], [7], [11], [30]
• Bronze [1], [7], [12], [17]
• Brass [1], [7], [11], [12]
• Zinc [1], [3], [11], [12], [18], [30], [33]
• Cadmium [1], [6], [12], [17]
• Silver [1], [3], [11]
• Molybdenum [1], [3]
• Lead [1], [3], [11], [12], [17], [18], [33]
• Magnesium [1], [3], [11], [12], [17], [18], [33]
• Gold [1], [7]
• Tin solder (90/10) 17]
• Manganese [3], [11]
• 82/18 AU/Ni braze [7]

The following metals are compatible with Nitrogen tetroxide:

• Beryllium [2], [25]
• Columbium [2], [25]
• Tantalum [2], [13], [25]
• Tungsten [2], [25]
• Chromium [1]
• Chromium plating [9]
• Chromium plate [13]
• Magnesium 100A [12]
• Magnesium AZ31C [13]

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• Magnesium Hm21A-T8 [13]

• Pure tin solder on 303SS [13]

The following metals are not compatible with Nitrogen tetroxide:

• Copper [1], [2], [9], [11], [25], [27], [31]
• Bronze [1], [2], [11], [21], [25]
• Brass [1], [2], [11], [21], [27]
• Zinc [1], [2], [9], [11], [21], [25]
• Cadmium [1], [9], [11], [21]
• Silver [1], [2], [9], [11], [21], [25]
• Pure molybdenum [2], [25]
• Pure lead [2], [25]
• Magnesium alloys [2], [25]
• Zirconium [2], [25]
• EZ Flow 45 Braze [11]

Alloys containing Copper and Molybdenum must be avoided for Hydrazine because of
catalytic decomposition [1].
Metals containing Copper, Lead, Zinc or more than 0.5% Molybdenum must be avoided
for MMH because of catalytic decomposition [1].

Copper and Brass are satisfactory with Helium and Nitrogen [27]. There is a slight
corrosion to Isopropanol [28]. Copper will not react with Helium. No compounds
between Cooper and Helium are known to date. There is the binary compound Copper(I)
nitride. This compound can be synthesized by a reaction of Copper(II) fluoride and
Ammonia [37]. A direct formation of Copper(I) nitride of the elements is not known to

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Final Report: Literature Survey of Materials compatible with Propellants

3. Compatibility Classifications Part 1

Metals to Hydrazine according to USAF Propellant Handbooks Hydrazine Fuels -

Volume 1 - AFPRL-TR-69-149 (Walter R. Marsh, Bruce P. Knox)

The abbreviation “mils/year” describes the abrasion of the metal surface in contact with
the propellant (in thousandths of an inch of material per year) [36].

The following classifications are used:

Class A:
Corrosion Rate mils/year: Less than 1.0
Decomposition: None
Usage Limitations: No Limitations. Typical use involves constant contact with the fuel.
Metals can be considered for long term storage.

Class B:
Corrosion Rate mils/year: 1.0 to 5.0
Decomposition: Slight Degradation over a period of time.
Usage Limitations: Restricted to transient or limited contact. Not recommended for long
term storage.

Class C:
Corrosion Rate mils/year: 5.0 to 50
Decomposition: Limited Decomposition may occur on contact.
Usage Limitations: May only be used in areas where brief contact can occur. Not
recommended for use where contact occurs regularly.

Class D:
Corrosion Rate mils/year: More than 50
Decomposition: Considerable decomposition may occur. May cause ignition or explosion.
Usage Limitations: Metals are totally unsuitable for use under any conditions. Contact
may create a hazardous condition.

Class A:
• 6061
• 356
• 2017
• 4043
• 2014-T4

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• 5456-H24
• 716
• 25
• 250
• 25H
• 35
• 26H
• 24ST
• 52ST
• 61ST
• 75ST

Class B:
• 40E
• 43
• XA-545

Class A:
• Stellite

Class C:
• Stellite, 77°F (25°C)

Class A:
• 304L
• 17-4PH (EOS StainlessSteel GP1), 140°F (60°C)
• 17-7 PH (75°F, 24°C)
• 347

Class B:
• 321
• 410
• 430
• 302

Class D:
• 303
• 316
• 317
• 416

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• 440C
• 315
• 420 F
• 430 F
• 440 A
• 329
• 17-4PH (EOS StainlessSteel GP1), 160°F (71°C)

Class B:
• Inconel-X

Miscellaneous metals:
Class A:
• Monel
• Nickel
• Chromel-A
• Nichrome
• Silver
• Tantalum

Class B:
• Brass
• Chromel-A
• Nichrome
• Silver

Class D:
• Cobalt
• Copper
• Iron
• Lead
• Magnesium
• Manganese
• Molybdenum
• Nickel
• Chromel-A
• Silver
• Tin
• Zinc

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4. Compatibility Classifications Part 2

Metals to Hydrazine according to W.K. Boyd, et al, Compatibility of materials with
Rocket propellants and Oxidizers, Battelle Memorial Institute Columbus, Ohio, January

The following classifications are used:

Class 1:
The Class 1 materials are those which exhibit a corrosion rate of less than 1 mil per year.
The material does not promote decomposition of the propellant or oxidizer and is free
from impact sensitivity.
Rate: <1 mils/year
Decomposition of Propellant: No
Shock Sensitivity: No

Class 2:
The materials falling in Class 2 are similar to those in Class 1, except that the corrosion
rate may be as great as 5 mils per year.
Rating: Good
Rate: <5 mils/year
Decomposition of Propellant: No
Shock Sensitivity: No

Class 3:
A material in Class 3 shows only fair corrosion resistances; rates of attack may be of the
order of 5 to 50 mils per year. The material may also cause a moderate breakdown of
the propellant, but it is not shock sensitive under conditions likely to be encountered in
Rating: Fair
Rate: 5 to 50 mils/year
Decomposition of Propellant: Some
Shock Sensitivity: No

Class 4:
Materials in this class are not considered usable for containing the propellant; they have
corrosion rates greater than 50 mils per year, cause extensive decomposition of the
propellant, cause spontaneous ignition, or react on impact.
Rating: poor

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Rate: >50 mils/year

Decomposition of Propellant: Extensive
Shock Sensitivity: Yes

“Liquid” means that the material was tested in liquid propellant.

“Gas” means that the material was tested in gaseous propellant.

Class 1:
• 1100, Gas 140°F (71°C); Liquid 140°F (60°C)
• 2020, Liquid 160°F (71°C)
• 2014, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• 2017, Liquid 160°F (71°C)
• 2024, Liquid 66°F (19°C)
• 3003, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• 4043, Liquid 160°F (71°C)
• 5052, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• 5456, Gas 140°F (60°C); Liquid 140°F (60°C)
• 6061, Gas 140°F; (60°C); Liquid 160°F (71°C)
• 6066, Liquid 80°F (26°C)

Class 3:
• 1100, Liquid 140°F (60°C)
• 2020, Liquid 160°F (71°C)
• 2014, Liquid 160°F (71°C)
• 3003, Liquid 140°F (60°C)
• 7075, Liquid 160°F (71°C)

Class 1:
• Stellite 21, Liquid 75°F (24°C)

Class 3:
• Stellite, Liquid 77°F (25°C)

Class 1:
• 410 Stainless Steel, Liquid 180°F (82°C)
• 440C Stainless Steel, Liquid 80°F (60°C)
• 302 Stainless Steel, Liquid 80°F (60°C)

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• 304 Stainless Steel, Gas 140°F (60°C); Liquid 140°F (60°C)

• 316 Stainless Steel, Gas 200°F (93°C); Liquid 200°F (93°C)
• 317 Stainless Steel, Liquid 80°F (60°C)
• 321 Stainless Steel, Gas 140°F; (60°C); Liquid 140°F (60°C)
• 347 Stainless Steel, Gas 200°F (93°C); Liquid 200°F (93°C);
• 17-4 PH, Gas 140°F (60°C); Liquid 140°F (60°C)
• 17-7 PH, Liquid 75°F (24°C)

Class 2:
• 410 Stainless Steel, Liquid 77°F (52°C)
• 302 Stainless Steel, Liquid 140°F (60°C)
• 303 Stainless Steel, Liquid 75°F (24°C)

Class 4:
• Pure Iron ,Liquid 80°F (60°C)
• Mild Steel, Liquid 77°F (25°C)
• 440 Stainless Steel, Liquid 75°F (24°C)
• 321 Stainless Steel, Liquid 60°F (15°C)
• 17-4 PH, Liquid 160°F (71°C)

Class 1:
• Monel, Liquid 60°F (15°C)
• K-Monel, Liquid 140°F (60°C)
• Inconel, Liquid 200°F (93°C)
• Inconel X, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• Hastelloy C, Liquid 120°F (49°C)

Class 3:
• Inconel, Liquid 140°F (60°C)
• Inconel X, Liquid 140°F (60°C)

Class 4:
• Nickel, Gas 140°F (60°C); Liquid 140°F (60°C)
• Monel, Liquid 80°F (27°C)
• K-Monel, Gas 200°F (93°C)
• Inconel, Gas 200°F (93°C)

Class 1:
Titanium 6Al-4V, Liquid 160°F (71°C)

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Miscellaneous metals:
Class 1:
• Cadmium Pitting, Liquid room-temperature
• Copper, Liquid, 65°F (18°C)
• Brass, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• Gold, Liquid, 75°F (24°C)
• Lead, Liquid, 65°F (18°C)
• Magnesium, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• Molybdenum, Liquid 70°F (21°C
• Nichrome, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• Chromel A, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• Silver, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• Silver Solder, Liquid 75°F (24°C)
• Tantalum, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• Tin, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• Zirconium, Liquid 75°F (24°C)

Class 2:
• Brass, Liquid 140°F (60°C)
• Tungsten, Liquid 75°F (24°C)

Class 3:
• Inconel, Liquid 140°F (60°C)
• Silver Solder, Liquid 140°F (60°C)

Class 4:
• Cadmium, Liquid room-temperature
• Copper, Liquid 140°F (60°C)
• Brass, Liquid 140°F (60°C)
• Bronze, Liquid room-temperature
• Gold, Liquid 212°F (100°C)
• Magnesium, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• Molybdenum, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• Nickel Liquid, 140°F (60°C)
• Silver, Liquid 75°F (24°C)
• Tantalum, Liquid 212°F (100°C)
• Tin, Liquid 140°F (60°C)
• Zinc, Liquid room-temperature

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5. Compatibility Classifications Part 3

Metals to Nitrogen Tetroxide according to USAF Propellant Handbooks, Nitric

Acid/Nitrogen Tetroxyde Oxydizers - Volume II - AFRPL-TR-76-76 (MARTIN MARIETTA)


P.E. Uney, D.A. Fester, Material Compatibility with Space storable Propellants Design
Guidebook, March 1972, Martin Marietta Corporation P.O. Box 179, Denver, Colorado
80201, prepared for Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology
Passadena, California 91103, Contract No. HF-556439, Under NAS7-100

The following classifications are used:

Rating 1: compatible
Rating 2: probable compatibility
Rating 3: doubtful compatibility
Rating 4: incompatible
Rating 5: unable to rate

Rating 1:
• 3003
• 5052
• Anodized aluminum alloys

Rating 2:
• 1100
• 2014
• 2024
• 2219
• 6061 conflicting data
• 7075
• 356

Rating 3:
• 2021
• 6061 conflicting data

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Rating 3:
• L-605 Cobalt Alloy

Rating 2:
• 400 series in general
• 410
• 416
• 430
• 440C conflicting data
• 19-9DL
• Carpenter 20Chb
• HY-140 steel

Rating 3:
• Steels in general
• Stainless steels in general
• 300 series in general
• 301 cryoformed
• 304
• 316
• 321
• 347
• 440C conflicting data
• A-286
• AM350 or AM355
• 17-4PH or 17-7PH
• 1018 or 1020 steels
• Maraging steels

Rating 2:
• Inconel conflicting data

Rating 3:
• Hastelloy alloys
• Inconel conflicting data

Rating 1:
• Titanium alloys in general some shock sensitivity reported
• 6Al-4V

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• 5Al-2.5Sn
• 75A
• B120VCA
• Pure titanium
• 8Al-1Mo

Rating 2:
• 65A

Miscellaneous metals:
Rating 1:
• Beryllium
• Columbium
• Tantalum
• Tungsten

Rating 2:
• TZM alloy
• L-605 Cobalt Alloy
• Tin
• Gold
• Platinum

Rating 3:
• Inconel conflicting data
• Monel
• Chromium

Rating 4:
• Nickel (pure)
• Magnesium alloys
• Zinc
• Copper
• Brass
• Bronze
• Pure molybdenum
• Kovar metal
• Pure lead
• Silver
• Zirconium
• Pure iron

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6. Compatibility Classifications Part 4

Metals to Nitrogen tetroxide according to W.K. Boyd, et al, Compatibility of materials
with Rocket propellants and Oxidizers, Battelle Memorial Institute Columbus, Ohio,
January 1963

The following classifications are used:

Class 1:
The Class 1 materials are those which exhibit a corrosion rate of less than 1 mil per year.
The material does not promote decomposition of the propellant or oxidizer and is free
from impact sensitivity.
Rating: Excellent
Rate: <1 mils/year
Decomposition of Propellant: No
Shock Sensitivity: No

Class 2:
The materials falling in Class 2 are similar to those in Class 1, except that the corrosion
rate may be as great as 5 mils per year.
Rating: Good
Rate: <5 mils/year
Decomposition of Propellant: No
Shock Sensitivity: No

Class 3:
A material in Class 3 shows only fair corrosion resistances; rates of attack may be of the
order of 5 to 50 mils per year. The material may also cause a moderate breakdown of
the propellant, but it is not shock sensitive under conditions likely to be encountered in
Rating: Fair
Rate: 5 to 50 mils/year
Decomposition of Propellant: Some
Shock Sensitivity: No

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Class 4:
Materials in this class are not considered usable for containing the propellant; they have
corrosion rates greater than 50 mils per year, cause extensive decomposition of the
propellant, cause spontaneous ignition, or react on impact.
Rating: poor
Rate: >50 mils/year
Decomposition of Propellant: Extensive
Shock Sensitivity: Yes

“Liquid” means that the material was tested in liquid propellant.

“Gas” means that the material was tested in gaseous propellant.

Class 1:
• 1100, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• 1100-C, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• 2014-T6, Gas 60°F (15°C); Liquid 60°F (15°C)
• 2014-T6, (H2SO4 Anodize) Liquid 60°F (15°C)
2014-T6, (welded) Gas 60°F (15°C); Liquid 60°F (15°C)
• 2024, Gas 60°F (15°C); Liquid 140°F (60°C)
• 2024-C, Gas 150°F (54°C); Liquid 180°F (82°C)
• 2214-T8, Gas 60°F (15°C); Liquid 60°F (15°C)
• 4043, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• 3032, Liquid 130°F (54°C)
• 5456, Gas 60°F (15°C); Liquid 60°F (15°C)
• 6061, Liquid 130°F (54°C)

Class 1:
• Haynes, Stellite 1 Liquid 100°F (37°C)
• Haynes, Stellite 12 Liquid 100°F (37°C)
• Haynes, Stellite 21 Liquid 65°F (18°C)
• Haynes, Stellite 29 Liquid 65°F (18°C)
• Haynes, Stellite 93 Liquid 100°F (37°C)

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Class 1:
• 410 Stainless Steel, Gas 65°F (18°C); Liquid 150°F (65°C)
• 410 Stainless Steel (welded), Liquid 65°F (18°C)
• 416 Stainless Steel, Gas 65°F (18°C); Liquid 65°F (18°C)
• 440C Stainless Steel, Liquid 100°F (37°C)
• 302 Stainless Steel, Liquid 100°F (37°C)
• 303 Stainless Steel, Liquid 100°F (37°C)
• 304 Stainless Steel, Gas 65°F (18°C); Liquid 140°F (60°C)
• 304L Stainless Steel, Liquid 165°F (74°C)
• 316 Stainless Steel, Gas 65°F (18°C); Liquid 65°F (18°C)
• 321 Stainless Steel, Gas 65°F (18°C); Liquid 65°F (18°C)
• 321 Stainless Steel (welded), Liquid 65°F (18°C)
• 347 Stainless Steel, Gas 65°F (18°C); Liquid 130°F (54°C)
• A-286 (anellated), Liquid 100°F (37°C)
• A-286 (aged), Liquid 60°F (15°C)
• 17-7 PH (Condition A), Liquid 65°F (18°C)
• 17-4 PH (H 1000), Liquid 100°F (37°C)
• 17-7 PH (TH 950), Gas 60°F (15°C); Liquid 100°F (37°C)
• 17-7 PH (RH 950), Liquid 100°F (37°C)
• PH 15-7 Mo (Condition A), Liquid 165°F (74°C)
• 16-25-6, Liquid 80°F (26°C)

Class 4:
• Pure Iron, Gas 286K
• 304 Stainless Steel, Liquid 293K

Class 1:
• A-Nickel, Gas 60°F (15°C); Liquid 65°F (18°C)
• Nickel, Electroplate Liquid 60°F (15°C)
• Electroless Nickel Plate, Liquid 65°F (18°C)
• Incone,l Gas 65°F (18°C); Liquid 65°F (18°C)
• Monel, Gas 65°F (18°C); Liquid 65°F (18°C)
• Ni-Span-C, Liquid 60°F (15°C)
• Inconel X, Liquid 75°F (24°C)
• Hastelloy Alloys, Liquid 60°F (15°C)

Class 4:
• Monel, Liquid 75°F (24°C)
• K-Monel, Liquid 75°F (24°C)

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Class 1:
• 65A, Liquid 100°F (37°C)
• 75A, Liquid 100°F (37°C)

Miscellaneous metals:
Class 1:
• Gold, Liquid 75°F (24°C)
• Gold Plate, Liquid 65°F (18°C)
• Magnesium 100 A, Gas 40°F (0°C); 65°F (18°C)
• Magnesium AZ31C, Gas 40°F (0°C); Liquid 60°F (15°C)
• Magnesium HM21A-T8, Liquid 60°F (15°C)
• Platinum, Liquid 75°F (24°C)
• Pure Tin solder on 383SS, Liquid 65°F (18°C)
• Tin, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• Tin Plate, Liquid 60°F (15°C)

Class 2:
• Copper, Gas 80°F (26°C)
• Gold, Liquid 75°F (24°C)
• Gold Plate, Liquid 65°F (18°C); Liquid 65°F (18°C);
• 82 Gold-18 Ni Braze, Liquid 75°F (24°C)
• Lead, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• Magnesium 100A, Gas 60°F (15°C); Liquid 60°F (15°C)
• Magnesium AZ31C, Gas 65°F (18°C); Liquid 65°F (18°C);
• Platinum, Liquid 75°F (24°C)

Class 3:
• Copper, Gas 80°F (26°C)
• Yellow Brass, Gas 75°F (24°C)
• Red Brass, Gas 75°F (24°C)
• Al Bronze, Gas 75°F (24°C)
• Si Bronze, Gas 75°F (24°C)
• Sn Bronze, Gas 75°F (24°C)
• Lead, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• Magnesium AZ31C, Liquid 150°F (65°C)

Class 4:
• Cadmium, Liquid 75°F (24°C)
• Cadmium Plate, Liquid 60°F (15°C)
• Copper Plate, Liquid 60°F (15°C)

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• Copper, Gas 80°F (26°C)

• Lead, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• Molybdenum, Gas 212K
• Silver, Liquid 75°F (24°C)
• Silver Plate, Liquid 60°F (15°C)
• Silver Solder, Liquid 60°F (15°C)
• Zinc, Liquid 80°F (26°C)
• Zinc, Plate Liquid 75°F (24°C)
• Zirconium, Liquid 75°F (24°C)

Literature Survey of Materials compatible with Propellants Page 27

Final Report: Literature Survey of Materials compatible with Propellants

7. Summary and Conclusion

In summary, the most promising materials for welding are the Aluminum-alloys 1100,
5052, 6061, 6066, 6061-T6, 2014-T6, the Steel 304L and Titanium Ti-6Al-4V. These
alloys are compatible with Hydrazine, MMH and Nitrogen tetroxide.

The following alloys are compatible with Hydrazine and Nitrogen tetroxide:
Miscellaneous metals:
• Tantalum
• Chromium plating

The stainless steel 17-4 PH (StainlessSteel GP1) should not encounter Hydrazine [1]. It is
compatible with Hydrazine at 140°F (60°C) [3], [13] and it is compatible with MMH [15].
There are conflicting data for the compatibility with Nitrogen tetroxide (compatible [1],
[9], [11], [13]; not compatible [15]).
The stainless steel 17-7 PH is compatible with Hydrazine at 75°F (24°C) [3], [13] and it is
compatible with MMH [14], [15]. There are conflicting data for the compatibility with
Nitrogen tetroxide (compatible [1], [9], [11], [13], [21]; not compatible [15]).

The compatibility with Nitrogen tetroxide depends on the moisture [1]. Water
contamination causes formation of Nitric Acid, which is corrosive [11], [13].

The following alloys are compatible with Helium and Nitrogen:

• Aluminum [27]
• Stainless steel [27]
• Ferritic steels [27]
• Copper [27]

Brass is satisfactory with Nitrogen [27].

Titanium reacts with nitrogen at high temperature (800°C / 1,470 °F) to form Titanium
Nitride, which causes embrittlement [26].

The following alloys are compatible with Isopropanol:

• Aluminum [11]
• Stainless steels in general [11]

The following alloys (available at EOS) were included in this report (details see excel
• MaragingSteel MS1 (18% Ni Maraging 300, X3NiCoMoTi 18-9-5, DIN-
number 1.2709)
no data available

Literature Survey of Materials compatible with Propellants Page 28

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• Aluminium AlSi10Mg (AlSi10Mg, DIN-number 3.2382)

no data available
• CobaltChrome MP1 (Co28Cr6Mo)
no data available
• NickelAlloy HX( Hastelloy X, DIN number 2.4665)
no data available
• NickelAlloy IN625(Inconel 625, NiCr22Mo9Nb, DIN-number 2.4856)
compatible with Hydrazine;
data of the compatibility with MMH and Nitrogen tetroxide were not available
• NickelAlloy IN718 (Inconel 718, NiCr19Fe19NbMo3, DIN-number 2.4668)
no data available
• StainlessSteel PH1 (15-5 PH, X4CrNiCuNb 16-4, DIN-number 1.4540,
precipitation-hardening stainless steel)
no data available
• StainlessSteel GP1 (17-4 PH, X5CrNiCuNb 16-4, DIN-number 1.4542)
should not encounter / compatible at 140°F (60°C) / unsuitable for use at 160°F
(71°C), conflicting data
compatible (600 hr at 135°C);
Nitrogen tetroxide:
compatible / suitable when moisture 0.1% or less / compatible at 65°F (18°C),
moisture content 3.0% / not compatible (600 hr at 135°C), conflicting data
• StainlessSteel 316L (XCrNiMo 18-14-2.5, DIN-number 1.4404)
compatible with MMH (no visible tarnish);
data of the compatibility with Hydrazine and Nitrogen tetroxide were not available
• Ti-6Al-4V
compatibility with Hydrazine:
acceptable for ten years at 43°C (110°F) / compatible at 160°F (71°C)
compatibility with MMH:
acceptable, stored in contact for 10 years at 316 K / acceptable for ten years at
43°C (110°F) / compatible (600 hr at 135°C)
compatibility with Nitrogen tetroxide:
compatible (600 hr at 135°C) / no significant corrosion during exposure of
specimens to N2O4 containing up to 0.2wt% water within the temperature range
of -9 to 74°C, virtually unattacked by N2O4 containing up to 3.2wt% water at
temperatures up to 74°C.

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8. References

[1] Dadieu, Damm, Schmidt: Raketentreibstoffe Springer Verlag Wien New

York 1968.
[2] USAF Propellant Handbooks, Nitric Acid/Nitrogen Tetroxyde Oxydizers - Volume II -
[3] USAF Propellant Handbooks Hydrazine Fuels - Volume 1 - AFPRL-TR-69-149
(Walter R. Marsh, Bruce P. Knox).
[4] W. Weißbach, Werkstoffkunde und Werkstoffprüfung, 9. Auflage, Friedr, Vieweg & Sohn
Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 1988.
[5] Moran, C.; Bjorkland, R. “Propellant/material compatibility program and results:
Ten-year milestones” NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1982. NASA-CR-170346
[6] Eckart W. Schmidt, Hydrazine and its Derivates, Preparation, Properties, Applications,
Second Edition, Volume 1, Wiley Interscience, 2001.
[7] C. D. Coulbert, G. Yankura; JPL Technical Memorandum 33-561, Suryey of materials for
Hydrazine Propulsion systems in Multicycle Extended Life Applications, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, California, Institute of Technlogy, Pasadena, California; September 15, 1972.
[8] C. Moran, R. Bjorklund, JPL Technical Memorandum 82-62, Propellant/Material
Compatibility Program and Results, Ten Year Milestone, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
California Institute of Technlogy, Pasadena, California; July 15, 1982.
[9] Nitrogen tetroxide Handling Manual, Rocketdyne, A Division of North America Aviation,
Inc., 6633 Canoga Avenue, Canoga Park, California, Contract Af33, (616)-6939,
Project No. 3148, Task No. 30196, September 1961.
[10] Merck: Safety Data Sheet Isopropanol, October 17th, 2003.
[11] Material Compatibilities with Liquid Pocket Propellants, Boeing, Code Ident. No. 81205,
March 13th, 1970.
[12] J. G. Guidero, F. H. Johnson (Captain USAF), Hydrazine Safety Report, Technical Report
No. AFWL-TR-73-50, July 1973.
[13] L. C. Burmeister, J. B. Loser, E. C. Sneegas; NASA Contributions to ADVANCED VALVE
Technology Utilization Division, OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY UTILIZATION 1967,
July 1977.
[15] S. C. Lukens, Martin Marietta Corporation , Denver , Colo., Sterilizable Liquid Propulsion
System, J. SPACECRAFT VOL. 6, NO. 6, JUNE 1969.
[16] P. J. Von Doehren (1/Lt, USAF), Propellant Handbook, AFRPL-TR-66-4, AIR FORCE ROCKET
[17] S. F. Sarner, Propellant Chemistry, Reinhold Publishing Coprporation, New York, 1966.
[18] The Handling and Storage of Liquid Propellants, Office of the Director of Defense Research

Literature Survey of Materials compatible with Propellants Page 30

Final Report: Literature Survey of Materials compatible with Propellants

and Engineering Washington 25, D.C., January 1963.

[19] L. R. Toth, W. A. Evans, J. C. Lewis, Monomethlhydrazine Propellant/Material Compatibility
November 1977.
[20] M. Marcus, Hamilton Standard Div. Of UTC, Windsor Locks, CT, AIAA-90-1838,
AIAA/SAE/ASME/ASEE 26th Joint Propulsion Conference July 16-18, Orlando, FL, 1990.
[21] Mechanical System Design-Criteria Manual for Nitrogen Tetroxide, Rocketdyne, a Division
of North American Aviation, Inc. 6633 Canoga Avenue, Canoga Park, California, Contract
AF33 (616)-6939 Project No. 3148, Task No. 30196, September 1961.
[22] C. W. Alley, A. W. Hayford, H. F. Scott, Jr., Nitrogen teroxide Corrosion Studies, Nitrogen
Division, Allied Chemical Corporation, Wadd Technical Report 60-384, Materials Central,
Contract No. AF 33(616)-6568, Project No. 7312, Wright Air Development Division Air
Research and Development Command United Staes Air Force Wright-patterson Air Base,
Ohio, July 1960.
[23] P. G. Waldrep, D. M. Trayer, ARO, Inc, Nitrogen tetroxide corrosion Studies of Cryopanel
Materials for Space Chamber Propulsion Testing, AEDC-TR-68-138, Aerospace Environmental
Facility Arnold Engineering Development Center Air Force Systems Arnold Command Air
Force Station, Tennessee, October 1968.
[24] C.M. Moran, R.A. Bjorklund, Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA, Long Therm Cvompatibility
of Nitrogen Tetroxide with Metals: Results at the Ten-Yera milestone, AIAA-82-82-1256,
AAIA/SAE/ASME 18th Joint Propuslion Conference, June 21-23, Cleveland, Ohio, 1982.
[25] P.E. Uney, D.A. Fester, Material Compatibility with Space storable Propellants Design
Guidebook, Martin Marietta Corporation P.O. Box 179, Denver, Colorado 80201,
March 1972, repared for Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Instute of Technology
Passadena, California 91103, Contract No. HF-556439, Under NAS7-100.
[26] Forrest, A. L. (1981). "Effects of Metal Chemistry on Behavior of Titanium in Industrial
Applications". Industrial Applications of Titanium and Zirconium. p. 112.
[27] http:\\ (Air Liquide Gas Encyclopedia).
[28] Cole-Parmer: Chemical Compatibility: (last accessed: 25.2.2009).
[29] Roth: Safety Data Sheet 2-Propanol, July 2nd 2001.
[30] Sigma-Aldrich Chemie GmbH: Safety Data Sheet Hydrazine, March 3rd 2015.
[31] Sigma-Aldrich Chemie GmbH: Safety Data Sheet Nitrogen Dioxide, December 12th 2012.
[32] Propellant/material compatibility program and results, NASA TM33-779
[33] Air Force Manual AFM 160-39, Medical Services, The Handling and Storage of liquid
Propellants, Department of the Air Force, March 1961.
[34] W.K. Boyd, et al, Compatibility of materials with Rocket propellants and Oxidizers,
Battelle Memorial Institute Columbus, Ohio, January 1963.
[35] Hollemann-Wiberg, Lehrbuch der Anorganischen Chemie, 91.-90. Auflage,
Walter de Gruyter Berlin Stuttgart New Xyork, 1976.
[36] How Many ? A Dictionary of Units of Measurement, by Russ Rowlett
[37] G. Brauer, Handbuch der Präparativen Anorganischen Chemie, 3. umgearb. Auflage,
Band I, Enke, Stuttgart 1975.
[38] Gmelin, Handbook of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry

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Final Report: Literature Survey of Materials compatible with Propellants

[39] C. Kappenstein, Presentation, GRASP Course - Kinetics, Catalysis and Propulsion.

Fundamental basis – Objectives Current challenges, Session 2 – Catalysis for Propulsion.

Literature Survey of Materials compatible with Propellants Page 32

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